Spiritual workshop 4

Supernatural Encounters – Practicing Heb 5:14 But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil. (spirit & soul) Practice Desire – Discipline – Delight

Supernatural Encounters – Practicing Accountability Questions  Have you spent more time or better  quality time with God?  Have you meditated on the word?  What have you done to build up your  spirit?  Have you done the homework?  Have you recorded your experiences,  struggles etc.?

Supernatural Encounters – Practicing Questions? Feedback?

Mountain Throne of God

God on our Mountain Throne

My Father’s House shall be called a house of prayer



Creatures Spheres Mighty ones Shining ones Burning ones Messengers

Warring ones

Sons of God Covering ones Judges

Supernatural Encounters – Practicing  You practice engaging until you can live & operate out of the revelation you have accumulated and it becomes a pathway of entrance  Learning to drive a car instructor constantly reminds you to think, be aware, look in mirrors, think gears etc.  When you can drive you apply it all automatically by 2nd nature

Sight Hearing Smell Taste Touch


Protector Director Translator Interpreter

Screen Projector

Storage Programmes Memories

Responses Feelings

Persistence Rebellion


Subconscious Mind 





Conscious Mind 



Time & Space Born in darkness

See the light

Walk in the light



Heaven of Heavens


Kingdom of Heaven

Kingdom of God

Kingdom of Earth

2 Cherubim Fiery Sword

Realm of His Abode

Realm of His Presence

Realm of His Government

Realm of His Domain

Place of His Domain

Place of His Government

Place of His Presence

Outer Court

Inner Court

Holy Place

Holy Holies

Supernatural Encounters – Practicing  Live on the other side of the veil  Live in the realm of His presence to prepare us for the realm of his person  The earth responds to change when we govern from beyond the veil  Live our life in heaven on the earth  Not on earth out of the supply of heaven

Supernatural Encounters – Practicing  If I stand on earth trying to pull down the supply of heaven it is polluted and dissipated by coming through the wrong realm  Realm of His presence is different from the place of His person  Smelling smoke as opposed to be in the fire 

Heavenly Encounters – Practicing Rev 4:1 After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven, and the first voice which I had heard, like the sound of a trumpet speaking with me, said, “ Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after these things.” 2 Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne was standing in heaven, and One sitting on the throne. 

Supernatural Encounters – Practicing  Jesus I thank you that you have opened up the veil, you are the door, the matrix to the Father into the realm of His presence  I thank you that you have torn the veil so today by faith I step through the veil of the natural world into the realm of your presence.

Supernatural Encounters – Practicing  I thank you that while I am standing here in Your presence I am a gate of eternity ( Put hands to chest & open)  I open the gate of eternity in me and I receive the realm of eternity, I receive the fullness of the breath of God into my body that my body would take on the reflection of who I am in the kingdom as your son.

Supernatural Encounters – Practicing  Father I engage that (bring your arms back together) and I push and pull it in and draw it into my spirit being.  I ask you to breath into me (take deep breath) while I am in your presence, breath your spirit and your being into me  I draw it into my spirit being so I become one with you

Supernatural Encounters – Practicing  I step back into the atmosphere of the earth to administer the breath of God  I breath out the breath of God into the atmosphere of the earth around my life to establish your kingdom  I step forward into the realm of your presence. I open my life (hands to chest) to expose my inner being to your presence 

Supernatural Encounters – Practicing  All that I am Father I make open to your presence to gaze upon. Jesus you are my high priest, you take my living sacrifice and make me clean.  I receive your purity and holiness through the absolute cleansing of your presence  Lord I breathe you in baptise me afresh in your Holy Spirit

Supernatural Encounters – Practicing  Bring me to the house of wine to the banqueting table of your presence under the huppah of your government and love  I ask you to fill me with the wine of your love and presence. I drink the wine of your presence and engage this (hands back together) as provision for my life out of the realm of heaven

Supernatural Encounters – Practicing  I step back into the earth and release the wine and atmosphere of your presence into this atmosphere around my life  I release out it of my spirit being through the matrix gate of eternity into the atmosphere of the earth to administrate your kingdom through me.

Supernatural Encounters – Practicing  Revelation from the kingdom realm   Restoration of your destiny & purpose  Renewal of the heart  Reaffirmation of identity  Realignment to kingdom

Heavenly Encounters – Practicing

Blood of Jesus is always on the mercy seat covering the ark You come to make intercessory connection at the mercy seat – cherubim Your spirit must resonate and harmonise with the contents of the ark Expect God to reveal His will, word, heart and release His authority 

Supernatural Encounters – Practicing

Heavenly Encounters – Practicing

Frequency  God’s will

Resonance  Vibrate at the same      frequency

Harmony  Agreement in faith

Authority  Confidence 

Heavenly Encounters – Practicing Manna Bread of life is the will of God

John 4:32 But He said to them, “I have food to eat that you do not know about.”

John 4:34 Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work. 

John 6:27 Do not work for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal life,

Heavenly Encounters – Practicing Tablets – Word of God His heart is written on our hearts/spirits.

Jer 31:33 I will put My law within them and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. 

John 5:19  See what the Father is doing

Heavenly Encounters – Practicing Aaron’s rod God’s authority, anointing and power 

Matt 6:10 Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. 

Administer kingdom government 

Mountain thrones

Supernatural Encounters – Practicing


Aaron’s Rod


 Step into the realm of God through the veil Go through the veil into the Holy of Holies Engage as the covering cherubim Engage the revelation of the manna 

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