The mind

Isa 42:9 “Behold, the former things have come to pass, now I declare new things; before they spring forth I proclaim them to you.”  Joshua Generation are forerunners of new things which are characterised by establishing everything beyond the veil in the heavenlies first so it can then be established on earth  

Isa 60:1 “Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. 2 “For behold, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; But the LORD will rise upon you and His glory will appear upon you. 3 “Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.  

Acts 26:13 .I saw on the way a light from heaven, brighter than the sun, shining all around me  Acts 26:17-18 … I am sending you, to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of accusation (satan) to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.  

2 Cor 4:3 And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing (living in the loss of identity), 4 in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.  The unbelieving can include us also so we do not see the fullness of our sonship  

The true image of God has been veiled so people, including us, cannot see the reality of who He truly is. This religious veil or covering of lies and deception has blinded us to God who is love, light, Spirit and fire  

This veil began when Adam and Eve followed the wrong path – DIY (do it yourself) tree path. Not only did they lose sight of God they lost sight of themselves the true image of their sonship. They became slaves to their own DIY efforts to restore what they already had love, acceptance, approval, affirmation, significance and purpose in relationship.  

Mankind has sought to fill that God shaped hole within by DIY efforts of self-improvement and self-help. We have tried many solutions, power, position, money, materialism, religion other relationships. All the DIY has done is cause us more pain that we then have to self-medicate to cover up or block out.  

All religious systems are DIY attempts to please or appease God to get back what was lost. All religious systems have continued to create veils over our minds ever since Adam chose the DIY path. If we don’t know the relational truth about God and ourselves then we are actually helping to keep the veils in place.  

Matt 5:14 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; we are supposed to be the light that enables people to see God.  We cannot be shining that light as sons if we are hidden behind a mask or a veil of religious deception ourselves.  

2 Cor 4:4 The survival and self-improvement programs of the religious systems of this world veil the minds of the unbelievers; exploiting their ignorance about their true origin and their redeemed innocence. The veil of unbelief obstructs a person’s view and keeps them from seeing what the light of the gospel so clearly reveals: the glory of God is the image and likeness of our Maker redeemed in human form; this is what the gospel of Christ is all about.  

The ‘god of this age’ refers to the religious systems, governing structures and self-help solutions of this world. Our own minds will inevitably be veiled by the things we have already believe. Our mind-sets, worldviews and strongholds can all be veils or filters over our minds that obstruct and filter how we process reality

These constructs within our minds and consciousness frame our world and what we believe and how we interact. We see the world and God through the lens of our own understanding. That view will be distorted but it is our false reality.  

We often have what is called ‘conformation bias’ operating. The tendency to interpret new evidence as a confirmation of one’s existing beliefs or theories.  

Confirmation bias is particularly strong concerning religious beliefs. Theology and doctrines tend to cause us to interpret everything through their filters. It takes a major experience almost a trauma to shake us loose from the limitations of what we already believe. 

Matt 17:2 And He was transfigured before them; and His face shone like the sun, and His garments became as white as light.  

Rom 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.  

Rom 12:1 Live consistent with who you really are, inspired by the loving kindness of God. My brothers, the most practical expression of worship is to make your bodies available to him as a living sacrifice; this pleases him more than any religious routine. He desires to find visible, individual expression in your person. 2 Do not allow current religious tradition to mould you into its pattern of reasoning. Like an inspired artist, give attention to the detail of God’s desire to find expression in you. Become acquainted with perfection. To accommodate yourself to the delight and good pleasure of him will transform your thoughts afresh from within.  

Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose, 29 because those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.  

Rom 8:28 meanwhile we know that the love of God causes everything to mutually contribute to our advantage. His Master Plan is announced in our original identity.  29 He pre-designed and engineered us from the start to be jointly fashioned in the same mould and image of his son according to the exact blueprint of his thought.  

Rom 8:29 we see the original and intended pattern of our lives preserved in his Son. He is the firstborn from the same womb that reveals our genesis. He confirms that we are the invention of God. 

We need to behold God who is Father, Son and Spirit then as if in a mirror we can become like the image of sonship that we see within Him.  

Prov 23:7 As a man thinks with in his heart so is he.  Do we think like a slave or a son?  Has our image of God and therefore ourselves been distorted?  

Prov 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding.  

When we encounter God let’s make sure we don’t rely on a new understanding or doctrine but only rely on a continual living relationship. God is wooing us into a deeper level of intimacy with Him in relationship. There is a new level of experiential relationship with God, Father, Son and Spirit that is being unveiled to us. A new level of communication with God, the ability to hear and see what God is revealing. A new mind, the mind of Christ, continually flowing from our relationship with Him. Not new theology or doctrines and not a new foundational understanding to rely on. 

God called me to make some legislative documents, Laws, legislative decrees etc.  I did not realize that He was going to use those decrees to iconoclastically deconstruct my conscious, subconscious and unconscious minds.  

The mists around the closed and clouded minds must be dissipated.   The hindrances and entanglements must be removed so, that the limitations of minds that are stuck in what has been, can become free to embrace what can be so, it can become what will be.   The veils must be removed, and restrictions lifted to embrace the limitless potential of My reality.   The way, truth and life are to be experienced not conceptualized and contained.  The limits of what is possible must be removed for My purpose to be achieved.   

You must begin to entertain limitless grace and mercy to be able to grasp what is true reality beyond all expectations.  New dimensions of everything can be yours if you are willing to let go of the old and embrace the challenge of the new.  

To be able to know God who is Father, Son and Spirit, and to know our identity in sonship in Him, we need our minds deconstructed from the wrong frameworks, the belief systems which are causing the limitations and restrictions. 

We need a metanoia, a radical shift of thinking to enable a relationship with the Truth to reveal true reality.  

Rom 2:4 Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance? [Metanoia]  Repentance is a change of mind, not being sorry for being caught.  This is another word that has been hijacked by religion and twisted. 

The word “repentance” is a religiously fabricated word from the Latin word, penance, to give religion more mileage.  The English word became re-penance! That is NOT what the Greek word means at all!  We do not continually have to do penance for our past because Jesus dealt with that on the cross and made us righteous once and for all.  

Rom 2:4 Do not underestimate God’s kindness. The wealth of his benevolence and his resolute refusal to let go of us is because he continues to hear the echo of his likeness in us! Thus his patient passion is to shepherd everyone into a radical mind shift.  God believes in us way more than we believe in ourselves  

2 Cor 7:9 I now rejoice, not that you were made sorrowful, but that you were made sorrowful to the point of repentance; for you were made sorrowful according to the will of God, so that you might not suffer loss in anything through us. 10 For the sorrow that is according to the will of God produces repentance without regret, leading to salvation, but the sorrow of the world produces death.  

Why is sorrow then linked to a change of mind? Because when we realize how much we have missed out on by not knowing our true identity, who we are in Christ, we will want restoration. Restoration of our image will enable us to live as sons not slaves. Transformation is a total change of how we think about God and ourselves that only comes from relationship with Him.  

The word metanoia comes from meta meaning together with, and nous, mind; thus, together with God’s mind.   This word suggests a radical mind shift; it is to realize God’s thoughts towards us.   To think like God thinks about us. Therefore, we need to know how God thinks and that can be a major problem if we don’t engage Him face to face.  

If we have a distorted view of God and of how He thinks and acts, we will have a distorted view of ourselves. Religion has created a distorted view of God and therefore we think of ourselves as slaves and not sons. This creates a works mentality that tries to appease or please GOD by our actions or behavior.

The view of God that has come from the DIY tree path forces us to fear God and hide from Him. The DIY path leads us to try to make amends, please, appease God through our own DIY self-efforts that can never bring righteousness. We are already righteous because He made us righteous.  

Sin is not our bad behaviors. The Greek word hamartia does not mean missing the mark either.  Ha = not or negation. Martia from meros = a part of or share of.  Sin is the loss of our image as sons and our attempts to restore that image by DIY methods. Sin is doing or being anything not aligned to our image and identity as sons.  

Rom 5:1 Concluding then that our righteousness has absolutely nothing to do with our ability to keep moral laws but that it is the immediate result of what Jesus accomplished on mankind’s behalf, gives context to God’s faith and finds expression in unhindered, face to face friendship with God!  

Rom 5:2 Jesus is God’s grace embrace of the entire human race. So here we are, standing tall in the joyful bliss of our redeemed innocence! We are God’s dream come true! This was God’s idea all along!  

How can our minds be renewed?   Memorising Bible verses and confessing them trying to believe them?   No, we are renewed from within not from the outside. We are renewed as we relate to God who is Father, Son and Spirit in us and from the fact that we are in Him  

My journey to the renewal of my mind began with God using legislation that I produced to deconstruct my mind of the veils that covered it. Iconoclastic – attacking cherished beliefs or institutions, long-held traditions, breaking or destroying images, especially those set up for religious veneration, breaking with convention or tradition.  

God began to challenge the assumptions and presumptions I did not know I had.  Don’t allow what you think you know to influence your decisions. God just wants us to trust Him. I am trying to teach you to trust Me even when you don’t understand (which will be often).  

 Son, always seek Me first because I always have a bigger agenda than your assumptions. I always have a bigger picture.   

I am not partisan. I don’t support any political party above another. My will for the outcome does not mean that I validate any political agenda.   I always have a higher agenda and purpose.  

I connected with a lot of people in the USA in regard to the presidential election. How many of those who were on the ‘wrong’ side of the vote are now not behaving in a godly way or seeing the bigger picture?  

How many of those who were on the ‘right’ side of the vote think that God has validated their politics and are now not behaving in a godly way or seeing the bigger picture?  

 I had many more assumptions and presumptions about God, the Bible, theology and doctrine than I thought, and they were veils and filters.  

C S Lewis writes, “God must continually work as the iconoclast. Every idea of Him we form He must in mercy shatter. The most blessed result of prayer would be to rise thinking, ‘But I never knew before. I never dreamed …’“  

So the process of my deconstruction and renewal began in earnest.  

It is impossible to see Him as He is when our minds are confused with our own distorted ideas about HimEvery breaking of mental strongholds makes way for a resurrection of fresh revelation.  This is not an easy process as there is a lot of eating humble pie to do.  I had a number of encounters with God that created cognitive dissonance.  Cognitive dissonance is the mental stress (discomfort) experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values, when performing an action that contradicts those beliefs, ideas, and values; or when confronted with new information that contradicts existing beliefs, ideas, and values.   

The encounters I had walking with God actually challenged what I believed about Him. What I thought I knew about God was challenged by my own experiences with Him. This put a stress on my brain that felt like a restrictive band.    

James Torrance puts it this way, “More important than our experience of Christ is the Christ of our experience.” In your highest modes of enjoying Him, He is still more real than the experience itself. Language is insufficient to communicate His incommunicable natureIt must be experienced by encounters.  

Andre Rabe writes, “Jesus comes to make you an atheist to the god of your own making. He comes to bring an end to your way of subjecting God to your own understanding”.  I have concluded that I actually agree with Dawkins and other well-known atheists in that I do not believe in that ‘religious GOD’ either.  It is only at this place where our ideas and our faith are completely devastated that we have an opportunity to meet the God who transcends all our ideas about God. This is why so many church fathers and mystics have said something similar to this:

“To experience God is to experience the complete and utter failure of your own intellect” – John Crowder  

Jesus was Himself a deconstructionist. He constantly challenged the prevailing religious paradigms of His day.   Jesus often said “You have heard it said (rabbinical tradition) but I say to you”. He completely challenges their thinking. He turned religion on its head, and everything became about love not DIY dead works, duty and obligation.   

In the Great Divorce, C.S. Lewis wrote, “There are three images in my mind which I must continually forsake and replace by better ones: the false image of God, the false image of my neighbors, and the false image of myself.”  Are we ready to let God renew and transform our thinking?  

C S Lewis called God ‘the Great Iconoclast’.  God will not be confined to our limited, static perceptions of Him.  We cannot keep an infinite God in a box made by the finite capacities of our understanding. All it will do is limit us.  God does not dwell in manmade temples, theological constructs or ideologies.  God dwells in our spirits and in our hearts.  

Prov 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean or rely on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. 7 Do not be wise in your own eyes; we need a transformation, a revolutionary change of mind.  We need the veils of our understanding exploded and stripped away.    

It is only our relationship with the living word, the ultimate source of revelation who searches the deep things of God and makes them know to us. Don’t let your current understanding keep you in bondage to the imitations of your past experience.  

Everything we receive must come through personal encounters with God. 

Our encounters will never contradict the written word but may not be directly found in it and will definitely challenge the religious belief systems that limit what the word actually says, reducing it to a set of rules or doctrines  

Insanity is where we keep doing the same things but expect different results; it is to live trapped in our own limitations. Slaves follow the crowd; sons forge a new path. Slaves settle for what they have got but sons pioneer taking new ground.      

Our old mind-sets, thinking patterns, religious world views will keep us in old, trusted ways of behavior and will limit our abilities to engage in the heavenly spiritual realities that are being unveiled in our day. Are we prepared to embrace and spread the revolution?  

Doctrines and beliefs that were once deemed so foundational are often really just the skewed projections of our own fearful, fallen assumptions about God.   God is about to explode the DIY myths that we have made that actually obscure who He really is from our view. 

God wants to explode love bombs over you penetrating your mind, your heart, your whole being with His love for you, revealing your true identity as loved sons. Live loved, Love living and live loving.   Strip everything away till all I have is You, Undo the veils till all I see is You.  I will pursue You; I will pursue your presence.   

Angels are marking you out for love. Invite Him to release those love bombs over you. Let those love bombs explode over you. Let your heart and mind be cocooned in love. 

Let Jesus reveal His love for you. Let the Father reveal His love for you Let the Spirit explode His love in you. 

Let the love of God touch your minds. Let Him encounter you with love that will explode any wrong image of Him. Let Him remove the veils that obscure and distort Him. Let Him explode your limited reality. 

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