Unconditional love 3

Today I will continue to share about unconditional love and if we have time do an activation and then
open it up for Q & A
There is an awakening occurring an people are being enlightened to who God really is as unconditional
It is really exciting that more people are now joining us on this amazing journey to discover who God
really is as love so we can discover who we are as His sons.
The experiences I have had of unconditional love have radically changed my whole belief system
concerning who God is and therefore the reach of God’s love towards all of His creation.
God’s love is unconditional for everyone and everything and that love has no boundaries or
I have believed in the God of the Bible for most of my life but when we actually met face to face I
realised I had been deceived by religious programming and the God I thought I knew did not exist.
I am an atheist to that God.
The good news is that the true God I met as Father, Son and Spirit went beyond my wildest
imagination in terms of being good, kind, loving, gracious and merciful.
My experiences and encounters with God (love) deconstructed my mind’s programmed belief systems.
During an encounter with the Father He showed me that my mind had 9 pillars that framed my beliefs.
I had 6 religious and 3 cultural pillars that supported my beliefs and worldviews.
Those 9 pillars that strongly supported my beliefs were programmed by my upbringing.
Your pillars will probably be different from mine but equally as strong and, being subconscious, mostly
invisible to our conscious mind.
There are 9 fire stones, they are stones of revelation which Lucifer the light-bearer was supposed to
reflect to mankind for ascension to maturity.
Those 9 stones were counterfeited and perverted and became 9 pillars that frame our lost minds.
Each pillar supports a veil of lies that filters the light of God and distorts the image of God and His
image in us.
Each pillar and veil controls how our mind interprets the data we receive.
Those pillars and veils are mindsets established from beliefs that someone has taught us; some of mine
were religious thinking, drawn from old covenant theological ideas meant for a previous day, that
became a resting place for words that framed my belief systems.
There is a new revelation of truth for our day to discover.
The pillars that supported the construction of my consciousness were:
Religious: Evangelicalism, Sola Scriptura, Protestantism, Augustinianism, Hebrew mindset, Greek
Cultural: Cultural relativism, scientific rationalism, humanism.
The Father revealed those pillars and showed me how my mind was veiled from the light of truth;
living in the darkness of deception but thinking that darkness was light.
The Father asked me if I wanted Him to remove those pillars and deconstruct my beliefs. Yes BUT.
The deconstruction initially focused on evangelicalism and specifically on my understanding of what
happened on the cross, what is known as the atonement.
I had been taught the doctrine of penal substitutionary atonement but I discovered how wrong I was.
PSA is an evangelical doctrine that simply purports that God punished and killed Jesus for our sin
instead of punishing us.
When that doctrine was destroyed by meeting my unconditionally loving Father, many other false
doctrines fell like dominos in a rally.
I discovered that God did not punish Jesus – or anyone else, for that matter.
Man required a sacrifice for sin, not God; and it was man who crucified Jesus, not His Father (who was
in fact actually with Him on the cross).
Jesus told His disciples clearly who was going to kill Him: and it was not His Father.
Rather it was the combination of the religious and political spirit that wanted His death.
God even brought good out of that rejection and murder.
The Father was never separated from Jesus, as I had thought (having being erroneously told that God
had to turn away from Jesus when He became us, identifying with our sin).
In fact Jesus took our lost identity and fully identified with us in every way to overcome all obstacles to
our reconciliation to the Father.
2 Cor 5:18 Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave
us the ministry of reconciliation, 19 namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself,
not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation.
What happened on the cross was that Jesus identified with our lostness and cried our cry of lost
identity: “Why have you forsaken me?”
God never turned away from man but man turned away from God and walked in independence.
Psa 22:1 My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?
Psa 22:24 For He has not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; nor has He hidden His
face from him; but when he cried to Him for help, He heard.
There are 7 major theories of the atonement some have elements of truth.
The Moral Influence Theory: Jesus came and died in order to bring about a positive change to
The Ransom theory: Adam and Eve sold humanity over to the devil at the time of the Fall; justice
required that God pay the devil a ransom.
Once the devil accepted Christ’s death as a ransom, this theory concluded, justice was satisfied and
God was able to free us from Satan’s grip.
Christus victor: Jesus Christ dies in order to defeat the powers of evil (such as sin, death, and the devil)
in order to free mankind from their bondage.
The early church held a mixture of those views.
The Satisfaction Theory: Jesus’ death is understood to satisfy the justice of God. Satisfaction here
means restitution, the mending of what was broken, and the paying back of a debt. Jesus satisfies God.
The Penal Substitutionary Theory: Jesus dies to satisfy God’s wrath against human sin. Jesus is
punished (penal) in the place of sinners (substitution) in order to satisfy the justice of God and the legal
demand of God to punish sin.
The Governmental Theory: Jesus Christ suffers the punishment of our sin and propitiates God’s wrath.
This theory also teaches that Jesus died only for the church, and if you, by faith, are part of the church,
you can take part in God’s salvation.
The Scapegoat Theory Jesus dies as the scapegoat of humanity.
1) Jesus is killed by a violent crowd.
2) The violent crowd kills Him believing that He is guilty.
3) Jesus is proven innocent, as the true Son of God.
4) The crowd is therefore deemed guilty.
What have my encounters and conversations with Father led me believe about the cross?
It is an expression of God’s unconditional love.
It was a victory over death.
It redeemed us from lost identity.
Jesus identified as us and we died and were resurrected with Him.
The cross was Jesus’ victory over our enemies, which were sin (lost identity) and its consequence,
death, which was the result of walking away from the source of abundant eternal life.
We may have chosen independence but from the Father’s perspective we were always His children.
Throughout history the Father continually reached out to man but each time man turned the offer of
relationship into religious obligation and duty.
Man, driven by lost identity, created a god in his own image out of guilt and shame; that god needed to
be appeased by some sort of religious sacrificial system.
God did not sacrifice His Son. Jesus willingly identified with man to restore everything that had been
Jesus overcame sin (our lost identity) by restoring relationship with the Father; and overcame death
by conquering it and defeating it in the grave (where people went after death) through the power of
resurrection life.
Therefore death is not the end of choice to accept Jesus, as I had wrongly been told.
My deconstruction continued to challenge most of my thinking regarding the nature of death, “hell”,
judgment, resurrection, salvation, being born again, faith and the role of the Bible.
Remember Jesus is the living word of God, not the Bible.
I want to explode some religious myths that kept me in a bondage that unconditional love set me free
The truth about how God views sin
In future sessions:
The truth about forgiveness.
The truth about repentance.
The truth about confession.
The truth about faith.
The truth about being born again.
The truth about salvation.
The truth about the old and new covenants.
The truth about immortality.
God is love BUT?
Religion will always include BUTS that create doubt, unbelief and trust issues that will require some
form of religious KPI’s to ensure we adhere to the systems rules.
There are no BUTS. God’s love is totally unconditional.
God’s love is so unconditional that He arranged it so that we could never be separated from Him.
He predestined us to face to face innocence in love so He designed us that we could not die.
Immortality is an expression of unconditional love.
One of the most common BUTS is the cliché that God cannot look upon sin.
This lie creates guilt and condemnation and makes people feel they are shamed, unworthy sinners, so
they run away from God rather than run to Him.
Unconditional Love
The statement that God cannot look upon sin and therefore sinners is in truth totally ridiculous.
God is omniscient and omnipresent, so He knows about sin (which is our lost identity and any
behaviour that comes from it) and He is present when it’s committed. He does not wink at sin or turn a
blind eye to it. He sees it.
God sees our sin; and His response is not to turn away in disgust but to demonstrate His nature and
lovingkindnesses to us all, which is unconditional love, limitless grace and triumphant mercy.
The Father’s love, grace and mercy are more powerful than sin, overcoming all the obstacles and
barriers to our restoration.
If God could not see man’s lost condition, how could He rescue us from it?
The way people in the Old Testament described God was from their own lost identity and religious
experience: most of it is not the truth.
What evidence is there that God seeks us out in our lostness?
Jesus is the proof of unconditional love.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in
Him shall not perish (be lost), but have eternal life.
When you hear the word ‘perish’, what picture does it bring to your mind?
Probably being consigned to the punishment of hell for ever.
In reality the word here translated perish is in most places the word ‘lost’.
Bible translation is framed from pre-programmed theology and is not always faithful to the original
meaning of the Greek or Hebrew.
Religious version: If you don’t believe, you will perish or be utterly destroyed.
The true meaning: if you do not know God’s love, you will live in lost identity.
John 3:16 (Mirror) The entire cosmos is the object of God’s affection! And he is not about to abandon
his creation – the gift of his son is for humanity to realize their origin in him who mirrors their authentic
birth – begotten not of flesh but of the Father! In this persuasion the life of the ages echoes within the
individual and announces that the days of regret and sense of lost-ness are over!
(Mirror notes) The KJV reads, Whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. The same
word translated in the KJV to perish is translated in Luke 15 to be lost. In order to underline the value
of the individual, Jesus tells the famous three parables in Luke 15 of the lost sheep, coin and son; now
all found, safe and sound! In everyone he repeats the word lost, apollumi, to lose, to emphasize the fact
that you cannot be lost unless you belong – to begin with!
Luke 1:10 “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”
Matt 18:12 “What do you think? If any man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray,
does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go and search for the one that is straying?”
What is the practical evidence that God never turns away from us because of sin?
When Adam chose to follow Eve on the path of independence, where was God?
Searching them out and finding them hiding in the bushes with no spirit glory covering.
The Father did not see them as sinners who He could not look at because they had now become His
enemies. He still saw them as His children, who He still wanted to have a relationship with.
He offered them a path to follow through the fire to the tree of life but they chose the path of
independence and self-help.
No, the Father did not kill an animal and give them new clothes -that is another religious myth.
They lost their covering of glorious identity and their Father clothed them in skin to physically
preserve them.
The Father saved them so they could live and not die.
The Father does not look at mankind as sinners but as His children who have forgotten who they really
Jesus identified with us from before the foundation of the world to ensure our identity as sons would
be revealed and restored.
Jesus came, identifying with us, to make us righteous in our thinking.
Jesus did not come to change God’s mind about us but to change our mind about God.
Jesus came to reveal the unconditional love of God, as He was God’s exact image.
Man was always righteous from God’s perspective. But mankind followed Adam, as their father, into
lost identity; and became alienated in their own minds and condemned themselves because of the guilt
and shame that they felt.
They developed a humanistic solution to the problem, doomed to failure.
Mankind was made in the image of their heavenly Father but created a god in their own image and
therefore became lost humanity who could not look at God because of their own shame.
The Father, in His love, searched them out for restored relationship.
The Father always took the first step and made the first move towards Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joshua,
David and the prophets.
He wanted relationship; they created religion and works.
He wanted marriage; they chose religious mediation.
Jesus came to fully reveal the Father to us as His exact image.
The Father in Jesus forgave us unconditionally, reconciled us to Himself and justified us, keeping no
record of any perceived wrongs, and made us the righteous of God in Jesus.
Eph 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every
spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, 4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of
the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love 5 He predestined us to adoption as
sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will, 6 to the praise of the
glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.
Eph 1:3 (Mirror) Let’s celebrate God! He lavished every blessing heaven has upon us in Christ! 4 He
associated us in Christ before the fall of the world! Jesus is God’s mind made up about us! He always
knew in his love that he would present us again face-to-face before him in blameless innocence.
Eph 1:5 (Mirror) He is the architect of our design; his heart dream realized our coming of age in Christ.
6 His grace-plan is to be celebrated: he greatly endeared us and highly favored us in Christ. His love for
his Son is his love for us. (The Gospel is not about telling people how lost they are, but reminding them
of how loved they are!)
We were never God’s enemies; but sin, death and separation were (and still are) our enemies, and
Jesus conquered them.
Rom 5:5 and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts
through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
Rom 5:6 For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. 8 But God
demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
God loved mankind while mankind was still in bondage to lost identity.
Jesus died so that people who saw themselves separated from Him (and therefore His enemies) could
be saved, not be punished.
God has no personal enemies: no one or no being is an enemy of God who is unconditional love.
Jesus died so that mankind’s enemies, which were sin (lost identity) and its consequence of death,
were overcome and conquered, as He was victorious and His enemies are now under His feet.
Jesus took back the keys of death and Hades, overcoming death.
Song 8:6 “Put me like a seal over your heart, Like a seal on your arm. For love is as strong as death,
Jealousy is as severe as Sheol; Its flashes are flashes of fire, The very flame of the Lord. 7 Many waters
cannot quench love, Nor will rivers overflow it…”
Rom 8:35 Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or
famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 37 But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer
through Him who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor
principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor any
other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Rom 8:35 (Mirror) What will it take to distance us from the love of Christ? You name any potential
calamity: intense pressure of the worst possible kind, cluster-phobia, persecution, destitution,
loneliness, extreme exposure, life-threatening danger, or war?
Rom 8:37 (Mirror)On the contrary, in the thick of these things our triumph remains beyond dispute.
His love has placed us above the reach of any onslaught. 38 This is my conviction; no threat whether it
be in death or life; be it angelic beings, demon powers or political principalities, nothing known to us at
this time, or even in the unknown future;
Rom 8:39 (Mirror) no dimension of any calculation in time or space, nor any device yet to be invented,
has what it takes to separate us from the love of God demonstrated in Christ. Jesus is our ultimate
The Father wants us to live in love-consciousness, not sin- or lost identity-consciousness.
Live loved, love living and live loving.
Religion makes love and acceptance conditional but God’s love is unconditional.
1 Cor 13:5 Love doesn’t keep score of the sins of others: it keeps no record of wrongs.
Jesus takes away the sins of the world.
Love forgave unconditionally on the basis of what Jesus did in eternity and in time on the cross.
Wherever you see the words ‘love’ or ‘God’ they should be completely interchangeable.
We should be able to substitute ‘love’ for ‘God’; if we cannot, then we can question the validity of what
we are reading.
God is pure love and pure love is God.
1 Cor 13:4 Love is patient, love is kind, it is not jealous; love does not brag, it is not arrogant. 5 It does
not act disgracefully, it does not seek its own benefit; it is not provoked, does not keep an account of a
wrong suffered, 6 it does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; 7 it keeps every
confidence, it believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
If God, as love, keeps no record of wrongs, why is religion so sin-focused?
Focusing on sin and lost behaviour keeps sinners coming back for more religious help to feel better.
But it never works, as religion is an addiction that always needs more.
Col 1:13 And when you were dead in your wrongdoings and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made
you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our wrongdoings, 14 having cancelled the
certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of
the way, having nailed it to the cross.
2 Cor 5:19 namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their
wrongdoings against them,
God’s love cancels all debts and holds no record of wrongs; therefore His forgiveness is as
unconditional as His love.
God has forgiven us for walking in independence once and for all time; and therefore there is no more
need for forgiveness.
Religion creates guilt and shame; the focus from God’s perspective is reconciliation and restoration of
As there is no record of wrongs, there is no need for further forgiveness.
Sin (lost identity) is placed as far as East is from West (not South is from North – that means it
figuratively can never be found).
God has forgiven unconditionally because God is love and love is unconditional.
Therefore love wins because love has always won.
That is true justice that outworks the judgment verdict of ‘not guilty’.
John 1:29 The next day he saw Jesus coming to him, and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes
away the sin of the world!”
Rev 13:8 the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world
Therefore love has always won and will always win.
Jesus, the Lion who roared creation into being, identified with us sheep who had gone astray by
becoming the figurative Lamb of God.
Jesus fully identified with our lostness and need for a sacrifice.
When we know we are loved and forgiven unconditionally we can be free from the religious
manipulation of guilt, shame and condemnation.
We also become free from the religious slavery to obedience, duty and obligation.
We as sons of God; we are not slaves, servants or stewards, but coheirs and co-creators.
We are seated in places of honour in the heavenly realms and included in the decision-making of
“Son My overwhelming love will conquer all things as it will not fail and will never give up. My
overwhelming love is stronger than death, is more jealous than the grave, and nothing can quench its
fierce passion and burning desire for a restored relationship of face to face innocence. My love for
each of My children cannot fail and cannot ever stop, any more than I can cease to be I am.
Love is the atmosphere of glory, the frequency of heaven and the timeless now within the circle of the
dance. There can be no end to love: it is eternal and infinite and is expanding throughout creation with
My kingdom government and peace. My love has no beginning and no end and is the alpha and omega,
the aleph and tav, the living word and truth. Love is the fullest expression and intrinsic essence of I am
that I am. So learn to just be loved, living in the rest of love, joy and peace.”
1 Cor 13:2 (Mirror) … Love is who you are! You are not defined by your gift or deeds. (Love gives
context to faith. Moving mountains is not the point, love is.)
1 Cor 13:3 (Mirror) Love is not about defending a point of view; even if I am prepared to give away
everything I have and die a martyr’s death; love does not have to prove itself by acts of supreme
devotion or self sacrifice! 4 Love is large in being passionate about life and relentlessly patient in
bearing the offenses and injuries of others with kindness.
1 Cor 13:4 (Mirror) Love is completely content and strives for nothing. Love has no desire to make
others feel inferior and has no need to sing its own praises. 5 Love is predictable and does not behave
out of character. Love is not ambitious. Love is not spiteful and gets no mileage out of another’s
1 Cor 13:6 (Mirror) Love sees no joy in injustice. Love’s delight is in everything that truth celebrates. 7
Love is a fortress where everyone feels protected rather than exposed! Love’s persuasion is
persistent! Love believes. Love never loses hope and always remains constant in contradiction
(Mirror notes) The Greek word for the love of God is agape from the word, agoo, meaning to lead like a
shepherd guides his sheep, and pao, meaning to rest, i.e. “he leads me beside still waters.”
Ps 23 By the waters of reflection my soul remembers who I am.
God’s rest is established upon his image and likeness redeemed in us.
1 Cor 13:13 (Mirror) Now persuasion and every pleasurable expectation is completed in agape. Faith,
hope and love are in seamless union. Agape is the superlative of everything faith and hope always
knew to be true about me! Love defines my eternal moment!
Our minds need to be deconstructed from false religious concepts and doctrines that put conditions
on being loved.
Our minds need to be renewed to the truth of unconditional love.
Unconditional Love is not a theory or intellectual idea but something we can know by personal
The experiences of unconditional love will transform us and free us from the religious version of the
angry God.
Rest is the key to living loved.
Start to focus on your breathing slowing it down and focus your thinking on God is love .
Breathe in deeply the unconditional love of the Father.
Feel unconditional love flow through your being
Be still and let God love on you.
Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am unconditional love,
Be still and know that I am joy, I am peace, I am truth, I am light, I am limitless grace, I am triumphant
Invite love, joy and peace to come on you. To flow in you and through you to create an atmosphere of
rest around you.
Feel unconditional love flow through your whole being.
Be still and let God love on you.
You are in a safe place
Start to think of an open heaven and set your desire upon engaging the Father’s heart.
Engage the realm of light to experience the light of love and truth at a deeper levels of being.
Live loved free from guilt, shame and condemnation. Old clothes
Love living and enjoy the joy of life
Live loving and be merciful choosing to forgive and release all things.
Rest in love, joy and peace.
The realm of light in perfection is our resting place our home where we can dwell.
The light is the light of love and truth.
Enter in the light and look into the Father’s face and see His loving smile. Look into His eyes which are
deep pools of unconditional love.
“Son, this is pure love, harmonious rest, being , circle of the dance, heart to heart, love’s moment, living
in the moment where everything makes total sense is pure joy, bliss, peace, existing in a moment of
purity cocooned in love’s essence, as it was always meant to be by being in the moment of love’s
acceptance, affirmation, approval significance.”

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