Sons arise 2-1

We have an Open heaven for a manifestation of God’s glory. We invite in heaven’s representatives. Engagement with 4 faces of God – Lion, Ox, Eagle, Man. Engage the 4 angels of transition. Transformation, Winds of Change, Sound of Many Waters, Refiners fire. 7 spirits of God are here to affirm our sonship identity. Flags are set out for us to engage.

Engage in the Earth, physical realm, but in the spiritual atmosphere of an open heaven. Engage in our spirit and hearts spiritual dimension. Engage in the Heavenly realms Eden, Father’s Garden, and tabernacle. Engage God’s heart in eternity outside of time and space.

We can engage the Father in the heavenly dimensions because the veil is torn. Eden, God’s heavenly garden, engaging with the river of life, waterfalls, tree of life, throne of grace, judgment seat. Father’s garden the deepest place of rest and intimacy and connection to creation. Fire stones of God’s Garden. The throne room where we can cast our crowns before Him.

The holy of holies where we can engage the 4 faces of God Lion, Ox, Eagle, Man – YHVH . Here we stand in the what is within the name of God YHVH. Here we stand and engage the government of God. Priest, King, Oracle, Legislator.

We can engage the Father in the various courts of heaven . Sod of God – Court of the Lord . We can re-engage with our scroll and our destiny and access the timeline of our lives to discover our origins within the Father.

Access the Father on the ancient paths. The way of life, the eternal circle of what was was, what is and walk out what will be . Access the eternal heart of God via pool of God’s delights, access the eternal covenant within His name.

Ecc 3:10 I have seen the task which God has given the sons of men with which to occupy themselves. 11 He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart.

Engage God in His eternal heart and mind listen to His eternal conversation. Engage the now of God within the circle of the dance of His love relationship. Engage His eternal desire for you as a son . Engage the vast sum of His thoughts about you.

Do we believe the vast sum of God’s thoughts about us as His sons or are we believing the lies of an orphan spirit?  We need transformation by the renewing of our minds to change us to enable us agree with and believe what God believes about us.

I am not offering you a short cut or a quick fix of sonship. As a forerunner I am offering you the doorway of opportunity where you can access the pathways to discover the possibilities of deeper intimacy in relationship and responsibility. You must develop this kick start into your own lifestyle and relationship by pursuing the desire.

Esther is one of the cloud of witnesses. Esther 4:14 And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?”  Esther 4:14 Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”  The sons of God are called for this time to mature and engage in kingship.

Esther came and visited us a few weeks ago to remind us that we are all called for a time such as this. We are all significant in God’s heart and desires for restoration of all things. I sought Esther out and talked with her in heaven this is what she said:

“I was unprepared despite all the attention of the court it was not until I was placed in the position to step out into my destiny in God that I truly discovered who I was within God’s kingdom and what I was capable of”

“No one will ever be ready until they are in the position that will test their hearts and motives and the levels of trust they will need.  Allowing people to try, fail and try again is what God has done with you so release the same grace to others.”

“I did not see the process as something to be desired, wanted or even thought as being good. The outcome was not what I was expecting. Many people don’t recognize their own destiny until they are in the midst of it.”

Following this conversation the Father said:  Son use the environment of the Sons Arises conferences and intensives to accelerate the processes of My children being prepared for their sonship positions.

Let Me call people beyond their present expectations and take them out of the comfort of their boats into unchartered waters where they will learn to swim without aids.  I will stretch My children beyond if you will provide the environment where they are safe to explore.

Esther went through a process of purification to prepare her to engage the king. Jesus has already made us righteous therefore worthy to access the King. Do we believe we are worthy, or do we believe the lies that make us less than?

I sense Esther is observing this gathering. I sense she is invested in all of us accepting our callings and destiny as sons within God’s kingdom. Be free and open to engage her if she shows up and you feel led.

Legislation for the Depth of the Father’s Heart. You are authorized to release a new wave of intimacy. You are authorized to call for deep calls to deep.  You are authorized to rip open the hearts of men with the power of love.

You are authorized to call to orphans to come home into the adoption of sonship. You are authorized to call for the removal of masks that hide the orphan spirit.

You are authorized to call for open heart surgery to remove the hardness of damaged hearts . You are authorized to undo the yokes and remove the heavy burdens of the slavery mentality. You are authorized to release the love of the Father to broken hearts.

You are authorized to pour out the balm of the Father’s heart to heal brokenness. You are authorized to administrate the eternal love of God to call My children back to their eternal identity as sons of light.

Are you willing to get on the altar and ask God to do open heart surgery on your soul?  Are you willing to let the love of God, like healing balm, be administered to any brokenness in your hearts?

Isa 6:4 And the foundations of the thresholds trembled at the voice of him who called out, while the temple was filling with smoke. 5 Then I said, “Woe is me, for I am ruined! because I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips; 6 Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a burning coal in his hand, which he had taken from the altar with tongs. 7 He touched my mouth with it and said, “Behold, this has touched your lips; and your iniquity is taken away and your sin is forgiven.”

Fix your thoughts on the altar of Isa 6. Let that form in your imagination. By faith step through that doorway of an open heaven. Ask Jesus to take you to the altar in the temple. Lay and on the altar and ask the Father to reveal any hard, stony, broken, fragmented, damaged areas in your heart.

Choose to open your heart to His love. Ask the Father to perform open heart surgery on you to remove the hard, stony and damaged areas of your heart. Let the Father’s love, as oil and balm, be poured into your open heart to heal you and restore your heart in love-bring wholeness.

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