Sons invested and enthroned 3

 in these things your spirit needs to engage with my spirit to enable me to say what you need to hear.  because it’s important you hear what God wants you to hear rather than what I want to tell you. so I never know what I’m gonna say. that’s why I can you do 50 slides in a session or  I could do once slide in a session because it’s the inspiration that I want to be able to release not necessarily just information. so I will to carry on a little bit try and get it further with it. because it’s the  foundation so really.

 sonship has a spiritual and mental and emotional and physical aspect to it. it is a whole thing, we are sons. We are made in the image of God and therefore we are supposed to be like the creator and sustainer of all things. we have roles to play in creation as co-heirs. Because God is relational, he made us to be relational. so if anything is not relational you have every right to question it. Because a lot of things that we think are in the kingdom, are not relational and they are not actually God’s kingdom.

 He doesn’t do things other than by relationship. God is love and him being love motivates him to establish relationship with us and therefore he is totally motivated to keep, reconcile, renewing, and restoring us. because he wants us to have no hindrances obstacles or barriers to the fullness of what that relationship really is.

And nothing can separate us from his love. Nothing that we do, nothing anyone else does, unless we allow it to. Because it never changes his love towards us. but we can feel differently if we feel guilt shame or condemnation, which is never going to come from the Holy Spirit. we are royal priests that is a two part function of what we do in the realms of heaven. our investiture  succession enthronement coronation. our investiture as son’s has already taken place. God invested us from the very beginning, we were invested with God, we were invested by God to be royal priests, to be sons. We have all been invested with identity, a destiny, a position, where were seated. and positions, because there are often many places where we are seated. We have been invested with indentity, inheritance and birthright we been given that from creation.

 now obviously things have got messed up. so God is  wanting to restore the fullness of all those things to us so  that we know our identity. we know who he called us to be. we know what that out-works, who we are in the outworking  of that. we know our position where  we are seated. we know the spheres of authority God has given us. we know that our inheritance is the whole of creation. and we have a birthright within that, that  gives us authority to operate in creation.

so in biblical terms in the old Testament the firstborn had a right to a double portion of inheritance. that was culture and people talk today about having a double portion and things like that. God is not bound by human culture. just because it was recorded in the old Testament doesn’t mean it was God’s idea. there’s hundreds and hundreds of things recorded in the old testament  which were never God’s idea. There were mans or our idea. we wanted a king or Israel wants a king so God gave them one. Did God want the to have a king other than him-no. but he gave them one. there’s many things. the law came through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus. so we assumed so much of what’s written and we attribute it to God when it isn’t necessarily. so God is not bound by this culture of firstborn. he chose Jacob Joseph Moses Gideon David Solomon Deborah Esther and none of them were necessarily firstborn. he chooses you and it doesn’t matter what natural lineage you got. it doesn’t matter anything from your past. he’s chosen you and he is continuing to choose you all the time. he chooses to supersede human culture by design. So he is never going to be put in a box ,that we try and put him in. that fixes him to a formula which is not relational. he wants a relationship with you, he doesn’t want you to operate with him in a- he is your boss and you do everything he says because he is your boss. he wants you to, want to outwork things with him in relationship. so everyone has a birthright regardless of gender or position in family. so from God’s perspective there is no male or female in his kingdom.  religion makes all sorts of differences between male and female  and certain streams will have all sorts  of the different views on male and female. form God’s perspective your all the same. You are all sons, that’s why he uses the generic term of son. because actually it is encompassing male and female position. and its regardless of any worldly measure or anything you have by natural means, that doesn’t actually make any difference from God’s perspective. our design is matched with our destiny and it brings fulfilment not futility and frustration. God does not want to be having a carrot that he is dangling in front of us, always trying to find something and never come into fulfillment.

In the Narnia stories it is winter but never Christmas. God wants us to have Christmases, he wants us to enjoy life. he wants his joy to be in us and our joy to be full. he wants to endure us with peace. righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. love joy and peace. this is something to experience and enjoy. I see so little joy in many areas of what we call religion because it is all about works and duty and obligation rather than excitement and passion and enthusiasm and joy. because we got this amazing relationship with an amazing dad.  who likes to take us on adventures and share with us the wonders of his creation both what we can see here and beyond that in the other realms that he has created.

 one Corinthians 1:25 says because the foolishness of God is wiser than men the weakness of God is stronger than men, he’s chosen us. People will look at me , I have just written this book, in the beginning of the book  I was thinking, if I was God I don’t think I would have chosen me for this journey. because I didn’t start in the place that made it easy, but actually that is the very reason God chose me for this journey. because if  actually I can discover this journey from the place I started in, the everyone can. And that’s why he chooses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. I would not have chosen a logical scientist to engage in supernatural visionary stuff,if it was me. But God know better. because he has created me. We are not gonna find and fulfil our destiny in intellectual understanding or physical strength, or strength of will or us trying to do it. We have to rest. we find our destiny in a relationship. Trusting God living  by his faith not our sight. so much of faith has been taught from the perspective of what we must have to belief. it’s like God gives us his faith to believe. and in relationship that creates faith. that inspires us to believe and live. that’s how he wants us to operate.

 so surrendering to God’s will for our lives is what it’s about. not trying to outwork it. that’s the abdication self-rule. We have got to give up trying to do it myself in my own strength. so sonship has a birthright attached to it. Now you have birthrights and you have blessings. remember the story of Isaac and Jacob all that. he tricked him into giving him his blessing and his birthright . he tricked esau or esau gave up his birthright.but the blessing was separate from a birthright, so you had all these different things, which were part of the inheritance.

now God has taken all those type of things and he’s made it very simple. he wants you to have the fullness of everything. and you don’t have to go through hoops to get it .it’s yours by right. because you are a child of God. so birthright is our identity as God’s children, it’s righteousness. your birthright is righteousness. so anything that contradicts that is not God’s intention. so having a birthright includes having blessing value worth, affirmation acceptance being loved. we don’t love our children because they do things nice for us. we love our children because there are our children. and actually sometimes they do some things which are not too nice and cause us a lot of problems and heartache and grief sometimes. But it doesn’t stop us loving them.  because they are our children. their birthright is to be loved by us. and all those other things of value  and worth comes because God says we are valuable to him and we are. not because we become valuable because we can do all these things for him. he is not looking at the performance, or the works. he is looking at us and he sees intrinsic value in who we are and who we have been created to be. and all our worth does not come from self-worth. that we have earned worth because we done all these things. it comes from him decreeing and declaring and demonstrating to us that we are actually his children. that brings contentment, being able to live loved in the bliss of intimacy. people describe it in all sorts of ways. that doesn’t mean you have to go around feeling drunk . actually sometimes I feel that way because I am just overwhelmed by the sense of how much he loves  me. but generally it is a complete sense of peace. I live loved and its  I know that I am loved,because I am loved and I  could never do anything to stop God loving me. And I can never do anything to make him love me anymore. so it doesn’t matter whether I do anything or don’t do anything, he loves me. when you get to that point that then begins to change everything. because everything then flows out of that. Because we are not striving for anything. were not trying to be loved were not trying to do something to earn God’s love we are loved. And all of us are loved. the question is do we know it and are we living in the benefit of it. so many things will try and stop us feeling and experiencing that amazing love. so birthright is really associated with the priests and oracles, it is having the word of God, it’s having a function to be able to be intimate with God . I don’t have to knock on my dads door to go and sit with him on the throne of grace. he is always available. now when I see him on his throne sometimes I just want to lie on my face and just honor him. but he’s not telling me to get on your face. because this is my throne. I could go  up to him on his throne and actually he would welcome me there. but I recognise there is particular places where it is more convenient and better to engage God in intimacy. and there are better places when you engage God for responsibility. It all flows out of relationship. so intimacy reveals our birthright. birthright is associated with the precepts of God, his very essence and nature of love. because that is our birthright to experience and to engage and be benefiting from. who God really is and that’s the precepts of God which is so important to get hold of . and when we start doing court cases everything we do is based on the precepts of God. that’s why everything has to be motivated out of love. this is what God said to me about precepts. he said my presets are the foundation of the beginning I am, my eternal nature and character the fullest expression of who I am. the foundation of righteousness, the fullest demonstration of love revealed in pure light. my heart revealed the why of creation. why is there a creation- because God is love. and profoundly it could take me the rest of my life here and on, to really fully embrace that. because there is depth and depths to God which he is always drawing us deeper into. that he wants us to to come into sonship. sonship has an inheritance, inheritance has a position where that is outworked. so you have inherited certain things that you are responsible for. certain areas of God’s kingdom that he has given specially to you and entrusted to you for you to rule in those areas and to reflect him in those areas ,so  that those areas are also filled with love. and are functioning according to his precepts his character his that they are a full expression of God. so when people see us they should see a full expression of God. fortunately he is patient with us and were on a journey of that being outworked. but the foundation of that is to know your loved. because when you know your loved it enables you to love. and that’s when we love others the way we are loved, that the world will truly begin to see what God is really like. our position bring significance and esteem. if were trying to get significance and esteem by what we do it will be dependent on our success. the position we are in brings with it, this is a position of a King. and when you see a king and you see them on their throne and you see them with all their regalia and their sceptre and their crown and their mantle, and all that stuff, there is something quite special about it. actually that’s how God sees us. he sees us already positioned and that position, when we actually come into it, actually is what gives us the esteem. not because we do anything there, but just because we are there in it. so our position in co-heir ship , we are kings, rulers, which is a whole governmental thing. Inheritance is associated with increasing, multiplying and filling. so take it back to Genesis 1:28 and you see that all this is about what God blessed us with. that we would actually be an outworking of that heaven into the earth.

so inheritance is associated with the statutes of god. this is what God said about his statutes. and I first discovered this , I had a dream , when I was on a fast and I was looking to engage heaven. and was not getting anywhere for the first lot of days. but I had a lot of revelation. I woke up and I had this dream and it was about Psalm 119. It was a particular verse in Psalm 119 and I was like, wow. so i looked at it and I saw all around it, things I never noticed before and it was about statutes and laws and precepts and wonders and all this stuff relating to God’s government. and statutes ,this is how he described it are the fullest expression of how I see and perceive everything, my worldview. so it’s how God perceives everything that keeps everything existing. because quantum physics says- if  something isn’t observed it is only in a state of possibility and not in a state of actuality. so if God stopped looking at us, we wouldn’t exist. creation wouldn’t exist. but fortunately he never blinks and he never sleeps and is always observing us from the consciousness of the reality of who he sees us to be. but we have to start perceiving the world, the creation the way he does. 18:12

 that’s why we need our minds renewed , so that we begin to perceive reality from his perspective. from a potential possibility perspective and not at finality. tough luck you cain’t do anything about it. because we can when we start to see how he has given us a mind that is like his mind has the creative capacity to create reality around us.

 in the last of these six things I will go into that in detail and share a lot of testimonies of shaping reality, changing things, doing things in time and space, contracting time, expanding time, having more time , doing things in less time than you could do. all that stuff is because I choose to actually frame my life from his viewpoint and not mine.

 because I couldn’t believe any of that, until I started to see things that he was unveiling from his perspective. so I’ve been able to travel to places in a time which wasn’t possible humanly. because I needed to do so and therefore I was able to choose that reality. And I have done lots of that because I could perceive things. I am not saying fully because I’m only on a journey like everybody else. but I can begin to see more of how God sees the world and how that keeps everything together from what I could before. and those are the realities that begin to change you. so that’s a heavenly and an eternal viewpoint.

We were created in god’s heart and our journey is the outworking of that where it comes into manifestation. He see his will for our life, which becomes outworked through relationship with him as his spirit penetrates into us where we become who he is, our spirit grows as it is joined into one with his through embracing him.

 When you’re in heaven in the spirit the way you perceive your life is different than what you perceive it on earth. unless you’re living in dual realms and when you’re in dual realms you begin to operate as if you’re in heaven, because you are. then everything begins to function without this dualistic separation that we all live in the tension of. We’ll heaven is there and I am here, I am trying to get heaven to come here and it is all sort of separated and defragmented and fractured, where actually God is all whole, all peaceful. It is all from a whole perspective. so when you’re in heaven when you’re standing in the four faces of God and you’re looking out through the eyes of a lion- you see things from a governmental perspective you could not see before. you see the chaos of your life from a perspective of Godly order. he shows you things, that you look at here on earth, I got all this stuff going on, all this stuff happening, I’m struggling with this, this circumstance, this situation and you’re in the midst of  it and it is all around you and you can feel overwhelmed with the thing. It is like being in a black pit that you can’t get out of. and you are in it and it’s all black and you can’t get out of it.  when you go high enough above and you look down, that pit looks like a little back dot. the perspective changes. so when you see a heavenly perspective your ability to change all those things that are around you actually begins to manifest. because you’re seeing them not from I am in the midst of it, but I am over this. I have authority in these situations, therefore I can change this. I’m not subject to other people’s things.

 how do I stand in it? because I’m standing in that perspective all the time, I am now conditioned to see things differently. so I see opportunities when other people see obstacles. Because it just gives me opportunity to change something. Now I can do that around my life. I can’t do it in other people’s lives without their permission and their cooperation. so there’s a degree in which- yes I could change the weather or I could change something that could be going to happen by legislating that it doesn’t. in that I have a mandate to do so. if I have a mandate an authorization from God then I have the authority to deliver that. he has given me spheres of government that I am in. that I have a mandate and therefore I can use that within those spheres to the point where that creates an opportunity of others to embrace. I can’t make people embrace anything. I don’t Wanna control people. I Wanna create opportunities and possibilities that people can embrace .in my own life i have things sometimes that go wrong. generally, because I have been neglecting ruling, usually. Or the enemy might be trying to distract me and take me off track so he throws a curve ball or whatever to try and get me to focus on that rather than what I should be focusing on. so you become sensitive to spiritual dynamics. Peace- I know really clearly when I am not in peace. and if I’m not in peace there’s a reason and I will find out why and I will bring things back into peace. that could be external, that could be internal .sometimes God allows me not to have peace to say hay there is something in here that i need to deal with. I want you to look at this area. so generally I’m looking to be able to fulfil my destiny the things God has called me to do and have everything I need to enable me to do that, as far as my part in that can go. let’s say I could be transrelocated somewhere around the world to do something. and I’d been trans relocated in time and space a number of times. I have been translated in time and space. I couldn’t take someone with me unless God authorises it and we were in agreement to do it. so I can do that because I developed that governmental perspective. seeing the opportunities and taking them.  now I live a very normal sort of life. but within that I have time to enjoy life. so many Christians don’t have time to enjoy life. They are so busy doing stuff, usually because they feel obliged or duty to do it, but they don’t enjoy life. I have time to spend, any amount of time I need to be with God. I have personal time with God I have time to do all the preparation I need to do for anything like this. because I live my life according to, God called me to do it, I have the ability to do it, but I need to rule that. so when it comes to developing let’s say 12 sessions of teaching. I know how long that used to take me. but God asked me to do that and he asked me to do this. so I know that I can. so what would take me eight hours I can now do in half an hour. now that half an hour is actually eight hours. all I done is actually operating in rich time.  they operate in, I have the ability to frame my day. If I  need 28 hours or 36 hours in this day I will have them.  it will only appear like 24 hours to somebody else. but for me I have a capacity that is not limited by anything. So I’m never busy. Because if I am busy then I have a mindset which is I can do anything else. so I’m never busy. so usually when people say can you do this- I ask myself do I have a mandate to do it. yeah okay , I will create an hour here, I cannot do this that I was going to do in that hour. but I will be able to do that anyway. It is a mindset. It is a way of thinking, it’s a way of operating, that is not limited by any constraints of earthly time or space. when I’ve needed to be somewhere I get there, whichever means that is, whether that is a natural supernatural, I frame things to make sure that things don’t stop me doing what god wants me to do.  it took me time to develop that. it had to be the desire of my heart to do what God wants me to do. I had  to create that desire within me by meditating with God, talking to him, building up a relationship with him. that now I don’t see obstacles. but then obviously you look and see things are not as they should be. is everything perfect in every way around me-no it is not. and sometimes I look at it and thing how long is this going to take. because actually it is going to take as long as people take to outwork that. and I can’t make people go faster than their own journeys. so for me I am not limited by where other people are in their journey. but what I must be if I’m in relationship with people is close enough that they can see me. and not be so far away that it’s impossible for them to relate to where I am. which is why you have to be normal, you have to live a normal life . I don’t try and be weird or odd. I want to be just normal.  By my normality is very different from other people’s normality. but within it I do very normal things that they would do. I can just do a lot of other things as well. and of course because I’m living in the realms of heaven and are not bounded by linearity and linearity of thinking. I can be in multiple places at the same time . now when God  deconstructed my mind, he rewired me to think differently and therefore I’m not operating linearly in heaven. i used to be. so I used to go through this whole process of being a living sacrifice and going to engage the Ark go into eternity and going into my mountain and ruling and decreeing and declaring and then I would be like-right now we are going to get on with it. and reality is I’m doing that all the time. so I am on the altar right now. I am in the heart God in eternity, I am standing in the four faces of God, I am on my mountain, I am ruling from the throne, I am in a court room as a Chancellor all at the same time simultaneously. because I’m in him and he is everywhere. so I can be anywhere. but my thinking restricted that possibility. I couldn’t even conceive that  be the case, because I thought linearly. so I thought on earth linearly, so okay I get up in the morning I go through my day. yes I began to frame that day so it would fit everything into it, but it was still a day. then I go to bed,i rest enjoy whatever I did in the realms off heaven. get up the next day engage with God over again. doing whatever it was I was mandated to do and it is linear .and it is linear because we live in time. but actually heaven doesn’t function in the same physics as earth. and it doesn’t function in the same timescale as earth either. certain realms of heaven are faster, the speed of light than earth. so you can begin to shape that and live from that. so then when God dealt with my mind, he rewired my mind to think nonlinearly. which changes your whole perspective. and when I did that, he gave me some opportunities to practice that. and to operate outside of time, to stop time for me. I did some things like that. It was just hey,here is some opportunities to practice how you are going to do some of these things and I did that. but what it did was it meant my capacity increased. I have been living in dual realms since 2012. and it had a stream flowing out of heaven for whatever I was through me onto the earth. and what I was doing on the altar was out working with my soul.  what I was doing in the heart God was out working through my soul. because my soul had come within agreement and was resonating with whatever I was doing in heaven. but it was one stream. now I can have multiple streams all flowing like a river. so 7,8,9, 10 different places I can be at the same time,  actually means that all that is flowing. Now I’ve not learned to cognitively do  that.  I do not know whether I need to cognitively be aware of everything that is going on. because I become aware of what I need to be aware of, because it flows. so whatever is going on in heaven right now , wherever I am seated whatever I’m doing is actually coming through me here. so if there’s a question you asked that I don’t have the answer to. and I have permission to give you the answer then it will come out of heaven and I’ll tell you even though I don’t know the answer. Because I have the source of every answer that I’m connected to. and if he empowers me I can reveal that. so I’ll very often talk to people and I tell them things that I don’t know. I don’t know cognitively (the process of acquiring knowledge by the use of reasoning) because I’ve never connected it. but I need to know that now so it gets released. now sometimes my spirit is doing things that builds up that bank of knowledge. but I’m in the heart of God, that  is outside of time and space. so everything that is now to him can be now to me. which is why you don’t get caught up with – this is a problem that we are  never going to overcome. Because to him it is already overcome. I just need the wisdom and insight to see from his perspective to be able to overcome it.

What you would actually see, would be like sitting on a desk where you sit and observe but  you would not be in my bubble, this is the thing.  it is difficult to describe it. encounters I have had.

 when I came out of this rewiring of my mind and I saw things nonlinearly and I saw things from a perspective of ability to choose and create a reality.

If you go into Einstein’s theory of relativity. you will find how it explains how God can be transcendent and immanent (esisting in all parts of the universe) at the same time all that stuff. because I don’t, but I get to do whatever I need to do . now sometimes I need inspiration. so if I need inspiration or I need something to help me, I go to the throne of grace. now the throne of grace, I love going to the throne of grace the father puts me on his lap I rest on his chest I feel the comforting rhythm of his heart and I offload anything. that I need to offload

 I have a capacity which has come because I start to see things from a heavenly perspective this is the key in this. you have to see from that perspective otherwise you will see from an earthly perspective and then you are going to be limited. so I have a relationship with God, in which I know that I have everything I need. But it isn’t handed on a plate, it is through  engaging with him. so he knows what I need.

I live from rest. that’s what government does it brings us to a place were we know we have the authority to outwork these things from a place of relationship and rest, without getting fearful or frantic or anything else. but knowing that we live within that place with God. so we need that heavenly eternal viewpoint and then this really is the lens through which all things from the largest galaxy to the smallest particle, that is what God said to me. when you see things from this perspective the statutes of God, you will be able to see how everything on its enormous scale relatively and everything you can’t see in a quantum thing all works together. so what God was saying is you have the theory of everything at your disposal. Scientists have been searching for the theory of everything. Steven  Hawkins spent his whole life searching for the theory of heaven, and he never found it. because he never found a relationship with God. I believe he has probably found one now. May be  I will go and preach to him if he hasn’t.

 but in reality this is what it’s about. you see things in a completely different way and how they relate and how they interact. So you can start to see things. I’m still learning to do this, it isn’t perfect and around my own life it’s much simpler than when you interact with other people around other people’s lives because they have their own choices and their own way of doing things and you cannot just force people you have to work with people you know. so God has shown me some things. I share them God says they’re not your responsibly to I have to let go of it and then I have to wait and then you wait, and I use to get frustrated because it’s like two weeks have gone past and nothings has happened. I would have done this in two weeks. now two months have gone past. Nothing has happened. okay well no point being frustrated because I’m not allowed to do it. so if God wants someone else to do it, he has to work with them in their timescale to help them do it. So you have to let it go and you may encourage people think about it now and again. do you remember we talked about this a while ago. How are we doing on this.  okay but you start to see things from different way of thinking a different perspective and then you’re not faced with panic fear anxiety worry none of those things. it is like you have a authority to begin to change things. so this is what God said my observation is what enables the existence of all things. So, if I can see things the way he sees them, that they exist, then I can see them to help those things exist, the things I’m responsible for .and that really works. so my mind revealed the what of creation God consciousness.

 so I had a real shock when I engage the mind of God. I had this picture an image of what it was going to be like. it wasn’t like that at all. it was a conversation. it was like I am in the midst of a conversation, an eternal conversation father-son spirit are having all the time and I can glimpse catch  pieces of conversations about me within the overall. and it was like wow. what God showed me because I was struggling with that to start with. It was just like this is not what I thought. and then he said let me give you a glimpse of my reality. and so he gave me a glimpse of his ability to connect with every person who has ever existed will exist all in the now and he is listening and engaging with all of them out of thoughts feeling and intention perspective. and his desire is to bring good out of everything that that person is doing saying or not doing or saying. and he’s not there judging them, he is giving them an opportunity to to bring good out of it, even the most crazy ridiculous decisions we ever made. and he’s doing that in the now. now that’s his transcendent position of being outside of time and space. and yet he operates within the now with everybody. what they’re going through in that situation. even though from the now perspective he is at work actually rewriting everything on the fly. we think everything is fixed, it is not. because he is actually doing things with what we do and he weaves and writes all the things we do within the story .so he will write all our craziness into the story and bring good out of it to eventually bring around what he wanted to do in the first place. so someone one said is your scroll fixed? No. when I took my scroll of my life to the judgement seat of Christ and the fire of God purified all the things on it which were done in my own strength for my own reasons and other things. All of a sudden all that stuff creates a capacity for other things to be written onto it. so I do things that other people won’t do. and I know it’s not actually, that I am the first choice. but actually I am available so God writes it into my scroll. then I have permission to do it.  And that happens a lot.  and sometimes it’s like, because I know ,because I have a memory of things and  this isn’t part of it. but now it is. because actually God is at work all the time to outwork his will and purpose to bring something good. and we can continue making crazy decisions and not accepting the good that can come out them until we do. but he is still loving us and still wants the best for us in all that. and it is quite difficult to have this linear lifestyle and having this way of not being linear. and there are some good TV programs which are science-fiction things, I think God has inspired to create the possibility that time is not fixed and even in terms of what has happened in the past. I have gone into the past and been used in the past. now I am doing it from the now perspective of being in God .from the people that I’ve engage with is already happened, from my perspective I’m only now aware of it. did I change the past? no I was used in the past but I’m only aware that I was used now because time to God is not linear like it is to us.

so you can be involved in the restoration of all things including history and including your generational lines. so when you deal with your generational lines  you’re not just dealing with it, how it affects you now. you’re actually dealing with it in them wherever they are. which means when you release them and forgive them for what they do and what they have done, may be in your life or in your generation , you open them up, if they are not believers yet to be influenced by God’s love. because you let them free from what you’re holding them onto. that’s why it’s so important to forgive and release and not hold people because you’re limiting what God can do in them because you are actually maintaining the control over that area of their lives because you’re not letting them go. and it is like carrying this ball and chain around, dragging around things that we should never be carrying. actually, God wants us to be involved from a perspective of -if everything is going to be restored. I use to think that would be- okay here is God’s intention. here is where we are and all of a sudden, we will be like this. and then it was like what about all the stuff in the middle.

 is that not open for restoration? how does that get restored? when we start engaging with it. when we start being unlimited in what we can do. will you change time?  you would never now of course if you changed time because it would be now.  There is a good TV program called timeless. and they go back in time and there on this mission to do stuff and then when they get back something has changed and they don’t know it has changed. because it is now what it is.  it is quite an interesting concept. in God if you’re available there is no limitation of what you can do, to bring about his purpose and kingdom within that. so he wants to reveal how he thinks, how he sees the world, how we can begin to see things from that perspective as well. because as soon as I saw how he was interacting with everybody it demonstrated the depth of the love that he has because he is at work in every single person, even the people who have totally rejected him. He is giving everyone an opportunity to bring good out of it. so we made do something which can bring harm but he will always be at work to bring good out of that situation. because he redeems everything. he wants to redeem the things that have happen in our lives which are not good. and therefore bring something good out of them which actually makes them then something we can say – actually even though this was terrible, actually look at this that has actually been redeemed from that. Now from a perspective we know we can use the things that we have in our testimonies to benefit others. because we can relate to them. you know if like someone is going through something and you’ve been through it and you have the testimony of what happened to come out of it. you can be very helpful to people in that situation. even though it would be not something that you would have volunteered to do. and no one’s destiny or scroll is written with the bad things on it. some people are teaching that you accepted to be abused or whatever. you did not, that was never God’s intention. your scroll was written from the perspective of his desire for you. not from the mess that happens through the world. and bad things do happen to us, they were never God’s intention. could he and can he bring good out the bad things yes, he can and desires to. But he did not intend those bad things. he doesn’t have any bad to give any body.  He just has good. the bad things are a result of our’s and other people’s choices. which don’t align with love. you can never get something bad if it’s coming out of the motive of love. because it’s God’s love, not selfish love or any other sort of form of love. so God wants to reveal his mind to us. our sonship has a destiny has a purpose that destiny and purpose releases the approval the validation the worth satisfaction and accomplishment as co-heirs and co-creators. it feels good when you fulfil the purpose of God for your life. and he wants you to feel good. he wants you to feel content and satisfied and wow this is amazing he doesn’t want us to feel in any way- negative about anything. it happens when we are doing it with him. so our destiny is where we are mandated to overcome and subdue. we do have things that we need to rule over and those things are within God’s purposes for us to actually outwork. so destiny is really associated with legislation.  to legislate we need to be enthroned. enthronement is associated with authority responsibility accountability maturity in our position where were in heaven outworking those roles. destiny really is to bring order through the laws of God the government. the things of the laws of God.

 I am not talking about the 10 Commandments or things like that. the laws of God are the way he- his observation is outworked in practice. so there are the laws of – there is the 12 laws of Jerusalem. There is the 12 laws of zion. they are principles that help us live here and live in that realm . there are the laws of physics and there’s the laws of heavenly physics and there is the quantum physical laws and there is all sorts of things which are actually how order keeps everything together. the word of his power. the vibrational strings of his grace which is his enabling ability for things to exist. we are involved in that and we have a destiny to bring order through using the laws of God which are the permissions to act. we often , whenever we say law to anyone, generally they think negative.  unless there are a lawyer and they might think of law in general. but generally, talk about laws , God’s laws or laws and their like- thou shall not. Where all the laws and legislation I produced virtually all of it was you are authorised to. you have permission to. you are empowered to because that is what God has done . he has empowered us to fulfil our destiny and use that authority to administrate heaven into the earth. so my laws, this  is what God said are the principles that enable all things to exist that which holds everything together the divine cogs of all existence from the relative to the quantum my voice revealed the how of creation because creation exists because God spoke it into being. Jesus spoke it. I went back to see it. the first time i went into heaven he took me back into the timeline and showed me various things from a perspective which like wow,  I am not saying that this is what it actually looked like, but this is how I perceived it, to give me an understanding of it. it looked like the big bang with the lion roaring into existence. that’s what it looked like as I saw it. and I saw all these things coming out from him and then he told me about string theory and that what he put out in terms of frequency and vibration and energy of his words are actually still the building blocks of everything that exists. and within the fabric of what we think of empty space, it is not empty. his divine power is vibrating within that emptiness, and it actually can bring forth out of what we can’t see, things that we can see. the writers of the Bible did their best to express in Greek or Hebrew things which now we would express very different by scientific, quantum physics terms. but what they said was that the thing everything that exists actually came from that which you can’t see. Which is exactly the truth. so they used their language to express something that now we could expand on and expand because Jesus wanted to teach people things that they were not able to bear at that time he said to his disciples I got so much I want to share with you but you are able to bear it yet. and I think during the last 2000 years there are those things which have been revealed when people can bear them. Paul went into heaven and found things he couldn’t express. it wasn’t that he was allowed to he just didn’t have the words as a first century man to express 20th first century concepts. So he did his best but now we are in a place where the parables are different where what we can engage with is different and therefore, we can actually begin to see- this is how creation is held together. and actually we are involved in that, and we are actually able to use those same laws to create things and change things and transmute things and do all the things that God did .so we have power in what we say. now fortunately God has not released the fullness of that power to children because- can you imagine what we would do if everything you ever said in your life came about the world would be in a mess. so in reality we are learning to use those things responsibly only to do that which aligns with love in the heart of God not to do things selfishly not to do things for our own ends in our own purpose not to do things to do something bad to somebody else but only to use them to bless and bring love and the more we know the heart of God and the more we see from his perspective the more we will be able to do those things with greater authority because he will entrust us with it rather than the baby stuff that we are learning to do now.

 everything really Einstein said maybe it might be what we can catch up this afternoon perhaps but essentially Einstein said everything really is frequency, it is something vibrating at a particular frequency that either makes it visible and solid or not .so when it comes to physical things we have the power to begin to effect the vibrational frequency of something to change its form or to bring healing where frequency is perhaps lower than it should be .so people who are into these things which say ok each organ of the body has a particular frequency that should be for optimal health and if the frequency is low then you don’t feel healthy and if it gets very low  you can get disease. so you can therefore begin to speak into that frequency to rise it.  Raise it up and you can do that in lots of different ways. you can use fragrant oils, which are essential oils that have high frequencies , certain of those effects certain parts of the body you can do that was sound. sound carries a frequency .5 to 8 is generally considered a healing frequency and actually people have made frequency generators which actually bring healing to people. so there is the technical thing that people are using and there’s the natural thing people are using but there is also the supernatural thing which is the power of our voice and our creative reality to change something.

 ultimately there is the ability to use energy whether it’s through- if you lay on hands on someone to heal them, essentially you’re using – technically it is just vibrational energy that comes from within you that vibrates. your hand may feel hot you may find  it is almost electricity it vibrates , there is energy which actually changes something within somebody. you can apply that energy and you can focus it. you can learn to actually connect with the frequency that is vibrating within something and you can raise that frequency by what you say or what you’re imparting through your own energy  that you generate. there’s obviously a lot more to it than that. but when I’ve engage people who are using energy healing techniques, there are those who are Christians and know what they’re doing and there are those who are not Christians and they don’t know what they are doing. But it doesn’t  mean that it doesn’t work. now if they are not operating in darkness then even though they are not operating necessary in a personal relationship with God it doesn’t mean that what they’re doing isn’t actually part of the way God does things. so I talk to some people we went to some events- awakened events which were local events which were holistic events for healing and various things that we went and we put the tent up and we did our own healing stuff seminars and stuff and I went  around and talked to people who were doing healing and I was like okay one was doing sound healing using all sorts of different sounds to heal.  so I was like okay how do you  do this , what do you  do, where is the source. How does this work. Well I don’t really know.  do you think it you would be able to do this more effective if you did know. So i started talking to them  about God being the source and being able to actually know the person behind the energy and it isn’t the energy of the universe, it is a personality you can know that person . he can actually heal you. because what I found was most of the people who were actually doing healing things, were all broken. they’re all doing it because they had this brokenness in their own lives. so I  suggested they went to our tent and ask someone  to pray with them. And some of them did.  and they met with God.

 anything can be counterfeited or twisted and used inappropriately and some people who are not motivated by love. what God said to me in this, is that if it’s love it’s me if it’s not love it’s not me. so even though someone might not know me they can still be motivated by my love because I’m at work in their lives and therefore some people who are not operating in love are counterfeiting the thing and they leave a deposit of some thing negative. I’m not saying go out there and don’t be discerning about anything. I would not be going to anybody that is not spirit filled. i engage in health with God. but we do healing things here, were learning to do frequency, vibrational things were learning to use sound we are learning to  use oils as a therapeutic way of engaging people to engage in energy healing .in August we have a of an lady coming from the US carry Browning who is is really able to do this . she’s learnt a lot and she does releasing toxic emotions she does a lot of stuff and she doing a seminar here on energy healing. so that she puts it into a Christian perspective of seeing. this is just recovering how God has always done things and we’re getting it back where it belongs within the Christian community. because it should have always belonged there. But of course Christian communities are usually the last to latch on to anything.  and Others Counterfeit Everything and Put it Off-Limits to Us. so I Am Not Saying  that Anything out there  Which Says Its Healing or energy healing Is Good. but That Which Is Motivated by the Love of God Is God’s Healing Power Touching People through sound or through Energy or through Oils or through Frequency or Vibration.

  Some People Are , because  That’s What I Went to Find out. I Went to Find out by Talking to People and I Was Looking at What Was Going on, on the inside of them. Because I Can See. so I Was Looking at Their Auras. I Was Looking at what Frequently they were giving off.  I was looking at Were They Operating in Love. and Several of them  I Talked to Were. Now They Did Not Have a Personal Relationship with God but It Doesn’t Mean God Wasn’t Working in them. now I Went to Talk to Some Others and there Was Some Darkness that I Perceived. Because They Were Doing It for Money or Gain or Power or Position. and When I Went into the Clairvoyant tent, to Look at What Was Going on in Their, Most of It Was Complete Fabrication and Was Playing on People’s Misery for Monetary Gain. There were like Loads and Loads of People in There, Often Readings of This, That and the Other and All That Stuff. so I Just Wander around Disrupting them, I guess. i Wanted to See What Was there, and Most of It Was Nothing It Was Actually Just Complete Charlottisim. It Was Just Not True. There Were Some who did Have Ability to See but They Were Using It the Wrong Way. and so I Wouldn’t Assume Anything. What I Could See Is Color, I Can See light. I Can See Fragrance I Can Sense Things.

 or I Can See a Particular Frequency That They’re Giving off. You Pick up an Energy Vibration and You Connect to It. Your Body’s Picks up the Energy That They’re Giving off and You Know Whether It Brings Peace or peace Becomes the Umpire That Actually Determines Whether This Is Good or Not. and I Was Definitely Not at Peace When I Walked in and around Most of the People in That thing. because What I Felt Was What They Were Giving off. now I Picked up Negative Energy and I Picked up Motivations. Because Jesus Was Able to Read the Thoughts and Intentions of People’s Hearts. and I Was Doing That. now I Do not do That Very Often Because I Don’t Intrude on People. But actually, I Wanted, because This Was an Event We Were Invited to Go to. so, I Had Some Mandate to Be There. so, I Went to See, and I Picked up Either Nothing or Some Quite Disturbing Energy. Now when i Look at People and I Look with That Ability I Generally See Color and I See Emotions. When I say Seeing I Am Discerning Something. and Yes, It Can Be Appearance of Color yet It Can Be Appearance of Energy It Can Be Appearance of Emotion, but I Learned to Pick It up and Discern What It Is .and This Was Not Good what i Picked up in That Situation Was Not good.

because the Energy Is Being Used for the Wrong Purpose. It Has Nefarious Motivation behind it. It’s Being Used to Deposit Something Which Will Appear Good but Actually Causes Harm. Some of this Stuff Works, Ian clayton before He Met Jesus Was Able to Put His Hand into People’s Body and Do Psychic healing.  That’s the testimony I Heard . Because He Was Taught by Some Guiding Spirit, I think it was a panter spirit, I think he said.  Was Taught How to Do Those Things. Did People Get Healed Yes but Because of What Was behind It the Intention Is to obviously to rob kill and destroy ultimately. and so There’s Usually Some Deposit of Something Which Usually Brings Oppression to Somebody. and They Find That Although Physically They May Be Healed Emotionally, They Actually Start to Feel Depressed or oppressed Because That’s the Intention of Darkness Is to Do That. I am Not an Expert I can just tell you what I have seen and engaged.  but I Did See Something Differently from What I Thought I would see in Certain Areas and God Was Showing Me Don’t Judge the Book by Its Cover but Actually Look into Where This Is Coming from. What Is the Source and root of This. so  the Message is Really Is for Us. Let’s Actually Learn to See from God’s Perspective Let’s Learn to Operate the Laws That God Has Given Us. the Permission to Rule and to Operate in Authority to Bring Change for Good. to Bring Healing Wholeness Health Blessing Empowerment Encouragement to People. to Bring Them into Their Destiny and Encourage Them to Find Their Place in God and There Destiny in God Themselves. so We Should Always Been Looking to Point People to God Himself. Not Become a Mediator or a Substitute. and That Is When You Got to Be Careful When You Can Operate in These Things, that You Don’t Become the guru Everyone Goes to. Which Is Why i Stopped Doing A Lot Of These Things Publicly to People. Because They Were Coming to me Looking for Their Dream Interpretation and What God Was Saying an Interpretation of Their Visions and Dreams and What does Their Angels Look like, Can You Describe Them and Yes, I can.  but I Stopped Doing so Because They Were – Actually I am here to Show You How You Can Do That Yourself. Not Relying on Me to Do It. Be Inspired that If I Can Do It so Can You. so Then It’s Okay Will Let’s Ask Go Back to God and Ask Him to Show You What He Was Trying to Show You What Did He Mean. That’s Not as Easy as It. I Want You to Tell Me. That Is not Relational. You Need to Go Back and Build the Relationship with God where You Can Actually Be Able to Hear his voice. and Discern What He’s Telling You. I’m Not Going to Be Your Mediator .so I Stopped Doing What I Could Do with People Because It Actually I Would Become a Focus and You Become Celebrities When You Can Do Stuff like that. I don’t want to be Celebrity. I want to be Me. I Want to Be Normal to Give People the Encouragement That Anyone Can Do These Things. You Don’t Have to Be Superstars and Celebrities in the Christian Thing. You Just Have to Be You but you that God Made You to Be. Not the You That You May Have Been Shaped by Various Things in Your Life. He Wants to Heal You and Make You Whole and Bring You into the Fullness of -This Is Who You Are in Government. This Is the Authority You Have as a Son and You Are Not, Don’t Have to Be Subject All the Things Are Going Round You If You Learn to Operate with Heavenly Government and heavenly Authority. You Have the Ability to Be the Head and Not the Tail the Bible Says. Which Means Basically We Need to Administrate in Love and That’s Why it has got to be Relational. If it isn’t relational There’s a Danger in Anything We Do. If It Isn’t Motivating Love, There Is a Danger.

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