Okay well following on from all the different courts and all the places we can access for legislative things to get legislation. We need to learn to use that legislation as sons. Using the position of authority where were seated and to exercise the authority that those pieces of legislation that the courts give us. so to do that, you need mandates. if you don’t have a mandate, don’t do it . I’ve gone beyond just doing something because there is a need or because someone wants me to do something. ask God, is it something that he wants you to do? are you authorised to do it? if yes great, if not no. and don’t be concerned with upsetting people by saying no. because you will be worn out if you do things in your own strength, that he has not empowered you to do. so make sure you know, that you have the authority to do whatever it is that you’re doing.and even if you have a mandate to do something in the past, make sure it’s current. because just because you have done something, seasons come to an end. some mandates are lifetime mandates, they are destiny mandates, you just know this is something that you are. there are some things you do in a season and when that season ends God removes the authority you had. And if you keep on doing it you end up really worn out. weary heavy laden because you’re carrying things that you are not supposed to.1:36
so using authority is important because when you have the authority that releases the resources heaven recognises authority you can be on a throne in heaven try decreeing declare this that the other but actually if it wasn’t your mandate to do it nothing will happen because God will authorise that which is not authorised and the authorises you with authority so when we are given a mandate yes sometimes we need to go establish a lot like we were talking about the supersession so do we know our authorities you don’t know it can use it are we using it if you do know it and how we using I would proactive about engaging government just reactive to situations circumstances because of all you’re doing is being defensive worn off attack or deal with negative things you not can actually see the fulfilment of what God wants you to do in a positive sense so God wants us to be proactive so he gives you a mandate your part of the blueprint we have a vision that you been given you can just sit there and waiting to happen start operating in heaven calling into being establishing the foundations even establishing more intimacy with God around it so you have a deeper insight cultivate the desire for every mandate within your heart because you only really have government to which you have carrying in your heart you can only have authority to bless people that you carrying your heart so we need to carry what God has given us in our and our heart must be for it when I 1st to do something my heart one for something is like God said to do them but my heart one because I haven’t taken what he said and cultivated the desire by meditating and allowing him to write that desire of my heart so I would be passionate about it we don’t go around not be passionate because were not passionate what only apathetic you so is like God says it do it do it this is this is what is called me to do actually what catches heart for our see what is the purpose of this what is not Wanna just tell you what to do he wants to reveal why he wants you to do it comes in intimacy seat the children of Israel saw the works of God Moses knew his ways he wants you to know his ways and he wants you to be involved in deeper way that requires season him in engaging around so when do we think we are in the authority scale are we operating as a Lord do we think like a Lord another words were waiting for the king to give something to do all we think like a king where we establish things to do out of the heart of God because the different things and they’re both valid positions and I would was not able to operate as a king until I was given the all that represented my kingship then that stipulated to me once was a king do what the king operates differently the Lord so I I my thinking changed when I was given the authority to be a king is now I can think like a Lord walk own need to operate as a king so how is a king think very differently from the Lord with’s because in a sense lordship kingship is a role gives you access to different courts and different level of authority but there are certain circumstances where God may still direct you to do something in that way but you begin to think more like a king which is more I’m not waiting to be told what to do more I have a heart for a particular area therefore I am going to seek and establish what to do an injustice different attitudes a different approach and I know my thinking change when I was given that position and I was there looking for things rather than waiting for things so I started to look with different eyes so start to see the world differently I started to see issues the I felt actually you can do something about that then I make sure I could do something about it authority wise but I started to see opportunities whereas before I was waiting for opportunities and this is the difference because a king sits in a place they know their position of authority and they know others are going to be out working that with them and because they have a kingdom and we each of the kingdom the spheres of government that all of a sudden call to so in that kingdom originally when I was operating in lordship I was operating from the daily mandate what you want me to do today and I will God find out I will try and do it the best of my ability are trying to and I would decreeing declare them when I was in a kingship system now the kingdom is more I am not doing this kingdom for somebody else as much is this is who I am then I began he more proactively thinking about the aspects of government and order and what’s and a place on what needs to be in place in an looking through the eyes of a lion whereas when I was operating in lordship I I wasn’t in that same way actually proactively looking I was more waiting I think that’s what I can say you know what happens good you know you will start to think differently and you begin to act differently so are we waiting or pursue it and that something you don’t Wanna pursue what you should be waiting for you so eagerly careful that you don’t start pushing into something that you would not really authorised to do you you the more mature you get more you will know what you are and what do I know someone says to me can you do this what can you come here were and my spirit instantly knows no now years ago it was always known Wanna do it I got invited all over the world can speak the going go because it’s like you speak to me you do from the office online I was sheet and so in the end goes was he but actually some of those limitations with the so okay then I said okay I can trust myself here so I submitted all the diary to the other to avenge here is okay all the invitations coming you decide which I should take and then I actually softened and began to listen and was like then God should show me the world from the perspective of seeing it and I could hold it in my hands and I held in my hands and also my felt passion for it and it was like now I knew the one just can say no because it was inconvenient to me and everything was inconvenient were originally just Wanna travel says was on holiday travel holiday travelling foreign staff is is just no fun and you I love being with people on their and despite translocation is definitely something should be good for traveller and going like is go then come back because I’m an idol like be away you just just I felt but as I began listening then I began to ask what is the strategy for this year do you want me to travel when you want me to travel and compensate like a you gave me this mandate for the US in certain travelling to the south-west south-east each of the four corners though I did over a couple years when to all four corners as I knew I had a mandate to do it and I thought done I thought and done made mistake so our anything else is yeah I really need to do the heart of the nation in the spine of the nation’s are okay then some of the companies is invited to come to the heart nations are okay God I voted yes people from the spines can you come to Texas can you come to Nebraska can become the Kansas of king overnight and the US: I know you will I know California is in New York but all stuff in the middle of those places so as I was sat in the spine it was so went from Dallas all the way up to Kansas to Nebraska so at all levels and then I said yes and God said now want you to call people from all four corners, meet you in the gonna do that so okay writes I said to the lady invited me as God saying this you be great let me help you facilitate it as God so we don’t hundred 50 people came from all over and some of the growth 38 hours together because it is a big place and when you fly I can afford it so as I drove it was cheap but it was it was awesome and that was because I knew God called me to it and then the next year it was like I I am one thing I promise to do and then naturally so that when you go east to so okay that he was not invited me go east by the New Zealand Thai the South Africa audio so God arranged all that kind enough to make it happen but what I did I carried in my heart so I cherished it and I desired it and therefore that drew it to come about so I was pursuing it without making it happen so I set my heart on it and then God began to bring it about I could have found out everyone in the eastern central God, Kirkcaldy so why buy me but I didn’t want to God to do it because my heart was in agreement and went when you are in the place of being alignment and agreement with God in your heart is in agreement that draws spiritual things to yes it does it was the angels it draws people to respond to you you is like God says go east I say yes I want to go east I did my voice before because my what because Western took the time to fill with it a go east the automatically sets times ago Esther our life okay but then my desire to say yes and God’s call to call me then starts to interact with people that are attracted to the and invited me I think there are some general well potentially God does allow you to have the desires of your not good sometimes and I think some of those things are of our trying to make it nonpersonal and so it is a nonpersonal thing then it may be something part of the laws of Jerusalem like sowing and reaping or there is a precedent for it so are a few things that may lead to that type of thing happening but I do think if you are positive then you’re more likely to have positive things and if you’re negative you negative you’re more likely to a negative things because you create a spiritual atmosphere around you is not so much as a law as an attraction as a smell you like I am giving off a fragrant smell that would attract bees to come around you feel like so is more that so if I’m giving off an atmosphere of misery or you grumpiness are not really wanting to do that then you it cubicle is hard on it and rework but if you if you that so a now I am letting rivers of living water flow through me create this atmosphere of love around me in and that positivity and enthusiasm and that stuff then you will attract angels and you will attract the things of the kingdom towards you including people facilitating you doing what God is asking you to do without you necessary to try very hard so I think it is something which you the atmosphere you give draws one thing or another good or bad night stinking thinking draws negative things to you because there is a smell attached to stinking thinking attitudes that and there is that there is a fragrance attached to good attitudes so I think that’s really part of this is a process so I encourage everyone to sue what God is saying but not pursuing in a way that you were trying to make it happen your desire settle if if you if you are passionate about something it’s usually because God is spirit a new unless it’s coming out of an area brokenness sometimes we can be passionate because were broken area and we want to help fix the world because we broke that that’s not good thing but if God has called you to be passionate you can go in seeking for a mandate is nothing wrong ways to go every day to the Ark and I would engage with the Manor for my mandate then in kingship I started to get a bigger picture of what that mandate was and so then I had mandates which were an ongoing and kept me busy enough with the ongoing things that I didn’t mean adding lots of others to that time so I shall start to see the bigger picture and they became a little bit more larger in scale required to fulfil you a mandate to go in produce slide simple a mandate to go and change the nature of the country or something is not so simple as so they take longer you continue with until their finished but nothing wrong in asking God for a mandate and if he says no or not yet then that’s okay they release you know because I last saw mandates you do lots of things to our manager changes hurricane course no I won’t do it and I have several things he said yes so I did do it in a soap in that instance some things do stir you to ask and often that is God or sometimes it can be your own compassion which is not wrong but may not be always for you to deal with everything just because a problem it’s not necessary you got fix it and it may not even be the time to fix it because God may be using the problem to highlight something different you don’t necessarily need to fix every problem because the problems actually create dynamics that cause others to begin to gather we need to fix this problem and sometimes you need a momentum of things in the kingdom to fix a problem so the timing with things which is important to wait so again what is this whole legislation thing is actually the process of using laws so a law set of laws suggested by a government and made official by Parliament so sometimes you have to be in agreement with others for legislation to be effective see in our country the Prime Minister can just say I passing this law today in the US they have a different process in which they have presidential prerogative and other things where they can do something like that in our country has to go through Parliament even though he is the Prime Minister she is the Prime Minister moment basically they can just ride roughshod over everything and do something there is a process so sometimes when we engage laws they are to be done with others and the power of agreement with others is necessary for that to work we don’t necessarily always have the authority on our own sometimes God will need us to join with others to get their insight and wisdom into it because we not don’t carry everything and God doesn’t want us always to work in isolation so sometimes he doesn’t give us everything so we will need others to help us and that’s again relational and it’s a good thing to have the support and accountability and the sharing of inspiration because when one person is there your creative but when two people is that you have an exponential creativity because to 1005 to 10,000 so there’s a increase of creatively when you get together that’s why talking to people who are willing to patch things around because it’s a creative spark that sets things off and switch start talking also just like my mind is going possibility possibly because I’m inspired because we are creative together and sometimes I can be that the God but actually God also wants to be that the people so when I talk to people like that you it really inspires me and sets me off and I get things being revealed and ideas that come and think simply because I’m connected creatively with somebody else because that to agreement produces a portal for manifestation something new usually something governmental which then set something into into practice so we want to legislate we got legislation from the courts we legislate from our mountains we can legislate from the four faces of God we can legislate lots of different places what we looking for is on earth as it is in heaven when you’re living in dual realms then what you do in heaven actually flows through you into the earth is pretty much an automatic thing is long as you gateways are open and you are open to that flow things start to happen like that when I first started to meet with people who were in this thing we will just be sitting talking and things changed just because we were talking about it and it was like remarkable we will be talking sharing in this person and cover people with a you know what we’re talking about the other day is already happened and we didn’t do anything because that’s the power of agreement and when you’re operating from the heavenly place even when you’re talking on earth you’re still carrying heavenly agreement authority so put those dual realms thing is a real key to thing so last intends if you didn’t if you don’t listen to the intensive I think you might be beneficial to you if you want to pursue dual rams because it was the untethered round to the earth which actually set you free to live in dual realms that is available process so mandates and blueprints really important and the difference mandates the authorisation blueprint is what it is you’re gonna do is what it looks like so let’s we have a mandate for ecclesia blueprint the ecclesia has these mountains the spheres in this shape is a different thing you can have a blueprint if you have a mandate you cannot you cannot have a blueprint with aromatic because the Brooklyn the blood eight says you have the authorisation to have a blueprint something what our vision wanted would you have a mandate I do know but if you don’t know don’t try and outwork something so make sure you have a mandate first but then don’t stop with the mandate and then dispute looking around for what happened get a blueprint that will show the architect’s drawings of what the bill because a blueprint can be proven anything and but let’s say it’s ecclesia well there is 1,000,000,001 different versions the cleavages from God’s perspective so which one is your looking at be like one of the architects diagram the God wants you to do as we have a formula for church the works in all these different streams at their own liturgy in their own for means it’s not written we want really to be able to embrace what God’s desire is and therefore look at the governmental blueprint but also the living stones that are gonna make up that blueprint because it’s not up structure it’s a group of people who are operating together so I have a scroll we have scroll you for the Joshua generation to be open to equip it and as my desires my passion to help people become equip those of others and mental as well as we also scroll for the harvest that scroll is about reaching people who will be the next generation but you can reach people for the next generation until this generation is ready to mentor them that’s been our problem all over yet you have God does something revival and then always people come and then there’s no one reading the so we need to get it in the right order the blueprint is the context to outwork the mandates that’s really what it is and everything we need to needs to be viewed from that context we have this blueprint for ecclesia here which is this is always different mountains and different things in our body are people in the four faces of God outworking so summer comes and says and I of engaging heaven and God is giving me this mandate for this building an orphanage in Africa in, which is why music and and was a case have a look at our blueprint here is anything there that would give us any indication we have any authority do something and other to equip no but we did establish an orphanage in Africa and eventually became a vocational training centre and we bought land that we did all sorts and then when we started to engage the staff it was like you actually have any authority decided I ever call you to do that no but you did call that person to do it yes at so we really should have helped him to develop that blueprint and for him to manage that and we’ve taken this on so what we did give it away we actually gave away the charity that we established to do it with all its assets and everything else because we didn’t have the authority to carry on doing it so it’s important to really know that if someone came and said that now, I would say how can we help you not will do it for you and will be responsible for how can we help you because you may be part of this blueprint we also have a personal blueprint which may be authorising you to do something outside of the which is not are authority but we can bless you to do it and we can support you to do we can help you with any insight as we been there we done some things we have some wisdom not to do this not to be that will help or we won’t say know you can do it what we want will one says yes we’re doing it for you because a lot of people come with the thing they want you do it conversation what is it us this well what you what we looking for well can you can do the so now Anything within this yes we can so then will the will whose authorities that do we have anyone who’s got heart for it again we won’t do things just because they need to be done you have to do things that you are authorised to do and someone is called to do so we will not pressure people into doing things but I would a few children we childrenswear cable who would manipulate to do childrenswear put the guilt trip on as we childrenswear we don’t do childrenswear with childrenswear the 20 years why because no one ever felt led to do it and God told us to do it now God said to someone to do it we would say great was provision for it is it new is the old and we would help or we can do unless God inspires otherwise you end up just doing things because they are the things you should do it was a intellectual is what you do travel people show the people here just here because we got to because it is just a convenience they never really get a feel of what we do so this is the blueprint we have and we use that blueprint to evaluate whether we are authorised to do something or not and that’s really what it does because it gives you a framework is not a restrictive framework because it can expand the blueprint didn’t always looked quite like that because God is so reveal more of it and how it function as we pursued it is the general things the same thing so we have all those spheres authority that we operating and the things that God is actually set so for us that would be helping people to find a fulfil a destiny second one helping people to live in and live out the manifest presence of God another words how to live in heaven manifested on your what is to be free to be free to be to free to know free to see free to do would free to go and therefore we want to equip people to be free to be them to fulfil their destiny and the fourth one is in the context of a vision to equip people wider than just you so were not limited by just a physical location which is why work with people around the world those are the four things God is specifically said to us and they frame how we think there are we perfect doing all that absolutely not because we are still learning to stop doing things old way and embrace new ways still learning to our minds and thinking change this is is not easy to transition a group of people who used to do it this way to do it this way I did not imagine it would take as long as it yes as done but hey that’s what people are likely takes time you can just change someone’s mind by telling them to change their mind you have to help facilitate that God has to do it over a period of time so we follow him on a journey we been milestones on a journey where we said God is calling us now to take this step who wants to take this step with us if you don’t Wanna take a step this is great will bless you to take the steps of wealth the rules give people an opportunity to to not go with us if they not really with us and we get to another state were crossing over: a crossover entering were not going back so now you really are you been with us this point you Wanna continue with us yes okay with crossover and we had various things like that the prophetic acts that we do on earth out of what God is in heaven to really say to people are you with this now uneasy you summer Jesus start something from press start fresh I’m what was people start something from scratch and it’s just like another problems are we have because they started with a see God for a blueprint you let’s see who God is calling into government let’s do this the right way in which adapt something that God gave us 20 years ago into a new way of doing it and that takes time it’s not easy but I think it is possible and but I don’t think it’s got preferred method you would rather actually give you a blueprint and then you establish it from scratch and I think that I think God desires their to be small groups of people from Leith reason sevens which may cover basic foundation 10 for a foundation of an ecclesia the are building the relationships establishing the foundations of the blueprint that God will then add to when he is ready and I think he wants to establish those things all over the world she say to people, to you to establish an ecclesia like the way I like to have the authority I don’t another I don’t can do it well actually a secret God is calling you can actually don’t think 50 people hundred people as people think 10 people could I do I have the capacity to build a relationship with 10 people around the blueprint the gods given until we got such a relational foundation the God will add to it I think all of you can do that if you called or if you go to somebody else I think is waiting to be will say yes because we need ecclesia all over the place of beginning to do these things this way and if there is a where people can account where is that harvest gonna come to God is not gonna release the harvest until her storehouses last even if there are multiple groups of 10 people were all waiting for the harvest mid legislating the harvest getting ready for the harvest and then they can receive a harvest all received those were coming out of the wilderness basically wanting help because they’re seeing something that they don’t know what to do hey come and join with us were on the same journey we cannot do I was preceded for discovery we can find this in heaven you this there’s also numerous people who have left church because they realise it is in it is not left God there waiting at that something we need to start connecting with calling the name to come and join this could be it is not perfect because we are here is reality we are all imperfect so we have graceful one another and were not can there was get it right but if our hearts are right to forgive each other bless each other and realise we are learning with all the L plates on rule learning then we give each other the grace to learn and therefore the permission to make mistakes and learn from them and to grow so I would encourage people to consider is God giving you a mandate for a blueprint for an ecclesia even if it’s a small group can begin to take this journey together as an looking for thousands of them is not impossible but then God can God has told me he will give 100 to 10 overnight when they’re ready and any can give another hundred to each of those 10 overnight because the harvest will come supernaturally not the way we don’t for it God will draw people to the light when there’s a light so we need to be the mount of the house was lifted up so that people can see it even if they’re only seeing it spiritually not say we got me whenever to the paper 11 is actually is a spiritual thing we are releasing a sound fragrance of relationship will draw people God will send them, connect them because that’s what he wants he wants to establish on earth as it is in heaven someone’s got to say yes here I send me are looking for people willing to say yes not experts you God loves an amateur in the new rather than a professional in the old so looking for people who can only argue that 31 are not so I can do that but actually my willing to God to teach me and I willing to say yes God is looking to establish that all over the were all over the earth so that we can be ready part of the problem is if you come from a culture which thinks big 10 don’t cut it and therefore people are always at will how many people you got your church and what numbers if you got was a Roman but isn’t to people therefore successes numbers you been going to to use new got 10 people yet and that’s the best 10 people could be got ready God will add but some people that will be so difficult for them because it’s like we people we grow we go through this body that actually I think God is wanting to do things differently wants to shake things that he wants to give different blueprints of different mandates and he wants to us to teach us how to use that to then begin to legislate things into being so the whole thing of old is not depart confined to biblical revelation, a while ago I was asking about our blueprint and blueprints in general and what God is doing in what he wants to do and so he gave a whole series of questions to ask myself here and brothers to think from this perspective so I was going through this what is new of what is old thinking is new what thinking is what practices new what practices of and a whole load of policy revelation in terms of how I saw the Bible and different Bible things that came out but it wasn’t just that so visible God said everything must be evaluated from an new versus old perspective individually and corporately so what am I doing in my life is it from a new heavenly perspective or an older and we need to us that individually and if were part anything corporate Askit and that includes mindsets practices provision ministry government administration HR resources structures management because actually we manage four different organisations here part of our blueprint we have two companies and one charitable company and one charity so we have established all those things with a governance in a legal spiritual thing the works but I was it working in a new perspective or is it still doing all things I think the reason got ask is it isn’t doing things in our all new perspective otherwise he would have asked me to ask questions therefore we need to review everything using the lens of the new so you look at things is it from a new or old perspective and I would encourage you look your life is my quiet time with God from a new or old perspective am I reading my Bible because I feel it’s a duty to do so or am I doing it with the revelation comes in heaven is that is my life actually focused on things that God is inspiring now is it still the routine of the altar questions to consider is everything established in heaven first is everything in your life do you establish in heaven first due to create you declare it you call it forth in heaven first if you don’t is not the manifest on earth you only get the earthly must cessation of where you established it if it’s on earth will be earthly if it was in heaven will be heavenly on the earth is everything administrated in heaven first have you done what you need to do their to facilitate it coming here have the boundaries of the tent pegs been extended through our spheres so have you the spheres of government you have established your boundaries around another with you are ruling that sphere will look at that tonight we look at extending our boundaries and overshadowing things are God’s call us is everything overshadow do I carry in my heart is my spirit overshadowing it isn’t then I’m not I have no access to bring heaven into because it is in in my heart our rivers of living water flowing through everything because if there not where is the life can come from needs to come out of heaven through us and ultimately through those everlasting doors that we go open have angels been assigned to because God is an angel signed everything and we do we know the heart I would cooperate with them are we aware of exist we are that were missing out on a whole load of ministering spirits who can help us do we have laws and and thanks everyone sons arise we created legislation for so do we have that legislation for the things you’re doing do you have legislation for the things you’re doing in your life and are you using it to effectively govern the rule and establish the kingdom or are you just doing the same things you always done the same way he was done because you have your was gonna get the same results you always got I don’t think that’s all what God wants to give you so are the Katoomba’s for your life you have a Katoomba you know at Ketubah rates yes a marriage contract you make with God towards your destiny in the last thing that we did here with the dark cloud we help people develop Ketubah and encourage them when we get a marriage ceremony they use their Ketubah is the basis of their relationship with God and it’s based in fulfilling God’s destiny for us but him providing everything we need to do that so that means are we using it is no point have a negative review don’t use it and it what it does it says I am willing to yield and surrender my life to fulfil God’s purpose and when I do that guess what he does is as I will give you everything you need to be able to do that purpose I don’t demand that of him I just surrender and he sees my surrender to it any released is everything the marriage perspective am I operating in independence or out operating in relationship with God because marriage is when you leave independence and you become one are we releasing sounds frequencies light from heavenly realms into all our spheres of authority so are we releasing heaven to engage in this realm so that heaven can begin those attractions and drawing things are bringing order and this just questions now are not necessarily expecting you to at the answers because you poorly thought about but I’m hoping to provoke to think more about what you do so you not just doing routine you always done without there being a authority behind it is you know you are authorised to do it and you know you’re empowered to do and therefore you do the whole sense of confidence in a different way so we train correctly you are we actually looking for results out of the wrong motive of our heart are we looking for something that will elevate us or make as well known stainless or give us position or actually is money whatever it might be just a question to ask are we operating in Jesus’s faith all the faith we try to create so don’t try and create your own because it will never be sufficient he will give you what you need to believe when you’re believing what he showed that’s why it’s important to evaluate some of the things you may have held onto to know is he still saying that or did he actually say that ever in the first place because I’m a nice I said earlier before I evaluated the prophetic things that were spoken of my life most of them were just kind intention someone heart there were only two or three that I really resonated with my new level God said so be open for that do the same patterns of government run through everything so if you can do something and establish something he needs to be like a stick of rock the name go through the whole of wherever you cut it is consistent so for us that means do we have benches of three establish everything we do and we didn’t were working and it was door but actually it was a challenge to make sure that we are consistent everything reflects heaven not just some things so review is really important in our lives where my and in the place of God wants me to be and that can be a physical statement as well some people need to be in a particular place to fulfil their destinies are in the wrong place they will others can be anywhere and it and Jacob is an example of that he was told to stay battle what was Bethel an open heaven a gateway of heaven house of God and angelic landing place and what he did he went lived somewhere else what happened is whole family collapsed and he ended up leaving his whole family into slavery to 430 years you are stating that now widely leave the because he was a farmer who had a whole load of flocks it was a herdsman and battles high country help Hill country and there were many grazing so rather than selling only spots and by a quarry or something you he actually took his flock somewhere else and took his whole family and in the purposes of God and the blessing of God in an open heaven and you you read the results you all sorts of terrible things go on because he wasn’t in the right place so make sure you’re in the right place that you ask continually to review are you in the right place and don’t just make the assumption don’t make your decision based on a job or church and don’t make a decision based on a charge because of the got good children’s work good something which is what some people do I I’ve talked to general I go check out the churches and I want the church. Bestial why because then I look at my children I can God’s is rubbish really but that’s what people make decisions of this job is containing more money I’ll go there to God wanted together what I did masking blessing he did as you want me to have more money we can make all sorts of assumptions but check it out make sure you’re in the right place where were sending out sensible people to be here because we need more people to fulfil what God is calling us to do and to help them fulfil God going on to do so was sending out a sound to connect with where people are not suggesting you of the respondents and I’m just saying then maybe sounds at that you do need to respond to and then you’ll be in the places can bring blessing to you because we shouldn’t be making decisions based on expediency needs to be where God wants us to be that doesn’t have to be a physical place some people can do what they’re called you anywhere some people really are so make sure that you find out are the chances houses aligned well that’s something that I will teach future conference in terms how to make sure heaven be seasons are aligned for our lives so that we have scrolls and the mantles of the things right time right place do we have the answers to all these questions so maybe good to ask the questions we are own life those that you relate to others you resonate with an if then we get the answers what do we need to understand about government and legislation to be able to do everything God is revealed as we may have gaps in our we may have gaps in legislation we may not all know it all yet but are we willing to pursue our relationship with God that will lead us into that truth that will enable us to see heaven come onto the earth not just through our lives I believe all of us are called to be part of ecclesia here Jesus never said that he would build anything other ecclesia are not talking about church as we know it as an institution but people gathered around one of those heavenly blueprints know they have a mandate to be there and are committed to see in heaven outworked on the earth in relationship with God and one another that’s what real ecclesia is all the different and some of them you would need think ecclesia is from an old perspective but they are from a new so don’t think normal church but think actually people fulfilling their destiny together whatever that might be and it may not look anything like you never seen before but actually God is calling people to engage that all of us but we may well need to learn more and to mature to grow your own lives so all of us will need to learn to administrate the manifold grace of God as God is multifaceted awesome so it becomes greater grace note we have an empowerment to do certain things in our lives but it needs to increase and then grace upon grace and they’re all things that the Bible talks about but that’s in preparation for the season of mercy see at the moment globally we are in a season of justice we moved out of a season of judgement into a season of justice and were still there but mercy is being prepared we have to go through grace first so next will be a season of grace where we will start to see the divine enabling power of God equipping us to do things beyond what we can imagine or think that will get us ready when God pauses mercy out on the earth because there is gonna come a season of mercy in which God’s mercy brings a harvest it will flow out of heaven as those everlasting doors are open but we have to really actually administrate justice to get things change so that we can receive mercy and we can start to function know how long were gonna be in the season of justice for within seasons God spoke to me and similar if you need a season within a season and legislate for it you can have judgement within a season of justice you can have mercy within a season of justice you can add grace within a season of mercy isn’t fixed but there is a general overall season then within it we can administrate what we need any particular time because we rule and we gather and your find God operates in seasons very awesome to get the seasons moving together in alignment to bring things into being so we need to be sensitive to where we are sensitive where God wants us to be and how we get we need to start legislating to enable us to get that so there’s a great responsibility that God has given to us as forerunners in the Joshua generation to begin to model something different and to begin to say how is more there’s more than you can imagine or think there’s more in heaven and earth than we ever imagined and we have access to that to embrace it to outwork it to legislate as sons to administrate those legislative things God is preparing our hearts and minds to embrace the new that means you have to let go of the old if you’re holding onto the old is it’s comfortable familiar you know how to do it and God is calling into something new the old will stop working people intercessors and were interceding and I the seed was sown intercessors not work because God saying intercession is in it on earth now been show you do in heaven so what happens is as God introduces something new all the old things we do it start to get hard work they start get frustrating working you to put more effort into position remove disgraceful he wants us to embrace the new but you have to let go of the old so that UBL to know me because God wants to reveal you in the new an ever increasing depth of intimacy people are finding that the intimacy they once had with God is there staying in the same place are not moving forward is not working for the so that is causing the something it right something in the feeling right now with it I need something different will ask God and his basic saying I’m over here you note they followed the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire when God moves they moved if we stay still and God moved one you feel like alone missing out no longer where the glory of God is rest residing now he does residing us but this is really to touch our hearts and minds to begin to get us to pursue where is wanting us to be who he is calling us to be a sons and to remove those limitations of what you believe is possible deepest calling to I am is inviting you to come closer so you can arise a sons of God and take your places in the council the symbolism is God saying to you is calling you to come deeper into relationship is inviting you to come closer to him because he wants you to arise and take those places that we been talking about the biggest hindrance to my heart’s desires being fulfilled the mindsets of my people fill with unbelief and now because there blinded by the darkness of hope deferred where you had disappointment and things that worked out the way you thought it can remove your ability to trust God in the future when things are fulfilled it’s like a tree of life’s what it described as but hope deferred is a is a terrible thing it causes sickness to the heart and I encourage you just to make sure you don’t have any areas of unbelief or doubt because you have things you thought would out of and in particular way and didn’t and they are there causing you to feel that so many of my people are living in spiritual depression suppression operation in the deception of disappointment God does not want us to live disappointed he wants us to live fulfilled lives so evaluate now sometimes disappointment is the wet blanket over us we don’t really know what it is but it’s something just playing us down doesn’t and the joy the Lord is not there are joint-stock was a joy you are you less joyful now than you never be have you ever been joyful before you are you more joyful many never be because there is an indication of where you might be now where are you in a sense of peace do you live in peace and wholeness a circular piece of us God is wanting really to release us all that disappointment anything that is holding us back was a sensory wants to bring us into the fullness and fulfil dreams visions promises false and real expectations bring spiritual incapacity inoculated against future hope by past disappointments most are unwilling to face the truth of their own hearts because they live in religious bondage and fear of God GLD that deity that is distant and angry with us trapped in an unreality that keeps them debilitated this is just what God said said this must be dealt with all people will continue to be visionless fearful to go forward because they’re afraid to face the past to be honest about the disillusionment with God GLD because we may have a view of God the angry God or the harsh taskmaster God for the God and fulfil his promises that is just holding us back God wants to inspires to move forward this is what God says I am going to create a culture of honour where there will be an amnesty all those suppressed hidden emotions thoughts and response can be they told us that here that actually it’s very relevant for everyone wants us to be real do not real they knocking the old to face what he wants to take you into now this is why would encourage you think about all the pastor teachers profits apostles and theologians and the translators of the old order must be forgiven released in the old can be left behind the new can be embrace there may have been things you been taught people who taught you things you didn’t teach the truth then go forgiven bless them a lot don’t be held by teaching that restricts you to an old model when God is wanting to embrace something new and take you further that that means this restrictions and limitations of people are put on you need to be removed and some people help you in bondage and put you under coverings and restricted you from being it or try to fit you into the mould of their own interpretation despite I forgiven all the translators of the Bible in English because they misled me and created theology and doctrine positions which I no longer believe but for years kept me the view of God restricted his love because I didn’t believe who he really was so I forgiven them and I forgiven people who taught me so things that I know don’t believe I chose to I do not hold anything against anybody angry with them but I know but actually they’ve affected my life by leading me astray and even give me if I’ve ever said anything officially now I change my mind about because that definitely done that here is my whole theology is James 1211 theology relationship is Wanna fix rigid view anything which is gonna be restricted from God beginning to express more of himself I just Wanna continue relationship so be open to do that review is there anything you nothing about that that whole teaching just so restricted me or help me or whatever it might be so early-season a new era that of God’s government through the order of Melchizedek that’s who we are royal priests lion ox Eagle kingly prophetic apostolic priestly functions that we all carry in our sonship that we all need to begin to express because it’s a heavenly priest and non-unearthly won the Ron it actually priesthood is no longer in God’s economy whatsoever is been finished extended now we have Jesus after the order of milk is about inviting us to be part of that order to be able to administrate heaven into the earth so there are heavenly functions as well as earthly functions and positions is all heavenly it’s not all are see this a mixture we need to be in their we need to do things here we need to be in their royal priests and here we need to be a legislator in Oracle so we bring heaven and earth into agreement in our lives personally and together when we do things together so that goes beyond that king and profit legislator Oracle scribe Chancellor judgement all the other things ambassadors which are all new expressions of God’s mandate mantle to us that are being unveiled so don’t limit yourself to things that you might know be open to new things as God gives you new roles of heaven 90 God is gonna give people new roles a new mantle is because there so much more to do this so much more he wants to bring us into amounts was spiritual authority has been removed from the judgement from the Moses generation who are operating in earthly authority is been removed from heaven’s perspective heaven no longer recognises authority which is coverings and it’s not empowering the mantle of true spiritual authority has been released to the Joshua generation who can operate beyond the veil that is not elitist thing because I want everyone to come into that those were forerunners after embrace it and and demonstrate it so others will follow and I honour those who God before who were the explorers who explored this realm and called us to come and I followed that Saddam I’m releasing that’s and hopefully others could follow then then you can recess and others will follow that is this what discipleship is being an example others can follow and if we don’t operate not beyond the veil then we can be that example so we all need to learn to walk in his ways walking love walking on air walking forgiveness what blessing people walk holding nothing against anyone walk in relationship with God here then we can learn to do those governmental things in the rounds heaven and begin to access these courts legislate as a son bring change and transformation on earth as we are discovering in heaven let’s mature let’s grow let’s take those positions of sonship and then let’s begin to make a difference to bring heaven to earth the way you see yourself if you see yourself through the eyes of others and through your own eyes then you will operate from that perspective that is in earthly perspective you operate in earthly perspective if it’s a old model perspective your operate from that it’s about renewing your mind to believe what God says about you then you from that belief you think like God thinks and you will be operating like God operate if you think like a man thinks you operate like man thinks so if you think of yourself as a slave you will act like a slave if you think of yourself as a son you will act as a son start thinking of yourself the sons and you will start to begin to take positions of sonship and that will begin to bring change and transformation because you will have authority in that position don’t be restricted by what people say can do that this you can God says don’t let any man tell you you can do what God says you can don’t let yourself carry that other