Sons invested and enthroned 9

Okay Zechariah 3:7 were gonna look at the court system of heaven and this part really look at how to use the courts to our advantage in one sense. in Zechariah 3:7 it says we will have charge of the courts. so they’re all these different courts and there are lots of other courts and some courts actually have multiple functions. just like the court room is just a court room .what goes on there can be different. so you can have a court which is a civil court procedure. you can ever judicial thing which is more of a criminal court procedure. you can have a court which actually arbitrates all sorts of different things. so some of the court, particular the mobile court. lots of different things happens in that court. you can petition the court for something. a promise of God to be fulfilled. you can petition the court for a blockage to be removed. you can go to court to deal with an accusation. they’re all different things. so the court is multifunctioned. depending on what you convene it for. or what your called into it for sometimes. it is already convened. so there are all these different courts and were gonna focus in this session, looking really at the mobile court, the court of accusations that we get verdicts from, that help us in our lives in various ways. so to have charge of the courts you need to understand how the court works. so there is a protocol, it is not such a rigid protocol that if you don’t say exactly the right words that it won’t work. because it’s a relational thing. although yes it’s a court room, your dad is the judge. so it is rigged in your favour somewhat. And it is designed to be favourable to you. so if you don’t quite get the words perfectly correct, as if there is a correct way. then to be honest, it won’t matter. it is the heart, God is always looking at our heart. that’s what he’s looking at. he doesn’t look at the external. so don’t be concerned about actually following a particular set of words, you use the principle to develop your own words. and go with that. so the judicial court, the mobile court of accusation is one way you deal with legal situations. the enemy is a legalist. if there is a legal right that he has , he will use it. sometimes not always straight away. so we can be going along merrily on our way, everything going well and all of a sudden, bang something hits us. And it is because he’s played a card that is out of his sleeve  if you like, waiting for the appropriate time to try and knock you off course. so sometimes that’s what happens, sometimes you know you had problems for years. you struggle with a particular area, where your thinking, where your behaving, you struggle, get free from it. that’s usually when there is a familiar spirit behind it. a familiar spirit actually is exactly what it sounds like. it’s familiar with you. So it knows how to push your buttons. It knows where there are weak areas, it knows where neural pathways linked to memories, where there is trauma trapped within you, where there is toxic emotions or thinking. because it’s familiar with you, it may have been passed on generation from a family member, it may well be  very familiar with family traits. so it could be a familial familiar spirit. which just means it comes from your family line and you are unfortunate enough to inherit it. But  usually you’ve cooperated with it in some way otherwise it actually doesn’t really have that much authority until you give it that. when you’re dealing with children and looking at dealing with your own stuff so it doesn’t affect your children. if they have never actually actively been involved in a particular way of thinking or behaviour there is minimal control that that has over them even though it may be looking to take control. it will take advantage of an environmental trigger, to trigger them into that behavioural thinking. But it is not ingrained. because they’ve not done it. so you we need to catch our children to deal with the stuff that we may have passed on to them before they get to the age where they do any of it. So that means dealing with us first. then we can deal with it in them because we have judicial right to deal with it in our generational line as well as just us .which is going forward as well as going backwards .so we do have  to find out what those permissions are to deal with them. Adam and Eve gave that initial right when they chose to do their own thing and except the trade for information apart from God. Now the only true authority that exists in the universe is God’s. and what he’s given to us. it is what we have done with that authority that gives it to anybody else. obviously generationally that can be in operation. so if we given it to any of our enemies who seek to rob, kill and destroy and stop us fulfilling our destiny. then they will use it. to remove the enemy from our gates we need to remove the legal right. so sometimes I was saying earlier before they sit sometimes between the spirit and the soul. sometimes they sit in the soul gates and they stop the use of the soul gates. or they control the use of the soul gates for negative things rather than positive. They are usually operating within us. were not possessed by them. but they have an influence and that influence can be strong, depending on how much cooperation we given it. and how it’s become a habitual way of thinking or a  habitual way of behaving. so it can be strong . when God shows us then it is time to deal with it. If he is  not showing you I wouldn’t go hunting for anything. because it may not be the right time to deal with it. You say surely the right time to deal with it is now. not always because if you are trying to deal with every negative thing in your life you would be focused on the negative all the time . it is just get on with doing what life is until something stops you. if it stops you find out what it is. if you’re asking God search me oh God he will show you  if he wants to show you. but be open for him to show you, and don’t avoid it or try and pass it over, be real with it. the legal right is a judicial or court term to use the legal system to deal with the familiar spirits. that’s what we do when we deal with those familiar spirits. so prayer or ministry should be seen as a legal process not a warfare process. so much of deliverance was about shouting at Demons to get them to leave. it sort of  was a more of our warfare thing, im casting it out. now I’m not saying there should not be deliverance. I think Jesus did cast out Demons from people and it does say that we can do that as well. talking about our own lives we need to be able to operate this to deal with their own lives without necessarily needing anyone to pray for us. sometimes  we get blocked and stuck and it does help. but this is about learning to live free and learning to live from the authority that we have as sons which is not to be under any other authority than God. so when looking at the court system what also we must be careful that we don’t just say this is the new way of praying. and I have seen some people who are teaching things on the heavenly court and they are not operating in heaven. there just really seeing while were praying now and am gonna pray to the judge, they are not in heaven and are not actually operating there. They are just using it as a different way of interceeding or praying. because that’s what happened sometimes. It is like it defaults to what your familiar with. so we’ll I’m just going to change the name. im gonna call it judicial, and I am going to use a judge but actually really  not doing it much different than before. so we need to be in a heavenly court. Because it’s a heavenly court, that’s where the accusers can be called. it does form around you in the spiritual realm if you like, but it’s a heavenly court, a supernatual court. Jesus uses the analogy as petitioning the judge for justice in relation to prayer. so we need to see this, yes it is us engaging this system for whatever purpose we need. but it’s not me again asking God to do something for me. I don’t go to the judge and say will you please help me in this situation. because that’s not the process of the court. I go and say I’m standing before you ,I’m accepting that you see me as righteous. I’m standing as righteous. so I’m calling for my accusers to come forth. and when they come forth I’m calling you to give me the accusations that you have against me. that you are using to continue to influence me negatively in this way. whether it be a mind set, a belief system a behaviour pattern whatever it might be. or you can do the same thing . we’ll there is this blockage in my life that your promises are not being fulfilled why are they being blocked. so I’m going to the court to see if there’s any accusation that the enemy has that causes him to be able to block my blessing. whether that be financial whether that be relational whatever it might be we have the promises of God that God has given to us as his children if they not ours in practice then there’s a reason why they are not ours  in practice we need to find out. so call the court and deal with the blockage. it is the same thing as a legal right to block it which may not be anything to do with a behaviour but it’s to do with something else. now that can do family things. it could be something happened in my generational line that set up this blockage for financial things from generations and I’m still suffering from it. You find in family lines there are curses that keep happening there are family lines where their miscarriages that go on in family lines my wife’s family line had a number of them. and when we were having children many years ago 24 years ago. We didn’t know anything about this sort of stuff. And our last child they said was likely to have a miscarriage  because there was centre previa or something .so it was like well were not having that. so we did what we did then and went to war. we declare were not having this and pray for healing and restoration and she was born perfectly well with no no issues whatsoever.12:14

  but there was actually something in our family line that we didn’t know how to deal with we just dealt with that present situation .so actually my daughters actually had miscarriages because we didn’t deal with it in the family line because we did not  know how . so then we had to look at dealing with that .so I had to try and legislate for something in the family line to stop that ongoingly happening. so lots of things can be like, that you have to look to see why is it there, what can I do about it.

so there’s a court room . that’s so an English court room you got where the judge sits and you got when the dock is where the accusers come, where you stand effectively and then you have the witness box where the accusers come and everything else. and so essentially- what’s in the court a bench where the judge sits, the dock where the acusser stands, witness box, advocates bench, gallery for witnesses and observers. That is generally the sorts of things are in a court room. what makes up a court? the judge- God the father ,he is the judge .

someone actually the other day said well I read the Scripture that God doesn’t do any judging, he handed all judgement over to the son. Does  that  mean that the son does the judging? interesting thought, but actually the context of what he was saying was very different from this court context. that was talking about judgement to do with the cross. and yes there has been appointed a day in which God- Jesus will judge the world, but it has already happened. He has  judged it and it’s all innocent. the cross makes everyone innocent- that’s the judgement. so when we go before the judge, we are always gonna get not guilty, if we accept the judgement. if we fight it, we are doing our own judging. so I don’t Wanna do that. I do want to judge myself in the am I guilty of this or is my generational line- yes. I accept the judgement. but I am not going to argue that I’m not. And that is not wise to do, I have done that. Here is the  accuser- no I did not do that. why because I was operating in self-righteousness. You cannot operate in self-righteous in the court, because you got actually stand before the judge in his righteousness. so we are righteous not righteous because I’m self-righteous. There is a huge difference between made righteous and operating in righteousness out of myself. so there is an advocate, a lawyer Jesus, it talks about him being the advocate. So he is not the judge he is the advocate. the father is the judge in this scenario. then us the accused. and the accuser whether they be familiar spirits or any anything else that will come to accuse us and their are witnesses sometimes the seven spirits of God , our angels can be there as witnesses in that role. so in the actual Scripture that we  see this is in Zechariah 3 verse 1 to 6 which is the versus leading up to this thing that says we will have charge of the courts. the Joshua the high priest was standing before the angel of the Lord and satan standing at his right hand to accuse him. well he was the holiest guy in Israel, or should have been. but he was still being accused. now then the Lord says to satan. so noticed Joshua didn’t say anything to satan. the Lord said to Satan the Lord rebuke you satan. now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments .now this was pre cross of course. so now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments  and standing before the angel and  he spoke and said to him those who were standing before him saying remove the filthy garments. so God assigned the Angels, take of those filthy garments which were the accusations . that were being made and he said see I have taken your iniquity away.

Filthy garments-acusattions, thoughts and feelings in the soul emanating, sound, color, frequency.

 so he did have something in him which was this accusation that was being made against him. And I will clothe you with festal robes. Then he said let them put a clean turban on his head, symbolic I guess of thinking being right. Put a clean turben on his head  clothed him with garments while the angel of the lord was standing by. the angel of the Lord admonished Joshua saying thus if you walk in my ways you can have charge of the courts. so really the issue there now in the new covenant, were already clothed with robes of righteousness. so I never have gone to the court and had a turbon put on my head or a new set of clothes. but what I’ve done is stand in the righteousness that I am made in God. and stand in the position of being under the covering of God’s blessing and protection. so that I can accept the judgement, which doesn’t change how God sees me. Because he has already seeing me as righteous. so this isn’t me trying to convince the judge to give me a not guilty verdict, because I’m worthy or good enough or I didn’t do it really. It has nothing to do with that. it is actually realising the judge already sees me as righteous. I am not trying to change his mind. I’m trying to deal with the familiar spirits. I’m looking to deal with , the reason that they have some authority in my life.18:04

 So I want to accept their accusations so that then the verdict gets released. That verdict I take so that I then have authority, but that verdict is released over them. So the judgment that is made is judged over the accusers. that they hear the judgment and now they know they do not have authority any more .so they are dismissed from my life, from having authority from the inside. that is deliverance. but it is very different from the deliverance of trying to get Demons out of people by commanding them to leave. now that can happen and does happen but this is a better way. because you’re now dealing with it as a legal position. because if you cast out Demons from people and they have not dealt with the legal right, they will come back. and what did Jesus warn they came back they come back with seven worse so we got be really careful that we don’t deliver people and leave them empty without giving them the authority to stay free. which was what most of the deliverance I was involved with was about. You were trying to get the Demon out of a person not dealing with why was there in the first place. or really helping that person to maintain their freedom. by having a change of thinking or their minds renewed or believing something different, that now they have the authority to stay free. the authority to stay free comes from the verdict that you’re given. and that verdict that you’re given is to you .and you use the verdict that you’re given to maintain the freedom that yours. but that may mean you have to change your thinking or have things that were habitual patterns of thinking removed. because just because you don’t have a familiar spirit,saying do this, do this, do this, doesn’t mean your own mind won’t trigger when something happens. like rejection is a big one. when you have a spirit of rejection and they are a familiar spirit, something happens and you feel rejected and you  start to act rejected, and you start behaving rejected and then you start rejecting people and all the stuff that kicks in when rejection operates. say that spirit is removed, someone rejects you and if you haven’t dealt with the neural  pathway that is linked to rejection, you just go down the same pattern because you are habitually use to going down that pattern. so what you have to do is have the neural pathway to rejection broken as a memory of behavior. so that actually the verdict replaces the memory. so now when you have any form of rejection you have this verdict that it triggers, that says your free, you don’t have to feel rejected, you’re not rejected, God does not reject you and if other people do, so what.  because if God accepts me, I really don’t care if anyone else rejects me particularly. because it doesn’t effect how I feel about myself, it is their problem not mine .but if I operate in rejection, I am open to anyone’s rejection, and I will behave in that way by either. obviously rejection triggers different things, some people it is passivity and  in some people it is anger and aggression. but ultimately when I have a verdict within me that says you are accepted, and  you are not rejected and you do not have to suffer rejection. because all rejection is now dealt with (from this perspective of the legal system) then you have to apply it .so many people are using the court system of heaven as a panacea (cure all) for everything. and they’re discovering it doesn’t work like that. I did a court case it didn’t change. did you change? No. why did you think it was gonna change then? If you haven’t changed. so it’s not a white magic wand that brings change to everything. it is now the authority to change. you have the right to change and the ability to change and nothing can stop you changing accept you. that’s how it works .now when you’re applying it to other things like blockages and things then it can then change other things because you remove legal rights for what the enemy was trying to do. so all of us can access or convene the court. regardless of how sinful or unclean we might feel as a result of the accusations of condemnation, or guilt we are under. those filthy rags are just illusions in our mind because we been deceived into thinking that we are guilty and condemned. I am not guilty even if I did something .I’m not guilty from God’s perspective because he has already forgiven me. now that doesn’t diminish the consequences of what I do. because if I do things, there are consequences. but God never makes me feel guilty because there is no guilt to give me . the enemy will make you feel guilty. the enemy will make me feel condemned. And the enemy will make you feel, that I am unclean and I cannot be in God’s presence. which is why the DIY approach to doing things wrong is to go and hideaway in the bushes and cover up. whichever way you choose to do that, and people do it in all sorts of different ways. the reality is we don’t have to feel guilty. a lot of people and I starting this way before I had my mind renewed of what repentance actually meant. I need to repent otherwise I can be given a not guilty judgement. or I can’t be forgiven. Because i need to repent and they mean by repentance the Latin version of what repentance means was re-penance .so actually I need to keep doing penance for my sin .Jesus already dealt with that, doing it again is just doing something completely unnecessary which will never work. so we don’t have to feel sorry. so sorry that we want to change. that’s not what repentance is. what it really is, is agreeing with God and changing our thinking to accept that were already forgiven. so in one John 19 if you confess your sin he will forgive your sins and cleanse you from all un righteousness has been taught that we have to confess all the bad things that we do and own them and feel bad. It doesn’t mean that. Confession is not the Latin version of the confessional. It is I confess that I am forgiven. I confess that I agree with the fact that I was forgiven actually before the foundation of the world, because the lamb was slain. that God has always forgiven me. and I’m gonna live in the power of his forgiveness. not I have to feel bad because I have done all these terrible things. Because  all that does is make us more sin focused. and sin is not really the behaviour as much as the condition of having the lost identity and brokenness. which means we are always trying to do something to get it back .rather than actually having him give us a new identity. which reveals who we really are as his children all along . so we got be really careful that we don’t get trapped into old thinking, even doing a new thing.  so I’m not going into the court feeling bad.  I’m going into the court to deal with the accuser, who is trying to make me feel bad. while God wants me to feel good. because he loves me already. And he already sees me as righteous. I don’t see myself as righteous which is the problem most of the time. because I’m agreeing with the accuser rather than agreeing with God. this whole thing does not change God’s mind. it changes my mind and stops the enemy having any right to afflict my mind or my emotions or any other part of me.

 we should not be focusing on the negative but on the truth. we are forgiven. and if you know your forgiven, why would you act like a sinner. You are not a sinner you’re a saint. so if we think like sinners then we keep sining. and we kept being told were sinners by the church because then it keeps is in the place of submission and then we keep having to do that confession, that keeps the priest in a job and then we have to pay for the indulgences and all the other things that they coughed into the thing. So we keep the coffers full. so it made sense for the church to keep everyone thinking themselves as sinners. because then they need the church. well we don’t need the church to remind us of sin. we are the church and actually if we actually knew we were, we wouldn’t be acting the way we are. so God wants us just to agree with how he sees us and that is righteous, sons, empowered, enthroned, seated with him in heavenly places. all the amazing things that are quoted. face-to-face in blameless innocence .that we have a relationship with him. all because of what he’s done and nothing of what we’ve done. and the ability to believe that, is all his faith. but we been taught we have to try and believe it. so we go through the ritual of confessing scriptures to believe it, and go through the thing of trying to change my thinking by confessing a Scripture. These are all DIY . all we have to do is meet the person who believes  about us( meet the person and experience what he thinks about us through personal encounter) and experience him, behold him, and we will become like him. it will change our thinking because he will reveal how much he loves us. he will show us that he is not there to punish us, discipline us or do any of that. he trains us, he disciples us, he doesn’t punish us in any way. so in doing this with the court,we have got to really have a correct understanding of our position as a son. and God’s position in loving us.

 We are not gonna ever change his mind about us no matter what we do. nothing can separate us from the love of God including us . that is what it says. nothing that has happened, nothing yet to happen, nothing of any created thing can separate us from the love of God. And are we a created thing, yes. so we cannot separate us form the love God.  can we live separated from the love of God in our own understanding absolutely and that’s what religion has kept us in .when God is wanting to embrace us in relationship, religion has kept us distant from God to make us feel bad. so we need to recognize where we are.

When we enter into his presence, his presence enters into us changing the way we think.

 so we are wearing robes of righteousness when we stand there. we don’t have to clean ourselves up to come to the court. we go to the court and we will be cleansed in our own mind. from God’s perspective we are already cleansed. I just have to recognize it.

can you  do a court case on behalf of someone else, who is not in the family line?  You can do a court case for someone else or with someone else when they give you permission to do it, or when God gives you a mandate to do it. but the authority you have when you’re dealing with someone else, is not the same as the authority you have when you deal with it in your own life. because you accept the verdict and you then have the authority to change. when you do it on behalf of someone else you’re trying to create an environment where they have the ability to accept that themselves. if they don’t accept that themselves and they don’t receive the verdict and outwork it, they are not gonna change. so you can do it but the authority is different. and Jesus is the example when he said to Peter . look satan wants to sift you, and actually all the disciples. Jesus didn’t say I am going to stop him. so what he did say is I will pray that your faith does not fail. so there was a sense there, where i think there’s an indication that Jesus couldn’t say to the enemy stop or I’m gonna go into the court right now and I’m gonna stand on behalf of Peter and I’m going to. that’s what he did on the cross. he stood in our behalf in our place, took our death so we wouldn’t have to go through that ourselves. so some of the things that we see that Jesus wrote, he wrote to the people before actually the cross took place. so I don’t know from that perspective how this works in that regard. but I know that God wants us to engage the court ourselves. but we certainly can be, wev’e done corporate court cases on behalf of people in the church because their part of the church, therefore we can do that. but ultimately their continual freedom over the continual of their life is depending on them accepting what you done and receiving it in some way. Now if they are completely antagonistic towards what you’re doing it is going to be harder for them to receive it. but you are looking to facilitate God being able to engage them and remove the blindness that the enemies put on their eyes because of the  accusations that they’re making usually on behalf of the sin that they are committing. because they don’t know their identity. so when you deal with that I found and one of the strategies that God gave was- if someone does not know Jesus yet and lets say  they are a family member or friend or someone that you do have authority to stand on behalf of. and you get a verdict. that verdict is not guilty, that gives you the authority to release angels, the Holy Spirit if you like, to minister to that person while they sleep. because while someone is sleeping they’re not sinning. so if you release forgiveness to them ( not talking about forgiveness as in they ask for it) but Jesus did say that we could forgive sin. then there open to the Holy Spirit speaking to them during that period. and being at work in them unveiling to them and removing the blindness. because sin is what gives the enemy power to bring the darkness. So if there’s no sin then there’s no darkness. so there’s a lot that we can begin to do to start to facilitate things that prepare people to change. but ultimately it is a choice. and if they don’t choose to accept all that you are doing you can’t force it on them. You can’t force anybody that’s control. a court case does not control people. you cannot take people to court so that you can get your revenge on them. People are doing that. I do not know what court they are in, but it is not God’s. so whoever is  masquerading as the judge, it  is not the father. so when you go to a court and you try and deal with someone accusation against you, guess what you have to do, forgive them and bless them not look for some judgement from heaven to come upon them, so they learn the error of their ways and stop plaguing you. Jesus said forgive those who appear to be your enemies. they should not be enemies from our perspective. because that’s not how God treats anyone as an enemy.34:05

 so if someone is doing something bad to you taking them to court to get them to stop and look for God to judge them with negative things is never the work you can deal with why things are happening to you it is a legal right to stop it so there’s a lot of things around the court system which I think some people are misunderstood about some people are doing it not in heaven but we we need to know our position there receive the verdict and and outwork it and ultimately we need to use this in governmental authority this is part of our toolkit if you like this is part of the abilities we been given to use in a charge of the courts to deal with enemy activity that’s the main reason for doing the dealing with enemy activity and to deal with blockages that stopping God’s promises being released and there are court cases done a higher court level to deal with things on global issues class action cases on behalf of racial issues all sorts of different things I’m you I know people who are operating in judicial positions in heaven that court cases are there focus then not mine I do them when I have to do them don’t do them because it’s I’m I’m mandate to do the you they did they are and they are looking all sorts of things going on in the world to deal with the judicially so that those things change that is a different type of level of using the court and if you’re going to approach say the court 70 you need to have been given a mandate to do it when people start talking about the city. You do this I can do that has all the sun with revelations that canopy will also take you start trying to help make sure you have authority to your own life you have authority some else’s life you may have authority the world and global issues you don’t have authority unless you given it all that is part of your destiny to fulfil in that role in creation some people have authority in the stars most people don’t at this point part of the what we were doing before we were here was operating in light and we were connected with angels that are connected to galaxies and the stars system all stars and there are trillions of our represents’s have represent tips which are us and angelic beings when the third of the angelic beings they left somewhat the gap and we see black things like that as a result of some of that so this God is given people the authority to go and realign the stars the circle of the deep so that we are not subject to the negativity of astrology for a one of a better world but we were born under a star system so all this is stars and things were symbols of authority and government and there may be things frequency that in certain in the heavens that you have a negative effect on the earth now if you don’t know anything about it and you resonate with it forget it because the law has a lot to do on the earth before you bother about us: the stars the some people are mandated to it was always their role and therefore they connect to it you and the the star systems you of all that all constellations are revolving around in 2012 at the end of what was called the Mayan calendar there was one complete revolution of the circle of the deep which took 25,000 years so you know the rising of the house of Aquarius and all were now were in the age of Aquarius will actually yes there is that sense was that me were not to be subject to which you use that to bring government now within that wheel or circle of the date is an inner circle equal the Chancellor’s houses within that is another so wheels within wheels within wheels which are all to align the outer to the inner to the eternal now I will teach that the next intensive terms of you living in dual realms we need to know how to engage chats with just the Chancellor’s house of Treasury all the others because they’re all part of learning to bring government I’m not subject to the stars this are subject to me my life there are things out there that do need to be dealt with and some people are doing that some people are bursting galaxies that done once you know how to do it not really fancy doing it again this point I other things uncle to do because I was shown how to as a creative sense of sonship that we can bring things to birth things are in the desires of our heart is like it sounds really really were it’s just like you can do but if you mandate to do it in a idea I’ve done lots of things I don’t go back and do again you have some knowledge of them so anyone says you do this all you can do like this but I I’m a bit of a jack of all trades and a master of very few because I supposed to teach people are going to it, raise up others to go and do all these things not just me and most of things I don’t really do that often because God show me something else you need to teach something else about so that’s my role is to learn about the things of the rounds are heaven of the dimensions of everything else I could pass an informational to others which will inspire them to garner now to do it is in they will be there mandate to do it isn’t necessarily my although God shows me how to do things that I do them then I have a destiny having done it was like a parcel so pass on theory you I wouldn’t talk about birthing accounts if I hadn’t done it but it’s not something I go around talking about all the time it’s just it is what it is you but I there are some things I talk about because actually there is a things which actually are on the heart of God for people to learn how to do because it’s part of your destiny so a lot of these things in the court are a process that we learn to do understand engage it and then live that way the court system is something we should be every day to us this is how I deal with judicial things as a son I have charge of this court I can usually affect things in that court I can affect change so in that literally what I’m doing is I’m standing in the court in the position and I’m standing under the covering of the authority of the court which is the blood of Jesus the word of God love of God in the new covenant that’s where I stand that’s why don’t have to argue that’s why don’t have to prove anything I just stand there that’s where then we deal with the accusers and that’s the real key so Jesus knows all this he can show use the the trade if you like being an advocate our behalf so if we for sure if we do something Jesus represents us there that’s why we are righteous because it’s through his blood we are cleansed near the Holy Spirit is the current clay to us which is the one who walks alongside us and guides us and directs us and in some senses helps us by revealing truth to us that is a legal advocate court is another way of it so is a word which can be described to Paraclete us but that means that the Holy Spirit is usually pointing us to Jesus so he advocates on our behalf towards Jesus reminds us of what Jesus says discloses what Jesus wants to reveal to us in that relational thing rather than necessarily in the court heaven where is Jesus is the mediator or advocate between God and man from that perspective in a legal sense but spirits that God said so I would I would put any limits on any of this stuff making an absolute is that I don’t think anything is absolute like this because God change things at times just that throws a curve ball so we don’t get in a rut that but generally the system works and because we we use it effectively for the right reasons that that’s really important the motive of us use has to be right and that’s all part of that it is reeked of really is and because the blood uses an eternal heavenly record it’s been sprinkled the heavenly things so that really means that we got access to now see got the parable in Luke a good story there the judge don’t his heart to going so sometimes that means you need to do a court case more than once sometimes that’s because you only deal with part of it at the time sometimes court cases can be very complicated if they’re involved in lots of generational issues and lots of things in the light it might not be a simple real court cases sometimes go on for months and months because there is so much information there is so much witnesses need to be call I don’t think in a that’s the necessary the case in everything but sometimes you do have to do what you can do at that session and then go back because maybe more to the case and just one verdict in one situation so be open to the fact they may take you a little bit of time so occasions and don’t just rush it through when there may be more because if let’s say you call the accusers and has lots of accusations your email to work through that where did that happen in my family life it’s generational I need to forgive that generation I therefore need to release forgiveness and release them so is worth doing it effectively and worth doing it properly rather than rushing it in I can do Caucasian 30 seconds answer things as just about any time sometimes when we are dealing with corporate things you have to deal with lots of things are in place because it’s more than just one person let’s they were doing a court case for the church everyone in the church is all got a part to play in that they all contribute to it so behaviours may not just be linked to one person but lots of people so when we do a corporate court case normally what we say to people is go away into individual court case on this yourself to make sure that you don’t come accused were looking to actually find out what the overall accusations are let’s make sure we don’t something individually before we do a corporate things that’s helpful and in that way so in this thing about bringing justice one of the things he says I tell you that he will bring about justice for them quickly so quickly is a relative term he didn’t say in five minutes says quickly so this isn’t you don’t have to do this for years and it may take some time to outwork the verdict because justice is the outworking of the verdict is in the garden the judge says not guilty justice is you go free if the judge said guilty judges justice would be you can be incarcerated so justice is outworked and quickly as relative to the fact that actually sometimes we been playing for things we years and years and years it may not be instant but it will be quickly in relative terms if were willing to embrace it and outwork it if you do not use the verdict of the court in your favour it won’t work were the authority because you have to use it you take out a restraining order against someone in a natural court and it says they cannot come within a hundred metres or yards so they do if you do not call the police and say someone has broken a court order that then they come they can’t often take before the judgement is a content of court and if they continue they can be incarcerated for doing that for breaking the judge’s order if you just let them come within a hundred yards with you they will see it is your responsibility to use the verdict you been given and apply it to your light so you have a familiar spirits operating in you in rejection deal the court case you deal with all the right you get the verdict you apply the verdict you put it in your heart I am free from rejection I know that now I do not need to feel rejected so few days later you’re doing something someone does something that normally would trigger you to feel rejected they didn’t say hello to you or whatever triggered it something triggers it now you have the choice if you don’t apply that verdict you will end up going down the same path you always got that even though that’s no longer operating in you that still try and test whether you know your authority from the outside so using circumstances to trigger you thought that comes from the outside is different from a motivation is driven from the inside so for a while a familiar spirit might still try his luck to see if you really know that your free so I try and trigger it rejection again but it’s from the outside and it’s not from the inside turbocharging those things you do have the opportunity of taking capture every thought Jesus son of I think it’s really intimating the we do have the authority we use it and you Paul says there is no situation that we can get out of if we use the right things but if you just take the thaw start dwelling on it didn’t work that this that this is the biggest one that stops court cases were you making the declaration that it didn’t work I did a court case with somebody over particular issue they came back to missile and worked as or what you while this business the wallets unpack that the was your attitude as soon as a thought came out in work yes will then you’ve just undermined what the court did by agreeing that it didn’t work you did work you just didn’t apply the verdict you thought it was gonna be a magic one situation where you would never have a negative thought ever again in your life that’s not real life we live in a world where there’s lots of negativity people may actually reject us deliberately reject us because they’re suffering from stuffing their own life so we may actually be rejected but we don’t have to be affected by their rejection we can be free from the effects of that causes us to think even though this they have chosen to reject us but we don’t have to be affected by the that’s where we have to apply the verdict in this isn’t a panacea for everything that’s a problem .30 years ago when I was in into deliverance a lot it was the power see everything there was a Demon under every bush every everything that was wrong was a Demon and everything was deliverance but the reality was that took personal responsibility away from heaven is just a Demon want me it was my Demon the did it a that that’s actually this isn’t like that we have to live this out in real life and that means we have to actually operate in authority as sons take responsibility and begin to change so yes there is a sense where this is a process sometimes and but in it will not there to address our accusers don’t try and argue and don’t try and put them down and don’t try and defend yourself and don’t try and be self-righteous just quickly accept the application that’s the key except the accusation in the parable woman didn’t address the at user having heard the exist I I say to the user only are the accusations that he sometimes the judge says bring the edges accuser depending on the situation but I don’t ever argue or I do sometimes asked for clarification so so you get an accusation which doesn’t resonate with you so then what you do I then asked is this a generational issue in what generation did it take place when I then get the answer then I identify with the eye with the generational line and I stand representing then and I forgive listen and I usually renounce that on the half of me being ahead of my family like because I’m standing there usually with a one else’s debt mostly sometimes you some of your families will be liable to a generational then online any more so I stand in identification I’m happy to say I accept this as the head of my family line this accusation then you can be free one idea here a court case and this is again where things can start to get all I I heard of people be last be questioned those events. So I heard of someone saying they were doing a court case with some other people to help those people and rather than just helping the person hear what the enemies accusation were they chipped in with what accusation they thought and the person said now I’m not accepting an accusation I didn’t do that so then you get this in pass was deflected into the scenario and and what what transpired was the person who would bringing back accusation was actually coming out of their own memory and their own mind it wasn’t an accusation that was before the call from an accuser it was coming from then because they thought they knew what the person’s problem was that they were coming with a preconceived idea what the accusation was in the person refuse to accept it rightly so now I’ve heard corporate court cases where I do not accept what some of the accusations are being made I don’t resonate with them because I believe there person people some people’s personal feelings that come out of their soul when they’re doing something I made the mistake of doing a court case once with about 60 people was a disaster it was like I had every gender that can be coming as accusations all personal preferences over so me theological doctrinally staff and it was just on the then I did it again with a hundred people so learn to do it differently in that scenario in I just got people not to tell everyone else what the accusations were just deal with the with God himself because the God the judge knows whether their true or not you but in this instance we got be careful if we’re doing it was someone else that we don’t chip in with our own personal thing thoughts making sure that it is the enemy that we are listening to when it comes to the accusations in our own ideas so when I would ever do something like that I would dismiss any thoughts but I already had and only listen for something and if I heard something that I thought I will really knew I would actually question that not wanting to bring anything was coming from my own memory understanding into the situation so is one-time enough sometimes but sometimes you have to be persistent Joe in coming before these things was persistent and not layup I’m standing my ground I complaint is legitimate so I’m gonna continue until I get result goes on to say if only I knew where to find God I would go to his core I would lay out my case present my arguments my judge would equip me the good of all charges so we have some insight the Aussie did know how to do it and we do know how to do it we can actually only those so what I would encourage us to soon to look at in this and is how how to actually do it and I think that’s going let’s do a court case because this is the best way of actually knowing how to do is to go and do it I got lots of slides about the process lots of slides in their particularly about an the idea of this being a way of petition or different legal terms and what you can do it you leave that therefore you because you you can read that yourself later be good just actually to to go and do it one question is why is it called the mobile core because it’s mobile it can fit actually is not in a fixed place in heaven forms around us we can it and it it has those the wheels within wheels things a power source of the moving God turns up places where we convene the court because that’s why we think of it as a mobile things, like a fix court in that way as ways also flexible so as a let’s look at the personal example now these are just words this lot you can go online you can go on Facebook in the courtrooms of heaven Facebook page you can go if you engage with the heavens called blue light being listened with the you Facebook page they got all sorts of stuff useful information examples of court cases court cases revolving family in the engaging God program I did for five sessions on it and I gave examples of a lot of different types of court cases familial individual corpora different things so that’s all there on the veil and has lots of resource online just don’t make it a ritual do it relationally and do it each time the way it needs to be done so here is an example of some people’s network method now I will give you my short version of this KI convene the court step in heaven I call for the judge and I convene the court I call from my accusers so I stand under the covering of the love of God the blood of Jesus uploading rate rose righteousness I called the accuser in this situation I hear the accusation the accusation I accept the accusation I asked were a verdict not guilty and take the verdict sometimes it’s a written scroll is in my heart sometimes things on it that I take him our identity asked the judge to release the accusation against all my accusers so they hear this judgement I am not guilty then take that authority and I then use that authority I might make it make it decree that sometimes if it’s a okay the accusation was generational I will forgive the generational violence except the accusation that but that’s basically very simple is and I don’t use flowery language or anything I just basically say that I stand here under the covering I set the accusations I received judgement I use the judgement 98 go taking put in my marriage I go so in the garden my do something with it afterwards but I make sure I apply it I actually seriously take that judgement and making my use some other form of words gate father step into the place of responsibility in the governmental court seven I accept responsibly firstly as a priest of my life I take the covering of the word of God the blood of Jesus I place over my head is the covering of your love father I have this issue whatever it is whenever struggle whatever bondage 11 mindset be open your eyes because I accept responsibly for this area for giving access or expressing my lost identity I acknowledge anything that is less than how you see me as your son is wrong thinking today I stand I take responsibly and I renounce this wrong thinking mindset behaviour I call my accusers to come before me this court I demand hear the accusation or legal rights associated with it every demonic spirit associated with this area of my life accuses me I agree with you once you’ve heard the accusation this is an attitude this is the attitude we should have agree quickly with your adversaries Jesus said don’t on I agree with my adversary I say I accept responsibility I asked you father to judge me according to the covering of your love blood of Jesus, life judge me judge this in me to destroy the yoke and power of this I asked the divorce papers from its influence is one way of doing I confess I’m divorced from this influence in my life I asked you to judge me in it according to these papers separated from me judge it so I do not operate by default in my brain and thinking in habitual thought patterns out of the my desires that were birthed brokenness so my mind will birth desires which have lived and this behaviour patterns is just saying hey God help me separate this in my mind change my thinking renew my mind and you can ask the help you in this on your own I judge my life according the test with your covering I releases covering of all who stand here release judgement over everything that is associated with this area of my life release judgement according to the test in my life because I’m now free from its power I take the papers in my heart and my mountain I step back into this realm I administer justice into the world around me into every circumstance of my life and arena area influence affected by this issue of enslavement anyone of I am judge divorced from heaven in Jesus name so you can make it is official sounding as you like or you can basically bring it down to the basics but put the principles into place that’s the main thing God is not really bothered how official you make it sound you some people like to and the that is my basic time boy and now I make it I used English way I would use English the so I would encourage you to just do this now with an area potential blockage for your destiny within talking about being enthroned in a son be operating in a position of authority that’s court convene a copy each of you just do it in your own thinking in your own mind so we can see step into heaven just like we do business heavenly court so by choice step in heaven so close your eyes make that choice to step in heaven once in that realm Jesus is there seem to be our advocate help us if you don’t know where the court is how to do it just ask him to do it for you so essentially we just call for the court to be convened/record call stand before the judge stand in robes of righteousness and of the covering of his love in that position and just whatever situation you Wanna deal with we have a blockage without hindrance whenever behavioural mindset just bring that to the court and court your accusers to show you any legal right why there is has an influence in accusations make sports may come as words becomes memories they come as impressions becomes feelings just be open for whichever form of accusation when you’ve received some thoughts or feelings or words and you can just accept that an agreement once you receive the accusation may feel you want to renowned something you may want to identify with generational line may just one last the judge to release the verdict as you receive the not guilty if it comes the scroll or in may have things attached to it may be useful in his future just be open to receive whatever the judge releases to when you take verdict placed into your heart set you desire then you might want to decree you declare your freedom my Wanna decree and declare as the judge releases that verdict over your accuser now your accusers have heard the verdict of not guilty their authority to operate use now remove and you can remind them of that fact you have the authority in this area to administrate justice that justice is your freedom your change of mind your removal of a blockage without reminding now when and when you do this do it regularly you do it regularly so that in doing it you get familiar with it is easier the more you do you find it easy to tune into the acute sonship Kenny everything for untidy him I I am not here so can relax that point and just take a step back if you like and just wait a little bit and then okay my thinking about the memory come into my mind you now when I would do the so Psalm hundred 39 Sergio God and know our try me know was put me on trial I would ask God to convened court to put me on trial to show me if there is anything in the want to deal with is one way I did it because you try me is putting on trial try me see if there’s anything that in this court system that you want to deal with so I would allow him to convene the court on a particular issue because I was issue I couldn’t see or didn’t know to deal with myself is another way of doing it once I went into the court and actually job God was the accuser as a that this does not feel right a done feel right God is accusing me well he wasn’t accusing the come the nature way the money to make the point were sometimes he will actually speak to us in a way will feel like he’s accusing us when actually all he’s doing is unveiling something so sometimes he will speak to you in a way that challenges what you think and what you believe is not an accusation in a negative way to make you feel bad it’s a way of saying hey it’s time you dealt with this so that all sorts of surprises that can do this other stuff but I encourage you just learn to do it regularly keep practising and you’ll find after a while you put we won’t need to do as much of it because you been dealing with things in your life when things do come up in know that you have an advocate you know the other judge whose favourable to you

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