Living sacrifices 6-1

  Hi were looking at living sacrifices. This sort of small short module really is about the preparation for an intimate relationship and the resultant transformation that brings, so that we can mature as sons of God. There is a process God takes us through cleansing from the inside out also stripping away from the outside in to reveal and unveil things. So we are going to discover places of fire and learn to engage the fire of God’s loving presence for heavenly as well as earthly transformation. And God uses earthly situations but he also gives us heavenly engagements to bring provision to those earthly situations so that we can mature in our sonship and learn to discover our identity our position and our authority in the realms of heaven so it can be outworked on the earth. using Romans 12:1 as the basis therefore I urge you brethren by the mercies of God to present your bodies, which includes your soul and spirit a living and holy sacrifice acceptable to God which is your spiritual service of worship, Which is how we essentially come into a relationship with God which is relational and responsible. So we serve as an act of worship were not slaves were not servants but it’s an attitude of heart which enables us to show obedience to God as our dad as our father but to honor and to recognize who he is but also who we are as sons of God. And do not be conformed to this world pressed into a world shape mould the world word world there is not Kosmos but is eon so it is really to do with a period of time but be transformed by the renewing of your minds that you may prove what the will of God is that which is good acceptable and perfect and that’s our destiny. God’s will for us is agreed within our destiny to outwork our sonship within relationship with him and creation. in the mirror Bible Romans 12 says this live consistent with who you really are and that is the key of being a living sacrifice we surrender who we think we are who we might have been shaped or conformed to be, but we need to know who we really are and who we really are is who God created us to be. and that is inspired by the loving-kindness of God. to be a living sacrifice we need to understand and experience and know the love of God which means we trust him and we surrender to the processes he takes us through to mature us to perfect us to bring us into an ascended state of maturity as sons. my brothers the most practical expression of worship is to make your bodies available to him as a living sacrifice this pleases him more than any religious routine he desires to find visible individual expression in your person. were made in his image and he wants to express the very character and nature precepts of God to the world through his children. do not allow current religious tradition and this is what the world word world really means to mould you into its pattern of reasoning. so what are the things that we can be pattern by religion culture community environment but don’t allow those things to mould us. like an inspired artist give attention to the detail of God’s desire to find expression in you. become acquainted with perfection. that means having intimate relationship with our creator with our father. to accommodate yourself to the delight and good pleasure of him will transform your thoughts afresh from within.

 Because we will come into agreement the word metanoya which is mistranslated repentance means to come into agreement with the mind of God about us. with mind, in agreement, to accept the vast some of the thoughts he has about us, to embrace who we really are created by him, therefore the distortion of that creation, the lostness of that image, which is come through the DIY tree path needs to be renewed and restored so we come back into agreement with who we always were called to be in identity and position and authority as sons. so being a living sacrifice brings us to maturity in a governmental sense as well as relational. this process requires us to cooperate and embrace the refiner’s fire of transformation. the fires we looked over the last few sessions. when we surrender as a sacrifice were surrendering to the altar and the fire. this process is relational and flows from the place of rest. if we are resting and trusting in that place of peace within our relationship with God it enables this process to be fulfilled. we don’t resist it and obstruct it we cooperate with it and come into agreement with it. so this process entails being humble. we have to humble ourselves in agreement with God. and faithful in the little to receive much. God gives us small task’s to begin to fulfill, particularly in the realms of heaven, that as we are faithful with and as we mature in, we grow to receive more levels of governmental authority and sonship. Lord’s kings sons as a process of transformation. so when were looking at being part of the Joshua generation, the Joshua generation are forerunners. forerunners cross ahead of others and encourage others to cross. are you prepared to be a forerunner ?are you prepared to crossover and give a good report to others that you know. to encourage them to crossover. because that’s what a forerunner does, makes a way but points also to the way. are you willing to operate as sons of God in the heavenly realms. are you willing to be a servant hearted leader who will promote the next generation as a foundation of releasing people into their destiny on earth. Those are questions which if you’re called to be part of the Joshua generation you will resonate with, it will stir your heart it will stimulate you to love and good deeds. how we can fulfil our destiny engaging with others to help others come into the fullness of their destiny. so we can reach the world, bring restoration to all things, free creation from its corruption to decay and bondage.

 Zechariah 3:7 is a description of the process of maturity. thus says the Lord of hosts if you will walk in my ways. if you will perform my laws, then you will also govern my house and also have charge of my courts and I will grant you free access among these who are standing here. so there is a process of maturity that  we get taken through which the living sacrifice concept really encapsulates. as we walk in his ways not in his works. it says in the Psalms that God showed Moses his ways but the children of Israel only saw his works because they didn’t know him personally because there was a mediator. being living sacrifices removes every mediatorial system that we function in, so that we can have direct access to the father through the son and be free to outwork the things that God has for us in lordship. to begin to operate governmentally within our own house our own lives also within the mountain of the house of the Lord and begin to have charge of the courts. operate in a level of kingship, for we begin to engage the assemblies and councils of God in sonship seated with him in heavenly places. the court system of heaven and all the different courts are accessible as we mature. all of us have access to the court of war- of strategy, the court of the angels, the mobile court. the other courts enables- we have to go through the veils into the different realms. The outer court, inner court, holy of holies and then beyond that into the realm of the heaven of heaven’s. we do that by maturing and as we yield and surrender our own agendas as living sacrifices, government that were called to be part of will be unveiled and will be able to understand how to function in these different courts. but we may have seen the courts and maybe even have experience of them but the level of authority we have is proportional to the level of holiness that we are operating in which comes from being living sacrifices and being transformed and having our minds renewed. so we need to know our identity as sons of God. our identity will release our position, as a friend, a Lord a king and a priest and Oracle legislator scribe magistrate judge Chancellor. so many different roles that there are in the realms of heaven that we’ll find as we begin to lay down our own agenda and take up his, so we can find our position of authority there. our position releases our authority to establish the kingdom in heaven and be a gateway into the earth for God’s kingdom to manifest. rivers of living water flow from our innermost being and we create an atmosphere of heaven around us, we live under an open heaven, were not subject to the atmosphere  that we walk under because we have a direct connection to the realms of heaven. and when we live in dual realms and our spirit is in that realm of heaven were quantum entangled instantly connected from heaven and earth and we can access on that thing we don’t have to go through the atmosphere to access the realms of heaven . now God spoke to me about some experiences and about things I was going through and were looking at the fire stones today and the experiences that the fire stones bring in ascension into sonship in maturity.

 God said this my children are sons of man but not the first man Adam but the last man Jesus but also sons of God coheirs and co-creators full representations of my image and my government seated in the heavens and walking on the earth. son do you feel it, do you sense it, do you hear it, can you see it the dawning of a new day the beginning of a new season and new Vista a new Horizon a new way of seeing things I did feel it,  I do feel it I do sense it. but whenever you come into something new you have to come out of something old and leave behind what was. how we saw things before to look at the new horizon, to have that new beginning that new day. can you not hear can you not see then feel the wind shift feel its intensity increase I call my sons to arise take their places so that you can see hear perceive and know that the ordinances of heaven have been decreed in the legions of heaven are being prepared to engage the atmosphere of the earth and this is really important that we move from just operating in the realms of heaven to bringing heaven and earth into agreement and beginning to operate on the earth under the government of heaven to then begin to deal with the atmosphere that is effectively if effecting the whole world and it’s affecting the communities that are under those atmospheres those territorials whether its principalities powers rulers essentially if they are operating in wickedness rather than in holiness then we need to deal with them and were being called to come into a place of government to come into our destiny to be able to begin to deal with the atmosphere around the earth in our particular spheres. this will only be in cooperation with those who have established a beach head of heaven on the earth with heavens blueprints and heaven’s government. that’s why it’s so important to establish on earth as it is in heaven. Son a change is coming you can be part of it miss it or even resist it. But you cain’t stop it. the hunter gathering angels are gonna be released to bring in the first fruits of the harvest of those who are prepared where the atmosphere is cleansed and the government is in place. so there are things we need to do in preparation for a harvest . we may be seeing a trickle of those first fruits but we want to see a flood. Of all the places of fire that I’ve experience the fire stones have been the most powerful and the most influential. it was my very first real encounter in heaven. and being taken into the heavenly realms to engage the fire stones, the river of fire and the throne of the ancient of days, that with back into thousand and eight and i sat at my desk, a portal opened at my desk and I was taken through that portal and I found myself by the river of fire. now I was aware of the river of fire from the Bible from Daniel but I’d never been into that realm so it was somewhat of a shock and I was taken aback , but immediately I thought of the throne of God and how can I engage the throne of God and then God showed me that you can’t do this in your own way of creating your own ladder or creating your own way of engaging through do-it-yourself methodology. it has to be a level of encounter that take goes much deeper than anything else and being a living sacrifice is part of that process. when you’re surrendered to engage in those ways and you give up trying to do it in your own strength you find that it takes you into a totally different depth and as I saw these steps so big stones swirling with I was amazing site it was like i was looking at this this subatomic structure something deeper than just the surface and and I wanted to to go to the see the throne of God, so I took a step and I  stepped on that first step. it was like being joined becoming one with that step and and it was a overwhelming sense emotionally of love that was the first step an intense experience of love more than I had anything else in my life. when I got baptised in the spirit I experienced a depth of love I had some encounters where I experienced love but this was like nothing else. this was a purity of that love that emotion it felt like I was love. it felt like more than just being loved to engaging love being immersed in in the very concept essence of love which of course is God himself and eventually I took a step onto this next step which was joy and each of those things seem to last for a long time I was just transfixed there just immerse engaging going deeper into joy and peace and then ultimately all the fruit the spirit and I ascended those steps step by step-by-step just immersed in the fruit of God’s character and nature the very essence of who  he is. Until I got to the top and then I couldn’t  even look at the throne I just lay, kneeled and sort of bowed my head I saw the feet of the ancient of days and I was transfixed and the thought came into my mind we’ll what about your throne do you have a throne here your seated in heavenly places I wonder if you have a throne I looked off to my left and I saw all this thrones going off into the distance so I crawled off and then stood up and then walked to see if I could find my throne and most of the thrones were not occupied there were some that I saw represented so representations of people of some I knew some I didn’t but i eventually found my throne and I sat on that throne is it was a new heavenly name the new name that your given which is related to your destiny rather than your earthly name and I sat and immediately I was next to Jesus who was sat next to the ancient of days and I was connected governmentally connected another thing happen but the the Firestone experiences was was one of my most intense initial experiences that opened up all sorts of revelation and caused me to desire and to Wanna pursue that relationship with God in a much deeper way and eventually after a few years I went back there and had further engagements there, in that place all my subsequent encounters have taken me deeper and deeper both relationally into love and governmentally into sonship because the the love and the essence of God’s character is outworked in who he is as King as creator in a governmental way and therefore our sonship is based in love but also in government and authority and subsequent experiences took me into levels of of government as well as relationship. So we are going to look at the fire stones as part of a living sacrifice process of being transformed matured in sonship. now the basis of the fire stones they are only mentioned once in the word of God Ezekiel 2813 you are in Eden the garden of God and this was talking about the covering cherub. the cherub that was covering the Ark of God’s presence the Yoda hey vav hey every precious stone was your covering the Ruby Topaz Diamond barrel the Onyx adjuster the lapis lazuli light turquoise and the emerald nine stones and there are nine steps you were anointed cherub who covers and I placed you there so this was a role that God had given this covering cherub you were on the holy mountain of God which is a symbol obviously of authority you walked in the midst of the stones of fire so he was involved in the light and the revelation that was being released from those stones and those stones actually covered his body he had nine stones covering his body which were to reflect out that light into creation to reveal sonship. so we can engage and walk in the midst of those stones and walk on the stones because were called to ascend and those stones are steps or stages of maturity or ascension as we embrace them. and there are different levels of those stones. so engaging the fire stones of destiny as I like to call them have been significant encounters for me on my journey my first encounter came back in 2008  it obviously was completely involuntary I was just taken through a portal. but it went beyond that you know the glory and the weight and the essence and the nature and the character and the government of God has been revealed through standing on those stones. and I believe our sonship it’s destiny its glory and essence and our very nature and government is revealed by standing on and ascending the fire stones of God and being transformed by them and allowing them and the experience that we have there to change us and transform us and to reveal the true nature of our sonship. so what role did the covering cherub have in observing and releasing the revelation of the light contained within the stones. We’ll it would have been a major one. You know he was appointed but he left his estate he left being the covering cherub. so was there a role in relation to our maturity as sons of God. yes I believe so but he left that so how do we now find how we connect with both the stones and how do we connect to how we are going to be matured through that process. so whatever it was that the covering cherub had, Jesus as the son of light is now the focus that reveals the father for the revelation of sonship. so Jesus is always looking to reveal the father. he is the only way to the father he unveils the father his desire is for us to become sons co-heirs with him, as he knows the father he wants us to know the father. so Jesus is the focus. hebrews 12 talks about needing to fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter. the fire stones contain the record of what is encoded in light, our identity and destiny in sonship. there is a God is light light carries revelation information and there is an encoded within the fire stones within nine different layers of those Firestone encounters, identity and destiny and sonship. Jesus is the light of the world John 1:4 in him was life and the light life was the light of men the light shines in darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it. see people cannot comprehend who they really are unless the light penetrates the darkness and brings a revelation of the truth of the reality of what is encoded in that light about us.23:29

 We are now called to be the light of the world, so we need to shine we need to radiate. the transfiguration that took place on the mountain was a demonstration of the revealing of that light. now it’s white light and white light is made up of multiple different colours that come together to form white light. Now there is a limitation to those colours in the rainbow of seven but there are more colours that function in the realms of heaven John 19 says there was the true light which coming into the world enlightens every man and this is God’s intention. our encountering the light, Jesus the way the truth and the life, encountering his love experiencing the relationship that we can have with him and through him with the father enlightens every man. its enlightenment and the fire stones are places of enlightenment. they bring a deeper revelation and unveiling of the truth of who we really are. an identity and position and authority within creation itself .

John 812 Jesus again spoke to them saying I am the light of the world he who follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life and this is what we looking to engage on the fire stones. the light of life expressed through different colours expressed through different experiences through different fruit through different concepts of government .but the light of life and we need to experience the light of life that then will unveil and enlighten us so that we live enlightened lives unveiled lives lives of truth, of true reality not the false reality that we been framed in. but the true reality of God’s thoughts about us and his intention for us. philipians 2:15 so that you will prove yourself to be blameless and innocent children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked perverse generation among whom you appear as lights in the world. so as we are not conformed to the generation this crooked and perverse generation that we live in the midst of. as were not conformed to that as were not shaped by that as we are conformed to a different image the image of sonship we will appear like lights in the world. we will be transfigured we will radiate a whole different dimension of light for people to see the true sense of what the sons of God are all about. and it talks about in Romans eight. about God wanting to reveal us as sons on the earth and that is sons who are radiating the light of truth the light of love the full light of life to  help those people be drawn to that light which is why Jesus talked about not hiding under a covering. so that the world can see our good works Jesus talked about the world seeing our love and knowing that we were disciples as we love one another. and that’s a huge challenge the light of life the light of love is truly demonstrating who we really are to a world which has its own sense of identity which is come through humanism and through the DIY tree path of the knowledge of good and evil which we have to demonstrate that real truth of what that’s about, man was created sinless but not yet perfected Adam would have gone through a process of perfection of maturity in sonship for him to take his fully seated role in the realms of heaven and he chose his own path he chose to walk his own path which was the tree. the process of perfecting was to have been relational walking with the father and spirit in the light of Revelation released into creation. and I love when it talks about the the father walking in the cool of the day, but atually what it really means is walking with rueact, with the wind. Father, mother if you like, walking with the son bringing the light of Revelation to release into creation and they chose to walk their own way. we have to come back and start as a living sacrifice refusing to walk our own way. surrendering our own way having no way to walk in our own understanding in the futility of our own minds in the alienation of our own mind and thinking. but coming back into agreement with the amazing thoughts that he has about us. the light bearer was responsible for releasing light into creation. as sons we are responsible for releasing light into creation. Jesus is our example Jesus is the pure light. fixing our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of faith Jesus is the light bearer we are all called to engage the light and arise and shine arise shine your light has come the glory the Lord is risen upon you Adam and Eve were clothed with glory and that glory was lost and hidden within the soul and body. and now that light needs to radiate again as we are transfigured as sons and we arise and shine. the light bearer was removed as the covering cherub expelled from the garden with no access to the fire stones. but the path is still open for us to come in sonship but you have to go through the fiery sword you have to be willing to go and cross the river of fire to engage the fire stones. so those fire stones are represented as nine steps of ascension that we can engage in our maturity and maturing as sons. nine steps to maturity or ascension. nine is 3×3 the fullness of the attributes of I am father-son and spirit. the nine strands of DNA that reveal God’s nature that we engage in other places like the dancefloor and engaging that light that is contained within that DNA. the nine fruit revealed as in God’s character , in God’s characteristics, the nine precepts that reveal God’s government. the nine attributes of our sonship. there are lots of nine’s that are associated with the stones that we can begin to go deeper and deeper into as we continue to experience them. the fruit of the spirit is a representation of God’s very character . Love joy peace which represents Jesus. when he came on earth that’s what Jesus talked about- love. as I’ve love you love each other. joy let my joy be in you so your joy become full. peace I leave you beyond human understanding I leave you peace- Jesus. patience kindness goodness the father . the father represented by the story of the prodigal son coming back to that father who is kind was patient was a longing to  give his goodness, clothe the son in new robes of righteousness and ring of sonship on his finger, celebrating that is the heart of the father he wants to us to return, to be restored to begin to be whole to come back into this amazing relationship where he can walk with us and the spirit. faithfulness gentleness self-control the aspects of that truth that will bring us into a place where we don’t walk our own  way. but we walk in a sense of who we really are, knowing who we are. strong in sonship to overcome to rule but completely surrendered. not self in control but the surrender of self control to have the spirit leading and directing. as the spirit is our Paraclete us the one who walks alongside us the one who brings us into a deeper level of intimacy because the spirit is always pointing to Jesus and  Jesus is always pointing to the father. and the father sends the spirit to point us to Jesus this amazing circle of the dance the paraparesis, the amazing relationship between father-son and spirit that were invited to participate in through engaging the fire stones and the fruit the spirit engaging God’s heart in eternity. we are to be transformed into the same image. it is our destiny to represent the fullness of God’s character and nature. we were made in his image in his likeness to be a demonstration to creation of the physical attributes of the spirit God. he expresses himself and engages the world through us. the DNA attributes of God’s revelation encoded in light. those fire stones, each one is like a strand of DNA it carries revelatory information in light and when we step into the light and we engage the light we  are absorbed into the light, those DNA attributes are released. righteousness peace and joy- the spirit. the way the truth and life- Jesus. justice judgement holiness- the father. attributes of God revealed. so when we engage on those stones and we embrace righteousness we embrace the very character and nature of God himself who has made us the righteousness of God in Christ. and peace wholeness no fragmentation, no brokeness and joy the overwhelming expression not of external things but internal relationship that we have through this intimacy with the mothering heart of the spirit. and each of those characteristics- it is not about trying to describe them, it is actually experiencing them. experiencing what it is to be on the way. to be in the truth to have a true reality to be engaged in the fullness of life abundant overflowing life. what it is to have the characteristics of justice judgement and holiness of the father. psalm hundred 1919  I am a stranger in the earth do not hide your commands from me. this is a strange verse but I I had a dream in 2010 when I was looking to engage in the realms of heaven I had this dream. and I knew it was such a significant dream, that this must have meant something significant. but I looked at it and thought – what does this really mean? I am a stranger in the earth. i lived here all my life but what it was looking to show me was I need to to function from a realm of heaven that looks like I am a stranger in the earth because I’m so engaged in what a heavenly perspective of a son is. 35:06

 that it doesn’t look like anything which is an earthly moulded out of the earthly way of looking at things. do not hide your commandments from me. so reveal who I am reveal my destiny so I can out walk it, not in any way disconnected but in a way which brings heaven and earth together in a way that I had no idea about at this point. but I pursued it and I  cherished it I nurtured it I read Psalm 119  its  the longest chapter in the Bible, has a hundred and 76 versus I think. but I felt okay what was before verse 19 what was after verse 19? And i meditated and engaged with the first 40 versus. I discovered key truths and I have no real understanding of what it meant other than I felt it was significant and it uncovered something to pursue and when I began to re-engage the fire stones the significance of it became more apparent, verse one says how blessed are those whose way is blameless who walk in the law of the Lord. verse 11 your word have i treasured in my heart that I might not sin against you. verse nine how can a young man keep his way pure by keeping according to your word. now were not talking here about  a book as much as a relationship with the living Word. having that living Word in our hearts and treasuring the relationship of that living relationship. because then we will never want to walk in any way separated from that relationship. walk in the law of the Lord and this is not laws- as in you shall not. this is an understanding again of the precepts of God of the very way God has created things to function in, that we can walk in those amazing permissions, authority, that laws give us to operate in. so I had revelation of the characteristics of God governmentally through engaging these  first 40 versus in psalm 119. there were nine governmental truths that I discovered. there were nine responses to that truth. there were nine out workings of that truth. the law the testimonies the ways the precepts the statutes the commandments the judgements the ordinances the wonders. and I saw these things and as I studied them, I looked at what they meant in Hebrew. I trid to understand them with my own understanding and failed miserably. because they have to be experienced not tried to be worked out with our own intellectual understanding. we need to know them. I need to know the law of the Lord. I need to know the testimonies of God the ways of God the very precepts statutes commandments judgements ordinances wonders and then as i went into the fire stones I found that these things were the experiences I had when I stepped onto the fire stones the next time.38:46

 and then the things that we respond -to walk to observe to keep to look behold to seek to learn to understand the council, to speak to meditate to delight to desire to be diligent to regard there were all- this is my response to those experiences. I Wanna live this out. I want this to be an expression of who I am. then what is this do to us ? when we experience the nature of God governmentally was does it do? it cause us to be blessed to be established seated not ashamed righteous thankful pure abundance blameless revived. and as I read those verses I saw the interconnection between those expressions those nine expressions, our response to those expressions and then the result of our response to the expressions in our lives. who wants to be blessed who wants to be established who wants to not live ashamed , who wants to live righteous thankful pure abundant blameless revived lives. the abundance and overflowing life of God the light of love the light of life. the revelation and the light that this reveals when you encounter those stones are awesome. so the fire stones led me to engage the place where there are many thrones alongside the throne of God. and the purpose of ascension is we will be seated raised up with him and seated with him in heavenly places in Christ Ephesians 26 so were seated in various heavenly places .this is the highest realm I’ve discovered were I have a throne right next to the ancient of days. we can engage our throne and be seated in sonship at the right hand of Jesus who is on the right hand of the father the ancient of days. and you see the world from a different perspective there.41:02

 when I first sat there all the sudden I could see from heaven’s perspective and see the difference, that I was seeing the world through my own earthly eyes, from my own filters, from my own mindsets, from my own perspectives that had engaged me. Now I didn’t  know anything about the pillars in my mind and the frameworks of my thinking at that point in time. but this was the beginning of the journey to discover that and not be affected by it. because I started to see. you can see differently when you’re seated here. so the Joshua generation operates in the order of Melchizedek has forerunners of this heavenly royal priesthood to prepare the next United generation to embrace their inheritance. so we need to take up our inheritance, we need to engage those stones we need to be seated we need to begin to function in sonship as Lord’s kings sons chancellors legislators oracles magistrates judges heavenly positions of government to rule and legislate out of intimacy and relationship. this is our maturity, to bring us into those places so we begin to function in the fullness of the order of melchizedek. Ezekial 10:1 then I looked and behold in the expanse that was over the heads of the cherubim something like a sapphire stone in appearance resembling a throne appearing above them. And there is a sense where these stones lead us to go to the place where there is a expanse and a throne and thrones for us. in Daniel seven talks about thrones being set up and Jesus coming to the ancient of days to receive the kingdom and he gives it to those who are seated on those thrones in him with him. we all have a mandate to engage the fire that’s transformational. to engage those fire stones which are revelatory in transformation. fire walk with me into transformation God once said to me. living sacrifice is like dead men walking. walking in the fire just like shader at Michelle in Bendigo walked in the fire but they were not alone. we can walk with God through the fire he promises to be with us we will not be burned we will not be scorched. fire for entrance and access for purification for refining, for transformation. Fire is something we all need to encounter .we looked at that in some depth. the fire talked to me about him being a consuming fire . son I am all consuming there are no half measures about us. our love is all-consuming, our passion is all-consuming. I am an all consuming fire and that means the way to intimacy is always the way of fire. the fiery sword the fire on the mountaintop the fiery altar the river of fire the fire stones the judgement seat the place of fire are all expressions of my passion for you. son my fire is never to be feared but to be embraced as powerful as a powerful reminder an expression of the commitment of my love and the revealing of just how far I’m willing to go to secure relationship. I am fire, offering was in place before the foundation of the earth, before the fall from the identity of sonship to ensure redeemed and restored face-to-face innocence. that Jesus slain before the foundation of the world. on the foundation stone of creation was already built in the way to come back into relationship. son the so-called lake of fire was another expression of my love. to end death and restore those who have fallen from their first estate. son follow the river of fire, where does it go ?and I did, I went back to the river of fire and I began to follow it. and it actually makes the lake of fire and is continually flowing into it. Where does it come from ? the very presence and throne of God. it is not disconnected with God himself .because God is the consuming fire. son my throne is an expression of my authority as a king and the river of fire flows from my presence as an expression of love’s government which also expresses my love to make the place were all can be restored redeemed and reconciled. who have not yet come through the fire of the cross. there is a way of fire that people can come and be restored and reconciled back to a living relationship with God. only those of my children who refuse the invitation to come through Jesus the door , choose to go there and they can still be saved by fire. all get that choice before they die physically, no one will be able to have an excuse because I speak to the hearts of all my children in many ways to offer them the choice. son you know I am is love and we love our children with a consuming passionate fiery love that cannot be escaped and will never give up or fail .the first Firestone of love is both a reminder of my very essence as well as my total commitment to my children’s identity and destiny within I am. This  is God speaking, giving a revelation of what that first Firestone is all about. there are presently nine stones to engage with like steps ascending to the throne of the ancient of days and Jesus at his right hand. our thrones of sonship are there. and I believe there are nine levels of engagement with each stone which takes you to a deeper level of authority and relationship .so there are nine stones and nine encounters or nine levels of engagement with each stone. that’s my personal experience and revelation but there could be more. but let’s engage them and experience them. so the father spoke about these stones. son the first level sonship reveals the emotional truth of the fruit of knowing us intimately and each level takes that foundation and builds upon it until my nature is revealed which enables the fullness of my desire for our sons to be like I am. each level of experience and revelation builds upon loves essence to the full measure and stature of the son of God.47:35

 Ephesians 413 until we can all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the son of God to a mature man to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. this is what the fire stones bring us to. this is the expression that we are maturing into that full stature verse 15 of Ephesians 4 but speaking the truth in love we are to grow up in all aspects into him who is the head even Christ from whom the whole body being fitted and held together by that which every joint supplies according to the proper working of each individual part causes the growth of the body for the building itself up in love. and this is a description of what we do when we engage the fire stones, when we begin to mature into all aspects who is the head that then enables what we are to be fitted together and to supply each other through the relationship that we have so that the whole body of Christ can be built up in love through the revelation of who we are coming together in relationship. so we have this maturity which is into him who is are head we become the outworking of fullness of his body. verse 12 Ephesians 4 each expression of his gift is to fully equip and enable the saints for the work of the ministry so that they may mutually contribute in their specific function to give definition to the visible body of Christ. That’s us being us who we are called to be.49:14

 verse 13 the purpose of these ministry gifts is to present everyone on par and in oneness of faith believing exactly what the son of God believes and knowing actually what he knows concerning us standing face-to-face and equal stature to the measure of the completeness of Christ this is the mirror Bible describing the process of engaging the fire stones. that we would come into that exact representation of sonship knowing actually what he knows concerning us. that revelation of sonship the light encoded to reveal our sonship within our relationship with him in face-to-face measure. equal stature to the measure of the completeness of Christ the anointing the anointed one. verse 15 love gives the truth gives truth it’s voice love gives truth it’s voice. the conversation that it truth inspires creates the atmosphere were in growth is both spontaneous and inevitable. the whole person is addressed in Christ who is the head of the body he is the conclusion of God’s communication with mankind. our sonship is the communication that comes as we mature and we come into that revelation and the fire stones are one perspective and aspect of engagement where we can engage that. from him flows the original composition in detail of our design like words intertwined in poetry they connect layer upon layer to complete heart the harmony each level of the steps of the fire stones each layer of those steps following the rhythm of his thoughts like footprints this is describing us taking steps on those steps of maturity meanwhile the body thrives and pulsates with the energy of love and that’s what I feel whenever I’m on those fire stones it’s like my whole being is pulse 18 with the energy of love expressed in many different ways but always based in love very essence and nature and character of God each individual expression finds its complete measure there engaging the consuming fire of God’s presence in love Hebrews 1228 therefore since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken the show gratitude by which we may offer to God and acceptable service with reverence and awe for our God is a consuming fire is embrace that consuming fire the throne of fire and the river of fire Daniel 79 I kept looking until thrones were set up thrones are thrones in the ancient of days took his seat and his vesture was like white snow and the hair of his head like your will his throne was ablaze with flames its wheels were a burning fire of river of fire was flowing coming out from before again the father talking to me the sun the fire stones of the stones of destiny where the fire of our DNA is encoded within the stones stones were created to release the light of our character nature as the precepts that were to be reflected out into all creation to enable all to be connected to the source the ways of light that reveal the essence of your love could be absorbed by all spirit and form the particles of loves manifestation within the creation is the building blocks of all things now again into the quantum physics there string theory expressed in that way by God relating to this light and revelation within the stones the like there refuse to reflect the light using great darkness by reflecting absence of our presence all those who followed him became darkness and introduced arts integration by sons are called to be sons of light to arise and shine to restore like to creation by absorbing into themselves our image across all the spectrums all the frequencies and releasing a radiating loves light as my sons embrace the light of each stone each level deep will truly reveal the depth and manifold must of who we really are and so will be able to be a true reflection of the fire transcendence converging is the imminent the destiny of all my sons is encoded within us and can be experienced by engaging the stones of the fire of our precepts the willingness to embrace the consuming fire of our love and be purified and refine is the precursor to engaging the stones and being able to receive the deeper revelation of eternal sonship so running from the fire hiding from the fire will never allow us to go deeper but they will prepare us to embrace the stones and go deeper each level going deeper and deeper created and created light will form an interference pattern cancel each other out leaving darkness by engaging the fire stones your bathing in the creative light revelation like that will activate the creative like hidden within the fabric of your being an radiate from your innermost being transforming created like back to creative light so you can radiate the glory of sonship once again the light is a fascinating thing wave particle it it’s connected with the whole concept of quantum mechanics and physics and various things in a fascinating subject and goes Tronic engage is here to engage in room Internet that revelation light to experience that revelation like to to let that radiate from our innermost being to bring this connection with light back to creation that’s why Jesus was the light of the world that’s why we are the light of the world that’s why he was transfigured that’s why we are being transfigured transformed metamorphosed into the fullness of sonship that radiates that like the created order has been separated from the creative realm and is longing to be reconnected and brought back into the harmony of the first estate from which it was removed by the choice of my son had to abandon the light of life walk in the darkness of self as my sons choose to walking the creative light of their sonship creation will again respond to love is light creation itself is waiting for you to arise and shine by discovering the true nature of your sonship deep within us so true ascension is not entering through the veil into the heavenly realms but is entering into us to ascend into the maturity of your sonship true ascension is becoming mature sons by embracing the nine stones at the nine levels that will out the last three stones of sonship to the to reach them live from the eternal now there always intended to be 12 stones that would take the thrones of sonship from heaven to the place high above all authority through the heaven heavens perfection to eternity this is where the speed of lies closest to the purity of eternity is perfection within the circle of love stands son this is the highest the state within the created order of the create or that can be ascended to son the stones of destiny will reconnect your past present and future destiny into wholeness and remove all separation from within your being bring clarity to your true identity and calling is my sons heaven is the centre where your thrones of sonship are currently position and as my sons ascend so will the throne descend the highest place within the created order the 12 stones of the breastplate are reflection of this 12 stones are foundations of new Jerusalem Revelation 2114 in the war the city had 12 foundation stones and on on with a 12 names of the 12 Apostles of I 12 laws of Zion and is a picture of how those stones were arranged around the Tabernacle in the wilderness and then how they were arranged on the high priest breastplate and how they are described as being arranged around the new Jerusalem all about 12 of government nine and three coming together in the fullness of government the nine of God and the three of man coming together and it this implication this will be a taking us to whole different levels within the ages to come Zechariah 37 this is the process walking it out so we are eventually governing the heavenly realms to bring heaven and earth back into agreement and alignment the kingdom of servant stewards friends walking his ways the kingdom of God Lord’s to govern the house the kingdom of heaven kings having charge of the courts heaven sons access to the assemblies and councils of God heaven of heavens as co-heirs perfection as co-creators charity has ascended father’s this is the process and in a sense is a process of ascension so reality was you start at the bottom and a sendup I guess to coming as we take each step as we mature as we come into our sonship this has cosmic consequences are says consequences for the whole of creation our sonship revealed are light revealed so love joy peace patience goodness kindness faithless gentle self-control as we embrace this fire stones the law the test is the ways the precepts the statutes the commandments the judgement is the ordinances and the wonders of that governmental perspective of God character nature righteousness peace joy the way the truth the life justice judgement holiness the attributes of the circle of that dance of the paraparesis of our being made in his image as being may body soul and spirit reflecting father-son and spirit as being made in the likeness of God carrying those attributes within our very DNA to my first encounter with the fire stones in 2008 as I previously described in more detail was pure emotional connection with the fruit of God’s character the level I’d never experienced before increase my desire to pursue intimacy the second can you into thousand 12 was revelation about the character of God’s character relating to the kingdom governmental foundations kingdom foundations of God’s throne all rule being righteousness and justice expressed of the attributes precepts statutes Lord ordinances et cetera the third encounter and 2013 took me literally into the stones as ice went into them to reveal a deeper level of the fruit of God’s nature I went deeper into me then just my emotions by touching the very fabric of my being connecting to me to the to loving God’s for always children is connecting me to allow this God is to always children this was a beyond what I just experience myself it was like how does God love creation and I experienced it by stepping onto that stone and all the other stones were part of that process the fourth encounter 2014 was different in that I have to access the stones by walking through the river of fire before I always gone directly to the stones this was another level I had to engage the river of fire encounter reveal the new level of my sonship my identity my position and legislative authority and on the four stone wisdom gave me a Chancellor’s seal and subsequently gave me a staff that took me into a whole different revelation we realm of authority in the rounds are heaven opened of access to engage the circle of the deep and the the chancellors houses engage with the laws of Zion engage with the council of 70 and other things the Chancellor’s seal gave me access to governmental places I could not access before then wisdom began to engage me to encounter those 12 chancellors houses took me through the fiery sword to Satan’s trophy room eventually opened up a totally different path for me to engage governmentally as I began to operate in a Chancellor’s role seated in the chancellors court all these things Were birthed out of my encounters with the Firestone and the revelation of light that was revealed as I encountered it by faith encounter with 2015 as what was my initial access into the essence of God’s nature and government from an eternal perspective I went into those stones and found I was connected to the heart and mind of God from a totally different eternal perspective this totally wrecked me in a way which was good because it so took it to another level when you get that eternal perspective of God’s heart nature outside of time and space not affected by linearity living in the now this so creative desire for the eternal now open other access to what was through the ancient past through the within the four faces of God like was able to walk back into what was was in the eternal now daily present open than access for me the four faces of God opened up to stand in his name to stand in the lion the ox the Eagle and the man through that fifth encounter my sig think and was 2016 where the father took me to the stones and walked on the stones with me and always walked there alone before that was a totally different experience encounter took me deeper into the father’s heart and mind was preparation for the deconstruction of my own mind breaking down all the frameworks that been built up unveiling the new dimensional reality is unveiling of three further stones took place our man stones though I had to make 12 stones to reveal man’s further ascension providing a glimpse into the ages of come to come my seven encounter was in 2018 during an activation in the first sons arise conference on the fire stones teaching this encounter began to unveil the shifts among go through over the next few years now as I look back now I can see how significant these encounters were in my relationship with the father and therefore my sonship both relationally and legislative governmental responsibility it takes time for the encounters to outwork cognitively some of my my experiences were beyond what I could understand the time my spirit had receive that revelation light and began to radiate that light through my soul that my mind became cognitively aware of and I began to cooperate with corporate cognitively agree with so don’t rush this process you may engage the fire stones it may take several years to work that into work that into your character work into your nature work that into your understanding of your position and your identity don’t rush it don’t race to go through nine encounters with this person you will not be able to contain one and the outworking of one level of experience then creates the opportunity for the next it took me two years for the to go back the first time each time it was a period which actually was an intensely transformation we period of being a living sacrifice in that process the Firestone encounters were both personally revelation but also open of access to engage different places and dimensions during my journey beyond beyond as the father eventually put it he called me to go beyond the on and it was the engagement with the fire stones which open that up for me and enabled me to understand what beyond beyond is and what it means and it has multiple layers of understanding my journey to discover my true identity and eternal destiny was accelerated by engaging the fire stones in Eden the garden of God on his holy mountain and he invites all of us to engage it is inviting you to come and engage with those fire stones maybe for the first time may be you can have been there before and you can go back there again encourage you to embrace that desire if you don’t feel ready that’s fine don’t engage the activation for it you have to resonate in your spirit the desire has to be birthed with as a living sacrifice this is not something you can go and keep hold of being you Wanna be you have to surrender and yield that are who he is made us to be the Firestone encounters are available go to at some point on the journey I don’t know if you’re ready on your journey I believe God took me there to very begin my journey so I think the initial encounter with the depth of love joy and peace in the fruit of the spirit you is be available for all of us but we may have to send beyond and earthbound existence to find out true heavenly identity as sons of God through engaging going beyond those initial experiences and going deeper and deeper as deep calls to deep so we have those nine steps over the river of fire up to the throne of God and those three other steps which eventually we will mature and bring about as as we mature in sonship revealed on the earth it it’s like coming into a completely different level of experience is like being immersed in fire that consuming fire is an amazing amazing experience which as it goes around us brings into another level another complete level of experiencing fire around us coming through us and in us and penetrating us and bringing light and unveiling truth and as we step onto those steps as we step into this intense experience don’t try and figure out don’t try and analyse it just receive it just allow it to come around you allow it to penetrate you just go with it allow your spirit to be receiving that revelation encoded in light which sometimes is beyond our mind but are emotions may well be connected to what were experiencing don’t try and analyse it or put definition on it just allow it to happen so I encourage you to again just think of the open heaven we all have over us as we been learning that we can live in that dual realms as we been engaging in that dual realm you we can discover how how we as children of God can have complete access continually not restricted by stepping in stepping out just connected so I would encourage you just close your eyes just begin to shift the focus of your experience to engage those fire stones so as we just think shifting our conscious focused engaging our spirit with Jesus in the rounds are heaven in that open doorway that we present ourselves as a high priest to our high priest as a living so yes yield and surrender to wherever is a process our heart engaging the Jesus I help us engage the fire stones death just take each of us by the hand this leaders to where we need to take you through the veils to engage by the river of fire to see those stamps those stones that we would take us take a step onto the first whether we experience whether we experience just take be immersed that experience just let you are be surrounded with the revelation the light of when you’re ready as you take step-by-step eventually coming to the throne of God may feel you want to find your throne where your seated in your position your new name we take on that place of heaven perspective seated next to Jesus the ancient of days feel led find your throne place revelation knowledge of sonship grace just remember may be able nine steps of the time do a few steps at the time engagement go back can we engage take a step take another step may require you to go through this number of times the revelation of each step imparted you have access set the desire of your heart find things engage the life transformation don’t rush the process transform comes from it you to just allow to go along you transform minds fully embrace really are as sons

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