Process 2

Cultivating reciprocal abiding

Jeremiah 17: 5 Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. 6 For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited. 7 Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is. 8 For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought (drought: or, restraint), neither shall cease from yielding fruit.

The two words that are used here are batach- which means to trust, and to find your security in God, and to live with Him as your refuge. We are learning how to live in the secret place. The secret place with God is the inner man of our spirit. knowing how to step back into that inner man of our spirit, where Jesus is residing in us, so that becomes our living space, in Christ Jesus. In that place of God being our refuge, He is the object of our attention, and we come to trust the Lord because of who He is. We have to come to a point in our life where we are wholly fixed on the nature of God.

Many people are not opposed to Jesus; they are opposed to people’s expression of Him, which is religious. We have to know who Jesus is, we have to know who we are in Him, it is our responsibility in this world to portray Jesus properly. The world wants to know what God is really like. What is He like in Himself. Religious people portray so many different kinds of Jesus’ to people. Religious people are judging various aspects of society, they are judging gays, criminals, abortionists, all kinds of people who don’t know Jesus, and the people who are doing that don’t really know Him either. All those people are doing those things because they haven’t met Jesus in the first place. How are they going to met Jesus if we are judging them for who they are, they need to hear the message of salvation. God loves you and has made a way for you to know Him.

2 cor 5:19To wit “to know,” as, like, even as,, that God was in Christ, reconciling (continuous action, to receive one into favour) the world (“a harmonious arrangement or order, the inhabitants of the earth, men, the human family) unto himself, not imputing ( continuous or repeated action, passive-middle, to put on the account, to occupy the mind with, to reckon, to take into account, count up or weigh the reasons) their trespasses(para, “aside,” pipto, “to fall”), then “a lapse from uprightness, a sin, a moral trespass, misdeed,” is translated “fall” unto them; and hath committed (set in place, and assigned ministry) unto us the worda word, uttered by a living voice,  of reconciliation. 20Now then we are ambassadors“to be elder or eldest, prior in birth or age;” There is a suggestion that to be an “ambassador” for Christ involves the experience suggested by the word “elder.” Elder men were chosen as “ambassadors.” an official representative of an organization or movement) for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead (1-the office-function in behalf of another 2-anointed), be ye reconciled (command to begin now, not continuous, passive, to change of enmity to friendship) to God. 21For he hath madehim to be sin for (in behalf of) us, who knew no sin; that we might be made (continuous action subject to a condition, create, to begin to be, a change or transition, come into a state, to become, to come into existence, begin to be, receive being) the righteousness of God in(intimate union with, of one mind, heart and purpose) him.

Not counting their sins against them, this is the gospel. And He has committed to us the word of reconciliation. Our role in earth is to tell people that God has taken all the sins of humanity and put them on Christ, therefore right now you are reconciled to God. this means the way is open to God, God does not have anything against them, because everything that was against them, He put onto Christ. So now the whole world is free to hear the gospel. A way has been opened up to them to experience the goodness and kindness of God that leads them to repentance. Everyone is free to experience God. We are ambassadors of reconciliation. We are to take reconciliation into the world and upgrade it to redemption. It is like getting a credit card in the mail, all they have to do is activate it. They have all the benefits of that credit card attached to it, but they cannot receive the benefits until they get in touch with the principle. Our job is to empower people to get in touch with the principle (the primary source of something, the characteristic ingredient-chemistry an ingredient of a substance that gives the substance a special quality. We are to tell people what God is like, He is not like what you might have heard, he is not judgmental, he is not angry, he has made a way for you to receive Him. we are here to empower people to taste and see that the Lord is good. While they are thinking about Jesus, we get them healed, we get them a job, and we get some favor into their life. People have to experience Gods goodness, so that they open their heart for Him to grant them repentance. We have to be very clear on what the true nature of God is like, because the world is desperate to know what God is really like. He is the God who loves terrorists, pedophiles, traffickers, the God who loves evil people, the wicked, the one who died for everyone, regardless of what they are now doing, he paid for that sin. We cannot judge people as being to wicked to be saved. Goodness is more powerful than wickedness. We overcome evil with good.

batach- in the Hebrew is to find security in God, that He is our refuge and we trust in who God is for us. and the second word hope is mibtach-and it denotes that something has already come to us, and that we are the object of that in terms of our life that when we come into relationship with God, he has already put a deposite of something in our life. The Lord doesn’t make provision for us when things happen, He makes provision for us before things happen, in prophetic language we would say that God is always previous. God puts words in our life before we actually need them as a resource, this is why we need to understand the language and the mindset of God, He makes provision for us before we need it.

Sometimes we get so fixed on our need to abide in Him that we forget that God is seeking to abide in us. it is a reciprocal thing. Abiding is always reciprocal, you abide in me and I will abide in you. If anyone loves me, he will keep my word and my Father will love Him, and we will come to him and make our abode with him. God is saying no, I am setting up house in your heart, and I want you to set up house in my heart, so basically we have two homes.

It is a paradox, we are in Christ and Christ is in us. we are in Christ learning power from man to God and from God to man. The authority and power we get from being in Christ is enough for us to rule our life well in the spirit and touch the people in our immediate vicinity. But when we come into the place of Christ ruling in us we get the power to touch cities, nations, to take a whole crowd of people with us. in a conference we can take a whole room of people in a direction that God wants them to go in, it has nothing to do with us, we are just stepping into the place of Christ in us. Christ in us creates something in the spirit, that stirs up a longing in people’s hearts. Christ in us is speaking.

Reciprocal abiding means that we dwell in trust, we don’t visit it situationally. If we are in Christ and Christ is in us it means that we are not pursuing the presence of God. we have already been captured. We cannot pursue something that we are already in. what we are doing is that we are hosting the presence of God, in our own lives in the place where we work, in the situations that we are in, so that everyone is free to be touched by Jesus. jesus hosted the presence of the Father to such an extent, that the woman with an issue of blood felt that all she needed to do was to touch him and I will be healed because he is hosting the presence of God. people saw through all the miracles that he was hosting something that was out of this world. Jesus could feel virtue going out of him. because people were touching the host. Touching the host of the presence of God. this is the place we are coming to when it talks about Christ in us. it makes us a completely different person. it makes us a different possibility in situations around us. we are not pursuing the presence, we just need to acknowledge that we have been captured by him. we are where we are at, because we have been captured by jesus. we want to move into a greater sense of who God is for us. we want a greater sense of the fullness of God in our life, but we are doing that because we have already been captured. We have been captured and we are learning how to host that which has apprehended us. our prayer every day is Lord captivate my heart today, so that I am just gloriously fixed on who you are.

We are hosting the presence which means we are not subject to the rollercoaster of emotions, but we are rejoicing in the affections of God, we are not tired but we are learning how to be restful. The fruit of the spirit is a more powerful weapon against the enemy than the gifts. The joy of the lord in us is like kryptonite to the enemy. The peace of the Lord in us irritates the enemy. The enemy cannot break through that peace. Our patience wears the enemy out. Our kindness makes him sick. When Satan fell from heaven he fell from the fruit of the spirit. and enemy does not have the fruit of the spirit in him. we defeat the enemy by learning how to wait on the lord. The enemy fell out of the universe which is continually expanding into the atmosphere of the earth, the other angels are working with the lord in terms of an every expanding creation, so their authority is increasing all the time, the enemy is no longer in a place where he can expand, he is limited in who he is and limited in what he can do compared to where he started. He lives with the grief of that constantly, that is why he is so angry. He has become malevolent and malignant in his personality. He is living under such intense extremes compared to what he was created to be and it bothers him. he wants to rule the earth malignantly and malevolently but there are these people who just keep getting in the way and they remind him of all the things that they have lost and they have the power of God in them which means that they get to rule and reign in the earth and they get to take authority and cast out devils and there is nothing that he can do about it. the enemy was created to serve the purposes of God and nothing has changed. When the spirit filled believer begins to pray the enemy has to fall in line. 17For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.

When we are learning how to be in Christ, we are learning how to overcome in our own circumstances, but when we are learning about Christ in us, we become more than a conqueror and the enemy has to pay attention. He has to serve the purposes of God because that is what he was created to be.

When we abide in the Lord and he abides in us, peace is one of the signs that it is working. When we seek peace in and of itself we have this struggle to embrace it. when we seek God relationally by hosting the presence, then love, joy and peace are a consequence. Crucifying the flesh is a consequence of walking in newness of life, it is an outcome. It is not an action, it is a consequence. When we walk in His presence, we are automatically dead to self. We consider ourselves dead to self and alive to God. When we are alive to God, death to self is automatic. We don’t have to focus on it, it is just there, and it is a consequence. When we have Christ in us and we are in Christ, the consequences of hosting the presence is that we are filled with the spirit and we manifest the fruits of the Spirit, it is just a normal part of our being.

We don’t have to focus on peace to get it, we just abide in Christ, and host the presence of God and peace is a consequence. Peace is a lifestyle, peace is a result of Christ in us the expectation of glory. We are focusing on hosting the presence of God, of being in the presence of God; we are working with the Holy Spirit we are partnering in abiding. Abiding is staying, it is dwelling, it is remaining in the place that God has put us. It is learning how to observe our life from that place, How to talk ourselves into the things that God wants to be for us. how to stand, how to position ourselves to receive, even if we are under pressure, because we are learning how to stay, how to dwell, how to abide and we don’t let anything push us out of hosting the presence. We don’t let anything push us out of our presence in God, of our walk with God, our placement in Christ.

We learn how to stay, we learn how to stand, we learn how to walk, we learn how to abide, we learn how to dwell and all the fruit’s of that in terms of the nature of God, come into our life because we are learning how to be in Him, and how to host Him, so that He is in us, so that we have this double anointing, this strategic anointing, not only to prevail in our circumstances, but also to realize the manifest presence of God in terms of His love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness all of those things become a given to us. We do not focus on them as things to achieve, we just know that as we host the presence of God, all of those things become a part of our reality and peace comes to us. When we are learning how to abide in the presence of God, the prince of peace comes and takes up residence. The joy of the Lord comes; the joyful God comes and takes up residence. The loving, patient, gentle God comes and takes up residence. And we realize that all of these attributes in terms of His nature and personality, His persona now become ours because we are living in that space with Him. all these things are a consequence of His presence.

The way in which we host the presence of God is that we rejoice always and give thanks in everything. What are we giving thanks in, thank you that you are with me, thank you that you are in me. That means that God has a perspective that we are going to have. That means I face this situation the same way that you would because I am abiding in you and I am expecting your life to come through. We are trusting that God is in us, and I have a hope and an expectation that your life will come through me and encounter these situations and they will be changed. Because you are in me, I do not have to worry, I am not anxious, I am not fearful, because I have this peace-why-because I know you are in me, and I am learning to trust in who you are for me, and I am learning how to have an expectation of your personality coming through in my life and overcoming.

 So we are always rejoicing and giving thanks, it is the way that we host the presence of God. we are fixed in our heart, we are focused on God, we are captivated by His nature, so we live in that place of saying I just want to be captivated by You.

 We start our day by being astonished, that all the places that God could live, He chooses to live in us. The indwelling of the Spirit of God should amaze and astonish us. We love the thought that God wanted to take up residence in us, that I am your habitation and you are mine. There is a whole flood of wisdom and revelation that comes when we focus on things like this.

Process is about reciprocal abiding. You abide in me, and I will abide in you. It is about the nature of God becoming our life style, it is about the fruit of the Spirit constantly revealing the presence of God. the fruit of the Spirit comes through our eyes so that we look at people in a different way. We do not look at people harshly, we look at them gently.

 We don’t look at people in terms of this person is a pain in the rear end, this is someone who is just not seeing through the heart beat of God.

If we have a problem in lusting after the opposite sex, it is because we are looking at them through the eyes of self, and not through the lens of the fruit of the Spirit. We are not looking at them through the eyes of God’s love for them.

We cannot minister in the spirit until we get into the heart beat of God. we need to be seeing through the heartbeat of God. approaching the heart of prophesy, we can only prophesy from the heart when we know what God is really, really like for us. when we know who God is for us, then we get to see that for other people. We get to look at people with gentleness, with patience.

At some point we have to deal with our irritations. Even if we are married to the person, we have to deal with our irritations. We have to say no, I am not going to see that way at all. I am going to flip that, I am going to see in a different way. We are learning to become like Jesus. We are learning how to be captured by Jesus, and then we get to be captivating ourselves. We live in favor, not fear. Favor then becomes a consequence. We are not pursuing the favor of God, we are hosting the presence of God and favor is a result, it is a consequence, it is a given. We are not saying Lord Give me favor, give me favor, no we got favor because we are in Christ and Christ is in us. If we are hosting the presence of God, we never think about favor, we just use it. we are not pursuing favor, we are just captured by it, we are expecting it.

 In our relationship with God we are always in the middle between trust and expectation. When something new is happening we get to trust the Lord, and the Lord teaches us to trust until that trust becomes an expectation.

 If we learn how to just stand, the devil will back down. The Lord has chosen all the worst people to represent him. He chose people who are foolish, those who are not recognized, the people who are weak, it seems as if he only chooses people who have issues, all the people who the world doesn’t want or rate, the Lord says I will have them, you watch what I will do with these people. It dosen’t matter who we are, is we are going to stand our ground, it is all about who he wants to be. He can use the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. We stand up in our foolishness in Christ and win.

Process always stretches us, it is designed to, we have to change our focus and desire from just getting a resolution in a situation, we have to change that to a desire of becoming like Jesus in the situation. Our first priority must be to become like Jesus. we don’t want to look at the difficulty only, this is a big problem, what is the Lord going to be for us in this situation.

There was a reason Caleb was called a man of a different spirit. twelve spies were sent out, each one the best of his tribe. Ten come back completely unmanned by what they saw. They are giants and we felt like  grasshoppers in our own sight. Joshua didn’t say anything until the next day. Caleb admits the enemy is more powerful, I am powerless, but with God I am more than a conqueror.

There are giants here look at their size, that means how much more powerful is God going to be on our behalf. I am going to take the giant down and take his place. That giant tells me who I can become in that situation. We get a message from the enemy when we look at a problem and it is big, it can be overwhelming, there is no possible way to overcome it. you are not strong enough, not good enough. We do not want to have a mind like a vaccum cleaner, that will suck up any kind of rubbish. If the enemy is taking great pains to tell us what we can’t do, and he is a lying spirit, why is the enemy fighting us so much, what is he scared of. When we are filled with the spirit he runs in terror. The enemy is trying his hardest to keep us from seeing something. We learn this in the process eventually.

The Holy Spirit shows up and says see that giant, you are going to move up to that level, and he will be cast down. That giant is your doorway into greatness. I have made him to be that size to show you how big you are going to become in this situation. We look at the giant, and we see what we are going to become to overcome. That is how powerful we are going to become.

Calab knew in his spirit that they were going to be their prey and was excited. They are an indicator of who we are becoming next in the power of God. what God liked about Calab was that he was a man of a different spirit. Abraham friend of God, calab a man of a different spirit, these are identities. Moses the deliverer. David man after God’s own heart.

Calab was spontaneous, we can do this thing, he doesn’t care about the opposition. Joshua is a little more thoughtful about it, but no less powerful. He speaks the next day in such a way that people go on the journey. We need these two things together it is a paradox. It is like the apostolic and the prophetic. The prophetic says we can do this thing, no matter what the odds. That may stand alone but they start to turn the tide. And the apostolic comes in behind it and tells us all the reasons why we can. There is a strategy that comes in. these are the partnerships that we need in these days. We are here to prove the bigness of God. we are here to prove the bigness of God in our own frailty, inadequacy. We may be inadequate, but in no way insecure. God is our refuge, we are living in the secret place. We are walking in the shadow of His wings. When we learn how to deal with inadequacy. We never have to feel adequate for the circumstances, we just step into our trust, where we are expecting something to happen. We know that God comes through weak people. We know that God can inhabit us. we are living in our trust and moving toward our expectation. We are never anything less than trusting. Our expectation is that we do not know what God wants to do here, but we are standing here in trust and know we are about to find out. Sometimes we find out in the moment what we get to be, sometimes we find out before hand. Sometimes the Lord chooses an identity for us in the moment we step out in the general direction, sometimes we find out before hand. This is not only what I want you to say, this is what I want you to be in that situation.

Trust enables us to develop our sensitivity to the Lord, but we are going to be stretched. Some situations take longer to resolve than others. If we are not learning how to live in Christ we are going to get bent out of shape. We are learning about time and timing. We are learning about faith and patience, faithfulness and perseverance; we are learning how to face this particular situation. Some situations can take a year or more to resolve. When God commits us to long suffering, he teaches us the joy of the Lord in those moments. The bible talks about longsuffering with joy. God does not want us to persist in our circumstances; he wants us to persist in the aspect of His nature that He is allocating to us in that moment. There is no way that God would want us to learn persistence and perseverance over a long period of time, with out learning something brilliant about who He is. We learn how to walk through life with a smile on our face. When we learn how to be happy in our trial, then people will accuse us of not carring.

Our understanding of the true nature of God is expanding all the time, we are always trusting but want to move to expectation as soon as possible. The foundations for upgrade and expansion is what we have come to know of the nature of God for us. nothing in our life is purely situational everything is relational. We have to reinvent our relationships with others, as we are growing in the Lord and in the natural. We have to reinvent our relationship every 3 to 5 years.

We do not want to relate to people based upon how they were, not on who they are right now. People journey is changing so we need to know how to be with them now in their progress in the Lord.

The Lord has to take our growth in account as he is walking with us. When the Lord gives us a prophetic word, He is showing us the next part of our identity. We need to keep up with the words the Lord has spoken over those we know, so that we can relate to them in their next season of growth. What does this mean for their relationship with God? where are they in relation to this? what does that mean in terms of their ministry? We mentor and disciple them into that aspect of their identity. This is what the Holy Spirit is doing with us all the time. Sometimes we get situations that are in line with the person God wants us to become and they are not in line with the person that we were. If we have not upgraded our perception of ourself, we inhabit those problems according to an identity that we have actually grown out of, and we need to know what we are growing into. Sometimes we get problems and difficulties in our life right now because they are there to train us, to develop us into something and maybe change our journey forever. Our story is changing all the time. We have a story and a journey that should be changing for the better. Who are we becoming, what resources are out there right now? Sometimes our problems tell us the resources that God wants to give us. in the realm of the spirit, how the kingdom works, is that there are no problems in heaven. being part of the kingdom means that we don’t have problems on earth. Jesus brought the kingdom down upon earth and never once talked about a problem, he only talked about possibilities. Because we are citizens of heaven living on earth, we are not subject to the earth, the earth has problems, and the world is problem solving all the time. We are not problem solving, we are possibility enhancing in our people. Let’s not turn that into a problem, let’s turn that into a possibility and see what that does for us. what if God is showing us something that he wants to make available to us in this next part of our story and journey. This makes life interesting.

What if this is what trusting the Lord really is, your trusting in the nature of God, your trusting in your fellowship with God. we know that He is pursuing us to make us like Him. all of His goals in our life is to make us in His image. That means we think like Him, we see like Him, we speak like Him, we walk like Him, we act like Him, we stand like Him. you fight like Him, you believe like Him. He is making us in His image.If He doesn’t see a problem, then It means that we don’t get to see things as problems, either. If He see’s everything as a possibility, then that should light up our life. I is not that we have a problem, we have this possibility thrust upon us from heaven. what is going on, I am in trouble, no, I have just had three possibilities thrust upon me in the same week. Every problem is a possibility in God. how lucky is that. God is targeting me right now for blessing. We belong to heaven and heaven has a different language, it has a different mind set. Set your mind on things above not on things on the earth. Col 3 you are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God. we are establishing trust and we are always moving towards expectation. If we want to live in wonder, we have to start by wondering what brilliant thing, God is going to do next. We need to learn how to live in wonder, wondering what God is up to. We need to realize that we are a new creation. all the old things have passed away and everything has become new. And part of that newness is that we don’t have problems anymore, we just have possibilities. And those possibilities are here to tell us who we are going to become next in these situations. We can feel a hope rising within, o my God. I am going to enjoy all these things then, why? Because God has given us richly all things to enjoy. Not some things, not a few things, but richly all things to enjoy. What if joy is the paramount thing in every situation. What if we have to receive joy in every situation. Jesus said these words I have spoken to you, that my joy might be in you and your joy may be full. Joy has to be present in everything, because everlasting joy is upon there heads.

We are getting a crash course in what process is really like, what it can really be like for each of us. it is the process that makes us rich, that makes us open to heaven. process is a series of steps that takes us from where we are now to the next place of our definition in God. the next place where our identity begins to redevelop in a different way. We have to love process, we have to enjoy it. it is the process that makes us rich because that is where we learn how God is for us, and who we are becoming in him.

We are learning how to see problems as possibilities. And possibilities as a part of our story and our journey, to train us in favor and expectation, so that we can receive even if we are under pressure, we can receive the things that God wants us to have. So we are learning how to acknowledge who Christ is for us, and all the things that come to us because Christ is in us.

Acknowledging Christ, and acknowledging all the good things that are in us because Christ is in us, is a major part of our mindset shifting and changing. I am in Christ so what does this situation mean in the context of me being in Christ. what is it that God wants to be for me now that He couldn’t be for me without this situation? This is a crucial question, what is it that you want to be for me now, and have a sense of wonder and joy about it, a sense of excitement. I have this problem-possibility, droped into my life, that means God is going to give me a cyropratic adjustment, that means I am going to get changed, I am going to get an upgrade, I am going to see more of God. our problems become possibilities that should excite us, that should cause us to talk to others about what our possibilities could be. The brilliant thing is we cannot take a look at God and not have him take a close look at us. God is targeting us for an upgrade, for an increase. He has dropped some possibilities in our life to alert us to the fact, that we are just about to take a big step forward in terms of our own identity. God uses everything, he gives us richly all things to enjoy. Rather than seeing a problem, lets see a possibility so that we can start the joy thing going. At lease we can take the misery out of our life. Get delivered from the spirit that causes us pain.

What is God seeing over us right now? We shouldn’t need a prophet to tell us that. A new testament prophet is here mostly to confirm to us what we are seeing and hearing in our own relationship with God. because Jesus said my sheep know my voice. We need to be hearing these things relationally in our own devotional times with God so that when he brings along a prophet he can confirm what God is telling us. most new testament prophecy is confirmation. It is God saying you are absolutely on the right track. When a prophet gives us a new word, he relates it to our recent past and we realize that we could have heard it back then but we didn’t because we were to fixed on our problem not the possibilities. They start in the past and bring it forward because they want us to be present-future. A new word comes in, and it is the Lord saying look, this is where I am taking you- this is your outcome, this is your identity, this is the person I am making you into. This word is describing who you are not just what you are going to be doing, it is describing who you are, it is describing how I see you, it is describing how you are known in heaven on this next part of your journey.

Sometimes we just want to stand before people and say, have you heard what heaven is saying about you. This is what prophets do, they say this is what heaven is saying about you. This is how God is looking at you. This is your story, this is your journey.

We look to God to do something; He looks at us to become someone. Somewhere between these two things we need to hit it off with God. God’s priority is for us to become someone, sometimes our priority is I just want you to do something. We’ll you need to become someone because if you don’t, you are going to face this situation all over again at some point. So I would rather that you become someone, so that I can do something. Because if I do something and you don’t become someone, we are going to have to revisit this whole thing. I do not want to spend the rest of your life revisiting something that you keep not getting.

Sometimes the father allows the pressure upon us to make us vulnerable to a higher purpose than just the resolution of our circumstances. How many of us feel like we have been under continuous pressure, have we just faced that situational. We know the issue is who we are becoming. Things are formed under pressure. If we are under continuous pressure something is forming, we need to make sure it is something beautiful and something precious. We are allowing the pressure to harden or soften our heart. Only God influences repentance causes us to be broken in spirit, so that we are yielding to what the Spirit wants to produce in us.

The stretching can be tough until we learn how to abide properly in Christ. people fall out of immediate fellowship with God, because they get angry with God they feel abandoned by God they get angry and feel why has this happened or is happening. We get angry with God if we don’t learn to abide. When we abide we see the possibilities that are available. If we are not abiding we can feel a victim, we can feel discouraged and we can become tired. We don’t mind being tired in the work, because we expect to work hard, but we don’t expect to be tired of the work. We need to reinvent our abiding or take it to a different level.

At some point our confession of God’s faithfulness has to move from present past- he has been faithful- to present-future, He is faithful and He will be faithful. Present future is who we are, it is how we are going to be living. It is the one mind set that enables us to capture the future in the present and work it out in our partner ship with the Holy Spirit.

Our life is meant to reflect what God is like. We have to grow up in terms of astonishment, amazement, joy and gladness. We have to learn to be of good cheer. In the world you will have tribulation, but cheer up I have overcome the world. We are finding the overcoming in the midst of the tribulation, we find the power, the possibility, when we find those things we find the upgrade, increase, strategic anointing, the empowering presence of God, we will walk with God differently, we will find the favor of God that is present, because that is who we are in the earth. This is what the world needs to see when it looks at us. it needs to see someone who is overcoming in all situations. Because people will gravitate towards us, they will gravitate toward our joy, rest, peace, love, power, all the possibilities that we exude in our life. They will gravitate toward our confidence. they will come around us just like they came around Jesus, because we are hosting the presence of God. we are in Him and He is in us and we are starting to enjoy all the possibilities in this life and something has changed on the inside of us, because we are living from the inside out. And everything comes to us in that place. We will make things happen, we will be a catalyst all around us for change. Because our expectation of God becomes everybody else’s expectation of us. we have to learn how to live with that so that we can inspire people to get their own peace and expectation. We give to people the very thing that they need to develop in terms of their own life, so we see possibilities everywhere.

The Holy Spirit is the most exciting, exuberant, encouraging personality you will ever meet, because He adores His job. He loves taking everything that belongs to Jesus and showing it to us, and then empowering us to become that. Making sure that we know it, understand it, we get it, we walk in it, and we become it. Process is the series of steps that enables all of this to happen. The process makes us rich, it is where we step into the majesty of who God is, it is where we learn how to interact with heaven. it is where we become a citizen of heaven on earth. It is where we get into the place of really understanding that in our life, as He is, so are we in this world. Jesus came praying on earth as it is in heaven and that’s where we come in. the people in the world that don’t know Jesus, know that if they connect with us, they are going to connect with heaven in some way. Our mission if we should choose to accept it, is to manifest that as a living reality. This is what we are growing into, this is why process is important. This is where process is where we get to become in reality who Jesus wants to be for us.

Warriors don’t look for rescue they look for majesty. We need to capacity to be captivated, so that we can dwell in that of wonder and amazement at the moving of the Spirit in our life, That we can have the joy of the Lord no matter what is happening. So that the greatness of the Lord overshadows everything. The Lord wants to be everything to us, so that we can absorb His greatness. We want to partner with the Lord in a new way that rules out the possibility of fear and worry and negativity in our thinking and emotions. We need to be living in the favor of God enjoying everything.

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