Living in dual realms 9

4 seasons each with 3 houses. Precepts Statutes Laws. Ordinances Mantles Weapons. Scroll Discovery Commissioning. Culture Affairs of nations Treasury. My encounters in these houses were very hard to express and still are but I have received some cognitive revelation and some spiritual experiences.

Each season of Judgment, Justice, Grace, Mercy functions when there are 4 houses in alignment. Precepts Statutes Laws Ordinances. Ordinances Mantles Weapons Scrolls. Scrolls Discoveries Commissioning   Culture. Culture Affairs of nations Treasury Precepts. We have encountered sacred geometry where the mathematical nature of God’s laws are revealed –Metatron’s cube.

The end and beginning meet. Precepts describe the eternal nature and purpose of God. What was, was (I am the eternal now) becomes What will be and the beginning and the end meet when we bring it into What is and provide kingdom government.

4 groups of 7 with same foundational Bench of 3. Precepts, statutes, laws, ordinances, mantles, weapons, scrolls. Precepts, statutes, laws, scrolls, discoveries, commissioning, culture. Precepts, statutes, laws, commissioning, culture, affairs, treasury.

I stand with seal, crystal and rod and I call for the alignment of the 12 High Chancellors Houses within the Circle of the Deep beginning the cycles of judgment that brings justice to release grace and mercy.

The councils and assemblies of heaven are aligned to the cycles of judgement, justice, grace and mercy seasons. The seasons are aligned to the 4 windows of the Circle of the Deep.

Each house is a place of personal revelation for sonship to know the identity, position and authority of a son of God. Houses are aligned in order for our lives, mandates and blueprints to facilitate the times and seasons

What is true for personal alignment will be the same principles for all alignments. The ultimate goal is to position the sons of God within the tree of life so that balance is restored to creation and the harmony song is heard once again.

The form and the function. Alignment governmentally affects seasons to brings order. Decreeing and declaring and calling forth according to the principles. Personal revelation through encounters within the houses both cognitive and beyond present understanding

Each set of 3 houses is like a Bench of three. Each set of 3 when aligned becomes a window with the first house of the next bench of 3 houses. The key to all benches is the foundational bench. Precepts, Statutes and Laws.

Aligning the dimensions to be in agreement. Eternal now, Spiritual and Physical. What was -Eternal, What Is -Spiritual, What Will be –Physical

Heart of God, 4 faces of God, Physical Universe. What was before, there was informs what is in the spiritual heavenlies first before it manifests in the physical universe. Order Melchizedek -Priest, King, Oracle, Legislator

Sacred geometry –Phi golden mean. Fibonacci number sequences Tree of life

 Judgment, Justice, Grace, Mercy. The judgment marks the end of the old Moses generation order and the establishing the new Melchizedek order of the Joshua Generation Justice outworks judgment for Moses Generation to cross over to become the Joshua Generation

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