We are on a journey or an adventure together discovering how to engage the spiritual realms. Discovering those realms within us around us & the heavenly realms. On this journey we are going to follow the pathway of relationship and responsibility. 

Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God. Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us. Our first love gate is a 2 way gate heaven accesses us but we also access heaven.

Ancient Pathway of relationship. Eden God’s garden on His mountain. River of life. Waterfalls and pools of revelation. Father’s garden. Tree of Life. Throne of Grace. Judgement seat of Christ.

We are made in the image of God. We are a temple of the Holy Spirit. Tabernacle and temple had veils or gates. Temple had outer, inner courts and a holy place. We have the same pattern with an outer court – body, an inner court – soul and holy place – spirit.

 Your spirit, soul and body are designed to be connected and interactive – gates. You are designed to be a gateway for heaven to flow into the earth. You are a gateway for the kingdom to be at hand around you. John 14:12 – he who believes in me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do;

 John 10:9 we can go in and out of the gate. Jesus as the door is a torn veil between heaven and earth. We live under an open gate to heaven. John 1:51 And He said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see the heavens opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man”.

 1 Cor 6:17 But the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him.  We have Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwelling within our spirit within God’s kingdom. When we open the first gate we have a Bench of 3 within our spirit. Will we be in agreement to make a 4 in oneness to become a gate of heaven on the earth for God’s government?

 Gen 18:17 … “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.”  You are a House of God and a gate of heaven. Therefore you are awesome having the creative potential to manifest the kingdom of God through your life.

The gateways are the key factor in bringing oneness, wholeness .I spent 3 years daily working on my gateways .To understand them, activate them and open them .To cleanse, purify and unify them.

 I began to understand how fearfully and wonderfully I was created to be. I began to realize how blocked, damaged, fractured and independent my soul was. I learnt to understand how I was wired to function together in relationship. I learnt how integrating my gates brought oneness and unity within.

 I discovered how each spirit gate worked with each soul gate. I began to discover how to flow from the inside out. I practiced drawing from the inside out through various combinations of gates. Faith – Reason – Touch – release healing anointing as faith and grace combined to produce power.

Now my gates just seem to function together in unison and flow .I feel one and whole and flowing .I daily become joined to the Lord and one spirit and then my spirit can encompass my soul and produce an atmosphere around my body.

 This is the key process in becoming who we were created to be rather than being a has been, controlled by our past. Don’t try to take a short cut. Don’t believe the deception that it is already done. We have to appropriate what Jesus has accomplished on the cross.

 Business Transactions 1 Kings 22:10. Legal Transactions- Ruth 4:1-11. Criminal Cases     Deut. 25:7-9. Disputes/Judgments Deut. 25:7-9. Proclamations   Jer. 17:19-20. Festivities    Ps 24:7. Protection    2 Sam 18:24-33. Our gates are also for various functions.

 Our gates are our senses or abilities. Our spirit has 8 gateways, our soul has 7 and our body has 5. 1 Thessalonians 5:23.. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  God’s desire is that we become a unified whole – reconciled & restored.

My SPIRIT- Fear of God, Prayer, Reverence, Hope, Faith, Revelation, Intuition, Worship.

My SOUL- Conscience Imagination Reason Mind – Heart Subconscious Conscious Unconscious Emotions Will Choice.

My BODY  Eye – Sight Ear – Hearing Nose – Smell Mouth -Taste Hands –Touch. 

A Gateway is a place of authority where dominion is exercised  .Whoever controls your life’s different gateways exercises authority, dominion & control over you .Your gates are designed to be open and flowing from the inside out so that you become a gateway of heaven.

Fear of God – Awestruck All Knowing, All Seeing,  All Powerful, Almighty, Consuming Fire

Reverence -Honour Respect

Worship -Obeisance, Obedience Surrender, Submission

Prayer -Constant two Way Communication

Faith -Harmony, Concord, Understanding, Knowing

Hope -Visions, Dreams, Seeing Opportunities

Revelation -Inspiration, Light, Counsel, Wisdom

Intuition -Knowledge, Gut feelings Instinct Heavenly Realms Access

Soul mediates who I am as my spirit is engaging in heaven. Soul takes on the reflection of my spirit being because it is revealed in heaven. Resonant frequency of who I am in my spirit begins to vibrate and causes my soul to resonate with that frequency. I begin to be transformed from the inside out. I become a reflection of my eternal image. Gal 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; As the river of life flows the fruit of the spirit grows.

 1 Cor 12:8 For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, and to another the word of knowledge according to the same Spirit; 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, and to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, 10 and to another the effecting of miracles, and to another prophecy, and to another the distinguishing of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, and to another the interpretation of tongues.  As the river of life flows the gifts of the Spirit are activated through different gates.

River of life flows deeper and deeper as our gates are opened. The living water flows through the gates to activate, energize and cleanse. Eph 5:26 so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27 that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless.

Engaging the living water activates and energizes our spirit gates .Living water cleanses and sanctifies (sets apart) our soul gates .Living water can become a source of life and blessing for others as it flows through us.

 Dan 7:10 “A river of fire was flowing And coming out from before Him; River of fire flows through our gates with light and glory to purify and refine. 1 Peter 1:7 so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ;

As we become one spirit with the Lord we become more like Him .Gifts of the spirit equipping and the fruit of the spirit forming character flow from inside out .We can be like God, His sons and daughters to the world.

How do we go about getting our spirit soul and body back into original condition? How do we grow and mature from that original condition to our intended eternal condition? Practice training ourselves to flow from the inside out.  

Open Gates Invite Jesus to walk through as Lord

Opening Our Spirit gateways

Engage outside Your spirit gates 

Activate flow to engage the soul

With Jesus Engage & observe your gates

What do they look like?     

What do they do?

What do they feel like ?

Surrender each gate

Sense the activity 

Jesus Activate

What is there?

Identify Familiars

Lie Bust Court Case

Spirit rules your soul

River of Life flow

Fire of Glory Flow

My spirit gates  .

Fear of God – Strong gate arched shaped wood and iron stone arch .

Reverence – blue diamond pure shimmering with light both arch and door carry the essence of the sapphire cube. 

Prayer gate – pulsing with light electricity neurones pulsing with vibrant energy. 

Hope gate – mirror to the heart of God reflecting dimensional reality.  

Revelation Gate – 12 stones making up an arch of 12 colors lit up the door like a screen a light wall of images .

Intuition gate – swirling colors flowing together constantly changing in shapes.

Faith Gate – Brilliant rainbow of potential and possibilities archway to reality framed with amazing creativity .

Worship gate – pure white light but emanating peace perfect peace knowing of the mind of God, will of God agreement oneness unity.  

 Step 1 Rev 3:20 Jesus is knocking and the door handle is on our side we have to open it. Give God First Love – place, priority. Open the gate of first love.

 This gate can appear locked, nailed shut, covered in thorns etc.  This is a projection of the soul’s fear, hurt, pain and rejection and is a protection mechanism. Most of us have been damaged by our relationship experiences.

 Renouncing inner vows. Repenting of fear. Forgiving hurts . Rebuke the projection as a lie. Choose deliberately to open the door.  By choice invite God into your spirit.   Choose to be channel for God’s glory to flow out through your soul and body. 

Step 2 Engaging my spirit gates .By acting in faith & meditating on the gates .By surrendering my spirit to God in a relationship of intimacy with God .Activate your imagination and ask Jesus to walk with you to each of the gates.

Invite the river of life to flow into the gate .Look at each gate engage the symbolism, engage your senses – feel, impressions, perceptions, thoughts .

Ask Jesus to give you revelation of the gates meaning, function and purpose in your spirit – how you are wired.

 If the gates appear blocked, locked etc. ask Jesus to reveal why. Soul can project negative images it can be helpful to understand the dynamics. If you have doubt, fear or apprehension then ask Jesus to reveal the cause. Lie Bust or engage the court to find out what accusations give power to the projected images.

If you see something usually a dark figure or spirit blocking the gate on the other side demand to know why it has a legal right to be there and take it to the court to remove that right .We will cover dealing with familiar spirits and using the court system in a future session.

 Step 3 Opening my spirit gates.  Activate your imagination and engage with the gates in turn or let your spirit draw you to a particular gate. Then see yourself standing in the gateway with Jesus and open the door. Welcome the river of life to flow and activate the gate. Welcome the light, glory & fire of God’s presence to engage the gate.

Standing in the gateway declare that God is the Lord of the gate and start to sense and feel what it is like, what is flowing .Engage all your senses and begin to meditate to engage each gate .What are you seeing, feeling, sensing and experiencing? 

 Sample prayer Reverence Gate. Father, I choose to engage the gate of “Reverence” in my spirit. I open it and surrender it to the flow of your glory and the river of life. I declare that you are Lord of my reverence gate. I receive and release the power of God through this gate so that reverence will be the motivation that enables me to honour You in all my decisions, choices and behaviour. I release reverence to engage my conscience and protect and direct what I see, hear  smell, taste, touch, do and say.  

 Sample prayer – Revelation Gate. Father, I choose to engage the gate of “Revelation” in my spirit. I open it and I surrender it to the flow of Your glory and the river of life. I declare that you are Lord of my revelation gate. I receive and release Your power through this gate with a flow of the revelation of Your kingdom so that it will change my soul into the image of the Son of God who abides in me.

 Heb 5:14 But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil. (spirit & soul) . Pray and persist until you start to see the results and then keep going.   You can work on all the gates, one at a time or in groups but be persistent and diligent.  Patience and persistence will bear fruit if you practice to train your senses.

Close your eyes and picture that door .By faith reach out to the handle and open the first love door .Welcome His presence into your spirit .Allow your whole being, spirit soul and body engage Him .See the river of life flowing .See the glory of God and the river of fire.

 Start to think and meditate on a gate – reverence, revelation etc.  Activate your imagination and ask Jesus to walk with you to a gate. Look at the gate engage the symbolism, engage your senses – feel, impressions, perceptions, thoughts.

Ask Jesus to give you revelation of the gates their meaning, function, purpose and operation in your spirit – how you are wired .Listen to His words as thoughts in your mind.

 If the gates appear blocked, locked etc. ask Jesus to reveal why. If you have doubt, fear or apprehension then ask Jesus to reveal the cause. Lie Bust or engage the court to find out what accusations give power to the projected images.

 See yourself standing in the gateway with Jesus and open the gate. Welcome the river of life to flow and activate the gate. Welcome the light glory & fire of God’s presence to engage the gate.

 Then see yourself standing in the gateway declare that God is the Lord of the gate and start to sense and feel what it is like, what is flowing. Engage all your senses and begin to meditate. What are you seeing, feeling, sensing and experiencing? 

 When you are ready move on to a different gate. Follow the same process.

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