Sons arise 4-1

Heb 4:16 Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. That means that we have all the resources of heaven available to us just like Jesus, God’s son

River of life Waterfalls, Father’s Garden, The Tree of Life, The Throne of Grace. As we step into Eden, ask the Father or Jesus to engage some of the amazing wonders of Eden.

Close your eyes and think of that door in your spirit, let that door form in your imagination. By faith reach out to the handle and open the first love door.

Welcome The Father’s presence into your spirit. Allow your whole being, spirit, soul and body engage Him in a loving embrace. Let the Father lead you back through the door into Eden.

Sonship is not just about having a restored soul and becoming whole as wonderful as that is. Sonship is about being in the Father and the Father being in us. Sonship is about being positioned in the Father so He can position us as His express image into creation.

Sonship is about being positioned, seated, enthroned in heaven so our governmental position is manifested through our lives. Sonship is about being a gateway for the Father to touch the earth. Sonship is about being a gateway for the Father to touch others.

The Joshua Generation are those who have embraced their inheritance and birthright as sons of God. We cannot be sons without a relationship with our Father We cannot have a relationship with our Father without a relationship with Jesus The Way, The Truth and The Life.

Sonship is about being part of a family in relationship with the Father and each other Sonship is about being about our Father’s business Sonship is about being involved in the restoration of all things back to God’s original desire and design

We are called as sons to be part of the Joshua Generation Who are the Joshua Generation? Those who are forerunners of heavenly intimacy who have spied out the land or relational promise beyond the veil Those who have been wooed by the Father into restored sonship The Joshua Generation are called to experience the precepts, character and nature of God Himself To experience the reality of the very essence of who God truly is LOVE

Live loved, love living, live loving

Compare with the Moses generation Joshua and Caleb operated according to a different spirit from Moses Moses generation are mediatorial representing people before God and telling people what God said Moses generation provides an earthly priesthood covering

Moses generation has a hierarchical governmental structure Moses generation resist change Moses generation lack true sonship identity Moses generation often have a one man ministry focus

The Joshua Generation are those who have embraced their inheritance and birthright as sons of God We cannot be sons without a relationship with our Father We cannot have a relationship with our Father without a relationship with Jesus The Way, The Truth and The Life.

A relationship with our Father releases us from slavery into sonship Transfiguration, transformation or metamorphosis is a process that restores our identity as sons of God and brings us into maturity Sonship brings a responsibility to rule and to bring dominion

The Joshua Generation are sons who have been through the wilderness years of preparation Those who have spied out the promised land beyond the heavenly veil Those who have hear and responded to the call to enter within the veil to take up their positions as a royal priesthood

Those willing to be mentors for the next generation, the harvest of harvesters, to help them to come into their supernatural heavenly inheritance as sons of God Those willing to establish the storehouses as embassies of heaven on the earth ready for the harvest.

God’s plan is for 3 generations to work in unity to establish His government Three generations like – Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Moses and Joshua generations should have come into agreement Moses generation failed to transition but can still leave the wilderness now

Joshua generation needs to rise up to be ready to equip the next generation Generation of supernatural labourers for the harvest Those two generations will reach out to the third generation Jesus generation those who will prepare for Jesus ushering in the ages to come

It is important to learn the lessons from the Moses generation: 1 Cor 10:11 Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come’. We need to learn the lessons from the past and not make the same mistakes

God showed them their inheritance of the Promised Land They refused to go in so they stayed operating in the wilderness The place they had become familiar accustomed to living was a place of immaturity Moses was the mediator and miracle worker

God has been calling from heaven to His children Releasing a sound a vibrational frequency that carries a message The spirits of God’s children are beginning to resonate with that sound, crying “there must be more than this!!”

40 years ago a prophet released a sound out of heaven 8/8/1975 Prophecy of a billion soul harvest It was call to raise up a Joshua Generation of supernatural mentors It was a call to spy out our supernatural inheritance beyond the veil It was a call to be ready to mentor the coming harvest of harvesters

Last 40 years we have seen an increase in the Holy Spirit being experienced through dreams, visions ecstatic encounters. Why? Wake up call arise from your sleep “Wake up, Neo, the matrix has you!!” Arise shine as stars restored to heavenly governmental authority.

2012 I prophesied a 3 year period of preparation was beginning 8th August 2015 was the end of 40 years of the Moses generation It marked the beginning of a new governmental order Joshua Generation living according to the order of Melchizedek Heavenly order of a royal priesthood    Arthur Burk – End of the ruler and beginning of the priest 2012 marks the call from heaven deep calling to deep 2012 Mark Virkler released a book When Heaven Touches Earth Book was the normalisation of heavenly and angelic encounters 95 leaders sign and declare new era – heaven is open – as a prophetic act   Ian Clayton stated the end of the apostolic or 5 fold ministry orders government on December 20th 2012 Reformation of the “church” into the Ekklesia of God Gathered around her blueprint of dominion in her true position of heavenly and earthly authority    2015 8/8 40 years anniversary of the billion fold harvest prophecy Bob Jones in 1975 – 888 triple new beginnings End of the old Moses Generation order and beginning of the Joshua Generation governmentally Removal of the 5 fold earthly government and the beginning of the new heavenly order of Melchizedek  

Matt 21:43 Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people, producing the fruit of it. God has removed kingdom government from the old order God is calling His people out of the wilderness to cross over into their inheritance as sons in the new order

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