Gateways first love

We are going to move on today in the engaging God. We are on a journey together in an adventure because we are not quite sure where we are going all the time, but God leads, and we are going to discover how to engage the realms of the spirit and how to engage God in those realms that’s within us and around us and in the heavenly realms and on that journey, there are two pathways .

The pathway of relationship and the pathway of responsibility. The pathway of relationship which is what were focused on now leads to deeper intimacy with God that flows from the inside out from heaven through the gateways of our spirit soul and body to the world around us.

 Qur first love gate which is what we been looking at over the past 17 messages is a really key place and that gate is a two-way gate. heaven can access us, but we can also access heaven and so over the next period of time we are going to look at that.

1-how to understand our gateways.

2- how to use the court of accusation to deal with the blockages in our gates.

3- how to cleanse our gateways.

4- how to engage the spiritual realm through the gateways of our spirit soul and body.

So today we are going to look at first love, a two-way gate and we all start with a spirit soul and body, but they are often separated. And because God is not in us then everything that we learn in the world comes from the outside. So, it comes through our site, hearing, our smell and taste and touch, everything.

So, it all comes from the outside in and actually affects us, as the testimonies that we have already heard today is that we can receive things from the outside that affect us ongoing in our lives, so it gets to the point where for if we had enough of that and we want a solution.

We need to find God and through Jesus the glory of God can come into us.  God’s presence and his kingdom can come into our spirit so our spirit is then reconnected to God reconciled and reconnected to our soul and body but it’s a process, it happens but it is an ongoing process and therefore everything which is on the inside of us which is God’s presence and the kingdom can then forgo from the outside inside out so rather than coming from the outside in as it has done for most of our life now things can flow from the inside out and also we can access into God’s presence and God’s glory on the inside of us and we been looking at you our spirit and the first love within our spirit and the fact that we need to be joined to Jesus and yoked to him and we need the river of life flowing we need to have the presence of God enthroned in our life and then everything can flow out of those gateways so the focus in our spirit is that God’s kingdom his glory where he rules is in us and it’s not automatic but that flows anywhere unless we invite it to. So, we have used Revelation 320 behold I stand at the door knock so actually God Jesus the Holy Spirit are within the kingdom in us and they are knocking and saying let me in or out depending on which way you look at it.

We have to let God into us

 When we open that first love gate the presence of God can fill our spirit, but obviously doesn’t want to stay there and over the next period of time will be looking at how that can flow through us. So what we’re looking at today is where we been looking at God coming into us but actually that door is two-way and I didn’t really think about that or engage that,

Because I have engaged in many places in heaven without really seeing how you get there and it was when we were doing a little exercise and we were looking at first love and we were looking at the gateway and engaging the spirit and we then testified and we shared some stories and it was Emma, who actually said, well actually I walked back through that gate, and I thought, hay that is really cool you can actually get back through that gate, I never really thought about it. but in reality I been doing that and engaging heaven but actually didn’t realize that that was the pathway that you could take so the gateways open once we open it, so not only can God come into us and heaven can engage us we can actually engage through that gate back into the realm of heaven itself so we have within our spirit that realm of the kingdom where the glory God is and there is a door.

Now that realm for me always looks like a transporter beam and so you can step into it and be transported back into heaven which is great.

Now to do that you have to go through the veil and revelation 4:1 says come up here, there is an invitation to come up here to go through the veil into the realm of heaven. Now there are different access points of this and when you do this through your first love gate you get to go right into actually into Eden the garden of God. So in Eden there’s the river of life and there’s waterfalls, there is a pathway and a bridge into the garden of God. But there other things. There is the throne of grace and the tree of life and the judgment seat of Christ. And we talked about those and we’ve so some of you experienced that and we practice engaging in these things in our lives. This pathway needs to be walked and engaged with regularly so it becomes a place we can access. So today we are going to look at this journey and look at some of those places and then we are going to go and experience some of that.

 Acts 3:19 says this- therefore repent and return so that your sins may be wiped away. So, the first point, if we’re going to return to heaven and turn to a relationship with God we need to repent and turn away from the pathway we were walking on. We all walked on a path which was separate from God. It is called the pathway of the tree of the knowledge of good and Evel. the way of humanism, the way of self-governing, the way of independence. But God is calling us to turn from that path and to engage a new path but it’s actually a return to an old path. It has always been there, we just never walked on it. So, when we repent and turn, our sins are wiped away. Everything that is blocking our access to God’s presence and to relationship with God is removed from us. So, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the lord. So, this pathway and our engagement with God’s presence whether in our spirit or in the garden in heaven is about times of refreshing from his presence. So, it is engaging with him personally to be refreshed in all that means and then it says this in verse 20 that he may send Jesus the Christ appointed for you whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets from ancient time. So, everything that’s ever been prophesied is going to be restored before Jesus comes back physically. So, we are in that period of Restoration.

Days of restoration for us spirit soul and body is restoration for the whole world and when I say world, I just don’t mean this physical location but the whole of the created order that God made and it will take place so that we can come back into the fullness of everything that God promised so everything that Adam and Eve were encountering we have a right to see it restored and to go beyond that into what God’s original purpose and intention was.

Genesis 2:8 the Lord God planted a garden toward the east in Eden and there he placed the man whom he had formed. Now a river flowed out of Eden to water the garden. So, Eden and the garden were separate and from there it divided and became four rivers. So, the river of life flowed out of Eden and into Adams Garden and then beyond. And it is important to understand that this was the original condition and purpose that God created things and to which he wants to restore things.

Ezekiel 28 explains where Eden was, what it is – verse 13 you were in Eden the garden of God. So, Eden is the garden of God not Adams Garden but the garden of God. Verse 14 and you were on the holy mountain of God. So, Eden is on the mountain of God in the realm of heaven. And this was actually talking about Lucifer before he fell.

He walked in the midst of the fire stones so another story for another day. The river so flowed from Eden the mountain of God in heaven, it flowed from the spiritual realm and that spiritual realm, and the natural realm were and are connected.

So, Adam and Eve had access to both realms because they were connected by that river. So that river now flows in us and through us. When we look at the end of revelation 22 the last chapter of the Bible. We see that then he showed me a river of the water of life. So not only was the river at the beginning it was also at the end. It was clear as crystal coming from the throne of God and the lamb. In the middle of its street on either side of the river was the tree of life bearing twelve kinds of fruit yielding it’s fruit every month and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

This was a picture of what will be but also what is. So, we can engage the river of life and the tree of life and find the fruit and find the leaves. So, this is talking about now. Those leaves are for the healing of the nations for the world today. So, Genesis 2:9 the tree of life was also in the midst of the garden. So, the tree of life was in the realm of heaven, it was also in the midst of God’s garden, Eden in the beginning. So, in the past where it was, present where it is, in the future where it will be. So, we always have access to that river and always have had and always will have and therefore we can access everything where that river flows from. Genesis 3:24 so he drove the man out at the east of the garden of Eden and he stationed the cherubim and the flaming sword which turned every direction to guard the way to the tree of life.

Now if you read that one way you are thinking that God is actually stopping them going through that. But it doesn’t actually say that it just says to guard it.

So if Adam had chosen to engage the firey sword he could’ve gone back into that realm and been restored and made whole.

But because he chose to go into the bushes and cover up with fig leaves in his own way and that’s the pathway(the tree of the knowledge of good and evil) that mankind has taken ever since and it’s the pathway that we need to turn from if we’re going to be restored and find his place of refreshing again by going back through that access. Many others went through that way. Enoch and Adams children before the fall went through that way, they went back into the realm of heaven and have access and are still there, so the way is really important that we understand that we have access to the way. So, the way is an ancient path and is the access to heaven and eternity and is open. So the way to heaven is now open and we can access it. We just have to be willing to initially walk through the fire which is the place of surrender the place of humility the place of actually saying I am not going to follow my own way anymore I am going to follow your path. and that path has always been there and is always open and available if we are willing to walk that way.

Jeremiah 6;16 says thus says the Lord stand by the way and see and ask for the ancient paths where the good way is and walk in it and you will find rest for your souls. Now if you read on in that verse it says and they would not, which is so sad, and we have a choice whether we want to walk that path or whether we don’t.

Jeremiah 6: 16 Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old (time beyond this temporal sphere, everlasting, forever, eternity; from of old, ancient, lasting, )       paths, where is the good (well-pleasing, fruitful) way, and walk (the basic idea of movement: the flowing of a river) therein, and ye shall find rest (It refers to a state of refreshment and life, a state of renewal for one’s life and soul , a resting place) or your souls. But they said, we will not walk therein.

God never forces us; he invites us to walk on that ancient path and to walk back into the realms of the garden of God in Eden and on the fire stones in the fiery mountain of God. So, we can engage him and find times of refreshing. There are so many things there. And we have this pathway, this ancient path that we can come through the cross in what is and engage what was in eternity and then bring back into what will be. So, we have access to bring eternity into the present to change us and to form what the future will be. Because if I’m changed by eternity today, tomorrow will be different. So I need to access what was to bring into what is so that tomorrow will be different from what it would’ve been if I hadn’t. So, it’s up to me whether I want to walk on the ancient path and go back into God’s heart to engage him, so that I can bring transformation to my life and also bring transformation to the future. Because everything will be different if we change.

Now on this journey the laws of physics that operate in this realm don’t apply in Eden. Okay so it is important to understand that you’re not limited or bound by what the things are here. Residual memory can hinder the freedom of thought power and travel, because everything operates in the realm of heaven by the power of thought. You think and it can be.

So you don’t have to necessarily spend time walking on pathways although it’s fun and enjoyable to do so. Once you walk that pathway it becomes an access point for you.

Now for those of you who have seen the matrix there is no spoon. Now if you actually think about what that meant in the film, it meant that the power of your thinking effects how, what you can do what you can’t do. And if you think you can’t do something you can’t do it. If you think you can do something because you’re not limited in that realm by your physical body because you’re not going there in the physical body but going there in the spirit. Then you can do anything so you can go up and down waterfalls and in the air you can fly, you can float you can breathe in the river of life there’s no resistance to the river of life when you’re in it. So, it can flow through you and you can flow through it and you can also flow up and down the stream, irrespective of where it is flowing because you’re not limited by anything other than your own limitations of your mind.

So, think there is no spoon when you go on a journey into heaven and then you will be able to engage these things in your spirit not in the flesh and the memory that you carry. Because the first time I went up, well I engaged the waterfall in heaven, and I am standing under this amazing waterfall and it is just pouring down in me and it is an amazing thing, And God said come up here and all of a sudden, my mind kicks in, how, because I can’t, because you can’t go up a waterfall.

Because I was limiting or trying to figure out how to do something but you just have to do it .So the first time I did it, My angel came and helped and took me up the waterfall and then when I got up the waterfall he said jump off , wow, so I did and then I floated and then I floated and I stopped and I went back up and I went back down and I spent quite a long time just going up and down, having fun because it broke the limitations of my thinking that I was tied to because these were encounters that I hadn’t really experienced before, so it is really important that you free yourself from trying to figure it all out and just engage. Now there are specific places of engagement in the realm of Eden to experience God in his distinct personalities. You can be baptized deeper into the Holy Spirit in the river. You can go into the depths of the life that is contained in it.

You can be baptized deeper into Jesus at the waterfall. Now these are just places I’ve encountered; you can find many other places, but you can be baptized deeper into the father and go into the father’s garden, in the pools that are there.

Everything goes deeper and deeper and deeper there is no end to the increase of our experience of God. Because he’s infinite and limitless so it is important that we learn to engage him and to experience him and get to know him better by going to where he is and experiencing him in his realm. So, the river of life is not literal H2O obviously, but it may not be obvious because you may think of it as a river and there must be water, but it is not literal H2O it is the very essence and source of life and it’s abundant and it’s overflowing and you can engage the Holy Spirit there. It’s made of crystal clear substance and all I can say, you have to experience it. So, you may actually find many things in that river including gems and crystals and scrolls that come from the leaves that come from the tree of life because everything flows down.

It starts off at the top as it comes out of the throne of God and it is really, really thick but it sort of flows out as it goes down and later on you find there are things deposited in the river. Have a look, spend time exploring, dive down because you can breathe under it and have a look at what is there it is quite deep, you can stand in it but actually you can swim down deeper than you can stand. Because it’s not limited by that dimensional shape. So, everything is possible when you start to engage these things.

Now the waterfalls are deep places of engagement. I’ve engaged Jesus there, the living word, words of eternal life are there. It is like Psalm 42:1 says this- as the deer pants for water at the water brooks so my soul pants of you “oh God” my soul thirsts for God, for the living God, when shall I come and appear before God, you can come and appear before God and find the deepest needs met in that engagement.

Psalm 42:7 goes on to say deep calls to deep at the sound of your waterfalls. So, there’s a deep calling, the deep things in our spirit calling out to the deep things in God for revelation of who he really is and revelation of who we are. And we can actually go and stand under that waterfall and allow the power and the energy and the life within it to give us an experiential encounter with Jesus at a depth that we never received before.

I go to that place. I love standing under it. It is just an amazing cascading of revelation of God in a in a deeper way and we can experience that and receive that energy from the literal word of God. and of course, Jesus is the living word. Now I have experienced behind that a cave, and we were doing exercise here and I was sent in this cave behind the waterfall and reviewed the alcoves and then these lights when there and I went in there. I engaged Enoch and I and Enoch walked with God and went into the realm through that gateway, and it is in the realm of heaven and wants to bring a restoration of the times when you can walk with God on the earth and in the realms of heaven as a normal thing because that is what he did.

I’ve met him a number of times there and he always give me quests or tasks to perform. Now I haven’t been back for a while, the last two I was given were quite hard. I have not finished them yet and for the first couple were like okay what does that mean, and I found that it was something that was on my destiny scroll and I was able to out-work those tasks. And they were significant encounters. So, you may find that you can engage that place. Now if you set the desires of your heart on it the desires, of your heart will draw you to some of these places in Eden.

But you have to set the desire of your heart on it so if you want to engage the river of life set the desire of your heart on it. Start meditating and thinking about it. If you want to go to the waterfall or the cave think about that. Start setting the desire of your heart on kings in history and in the word of God kings have gardens and they rested in the gardens, and they enjoyed them, and God is no different. The father has a garden and when you engage that garden, my experience of being there is you can’t do anything really. You can’t sort of start trying to figure things out, you have to rest. I found that I was floating in that garden at one stage, and I was just being. All I can described it as, is that you just have to be and we know that Scripture that says in Psalm 46:10 be still, cease striving and know that I’m God and that’s a place to just be still and it is a place to know I am and that means you can engage in everything of who God is as I am. Now what was, what is, what will be, is all contained in what I am. And so, you can engage in the oneness with the creator and his creation and experience that there, in the father’s garden. And I can remember being there floating in the air, although there is no air, you just float and I am there, and it’s like every fiber, atom or particle of my being went out into creation and I am like wow. And all I can describe it; is it is oneness and when I came back together into a physical form or spiritual form, I contained something I didn’t have before because I engaged with that created order and how God had created it to be, and it was like a symphony or harmony of the heavenly realms and the quantum realms the physical realms all together. Where your just there as part of it. Now I am not talking about being part of it as some cosmic consciousness. I’m talking about being part of it and engaging it and feeling God’s heart for it and knowing our part to play in it, as part of a orchestra if you like playing notes that make a symphony of sound and harmony because one note does not make a symphony you need a whole lot of instruments and a whole load of notes and a whole lot of things that come together to form a harmony of notes when you engage it, it is an amazing experience and God really wants us to engage who he created us to be in relation to his creation. Because he called us to rule that creation. So in the father’s garden also  I found that there is a waterfall and it cascades into a deep pool and this pool when I went into it was on the surface of it, I was getting buffeted by this waterfall and I swam down and down and down deeper and deeper and at the bottom I found a chest and in this chest was gold coins and I know enough, I knew enough , that whatever you find it heaven make sure you receive it.

Ezekiel in a Scripture was told to eat a scroll, so I took the coin, and I ate it. And it just immediately brought a revelation of one of God’s creative thoughts about me. Psalm 139:17 how precious also are your thoughts to me oh God how vast is the sum of them if I could count them, they would outnumber the sand.

It is like God has so many thoughts about us, how he created us, his thoughts about our life and his relationship with us and our purpose in life that he wants us to discover and here is a place we can begin to discover them by swimming down. You can go deeper than that because there is another place beyond that if you’re willing to explore. But in the father’s garden is also a golden mountain and one day because I always just lay down and just rested and just talked to the father, I really didn’t look around too much. and one day the father said, well look up, so I looked up and, in the distance, there is this big golden mountain and he said go to that mountain. So I went to the mountain and on the top of the mountain there was Metatron which is the chief angel of the order of becah and they are the living creatures.

So the fiery sword is an angel. now we think of angels having human form, but they are just created things beings and so that fiery sword and the fiery whirlwinds or the pillars of fire, so the pillar of fire and the pillar of cloud that led the children of Israel in the desert wilderness were angels. So there’s a whole order of angels that are pretty weird and wacky things, you know so they can be in all sorts there, golden ladders, it is amazing things we can engage them and Metatron was on the top of this mountain and he gave me a golden key, now I never met him before. I didn’t really know who he was at that point, but he gave me this big golden key and then afterwards because I wanted to find out a bit more about him. I found out that he is the timekeeper and the key keeper of the governmental dimensions of God, and he can give you keys to unlock and lock and to engage in new seasons, open portals to new seasons in your life, to new dimensions, new revelations and you can engage him there. And he is very integrable to rule with the purposes of God in government and in dimensions.

Now revelation 22:2 says on the other side of the river was the tree of life. Now also above the garden of God up a waterfall there is the tree of life and it bears 12 kinds of fruit and it is always yielding fruit and you can engage that fruit and eat it, there’s leaves which were for the healing of the nations and those leaves are like scrolls so that fruit will nourish you if you eat it. Engage it, it I’ve experienced the fruit of love and joy and peace and harmony, and truth and we’ve had encounters when we practice that here and people experience that as different colors. You know some people saw purple fruit different shapes of fruit some of multicolored fruit, there’s no limit to what you can experience by engaging there and the Leaves are like scrolls.

The diagram of the gateways was given to Ian Clayton on a scroll from that tree. Because he asked how he can explain how to help people to engage the realms and flow in life and God gave him this scroll and on it was that diagram. So, I want to honor Ian Clayton as a forerunner in these things, who has opened up these realms for us. Because then we can take that revelation and then we can apply it and then we can find it becoming our revelation. Hebrews 416 says this therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. The throne of grace also on the river of life and you can literally go there. Now often it is a euphemism for prayer and praying and our prayers go to the throne of grace that they well be true, but it is much better to go there yourself. So, we can draw near with confidence because we have an invitation to come to the throne of grace which is in the garden of God, and we can experience these things, we can experience this place of rest and intimacy where we can experience and receive God’s provision for all our needs. Now here is the key. How can you experience this rest and intimacy when you got a whole load of needs. You hand it all over to God, you don’t try and figure it out, work it out and try and solve your own problems and solutions. So, we can come to the throne of grace this is what we do. 1 Peter 5:6 therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God. Admit that you can’t do it, admit that you haven’t got your own solution. Stop trying to do it yourself in your own strength. First point we have to admit is that we have not got all that we need to solve our own problems. If you do you’ll be hiding in the bushes trying to cover your own problems or work out your own problems in your own solution and I guarantee that it won’t work. It didn’t work for Adam, and it didn’t work for me, and it probably won’t work for you either. When you try to figure out and do-it-yourself. So, what do you do? Verse 7 casting all your cares or anxieties or worries on him so when you come to the throne of grace off load, unburden, let it all go. Why? Because he cares, because he wants you to let it all go and stop trying to figure it out. Carry the responsibility for it. Be weighed down, be burdened, but come and find rest, come and find that place. So let go of your cares, your fears, your doubts, your burdens, your sorrows or anxieties, your worries and anything else that you are carrying. Let it go and rest and allow God to work because when you sit on his lap, and this is what he does for me. He picks me up, he puts me on his lap, my head rests on his chest and I feel the rhythm of his heart and it’s like I’m back in the place of creation in his heart and I feel so safe and secure that I can feel the rhythm of his heartbeat and just rest, and he works. So where do I find grace, his supernatural enabling power ? When I rest and stop trying to do it. How do I get mercy? When I rest and allow him to begin to work on my behalf. So again this is a place that we can go too, it is not a one-off, we can go there every day of our lives if we need to. Now this is a bit more of a scary place and in a sense you need to be able to go to the throne of grace before you can get to this place. I would suggest the judgment seat of Christ- 2 Corinthians 5:10 says this- for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, and we are not talking about sin here. Sin here is dealt with by the cross we are talking about looking at our life and seeing what we have done with it as Christians according to what is done good or bad.  Whether we follow the path that God set for us and fulfill his purpose or not. 1 Corinthians 3:10 according to the grace of God-this is Paul talking- which was given to me like a wise master builder, I laid a foundation, and he describes that as Christ, and another is building on it. So when Jesus comes into our life as the foundation, remember the wise man built his house on the rock. If you like we must be careful how we build. Each man must be careful how he builds now if any man builds on the foundation with gold, silver, and precious stones or wood hay and stubble each man’s work will be become evident for the day will show it because it’s revealed with fire and the fire itself will test the quality of each man’s work. If any man’s work which he is built on remains he will receive a reward. So the fire will bring the gold, silver and precious stones to the front and remove everything else so those things in which we follow the purpose of God remain and those things which we haven’t, the wood, hay and stubble can be consumed with fire. So, they are no longer part of the record of our life which is really good. I would encourage you not to wait until Jesus returns and we are all back in that realm to do this. I have helped other people. Other people have been there. You can go there now and engage this and see your scroll begin to be restored and it goes on to say if any man’s work is burned he will suffer loss but he himself will be saved through fire .So we want to make sure that we got something there to be gold, silver and precious stones through obedience of following Jesus. So, we have a scroll of destiny, everyone of us has been given a scroll. We know that from Psalm 139:16 your eyes have seen my unformed substance and in your scroll were all written the days that were ordained for me when as yet not one of them was. Effectively in God’s heart, in eternity everything that he intended us to do was all written on that scroll, not in detail, in that we are robots following a set plan, but in principle to lead us and direct us so that we can cooperate with God and from our creativity release the things that God would desire us to release. We also have a scroll of our life. Now the problem is can it be opened and how do they compare. So here is God’s scroll he made that says here are all wonderful things that I want you to do for me in relationship with me as a son and on the other hand I have a scroll of all the things I have done or haven’t done. So how do they compare? And can we go and see them? Well fortunately yes. Psalm 47: 47 says this, behold I come and the scroll of the book it is written of me, I delight to do your will “oh my God”

That was talking about Jesus, also that can be us, that this scroll can be the thing which sets the delight of our heart on that pathway, the desires of our heart to follow God’s purpose and his will for our lives. Revelation 5:1- I saw on the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll written inside and on the back sealed up with seven seals. So, the scroll of our life is being written, but it is sealed up, but it can be opened. Verse five- behold the lion that is from the tribe of Judah the root of David has overcome so as to open the scroll and its seals. Worthy are you to take the scroll and break its seals for you were slain and purchased for God with your blood men from every tribe, time, people, and nation you have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they will reign, where? On the earth. So this scroll is about what we do on the earth. Our scroll of destiny is where we can engage in heaven to bring that to being on the earth. So it is important that scroll gets open, so we are going to follow this journey and we are going to take a journey through the realms of Eden and go to those different places now on this journey. You engage by faith. God always (Hebrews 11) rewards those who come to him in faith. So, what I shared this morning hopefully will stir faith to say, yes, I want to go to those places. I want to go to the throne of grace, the tree of life, may be even to the judgment seat if you’re willing. Don’t go there if you’re not willing. It was like pretty, pretty scary when I first went there. We can use our imagination to activate a doorway into this experience. Now you know that just by thinking about it and picturing it, it opens the door. Now a friend of mine used this illustration, I was listening to him this week, he said this, it is like a starter motor of a car, our imagination is like the starter motor you put the key in, and you turn the key and the starter motor spins the engine over but then when the engine fires it runs on its own steam, petrol now or diesel, we don’t have to keep the starter motor turned, because you burn it out. So, you turn the key and then you go on the journey. So, you don’t have to try and figure out and imagine everything. You use your imagination to open the door then you walk into it. And thus follow the path and we can all follow the path I would encourage you to make this a daily practice, so this becomes your path not mine. I’m sharing my path with you so you can find your own path and then you will have your own personal experience and encounter with this, you can then by thought access. so for me now I can go to the river of life or the tree of life in the father’s garden just by thinking about it and going there. To start with I walked a path, until it became so natural to me as part of me that then I can access any part on that journey. It is accessible instantly by desire and thought now, but wasn’t when I first started, so practice every day, engaging. Now the experiences and the imagery which we experience will be unique to us. I am not going to go into detail trying to describe everything because It’s only going to be what I am of seeing and what I have experienced. You need to find your own experiences for each of these things. Now if you struggle there will be images on the screen, if you say you can’t picture that, just look at the image and then picture it. Don’t try and strive to see. If you get impressions or feelings or knowing’s, go with it. You don’t have to have a full-blown Hollywood spectacular film on view, to engage. If you can’t see anything, believe by faith your spirit is receiving something. And as you do it, it will begin to bring the revelation of what it did receive, so that you know, and you will experience it. You may wish to stay in one place on this journey. If you want to stay there, stay there. As I move on just ignore it and stay where you need to be. You might want to stop anywhere on that journey and just let your spirit lead. God may want to take you somewhere else. If he does, don’t resist that, just go. If he wants to take you off to somewhere that I’ve never been, great, go for it. Allow him to lead. We are going to ask Jesus to take us on this journey. Let your spirit lead at all times, and don’t try and analyze it, or figure it out while you’re experiencing it. Because It can just stop the flow. As soon as you try to figure it out. Just let your spirit, even if its not cognitive your spirit will later release the revelation to you. So, we are going to just begin this, if you’ve never done this before and you think, we’ll how do I do it, you just start closing your eyes and thinking about it. You know there are some pictures like a doorway. If you are going to open the first love gate, here’s a door. There’s a door handle to turn to open because he says- behold I stand at the door and knock. So, if Jesus is knocking just open the door. How do you do that, just by thought actually, just say I’m opening the door. Now if you picture it, you can reach out, but you can think about opening the door and just open it. So I would encourage you now just to close your eyes and just picture that door just engage your imagination to open that portal and by faith just reach out and just open the door, that door of first love and just welcome the presence of God the river of life is flowing over the threshold of that door into your spirit and just choose to step into the river, and we just ask you Jesus that you would be our guide and you would lead us on this journey into Eden, into your garden on the mountain of God. So just let Jesus take you by the hand and walk through the door follow the river and as you step through that doorway, you just find yourself in the river of life in the realm of heaven in God’s garden, it is shimmering with light and life and energy. Just sense the freedom of that life, you may want to dive down to swim in it, to go under the water to look around and see what’s around in that realm. I just encourage you to just spend some time going deeper into the Holy Spirit and the life that he carries. Just let that water flow through you, feel its energy and its life if you can see gems or scrolls or anything in the river and you want to take one, just reach out place it into your heart, just eat it, whatever you feel led to do.

seated really feelings just let your spirit be surrounded the life of God off to the right river flows and in the distance as a waterfall want to continue on the journey from here just begin to think of that waterfall into this picture yourself standing under that waterfall cascading down in heaven eternal word of God washing all over his life figure out bring you the sound of many waters sound of God’s voice around you eternal word of God Jesus the cooling it sound of the world for God just begin to flow of the river of the waterfall still yourself and you know suspended in you cascading down surrounding you taking you deeper into the revelation. See the river continuing the pathway of the side of the river. Just walk in the ancient paths, sense the light, vibrancy of that around. Just walk on that pathway, it has as a bridge crossing the river goes off into the father’s garden. Continue along the pathway to another waterfall the much higher water

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