Old verses new

We engage the Pathway of Responsibility when we learn to access beyond the veil and take our positions on the mountains and thrones in the heavenly realms.  Seated in the heavenly realms we establish kingdom government. As a gateway of heaven, the kingdom fills and expands our boundaries on earth. 

Matt 6:10 Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  It is our responsibility to learn how to establish the “as it is” of the kingdom in heaven so it can manifest on earth.  

Gen 1:28 God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over … it.  As God’s children, His sons and heirs we have been given this mandate or authority to rule.  

Heb 10:19 Therefore, brethren, since we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus, 20 by a new and living way which He inaugurated for us through the veil, that is, His flesh,  

“The New”, “The Old”. What do we mean by these terms?  What was there before anything was – eternity – The Was “or the always is” of I AM. What is presently in the heavenlies – The “Is”. What is presently on the earth – our present reality. 

When “what is” is aligned with “What Was: then we will create What will be from an eternal not present reality. This is only possible when we believe that there are more new things to be progressively revealed or unveiled. There are many religious doctrines and theological perspectives that try to keep us restricted by what has been.  

Sons of Issachar  1 Chron. 12:32 Of the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do  Our destiny and ministry calling is to be forerunners  1 Chron. 7:5 Their relatives among all the families of Issachar were mighty men of valor.  

Definitions of New – remember it is relative to time not eternity.  It is only new for us not God  . Produced, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time; not existing before  . Recently created, built, invented, or planned 

Already existing but seen, experienced, or acquired recently or now for the first time.  Replacing a previous old type of thing a new breed, new generation. Recently arrived in a new place or situation that you have not been in before. If you learn a new subject, technique or skill, you learn one that you did not know previously. New information or facts are things that you did not know previously. A new day, year, era, etc. is the start of a particular period of time, especially one that you hope will be happier or more successful. Replacing something old that you no longer have or something old that is no longer useful. 

New – synonyms. innovative, fresh, different, novel. Recently developed, newly discovered, brand new, up to the minute, up to date, latest, current, state-of-the-art, contemporary, present-day, advanced, recent, modern; Different, alternative, changed, unfamiliar, unknown, strange, unaccustomed, untried. Beginning anew and in a transformed way. Reinvigorated, restored, revived, reformed, improved, refreshed, regenerated, reborn, renewed, remodeled. 

Definition of Old is relative to time not eternity. Belonging to the past; former.  Something that is old has existed previously or has been used for a long time. Used in a negative way about something that is not useful or in good condition any longer. Used in a way about something that is very familiar, old routine  . Used for describing something that existed, happened, or was used in the past   Used for referring to something that has been replaced by a newer thing of a similar but better type  . Get old, to lose appeal, attractiveness, or newness; not to be interesting anymore  . Synonyms ancient, longstanding, timeworn, deep-rooted, worn out, antiquated, bygone, past it, conventional, commonplace unoriginal. 

We are at the dawn of a new day the beginning of a new age or era. Transition period is where the new is not fully functioning and the old is not working well anymore. The old is becoming obsolete. It is important to honor what is old because it was once new and has been a blessing in the past. We must be careful that in being involved in new things we do not have an attitude of pride or arrogance. Being involved in new things has not been earned or worked for. It is part of our destiny. 

We are blessed to be born at such a time as this  

1 Cor 10:11 Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.  We must learn from previous generations and not repeat the same mistakes  

Heb 8:13 When He said, “A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete. But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear.   We can feel challenged when we are faced with leaving something old behind to embrace something new.  

God never changes but the way He interacts with mankind and specifically with those He is in relationship with, His family or people does change. 

We can see many different ways God engages with us throughout history. Individuals – Adam Enoch, Noah  . Families – Abraham, Isaac, Jacob  . Leaders mediator – Moses  . Leader enabler – Joshua  . Priesthood  . Judges Prophets – Samuel  . Kings – Saul, David, Solomon etc.  

Time periods differences  . Adam to fall is different from Adam to Noah  . Noah to Abraham is different from Abraham to Moses  . Moses is different than Joshua  . Joshua is different from the judges  . Judges is different from the kings  . Pre exile is different from post exile  . Post exile is different from John Baptist  . Jesus is different pre and post the cross  . Periods of restoration of the 9 church ages  . There are also ages to come .    

We engage the Pathway of Responsibility when we learn to access beyond the veil and take our positions on the mountains and thrones in the heavenly realms.  Seated in the heavenly realms we establish kingdom government. As a gateway of heaven, the kingdom fills and expands our boundaries on earth. 

Matt 6:10 Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  It is our responsibility to learn how to establish the “as it is” of the kingdom in heaven so it can manifest on earth.  

Gen 1:28 God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over … it.  As God’s children, His sons and heirs we have been given this mandate or authority to rule.  

Heb 10:19 Therefore, brethren, since we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus, 20 by a new and living way which He inaugurated for us through the veil, that is, His flesh,  

“The New”, “The Old”. What do we mean by these terms?  What was there before anything was – eternity – The Was “or the always is” of I AM. What is presently in the heavenlies – The “Is”. What is presently on the earth – our present reality. 

When “what is” is aligned with “What Was: then we will create What will be from an eternal not present reality. This is only possible when we believe that there are more new things to be progressively revealed or unveiled. There are many religious doctrines and theological perspectives that try to keep us restricted by what has been.  

Sons of Issachar  1 Chron. 12:32 Of the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do  Our destiny and ministry calling is to be forerunners  1 Chron. 7:5 Their relatives among all the families of Issachar were mighty men of valor.  

Definitions of New – remember it is relative to time not eternity.  It is only new for us not God  . Produced, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time; not existing before  . Recently created, built, invented, or planned 

Already existing but seen, experienced, or acquired recently or now for the first time.   Replacing a previous old type of thing e.g. a new breed, new generation  . Recently arrived in a new place or situation that you have not been in before  . If you learn a new subject, technique or skill, you learn one that you did not know previously  .New information or facts are things that you did not know previously  . A new day, year, era, etc. is the start of a particular period of time, especially one that you hope will be happier or more successful  . Replacing something old that you no longer have or something old that is no longer useful . 

New – synonyms . innovative, fresh, different, novel,  . Recently developed, newly discovered, brand new, up to the minute, up to date, latest, current, state-of-the-art, contemporary, present-day, advanced, recent, modern; Different, alternative, changed, unfamiliar, unknown, strange, unaccustomed, untried  . Beginning anew and in a transformed way  . Reinvigorated, restored, revived, reformed, improved, refreshed, regenerated, reborn, renewed, remodelled . 

Definition of Old is relative to time not eternity. Belonging to the past; former.  Something that is old has existed previously or has been used for a long time. Used in a negative way about something that is not useful or in good condition any longer. Used in a way about something that is very familiar, old routine. Used for describing something that existed, happened, or was used in the past. Used for referring to something that has been replaced by a newer thing of a similar but better type. Get old, to lose appeal, attractiveness, or newness; not to be interesting anymore. Synonyms ancient, longstanding, timeworn, deep-rooted, worn out, antiquated, bygone, past it, conventional, commonplace unoriginal. 

We are at the dawn of a new day the beginning of a new age or era. Transition period is where the new is not fully functioning and the old is not working well anymore. The old is becoming obsolete. It is important to honor what is old because it was once new and has been a blessing in the past. We must be careful that in being involved in new things we do not have an attitude of pride or arrogance. Being involved in new things has not been earned or worked for. It is part of our destiny. 

We are blessed to be born at such a time as this  

1 Cor 10:11 Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.  We must learn from previous generations and not repeat the same mistakes  

Heb 8:13 When He said, “A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete. But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear.   We can feel challenged when we are faced with leaving something old behind to embrace something new.  

God never changes but the way He interacts with mankind and specifically with those He is in relationship with, His family or people does change. 

We can see many different ways God engages with us throughout history. Individuals – Adam Enoch, Noah  . Families – Abraham, Isaac, Jacob  . Leaders mediator – Moses  . Leader enabler – Joshua  . Priesthood  . Judges Prophets – Samuel  . Kings – Saul, David, Solomon etc.  

Time periods differences. Adam to fall is different from Adam to Noah. Noah to Abraham is different from Abraham to Moses. Moses is different than Joshua. Joshua is different from the judges. Judges is different from the kings. Pre exile is different from post exile. Post exile is different from John Baptist. Jesus is different pre and post the cross. Periods of restoration of the 9 church ages. There are also ages to come.   

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