Living sacrifices 4-1

This short module living sacrifices is the preparation for intimate relationship and the resultant transformation that it brings so we can mature as sons of God it so important we understand how we present ourselves daily before God so that we are are acceptable offering and our lives can be used but not just used but as we grow and mature that the heavens we open in a completely different way to us we will discover places of fire learn to engage the fire of God’s loving presence for heavenly as well as earthly transformation Romans 12 one therefore urge you brethren by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice acceptable to God which is your spiritual service of worship and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind so that you may prove what the will of God is and that which is good and acceptable and perfect. in the mirror Bible it says this- live consistent with who you really are. and this is the key to being a living sacrifice it’s being transformed into who we really are not being conformed to the world in which we lived in inspired by the loving kindness of God and this is so important. this process is not God being punitive or retributive he is loving and his transformation of us is a loving expression of who he is my brothers the most practical expression of worship is to make your bodies available to him as a living sacrifice this pleases him more than any religious routine he desires to find visible individual expression in your person. do not allow current religious tradition to mould you into its pattern of reasoning like an inspired artist give attention to the detail of God’s desire to find expression in you become acquainted with perfection another words get to know God so we can get to know who we really are to accommodate yourself to the delight and good pleasure of him will transform your thoughts afresh from within it’s so important that we believe about us the truth and we live from the truth as a man thinks in his heart so is he. so what do we think about ourselves there is an earthly outworking of transformation that involves perhaps ministry people helping us practical trials things we go through and relational development where we learn to reveal our hidden self to others through trust where our blind self is revealed through others that may require a culture of honor our humility and our openness to others to speak into our lives because we know they love us we have a concept called Johari saw Johari window which within our therapeutic community, and it it has four windows of self ultimately when we engage that process with God of as living sacrifices this process is designed so our revealed self hidden self and blind self are all unveiled in our true self who God created us to be our true identity as sons of God can only be fulfilled and fully unveiled through our relationship with our heavenly Father by discovering our eternal identity so we need to outwork things on earth but we also need to embrace the heavens and the places of transformation that are in the heavens so that we can be fully revealed son of God on the earth to answer creation’s grown and to bring the light back into creation itself. Sacrifices were made on altar’s and they usually required fire. so what does sacrifice refer to in the context of being a living sacrifice. is it different from what we understand to be sacrifices. what is our understanding of sacrifices and offerings. because that will taint or reflect what we are as a living sacrifice. God required us to be a living sacrifice, not to appease his anger, but to purify and transform us and metamorphose us into the fullness of our sonship. it is an act of his love. fire is a factor in transformation. God is a consuming fire therefore God’s fire and God’s love are synonymous terms. he is love and he is fire. there are many different altars and places of fire within the heavenly realms. when engaged as living sacrifices they enable us to be transformed there. experiences that bring a level of transformation that is impossible unless we engage there in the realms of heaven. earthly transformation can only take us so far. Tabernacle altars, the temple altar of Isaiah 6, the judgement seat, the river of fire, fire stones, the fiery sword, the seraphim. if we daily present ourselves as living sacrifices we can be transformed and continually changed from 1° of glory to another, into our eternal identity .the first biblical mention of fire is in Genesis 3. The fiery sword along with the cherubim reveals the way to the tree of life. it wasn’t to stop them going through, but they had to go through fire or transformation to engage it. before the fall the root tree of life was open, but after you have to go through fire to bring you into the place where you can engage it. fire symbolises purification and refining throughout the Bible, not destruction or annihilation, primarily Abraham brought fire for the sacrifice that was man’s way but God gave him the offering. Jehovah gyro the Lord shall provide. that was the revelation of who God was that came out of that experience. that God would provide. that God is always provided. in fact Jesus was the offering who was given once but is been effective for all time. because the lamb was slain before the foundation of the world. God is always been the provider. salvation is always been part of our connection with creation and with God himself. but fire has been associated with dead animal sacrifices in the sacrificial system given by Moses. not living sacrifices. well symbolically yes we need to recognise that where dead in Christ that we have been crucified with Christ. but in reality this is not representative of that sacrificial system given by Moses. This is a completely different understanding to that. to fully embrace being a living sacrifice we need to understand God’s viewpoint of sacrifice. John 1:17 for the law was given through Moses grace and truth were realised through Jesus Christ. the law and it sacrificial system was not actually God’s idea at all but man’s. now that might be surprising to you if you been brought up in a evangelical perspective or a normal new Testament understanding of the old Testament. but the reality is when you really look into what God says and what the prophets revealed they reveal that this was not God’s idea at all. sacrifice and offerings to appease satisfy or please a deity was introduced through the DIY the do-it-yourself tree path of religious knowledge. it was not there before Genesis 4:3. so it came about in the course of time that Cain brought an offering to the Lord from the fruit of the ground abel on his part also brought of the firstlings of the flock of the fat of their portions. now I’m not going to go into the details of that. but the reality is they chose to do that. God did not ask them. there is no record of God asking for  or requiring an offering or a sacrifice. Adam and Eve were not required to sacrifice nor did so before the fall. God did not kill an animal to make them clothes or skins but actually gave then skin or skin’s layers of skin as a covering for their bodies no longer clothed in their spirit glory after their spirit which was on the outside of them imploded into them into the being into the centre of there being. sacrifices were the nonrelational do-it-yourself religious efforts to try to restore a relationship with God. God required no sacrifice for man as the lamb had already been offered he offered his life before the foundation of the world. the foundation stone of creation already had what was necessary for relationship with man and God built into it and that’s always been true right throughout history. so being a living sacrifice is not an act of appeasement but a worship offering. being a living sacrifice is an act of worship in spirit and truth by laying down independence and any do-it-yourself notion of earning God’s acceptance by doing something like a sacrificial offering. God just wants us he wants us in relationship. he  doesn’t require us to do all these things. he just requires a relational perspective of who he really is and who we really are as his children. he wants us to embrace the reality of that. he wants us to experience the intimacy of that. so being a living sacrifice enables us to enter into a preprepared relationship of restored innocence predestined by God . you can read that in Ephesians 1:4 .God is already prepared for relationship he’s done everything necessary so that we can have this restored innocence. God desires relationship and he wants us to surrender all our other ideas. just to come into relationship with him. let’s look at some scriptures in the old Testament that show this truth about God not requiring sacrifices. Jeremiah 7:21 now these are prophets who prophesied the word of God as God spoke through them.thus says the Lord of hosts the God of Israel add your burnt offerings to your sacrifices and eat flesh. for I did not speak to your father’s or command them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt concerning burnt offerings and sacrifices. God never intended them to get have a sacrificial system. that was the system of all the world other places that they lived. it was where they came out of Egypt with that sacrificial system. it was the sacrificial system of all the-ites nations around them the Moabites and the ammonite and the Canaanites and all the others. it wasn’t God’s idea. Isaiah 1:11 what are your multiplied sacrifices to me says the Lord. I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams the fat of fed cattle and I take no pleasure in the bull blood of bulls lambs or goats. Hosea 6:6 another prophet- for I delight in loyalty rather than sacrifice and in the off knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings. see God wants a relationship. he doesn’t want that relationship to be separated from him. he wants us to have an open relationship with him. Micah 6:6 with what shall I come to the Lord and bow myself before the God on high .shall I come with burnt offerings with yearling cat. does the Lord take delight in thousands of rams and 10,000 rivers of oil. verse seven shall I present my first born from my rebellious acts the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul. he has told you oh man what is good and what does the Lord require of you. but to do justice to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God. this is the foundation of God’s kingdom righteousness and justice to walk humbly with him in relationship. not to present things to appease an angry God who he really isn’t. so were not appeasing an angry God by being living sacrifices .but relating to God and becoming like him as sons as we yield and surrender to that relationship. we must understand that sacrifice was what man required to appease guilt not God. Moses limited it in a system which did not allow them to kill their children which was what the other nations were doing as the ultimate sacrifices. Micah 6:25 did you present me with sacrifices and grain offerings in the wilderness for 40 years oh house of Israel. you also carry long sicker your king and Cheyenne your images the star of your Gods that you made for yourself. see they took away took with them right throughout the wilderness other idols that they were worshiping to these are described as Moloch and Cheyenne and Salem and Asher .they were DIY God’s the Golden calf that they made as an image .see they came out of Egypt but Egypt didn’t come out of them .and this is made clear in the new Testament acts 7:42 .as it is written in the book of the prophets it was not to me that you offer victims and sacrifices 40 years in the wilderness was it oh house of Israel. now this is revelation coming to Steven he also took along the Tabernacle of Moloch and the star of the God wants the images which you may to worship. Psalm 51:16 from the pen of David who had a relationship with God for you do not delight in sacrifice otherwise I will give it your not pleased with burnt offerings .Jeremiah 19:5 and have built the high places of bail to burn their sons in the fire as burnt offerings to bail .a thing which I never commanded or spoke of nor did it enter my mind .see sacrificial sizes and offerings never even entered the mind of God .it was never his heart .but Moses introduced it to limit their the deviancy of their do-it-yourself attempts. and in the new Testament Jesus comes and he reaffirms truth and unveils truth in a new way of relationship .Mark 12:33 and to love him the Lord with all the heart and with all the understanding we all the strength and to love one’s neighbour as himself is much more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices. so here’s Jesus himself basically saying that the sacrificial system was never ever God’s intention. But for him to have a loving relationship with us and to us to have a loving relationship with him. Hebrews 10 eight after saying above sacrifices and offerings and whole burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin you have not desired nor have you taken pleasure in them which are offered according to the law this was not God’s intention this is what God said to me about it as I was talking to him about it son embracing fire is always been an aspect of maturity to sonship the fire stones and the river of fire have been an expression of the process of coming deeper into the experience of love that facilitates maturity fire and love are synonymous with have the heavenly realms within the heavenly realms the desire for my children to ascend into mature sons did not begin after the fall but was always part of the plan from the beginning the fire of my consuming love brings transformation which was always intended to be a metamorphic process just like the caterpillar and the butterfly sonship will be manifested through transformation ascension mankind was never intended to be a one-dimensional being but created to become and ascended father who would transcend the spiritual and physical dimensions and connect them with convergence fire is loves expression and was never intended to become something to fear but was always to be the crucible for maturity in glory creation itself thrives in the atmosphere of fiery glory and is groaning for the return of the light of love’s glory revealed in sonship now it is important to see that creation itself is been affected by a loss of light a loss of love a loss of glory and as we embrace the fire of transformation ourselves we will shine and radiate light in glory to be revealed to creation in our sonship so creation’s grown can be answered son freedom emanates from fire and glory is the result that will bring about the liberty of sonship to creation itself when my sons returned to the fabric of creation in glorious light love will triumph over darkness and all separation and division will be no more son it is the fire that produces the heat necessary for transfiguration to take place by breaking the bonds of the old to release the reality of the new see sometimes we hold to the old things in our lives so strongly that it takes a powerful power bondage to be broken by fire and the fire releases and breaks open those bonds so that we can be free the ashes of the old are the birthplaces of the new fire consumes the old to unveil the new so we have to embrace this being living fight sacrifices is embracing the fire now in reality the new covenant heavenly Jerusalem fully came forth from the ashes of the old earthly Jerusalem through the fires of A.D. 70 when I came in loving judgement this is God expressing his outworking see judgement is always loving when it comes from God and even though on the surface it may appear to be negative it always has a positive effect see the the new the new Jerusalem could not be fully representative while the old Jerusalem was in place because there was this dichotomy of ideas God purified the old so that the new could come forth from the ashes all the sheep of the old fold are safely within the new fold and are one within the gates of Zion  the transition took place through fire for those who could have embraced transformation through water baptism that was offered but rejected see Jesus came John the Baptist came saying that he will baptise you in the Holy Spirit which is symbolic of water and fire and they some of them embraced obviously the water baptism of transformation to embrace a relationship with Jesus those that didn’t have to go through the fire that’s why Jesus warned them of the fire that was coming but love won in the end because love always overcomes see even though they rejected the water of baptism they experience the fire of transformation nothing is more powerful to transform than loves consuming fire Isaiah 65:17 for behold I create new heavens and a new earth and the former things will not be remembered or come to mind now this is a really important point to understand when were looking at what happened with fire what happened with the new and the old and we have been taught that the new heavens and new earth are coming because fire is gonna destroy the old heavens and earth in a physical sense rather than a spiritual 2 Peter 3:10 but the day of the Lord will come like a thief in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat and the earth and its works will be burned up now that if you don’t understand the concept of new heavens and earth and heavens and earth you would think that that is actually talking about a physical destruction of the heavens and the physical earth but it actually isn’t this is why we need to understand the context and the culture in which these things were written the new Testament was written in the context of the end of the old and the beginning of the new so what was the first century context for understanding the concepts of heaven’s earth new heaven’s and new earth was a cosmological concept of a literal heaven or physical earth or something that had a different meaning for the people in Israel in the first century we’ll it is important to understand that this is what Jesus said Matthew 5:18 for truly I say to you until heaven and earth pass away not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the law until all is accomplished so what was all that was going to be accomplished and the reality here is if heaven and earth still exist which they do all the law still operates will we know from other parts of the Bible it doesn’t it has become obsolete so what is it mean it wasn’t talking about a physical heaven and earth passing away heaven and earth represented something to them and they knew what it meant when Jesus said this if heaven and earth disappear the Lord disappears well that has actually happened not the physical heaven and earth but what it represented if we believe that Jesus was referring to a literal physical earth and the whole mosaic covenant old covenant law is still in operation till this end of this planet while that is not the truth Jesus was using a figure of speech therefore what did it actually mean Matthew 24:35 heaven and earth will pass away but my words will not pass away now Matthew 24 the whole chapters about the destruction of the temple and the old covenant system in the first century which happen in A.D. 70 and he was prophesying about the end of the old and the beginning of the new the first century people referred to the temple system as heaven and earth that’s what they understood this to mean they didn’t think of a physical heaven and a physical earth they were taught thinking of the spiritual connection between heaven and earth that the temple system brought God’s presence on earth Hebrews 830 new covenant he made the first obsolete but what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear now Hebrews was written in the time between Jesus ascending and Jesus coming to bring the destruction and the end of the old so that the new could be revealed and see it more as a purification of the old to reveal the new the law of the old covenant has now disappeared because heaven and earth has symbolically ended Charles Spurgeon who was a great preacher in the 19th century wrote these words did you ever regret the absence of the burnt offering or the red heifer or any of the sacrifices and rights of the Jews did you ever pining for the feast of tabernacles or dedication no because through these were like the old heavens and earth to the Jewish believers they have passed away and we now live under a new heavens and a new earth so far as the dispensation of the divine teaching is concerned the substance is come and the shadow was gone and we do not remember it see it is gone the heaven and earth has gone so when you read Revelation 21:22 it is not about the end of human history it was about the end of the old covenant and the beginning of the new so Revelation 21 five Jesus is making all things new this is the process of restoration that we are in and it began with the new covenant that we are now living under so we live under a new covenant That will see all things restored until the earth is filled with the glory God and her gates new Jerusalem are never shut were not waiting for the new Jerusalem to come out of heaven the new Jerusalem is already on earth we are the new Jerusalem and the gates of the new Jerusalem are never shut we are God’s ecclesia the gathered ones who are welcoming a harvest in through the gates into relationship with God and each other Jonathan Welton has a great article on the new heavens and new earth in his blog you Wanna look that up just Google it in you’ll find really really goes into detail there which I just superficially given a description of two Peter 3:13 now after it was talking about their the earth being destroyed with fire and all those things it says this but according to his promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells see they were still looking for the fullness of  it this was written pre ad 70 as was all of the new Testament therefore the destruction of Jerusalem is always a future event but is now past for us that’s why the destruction of Jerusalem is never written about in the past tense in the new Testament it’s always a future event and the whole of the new Testament is written in that context so every time it talks about the end or the last days it wasn’t talking about the end of the world or the last days and time it was talking about the last days of the old covenant and the end of the old covenant the beginning of  the new and if you see the new Testament in that context and if you see Jesus teaching in that context all the issues of Gehenna and the fire and all those things what will be put into the right context that Jesus was coming to say if you leave go your self-righteousness if you become living sacrifices if you present yourself to me you don’t need to go through this fire you don’t need to come into outer darkness outside of the covenant all those descriptions he was saying to them when you see this taking place when you see armies surrounding Jerusalem when you see the abomination of do less desolation when you see these things run run don’t even get your coat run and you know Josephus who was a first century historian recorded that not one Christian was lost when Jerusalem was besieged from A.D 66 to A.D 70 and yet those who embrace their own self-righteousness in continuing to offer sacrifices and continuing to try and fulfil the law ended up dying there were hundreds of thousands crucified hundreds of thousands thrown into the value into Gehenna where the fire of that rubbish dump consume them but of course God’s fire was available to them and they embraced it once they realised what they had done once they passed on from this physical that life into the age to come for them so fire was the way the temple law they system was finally removed fire causes the old to pass away and the new to come fire was the birthing process for change Matthew 24 eight all these things are merely the beginning of birth pains so all the things that were described in wars rumours of wars people’s love growing cold all those sort of things which are described there and in the new Testament were the beginning of birth pains to bring the new out of the old fire is a key to transformation to transfiguration and to metamorphosis fire which is Greek word P you are is where we get the English words pure purified purification from fire changes and transforms should be embraced as living sacrifice not feared let’s embrace the fire of God’s presence Romans 12 one do not be conformed to this world removing the programming that has come from the outside in from nature nurture and trauma is a key to the process of transformation Romans 829 for those who he foreknew he also predestined to become conformed to the image of his son so that he would be the first born of many brethren God requires the sons of God to arise take their places it takes transformation not being conformed to a negative image but being conformed to the image of who we were made to be as sons that only comes as we behold him and become like him and as we engage him in the in the nature of fire and love we will find that that fire transforms us and removes that conformity to the world whether it’s come through nature through our genetic line whether it’s come through nurture our experiences in our upbringing or trauma the traumatic events in our lives that affect us still all those things can be transformed as we embrace as living sacrifice the process of his love transforming us and it’s so important that we know his love it is not something to be feared God disciplines those he loves he disciples us he chastises us he equips us he changes us he doesn’t punish us so transformation transfiguration metamorphosis all the same word is a process of change to bring spirit soul and body into maturity in sonship different processes for the tadpole and the butterfly one is water and one is heat tadpole was confined to a pond  he couldn’t come out of it couldn’t breathe out of water the butterfly had to go into a chrysalis in which heat changed the electoral structure of the caterpillar to become a butterfly metamorphosis both processes are restricted there restrictive tadpole can’t live outside of the pond and the caterpillar can’t live outside of the cocoon or chrysalis and it is important we embrace this Isaiah 43:2 says when you pass through the waters I will be with you when you walk through fire you will not be scorched nor will the flame burn you and there are many occasions where you see talk about fire and this is God reminding them that if you go through the waters of baptism he is with you if you go through the fire he is with you and the reality of like shader music in Bendigo when they were in the fiery furnace what happened they weren’t burned  they weren’t scorched but they came out different people we need to embrace the places of restriction and preparation where transformation takes place it is not always an easy process and sometimes we are we have to be restricted to allow that process to take place embracing the the place of the water or heat depending on which way these things happen in our lives I’m focusing on heat so a picture of the heart with water and and fire and God wants to purify our heart he wants to refine us he wants to wash us clean all difference word synonymous with change and transformation the question is are we willing to embrace the process to be transformed Joseph was prepared in the pit in slavery in stewardship and in the prison of obscurity until the time was right when his dreams and destiny would be fulfilled all of us have to go through this process we can embrace it but we have to go through it God will wants to bring us into a place of his government and in sonship just like Joseph was brought of the prison and placed on the world stage to be effectively used in saving the world so to if we embrace our sonship and the process of transformation we can be brought out into a position of governmental authority in heaven and on earth to see God’s purpose and plan and  our destiny fulfilled but we have to go through that process when Jesus was 12 years of age the age of responsibility he was in the temple and he said I must be about my father’s business Jesus increased in wisdom with God and man in the restriction and preparation of apprenticeship in his father’s earthly business for 18 years before he came into the fullness of his heavenly father’s business so sometimes it takes years but then we can be quickly brought onto a totally different footing Jesus could have been the greatest rabbi even at 12 but chose the restriction that enabled him to be unveiled as the son of man and the son of God at the right time Esther took 12 months of preparation before she could meet the king Jesus as the last Adam went through the trials and tests that the first Adam failed to deal with when he was on earth he went through that process himself he grew in wisdom and stature with God and man he went through the wilderness test fasting for 40 days tested by the enemy to the accuser who tried to get him to take this shortcut the do-it-yourself turning this stone into bread accepting to worship him so you been given all these kingdoms but he didn’t he passed that test and when he was in the Garden of Gethsemane and sweating great drops of blood going through the emotional turmoil of accepting what he was gonna go through representing mankind on the cross he was qualified to go to the cross to represent man and voluntarily take man’s death because where the first Adam failed the last Adam Jesus succeeded and he took our place and included us Hebrews 12:2 fixing our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of faith who for the joy set before him endured the cross despising the shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God see when Jesus went through this it was for a purpose and he took it as joy count it all joy brethren when you encounter various trials you see it is our attitude when we accept these things that will either hinder or help us go through the process it may be difficult but if we endure that we will sit down at the right hand on the throne of God seated in Christ in heavenly places treat it all joy embrace it as a as a necessary process to bring us out from the old release us from the bonds of the old so that we can come into the fullness of the new Jesus went from the cross to sheol to the throne so we are now all included in him a convergence of time and eternity occurred in Jesus first coming in his incarnation and was consummated at the cross we can live all of us in continual convergence where eternity present future meet where what was was transformed what is to enable what will be to be aligned with what was was if we live we can be the point of convergence that brings God’s desire and destiny from eternity into a manifestation in our present in 2012 I went through a dark cloud experience which was the beginning of a three-year season birth transformation in my life maturing in sonship through the discipline of being a living sacrifice in a transformation process all that I describe all the places I describe in terms of the Tabernacle and the temple and the altar’s and the river of fire and the fire stones I went through all those I experienced them I went through into the judgement seat I embraced this process to daily as a living sacrifice be transformed and I am still in that process this was a three-year intense period where I walked the pathways of relationship and responsibility daily there now my lifestyle daily cleansing and opening my gateways flowing from inside out daily present myself as a living sacrifice so I can enter the heavens from outside in outer court inner court holy of holies daily surrendering by denying myself embracing the cross where I’ve been crucified with Christ every day not my will but yours be done presenting myself to him as my high priest to prepare me do whatever he  needed to do to strip everything away open me  up search my heart oh God open up and reveal all those things even in genetic level where  I learned to apply communion to my genetic material to the iniquity that was within my bloodline all those things were birthed out of this process of being a living sacrifice this initial process was not random I now see it as my marriage process I was being prepared for a deeper level of intimacy it led me to the dark cloud the Hooper of consumation I became untethered from earth my soul and spirit separated and reintegrated coming into wholeness so dual realms realms living became possible my spirit and soul became unified and connected in heaven and earth quantum entangled living in that dual realms so eventually I could live in multi-realms all this was a process of being a living sacrifice surrendering my agenda to be who he created me to be expanding the kingdom as a gateway of heaven into the earth expanding my tent pegs letting a flow of living water flow from my innermost being all these things became possible by being joined to the Lord and one spirit with him we can all be baptised into the river of fire we can all embrace these experiences of fire which are transformation that fire according to Daniel 710 a river of fire was flowing and coming out from before him embracing the fire of transformation by going deeper into God’s loving presence and this is the important thing the more we experience the love of God the more transformation we will surrender to and yield to because we know it’s a process of his loving fire consuming everything in us which is a hindrance and an obstacle to us being fully mature sons of God the river of fire is God’s glory the intensity of his presence presented represented by fire not a real fire but an intensity of light that produces a form of transforming heat it is a place of refining and purification to make us ready to engage God’s person face-to-face there are three things you need in fire heat oxygen air a fuel source God’s glory presence is the heat the wind of the Holy Spirit rule lack of God is the air the more the wind blows the hotter the fire gets us where you create bellows when you have blacksmiths with fire which can be several thousand degrees in heat now whose willing to be a fuel source you can have the heat you can have the wind but whose willing to be a fuel source there is no other fuel for this fire but our souls fire changes the composition of a substance at a molecular level this fire changes us transforms us transforming process in our lives will need the increased heat of God’s fire to change our hearts so heating things up causes the temperature to rise a transition takes place where there is softening of bonds so the things that are holding us in bondage in reality begin to soften so they can break degradation takes place the bonds break and there are things that need to be broken in our lives so that we can become healed and whole decomposition a release of gases oxidation combustion takes place transformation a change of the substance happens where in reality if your burning wood it becomes charcoal and the gases are released as smoke Hebrews 1012 29 our God is a consuming fire of his very nature is one of fire not to destroy or annihilate or to punish but the fire of his love to change and transform and that that fire comes out of a place of heaven Leviticus 9:24 the fire came down from before the Lord and consumed the burnt offering and the portions of fat on the altar when all people so initiated and fell on their faces this is a supernatural thing this is represented for us when we embrace the altar as living sacrifices that fire is God’s fire which consumes all those things two chronicle seven let one one Solomon had finished praying Solomon’s Temple fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offerings and the sacrifices and the glory of the Lord filled the house and this is God’s desire that the glory the Lord will fill our house the house of our lives body soul and spirit but also fill the mountain of the house of the Lord so that together we can be a glorified people living in the fire of transformation and being the light to the world that God always intended when we willingly engage being living sacrifices here in this realm it also opens the corresponding heavenly realm experiences of engaging places of fire the altar the fire stones the river of fire the judgement seat the fiery sword the seraphim the burning ones all part of this process we want to focus on the judgement seat for our encounter and experience today the judgement seat is where the consuming fire can purify the wood hay and straw of our lifes scroll God is gonna look at the scroll of our lives see how matches up with the scroll of our destiny Psalm hundred 39 1617 all the vast thoughts God had about us all that was written about our life that’s our destiny how does that compare with our life do our lives  match up with how God intended them to be we need to be ready to face the question and receive that judgement that is what the judgement seat does so our scroll can be purified this is not about punishment for what we haven’t done when I engage that judgement seat it was it was a powerful experience I engaged the throne of grace and the father asked me if I wanted see my scroll and I was very excited about engaging it but then as I said yes to that the father introduced me to the spirit of the fear the Lord who had my scroll and he gave me the scroll and took me to this place it was like entering the mouth of a lion and I walked absolutely shaking physically into that place and I followed the place until I came to the place of fire and the consuming fire the pillar of fire with the eyes of fire penetrating me and I presented the scroll and it was opened the scroll was loosed from front and back because there is two sides to the scroll and as i presented the scroll it was like my life flashed before my eyes and I saw not sin because sin is already dealt with through the altar of the cross but this was my life as a believer and I saw all those things that I done in my own strength and for my own purposes and to self validate myself and my soul and in the first of all I saw the gold silver and precious stones I saw all those things that I done which brought pleasure to the father’s heart and I felt it i felt the pleasure of the father’s heart and it was like those gold silver and precious stones were sparkling and gleaming being presented in the fire and then I saw all those other things but I knew God loved me and I knew even though the fire consumed those things from the scroll it was so that my scroll could be restored and my soul could  be rebooted if you like and then I presented the other side of my scroll and on the only other side was all the regrets all the things and opportunities I’ve missed all the things I was too consumed with myself to see things opportunities of serving that I missed but again  first of all what did I see the gold silver and precious stones of those things where I had taken the opportunities where I’d been sensitive to God speaking to me and they gleamed and I felt the pleasure of the father’s heart and from that place of pleasure then his love consumed all those regrets and I felt regret but it was just consumed away and all that was left was his love and a scroll which could be restored so I can fulfil my destiny and one day have that well done good and faithful servant and all of us can experience that for it says two Corinthians 510 we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ you can wait until you physically die or are translated into heaven directly or Jesus comes and ushers us into the age to come or you can embrace it now one Corinthians 311 to 13 if we build with gold silver and precious stones would hay or straw the quality of our work will be tested with fire and this is what fire does it tests the quality not the quantity but the quality of our lives it doesn’t matter if we try and do so many things it’s doing the things that God is calling us to do those things that our part of our destiny will be tested with fire now the word usually translated torment in the Bible is and is oh is better translated testing as it means in its root form a touchstone for testing the quality of metal see we’ve seen torment as a negative thing because it’s been translated into English in a way which makes it seem bad but actually the fire of testing is exactly what we all must be tested with the quality of our work tested with fire and if we know God in relationship we still have to go through the fire and if we don’t know God in relationship then we still have to go through the fire it is just so much better to embrace the fire knowing the love of God and allowing this testing to take place not torment but testing a touchstone testing the quality of our lives as we present our scroll to his fire the transforming fire of God will consume and burn up all those things that are not of him but will purify and affirm those things that are our destiny restored and rebooted so are we willing are you willing to look into the fire of his eyes at the judgement seat are you willing for your scroll to be opened and the wood hay and the stubble to be purged with fire are you willing for the river of fire to flow through your soul through your first Love gate to flow bringing change and transformation to the gateways of our lives we can embrace that river of fire yes it’s intense but it’s a life transforming experience we can be in the crucible where the heat of God’s fiery love heats up our lives so that all those things which are obstacles and hindrances will be consumed and burned away all the impurities removed so we can have a pure heart and have a deeper relationship with God it’s the pure in heart that will see God that our heart can be transformed as we embrace that fire are we willing to be restricted in that place of fire embracing the transformation allowing the fire of God’s love to purify and refine us and consume us so that our scroll all that is written about us can be restored and made whole so we can fulfil our destiny well we gonna go into an encounter and I encourage you to just be open for this encounter we are going to ask that Jesus will take us to engage  the throne of grace so the father can introduce us to the spirit of the fear of the Lord and that we can be given our scroll and take it to that place of the judgment seat of God’s presence so I’m going to encourage you to just close your eyes we have an open heaven as we been learning we can shift the focus of our consciousness to engage with our spirit in that realm so just engage. engage consciously with that realm. as we embrace Jesus just as Jesus to take you to the throne through the veil of the way the truth the life s engaging in the realms of heaven. embracing the throne of grace. And on that throne of grace just let the father  take you  onto his lap  and reveal his heart of love to you . just be safe and secure in his arms . ask the father to give you permission to enter the judgement seat with the scroll of your life. Let him introduce you to the spirit of the fear of the Lord. Just receive your scroll feel the front and back, let him take you into the place of judgment . walking into that tunnel and engage the consuming fire. Let the seals be broken, that scroll opened front and back. And just present yourself as a living sacrifice to his presence. Allow his presence , that fire in his eyes to consume all the wood hay and straw but to reveal the gold silver and precious stones. If jesus wants to take you somewhere else feel free to do that. Jesus I just ask with the spirit of the fear of the lore that you will lead them into that place where the judgment seat can purify the scroll of their hearts and lifes.

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