Sons invested and enthroned 2

In relationship, God has insured that relationship from his perspective he’s done everything to ensure that, that relationship, we are all predestined into sonship. That is what it says in Ephesians 1:4-5. He’s done everything he needs to do to establish relationship with us. Because were reconciled into that relationship. But he wants us to know that reconciliation. And if we then take that further he has also established our sonship and our governmental positions of authority. The relationship is awesome. But the relationship then leads into the heart of God and therefore outworking the heart God. So there has got to be where we then begin to operate in sonship to establish things differently. And we get a part to play in that. So the sons of God have roles to play within God’s kingdom purposes. It isn’t that God is sovereign and he does it all and we just sit and watch, which is what some people are taught. God is sovereign he does it all, it will just happen the way he wants it. And if you come from very Calvinistic or hyper- Calvinistic view, you just think everything is God. And the Muslim perspective is everything is Allah. It’s all him, he does everything so you just have to accept it. We’ll that isn’t true we have a part to play. God has called us to be part of his kingdom purposes as son’s co-heirs in it. Were not innocent bystanders or non-innocent bystanders.

 We are supposed to be involved in that so Ephesians 1;4  just as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world that we would be holy and blameless before him. That’s his choice he has done everything even before we were ever even born and even before there was a creation he had established that we would be holy and blameless before him- righteous. He views every single child of his as righteous and holy and blameless before him and from his perspective everyone’s got access to him in relationship. But from people’s perspective they feel separated from him in their own understanding-because as a man thinks in his heart so is he. we operate from our belief systems .he predestined us to adoption as sons. When we are looking into these things -what God says- we need to get into our spirit. He predestined us to adoption as sons. Whatever you believe predestined me it means you have a destiny already agreed in God that you will be a son. That you already are a son but that doesn’t mean that it is automatic that we live in that. So we have to come through Jesus to outwork the will of God, so the will of God can be outworked in our lives, so that we really will experience and engage and understand that from a realistic perspective.

 in the mirror Bible it says he associated us in Christ before the fall of the world. Jesus is God’s mind made up about us, he always knew in his love that he would present us again in face-to-face  before him in blameless innocence. he is the architect of our design his heart dream is realised in are coming-of-age in Christ. so we only really come of age  when we come into a relationship with the father through Jesus. it is true before that, but we don’t realise it and we don’t come into. and even then you come into it with the framework of your existing belief system and whatever religious beliefs. and whatever  engagement with finding your salvation brings you into. and if that is your engaging God in a Brethren church you’re not going to get the same revelation. you will be frame with beliefs that you won’t get if you’re framed in a charismatic church or a community church or a church that engaging these sorts of things. So it is a process of our minds being renewed by our relationship with God.

 so our destiny includes the governmental aspect of sonship. it has to because we are included in God’s government. relationship with him in father-son intimacy  unveils his heart for the restoration of everything else. that he is called us to be part of. And he called adam and eve and he blessed them and empowered them and he basically told them to be fruitful to multiply to fill the earth to subdue and to rule. and that was the mandate of government. and he gave them that mandate. he didn’t say I’ll do all this and you just sit in the garden and have a nice time. it was know you have to expand this garden. you have to subdue and overcome . they didn’t subdue and overcome and rule in the test that they had. Which was to do things their own way or to walk continually with God .so they set us off on a do it yourself pathway that we have continued to follow until Jesus came  as the last Adam and restored what the first Adam did and now brought us into the potential possibility of freedom. and for the restoration of everything back to his original intention. not just like what it was, but like what it would have been had they not have short-circuited it for a few thousand years. so we need to get back to what God’s intention was. So there is responsibility for kingdom ruling reigning and legislating. all those words- what do they mean? well there obviously governmental and Royal authority type stuff and that’s what kingdom is. it’s the reign of a King. it’s the realm that the king reigns in, its his reign and rule and we are called to be operating in that. Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of lords. and it isn’t just talking about real Kings or real lords in a worldly sense. It is talking about us. so we are there to represent the four faces of God- the lion ox Eagle man which is his governmental perspective. the relational perspective with God is three faces in a sense father-son and Holy Spirit. but when it comes to his government, he has chosen to represent that with four faces and guess what gets added the face of a man which is us in our priestly role because we are royal priests. We are a royal priesthood another words we have a priestly function which means you can access the very intimate things of God. Because only priests can access the holy of holies and the holy place. Now it’s open for all of us. and Kings . what do  Kings do?  they rule in a place of government .so the lion the king. the ox – the prophetic. the Eagle the apostolic or legislative and the man- the priestly, is where we are now included in the name of God. because God was yod ha va hay. and that represented the lion the ox, the Eagle and the man.  and we are in the midst of that. and we can be in his name. in his name is not a prayer that you then tag on the end of it- in Jesus name. it is actually we are in the power of his name- authority wise. because were included in his name. and God wants us to know that place of authority and to represent those four faces in heaven and on earth so that’s when you you engage the Ark of the presence of God. it is an awesome place where you engage the name of God. You step into the name of God and then you discover your identity from within that name governmentally. This is who you are as a royal priesthood to rule to reign to administrate heaven into the earth. All the relational side of it is absolutely key and vital. But you can’t stay soaking for the rest of your life and not do anything. Adam and eve  were not supposed to soak in the garden, they were supposed to tend and cultivate it and see it grow to fill the earth. so  there is something to overcome and there is things to rule. but we need to know that’s our destiny. It is what God has always intended that we would have a place of government. So there are roles within that of Lords and King and son’s. scribe Oracle legislators judge chancolors, I gave a whole list of them last night. in which we have specific mantles for specific things so that actually we will take the place in heaven to administrate heaven in relationship with God and in relationship with the rest of the heavenly realm because there’s a whole entourage in heaven of angels and angelic beings and chancellors and all sorts of things and the cloud of witnesses. so it says in Hebrews that we now can engage that. that’s open to us. but we need to find our place so that we begin to fulfil our destiny. not thinking- I’m not good enough for that. Or that can’t be me- why not? this is who God says you are. and what we need to do is listen to what God says. Listen to what he says, the vast some of his thoughts about us, so that we can embrace that. And that’s what will motivate us and direct us. Not what we think about ourselves or what anyone else thinks. Our mind has to be renewed. you don’t renew your mind by trying to confess Scripture . it won’t work. You renew your mind by encountering the truth and the truth will change you. because the truth that you know will set you free. The truth is a person and everything conceptualized as truth is embodied within Jesus .and he is the truth he is the way and he is the life. we need to engage that if were gonna come into the reality. so Genesis 1 God said let’s make man in our image. so he wanted to make us like him relational. because that’s who he is. he is father-son spirit in perfect relationship. and he wanted to include us into that relationship. because relationship- if God was single and singular there could be no relationship. you can’t have a relationship with nobody. so God is relationship- father-son spirit, but then he is wanting to draw his thoughts about us into that relationship so we would realise that relationship ourselves and be part of it and be included in the circle of that relationship. So that we can enter into father-son and spirit and be part of that relationship. But it isn’t just the relationship it then becomes the responsibility that, that relationship has. so verse 28 Genesis 1 God bless them, which means he empowered them. God said be fruitful multiply fill the earth and the rest. that is our responsibility as God’s children. This created order- he has given us the government of. Well Adam and eve gave it away. Jesus came and took it back. Because he now took back the keys of death and Hades and all what Adam did. The consequence was death. There was no intimation (suggestion, indication)that God was gonna punish them or do anything like that.  It was you’ll die. They didn’t physically die, so it was talking about something would happen with their spiritual relationship which would be changed if they followed their own path– it did. Jesus came to restore it. and he did restore it, and he conquered death overcame death and in the resurrection he has brought mankind back into  the resurrected state. Now people need to discover that. And the more we discover it the more we will understand about who we really are and what our identity is and everything else. so Romans 8: 16 the spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God. this is what the Holy Spirit is looking to do in every single person. Whether there physically alive or not, the Holy Spirit is looking to testify to somebody else’s spirit. Our spirit, other people spirit that we are children of God. that is God’s perspective , we are children of God from his perspective . He made everyone of us. he has called everyone of us, he has chosen everyone of us, he has a destiny a birthright for everyone of us to fulfil .  And he wants us to know that. And when we start to know that we realize it has great implications. if were children of God we are also heirs of God. So an heir inherits. So we inherit God himself in terms of relationship. And everything that God has created is our inheritance. And we are then fellow heirs with Christ joint heirs with Christ. So all that Christ is as King of Kings and Lord of lords we are in relationship and also in joint responsibility for. Now think of everything that God has done. think of everything that Jesus is done. and now think of each of us being part of that. not just included in it is a job lot.  well well- I suppose God loves me, he has got to love everybody. Is what some people think.  No he has chosen us for this. This was always his intention that we would have this amazing relationship in which we would work with him not for him, with him. So many people are good stewards working for God. That’s not God’s final intention for us. he does not want us working for him he wants us working with him. In total Cooperation as heirs of everything.  then the implication of us being heirs then starts to take shape. verse 19 says for the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. so creation itself the whole fabric of it which is still in a process of being restored, will only come into that restored state ,through us. so God is wanting to reveal us to creation as the sons of GodThe sons of God is a statement of authority and relationship. And he is wanting to reveal us in that. he is wanting to unveil each of you and everyone of his children which means everybody he’s ever created. He wants to unveil that and release that, so that creation will respond to us.  Creation will not respond to us if we do not know our identity and we don’t know our authority. it can’t, it will respond to sons. now we need to be mature sons not just baby sons. We are all sons, we are all children but actually God does not want us to be baby children infants toddlers, neither does he want us to be teenagers who are bad tempered, he wants us to be mature sons who got a relationship with him in which we know his heart. We work together with him we get mandates (permission-authorization, command, directives) and authorizations and tasks and assignments and adventures from him to be part of creation’s restoration. So as we get revealed and we are being revealed it’s not like he is taking us from a dark place and all of a sudden were totally revealed. Were being revealed as we demonstrate more light as we are being transformed into his image

Romans 12 says do not be conformed to the world. Don’t be pressed into a mold that I didn’t make for you and that you have received from the world in which you been brought up in, which has shaped you in a way which is distorted the image that I created you to have. so you look in the mirror of my face you see a distorted image because you’re seeing it through the filter of that mould. so do not be conformed to that mold, but be transformed changed metamorphosed transfigured, all the same word into actually the image that he created which is sonship. so then we go further once we start to get revealed in that, which is as we know it he can reveal it. He cannot reveal you in something you do not know.  we need to know who we are. we need to know what he has called us to. we need to know our role in sonship otherwise we can’t be revealed in it. what happens verse 21 that creation itself will also be set free. also set free which means we are set free, so it can be set free from its slavery to corruption to decay and everything else into, and this is the most amazing statement- into the freedom of the glory of the children  of God. Not into God’s glory but into our glory.  That glory is the essence of who he created us to be. That is where we are made in his image, where we are made to be like him- sonship. that when we come into the full freedom of that, creation in it’s self will begin to be set free. That will bring restoration back to its original condition. that will bring us back into alignment with heaven and earth. because when Adam walked with God in the garden, heaven and earth were in a different standpoint-perspective. heaven and earth were in a overlapped relationship where you could engage both. because Adam was clothed spiritually that enabled him to walk into all those realms.

 heaven has not changed but the earth  and the created realm let’s say of this physical realm has been removed from connection to the spiritual realm, so that  we are  no longer in connection. so that the tree of life we can no longer get to in this realm .we have to go into that realm to experience it and to engage it and to encounter it. So God wants to bring us into freedom of who we always were intended to be. so that , that demonstration of sonship will begin to change everything.  to restore everything.

 We’ll it’s everything but we only see the physical side until we can see the spiritual side of it. so what we see is the amazing creative design of a designer. what we see the amazing- how the golden means works throughout creation we see Fibonacci number sequences. We see all these amazing things within creation that totally point to a designer and a creator. We see that and sort of connects us back to God or it doesn’t depending on again what you can actually see and what framework of mindset that you can see it. if you been brought up to believe there is no God or that it’s all a big bang accident rather than a big bang by design, then you can look at creation, you can look at it but not necessary see God in it. but God is there to be seen and he wants to reveal himself. but then there is the spiritual dynamic of the creation which is unseen with our natural eyes .but  was not for Adam and Eve. they had the ability to see with their -then body mind spirit, everything else, actually see that realm. and they walked in it. it was just like sometimes, I have times when I feel so enveloped with that realm that I don’t know whether I am in this realm or that realm it just  feels that . they were living like that all the time. when Paul said I do not know whether I am in the body or out of the body – this man he was referring to himself, was in the body or out of the body, but I’m in this realm. and actually that’s what they lived like. heaven and earth was not separated. it was in relationship, whatever that relationship was like, it was in relationship. what they did was to remove the earth out of the relationship in that way that it would become something you can just interchange.  It is still in relationship because everything that we see is held together by what is in that unseen realm. Whether you call it the quantum realm all these vibrating strings of energy which is actually still God’s voice vibrating. is what holds it altogether. Hebrew said all things are held together by the voice of his power. and so everything is held together that’s the quantum physics of how things work and and we can engage that and we can begin to engage in that realm and this realm and our role is to bring this realm into agreement again with that realm so that heaven is actually manifesting on the earth.  because what Adam and Eve role was, was to take this garden which was connected to God’s garden and then see that fill the rest of the earth. so there was something to overcome, to fill to be fruitful to multiply and to subdue. and what they had to subdue was a spiritual dynamic (relating to energy and motion, forces that produce motion-quantum physics) which had come out of heaven into the earth. because the enemy, the accuser whatever you want to call him was cast out heaven into the earthly realm, or the spiritual dynamic of this earthly realm. and Adam was given the task to overcome. Which he could have done. and then the whole earth would have been like eden, connected to heaven. And that whole thing would have been restored and made whole as God intended. We’ll it all got messed up .and there were various stages of losing connection to that. it was like it didn’t fall from here sort of to here, one lump. but there were points where things changed and the, obviously the fall was  the first one and then you get the flood and then you get Babel. And they were things where sound and light and the ability to engage sound and light actually were diminished and lost. Now God is restoring them. that’s why people are talking about frequency vibration and sound energy and healing energy and fragrances and oils and all those type of things because there is a revealing of things which were loss are now are being recovered. And ultimately we will be able to again be able to engage wavelengths of light  that you can’t see now. other animals can see different wavelengths of light. we should be able to see the spiritual realm, actually see it, not just see it with the eyes of our heart or the eyes of our spirit. That will eventually be restored and earth will be completely restored back to its original condition and then we get to do what Adam would have done if he then gone beyond the garden to the planets, to the solar system to the universe and else. Because some of the solar system got messed up by what happened in the heavens. and there was not the intention that it would not be inhabitable. God did not make anything uninhabitable in reality. That’s a result of the mess that happened, in various ways.  God wants us to become more and more in alignment with him in terms of creativity. So I think we are going to go beyond co-heirship to co-creating and some people are being taught how to create galaxies and how to create things like that, but within the framework of this galaxy or this universe. there may well be other things beyond that. because there are other dimensions that exist. for quantum physics and string theory to exist there needs to be I think, at least 12 dimensions. now you could think of earth being a dimension or the atmosphere being, kingdom of God, kingdom of heaven, heaven, heaven of heavens, they can all be dimensions. under the earth can be a dimension. there are a number of dimensions that I have been to, that were very surprising, initially. So there is way more. but we are only going to engage that if we realise that we are heirs of it.  we do have a responsibility for this. so much of religion has taken away the responsibility and just made God sovereign and a little bit separated from us. and either he is wound it all up at the beginning and it’s just going to unwind until it ends. Which is one person one view or he is totally separate and actually he is completely outside of, let’s get on with it. or actually he is involved.

 and I believe he is actually involved and we can be involved with where he is. and he wants to be involved where we are, so that were together in relationship. so Jesus obviously had this full representation of God and full representation of man and he identified with fallen adam not free fallen adam. otherwise he would not be able to actually identify with us. and he says he didn’t do anything other than what he sees the father doing in John 519 that is recorded there. so how did he see what the father was doing? because he was operating in sonship. he was representative of us. so he came as the last Adam to restore and redeem everything .so he represented us. so what he did is the pattern, that can give us a clue to how we can govern. so yes we can do things in the earth. we can bring heavenly miracles into the earth and suspend earthly law with a higher law which is what miracles are. we can actually use the laws of physics of the quantum realm to travel in time and space to travel and be translated spiritually physically around the world. we can do that to effectively create realities using the possibilities of that realm to establish things in this realm .because everything must come from that realm to be outworked in this realm. the kingdom wise in God.

 so many things were way beyond what we generally been taught to do. and in recent times we been taught to maybe pray for people, lay hands on people. look for miracles expect miracles, do all that sort of stuff. that’s all been things now that I think have starting to open up, that’s just the beginning. that really just the beginning, that’s just the learning to do things from a baby perspective type of thing. that really I think is where God wants us to have our thinking expanded. to really begin to see the amazing height, depth of sonship and where it goes. it goes so much beyond what we have just seen. and even what Jesus did while he was here he walked on water he transmuted one thing into another- water into wine , he multiplied things. he decreed that there will be a coin in a fishes mouth and there it was.

 he he did things that were a demonstration, he radiated light, the transfiguration was a illustration of where we will be eventually. So there was so much more. he saw what the father was doing. How did he do that? because he was in continual relationship. because actually he was living in both places of heaven  and earth at the same time. he said to Nicodemus  recorded in John 3;13 if you look in a literal translation- you will see what it actually says- basically says, I am here I come out of heaven but I am still in heaven and that’s where I’m dwelling, but I am here. so I’m living in two places. That’s really why he could do what he saw the father doing.

Now when I first started engaging these things, I wanted to see what the father was doing. I wanted my mandate for the day. What do you want me to do ?  I Wanna see what you’re doing and I want you to reveal that . now it wasn’t like you go and you see this big screen of the day and then it shows you what to do. what you’re doing is you’re engaging with the father’s heart. now I wanted instructions because  my relationship was at that point where that’s what I thought. but God didn’t want to give me instructions. What God wanted to do was to reveal his heart to me and then empower me as a son to choose to outwork his heart creatively. The way I wanted to do it. and first of all, when he first started revealing that type of relationship, I was struggling. because I was like which one is the right choice. and he said there all the right choices if you make with me. so there is not just one way of doing it and if I get it wrong you are going to disapprove. no there’s just my heart that you can express through who I made you to be. so then let’s say the father’s heart was to heal people. which we know it was and Jesus came to represent the father’s heart and he only did what he saw the father doing. so the father’s heart was to heal blind people. so Jesus gets this big list of who to heal or does he get this whole methodology or recipe of how to heal blind people to get to follow. or did he get the heart of God which then empowered him to heal blind people in different ways that he did. he could spoken to people even made mud and put on people’s eyes. so he did it in different ways. and I think he chose to do it and have it recorded in different ways to show that it’s not a formula. it’s so easy to try and bring everything back to a formula because that makes it simple. you don’t need a relationship with formula’s. a equals B so simple. it is not like that, it is relational. everything is relational. so we need to know the heart God, and we need to know the heart of God in a daily relationship. not just in the beginning of the week I will find out what I need to do that week and then I will go on and do it.  actually no. or Sunday I will find out and then work it out  the rest of the week. no every day intimacy relationship fellowship sonship, his heart being revealed, me being an heir. And a co-heir and me being responsible for actually seeing what God’s kingdom is in heaven outworked on the earth. at this point in time that operates through my life as a gateway. because I’m a gateway of heaven into the earth and therefore I can create an atmosphere around me in that atmosphere I can rule in the different spheres of government that I’ve been given I can rule. Because i now know what they are and I know how to do things in those realms. at this point in the journey that I’m on. but actually God wants that to go beyond the individual to the corporate. so he wants us, so I can be a gateway and I am a gateway but there are everlasting doors which are between the kingdom of God and the atmosphere of the earth which are designed for heaven to be poured into the earth. for heaven to flow into the earth because we lift up the gates of those doors, according to psalm 24 and we see heaven come into the earth. Because in the original the river of life was flowing into the earth. it flowed into Eden it flowed into  Adams garden from Eden and it watered the earth. so it was always designed that heaven and earth would be, the life of heaven would be flowing into the earth. We’ll it’s no longer flowing like that other than through us. And sometimes we see everlasting doors open, usually temporarily until we do something to shut them. and the enemy does something through us to shut them and we call them revivals or awakenings or moves of God. Where all of a sudden things on earth seem to be completely suspended and all the miracles are happening, and amazing things are happening. And we have had three or four of them on occasions here. But what they did was showed us the possibility of what happens if you have an everlasting door open. But God doesn’t want to do it like he has  done it before. He wants it done in a completely different way. so it’s not about being meeting orientated and inviting people to meetings where things happen. It’s like no we administrate an area where we walk, people get healed where we speak miracles happen, where we actually are operating this area under heavenly government and  not earthly government.  And that’s what I would describe as a true eclessia of God and an embassy of heaven which is an embassy, which is a place which actually is a representative of another land. So in America we have the British Embassy that actually is a piece of Britain in America technically. that is under British law, not American law. So think of an embassy of heaven on earth, it’s under heaven’s law not earthly law. So where we will see heaven manifested on earth. I don’t think there are any yet, sadly. We have got a mandate to be one, and we are working towards being one, but we’ve not even dealt with the atmosphere over here fully. we just can maintain an open heaven when we gather. we got a deal with the atmosphere, therefore we need to know our authority. so then we can start administrate opening those doors and really seeing things change.

we have what we call a footprint, because on the map it looks like a footprint which God has given us which is this area here initially ,that we believe we have authority over. and in that area there are a few everlasting doors. We have not opened them. we have had them opened, and amazing thing have happen while they were open, but we were mature enough to actually administrate their opening and we still aren’t yet, but were learning. and we are looking to see what that will mean. now we have, we walked around our footprint and we put scriptures in the grand of our footprint and we have taken ownership of it in the spiritual dynamic. that will expand, because there is no end to the increase of his government. but we need a beachhead. so you could say this building, God has told us to be an apostolic resource centre in which people can be resourced and equipped around the world. either coming here or us going from here or actually being able to do it online in both places at the same time. so we are looking to maintain an open heaven here by legislating for that and administrating it. but we haven’t dealt with the atmosphere of the earth yet.

 and was a question I’ll cover this afternoon because it is a question that is quite interesting and I think it is part of what we need to know. but to start with we have to start seeing what God is doing for our own lives. Because if we don’t do it for own lives, we never going to have any authority corporately. Now we as a church have 12 mountains of authority. Areas that God given us authority. if you do not have authority in your own life just because you might be involved in an area of authority within the church, doesn’t really give you any more authority. It has to be -Jesus said start in Jerusalem which is starting in your own life. Demonstrate the kingdom of God in your own life. Actually know your sonship, start administrating in your own life. Control the circumstances of your own lifeDon’t allow circumstances and situations to affect you. rule them. Actually establish heaven in your own life that’s the beginning, that is the starting point. Then you can then together begin to actually take responsibly for an area or a place or a city, or a region or a nation. But you start with us, you start in your own life.

 we need to see what the father’s doing everyday and then we can do things in like manner as sons of God that is what God is calling us to do we have a destiny to fulfil that involves us needing to see what the father’s doing in relationship so that we actually then have that responsibility and outwork it to see change. So you change the circumstances in your own life. Now there is a lot of things that go with it obviously that you need to learn to do to frame things, to be able to have the authority to change things, to call things that don’t exist yet into existence. doing all the things that Jesus did and the father did. but that’s a learning process .when Jesus first began to come, he came to this point of -I know who I am effectively– Luke 2: 49 it is like Jesus says this- did you not know that I must be about my father’s business. Now he was not talking about Joseph and the carpenter shop or the builders merchant whatever .he was talking about his father God or another version says were in the things of my father. so he then has this at 12 ,then he goes through an 18 year process of growing in wisdom and stature with God and man, to come into the fullness of where he was then gonna be able to express that on earth. and you have all sorts of, the Bible doesn’t give you much clue about what goes on during that period .but other books including the koran actually, which actually talks about Jesus making and creating things . Whether that is just a story or not, but the indication was when Jesus started to do miracles, his mother pointed and said do what he says. now I think she said do what he says because she knew he had done lots of things like that before. So there was an indication that he was growing in that place. That he knew what he was about. We need to know what were about.  Are we about the father’s business or are we about our own business. Because actually the father’s business is our business. we are joint heirs of it.  It is not like we are the teaboy’s. we may start as a teaboy and learn all the ropes of everything about the father’s business. but he wants us to be part of the board, part of the government of it. So that we actually begin to administrate it from the relationship. so we need to know the father’s heart and this is where the intimacy comes in. if I know in intimacy the father’s heart then what I do is going to be out of the discovering my sonship. and that will inevitably lead us to doing what the father’s doing , to want to be involved in that co-heir ship of creation. I long for creations restoration. It use to be something I would read in acts. Now it’s the passion of my heart. Because I’ve seen what it’s like, I see what it was like and I know the difference and I know what God wants it to be like and i want to see that changed. I Want to see people restored. i Want to see creation restored. if Wanna be involved in the process of that happening. Helping to raise up a generation, the Joshua generation who will mentor people in their sonship .who will get their identity and then help the next generation. the next generation who do not know jesus yet,  are fatherless. Even if they got an earthly father that is nothing compared to the heavenly Father that God wants. We need to take a fatherless generation and bring them into a restored relationship with the father. Which was why at the very end of the old Testament in Malachi, the declaration was that the hearts of the children were gonna be turned to the father and the father to the children. that’s what Jesus came to do. we need to continue the process to bring people into that amazing relationship with him. So responsibility flows from relationship.

now responsibility has two  meanings and we found when we start to look at responsibility here, it caused all sorts of problems. because people didn’t want responsibility because they saw responsibility as a negative thing rather than a positive thing. so we have to deal with the mindsets of what- when you say a word what do people hear? because they may not be hearing what you’re saying. or they take the word and it means something to them different from what it means to you. and therefore we were talking about responsibility and we can we can be enthroned. And people were like not really keen. So why? So we had to find out. responsibility as two meanings in English primarily. one is the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or having control over  it. so you have a responsibility to do this thing because it is your responsibility. that’s our responsibility of sonship. and  synonyms are authority control power leadership management influence. All those are things that we can have and control is not a negative thing, unless it is directed towards controlling people.

We should have the authority to control the weather and the atmosphere and other things and we are learning to do those things.

 But the other definition is the state or fact of being accountable or to blame for something. now people took that meaning and therefore it’s like don’t give me anything to do because if I get it wrong then I am going to be to blame. then I’m gonna be punished,  you are going to hold me accountable.

Yes- but accountability is just-hay- how you doing. so God is saying  how are you doing with all this responsibility I have given you? Well actually I don’t want it.  Because I am afraid if I get it wrong your going to hit me with a big stick .because thats how God has been presented, as someone whose hard. and you get that with the parable of the talents. the parable of the talents is- I have given you this stuff, you have responsibility to use it for me and with me. and the one guy basically said you are a hard taskmaster, there it is  because I was afraid. who told him  that he was like that? because the other two didn’t get that message. so we need to be really aware what God is like, so that we don’t take this and this creates fear and therefore we don’t fulfil what we called to do because were afraid of getting it wrong. and were afraid God will disapprove and that will lead to negative consequences. God gives us the permission to have a go and to learn from our mistakes. He does not punish our mistakes. There is no punishment that he has got to give for our mistakes. he wants to disciple us. so discipline is not punishment. discipline is correction, discipline is training, training for reigning, discipline is discipling .and he wants to disciple us , so that we will get better at stuff. We will learn to do it. You don’t learn to do something by doing it once. we have to keep going . I use to play tennis and it’s like I would have not got better at tennis if and played over and over again. Now I played with someone initially that was not that good. And I could beat them all the time. So I didn’t really learn to grow because I wasn’t stretched. But then I went to school and played table tennis at school. I started to play people who were better than me.  We’ll I had to learn to play better. And I  learned from them. and then I learned, I want to find out, how do I do this better.  What is my grip. How do i learn to do this. I need to develop better serves, I need, I went through a process of learning then when my children came along. Two of them liked playing tennis, so we used to play tennis all the time. now to start with, I use to  give them three serves not just two . and I took it easy on them. and then they started to get better so I had to start playing better to keep ahead of them. and then it got to a point where one summer my son, I couldn’t beat him.  Now I had an injury that summer . tendon problem, I couldn’t really push off. so in the winter I really got fit for the next summer, he could not beat me again. Because I was fit. Now he is probably much  better than me now. but I learned and I taught, and I helped them and God is wanting to do that with us. when they couldn’t beat me I didn’t lord it over them  and say you are all rubbish tennis players . I would encourage them to try harder. they knew  I was taking it easy on them. but they wanted me to do it harder.  I did bit by bit actually they got better and better. and God is working with us to help us get better and better at doing what we are doing. He is not going to tell us off if   we don’t do it perfectly the first time. and if you want to be a tennis professional you really have to train. You have to get fit you have to learn. You may have some skill and some people who have great skill get by on the skill up to a point. and when they hit people with equal skill and better dedication they lose. so you end up having to mature and grow and God has given us talent if you like. but he wants us to learn how to use that talent more effectively in life. and learn our sonship. so let’s not be afraid of responsibility. the synonyms here are blame, fault guilt culpability and liability, will put anybody off.

but that’s not how God uses responsibility. he uses it in here is an opportunity. so without relationship and identity responsibility will bring fear. and that’s why so many people back off and don’t do anything. because they’re afraid of getting it wrong. Expectation is a strong belief that something will happen or be the case. now does God have high expectations of us ? Well if he does, are we filled with dread or excitement? Because if we think God has expectations that we can’t meet, it will cause us to look at us in a less than sort of way. God doesn’t have unrealistic expectations of us because that’s not relational. he has expectancy, he wants us to have, to live in expectancy. to live in the positive optimistic view of life. In the I will be able to overcome anything.  That I will learn and I will grow and I will mature I will become who God called me to be, in all that. We can live with expectancy but don’t live under expectation. Because you can have false expectations. Now expectation leads to obligation and duty. and that can lead to legalism. it is like God does not want us to be obliged or obligated. Or to feel that we need to do something out of duty.

He wants us to do things out of desire. The only way we can do things out of desire is to know his heart. that is not a organisational thing. It’s a relational thing. so expectancy leads to seeing opportunity, which brings passion and enthusiasm. The opportunity is different than obligation. Responsibility is not supposed to create expectations and obligations but opportunity. So when God gives you opportunity, don’t be afraid of taking it. Don’t think, I do not know how to do it. He knows exactly what you know how to do and what you don’t know how to do. And he is not expecting you to do something beyond where you are on your journey. He wants you to continue the journey so that you will grow in that whole understanding of relationship and that stuff. So responsibility is the ability to respond, in God to those mandated opportunities. That does not mean you have to respond to every opportunity that presents itself to you. or every problem that there exists in the world.

so when we start to learn how to govern and rule and do things and change things, the temptation is there is a problem I need to fix it. you only need to fix that which God authorizes you to fix .when I first started realizing the authority and the power- what you have when you’re in the heavens, I started to think of things I could do and I would see weather systems and hurricanes and things like that and I would say to God do I have authority to deal with it, because I wanted to . I didn’t want this to damage friends that live in places, I wanted to see these weather system change. So the first time it happened  was hurricane Patricia. and this was a major hurricane off the coast of Mexico , it was gonna move up into the south-west of the US. so I saw this hurricane and it was 200 mile an hour winds huge and and I said God can I have a mandate to deal with that. and he said no. some one else is deal with it. so that okay okay then. So I didn’t think much more of it. two weeks later was talking to somebody actually called Patricia and she said you know about whether mandates. i know about them. she said God gave me a weather mandate for hurricane Patricia. and she said I legislated and I felt called to call that hurricane to go up into the mountains and drop all its rain and that’s what happened. So there is way more than what we think but actually we mustn’t be tempted to go beyond what were authorised to do. Because there are opportunities we do have the ability to respond but make sure we respond to the opportunities God is giving us not just because there’s a problem. I see all sorts of problems and because I can do something about those problems I am often stirred to try and find out can I do something about them. The majority of times God says no. because he is wanting to teach someone else to do it. sometimes he says yes when he says yes I get involved .the whole situation with Korea, that was going on people getting anxious, there is going to be a war and all the doom and gloom merchants and all that stuff goes on. So I was like okay I’m sort of interested in this. couple of friends contacted me and said we have heard some things god has shown us about korea. okay what has he shown you.  can we get together and there was a few other people who also felt, can we get together . so we did , we started  to get together and we started to talk about the issues and there was some prophetic insight and we then stepped into heaven we started to get a mandate , there was a court case and people started to then decree and declare things into the people of Korea. not into the government, but into the people at grassroots level to begin with, to facilitate change. and then you started to get all this rhetoric of trump and  we got bigger Newgrass than you . we are going to do this test just to spite you  and all this stuff was going on. so we were like, we’ll did this have any effect? because some people were saying this thing was getting worse. We have not actually legislated for the government to change. we legislated for something to happen at a grassroots level, which would start to facilitate change. and so then the Winter Olympics happened and the Winter Olympics was where that change started to take place. the people decided they wanted to relate to one another. and the team started to relate to one another and then the ice hockey team said can we form a  team out of the people from both countries. and things started to change in the level. and then the national government- hey let’s send some representative to the Winter Olympics. they wouldn’t cross that border if you take them before, all of a sudden something changed. and then all of a sudden the rhetoric stops and they’re talking about having a summit. I am not saying, I was responsible for that, but I believe many people , and I have  heard of several other groups who were also legislating for things to change but they were authorised to do so. some really good friends of mine who were part of a governmental bench in the US felt the same about Japan. and they went and did a court case, a  high-level court case to do with Japan and they spent,they are still in it , they are doing it in the council of 70 and they done two cases and there are two more for them to do. but they’re  not Japanese they are not Oriental but they were given a mandate. and just because you live somewhere doesn’t necessarily mean you have authority. actually if you don’t live somewhere doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t have authority. It is what gives you. so be open to the opportunities and to respond to them. You have the power and authority to respond when you are given the mandate. So what are we actually supposed to respond to? only that which God says, that’s the key, don’t step outside of the boundaries just because there’s a problem. I look at sometimes I have authority within my family and then there’s a limit to the authority because all my children are adults but there still my family and I still have the responsibility to bless them and empower them and do things. so I am doing that but then a problem arises. I can’t assume that I should go in and fix that problem. because God may be using that problem to highlight something else that he then wants to deal with. God will use a problem to make a person aware of something, because they are not hearing his voice. And if I remove the problem actually what he was trying to get at will never be got. see you have got to be careful in having government that you use it wisely and for what God shows you to do and not anything else. and that’s really really important. Now all of us have this mandate Genesis 1:28 to be fruitful multiply fill the earth subdue rule over it. that is a general mandate that we all have. So all of us can be fruitful, all of us can increase, all of us  can expand our government, all of us have the authority to overcome obstacles that come against us and we have the authority to rule those spheres. not people you cannot rule people. People have to surrender to the rule of God. You cannot force it. Which is what has happened through the ages through war and other things we are going to force people to become this or that of the other. It doesn’t  work, it has to be surrendered. but we do have authority over that which God has given us. that is our destiny as God’s children we are heirs and we have authority and a mandate to rule. that is our destiny let’s embrace it. don’t be frightened of it, embrace it and you will find that in that embracing we  will find that you will begin to discover more and more about what that authority is, the realms that it covers so that we can then be positioned in that place.

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