Sons invested and enthroned 1

One of the things, God is really impressed on us is the need for people around here to find their place, in the economy of God, the purposes of God, the kingdom of God, to find their sonship.

Sons arise is the cry from the father’s heart to unveil, revea,l release his children into their full and glorious identity and inheritance as mature sons of God, the elohim god like ones. Elohim can be translated angel, but actually it also can be translated God. And as sons of God, we are like God. We are supposed to be anyway. We are getting there, on track somewhere towards that. A few years ago, I saw a vision, out in in the solar system looking at the earth. And I saw a picture of these lights all connecting all over the world and I found this picture which expressed that and what God was showing me was- he wants to connect people, interact with people, help people find their places in the heavenly realms, so they can find out where their seated there in God.

So, we look to gather people together relationally with us and with each other, so we can impart revelation which isn’t just information. I can give you lots of information. but the way it becomes revelation is for you to experience it directly from God yourself. So that’s why we do activation and encounters and various things to help us engage that. When we’re engaging those things, don’t strive, just relax. If you see something that’s great, if you perceive something that’s great, if you don’t see anything that you understand, that is also great. Because your spirit understands a lot more than your soul and eventually it catches up. It is like the digestive system you eat food, and you absorb nutrients in your mouth and stomach and intestines and eventually there’s nothing much left to absorb. And so, it is the same with the spirit. sometimes you get something immediately and you just know what it is that God is wanting to show you. But other times, it takes time for that to be released. And it is okay.

I think people try and strive to see something as a vision or heavenly experience. Sometimes the striving actually makes it harder to actually experience. So, it is best just to rest and relax and go with what you go with. And if you see something or if you encounter something, if you just know something, the main thing is God wants to communicate to you in a way that will transform you and draw you nearer to him relationally and release you into your destiny. And for that it takes time. All of these things, exercises that we do to help people to see are just a means to an end. They are not the end in itself. The desire is that we all have an intimate relationship God in which we would know him, and then we would know ourselves and then we would be able to from that identity to be able to do the things that God has destined us to do. Lots of good works that he has prepared beforehand. We just need to walk in them. But if you don’t know who you are it is hard to do that, particularly when it comes to sonship. Because sonship needs a relationship with the father. So, we want this time to be a time where it can be a little oasis from your normal everyday life in which you can find some time and space to engage God in intimacy and move forward in your journey towards your destiny and whatever it is God calling to.

The first engaging God was engaging intimacy with the father to reveal our sonship. And we did a lot of activations and exercises about engaging the father who could speak to us, unveil our identity, reveal things, take us back into where we were before we were here. Because we were established in eternity before we ever came into time and space. Our spirit actually can reconnect with that.  So, we did a lot of activations around that. So, our relationship with the father is worked out in many different dimensions. There is the physical dimension here in which we can experience God like Jesus did, heaven was open, and the father spoke down and affirmed him.

But we can also engage the father within, in our soul and in our spirit in the realms of heaven and also in the eternal realm outside of time and space. All those places are possible to engage, you just have to learn how to do it. It isn’t so much as a mystical thing that you can’t learn it. I think there are a lot of involuntary experiences that just happened to us, particularly if there is an intense time of worship. Sometimes they can be quite intense experiences. Often in corporate experiences when we work together with other people. But actually, we need to be able to live every day in a supernatural way and live from a heavenly perspective every day, so we have to learn how. Hebrews talks about training our senses to discern by practicing. So, a lot of the initial stages of learning how to engage heaven, learning how to activate things, your imagination, to be able to see things, see the angelic realm, engage with angels, takes practice to develop those senses. We didn’t learn to hear and see things in this natural realm in an immediate way. It was over time. No one had language when they first came out of the womb. That ability developed over time. It is the same with God. We learn to hear his voice. we learn to recognize the father speaking to us or Jesus or the Holy Spirit. That relationship develops in that we become more sensitive to it. So, it is okay to learn. I think some people particularly in the last 20, 30 years in charismatic circles believe we’ll someone is going to lay hands on you and your just get it. You won’t get this just by the laying of hands on you. You may have an experience by having hands laid on you. You may get a vision; you may even go into a trance and experience something amazing. But you have to be able to do that when someone is not laying hands on you. That’s just an inspiration to then pursue it ourselves and that does take time to develop, we have to develop the senses to listen. Because we all took time to learn to interpret the world around us. And it’s the same with the spiritual world. This room is filled with things you can’t see with your natural eyes. Some of those things are just technical things like radio waves, various waves of electromagnetic energy ultraviolet infrared. Different things, all sorts of different ways that you can’t really see with your natural eyes, but they can be detected. But there are also things which operate in wavelengths outside of your natural eyes, which are also here in the spiritual realm.

So, there is angels here, we invite angels to come and minister to us because they are ministering spirits. so there are angels that God has particularly assigned to us,  as a church, has assigned to us to help us in the transition period of coming into sonship. there is four angels that

 we interact with their one is called transformation , winds of change, sound of many waters and the other refiner’s fire and they are always available here and they are orders of angels not just individual angels. so if you really want to engage with those angels you can invite them to go engage with you and they will I left. I leave them wherever I go all over the world. because it’s like a they come with me and and I say if you want to engage with them and invite them to be with you then they will. but learning how to engage the angelic realm is not something that normally your taught to do so we have to learn how to do it. I didn’t know how to do it until I started practising  and I found it by accident really just messing around. looking how do I see things  and eventually all of a sudden what is all this. you can learn to discern a flow of information that comes out of the spiritual realm because it’s the same sort of information that comes out of the natural realm it is electrical impulses  which your brain interprets .that’s how you see that’s how you hear. That’s how you feel that’s how you taste that is how you smell.  It is all turned into information which travels to the brain and is interpreted. the same actual information also comes from the spiritual realm. we just have to learn to tune into it and it tuning into it we will begin to learn how to perceive what it is we are tuning into. because the actual information that flows gets received by us because we are amplifier of different frequencies. our body amplifies because it is mostly water and our nervous system picks up information. and that information we learn to discern. so if I choose to engage that realm.  this  evening we will look to really do that and tomorrow evening will look to engage certain angels and certain thing so that you can practice doing it. but actually in this room right now I can look and see what’s here. so if I choose to do that I can see the angels that are around you. I can see the angels that are hear, because I have invited them here. I can see portals and things that open because I learned how. It wasn’t  a gift that I was given specially.  I practised until I could see. so if I can do it anyone can do it. because when I started I could not see anything  because I come from a very logical scientific background. that really wasn’t in tune with anything other than logic. so I was very left brained and logical.

 God drew me and called me to engage him and he’s pretty much invisible. So you have to learn how to perceive and engage him whichever way you do it. Whether you sense his presence or you feel love or you feel peace you have to do that. something happens inside of us so that we can tune into that, but you can  just take that step further so you can really engage in the supernatural realm actively. when you then go into the heavenly realms it’s no different than the spiritual realm here, it’s just a realm. and the information that comes there is just information that we can see, perceive, whichever way we find that works for us. some people are feelers. some people are seers. some people hearers. some people are knowers.  and you can develop all those actual things by practice. I started off with none of them and then I started to learn to hear and then I learned to hear God’s voice. and in the hearing his voice I was able to then converse with him in conversation. then he opened my eyes because I then began to see something .and then I practice seeing until I could see things in the Bible and then see things in general. and then he took me into the realms of heaven and that was a real shock. Because I never expected that. I was sat at my desk before we redid the building here, it was quite near where this room is . I sat at my desk and was Monday evening, every one had gone home and I just wanted  to wait because we had a prophetic workshop in the evening and I found a whole portal opened up in my desk and I got sucked through it. I had no idea that  was going to happen, I didn’t know how it happened it was an amazing thing because I was in heaven experiencing lots of different things and then I came back an hour or so later and it was just like wow and I recorded everything and journeled everything that happened and then the next I sat at my desk , where is the portal, how does that portal  open. How do I get that portal to open?  And I couldn’t, i  tried everything. everything I knew to do and everything I didn’t know I googled how you go into heaven. and I found workshops you could do and  glory school manuals and everything. none of it worked. but eventually God called me back into that and then he showed me how I could then do that all the time. because he taught me how to engage my imagination the screen in my mind to tune into what I was seeing, what I was perceiving and then choose to do it. just step into it. So it goes beyond in voluntary encounters that just happen to a lifestyle in which you live that way. now I have to turn it on and off in terms of seeing in that realm here. because it gets really distracting when  angels are all round all the time . so I’ve learned to tune it in and out. and most the time I don’t really do that unless I go somewhere I Wanna see what the atmosphere is like or i go into a place and I want to pick up anything I need to know, understand then I will engage . but most of the time I’m not. living in the realms of heaven and engaging in the realms of heaven it sounds really mystical but actually it really isn’t. it really is just what we were designed to do. we were designed to live in that realm. we are a spirit, so we were designed to live there so it’s not something which is all spooky and and sort of mystical. a mystic is really just someone who has intimacy with God. it sounds a little bit odd if you come from an evangelical background particularly but it really isn’t.

Does god want us to hear his voice? does God wants to do engage with him. yes he does. we just have to learn how to really tune into that. so when we learn how to do that we then take the relational perspective that we enter into with God and then he takes us into governmental things. now again you don’t really hear people talk about government in most churches. Those are  things that the government does. but actually the kingdom of God is God is King and he has a whole government operating to ensure that his will and purpose’s in heaven are outworked on earth. He has chosen to do that through us. so he has got to be very patient for that to come about. because it takes quite a long time to get into that stuff . but the reality is our sonship and when we’re talking about sons arise it’s about arising to the place where we are seated in heavenlies. Ephesians 2:6 tells us that’s where were seated in Christ. but most people know that verse but don’t really know how to activate that or live in that it is theoretical for a lot of people. actually it can become very practical and we can actually learn to see where were we are seated in heaven and those seated positions are positions of authority. because that’s what a king does when he sits on a throne he rules and so all of us are called to rule in God’s kingdom under his rulership but in our sonship we have great capacity to do amazing things. most of us never really realise what they were so we been pretty limited in what our Christian life has been compared to what God really intends. so when we engage in a governmental perspective we also can engage in this physical realm within our spirit and soul and within heaven and within outside of the different dimensions of heaven has including the dimension of being where God is outside of time and space in the now. eternal is the only sort of word that sort of sums it up but it’s not really a very accurate word but it really sort of expresses that God is outside of time and space but he also operates within time and space and you can interact with him in both places. and one day I will do a whole thing on the science of that to show you that is a very scientific fact that you can be both, as God being light he is now but also he engages that’s a wave but as a particle it can actually engage in a physical moment. so it says he can be surprised and he also knows everything. that doesn’t make any sense until you actually see it does from a scientific perspective. but it also does when you have been there yourself to engage that yourself. probably about 10 years ago God spoke to me about these four words investiture succession enthronement and coronation and I knew they were really important things but I didn’t really have any idea what it meant other than what it meant in the natural. I know that our Queen went through that process I know that Prince Charles has been invested but there’s been no succession yet. some people hope there never is. unless the Queen dies or advocates he will never be king. so a succession needs to take place before an enthronement. And the enthronement is a private thing that actually is when someone actually becomes king. the Coronation is just the public recognition. and so I heard these words and I treasured them in my heart but I didn’t really understand what they meant in a spiritual sense until. when I first started to engage in heavenly things thrones and positions of government and things like that were what I saw. I saw a lot of those things and so God reminded me of this process. Prince Charles was invested in Caernarvon Castle when he was 21 to be Prince of Wales and officially then he would be the king. obviously if the Queen died before he was 21 when he would still be the king. but the investiture prepared him if you like. and then there’s a succession and then there will be an enthronement and a coronation and we will look at some of those things during this time to help us get a better handle on what that is and how we relate to that and how we know what we’ve been invested to be. our sonship what does that mean ?how do we get enthroned? there is a process and we can be enthroned by God seated in that not just theoretically but actually practically. and then there can be a Coronation which is what  earth recognises what’s in heaven. and we need the first three eventually  for God, it  says in Romans 8:2 essentially reveal the sons of God to the earth so that creation itself will see our sonship. and will see the light that we carry and the expression of our sonship in God creation will respond to that. but we need the first ones before we get to that point. and so they’re all royalty terms and and it really describes the process of maturing into who we already are from God’s perspective. he already knows who we are and he has already invested us but most people haven’t gone through the succession process of what that means so that they can be enthroned. and hopefully over this point in time everyone will be able to engage that at some level. and so really what it’s about is agreeing with who he says we are and with what he says about us. and that’s really important because that’s what the word repentance actually means. having a radical change of thinking to agree with God. so when God says your a son that you are an overcomer, that you have authority over this this and this, and your thinking that does not sound like me. you really have to agree with him if you gonna come into it. because the agreement when two agree opens up the avenue for it to manifest. if one agrees it does not manifest. so we always have to agree with God and he wants to bring us into that agreement in a much more real way. he wants us to really know the truth of who we are and therefore the positions of authority that he has given us and the roles that we have both in heaven and on earth and our part to play in the overall restoring everything back to what God’s desire is for us. so what we are going to do you during the time together is really look at who we really already are what we’ve been invested by God to be in sonship, by the father so we can experience that. theory is no good when it comes to anything. because our sonship depends on experience not information. revelation comes from experience. and knowing something from a biblical perspective of what the word’s mean in Hebrew and greek actually means to experience by encounter. if you haven’t actually met somebody you don’t know them. even though you can know lots of things about them and read their autobiography and you know all sorts of information but you can’t really say that you know them until you do by meeting them. that’s what God wants us to do with everything to have an experience that we can say I have testimony of that in my own life. and from that testimony everything will flow .

What God wants to do is obviously show us in principle that this is true for all his children but then speak to us individually and show us what does that look like for each individual. so, each individual here is a son of God whether your male-female is a generic term which really indicates a position of authority in God, in the kingdom. and each person within that role has specific things that they are called to do, created to be. because everyone’s created uniquely and God has given people different responsibilities roles different things to do, he has given us different personalities different redemptive gifts. so that only you can do what your destiny is. no one else can do it. That is why it is so important for us to embrace it because he’s chosen us before the foundation of the world he’s chosen us for this role. He has been waiting a long time for you to come into this place from our perspective from his it’s all now. but in reality we have been chosen. He did not chose you to come into this world in the year dot. he chose you to come into this world in this last whatever. but the reality is were all called and we are all called to the kingdom for a time such as this. I engaged Esther a while ago a few times she turned up and I was talking to her and she was trying to impress on me the importance that people knew that they were called for a time such as this. they were called to the kingdom. they were called to royalty they were called to know where they are  seated in heaven for this time. because this is the time that we can effectively outwork what we are called to do. you can’t get back what you didn’t do yesterday. you can do things in time but we need to be looking at what are we called to do today. and essentially we need to live one day time. some people I want to know what my scroll is. I want to see everything. if you did you would just try and figure it all out. and probably do it all in your own strength and make a mess. so you really only need to know what you need to do day-to-day. and if there’s something you need to have a little bit more insight into he will give you that revelation. God spoke to me beginning of the year he said in two years time there is going to be a shift. Okay then I went back to him and said what do  I need to know then. If there is gonna be a shift do I need to do anything? is it just going to happen? are you preparing me? do I need to do anything? When god says something he open a door for me to find out. otherwise he would not have said it. if I’m not bothered then , okay it will happen or it won’t. I am bothered. If he said something like that, I  want to take it seriously .so I started to think about it and then I started to engage God about it. And  he didn’t say anything particularly. but eventually he gave me some insight of what I needed to do to be ready and then what I needed to do after two years. so now I have a two-year thing , a year and a half now because we are half way through this year  in which I need to be out working whatever God is doing to be able to ready for two years  time and then whatever I do in two years time and then God then as I continued. He said once you’ve established this and you been willing to do what I’m asking you to do then here’s the next three years. so I got  a five-year plan. well its God’s plan and I’m not try to work it out. I just outwork it a day at a time because I don’t need to know what I’m supposed to be doing in that plan next week. because I’ve got enough to do this I’m I’m relaxed I am in a place of rest it’s so important that whatever we do with our destiny were in rest. because if were striving to fulfill it we will end up trying to do it our own way rather than walking it out with him in relationship. because Adam and Eve walked together with him in the garden. it was a relational thing God does not want to give some instructions and then send us off on our own to do it. he is with us in the journey and in the process and that’s why the relationship is so important to everything that we are doing.

So to be enthroned in heaven there needs to be a succession in our life and that means an abdication of the rule of our own life. to hand over the rule to God. sounds easy, Jesus you are lord of everything and then he points out over the next five years all the things is not Lord of. and then you got a choice whether you make him Lord or wehter you hold on to it. It is not a foregone conclusion we have a choice. I don’t think anyone’s really got free will. because were influenced by something. something is influencing us. either our upbringing or our parents or our genetics or God or whatever .something is influences us, but we do have choice. And it is what we do to choose to go along with what God is wanting us to do rather than perhaps what other people Wanna do or even what we might want to do instinctively ourselves. and that’s the point where enthronement can take place when we are willing to let go and enable him to direct us. because otherwise we could be enthroned in heaven and we can be doing all  sorts of things in our own strength which would not be very helpful for anybody, let alone ourselves. so it really is important that we follow through the process to mature. you don’t give a baby a weapon because it would be harmful for the baby and for anyone else around. so you give mature people mature things to do and he is wanting to mature all of us in sonship. so that we can actually be involved in in the things of heaven be involved in the decision-making and the councils and the assemblies of heaven. and lots of other things that goes on there we are supposed to have a role in that. We’ll no one ever told me that. I thought God did all the heavenly bits and he would tell me what he wanted to meet do on earth. but then I discovered by him inviting me to go there. That  actually I had a part to play in the things in heaven in establishing things there ,so that the kingdom could come on earth as it is in heaven. and I discovered as a lot of people are doing we get to be involved in the as it is in heaven. were not just subject to fate. but were born under the star sign of something and it just all works out. in reality it don’t work that way, we are involved or we can be involved in that process. and the more we are involved the more responsibility we have for the outworking of that in God’s kingdom. so we need the death or abdication of the old king or queen to occur before there is an enthronement and that means for all of us going through a process of being willing to surrender. we’ve already died in one sense because were already crucified with Christ . we died with him we were buried with him in baptism we were raised with him in new life so we live a resurrected life but as a man thinks in his heart so is he so what do we think? do we really believe that or not ? so it’s not so much as I need to die because we are already dead. But I need to embrace what that really means by choice and surrender. surrender I think for me is the best word to describe what I had to do. to come into the place where God began to trust me with heavenly things. before that he could only trust me up to a point and the whole of the last intensive we did was engaging the dark cloud which was about coming to that place where we surrender and yeild to him so that then he can embrace us and bring us into a new level of relationship and authority. so our identity will only be revealed fully when we abdicate. that’s the succession that comes on and and our enthronement will only take place after we have done that.yes we can all go into heaven and yes there is a throne yes you could in a sense be seated, but the level of authority you get is really proportional to that level of surrender that you have entered into. we enter heaven as  living sacrifice’s. and the high priest prepares the sacrifice we just have to surrender to him.  very easy to say not as easy to go through. so the whole intensive we did was engaging the dark cloud, it  was a lot of experience about how to engage that, so eventually our soul and spirit can be separated, reintegrated connected living in heaven and on earth at the same time. that’s the goal. the next intensive is called living in dual realms .so it’s about how you actually live here and live there at the same time quantumly entangled  and flow from there to here all the time .  that is what god intends us to do. but all the rest of it builds up to that. so I spent two years going in and out of heaven every day learning how to rule there to a degree. learning what mountains were, learning what courts were, being shown taught tutored into it. and then God said right- now it is time you surrender . he didn’t say that as straight as that he tricked me into it. As he often does. and I ended up going through a four-month process where it really brought me to that point where I did surrender. I surrendered the soul’s right to any rule in my life. And then my soul and spirit were separated reintegrated. and from that point on, my spirit has been in that realm of heaven all the time. and I learned to connect with that realm and flow from that realm all the time. Time is a sort of generic term there because it operates in a different way. but ultimately, we can live simultaneously from that place to bring heaven into the earth through our lives flowing from that realm. and be ruling in that realm continually even if you’re not always aware of it.

God took me through the process of surrender, it was a difficult process because I think a forerunner who goes through things in a sense goes through extremes to make it easier for others. it is never gonna be easy because the soul has been ruling for most of our lives. so it’s not like an easy thing of clicking your fingers and everything is changed. it is gonna be a genuine surrender and therefore genuinely have to know what the consequences are the cost. you have to be willing for the cost. and the cost for me was okay I  am dead to everything. if nothing ever happens ever it will not bother me anymore.

god is in the process with you. but he can’t make you surrender. You have to choose and I think we can be proactive about it and I think we can be more proactive about it, if we know about it. which is why I share about it because then people have a choice. Yes I want to pursue that. I want to ask God to take me into that place where I will be able to surrender I will then learn how to be in two realms at same time. and I will learn how to be in heaven and govern from heaven and outwork that in my life on the earth. and at this point in time were all learning, in a transition between what we been used to an old way of doing things into what God wants to bring us into a new way of doing things. and there is a transition period where old things stop working and new things begin to emerge until you get to the point where. We’ll this isn’t working any more. I am either gonna keep flogging this hard to try make it work or I give up and I find a new way. and I think that’s what God really is looking for from us to just get to that point where it is like okay  I give up doing this my own way, so show me your way. and that will be different for everybody because  we are all different and we all got different journeys and different points on our journey. We all start from different places, no one is gonna be exactly the same but the principle is the same. my soul needs to surrender whatever that looks like that’s what the end result is and when that happens my soul and spirit are separated from the control the soul has on the spirit, so then it can be reconnected to flow from the inside out not the outside in. because everything really we’ve engaged in our live has come from the outside in. all the information that we have received, everything we’ve heard, all that we  see all our experiences are external and they come into us and they shape our life . and what we believe and what we see and what we think. but then when God comes in- reveals himself in us and we open ourselves to that and we embrace it and we learn to engage with him within our spirit within our soul and he begins to expand and he begins to take the more active role because we’ve invited him to everyday. then we begin to see the process of things flowing the other way. and because were connected to heaven because his kingdom is in us he dwells in us heaven is in us but it’s more like there’s a wormhole that connects to heaven  if you like in us. that we can actually go through spiritually and engage because our soul and spirit is not physical it’s spiritual. so it is designed to engage in the spiritual realm. It is designed to engage with spiritual material. But it is a process and I think  you can encourage the process by pursuing it by faith you cannot make it happen you have to just be desiring. and  if you desire then the desire will begin to be outworked and eventually that will work, but for some people that might be really quite a quick process. I was talking to someone last week who was on the intensive and she said I’m still in the dark cloud. I can’t see anything , I am not hearing anything. I said have you surrendered. It is not easy is it. it is not easy to surrender is it.  I did tell you that, but I also said what is the point of hanging on. but actually you just don’t know what the control of your soul has got. The soul wrestles against the spirit, the flesh all that stuff and it goes on. and I think the reality when I really realised what that was doing I was at the end of my tether. I go come to the end of my rope so I gave in. it took me six weeks of fighting with God to do that. and it was a real struggle but once I gave up then things began to change and eventually the whole process sort of separated and I went through it. so essentially what that is, is to free the tethering of our soul to the physical realm, so we won’t need to just step in and out of heaven all the time . that was what people started to learn to do, was step in, engage heaven, step back out. God never wants you really to step back out in the spirit. your soul can interact with that realm just by switching consciousness. so right now my spirit is in the realm of heaven now and my spirit is ruling in heaven, it is in various places in heaven and that is flowing through me here. and if I choose to think what am I doing, all i have to do is think about where I am and I can tell you where I am and what I am doing. And  I’m still here, I am still aware of here, but I have just learned to actually consciously engage, so that I can share that with others. mostly I don’t need to consciously engage I just receive. And I am a channel of that and my soul is very happy to be in agreement with that where it wasn’t before. before my soul needed to know what I was doing and needed to be in control of what I was doing because then I was safe. because I thought I trusted God until he showed me that i trusted him when I knew what he was doing. when I didn’t know what he was doing, trust was not so much there. so that was me and that’s what I had to surrender. so I surrendered I don’t need to know I trust you whether I know or not. Now i seriously had to do that, it wasn’t a superficial thing. it was a genuine thing that I went through that process over four months that brought me to the point  where I actually became untethered. and my soul was no longer keeping me earth bound. so my soul could go into the realms of heaven and i do all the time, every day I engage there and do things with God, all sorts of things in that realm consciously. most of the time it’s not conscious of my soul but my spirit has consciousness. so I’m I’m fully aware and I remember everything that I do in the realms of heaven. that becomes conscious if I need to know. and sometimes people talk to me about meeting me in heaven and having a conversation. And I am sort of like, do I remember that. sometimes yes, and sometimes  it’s like i have no idea what you’re on about. but ok what did I say. so we have a conversation , ok I am sure I said that. But that gives you a greater capacity to to actually be a son of God when you can be in multiple places at the same time.

 and that ultimately means we can be different parts of the world at the same time ministering in the spirit even though you are someone else. so will practice doing that at some stage to see where God can take you in time and space and use you to me engage with people and minister to people. because your spirit can manifest physically just like an angel does. an angel is a spiritual being that can physically manifest. you are spiritual being and you can physically manifest in other parts of the world even though you might not be there physical. And I have engaged with people lots of times and ministered to people and done things all over the world because I’m available. I love being in times were I am not responsible for anything. like worship time, ok  great I am available . is there an adventure we can go on, is there something you want us to do. all that becomes possible when you really begin to embrace actually living in that realm and knowing that you have authority in that realm. and we are called, it is our destiny to live in that realm. but not just in that realm but this one also. because we have a responsibility to see heaven manifested on earth and we are the gateway of that into the earth. so the goal of this conference really is for each of you to discover your governmental position in the realms of heaven and be enthroned and then learn to rule and legislate as a son and we will cover some of about that material and hopefully do some exercises engagements that will open that realm up for you and begin your journey to do it during this time and because were all at different stages and I’ve no idea most of you what you’re capable of doing or not capable of doing. we sort of not advertise this is a basic level conference but I know some people are at different stages but hopefully everyone will be inspired at least to take some forward steps towards the goal of being able to be enthroned in heaven and start to learn how to rule there to see things change here. because once you get this, things that you used to do here to get things to work, won’t work any more. But when you’re in ignorance there is a lot of grace. when you not ignorant any more there is not so much grace. because actually you have now the responsibility to outwork what you know. hopefully you are here because you want to learn how to do these things or learn to grow more into these things depending on where you are on your journey yourself. the father shared some things with me when I engage with him at this sort of time, we had some conversations. I will share some things he said. Son  I’ve been calling to my children to come and take their places in heaven find their heavenly roles to bring heaven to earth through their lives. this gathering will be a further opportunity for a deeper revelation of identity position and authority. all my children have a destiny that involves their inheritance and birthright so that they can all be mature sons of God revealed out of heaven into the earth. I have been releasing the sound, a sound that is designed to connect to the deep desire that is within all my children for relationship and responsibility. built into us there are desires that god has place there. they may be covered with all sorts of stuff which obscure that desire, but deep down God wants to reach what is placed in us and bring it out therefore we have his deep calling to deep. and  that’s what God really is doing. he is calling to get beyond the surface level of our lives to get  deep within what’s at the core of our being and unveil it to us. and there will be relationship and responsibility which is there in our destiny as sons. I will intensify the sound and frequency during this times so encourage all people to be open sensitive spiritually to resonate with that sound. What I think he means by sensitive spiritually is- don’t try and figure it all out. just receive it encounter it and let it happen and then it will begin to outwork going forward. when we try and get it all figured out in all things we just stop the flow. so what I would encourage you to do, is just experience what there is whether you see it or hear it or whatever, just go with it and then allow that to begin to be released into your life and  to begin to change and transform you. Sam is  one of our engaging God administrators and is a musician has composed some music and he his particular composed some music for this conference to accompany the sound that God has released. and we are going to use that in some of the activations. when we use that I would encourage you just let the sound of the music because it’s just instrumental music connect with, use that to connect with the sound that God is releasing out of heaven and let it surround you and let it call deep into you to awaken your sonship. how does  that happen? It does not matter how it happens just desire it to happen and embrace it and just allow the sound to bring you to a place of rest so that can open things up rather than us having to figure it all out, work it all out, try and understand it all. and you won’t. it is impossible to understand everything in the soul that the spirit will experience.

 even when you have a full first person heavenly encounter where you are there, there will be so much that you are unaware of the first time. and when I’ve gone back I found out there were things I  was so overwhelmed by the experience I missed all sorts of things that God was trying to show me which was okay. but now I’ve learned to embrace that process and be able to journal those things. to start with I would have encounters that were lasting hours , then it would  take me three or four hours to write out what happened. I quickly learned that was not practical, unless I was going to be a hermit somewhere. And I am called to help other people do this stuff .so I had to find a way this worked so I learned to journal with my eyes open in the encounter. so I have the encounter and I journalit at the same time. Am I there yes. Am I with my eyes closed having a vision-no. I’m there so I can describe what my spirit is doing and actually when I’m there engaged spirit and soul I have all the feelings and experiences of being there but I’m not distracted by the fact that I’m writing it. it took me a little while to get to that point.

 it was the only way that I can actually journal everything. I was talking to Jeremy today in terms of my journals this year it has got like 55,000 words in it halfway through the year. so I’ve written a lot of what I’ve heard from God and what I’ve been doing in my experiences and I’ve been able to do that because I’ve trained my soul and spirit to actually be able to focus and not get distracted. when I started everybody else shopping list what am I doing today all these things to come into your mind you try to push them away in a and actually just learn to be able to not be distracted. sometimes I would just okay I will take that and pakage that for later.  But I learned and now I can journal everything that I’m doing without having to be in a trance or in a encounter which I’m completely lost in, it’s just as real it is real  it’s what’s happening to me know so when you know people talk about seeing in the realms of heaven or having heavenly encounters where you are there. it is like they are real encounters their real things that happen but you can learn to be able to make that easier for yourself.  people who see a lot don’t always know what they see. I found working with people all over the world a lot of people call themselves Seers and they have amazing visionary experiences but most of them didn’t have a clue what was going on because they never learn to hear so they could not ask God. so they are seeing a lot of things but not having conversations so a lot of things God wasn’t really communicating to them other than what they were seeing because they never learned to hear what god was saying. So learning to hear God’s voice is really the foundation for everything. because Jesus actually said my sheep will hear my voice . he didn’t say my sheep will have a vision. my sheep hear my voice that opens up vision it opens up being able to experience but in reality  I value my conversations with God more than actually some mystical experience that I have no idea what it is about. because I can go to God and say what was that or what were you doing.  actually where were walking together is already explaining a lot of what’s happening while I am walking with him. Because he is talking to me. were having a conversation whether that be within the garden of my heart whether that in his garden in heaven whether that’s me sat with him on a throne or where ever it might be the throne of grace tree of life river of life all those amazing places in the realms of heaven around the Ark of the presence of God all those amazing places are real places to engage and their amazing things to experience but if you have the experience without God, then you not really aware as much of what’s happening so I like walking with God in those places or he leads me like the other day he said to me I want to show you something. great-because I know when every says that something is gonna be something I have not seen before or something that is gonna take me into another thing . ok where are we going.  We are go here and this happen and that happen and then it was like wow this this really unlocks another aspect of my journey but we did it together. so don’t try and strive for extraordinary Hollywood production things that you then go to someone and try and get an explanation or interpretation of what it is. It is much better to step-by-step learn to see and to know and to hear so it becomes more of a rounded lifestyle .i read some of the writings of mystics and some of them are like im  not sure what you ate when you read that. I’m no idea what you really try to say and I am not sure they knew what they were try say either because it was amazing experience but it’s got to be outworked. There has to be a purpose to it. whenever I have an encounter that goes beyond what I can really cognatively understand I know it is preparing me for something that is coming because my spirit will have received way way more in something like that than my soul does.  but then I need to then catch up. so I set my desire of my heart on it and begin to pursue where that is going to lead.  It is a journey it is not the an event that just happens . God doesn’t click his fingers and I would love it was the matrix and I could just be plugged in and I know kung fu. It doesn’t work that way. It is a relationship. If it isn’t relational  I would question it in everything. because God is relational and it’s the relationship which is the key in everything I don’t want experiences that are not relational because what value is there in an experience if it doesn’t relate to God and help me go deeper in my relationship with him or understand more of his purposes for my life. so allow the sound, when we do activation just go with the flow of it and allow what happens to happen. yes you can activate it with your imagination yes you can picture a door standing open heaven an invitation to come up here you can picture Jacob’s ladder and steps I I have pictures and show pictures because they help trigger something.  It is a doorway but then just go through the door and  let it happen. and don’t try and figure it all out. and I would not try and encourage you journal it , unless  you know how to do it because you can get distracted and actually just miss what it is god is trying to infer.  so relax and just be immersed in it and the intent that God has is what’s important because the intent that God has for you may be different from the person sitting next to you.  and that is because you’re different your unique so God knows where you are where you come from where you going and he wants to walk with you on the journey. and your journey will be different. even husbands and wives have different journeys .they may have a sense where there together in certain things but actually  your all still unique . and husbands and wives destinies can be very different. sometimes you do things together . but a lot of times you do things very differenty. and that’s actually okay so lots of opportunities activations during this time we do have a meditation space downstairs so in the breaks and lunchtime things you in between evening meals stuff feel free to go there to spend time chilling out it  is quite space where perhaps some of the things that happened to you you can just begin to meditate and allow God to give give you more on it. and we do our webpage our website that she has activations on some of the basic activations garden of the heart  the mountain of God different things which you can just listen to and practice .the activations are soundbites they are  not real life. you you can’t live real-life in a room doing an activation with people. you got to be able to live.  so you need to take what you experienced and then begin to develop that into a lifestyle and that’s the key , pursuing it. I won’t lay hands on you to impart what I got, because I can’t What I can do is inspire you to to get what you can get in your own relationship and your testimony with God because then they become living testimonies. My testimony is mine. it can inspire you to get yours, but you have to get yours. when you got it you can give it to other people and  you can inspire them to get theres that is how  it works. you don’t Wanna be saying someone else had this experience you want to be saying I have this experience because then it’s yours, no one  can deny that. someone else’s they will so-and-so an mike had this experience and he shared about being in heaven. Who is mike. They do not know me. that never works. that’s why it is important to get some of your own. We will have question answers.

 for those who are listening on the Lifestream you can email those questions in and we will look to do that . there is a session tomorrow afternoon in the session Saturday if you want so when we did these conferences there was some legislation that I engage God for. what are we authorised to do in these times and this is sort of a general legislation for all six times and some of them are things that will be in certain sessions. but generally I just Wanna share some of the things god said. as you hear this embrace it.

 embrace it and  set your heart onto it. because if you don’t desire it, it will not happen. so set your heart’s desire on it. you are authorised to awaken sonship and a new level of relationship and responsibility. your authorised to call the eternal spirit hidden within my children to arise and shine, to engage in something of the eternal nature that you have. your authorised to call for the light of the eternal spirit to burst forth in the darkness of the glorious light of the full inheritance. your authorised to engage the father’s heart in the eternal now, engaging outside of time and space in the conversation of God’s heart .your authorised to unveil reveal and restore eternal memory identity relationships and destiny. your authorised to engage my children in the chancellors  houses.doing that during the next intensive. your authorised to activate my precepts, statute laws as the foundation of sonship. look at a little bit of what that means in this session and the sessions to come. your authorised to open the house of ordinances to reveal past present purpose to ignite passion and zeal for creation and its freedom. your authorised to open the house of mantles and scrolls and commissioning. we will engage that during these times that God wants to release to you your destiny and your enthronement. so you need a mantle , and you need a scroll and you need to be commissioned into certain role. to restore the callings and positions of heavenly government authority for my sons. your authorised to call forth the roles of, now some of these roles will be completely obscure and you have no idea what they’re about, but you may resonate  with some of them. and all of these are roles that are fulfilled in heaven that have an impact into the earth. chancellors judges ambassadors magistrates scribes oracles legislators councillors ministers elders lights fragrances harmonies frequencies doors matrices planners architects designers artists and musicians . and I am not talking about earthly ones.  because there’s lots of songs in heaven and actually some of us get to write them.

 angels don’t get to do all the fun in heaven there are people who are writing dreams for people to have. you think dreams just turn up in people’s imagination at night? People are writing the scripts for those people’s dream so they can encounter stuff when they’re not able to necessary encounter in other ways. and there are dream writers in heaven. some of the men in white linen are doing that. actually some people are doing that in a way which is being unveiled to them.  all sorts of different roles which are  cool , some of them. your authorised  to call and prepare my children for their roles as sons with authority to restore their heritage and free their generational family lines and genealogies with the ministry of reconciliation. We will look to do that at the end. your authorised to unveil the call for my sons to arise and engage beyond the limitations of the imagination of this age. that really is saying don’t be limited by what you know or what there is to know in this age. there is way more that goes beyond that in the realms of heaven. way way more. your authorised to unveil and reveal the dimensions and domains that exist beyond the limitations of earthbound consciousness to my sons. there’s roles that people have in different dimensions. not going into that in detail but there are, and those things are being uncovered for people today. most people got enough to do with their own dimension . but there are other other people who have  started to engage in other things. your authorised to open possibilities that exist beyond beyond. now beyond beyond is a place for me and a concept for me that God has taken me through. just going to publish a book of my testominy and and journey of beyond beyond. because that’s where God has taken me and it is an interesting journey. and I think God wants to take all of you beyond where you been and beyond where you know and beyond where you think, could be, because there’s always more with God. that’s why deep is calling to deep. those who think they know everything there is to know about God are mad. because how could you know an infinite God with a finite mind. our mind needs to expand. our consciousness needs to expand because were supposed to have the mind of Christ that has no limits so some of the things which may seem totally impossible and impractical to you, will if you continue to pursue your journey become real and that means being able to frame and shape time space matter all sorts of things, which Jesus did when he was here. and he is obviously given us a pattern or a model for some of the things that are possible. like being invisible walking through people going into  different dimensions transforming matter into something else all that sort of stuff He did. he did it and told us that we should do the things he did plus greater things than that. so most people that’s pretty great but actually this way beyond that when you see the things he did outside of this realm that we also get to be part of as we embrace it your authorised to release the sound of the father’s heart beating with my deepest desires to inspire my children to shake off the shackles of their earthbound existence and arise as sons to the glorious liberty of their eternal destiny as co-creators and that means that we go beyond co-heirs. So-heir ship is managing this creative order . being a cocreative is creating more and all of you are creative. some of you are creative in ways that are artistic through music arts painting and various other ways of being creative writing and various things we were all made in the image of God to be creative in some way but this is meaning actually creating something out of nothing which I guess is what you do when you make a painting that didn’t exist before it was in your mind and then you painted it.but that’s just the beginning of  learning how to co-create things the way Jesus wants us to. sons arise is the cry from the father’s heart to unveil reveal and release his children into their full and glorious identity and inheritance as mature sons of God Jesus said you are God’s. now he was challenging the Pharisees who were basically saying you can’t say your God , your the son of God your equal with God . your  Scripture actually says that God calls you God’s. we are not God. but we are supposed to be in his image and as sons be able to do the things that he does. that really needs to to be embraced to go beyond  the norm of our everyday existence where essentially we are subject to everything that is going on around us .and if you don’t learn to rule you  will continue to be subject to everything rather than ruling so that those things are subject to you. because that’s who you are as a son. The son who rules over their circumstances and frames their own life to come into alignment with God’s purpose for it. not just cries out to God for help all the time. because he stopped answering my cries for help. Because he said it is time you grew up and answered these things yourself .because your my son. I giving you authority in this area. i felt a bit grieved at that. because I’ve been taught  that God should answer my prayers. but in reality he wants us to be able to mature to be able to answer a lot of those things, not independently of him but with him, in relationship. so our mandate really through these conferences is to equip God’s children to arise, take their places as sons in heaven on earth both relationally and responsibility. so our mandate is to equip the sons of God to manifest heaven on earth. if we don’t bring heaven to earth then most of its irrelevant. It has got to change. It has got  to change us, it has to change our environments our spheres that God has given us to operate in. it has to bring transformation so that heaven begins to manifest on earth at least through me and though you. even if it’s only in the sphere around our lives to start with. until corporately we begin to come together and then we start to open the everlasting doors of heaven and we start to see heaven poured out on the earth in a totally different dimension. which is coming but we have to learn to do it individually, so that corporately we can combine that into an exponential sense of being able to operate authority wise within God’s blueprints for areas, cities regions nations. so we are under an open heaven right now. it’s like we legislate for an open heaven when we gather here in this building we have a portal in this building on the top of the stairs which is open. it’s guarded by some angels so nothing nasty is gonna come through it. but actually we can invite God’s presence we can also invite the Angels we can invite the men in white linen, we can be open for whatever God wants to do to engage us and help us and equip us during this time. so it’s important that we encounter  gods affirmation as a father. and we did this in the first conference. But I want to repeat it because this is the key foundation to everything else if you do not know your affirmation as the beloved son of God then you  are always going to be trying to find that by what you do .and so much of Christianity is work based. I’m trying to get my identity from what I do. so when you ask people who are they most them will tell you what they do .because that’s how they identify themselves. I am a fireman another policeman I’m this I am that I’m a football player,

it is all about what they do. actually our identity is nothing to do with what we do. it is who we are. who he made us to be. we do from who we are not the other way round. that is and what religion that’s religion tries to get you to earn something by doing it. so when Jesus was under the open heaven at his baptism and the father made the pronouncement over him you you are my son in whom I’m well pleased , he had not done anything. So it was nothing to do with 3 1/2 years of ministry and god was really proud of him. it was to do with hay your my son,  that was the key. so he wants all of us to know that and other versions of that say you can bring me great joy. so hear God saying that you. now if you struggle to receive these things it’s usually an indication that you don’t know who you are. or you struggle with your identity because so many people find it easy to give but they find it harder to receive. and when God is wanting you to receive it’s important you able to receive it.

 so you in whom my soul delights . gods soul delights in you . all of you without any exception because he’s not seeing you through what you do. He is seeing you in the righteousness that he has made you as his children. I take great delight in you,  so hear that coming from God himself .in you is my delight. all these all these are descriptions of God’s view of you as his child, as his son and he wants you to embrace that and know it. so God speaks from where he is to where we are to reveal the truth from his perspective. if we keep looking at our earthly perspective we will keep getting the same reaction and the same things we always got. We want to see things from his perspective that will change ours , it’s called renewing your minds to think in agreement with him. but if you don’t know what he thinks you can agree with it. so he wants to reveal to you how he feels about you, how he sees you, how much he loves you, how much he values you, your worth to him. In fact that everyone of you are special. your all the apple of his eye. those things are really important. and the Holy Spirit is there, that father releases to bring this revelation and bring to remembrance all the things that he says. now this isn’t just about what Jesus said to his disciples, this is what Jesus has said about us from eternity. and he wants to remind you who you are. so he will reveal and disclose things that God has said. that the conversation father-son spirit has had about each of us. because they have conversations about us .we are part of the conversation of their relationship, because they have drawn us into that. we know the Holy Spirit is poured out on all mankind. Because why? so that we can prophesy have visions and dreams another words , so we can hear and see what he’s doing and saying .and so he wants us to experience that. Lets spend some time doing that.

 We are under an open heaven. I cannot see an open heaven; just trust me you are under one. because I can see it so accept what he gives you- acceptance and affirmation approval recognition recommendation commendation blessing endorsement validation .he wants you to feel special and he really wants you to know how he feels about you. now whether you hear that vocally, in your mind as a thought, whether you feel something, whether you just have an impression or whether actually your spirit is receiving it and your soul is not. just relax and allow those words to really fill you and embrace you and come around you. you have to stand not physically but in a sense just be under it and be open for him to to reveal to you what he wants to reveal to you. and everyone will be different. but there are some things I want to just say .

so encourage you close your eyes and just allow the sound of the music just to envelop you and then as I make some declarations receive those declarations from the voice of God himself, from the heart of God himself, from him speaking to you, that your spirit will receive this.  He is gonna speak it primarily into your spirit to remind you of who you really are.

son I call your spirit to attention spirit listen as a true son I call forth your identity as a son, part of the Joshua generation the order of melchezedic I call forth your destiny to manifest God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. I call forth your destiny to fill the earth with God’s glory. I call forth your identity and your destiny and your authority to be enthroned as Lords to administrate God’s rule on earth as it is in heaven. I call forth your identity and destiny authority to be enthroned as kings to have charge of the heavenly courts. i call forth your identity and destiny authority as sons to stand in God’s presence and be displayed on the earth as sons. I call forth your identity to connect with creation to answer creation’s grown to restore it to original condition and purpose. I call forth you as part of the Joshua generation in these days to rise up and take your possession of your inheritance. you are my beloved son in whom my soul delights and I’m well pleased with you. receive my acceptance.  Let me love you.  receive my affirmation. I affirm you as my children. receive my approval I recognise you as my son. you have my recommendation, you have my commendation you have my blessing you have the seal of approval that validates your identity as my children. just be open as he speaks words directly to you, to bring to remembrance who you are .who he sees you to be from his eternal perspective from his eternal conversation just allow those words to come around you and to engage you.

  I encourage you to do at night when you go to sleep is to look to engage your soul in Psalm 23 as you go to sleep. lie down with the Shepherd in green pastures and just before you go to sleep just consciously choose I am going to lie down in green pasture so he can begin to restore my soul you can do that every night you go to sleep. your soul doesn’t need to sleep. your body needs to sleep. you need to rest, but your spirit can be active. and what I do every night, although I am usually doing things in the realms of heaven spiritually, lots of things, when I’m asleep then I’m not connected and flowing. So i need to be.  so I offer my spirit to God for all sorts of adventures or things while I am asleep.  but as you learn to rest while you sleep, God can be at work imparting,  restoring making you whole and things like the activation we have just done. you can specifically ask him while I’m asleep restore my identity reveal something deeper of who I am.  And you may wake up with something. you may wake up with nothing. but something will have been imparted and it will be working in you because God will be at work in you to outwork that.

 a few more things before we finish in terms of some of the things God said .

so God said= son I’m calling my children to a new level of sonship where the assemblies and councils of heaven are accessed and the roles of government are to be filled. so there’s way more that God is calling us into. we have access to have charge of the courts and to be in the assemblies of heaven and to be involved in some of the decision-making things in heaven that are going on. Some might think that doesn’t sound possible. I would not have thought it was possible either a few years ago. but now I’m actively involved in doing that.  now I’m no different than anybody else I’m just willing, and I pursued and I set my heart and my desire onto it and God has unveiled it.

the mantles are prepared and the scroll’s are ready for those who have accepted responsibility as sons and willing to become mature.  so that includes everybody whose willing to accept the responsibly as sons and willing to become mature. you don’t become mature in an event, you become mature in a relationship in a process. but there are mantles which are cloaks   of authority giving you a authority position are already ready in the mantle room of heaven waiting to be given you. and there are scrolls which give you assignments for things that are part of your destiny that are ready to be released. and some of those, are some of those specific roles which are heavenly roles for each of us to to embrace. I don’t know what all those roles are, because I don’t operate in all of them. I activate some of them but I connect with people all over the world so I talk to people who are operating as judges or magistrates or different roles. some of those roles   we have already prepared for us, but we need to step into.

 all of my children have been invested with identity  destiny position with a birthright an inheritance but there must be a succession before they can truly been enthroned. all are seated in me, but so few are actively functioning from that position. the sound has gone forth and some have responded to the call to sonship. but many don’t want to go through the maturing process of friendship lordship kingship, so they can receive the mantles and scrolls needed for the positions within my kingdom government. if the sons of God are not positioned in the heavens they cannot be manifested on the earth and the true ecclesia cannot rise to become embassys of heaven on earth. it must go beyond the individual to the corporate. because God has chosen to make the manifold wisdom of God made known through his people. now I hesitate to call it church, because I don’t think it is the institutional church, but it is what Jesus said he was gonna build which is an ecclesia. and that his people together with one heart and one mind around a blueprint that he is established, so that heaven can be on earth.

 we need beachheads of heaven on the earth. because the kingdom will expand once it’s occupied a space. there is no end to the increase of his government and peace. but we need some places that begin to expand. so we need some people to say – I’m willing to establish something on earth as it is in heaven. now all of us individually are gateways of heaven into the earth. but God wants to establish something corporate that will have access to open the everlasting doors of heaven and pour that into the earth not just the rivers of living water flowing in individuals, but the river of life which is waiting for the everlasting doors to be opened.

 what is established in heaven must be on the earth but there is a lack of willingness to receive the heavenly and the earthly roles. He needs both. there are many who want to continue in the old order earthly roles without being enthroned in heaven. There very happy with their earthly positions of authority usually covering other people and restricting other people. that’s what happens if you put a covering over anyone. They can’t engage themselves. so God is removing all the coverings that have been man-made and is wanting to reveal that you can access heaven directly without having to go through anybody else. no mediators needed .you have the mediator, he is called Jesus. he is the one mediator between God and man. He is the door that we can access. we go through the veil of his flesh that is open so we can access that realm. there are now more who are embraceing heaven but still few of those are willing to take the earthly responsibility to establish heaven on earth.

now at the end of this series of conferences we want to help people establish something on earth. and that’s very practical as well as spiritual. you need to know how to do that legally. you need to know how to do that physically. you know how to establish government. you need to know how to do all that. some of you will be called to do that. some of you will be called to join others who are doing that. but God wants to see it on it isn’t just about heavenly joy rides and having fun in heaven. as great as that is, we have to take responsibility for this earth being transformed and restored back to its original purpose and condition. it’s groaning under the weight of corruption and it’s in decay. God did not create it to be in decay. he created it to increase and eventually it will fill everything else .but we got to turn things around somewhat. so will you accept the call and actively take your places. that’s really what God wants to know are you willing to take responsibility the call is not just to keep ascending but to dwell in those dual realms. It is to live from there and function in heaven and on earth as responsible mature sons. that’s what God is calling us to. true reality can only be shaped from a heavenly perspective if you try and shape your reality from an earthly perspective you just can continue getting what you always got. nothing much is gonna change. and if you got really strong willpower and desire you can change some things. but the reality is- heavenly reality needs to be manifested on earth so you need to see it. you need to have a heavenly perspective if it is gonna manifest on earth. If we are going to be in government we can’t be governing out of earthly motives and desires. It has got to be in love. and love is only going to be really fully manifested in a relationship with love himself. that’s why love is so important in everything. we need to live loved. So you need to know that you are loved, feel love know love experience love and then love others. so the individual call is to be a gateway of heaven on the earth. but that is just the beginning that’s where we start. But unless the earthly expressions of the true mountain of the house of the lord which it talks about in Isaiah 2 , it’s still gonna remain a shadow within the religious systems of the world. We are going to be a shadow in their shadow, and people won’t see us. and that’s the problem. people are seeing religion and they don’t want it. they need to see the light. we are the light of the world Jesus said. we are the ones who should be radiating light and be seen. well were  not going to  be seen if were in the shadows. we need to be lifted up .so we need to be elevated into a place where were in heaven and then heaven is manifesting through us into the earth which will be seen. that has to change, things have to change.

 so God says your new covenant inheritance has an open heaven through a torn veil, do not let the veils of old restrictions limit the full scope of your sonship. we are mostly limited by our own belief system. because that belief system has restricted us and put us into nice theological boxes. God wants to free us so we can really think and see from his perspective. because we need to answer creation’s grown. when I have engaged heaven many times I connected with creation itself and I felt it’s grown. and when I started to feel it, it was like it – really perturbed me, really made me upset because I felt this is not what it should be. but I didn’t know what it should be. but then when I engaged eternity and I engage God’s heart and I heard his thoughts and I felt his feelings about it and when I reconnected to what my spirit was doing before it was here, I actually saw what it was like before. then I had a comparison, that made me feel even worse to start with because it was just like- we are so far from this. but then it inspired me to believe for the restoration of all things that will be restored. and we will see harmony. and we will see creation set free from that. But the only way it is gonna be set free is if it’s brought into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. God is not gonna set it free independently of us. because he’s given us the mandate to set it free. he is given us a mandate to rule and subdue and to overcome and to establish the kingdom. so we are called to administrate and oversee increase, not decay. so we need to look at our own lives and we need to address the decay. which is why Jesus said to his disciples if you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you do not need to die. because if decay is operating in us , what authority are we going to have to avert- address decay in the whole of creation. so we got to start embracing the life that is imparted to us in Christ. which is why we have the communion declarations and things. because they’re decreeing the truth, that the life that in the body and blood of Jesus can empower us to actually address the that we don’t need to die. It didn’t say you don’t age. Because  Jesus aged.  whether you continue ageing I don’t know .but essentially we don’t need to be under the covenant of death, which essentially the church has adopted. You can’t get to heaven until you die.  when you die that’s when you’ll get this and that’s when you’ll get that. that’s just lies. it isn’t true, we need to be embracing everything that God has called us to have now. and that includes life. it includes not dying, it includes not being subject to sickness and decay.  things need to change . because a lot of Christians are suffering with sickness.  so we need to embrace what God has called us to in sonship. i encourage you to take those prayers, make them your own. engage them with the faith that he gives you to believe, that in his life there is life for us. it is abundant overflowing life. the enemy comes to rob, kill and destroy. whoever the enemy is, whatever that represents, the accuser,  whatever else , potentially he don’t want you to have life, he does not what you to have the abundance and the fullness of life . so he robs you. how does he rob you? in your mind.he convinces you that you are going to die. he convinces you that death is normal. He convines you well everyone has to die. and he will use the Bible to tell you that. he’ll twist what it means but he will tell  you everyone has to die. There is precedent already that people didn’t die Enoch and Elijah and there is a whole load more who have not died. and there are people who are living today hundreds of years old who are not dying. and there are people today who are living, who do not eat. they live  in-on-air. because there receiving their life from another source. now I’m quite happy to eat, i like eating. Jesus ate, so another good precedent there. but I would’nt need to if I didn’t have to. because I know that I have life, which is not dependent on the physical. I have the body and blood of Jesus. so every day I take communion numerous times whenever I eat.  and I receive it as life to my physical body, as health, as wholeness, as transformation, as genetic change and all the prayers and declarations that are there. Those are things that I engage in everyday because I know that is the truth and the power that is available to us to embrace life. but if you don’t believe that then it is just words. that’s the reality if you don’t believe it if you don’t know it’s true it just is words. the truth is Jesus has abundant life and that abundant life are as a result of him overcoming death. so in the cross he overcame death and decay. It said you will not allow your holy one to undergo corruption. so he did not decay in death, he overcame death he was resurrected and when he was resurrected, he resurrected the whole of the human race. because all died in adam and all were made alive in Christ. most people just don’t know it, so they living a less than kind of life because they don’t know the fullness of life that belongs to us as our inheritance in Christ. so as a result of our own independence and doing things are own way, we brought death and decay. so the last Adam comes to undo what the first Adam did and brings life. and now he is wanting us to have the abundance of that life in a fully restored face-to-face relationship with him in which the fruit of that relationship is abundance and overflowing every area.  but we need to embrace the relationship and as we embrace the relationship that will release the abundance of the life that he has for us. and it will start to transform us . I was talking to someone yesterday online and in a mentoring session and they were saying that I’ve been using your communion prayers. I hope you are making them your own.  He says  my body is changing. I’m physically changing since I’ve been doing it. In what ways? I am not going to go  into it in detail because it is public. but actually in many ways actually physically my body is changing and my whole being is being realigned. praise God. there’s somebody who’s just by faith taken something and practised it and now he’s actually seeing physical change actually to the health and wholeness of his actual body as well as his soul and spirit. so I encourage everyone to embrace that. so we embrace the power as resurrected sons. that power will be demonstrated on earth as we embrace it on the mountains of heaven, in the thrones of heaven where were seated in heavenly places, so that heaven can manifest in us. there is no sickness in heaven there is no death in heaven there is no decay in heaven. it is full of glory and peace and we need to live from that place. and when we live from that place, we as sons of God can begin to manifest heaven through our lives into this realm so the world can truly see what it is to be a son of God. and actually want to be that because they see everything that they want represented in us . that we live accepted and loved and valued and we know our identity and we know our purpose and we have the supernatural ability of kingdom sonship to actually create around us a reality that reflects heaven in and around our lives. so we live from a place of peace, from a place of rest, from a place a wholeness. and that’s our inheritance. our inheritance is to receive all of that. and I know God’s desire is for us to enter into that in a completely different dimension and a completely different way. and I think he wants us to to know and experience so much more than we have. And he wants us to come into it. so he is calling the sons of God to arise. Are you willing to respond? he won’t force you but he is wooing you, he is calling you, he is wanting you to come into the fullness. He wants  you  to have more. We are going to just finish now with an initial activation just to engage the Arc of the presence of God. because it says in Hebrews 10 that we can come with confidence into the holy place. and that’s the place in heaven in the heavenly tabernacle. so all of us can actually do that. all of us can engage it. now again –we’ll I don’t know how to do that. well just engage by faith. just relax and just engage it by faith because that that’s where everything begins. so I encourage you in that. to think of the Ark of the presence of God, is where God’s presence manifests between the wings of the cherebum.  Now its not like God turns up in this bright light whatever. it is a manifestation of the four faces of god. four living creatures the lion ox eagle man. but it’s where we can get scrolls where we can get mandates where we can engage for revelation where we can step into the name of God into the yod ha va hay of his name. which  is a representation of the lion ox eagale man. There is amazing things there. I will go into it  in a little bit more detail when we look really about legislating from heaven. But it is good to experience it. heavens open and we have a latter going from earth to heaven. It is called Jacob’s ladder and we have an invitation to come up there. because it’s open .you may already be there, then you just shift where you are there to engage with Jesus and let him take you into that place of the arc. if you never been there before just close your eyes and as you close your eyes just start to think about that latter just start to think about that door open in heaven start to think about the invitation that Jesus gives to come up here as he gave to John and then just begin to picture those steps in your imagination as steps of the latter that is going up into the realm of heaven. you can take that step of faith and just walk through the open door through the veil and Jesus is standing waiting for us. he is our high priest he is the door he’s our access point into that realm. so we can just surrender to him as a living sacrifice.  just present ourselves to him by choice. now I just as you Jesus that you will take us to the Ark of your presence within the holy place if you want anyone to go anywhere else just lead them where you want them to go. But just let jesus take you by the hand and just let him take you through the veils. Wherever he wants to take you. that as you engage around the Ark of the presence of God who can stand before his presence before  the four faces of God just standing in that place of his name. the yod ha va hay of his name . and just receive the revelation of your sonship of any scroll or mandate that he might want to release to you .you may feel drawn to the Lion or the ox or the Eagle or the man. just allow the father to affirm you and your right to stand in him so just be willing to take a step and step into him into his name and Stand in the name in the authority of your sonship within the name of God. just let him begin to unveil your identity and destiny affirm you affirm the vision and dreams that he has placed in your heart. just call forth your destiny as a son let him reveal his true love for you. you may feel his thoughts and hear his thoughts  you may just feel love  you may feel peace. You may sense a sense of calling rising up .be open for whatever the father wants to impart to you in that place of his presence that place of his government in heaven. i believe the father wants to to give you a scroll with your mandate for the time were going to spend together and all that he wants to do with you as individuals just receive that. Whether it is by faith whether you can read the scroll just receive it and take it within your heart allow it to become the motivation over these next few days that will align yourself with the desires of God’s heart for you with that place of enthronement that is gonna put you into your mountain your throne in heaven with the mantle that he has prepared for you with the Crown that he has got for you just receive that scroll

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