Sons invested and enthroned 6

Okay so we’ve looked at the investiture succession enthronement Coronation process. our identity that we been invested with releases that position  to be enthroned in and then when were enthroned we have authority. if were not enthroned , our authority is limited to earthly authority rather than heavenly. that is never gonna produce heaven on earth. so these positions are not earned by performance there given as right, they are birthrights. they are because we are children of God, those positions come with it.

so maturity is not about performance it’s about realising our identity and being released to do, because we know who we are. and that frees you .once you know who you are you don’t have to do anything to earn it prove it deserve it. you can be free just to be. now when you’re resting in being, everything begins to make much more sense and you can begin to flow from that place of being. rather than always trying to accomplish something that you already really got. That is the problem, the way we presented the gospel the good news and all that stuff. if you do this this and this then you will get that. rather than God has already giving you all this, just realise it and you will then come into it. now the process that we go through is coming to agree with what he’s already said, and what he’s already done. because our problem is we don’t understand necessary or agree with it, so our minds are conditioned to think in a different way. so repentance is to change our minds to agree with him about us. not be sorry. the metonoya in Greek was a radical shift of thinking. so we meet God, he reveals himself and changes our minds. so we then continually need to engage relationally so that will continually learn more about him and then we will change our minds more and more. because all that he is, is not imparted to us in a magic wand waving , and all of a sudden  we know everything, because that isn’t relational. relationship must take time to develop. and our relationship with God in which we get to know him more intimately. he becomes the mirror that reflects back who we are in him. so then the more time we hang out with him and more we behold him the more we become like him. but actually like him who has created us to be in his image. The way we are. so this investiture is a birthright and is already done. succession is where we choose to give up ruling as king and queen of our own life and abdicate that rule .therefore we surrender the seat of rest and government. so we rest in him and we rule in him rather than trying to do that in our own strength Jesus warned what would happen if you do things in your own strength you will be weary and heavy laden you’ll be carrying burdens that not yours to carry and you will be worn out tried to do this in your own strength if you rest in him take my yoke upon you and learn from because I’m gentle and humble in heart and that was identity because gentleness was not weakness gentleness in the Greek was a wild stallion who had been broken and a bit was placed in its mouth and now was under the rider’s direction so we are in a sense wild stallions that have chosen only to do what we see the father doing ,that actually in reality is what gentleness is. humility is accepting what God says about you. pride is not accepting what God says about you and saying we’ll I know better than God .so when you say we’ll I’m not worthy and I’m not good enough and I’m not. your actually being proud because your actually saying I know more than God and God says  to me I am worthy I have been accepted I have been given a position of authority. so when I accept it, that’s agreeing. so what we do, we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God which means we accept him and what he says and all the vast some of his thoughts about us. then we can operate in power. the problem is we been taught the opposite. the religious systems says don’t think of yourself more highly than you should. The reality is you need to see yourself actually as God sees you, which is highly favoured and blessed and positioned in the heavenly realms. so enthronement is the private ceremony where the king and queen is given the position and the authority that is rightfully theirs. it was done privately and it is done priviatly. in our country it is a long time since this happened 1952, 53 or something. so the enthronement took place before the coronation. the coronation was just the public recognition of- this is already happened- here is our Queen. and now God wants actually to do a coronation for us which is the revealing of the sons of God on the earth. he wants to reveal us as the sons and in the position of authority. so coronation is that public thing. enthronement is what we need in the heavens, is actually what God wants us to be able to engage in, so that we know were seated there and we know we are operating. If the rightful heir is under the age of responsibility they would be tutored and trained for their position. so although they are a king, lets  say something happened to the Queen in 1960, Prince Charles would have been not old enough effectively to take the throne, although he would have been king. but he would have still had the privy Council around him and those who’ve helped him rule because he was not yet mature enough to rule. although we are rightfully heirs and we are in a sense sons, we have to mature in our sonship and therefore we need help. of course Jesus Holy Spirit the father can help us, but he has also assigned others to help us, to tutor and train us for our position. 6;50

 the seven spirits of God the cloud witnesses different angels our Guardian Angels ministering spirits on our behalf. so we are in that process of maturity .so being a living sacrifice is being open to that continual training. because I’m saying actually I am not going to do this in the way that I would do it naturally. I want to learn how to do it the way you would do it. and that means resting in him, to allow him to do that. so where does  God dwell heaven. where is God’s throne in heaven. we are made in God’s image so were made to reflect heaven. we have a mountain and a throne within. our spirit is like a mountain, a place of authority and we have a throne on that mountain. that just reflects heaven because were made in his image. because God dwells in heaven, mount Zion, the city of God all that stuff is the mountain of God, they are all synonymous terms .so we have a mountain and a throne in heaven also, because that also reflects our sonship in God. because heaven and earth are supposed to agree. so we have a place there and we have a place within and they’re supposed to agree and bring agreement between heaven and earth in us. there from heaven can manifest through us and we can have authority. so there will be a connection between where God dwells and rules in heaven and where he dwells and has his throne in us. so if he is not on his throne in us, we are not on a throne in heaven.  It is actually, that is how it works .that’s why the succession is so important. we are his ambassadors living in heaven and on earth under heaven’s government. you do not need to be subject to the laws of this world from a perspective of- under the enemies government. Now we are  told to respect the laws of the land we are in. so there’s a sense of respecting government and it talks about God giving government to help to live in a peaceful situation. So there is nothing problematic with that and but when it comes to sickness that’s not under the law of heaven and therefore  lots of things which we see as a result of decay and corruption we do not have to be subject to because we can operate from a heavenly law . 9;04

so the laws of heaven supercede the laws of earth. they are higher, which is what a miracle is. Here is something in the natural realm like walking on water. if you are to go and try and walk on water without knowing how to do it, you would probably sink. because the natural law is you are heavier than the surface tension of the water when you stepped on it, and you would break the surface tension and you would sink. but you can learn to actually have authority over the structure of the water because I asked Jesus when I was in heaven and in the early days- because he asked me a  lot of questions- what you Want to know? I just asked him- how did  you walk on water and he said to me- there are many ways I could have done. he said basically I could have made myself lighter than air and I could have floated  across. I could have done it many ways. I could have levitated, I could have controled the way- what I did was I controlled the vibrational frequency of the water molecules so that when  I stepped on them they were solid. so if you need to walk on water you need to be able to control vibrational frequency which we are intended to be able to do because frequency and vibration and the energy is controlled by our consciousness and our thoughts and our words. so we can learn how to do it’s important that we know that there are earthly laws but they are not the higher laws. and the physical laws of this can be suspended by coming out of the heavenly perspective. hence you can multiply things and transmute things and disappear and walk through things and walk through walls and walk through people. It is the same principle. you controlled the vibrational frequency of your body to match the vibrational frequency of whatever it is and you can go through it. because there is resonance and agreement. now I know how to do that. I never really had the occasion to need to do it and therefore I wouldn’t do it to do a party trick because actually what would that be? doing stuff in the wrong way for the wrong motive.but I do know if I need to do I could. because I know how to control the frequency of the vibration that is in me. because that is the power of grace, the enabling power to do that. that’s what we do when we minister healing. we begin to release – what we call anointing, which is a charge of vibrational energy which we impart into somebody so that person is healed or made whole or a miracle takes place or a healing begins to happen. because we’ve done that. you can learn to focus what flows through you, the river of life. and you can learn to choose the gateways it flows through so that when you engage the faith gate with your soul gates, you can actually produce energy. because within the fabric of everything is God’s power, he holds it all together. He is vibrating, his voice is vibrating in it. that’s what we call grace. It is not an acronym- God’s redemption at Christ expense. that’s just a man-made understanding of something. grace is the divine ability of God to be sons. and therefore to have authority over creation. and authority over- that creation will respond to us. because when  creation sees sonship it responds to the sound of our voice, like it response to the sound of his voice. and we therefore can actually change with our voice how things vibrate and therefore we can do all the things that Jesus did. because it wasn’t magic and it didn’t just happen he used the spiritual laws of the realms of heaven to actually supersede the laws of the physical realm of earth. because it’s a higher realm. and we live from the higher realm, therefore we can do all those things.  now most of the problem is we been trying to do all those things with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and we never learned to do them ourselves. because you can have a gift of healing, you can have a gift of miracles and the Holy Spirit can give you a word of knowledge or a gift. that was just the training wheels if you like. so that we would learn the things that are possible, that are inspired by the Spirit, so our spirit can learn how to do that. so we need to go beyond just the spiritual dynamic of the Holy Spirit talking to us and telling us things- to us being able to discern yourself. because that’s what he wants to train you to be like him.

 if were joined to the Lord  in relationship with him, it says we are one spirit. so one spirit with him. he wants us to operate the way he operates and that’s with authority and power .and the power of your mind and consciousness is way beyond what you can imagine or think right now. and it is gonna continue to increase and expand until all the things that Jesus did become completely normal to you  and also greater things that we never saw him do on earth. which also will be part of our sonship. because if were joint heirs with him then it would be completely unfair if could not do the things he did otherwise it be very unequal joint heirs. were actually were given the same authority as a son that he had as a son. now he has authority which was way beyond what happened on earth and we are discovering more and more what that is. so therefore things can be manifested on earth as it is in heaven and we can be manifested as sons on earth as we are enthroned in heaven.15:11

 but if were not enthroned heaven we don’t get manifested as sons on earth. servants stewards but not sons. although we are sons were not mature. exekial 28:13 you were in eden the garden of God and you were on the  holy mountain of God. that was talking about Lucifer , on the fire stones in Eden. so what it is saying is Eden the garden of God was actually the holy mountain of God on that mountain. so everything in heaven is a reflection of mountains. because mountains are symbols of authority Psalm 68:16 why do you look with envy oh mountains with many peaks at the mountain which God has desired for his abode surely the Lord will dwell there forever. so he dwells there  in that sense as a mountain. so when God is started coming and appearing to man on earth it’s no surprise that it was on a mountain so all sorts of different mountain’s psalm 48:1 great is the Lord and greatly to be praised in the city of God his holy mountains. so the city of God is a holy mountain. there are all synonymous terms really for places where he dwells and where he rules. so there is all sorts of things for his throne. sometimes it is described as the throne in the temple sometimes like a city sometimes like a mountain sometimes it talks about the throne room. They are all really talking about- not the same place, because there are different thrones in the realms of heaven but the same sphere, his holy city his holy mountain where he dwells in the realms of heaven. And of course psalm 2:6 says  as for me I have installed my king upon zion my holy mountain . that’s where thrones are, on mountains. God did everything on mountains. Eden was a mountain if you look in scripture you will find that. mount Moriah which is the equivalent of Jerusalem where God met people. mount horeb, sinia God’s mountain where he met Moses- others. Israel was actually described as God’s mountain. Jerusalem was described as God’s mountain. now we are God’s mountain.  because no longer is the old wineskin a nation a city, a temple, we are the temple of the Holy Spirit and we live in everywhere, God lives  in us. so wherever we are ,we are a authority we are a mountain.  We are  no longer limited to a place . it’s now the new wineskin is us .we are the new wineskin God dwells in and we are the mountain of authority that he dwells on in us, if we yield and surrender it. Exodus 15:17 you bring them and plant them in the mountain of your inheritance the place of the Lord which you have made for your dwelling, the sanctuary of the Lord which your hands have established. so the whole thing was talking about us, the people of God God’s children actually learning to embrace.17:59

 now of course what did they do when God invited them to come up upon a mountain. they said oh Moses you go, because were afraid. why because they  still saw themselves as slaves they may have come out of Egypt but Egypt hadn’t come out of them. They had 430 years of slavery which was a mindset which was very difficult to break in a few weeks of coming out of Egypt and they carried around in the wilderness all sorts of various things they brought out of Egypt. they carried out-stuff to molech and all sorts of things. so they really didn’t let go of their past .therefore they saw themselves slaves and when God invited them to be sons they sent Moses as a mediator and that mediatorial system was never God’s intention. he invited Moses the 70 elders went with him, Joshua went with him all of the people could have gone with him but they didn’t, they were afraid.

 so our spirit is a mountain, it is symbolic of authority. God’s throne dwelling place, our spirit is a place of governmental authority. God’s kingdom resides within our spirit.luke 17:21 says the kingdom is within us. heaven is therefore within us. access to that realm is within us .and of course heaven wants to manifest through us onto the earth. so God has called all of us to rule as his sons .so everyone of us is a mountain a place of authority .God dwells on your mountain, you then reflect the heavenly realms were God dwells on his mountain. then you can rule with him on those mountains. so there are mountain ranges in the heavenly realms. and all those are symbols of positions of authority. they are symbolic of all of our governmental callings, giftings, areas spheres of authority your family your workplace your job your ministry whatever gifts- everyone’s mountains are different. Because we are all designed to have different spheres . but some of them overlap and some of them interact. and depending on really what your destiny is will determine what those mountains really are. and what they are can mature and also grow. because as you increase in maturity, what you think a mountain might mean may actually change. because if you think- I have a mountain of authority is my family. so I look at my family- what is my family well I saw it as my wife and my children and they got some children’s I got some grandchildren. so I could see that as my family and I have authority within there to bless them and to empower them and to call forth their destiny and to protect them and do everything I can do as a father to my family. but actually I have a generational family that I’ve come from. that I also have authority towards. God said to Abraham all the families of the earth will be blessed. so I also have as a son of Abraham as a child of Abraham. I don’t  mean that in actual genetic terms but in spiritual terms because  Abraham is the father of those in faith. so from that perspective I have authority to bring blessing to all the families of the earth or to the families that I have mandates to engage. so I start with this view of something , like my Jerusalem view and then it starts to grow as I mature. I start to see i got way more in that than I actually thought. so it begins to increase and then maybe other families that I have authority to engage with. and I’m so on the edge of exploring that at the minute. so each of us has thrones on those mountains. now when I first started to engage mountains I got into a pickle over it all. because I have these seven mountains that I was engaging with we had church mountains that I didn’t really know how to- what my responsibility was on there. and so I am a mountain, so I am the position. but I was mountain hoping. so every day I would go on my family mountain I would sit on the throne of my family mountain I would decree blessing and favor over my family then I would go on to my ministry mountain if you like and I would begin to declare things and I would go on to the church mountain because that was one of my mountains  and I would begin to jump and it was like spinning plates, that  circus act where they spin plates. and I was doing that and  I was not at rest at all. but I didn’t understand and when then I was obviuously struggling with this God introduced me to the angel that is behind my mountain my throne. I never even knew it was there. because I just sat on it and I was like what I do from here? because I’m quite practical and pragmatic I Wanna do stuff so I didn’t really look around too much. I am not bothered what it looks like . some people my throne has all these jewels. I don’t even know what mine looks like I’m not even bothered. For me its  about the function not the form. now somethings can be symbolically significant to you. For me it just didn’t seem very important. when actually it was. because I didn’t really look at the mountain or the throne from here. I sat on it. and then one day Jesus introduced me to this angel that was standing behind my throne . I said who is he? He says he is the angel that has been caretaking this throne your whole life. Has he always been here yes. What does he do? he helps you in what to do on this mountain. okay this would have been really useful to know a year so ago. because it would have created- so I asked him – how do I do this with all these mountains. he said one mountain rules them all. like the lord of the rings. one ring rules them all. And it is just like my throne where I’m seated gives me access to rule all the other places. I don’t have to hop onto them. it is me, they are my authority and all i have to do is exercise it. So I only  have to be on that one throne. but then of course I got given another throne which was at a higher level. so I’m operating in lordship learning how to administrate lordship. getting commissions from God, doing them and then I went through this dark cloud experience, I’m now untethered from the earth and now God says here is an orb- I had a sceptre and a crown and a mantle before he gave me an orb. what is this this is your authority to legislate and make laws. so now I’m seated in kingship in the level of the kingdom of heaven. Whereas before I was operating in the kingdom of God . now that opened up the whole realm of into the Chancellor’s court into the court of scribes into the court of kings and above whereas before I was only operating usually with the court  of angels and  the mobile court. so you all have thrones but make sure you know your position, because that’s actually what enables you to rule everything that you have authority in. and now I only do what I am led to do. I use to try and do everything. I don’t want to miss anything out. I got all these- I got all these spheres . and actually I wans’t really at rest. I was just- not frantic but I was sort of really trying to get it right. i didn’t want to do it wrong.  so then I learned to relax and I learned to embrace love and sonship and everything else. and then it was so much easier just to be. and then whatever I say comes out of the rest of my knowing the heart of God. so some it might be days before I administrate into a particular mountain. does it mean that I’m not have authority. Of course I do. I just didn’t need to do anything .or actually that’s the conscious side but I may well be doing stuff all the time that I’m not necessarily need to be aware of. because I’m there all the time. I need to be conscious of when I’m doing something that actually I need to know about. so when I go and make a law, usually that’s a conscious thing. because I go, establish a law, get a scroll ,get it authorized, get agreed in the scribes. Then it becomes my authority to use that and the permission that I have. so that is useful to know because then you use it. that is very useful, if that’s a corporate thing because other people can use it. so lots of the laws and things I’ve produced over the last years are part of the engaging god program for people to use. At least as a basic foundation for people then to use that in authority in their own lives. So as a mountain you are a position of heavenly authority as a son. think of it as you rather than a  spiritual mountain as such. now Matthew 4:8 the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him- this is Jesus all kingdoms the world and their glory. he took him to the realm of the kingdom of God so he could see all the mountains that were designed for the world and offered them to him. because at that point in time before Jesus went and took back the authority that Adam had lost. he could do that. and a course he tried to shortcut this thing of going through the cross. so he was shown all the governmental spheres including yours and mine. so now he has that authority back, we rule under his covering. King of Kings and Lord of lords. we rule under his covering because now he has all that the enemy offered him. But he has it through the legitimate way of surrender and resurrection and receiving the kingdom from his father rather than receiving the kingdom from the devil. which is what you read about in Daniel seven, when he went before the ancient of days and received the kingdom. And guess what he did with it? he gave it to us. so now we have that authority. all authority in heaven and earth so go and now use the authority which I’ve now given you basically. so each of us has a least 7. because Seven is the number in the kingdom. seven spirits of God which actually talks about a governmental position of fullness. so each of us has at least seven which are personal. but you may have many more than that. I have corporate mountains that I’m part of. Benches of three. here in the ecclesia region me in different things. I’m part of a church mountain also. so there are various spheres that I have authority in and I administrate from.  but we need to know what they are. because that’s what we use to do what we then do to enable us to fulfil our destiny. we govern those spheres and we then begin to expand those spheres. And i will cover that tomorrow in which we can extend the boundaries, our tent pegs to actually put our spirit around them and overshadow them.29:28

because that’s what God does he overshadows and then within that overshadowing there is a connection. That is what the Holy Spirit was doing was hovering over the waters in Genesis 1 bringing everything back into vibrational frequency and agreement. So all those spheres of authority they are very much part of our redemptive governmental destiny in sonship. so Hebrew language as we know probably you know each letter is a picture .so it’s a little bit like a comic strip. so you have a word and it really has multiple meanings when you break down the meaning of the letters. because it was like a story. they didn’t have a language originally that was like ours. it was like a series of pictograph which was stories that  had a meaning which imparted. now we have meanings which just the word means something. individual letters don’t really mean anything . a T is a T  unless you add EA after it then it becomes tea as something you drink. so when you put letters together they form words. but in Hebrew each one was a living letter. and actually each one of those is a living creature. because when God speaks it is life. now I don’t really engage particularly with God speaking to me through living creatures, because I guess I just talk to him and it’s alive. some people do. I remember listening to someone, Karl Whitehead teach on the work peace and he broke it down into the individual letters and then broke down the individual letters into the individual comic strips and it was awesome. And then I thought, actually God spoke to me exactly those words, two weeks before, just in conversation. so I thought we’ll im not going to learn Hebrew, just to actually go through this process, because he speaks to me anyway in English. so I thought that is awesome if that’s your thing. and that’s great but for me,  I’ve never really felt drawn particularily to that.   but in this therefore mountain in Hebrew Hara and that’s the individual Hebrew letters for it- means behold the ruler of rulers if you break down as individual bit into what the pictorial meaning is- behold the ruler of rulers. so mountains are the place where we rule in authority as a ruler. so that is important that we really embrace it and think Hebrew not Greek, function not form. because if you think about a mountain you will think about mount Everest   which is a big lump of rock stuck in the ground somewhere. and we tend to think that way. a mountain is this. We’ll actually is more symbolic of something that is the function of the mountain which is to rule. and that means authority, the throne is rulership. so when we come across that you might have dreams you might read in the Bible. you may have visions and things about mountings. think government not what this is as a physical lump of rock. You don’t  need to climb up and plant the flag. that’s what we do on earth  with our earthly mountains to conquer ,that’s not necessary. So there is some really interesting things the Bible says about mountings. Isaiah 2:2 now it come about in the last days which we are in and  we have been in since Jesus established them. the mountain of the house of the Lord will be established as the chief of the mountains. there is a lot of teaching out there about the seven mountains of culture that we are supposed to redeem. they are all destined to fail because their man-made mountains. God never intended them. he intended one mountain representative of the authority of his children. that is the mountain of the house of the Lord. that is what is being lifted up today. and what it says is that it will be raised above the hills. so now it’s basically putting the other mountings in their rightful place. when the mountain of the house of the Lord is in its rightful place in authority, those other things are mere hills. there really no authority at all. and I’m not gonna try and redeem something which is manmade. God can restore authority through his mountain and through us as his people. and what happens is all nations will stream to it. so when we are in a place where actually we are lifted up in authority in the heavens, actually the mountain of the house of  the Lord is actually the position of government, then the nations will see that, that is the answer to all the things they been trying to find solutions for by earthly government. through war and all the other things that they do, mostly governed by fear. actually we will have the answers. so when we start operating heaven on earth, when we are not sick, when the rest of the world is, they will come to us. if there was a plague, a zombie plague or something if you like sci-fi, and this is spreading throughout the earth, but we are not subject to it, it doesn’t affect us and we rule and have authority and it doesn’t affect us. you would have a cue from here to London wanting to come into a place were was not affected by that. so when we start operating in health and when we start operating when let’s say the health service is no longer functioning or can no longer cope with perhaps things are in the world and we can, it will be shown that  we have the authority. and that’s just one example. what happens if the financial system collapses? well Jesus showed us what we can do . I wouldn’t be turning water into wine .I would not do it, I would rather turn some wood into gold. because that actually potentially may be what we have to return to. things which are not paper and electronic transactions, but actually backed by something. we can create that, we can make that. we can actually have food that we create, multiply, increase. There is so many things Jesus gave us some hints at, to what we may well need to do when were operating heaven on earth. and of course when the world sees that because we are lifted up to actually be seen rather than hidden. because Jesus said – don’t cover things up. a city on a hill should be seen and not covered up. well I think we been pretty much covered up. so God is uncovering us to actually show and demonstrate what it really is to operate as the mountain of the house of the Lord and in authority. so the destiny of all of us as God’s people, the true ecclessia of God- not the religious institution, is the true government of God. and of course Isaiah 9 says there is no end to the increase of that government and peace. so this is not to be done by war or aggression or anger it’s his love. It is love which is gonna change the world. It is never gonna solve any of the world problems through governmental solutions, through war or any of those type of things, it is gonna be love and peace which does it. and actually we have that authority to administrate that. so the true purpose of government is to bring rest and peace. because that’s what Adam and Eve had at the beginning. walking with God in relationship that needs to be restored back to the earth. we need to restore it. so the rest of relationship leads to the responsibility of rulership which is not an a onerous, burdensome, heavy, difficult, tiring, tedious, tiresome, time-consuming responsibility it is an opportunity. he must be on the seat of rest and government in me, so I can be on the seat of rest and government in heaven. so the kingdom within us is to increase. it isn’t enough that in our spirit God dwells. he wants to fill us through our soul, our body, create a river of living water flowing through us so wherever we go we bring life. because that was what is Ezekiel 47 was about. you can even turn saltwater fresh. which was illustrative- you can turn things completely around and transform people’s lives if you carry heavens river of life. and you let that flow through you as rivers of living water flowing from your innermost being. which is a flow of the spirit of life. so therefore we need to see that kingdom increase. it needs to increase and expand, it needs to grow in me, it needs to go through me, it needs to be around me, it needs to expand all those spheres that I have so those increase. so that we can see the kingdom of God fill the earth. so there is a place where you rule. where you are a mountain that has a throne. so I would encourage you to find that and make sure that you are going to get seated on it. so you can see all these things that you have responsibility for and you have authority for and you have the power to administrate as the Joshua generation. and that’s the generation that has been through the wilderness and has decided to cross over into a different land into a promise, over the veil. then we are forerunners for the next generation. so we got to be demonstrating what it truly is. so that next generation we can disciple into their inheritance . so we can walk together with them. and when- then the next generation comes that they reach, then we will all walk together as three generations. that’s when you are going to see the full government of God on the earth. it hasn’t happened since Abraham Isaac and Jacob. every other generation has failed to actually walk together. so it could have happened with Moses and Joshua. and Moses decided not to and the people decided not to cross. so Joshua had to start again. so he took the next generation in. but then when Joshua died the next generation decided to go back and follow other gods. so you never from that point even with David and Solomon the next generation didn’t walk together. so we need that three generations to come together. we will really start to see change when we have that. now that’s a long-term goal. It is not going to happen tomorrow. but unless we start to embrace our destiny as the Joshua generation we will never be forerunners for anybody. so we need to embrace our destiny and the responsibility of that and begin to see- we have the authority to reach out and reach another generation. and that generation is not just young people. because that was the mistake that was made when the prophecy was released in 1975 of a billion fold harvest. they tried to get a billionfold young people and they put all their efforts since then into reaching young people .  what they should have done was to equip mentors.40:55

because whatever the people that have been reached since then, the mentions were not ready for them. so now if you think of Joshua he was 80-ish Caleb was 84 when he was looking at the high places and take Hebron. so the next generation actually was 0 to 59 in terms of males. because only  those over 20 were responsible .and those are the ones that died in the wilderness .so everyone it was below that now will go into the promised  land.  So you have  people up to 59 and women who were much older than that. so in reality it is not about age, it is about a United generation of those who embrace their sonship whether then 90 when they discover their salvation in God or whether they’re 4 or 3 they’re all gonna be part of that next generation. because they won’t have to go through the wilderness . because  we will be living in the promised land. that promised land will be a demonstration of the mountain of the house of the Lord. it will be very very different. part of the problem that people face is something called normalcy. you really don’t think much is gonna change in reality. so you keep operating the same way .so you don’t prepare for change. it is gonna be very different. that may be very different in lots of different ways.42:27

 We got be ready to demonstrate God’s kingdom heaven on earth, embassies of heaven to really demonstrate that.

so our spirit itself, the construct, like our brain, our consciousness is in, and our spirit is in, is really that symbol of authority within us. God dwells there, there is a throne there. as I said before who is on the throne ?  if god is  on the throne we can then begin to engage heaven in a completely different way. so we are a mountain, let’s embrace it. but it goes beyond that. I am only going to touch on this and throw a few things out some pictures for you to look at. what I discovered is that we are also beings of light. we were beings of light before we were here and we were involved in illumination for creation. and we still have that role. so creation is organized in dimensional spiritual connections. and we are supposed to be part of that in position. so when we’re talking about a position which is a throne, it is also a position within the larger scale of things. and we have a position within the tree of life. we have a position of government within metitrons cube. If you don’t know that metitrons cube is, then Google it, and you will find all sorts of weird and wonderful things. but actually I experienced it and I was taken into it and I was shown different levels of meaning for it. So metitrons cube is that . and you can see in their a cube, you can see in their all sorts of different shapes. and those symbols and their is 13 different spheres of connection, are dimensions that we have a position in as sons. 44:05

 and there is all sorts of different representations because  you can see that one has many different facets to it. that one does the same basic pattern which is how God is created things, is within it. And theres lots of different shapes that shows all the different perspectives of engaging what was, what is, what will be, of engaging heaven earth and dimensions, of engaging all sorts of different things. so when you begin to discover your position it will go way beyond being sat on a throne. and you yourself will be the connection in these sort of diagrams that actually brings harmony to the whole of creation. and its restoration is when we are in the right place. where our light is again illuminating and is connecting things. So you have these fascets within this cube which when you’re in it, is quite awesome. and  you have in a sense, this is a picture of the tree of life and all those shapes are part of that and all those connections and we have a place within the tree of life. it isn’t something you can just and eat some fruit of.  That is a physical thing  in the spiritual realm that you can engage but it has something which is patterned in a bigger scale that you can engage with. and there are other things you can look at in terms of the Crown and understanding and judgement and splendour and eternity and lots of things which have some insight that you can look to pursue once you got beyond sitting on your throne. I am throwing that out to say there is a lot more. but get a throne first. because when you’re in that position these other things begin to come about and you can find you are so much more powerful than you would ever imagine or thought. and creation itself is really looking to us, waiting for us to come back and bring order.because all those things are governmental order. they’re all shapes, they’re all geometric. if you look up it is called  sacred geometry46:00

 and it’s the shape in Fibonacci number sequences where everything is shaped according to 5-the golden means and God used that  as the design for creation and we are included within that. so God wants us to engage those heavenly mountain ranges to see where were seated. Go and engage that angel because it’s really useful to get a relationship with that angel because he can really help you in the rulership side of things. and realise actually when you begin to see these mountain don’t be surprised if you see some things flying around them that shouldn’t be there. and those things could be like dragons. don’t be frightened of a Dragon, but don’t take a Dragon unless you are on higher ground because they are usurpers authority and they may have a legal right to do what they are doing, you may need to get a court order to deal with. so if you see them don’t go willy-nilly in there with a sword and try and hack their heads off. you can, but you need a mandate and make sure you can. Don’t be surprised if you see some things, but you may not. so let’s really engaged our spirit Mountain first. so  who’s been in your spirit and seen it as a mountain ?and seen the throne within?- a few. okay it would  be really good if God give you a tour of your spirit. and showed you what it’s like. show you the door which is the wormhole between heaven and earth which we open our first Love gate. showed you the throne and the mountain and the gateways of your spirit. because that’s where we start with the authority. then we can go and engage heaven. so we are going to  do an activation which God can lead you and show you some stuff . if you can see it, or you don’t get a vision don’t be discouraged just know that your spirit is engaging in something and you will have revelation that is released even if you don’t get a full-blown Hollywood production of it. so then we can engage the seat of rest and you can ask the father to sit on that seat of rest. so it’s your choice you can advocate and say hey I want you to be on the throne of my life and I want you to take your place and then once you’ve done that you can do that every day . and then every day you can take your place in heaven. so once we have done that, we will then go and look at the mountains in heaven. because then you need to see what your spheres are. what the different spheres of authority are. you may get them as words you may get them as hay im seeing all these mountains and I know what their names are. but it’s important to be able to do that. so within your spirit there is a area of the kingdom that has a door in.  and you can open that door and lets say Jesus is knocking on the door. the door handle is on your side so you got to open it.  He will not won’t force it open. so begin to picture those things. think about the door Jesus is knocking on. because that’s where you start the engagement. you start to think Jesus says he is knocking on the door and if we hear his voice which is I think he says open the door let me in and we choose to do that by faith. by faith reach out and see a door handle think of a door handle and open it .then what you’ve open that we can actually then see what happens when we invite God within. pehaps Jesus or the father and in that then as you do that ask him to show you and take you around to show you your spirit. so close your eyes, think of that door . actually begin to think at the door. And as you picture the door that Jesus is knocking on . I would just actually encourage you at that point, as you begin just to think about it, I just  Wanna encourage you to just rest at that point. don’t try and struggle with going anything further. just rest at that point and as a choice just reach out in faith and open the door and invite God’s presence to come into your spirit. as his presence comes he will embrace you , he will begin to engage you and just ask him to show you the constructed of your spirit, show you where the throne is, where the gateways are, what the mountains like and therefore what that wormhole back into eden is like, so that you get a picture or you get an impression of what is your spirit and where you are in it. so when you can go back and engage it, you will have  somewhere to start from. Now as God’s presence just comes,  just this sense the peace and the love and the joy of his wonderful presence and just ask him to show you around. To give you a perspective your own spirit .  and you can just make a choice to invite the father to sit on the throne of your life on that seat of rest or that seat of government and just surrender. and as he takes his place you take your place within him. your endued  with authority you’re empowered  because you are in him ruling because he rules in you. just stay in that place. Now I am going to ask the father to take you back through the door that you opened that will take you right into the realms of heaven so that you can actually engage with the mountain’s that are there so you can meet your angel and engage in that place. So let him lead you through that place into an open heaven. go through the veils .so he can take you to the place of your position in heaven and show you the mountain. So  just let Jesus take you into that mountain introduce you to the angel. You may want to ask its name. just let Jesus show you .from that position ask him to reveal your mountain spheres , other mountains. Whether he tells you what  those spheres are, whether he shows you whether he reveals it to you whether you just sense what they are just begin to experience those mountains, those spheres that are your positions within heaven. And let Jesus who is going to call forth your identity. He is  is going to endue you with the authority and lordship or kingship  he is going to unveil your identity and this position in heaven. And just reveal this whole new dimension to you  he may take you you’re your mountain  he may take you to scrolls . to rooms there may be other things you discover .58:07

So i encourage you to not see this is a one-off this is just  a little bit of an introduction. Don’t see it as a one-off thing. see it as something you can go back over and over again. you may just get one insight of a mountain or sphere. but then when you go back again, you may get another one. see it as a process that you are learning to discover your identity, your position and what that position gives you access to in terms of the government. and then as you begin to build that up when you’re seated there, which is what will look at the next session, then from that place then you will have the areas that you have authority to rule into. it won’t necessarily happen all in one go. But keep at  it keep pursuing keep desiring and you’ll find that those things will begin to open up the reality of that for you bit by bit continually until you begin to mature and grow in it, understand more about it and you’ll find that the level of authority that you have will increase .if you persist and the thing is keep going. this is just an introduction you need to develop a lifestyle and for that it is gonna take time, it is  gonna take relationship and it is gonna enable you eventually to be functioning in a greater level of authority than you probably ever imagined  you had, to begin to administrate heaven into the earth. to see heaven begin to transform earth initially through you but then God is gonna draw you with other people who will enable you to do that together.

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