On earth as it is in heaven 7

 okay if were going to see God’s kingdom it is going to  challenge areas of opposition. there is gonna be opposition. Adam and eve had opposition even before they decided to do things their own way. they were called to subdue or overcome. we need to learn how to subdue and overcome not using warfare and fighting but using authority of victory to overcome. so I’m enforcing victory that was already been won through what Jesus did on the cross. because he did make an open procession of everything- to say that this had now been, victory was now administrated. but we have to learn how to outwork that in the practical nature of our own personal lives and the places and things we live. so is it judicial authority or is it by warfare ? because this is what God says- son, the times and seasons are shifting and the wheels within wheels within wheels are being aligned and that is to open the high chancellors houses for grace to come out of justice. there’s grace coming. that season of grace  when it hits it is going to enable us to do things that at the moment were not able to do. but we have to embrace justice. heaven basically functions on four cycles. judgement justice grace and mercy. the council of 70 in the realms of heaven sit for fourth periods of 70 days, from February with judgement justice grace and mercy. and you can go and you can present , we’ll you can’t just go, if you get a call to go or a mandate to go,  you can go and present cases there which administrate justice judgement grace mercy in the time that they are seated, but you can also administrate for justice to be in judgement, and  grace to be in justice. so there’s wheels within wheels. we don’t have to be subject to seasons, we are effectively governing time and we can change seasons and we can call things into seasons when the bigger season is something different. an increase in governmental authority will be the result when the sons of God  arise to be seated and enthroned and are ready to bring the agreements as gateways of heaven into this earth. so new earthly foundations must be laid and the atmosphere must be cleared, so that everlasting doors can be opened and the glory of the children of God can be displayed through sonship onto the earth as in heaven. so there are some things here, it says there is an atmosphere that needs to be cleared and their everlasting doors that need to be opened when we are in a position that were seated in heaven. issue the call, re-energise the blue light call- for the sons of God to arise take their places of responsibly within the tree of life. I’m not gonna go into that, but that’s where you’re in the light of heaven in positions of government, which is more of your where your spirit was before it was here. I call for the light to shine and penetrate the veils of darkness and deception over those under the coverings of men. I call for angelic messagers to go forth with the call to crossover beyond the veil into inheritance and birthright. I call for those whose hearts are beginning to ask the question there must be more than this. I call for those who are hungry thirsty for more to begin to connect with others on the journey through word-of-mouth sound frequencies heart-to-heart connections and media. I call for, and this is calling for our media, I call for connections with the blog, with youtube with engaging God with the book to facilitate and challenge to be made for the hearers to rise up and take their places within the Joshua generation. I want to reach people and I am facilitating for every possible way to reach people. I call for all media to be hidden from the view of those who are objectors. I call for the frequency of sonship to call  the children of God to arise and resonate with their destiny scroll, to tune into their destinies call and hear the heart of God. I call for the true love to release the true identity as sons and for the true  heavenly positions to be unveiled and revealed. I call for the scandal that has twisted the character and nature of God to be revealed so that the love can penetrate the religious systems both Catholic and Protestant. I call for love to be poured out and for love bombs  to be exploded and expose the lies  that have twisted the reality of God’s true essence and man’s full inclusion. So I am challenging some doctrine’s here. I call for heavens light to shine and burn brightly to attract the sons like moths to a flame. I call for the revolution of the circle of the deep to begin a new season. for the precepts statutes and laws to be aligned and opening the ordinances to align the ordinances mantles and weapons. so  there are things that need to be aligned. Now you might not understand all this. but I went into this in more detail on the last conference in dual realms because I talked about  how the heavens are arranged and how the circle of the deep and how the chancellors houses work. So I am not going to go into it in detail. but I do this I use it. I call for the opening of the scrolls house to align scrolls, discoveries, commissioning to open the affairs of the nations and culture and the Treasury house of the precepts and the precepts bring the end and the beginning meet in unity and harmony. so when the circle of the deep comes you find presets meet precepts. the end and the beginning always meet. but things have to be aligned and things in season open other seasons for things to take place. now this is not something that is a mystery and secret. you can do all this if you’re willing to embrace where your seated in heavenly places and ask wisdom to show you. And use some of the things ive learned.5:56

 now I went to the 70 the cancer because I’m an ambassador for the Joshua generation to the council of 70 so I was not happy with some of the results of what I’m seeing though I felt the need to be more authority released for things to be done so I call I went and I I brought my’s thing out my like crystal basically stood there and invited but I could come that they accepted Mike because I took the crystal and said right so I will address that and I said I call for the 70 release grace to release grace upon grace and greater grace into the earth to facilitate the timely seasons for the Joshua generation basically and for the arising of the sons of God so I issued a challenge really and I did this in the season of grace I call for the father’s heart and and mind to cause the voice of Almighty God to resonate in the heavens and in the earth nice got quite vociferous and I did he know what I was saying quickly so I’m I’m and I never heard of summer things are now say they just released so I call for the voice of else and I’ll give Aurelio on LMS hand else Hakuba LSI Shannon really know what these things like, domains of God that are found within the Bible that referred to his nature and character as Almighty God to sound the heroine call into the wilderness of man to arise crossover the red Sea which is coming out of Egypt figuratively of needing salvation coming into that selfish and the Jordan those coming out of the wilderness those already believers come into the promised land of sonship so I really started to challenge the lack of what I saw was going on and begin to call for another level of authority now this is gonna be what happens when this grace is released when you have the voice of God and God’s name operating in a completely different somewhat was saying that though now I never had any idea what I was gonna do when I step into that court and I was actually quite surprised at the level of authority that I was writing in and according say what we doing here they were like we accept these challenges and we accept these things and we are going to administrate for grace to come at the judgement and just justice of judgement so close a 18 says the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous runs in a safe so something are being in the name of God in the four faces of God standing in hey vav hey gives you the power of attorney to use his name and all those were names of God which were the power remains of God which come from a recognition of his operating in the soul of God the court of 70 then gonna judge is and the court of the Lord so there are things we can begin to do now I’m not expecting all you just go rushing into account 70 please don’t know but start to legislate for your own life start to look at your own life from heaven’s perspective and start to see what needs to change what needs to bring your life in alignment with your destiny scroll is where we stand in a name we can govern and administrate that name that will it isn’t in the name of Jesus tagged on the end of a prayer hoping saying in the name of Jesus will give it some validation this is we stand in the name of Jesus and we administrate in the name of Jesus we need a personal relationship with God so that we experience all that name unveils this is not a theory this is a relationship and all the time I’d been spending with God in intimacy and love spilled out of me when I started decreeing declare that stuff because I say things I didn’t even know because I’m not particularly into Jewish names, slight speaking English but actually something just started to stir me in the living letters started to pour out of my mouth so we need to know God by personal experience if we to rule this house take charge of the courts and standing those assemblies it must be coming out of intimacy with a regreasing this is a Greek word that describes the relationship between father-son and spirit if we are operating governmental authority is vital we’s are in this foundation relationship as sons of God is the key to it must come out of relationship and out of love and the authority are standing within father-son and spirit Jesus fully expresses the father and it hence the very character nature of God this place if you seen me you seen the father I only do I see the father doing living in the circle of the dance which is our that progress is described living within the heart God enables us to rule so before you start taking on the atmosphere and all the other things make sure that you know your authority and the love of God and what you’re doing is not coming out of the desire for vengeance or anything which is not based in so God’s name is is preset statues laws his essence his character nature discovered within the paraparesis relationship from the revelation of God’s heart revealed we can administrate to deal with the blockages and the opposition may be in force the were going to begin to face so we begin to function identity we start to take opposition in heaven we start to deal with the opposition there is there and then we start to manifest that on earth then you can start to deal with the so much spiritual warfare and I didn’t really get involved a lot of it but I saw soil people who are doing in was all that shouting into the stuff and finding this and loosing this and calling this principality and power doing all that stuff like I was so well if you’re doing this binding and long as it last see much result so I didn’t really get the spiritual warfare stuff myself I really get this a heavy the intercessory stuff I am bit more pragmatic and that so I wanted to see how we can do this effectively because of what I saw the form of effective so it was preparation ready for what we can do now a lot of the prophetic actually did are so now we can do in heaven what we couldn’t do in heaven meant as we did get that so it was only partial because it wasn’t bringing heaven and earth agreement it was only doing your earthly bit we need to agree in heaven and establish things that prayer and intercession spirit water harp in Boulder police sorts of things were going along relating to some sense of getting heaven to change mostly by the render heavens and come down well I said that once you know as it is in the Bible render heavens come down and he even replied I will ready when they and I’m inviting you to come so was like this is are moved on from the old covenant and were in the new covenant the heavens open the veils been torn when I’m fighting God something we need to embrace and engage so when we operate from above we move from operating in spiritual warfare to administrating kingdom authority in judgement and justice grace and mercy the authority of the court is a bench position in the talk about the bench in a court and it’s always elevated above everyone else and you have to come before the bench so when we are seated above everything has to come to respect our authority you have to be seated there and if you don’t know your authority been seated there don’t really matter because they know you know your authority when people start seeing dragons Giants and spiritual symbols of things in the heavens they often see them as big powerful things and they see themselves as little weedy things because that was the sense of what the Giants we are grasshoppers but there giants were grasshoppers in their eyes and are rife 50 see yourself as a giant slayer you will have no problem slain giants it is yourself as a grasshopper prepared to be stepped on because will be under their feet rather than under our feet to you have to see the reality of your authority therefore being positioned is what counts learn to function from the advantage of higher crack every military something would say take diagram is the same in heaven we must be seated on the realm of our throne in the kingdom of God at the highest level and all the other mountains are beneath us and anything that seeks to use the authority of our mountains we are about we can do so position of advantage gives us a higher dimensional authority if we are under the influence of the atmosphere we do not play authority we are and operate under influence so every atmosphere and I maintain an open heaven over my life I do it every day so whatever atmosphere I mean it does not affect I went into Doctorow immediately felt the atmosphere open he said I did enough to go in a deal with it because they know how to deal with atmospheres I know how to maintain an open atmosphere of my life I go to places of people last what’s the atmosphere was also my said this great under this open heaven banana know what the anything but I don’t care affecting me you Wanna know what the atmosphere is like going find because if you my atmosphere you will find blessing suddenly people are bothered about the atmosphere without really knowing who they are and they get intimidated by it and then all spooked about by all this will be stuff can go on when you have an open atmosphere you don’t have to be subject to any of but you need to know your authority so personally we need to live in dual realms living under an open heaven every day the rest of the atmosphere may be affected our culture our community is like the church as an ecclesia here we maintain an open atmosphere when we gather we legislate we have angels that open the atmosphere we maintained that as soon as we stop meeting we have not learned to deal with the prevailing culture everyone can have their own open atmosphere what we’ve not learn to engage that here I know what’s there by don’t feel that we are in the place where people are mature enough to have so I’m not up and all my soul mate in a lighting to help equip others so at some stage we will deal with the atmosphere here and I’ll show you how you deal with it because it’s the same in every atmosphere we need to be seated in heavenly places first we become conduits individually to maintain that heaven around our lives because we must maintain been shed on earth that can be an individual thing so I can deal with my own life or corporate thing where we come together in agreement so the things are flowing winning benches operating in unity where we jointly to administrate in our to our blueprint and into the atmosphere so we seek to administrate judicially from a higher position of authority them were seeking to deal with so this is what used to be first heaven the earthly realm the 11 God’s realm dimension the second heaven in the Bible but extrapolated there must be one because if there is a third in the last is but assumed a whole theology which is actually created a lot of problems for us so this second spiritual realm we stalk about the atmosphere of the kingdom in darkness and is you so I’m not denying that there are different realms but is not really first second and third it’s different so the kingdom as it hand it is quotas me as the heir agree with the statement quite used that leaders around us so it’s me and I’m looking around me when I seeing the light of the kingdom of darkness looking into is what I look into will prosper while I look into will gather authority around me provided looking into all the demonic negative stuff gets what delays around my life I never had any hassle from Demons and angels or any other spiritual entities no one astral projection to my room they wouldn’t that because I know my authority and they know that I know Martha reasonable me if you don’t the authority they can you so know your authority so I’m looking into the kingdom of my I’m not bothered about the kingdom into I don’t look into I’m not interested in it as I carry a higher authority design no light always overcomes darkness darkness is just the absence of light so are we supposed to do bring light into darkness how we supposed to do that by rising and shining that is our responsibility so I’m look into their not there I have a choice one identity influenced by is what I engage in when I look into I’m not gonna turn into the kingdom of darkness we don’t allow Demons the coming they will come in the people who come into a day centre but we legislate for the minimisation of what they can do could this is our sphere of government so sometimes people forget to do some of that legislation of things start kicking off and it’s like we need to get back the authority that we lost because we’ve not administrative that as much as we should but primarily when we meet as an ecclesia we don’t have demonic manifestations we are angelic manifestations we have an open heaven and we legislate and facilitate that we are not interested in the dark things are the because they know that they don’t need to patrol around here because we are authority and when we have a night shelter open and all the stuff we can do we won’t have problems if we legislate if we fail to legislate we may allow problems to take place so verse need to operate in these different realms by being seated in the kingdom of God the kingdom of heaven heaven and there are all related to the Tabernacle the different realms me gated the way the truth the so we have the atmosphere okay is the kingdom of God the first level of heaven then we have the atmosphere of the earth then we have the earth realm now this operating authority so what operating in the kingdom of God are we seated on a bench corporately or individually am I on my mountain of my ruling or my mountains is not what is the vine not relying and is an absence of government what will Philip Jesus were what would happen if you entered the house needed fill it with the right things so you can give authority by not exercising there can be a demanding bench of three that operates in around the kingdom of God there can be a demanding bench of three operates in the atmosphere and they’re looking to get agreement with people on earth to continue to empower them to continue to function so we need to start legislating for other authority so we need to start at the where the bottom or the top where we can be seated under or over it over it so the first area we need to look at the kingdom of God people the old one we can be in the kingdom of God because as to whether mobile core is that all the accusations take place as were giants dragons and kings of though God realm in the heavenly spiritual atmosphere around the earth is round the dimensional realm three realms operate together as a bench if you don’t deal with two of those realms will never deal the third most spiritual warfare only trying to deal with one realm the earth realm try to speak into the atmosphere never dealt with what was above and never work so when within the atmosphere there are three levels of authority each of those operates with a bench and is a bench so everything operates in trees governmentally and this is what we why we have to deal with this to creates an arc to create the third which manifest government agreement produces an arc which manifest authority through an agreement manifest the authority to open the window when the windows open things start to manifest so when dealing with the earth the atmosphere and the heavenly realms we must deal with who simultaneously to remove the agreement that empowers the third we’ve only ever really learn to do one thing at a time which is we must live in dual realms if you don’t live in dual realms you only doing one thing you always lead to occupy they will keep performing an art you keep going ran around in circles never changing anything kingdom of God the courts the mountains on the throne the highest realm of authority where the enemy operates dragons giants kingdom operate as a bench within that realm if you allow them to but we are supposed to bring light into that realm take our positions and stop them usurping are authority by having a higher realm so that demonic bench of the atmosphere of the principalities powers rumours bear the thrones and operate there but they operate the spiritual forces of wickedness to influence the culture of the earth negatively to create culture within the affairs of the nations and each of them has different things are operating in different is because their territorial spirits a specific area of authority now principalities and powers rumours are not that there the things that God is assigned because there thrones is what the throne the accounts and if something of a spiritual force of wickedness is on the throne what happened everything under that throne is gonna be influenced by those three things and big if you don’t maintain an open heaven your own life you’ll be influenced by whatever atmosphere you that we look to maintain an open heaven when we gather and everything so we legislate for this being an open heaven so you don’t have to be under the influence of what’s Arabia prevailing atmosphere and you are summer outside of the speaker that we open you may feel and sense things if you’re not maintaining your own open heaven you may be subject to some of those things about bedrooms you could be intimidated you could sense fear depending on what the atmosphere is it will have a negative effect possibly which is why we must maintain an open heaven where every go then we won’t be subject to wherever we go when we travel I take that me I’m not bothered by the atmosphere unless under the help people deal with the atmosphere that they are responsible how I maintain an open heaven I seated in heavenly places and I make declarations of favour and blessing just like Jesus said that people would see angels ascending and descending over the son of man is home is open over him that can be the reality for us because it is open but I need to operate their to maintain the connection between there and here to have that conduit which is continually open so it’s like having my soul is here my spirit is there I have a wormhole connecting my soul and spirit which is called quantum entanglement and I’m flowing from heaven to earth without having to go through the atmosphere so my access to heaven doesn’t go through the atmosphere it goes through this wormhole that goes direct so I don’t have to bother by the others because it’s coming from a different place yes essentially you need to know where your seated you need to know your identity position and then you need to frame your life to live according to that open heaven so that’s my expectation people go along doing things of God gonna get a backlash were stupid stupid to accept faithful backlash because you declared I’m doing something for God’s gonna get a backlash from the early know or not the anyone backlash against me as he can access to me you can access to him by your own thinking and your own declarations and your own expectations change the way you think and start aligning with the truth that heavens open the door is open that your seated there you can go there and there and then you can connect the two and then you are not subject to we don’t have to go through the atmosphere to engage heaven that’s the that’s the thing because the door is open and Jesus is the conduit that take this into that realm we don’t go through the atmosphere you Wanna bring heaven to earth you can be a gateway about the same conduit applies that can release them into the earth is a limited amount is an open door that directly into that realm you don’t have to go to the atmosphere to go into it as Jesus is opened up the door for us to come through him which is directly from here to there are there you can administrate down here you got an atmosphere in the way you can everlasting doors to open if you open and poor things through goes into the atmosphere is sometimes you can punch holes in the atmosphere we generally call them revivals the heavens poured out onto the earth but usually people post them by calling out given the any authority to close we Wanna maintain open heaven atmospheres by clearing the atmosphere so we have this demonic bench the atmosphere principalities and powers rumours influence in the people on the earth coming to agreement by operating under the influence of the culture and outworking influences so people sin just empowers the atmosphere even more the feedback loop then influence you you come under their influence you with influenced you are given more authority over your life and your community the behaviour empowers the atmosphere that demonic bench by agreement to action now you cannot change the behaviour of your can you can don’t force them to be nice people there all nice people that they just be doing some negative things because their influence you can going change their behaviour by manipulating the by legislating for their behaviour to change as their influence by the atmosphere but what you can do is it you can make sure that you’re not at their everlasting doors so the here’s another three so dragons now I know this gets all weird stuff but there just sit saying was: old Dragon best giants giants are the nestling races the operate in this realm and there are kings represented by the-ites nations which again came out of Canaanites and our lights are low by sportster and you will find is a good teaching on how to deal with the kings that are blocking the everlasting doors and be blocking our life by our generational lines not having dealt this operates so they use for authority on our mountain because of our agreement and our worship is see if you come into agreement with something which is demonic you are actually worshipping on their alter their temple know I was very surprised about that when I first saw it and I saw our mountains of authority as our ecclesia and I saw there were temples on the mountain’s I thought great this is where worshipping and then I saw what was in the temple and it was like we’ll what is this and so literally what I saw was when we have spheres of authority but we don’t exercise that authority that we operate under the atmosphere we worship the only so fear is the biggest one so all I saw each of these temples caterpillars one atmosphere and swallow something specific and I saw what that was specifically for our mountains and so I came we talk to hear and with that the vessel here our mountains but this is what I’ve seen we are giving the enemy authority will not seated in these mountains this was back in 2010 so when we first started out looking all the staff because if we are operating in fear all it did was in power and disempower us by giving the enemy access to user apart throne now the enemy cannot user that the level the top level because it is an angel which has been assigned to us in heaven it is caretaking that throne into we see, but where were seated there all the other thrones the enemy tries to stop our authority so this is how it works we have this heavenly angel when we take that position we may then have to deal with some of the things that are in that which is creating authority which is against us so that’s where we begin to become priests royal priest kings and priests oracles legislators we learn to engage government and then we learn to understand the authority we have to deal with those dragons the all those giants of the all those kits we have to deal you never deal the measure seated venue about and then you can deal with it go to the courts authority it would okay so then what we need to do is that we need to then operate in sonship on our thing we need to setup benches that function on the mountain’s corporately and we need to start in Lord’s as Lords open up the everlasting doors there is no point open out the everlasting doors if the atmosphere is just about what you’re pouring out so take authority here get seated here is a spiritual atmosphere there’s thrones which are principalities powers and rulers spiritual hosts of wickedness if you are seated above and you try and deal with these things without having established on earth that your living free from the influence what is on earth will empower the atmosphere to resist you you have to have an arc of agreement between heaven and earth before you tackle the atmosphere I don’t know anyone is fully tackling the else it will not but when you do when you’ve established on earth that we are living under heavens government not us government and we got this arrangement between heaven which is an agreement then you can start to deal so literally we want to have the correct principalities powers and rumours in light operating in that realm the angelic host so you need to get to know them who is the Prince ruling principality for our you can only do this in the early you got authority I can do this here in our error and I can use regionally and I can do it in other areas that I have authority don’t step outside your own life to start with and then corporately don’t do this on your own do this when you established corporate government as a bench otherwise you you’ll run into trouble don’t don’t do it so ultimately we need to engage the kingdom of God have access to the angelic cortical strategy the Cold War be seated there then we can begin to deal with us and then we can deal this demonic bench so eventually we can clear the atmosphere because when bringing agreement between heaven and earth and then Windows principalities and powers that God is assigned we work strategies and we do court cases to remove the legal right that the atmosphere has and then are authority is were not under it will begin to expand and will begin to push the atmosphere and extend our tent pegs begin to take more territory begin to engage more people begin to set the community free from the influences that are there in the atmosphere but unless we are free from that influence will never change the atmosphere so we must maintain heaven first the government that we then establish a government on earth this agreement establish an ecclesia establish an embassy then deal with the atmosphere that takes a level of maturity that most people don’t have those invisible in spiritual warfare things in the past this is a totally different way of dealing with it it’s one that using judicial authority and cooperating with the angelic realm to come in your way Daniel was praying and asking for something and there was a messenger sent it was stuck in the atmosphere couldn’t get through the atmosphere now when you see power orbs in meetings and then using apparel cyclists so all the light as a place in almost like those angels who are sent from the rounds are heaven that don’t come through the atmosphere they come in a power all that means don’t have to go through the atmosphere sometimes angels come to atmospheres and that their feathers start dropping because they have to go through something which is a bit of the battle or that so we want to open up portals an angel succumbing direct as a top of the stairs I have legislated for that fourth of the open for certain people to use it up portal is neutral is what comes through it what you do it when you go through it this is the key we can see angels come through here that don’t have to engage the atmosphere because we are portal and we are angelic landing place so angels are very welcome here and the atmosphere is therefore cleared when we gather and those angels are you with us so we do we have to deal with that demonic bench of three Festival do in the rounds are heaven that’s why we must be seated that you must do in heaven first then deal with it on earth so you’re not living under a and then begin to tackle that so I worshipping powers the Dragons we need to stop worshipping at the altar of the we need to stop cooperating with the atmosphere and we start finding out what the legal rights that the atmosphere has to be here because there will be historic things there will be blood crying out from the ground there will be covenants are an inmate then they become of the which is doing all sorts of stuff that will give credence to an agreement to that atmosphere we will need to identify some of those things if you done spiritual mapping exercises in the past there very useful when you come to deal with this we did a single so in seats revival here in the 90s in which we uncovered huge amounts of things which were operating here on earth and were apparently atmosphere and we deal dealt with those things on earth by prophetic tax but we never knew how to go about it so we never through the atmosphere we just enabled us to function better here on earth but we didn’t deal with the whole issue so we know dragons and giants are symbolic and they represent spiritual forces that seek to use your authority again there may be legal rights why there there we have to deal with that if we if we worship we have to renounce that worship and stop operating in fear is illegal things make sure you get the legal right from the court that will give you authority to deal with it don’t just go swimming saw and hope go chopper dragons and not is like the son is the spirit the sword of the spirit is the word that you carry which is authorisation which is a legal thing that you get from the verdict of the courts of the verdict is the sort it says you are free to deal with this dragon you have authority to deal with it deal with it, but so make sure when you’re doing with these things that you’re looking at your own life first because you will get found out if you have things in your life which Hawaii these things in the heavens are still operate so angel gateways deal with trading floors motives of your heart separate your soul and find a flow of that then enables you to begin to tackle some of these things from a judicial place could you have authority are anything about the government and to the actual was investigated that has done anything spirit five and so you are empowering you all the year and allows more working where where have you seen communities completely changed and their behaviour completely changes not working is like what you’re doing is beginning to get the legal rights but you can do it unless you deal with something on earth I can say to America I am binding then taking all these principalities and powers are affecting your nation so you’re no longer function in violence and racism that don’t work you I appreciate that is preparation but where you seen that change anything it isn’t is not changing it because the people on earth are not take responsibility for their own place to agree heaven and earth then all the things you’re doing is in preparation for when you get that agreement that then you can begin to see the angelic realm plans atmosphere are not gonna go into the atmosphere and plenty is not my role that’s why Daniel prayed and an angel came into the atmosphere and then Michael was said to help the angel Gabriel come through and deal with it I would I would be seeing the make sure that when you do this that you’re seeing that this three things you have to deal with the new deal one is the possibility to the you are I I appreciate what you’re saying but I don’t see any evidence of it around the world is what you’re doing actually isn’t being agreed to on earth the people who are living in whatever you’re doing it have to come into agreement if they don’t then you’re still got: two only doing one thing and not saying that one thing is wrong you have to do two things at once if you not doing two things at once is always gonna be an art to reinforce it to you may be learning a lot of things but actually is another level that needs to go together in agreement for this to work not only doing is wrong I’m just saying there’s another aspect to this you have to be seated first then you do something to bring agreement on earth and you can only do that with a small group people it might just be you and a few others that then means you’re not gonna operate under that that will begin to expand when you begin to benches that function governmentally to do it then I believe when we really deal with the atmosphere true principalities and powers will be in place I’m not seen any true principalities in place anywhere in the world because I atmosphere to go along not seen them because there’s this there’s more to be done in most people don’t have the authority that that you do and what you’re doing and you working with melodrama and others they have the key keepers of the timekeepers and their seasons were doing it but it’s gonna require a a a group of people who on earth I’m not living under and I know from the good people here been at this the 58 years were still under something that is still operating in people’s people have not yet dealt with everything in their own lives therefore they don’t have the level of authority to change our community and we can operate in areas of our community like our mandate to do with the disadvantaged we are seeing successful results and were seeing people’s lives change within that small area because we’ve dealt with those issues in our own lives and therefore we have authority the different level to deal with that but that’s a very limited then the whole of our community is still operating that we have done things we have a major problem with legal highs it was a legal then be what I was legal we can do it whatever legal highs are son and in I Street the sex so we saw the effect it had on Arctic climate came they were wasting away they would sign return the skeleton so it was frightening to see the result these things on their life that we have an air of authority so we started to legislate and we start to legislate for the removal of the right legal highs to be legal so we made a court case authority and we legislated for that within a month the government which Sue said they could not make a legal thing because they didn’t have the power to do it made a decree and now it’s illegal to sell a legal highs and actually the problem is just virtually diminished people go back to their old drug of choice and see still have to deal with the other issues but you do have authority to deal with things that can bring great change but is gonna be in the early have a mandate and we have to deal with a lot of the addictive things to make sure that we were not operating in so there is a lot more to it someone saying and you when we really do start to deal with the atmosphere we will be able to open the everlasting doors so we need to 1st be seated in throne for the Crown mantle a sceptre in all we take our positions as lordship kingship sonship and we start to bring legislation make the legislation get the things then we can start to engage with the angelic realm so so what you’re talking about engaging with some of these orders of angels who are the angelic canopy that we need to going to cooperate with to begin to deal with the atmosphere and I would encourage anyone whose operating in this realm to go engage the angelic canopy and get to know what those angels are they are how to engage with them and how to cooperate with them in the judicial government that will bring change to our communities and transformation so we stayed a higher ground use the courts to remove the legal rights deal with anything we are doing then stop operating on the earth then we form this arc of agreement between heaven and earth now you have something which you have authority to start dealing the atmosphere this after function is not something that can just be one person doing this it takes consistency vigilance you have to maintain government you have to maintain that agreement between heaven and therefore this is a constant position of seated in heavenly places and outworking that on earth through the establishment of a blueprint authorises you to do so let’s remember our struggle is not against flesh and blood so don’t start picking fights with people you it isn’t people that were seeing the judgement is made is against the powers that are affecting people so let’s actually deal with the spiritual forces in heavenly places we can by using the manifold wisdom of God when that these things see that we know our authority and we never manifold wisdom of God they know that their time is coming to an end and they may kick-off big-time so before the light comes at dawn is often the most dark period so when you start to deal with this expect there may be opposition that starts to manifested try and intimidate you as it tries to intimidate you trust to get you tobacco then you enter into fear and then you worship so be careful not to be intimidated because some negative things might take place in your community all very things were looking to tackle it seems to get worse before it gets better because that usually the last throw the enemy trying to put you off before he knows yes to give up so just be aware that that could happen 105 21 says through the resurrection of Jesus Christ who is at the right hand of God where we are also seated next to him having gone into heaven after angels and authorities and powers of been subjected to so that the authority to do this is through what Jesus is already done in the cross we just have to come into the authority and use it effectively to actually see the revelation of the angelic canopy start to operate the courts heaven start to work together so that we can begin to see heaven it’s like we need to arise as sons of God me to start taking our places and me to use the higher authority to deal with those dragons and giants to start in at the same time establish a beachhead on earth with the mandate of a blueprint and bring that arc of agreement then when you got heaven on earth in agreement in this area you can then begin to deal with it I wouldn’t try and deal the atmosphere without having the other two in place which is why we are not been but I am engaging with the correct principalities and powers and getting to work with them in preparation so literally is the kingdom of God area courts of counsel strategy all mobile core core of angels there’s our mountain we are a Lord we are scroll under our mountain there are other mountains are mountains of authority that we all have now there may be areas with which corporately we engage inheritance and will find that there are spiritual opposition we need to deal that spiritual opposition was can be like a battleground then we engage the everlasting is like is happening anywhere yet because were learning but it will if we take our places if we use our authority we will begin to see changes take place when we get those everlasting doors open the glory of God will be poured into the earth report into the earth the river of life. In order to the earth and ultimately will stop see that office so let’s be willing to initially engage and be seated in heavenly places know your authority as a son as a son begin to outwork that authority so that we then can begin to tackle the six now ultimately this essentially is a process don’t expect things to just change automatically it takes time to work anything through so we engage with the appointed angelic beings and we start to form a strategy and laws and legislation that enables us to rule if you don’t have the legislation you won’t know how to use the authority working cooperation in know begin to do it so literally what were doing in establishing the authority the kingdom establishing on earth and then with you deal with the so literally look like this way there’s the earth steer that we are in this the atmosphere of that surround us is a rulers principalities and powers when we start to engage God’s kingdom the kingdom of God will see that there are these everlasting doors and will start to see that there are thrones corporate thrones individual thrones now that all good but we have to do engage that realm and stay there with God maintain this connection between the atmosphere and the heavenly sphere that is the conduit for which things will come through then administrate through that when we going to see this principalities and powers begin to be pushed out until their God was happen then heaven and earth you will come together because the everlasting doors will be open and will see heaven manifested on now that ultimately I believe what were called to do do that me to arise as sons take our place and then start to rule so tomorrow you look at mandates blueprints how to develop the what you need to do on earth very practical helping you find out what your personal ones are maybe what corporate ones you may be called to be involved with such moderately much more practical outworking staff person very practical things you need to know if you establish something what is the framework the establishing if you the legal framework you will have even authority legally to do anything to do some very practical things a lot of Christians think they can just go and is good works not do them well was okay were Christians we wannabe do good works you need to do things with excellence you need to do things well you need to demonstrate to the things out there which are institutionally biased against Christians we suffered a huge amount of institutional bias when we started doing the work we were doing we were not recognised know wanted to work with us there just Christians that is when you Christian stuff so we started to say okay will we can work anyway and we can do it within a do it well we can demonstrate how we can do this now what’s does work with us we have citizens advice bureau in that building we have the local authority’s housing and that of the West we have drug services in the building we have information about this is a hard for all the activity working with our client group that we administrate and they all agree with us the local authority of commissioned us to open and much of the six months because we’ve demonstrated we have authority and that we are effective the we are cooperating and working because we’ve overcome the institutional bias because we did it well we did it in the best way we possibly could and now we recognise we are people salon national boards and homelessness for the nation working with governmental authorities because they recognise the authority that we carry because were not just doing things willy-nilly and having no effect on the no we are having a positive effect because were manifesting our blueprint on earth as it is in heaven now everyone can have the same level of all fact if you do things in the right way that does mean making sure you do things right if we didn’t do things correctly people will be looking at us and same the taking shortcuts they don’t have this procedure in place is son safe to go there but we have all the policies we need we have all the procedures legally as well as spirit and is important to know how to do those things from the legal and governance as well as the spiritual otherwise you were doing all these things in the heavens we don’t have any authority on the earth because you’ve not actually got righteous authority see if you don’t have the authority legally to do something you can do it and some people get into big trouble and they set up ministries and a setup things that they never set the right foundation for and then the Charity commission comes after because they’re not operating correctly leading said the charity and they have no trustees they don’t have any government accountability and always money is coming because they’re asking for money from the public it all comes in and then soul is asking energy use that light will well we just used the good and then they say always your accounts are well within window world that is not going to bring glory to God or create the right environment for us to work with the existing authorities to demonstrate what we can do when God’s kingdom as it worked to see people set free and administrate so tomorrow learn all that so 9 o’clock I’m here for any more questions are we going to anything we Wanna do and and then will move in the other room will do some more things tomorrow so can I you open the night watching new engage and have a good time when you sleep and I’ll see you tomorrow and will look to go to the next

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