Sons invested and enthroned 10-1

 Zech3:7 “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘If you will walk in My ways and if you will perform My service, then you will also govern My house and also have charge of My courts, and I will grant you free access among these who are standing here.

Heaven’s Court System

Court of Judges (Kingdom Government) (3) (High Judicial Decrees)

Court of the Lord (Ya Sod) (1)

Court of 70 (Galactic Council) (2) (Legislative for 70 1st Nations)

Court of Kings (Sons who have their Mountain) (Legislative Decrees)

Court of Councils of the Fathers

Court of the Upright (Men in White Linen)

Court of Chancellors Administration of Protocols  From all Judicial Systems

   Court of the Scribes (Records of You and Your Maturity)

Court of War (Strategy/Council For War)

Court of Angels Authorizations/Mandates Actioned


Mobile Court Accusations & papers

 Charge of the courts . Know the court room protocols .Judicial court, mobile court of accusation . Some are judicial but are not criminal . Some are more like councils or assemblies, more like a governmental cabinet.

 2Cor1:20 For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ.  How many promises have been robbed from us because we don’t know our legal rights?  If we don’t know how to petition the court to remove blockages we are reliant on our Dad’s grace and mercy.

The promise wasn’t just that we can go to court to plead and face the accusations but if we live His way we can oversee the affairs of the court and make decisions .There are roles for us to have charge of the courts.

 Realm of Kingdom government is available to us a promise in Christ.  We can rule and reign and be part of God’s justice system . We can use the judicial system to remove the enemies authority . We can use the court system to give us legal authority to bring the kingdom from heaven to earth.

 Realm of Kingdom government is available to us a promise in Christ.  We can rule and reign and be part of God’s justice system . We can use the judicial system to remove the enemies authority . We can use the court system to give us legal authority to bring the kingdom from heaven to earth.

 You can make a petition, request supplication, entreaty to the court . This may for justice . This may for freedom from a bondage or addiction . This may be for legal divorce or separation from a behaviour stronghold mind-set . You must base your case on something absolute, reliable or dependable.

 We prepare a case based on God’s precepts, statutes and laws . Precepts the very nature of who He is, a righteous judge but also a loving Father . Statutes the protocols and principles of righteousness and justice . Laws the revelation of truth as revealed in His word and promises . Use the truth to prepare our case.

 Base the cases on God’s promises that highlight the injustices that have occurred . Your scroll and blueprintsand mandates . Prophetically what has God spoken to you about concerning your life . What dreams have you had about your life?  What promises has God made to you?

 We can make pleas to the court . Those pleas must have a legal foundation as the basis on which to make them . We need to know God and who He is to make those pleas effective . Ps 23:3. He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.  Plead the honour and glory of God’s name.

 Plead God’s relationships to you. He is your: Ps. 119:73 Creator . Rom 8:15 Father . Ps. 40:17 Helper . Isa. 63:16 Redeemer . Heb2:11 Brother . Rom 8:16 Co-heir . Luke 2:11 Saviour.

 Plead God’s attributes.   Justice Gen 18:25, Neh9:33 . Compassion Ps 103:8 . Righteousness Ps 97:2, Isa 42:21 . Faithfulness Ps 89:14, Ps 143:1, Deut7:9 . Covenant-keeping Ps 89:34 . Mercy Deut9:5-6, Ps 25:6 . Loving-kindness Ps 119:41, Isa 63:7.

 Plead the blood of Jesus sprinkled on the mercy seat . In any court of law, we must have legal standing in that court . Heb9:12″He entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood, having obtained eternal redemption” .

 Heb10:19 Therefore, brethren, since we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus . Our standing in the court of heaven is by the blood of Jesus . We plead His finished work on the cross on our behalf in accordance with God’s will and His glory.

Plead the Word and promises of God.  Quote God’s promises reverently back to him. David pressed God to fulfil His promises .Remind God of His promises and nature etc.

Know our identity as kings and priests with the right to access heavenly realms .Know our authority as sons .Know our calling our spheres of influence .Keeping Practicing .Access our thrones & courts by faith.

Heaven’s Court System

Court of Judges (Kingdom Government) (3) (High Judicial Decrees)

Court of the Lord (Ya Sod) (1)

Court of 70 (Galactic Council) (2) (Legislative for 70 1st Nations)

Court of Kings (Sons who have their Mountain) (Legislative Decrees)

Court of Councils of the Fathers

Court of the Upright (Men in White Linen)

Court of Chancellors Administration of Protocols  From all Judicial Systems

   Court of the Scribes (Records of You and Your Maturity)

Court of War (Strategy/Council For War)

Court of Angels Authorizations/Mandates Actioned


Mobile Court Accusations & papers

 Court Room Functions . Court of war/strategy –present a mandate authorised . Strategy revealed to outwork the mandate . Earthly –practical . Heavenly –decrees declarations etc.

 Court of angels . Angels are ministering spirits to serve our destiny .Present agreed mandates and get angels assigned . Connect with angels that are assigned to our destiny.

 Court of Chancellors . Take mandates, laws, legislation that needs authorisation . Get it sealed and agreed . I have experienced the cloud of witnesses and angels appear here often with great excitement and a willingness to stand with you in agreement.

 Court of scribes . Take sealed mandates and get them written into the statutes . Receive the legislation to use . Engage the recorded scrolls for your spheres of government . Legal rights, previous prophetic revelation etc.

 Court of Kings . Decreed agreed laws and legislation . Made laws on a blank scroll . Been given existing legislation . Follow the process through the court protocols.

 Court of the upright . Present scroll with a mandate blueprint or legislation . Seek wisdom for specifics . 12 thrones with mantles and torches . Confer with specific people.

 Court Councils of Fathers . High level tasks and authorisation . Directives to producing legislation . Access to court of 70 . Access to satan’strophy room . Access to the 12 High Chancellors Houses.

 What I learned about protocols of aligning the 12 houses became the basis for preparing those cases . I first saw the council of 70 in 2013 before engaging a period of intense preparation . Council meets for 4 periods of 70 days starting in February each year . Judgment, Justice, Grace, Mercy.

Court 70 . You need a specific mandate to make and present a case to the 70 . Understanding of the precepts, statutes, laws, evidence and verdicts judicial jurisdiction.

 Court Judges . High level judicial decrees . Court of 70 judgement directives . Court of judges administrate justice to bring about change based on love.

 Court of the Lord the Sod of God . Destiny scroll agreements . Personal guardian angelic assignments . God precepts from the eternal what was.

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