Unconditional love 2

A big thanks for all have become Patreon supporters and to those who have been able to join us tonight.
This will be recorded as I know that not everyone can make this time due to time zone issues.
I am really excited that more people are now joining us on this amazing journey of discovering our
sonship and the restoration of all things.
It is the journey, not the destination, that is important.
It has been a wild ride so far and it shows no signs of slowing down.
Son, let Me show you the extent of My beating heart.
Feel the rhythm of My desire for all creation, feel how My love for all of the created orders causes all
things to work together for good.
Feel how love wins over and over again because love has always won, as it was settled within Our heart
before the fabric of creation was formed and there was only Wisdom and Melchizedek to observe the
offering of Myself upon the foundation stone of all existence.
Son, all creation came from the desire of Our heart for unbroken relationship and love so it was
predestined that that love won, love wins and love will always win.
My love as Father for all will never fail and never run out and is the reality from which grace mercy and
faith exist.
All judgment, justice and kingdom government must be based in unconditional love, grace and mercy.
Son, the seasons cycle but love is the foundation upon which all things live and move and exist.
Love is the light energy which makes up grace, which is the vibrating force from which all things are
From your quantum perspective the strings of grace are the building blocks of all existence, but love is
beyond even that constant.
Love pulses with the energy of our desire for relationship within the living light strings of grace therefore
within the fabric of all creation.
We live in the transcendence that is at the heart of the convergence of all time and space.
Love conquers all, overcomes every obstacle and hindrance and is the arbiter of all choice and decision
It will never give up or fail to be sufficient for all things.
Son, love is why the restoration of all things is inevitable: it can be resisted but never overcome.
Love has no boundary within the infinite because I am is love. Love is the answer to every question, love
is the solution to every problem, love is the key to every lock.
Love cannot be denied or overcome. Love it is pure, love is kind, love is patient, love is tolerant, love
cannot be divided or separated.
Love is because We are.
Nothing can exist outside of love and therefore nothing can be separated from love.
Son, we reconciled everything to Ourselves through love but We have given the ministry and word of
reconciliation to Our sons.
So it is Our desire that all Our children live loved, love living and live loving.
Son, love is the light that you arise and shine.
Love is the frequency that you need to radiate. Love’s essence is light because We are spirit, love and
The very fabric of all creation is bonded with love’s light, the energy that created all matter is love’s light.
Love’s desire was the vibrational cause that affected all light and therefore all matter is the consequence
of love.
Love’s true essence is the power and motivation behind all that we feel, think or do.
Son, love is the only way for true restoration to take place as love was revealed in the redemption and
reconciliation that enables restoration to be possible.
Love’s light was manifested before creation itself: it is the space that all creation came into existence
God is love and therefore that love can only be unconditional.
That means for God to love you there are no conditions that you have to fulfil. NONE – NONE – NONE
You are loved because God is unconditional love.
God loves all His children equally.
Many people accept that God is love BUT there is always a BUT.
Why? Because it is too good to be true for an independent, alienated mind to accept.
Programmed by religion, man has to do something to deserve or earn love or appease anger.
Unconditional Love
Yes, God is love BUT He is also holy
Yes, God is love BUT He is also righteous.
Yes, God is love BUT He is also just.
Yes, God is love BUT He is also a judge.
Yes, God is love BUT He cannot look upon sin.
None of those BUTS contradicts the fact that God is love (other than in the false religious doctrines that
create a dualistic, 2-faced God who needs appeasing by our works.
That religious deception alters and separates God’s character and makes love able to punish.
That great deception fools people into trying to earn something that is already theirs by right of
We are all God’s children and therefore by definition are loved unconditionally by a loving Father
overflowing in lovingkindness.
Unconditional Love
Religion twists God’s holiness and righteousness through a wrong understanding of the concepts of
judgment and justice.
This deception is what creates the false “hell” narrative, where God would punish and torture His
children eternally.
Holiness does not contradict unconditional love, it expresses it.
Righteousness does not contradict unconditional love, it reveals it.
Judgment does not contradict unconditional love, it is its result.
Justice does not contradict unconditional love, it enforces it.
God cannot be a contradiction. He is either love or He is not – and He definitely is.
He cannot ever deny who He is; therefore He cannot both love and punish, despite what the Hebrews
thought and wrote about their version of a God who they feared.
God never changes. He was not different in the past and He will never be different in the future.
God is faithful and His nature and character are unchanging and unchangeable.
As God is love, that love must be never-ending and unconditional.
If what you see written about God anywhere seems to be a contradiction to love, then either what is
written is wrong or you have a flawed and wrong understanding about what is written (probably
because of religious programming).
Religion twists the concepts of holiness and righteousness as characteristics of God that in some way
trump grace and mercy, rather than being attributes of unconditional love that affirm them.
Religion is the fruit of the DIY tree and is a deception.
It is lost identity that makes man susceptible to this terrible deception.
God is, of course, holy and righteous but those characteristics are still expressions of love and they do
not mean that God ever rejects His children.
It is mankind that has rejected God as Father and made a god in their own image to be feared and
appeased by some religious works or other.
It is because of holiness and righteousness that God has judged us innocent and in His justice made us
the righteousness of God in Christ.
It is because God is holy that He has made His children in His image and clothed them in glory.
Glory being the godliness and holiness of our true identity.
Many will say “I cannot call myself holy”.
We are holy and Paul, in his writings, constantly affirms that fact.
Eph 1:4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and
blameless before Him. In love
Eph 5:27 that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any
such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless.
Col 1:22 yet He has now reconciled you in His fleshly body through death, in order to present you before
Him holy and blameless and beyond reproach
1 Pet 1:16 because it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”
2 Cor 5:21 For he hath made him [to be] sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the
righteousness of God in him.
Rom 8:30 and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified;
and these whom He justified, He also glorified.
God is a righteous judge and therefore God is a God of true justice.
The problem for many people conditioned by religion is that to them, judgment and justice equals wrath
and punishment.
In reality, the judgment made by God our Father is not based on man’s ideas but on His lovingkindness.
Judgment is a verdict or decision, not a punishment; and our Father’s verdict is always made in love.
That verdict is not guilty, innocent
God so loved the world that Jesus came to reveal love but love goes further back and deeper than even
the cross.
Jesus offered Himself before the foundation of the world to ensure that love wins and overcomes and
that the judgment the Father makes on us is not guilty; therefore justice makes us innocent.
All accusations are nailed to the cross and nothing is held against us.
Jesus the Lion fully identified with mankind as a lamb (sheep) so that mankind, who would become lost,
astray in the independence of humanity, would be restored.
The transaction figuratively compared to being slain was a choice to so identify with mankind that He
chose to become us.
We live in a new covenant that has been tainted with old covenant concepts.
Unconditional love requires no sacrifices or offerings.
It requires no obedience, obligations, duties or dead works.
We must be careful that we are not operating in an old covenant, works-based and performanceorientated mindset towards God.
There is no guilt, shame and condemnation within unconditional love, they are just false religious
Heb 6:1 Therefore leaving the elementary teaching about the Christ, let us press on to maturity, not
laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, 2 of instruction about
washings and laying on of hands, and about the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment.
We must not lay an old covenant foundation in the new covenant. That only has one foundation, and
that is love.
Reading Heb 1:1, I thought the ‘elementary teachings about Christ’ were the things mentioned in verses
1 & 2 but they are actually the old covenant foundations.
Heb 6:1 (Mirror) Consequently, as difficult as it may seem, you ought to divorce yourselves from
sentimental attachment to the prefiguring doctrine of the Messiah, which was designed to carry us like a
vessel over the ocean of prophetic dispensation into the completeness of the fulfilled promise.
Heb 6:1 (Mirror) A mind shift from attempts to impress God by your behavior, to faith-righteousness in
Christ, is fundamental. There is no life left in the old system. It is dead and gone; you have to move on.
Unconditional Love
Heb 6:2 (Mirror) All the Jewish teachings about ceremonial washings (baptisms), the laying on of hands
(in order to identify with the slain animal as sacrifice), and all teachings pertaining to a sin consciousness,
including the final resurrection of the dead in order to face judgment, are no longer relevant.
Heb 6:2 (Mirror) (All of these types and shadows were concluded and fulfilled in Christ, their living
substance. His resurrection bears testimony to the judgment that he faced on humanity’s behalf and the
freedom from an obstructive consciousness of sin that he now proclaims.)
The system of sacrifices and offerings associated with the law, which was instituted by Moses, was never
God’s idea.
John 1:17 For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ.
Isa 1:11 “What are your many sacrifices to Me?” says the Lord.
“I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fattened cattle; and I take no pleasure in the
blood of bulls, lambs, or goats.”
Jer 7:22 For I did not speak to your fathers, or command them on the day that I brought them out of the
land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings and sacrifices.
God accepted our sacrifices and offerings because He accepts us.
Psa 40:6 You have not desired sacrifice and meal offering; You have opened my ears; You have not
required burnt offering and sin offering. 7 Then I said, “Behold, I have come; It is written of me in the
scroll of the book. 8 I delight to do Your will, my God; Your Law is within my heart.”
Mark 12:33 “… and to love Him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the
strength, and to love one’s neighbour as oneself, is much more than all the burnt offerings and
Love one another as I have loved you. Let me love you.
Heb 10:8 After saying above, “Sacrifices and offerings and whole burnt offerings and offerings for sin You
have not desired, nor have You taken pleasure in them” (which are offered according to the Law), 9 then
He said, “Behold, I have come to do Your will.” He takes away the first in order to establish the second.
10 By this will, we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all time.
Heb 10:11 Every priest stands daily ministering and offering time after time the same sacrifices, which
can never take away sins; 12 but He, having offered one sacrifice for sins for all time, sat down at the
right hand of God, 13 waiting from that time onward until His enemies are made a footstool for His feet.
14 For by one offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified.
Heb 10:15 And the Holy Spirit also testifies to us; for after saying, 16 “This is the covenant which I will
make with them after those days, declares the Lord: I will put My laws upon their hearts, and write them
on their mind,” He then says, 17 “And their sins and their lawless deeds I will no longer remember.”18
Now where there is forgiveness of these things, an offering for sin is no longer required.
Forgiveness is as unconditional as love; therefore no works are required.
Heb 10:5 So when Jesus, the Messiah, arrives as the fulfilment of all the types and shadows, he quotes
Psalm 40:6-8, and says, “In sacrifices and offerings God takes no pleasure; but you have ordained my
Heb 10:6 None of the prescribed offerings and sacrifices, including burnt offerings and sin offerings were
your request. 8 Having said what he did in the above quote, that the prescribed offerings and sacrifices
were neither his desire nor delight, he condemned the entire sacrificial system upheld by the law.
(These only served to sustain a sin-consciousness and was of no redemptive benefit to anyone.)
Heb 10:9 Also by saying, “I am commissioned to fulfil your will,” he announces the final closure of the
first in order to introduce the second. (Grace replaces the law; innocence supersedes sin-consciousness.)
Mankind is declared innocent.
You are innocent. Let that sink in.
The verdict of the judge, in light of the victory of Jesus through the cross, is that all mankind is innocent,
not guilty, justified and righteous. That is unconditional love in action and that is God in action.
The cross was an amazing love transaction that dealt with the legal consequences of mankind’s lost
Jesus conquered sin and death with love. Love released full and total, unconditional forgiveness.
All that I have experienced and discovered has deconstructed my mind, thinking and beliefs: totally
transforming my worldview, unlocking my identity as a son and revealing my creative sonship abilities.
We are all on a journey of discovery that will take us beyond every barrier, restriction and limitation to
limitlessness, so we can actively participate in the restoration of all things.
I encourage you to embrace the journey – it is a wild joy ride.
Rest is the key to living loved.
Start to focus on your breathing, slowing it down; and focus your thinking on ‘God is love’.
Breathe in deeply the unconditional love of the Father.
Feel unconditional love flow through your being.
Be still and let God love on you.
Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am unconditional love,
Be still and know that I am joy, I am peace, I am truth, I am light, I am limitless grace, I am triumphant
Invite love, joy and peace to come on you, to flow in you and through you, to create an atmosphere of
rest around you.
Feel unconditional love flow through your whole being.
Be still and let God love on you.
You are in a safe place
Start to think of an open heaven and set your desire upon engaging the Father’s heart.
Engage the realm of light to experience the light of love and truth at a deeper levels of being.
Live loved free from guilt, shame and condemnation. Old clothes
Love living and enjoy the joy of life
Live loving and be merciful choosing to forgive and release all things.
Rest in love, joy and peace.
The realm of light in perfection is our resting place, our home where we can dwell.
The light is the light of love and truth.
Enter in the light and look into the Father’s face and see His loving smile. Look into His eyes which are
deep pools of unconditional love.

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