Sound frequencies 1

We have been looking at sound and frequencies and essential oils and their emotional impact on us. This is part of expanding our consciousness and renewing our minds so the truth can set us free.

God is spirit, God is love and God is light. God’s is pure creative light that is beyond the speed of created light. Love is the very essence of God’s nature and is the highest frequency that exists, and we are God’s sons made in His image to love and be loved.

We are spirit light frequency beings living a human being experience. Our soul and spirit are composed of light which is electromagnetic energy that exists but can’t be seen with our natural eyes.

Creation was spoken into existence with sound electromagnetic energy and continues to exist through the power of God’s voice. God’s grace is the strings of vibrating energy within the fabric of everything. Everything is connected and powered by zero-point energy from another spiritual, quantum or non-local dimension.

There are dimensional realities that exist that are non-local and invisible to our natural eyes. Heb 11:3 By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.

Col 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For by Him all things were created, …. all things have been created through Him and for Him. 17 He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. How?

Heb 1:3 And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature and upholds all things by the word of His power. Energy vibrating at a frequency holds creation together from a spiritual or quantum realm which is connected to us – some of you is there now.

There are many dimensions that exist that we can’t see which is the mathematical foundation of string theory “the theory of everything”. We are spirit beings with the capacity to engage those spiritual dimensions.

This room is filled with electromagnetic energy vibrating at frequency that you can’t see naturally e.g. radio waves, TV waves. We can tune into those waves with the right technology to hear and see.

There are higher frequency spirit beings (angels) that are in this room we can’t see them with our physical eyes but we can tune the eyes of our heart and spirit to sense them and see them. We are designed to be able to engage and connect spiritually.

God has given us a strategy to help fulfil our mandate to engage people and help them exchange their old DIY lives for their true identity and destinies as sons of God. Alternative Christian Therapies using light, sound, crystals, fragrances and oils are part of that strategy.

Aroma Touch. RTE releasing toxic emotions using essential oils. Forgiveness therapy. Truth and identity therapy. Light and crystal therapy. Sound therapy using crystal bowls.

Sound Healing, through various techniques and technologies, is the educated and conscious use of the energy of sound to reach identified goals and promote wellness in the human system – including mental emotional and physical health.

Sound Healing is founded on the premise that all matter is vibrating at specific frequencies. Science has proven that sound, or vibration, has a strong impact upon substance. For example, the study of Cymatics has shown how sound creates geometric patterns in matter.

Dr. Emoto has proven that sound affects the molecular structure of water. We are approx 70% water. Sound also affects consciousness are brains are  approx 80% water. Many ancient civilizations and modern indigenous cultures have used sound to heal and access higher levels of consciousness for thousands of years.

Research has now shown that each of us has a root or soul frequency that we vibrate at. This frequency is most apparent when we are centered and grounded in rest or in love. The frequency also naturally emanates from us when we are in a state of rest or peace as an energy field.

Matt 11:28 “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Rest, peace, trust and true identity comes in relationship with Jesus.

There are many frequencies that distract us from our own. There are sounds of everyday life phones, cars, trucks, trains, planes, electricity, and electromagnetism. There are the chaotic and distracted frequencies of disconnected people all around us.

Probably the most difficult frequencies are the distracting frequencies within us — such as chaotic and stressful thoughts and emotional pains and trauma memories connected to our past and brokenness and causing disharmony and fragmentation.

With all the chaos and inconsistency around us, it is easy to lose our frequency and peace by being influenced by the prevailing atmospheres over and around us. We can overcome these problems by coming to Jesus to find rest and health for our souls and bodies.

One goal of using sound frequencies is to help people regain their identity by penetrating their limited and resistant mind-sets with truth. Why don’t we use normal Christian methods of healing? Who says these are not normal from God’s perspective?

Jesus used many different ways to heal people. Some were instant miracles but some an ongoing therapeutic process. Jesus used words, energy fields, power, touch, spit, mud, directives, commands and rebukes to heal.

When any frequency is resonated within us, our root frequency is naturally triggered in relation to our Soul frequency. Resonant agreements begin to take place at a subconscious level. Changes can begin to take place, things reconnect, memories open up and realignment can occur.

Although this is a subconscious reaction different conditions can alter the affect it has on us. Psychosomatic effects work through the interaction of mind and body. Faith, belief or fear can have a positive or negative effect.

Many other clinical studies (covered in Lynn McTaggart’s book, “The Intention Experiment”) have proven that our intention not only affects matter, it affects ourselves and others. Healing experiment even worked in the past.

Quantum Physics actually explains how this works. It is all based on the main law of resonance • “A strong resonant frequency will overcome and entrain a weaker frequency into the same vibration as the stronger.”

Even an intention is vibration. Some intentions are very pure, like sending love to someone. Some are more complex frequency combinations. Since intention is simply a frequency, the strength and quality of the intention contribute to its effectiveness.

If you hold an intention of healing love for someone in need, it will be exponentially more powerful when you hold it without distraction. If you can hold the intention for an extended period of time with a heavenly focus – the “as it is in heaven” then manifestations will occur on earth as agreed in heaven.

It has also been proven that intention gets embedded into things like recorded music. So, when you play back the music it is carried by the sound to the listener. Paul imparted into physical material to minister to people at distance.

E=mc2 energy = mass x speed of light squared. The equation says that energy and mass (matter) are interchangeable; they are different forms of the same thing. Under the right conditions, energy can become mass, and vice versa.

We can learn through the power of our conscious thoughts and words to create and choose a better reality for ourselves. When connected spiritually to a higher power or reality and a higher dimension our consciousness can change our reality for the better.

Sound energy affects matter. Every Geometrical shape corresponds to a sound mathematically. In fact, many believe that the information embedded in a sound, is the information that actually creates the shape of everything in nature.

In nature, we find patterns, designs and structures from the most smallest unseen particles, to things seen by human eyes, to the greater cosmos. These inevitably follow geometrical patterns, which reveal to us the nature of each form and its vibrational resonances.

Through connecting to frequency, we can tune into creation and reconnect to our relationship with the whole of the created order. Connecting to the sacred geometric foundation of everything. We connect to creation as sons of God to answer its groan.

The images are often called sacred geometry because they are part of the actual structure of the entire universe. God is the designer and creator. The flower of life has every single component of reality imbedded in this one image which is connected to the tree of life and Metatron’s cube.

The Golden Spiral is based on the Golden Mean ratio. This ratio is found throughout all life. Phi = 1.618….. Also, when a person is transmitting love, the heart actually creates a sound that is made up of golden mean harmonics..

Creation in its original form was harmonious and everything played its part in an amazing symphony of color, sound and frequency all vibrating in unison. With Satan’s rebellion and the fall of man aspects of creation became discordant groaning and waiting for restoration.

There are many types of sound that can resonate intent — frequencies, pitches, beats, musical intervals, music and energy. There are many people using different frequencies within musical composition and sounds with intent for different purposes like healing, realignment harmony, unity, love, joy and peace.

The most common musical interval used to express love and healing is the musical third (the 528Hz frequency is a musical third). 713HZ is known as the resurrection frequency and is restorative – music in 713Hz.

We are quite familiar with the natural music of love, which often has some sadness and melancholy about it because of mankind’s lostness and brokenness. Music can connect us emotionally to the intent and memory.

The Blues, Blue grass, Jazz, Classical affects our mood and therefore our emotions . Rock, pop, Dixieland, boogiewoogie, big band, swing, bebop, ‘straight-ahead,’ acid-jazz, fusion, and metaphysical and these can stir up many different emotions, such as sadness, happiness, and excitement.

Crystal bowls contain the qualities of amplification, storage, transfer, and transformation, they can be powerful tools in effecting change in ones life with intention. It is important to approach the use of the bowls with intention flowing through the frequency of the notes.

Crystals are biblical and were used for divine guidance. God gave the gemstone breastplate to the high priest, Aaron, to help him spiritually discern answers to the people’s questions that he asked God while praying in the tabernacle.

Exodus 28:30 mentions mystical objects called “Urim and Thummim” (which mean “lights and perfections”) that God instructed the Hebrew people to include in the breastplate: so, they may be over Aaron’s heart whenever he entered the presence of the Lord.

Our brain is vibrating at different frequencies with different wavelengths Alpha, Beta, Theta and Delta waves. We can learn to focus our brain waves to be more effective through meditation and mindfulness techniques.

Beta brainwaves are engaged when the brain is aroused or processing activities.

Alpha brainwaves move towards deep relaxation, imagination and intuitive thinking.

Theta brainwaves can indicate drowsiness, daydreaming, the first stage of sleep or ‘indirect’ imagination/thinking.

Delta brainwaves can reveal deep sleep or slow-wave ‘background’ thinking.

The brain has the capacity to operate on more than one frequency range at any given time. All four rates occur at once, yet at varying amplitudes. A good analogy would be to relate each brainwave state to a sting on a violin. All four strings make notes, yet one or more strings can dominate the overall sound at a greater volume.

Sound and color are both forms of energy, which vibrate. As the vibration of sound becomes higher and lighter, the sound is transmuted into color. A normal piano spans a bit more than seven octaves.

If, hypothetically, we could extend the piano keyboard another 35 to 50 octaves higher, the keys at the higher end would produce colors, rather than audible sounds, when played. Creation is groaning in B-flat 57 octaves below the lowest b-flat on piano that sound even comes from black holes.

The crystal bowls emit a sound which is a powerful, pure resonance. The larger bowls are much more reverberant, with the tone lingering longer, simply because of the size and amount of crystal.

The bowls can be played with intent in different ways using different implements and techniques by flowing through the spirit. Flow of intent for healing or peace etc. is released in the same way as we speak words.


C RED 264hz. D ORANGE 300Hz. E YELLOW 336Hz. F GREEN 353Hz. G BLUE 402Hz. A INDIGO 444Hz. B VIOLET 484Hz.

C Red 264Hz

D Orange 300Hz

E Yellow 336Hz

F Green 353Hz

G Blue 402Hz

A Indigo 444Hz

B Violet 484Hz





Health is the state of coming into balance and harmony with our identity and destiny as sons. As thought forms are energy, the intention with which one approaches healing work is of utmost importance. Intention is a clearly formed thought that is released intentionally.

Rom 8:19 For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. 21 that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. We need to become healthy and whole spirit, soul and body for creation to respond to our sonship and be set free.

Tune and engage your spirit to the frequency of the Father’s words on the carrier wave

Tune and engage your spirit to the healing frequency on the carrier wave

Tune and engage your spirit to the intention released on the carrier wave

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