Gateways soul

At the moment were looking at engaging God on the pathway relationship and looking at deeper intimacy with God and engaging both the realm of the kingdom and the realm of heaven so that flows through us and we are looking at the gateways of our spirit soul and body so that we can be a gateway of heaven on the earth and we’ve looked at the fact that first love gate is a two-way gate heaven can access us and we can access heaven and first part of this module is understanding our  gateways and last time we looked at our spirit gates and today we are going to look at our soul gates now this teaching really comes from a revelation that came out of heaven Ian Clayton shared this revelation on gateways of spirit soul and body and this is a diagram that represents how we can be God engaging God engaging heaven engaging our spirit soul and body and were looking at the area of our soul which is in the middle and is a key point because you can engage the inside but if you don’t engage the middle you can’t engage the outside so there has to be this middle part of the soul which is self-consciousness that enables us to become unified and whole and the first 3-D diagram of that is that our soul is really the area of our self-consciousness how we are aware of who we are and how we developed to be, now  a trycotomist is the technical term for someone who believes that were a three part being and there are  many people who don’t they just believe that were a two part being but it is important to understand that we are three part being one Thessalonians 523 says that now May the God of peace himself sanctify you entirely and may your spirit soul and body be preserved complete without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ so there is an indication there that  we are made in three parts and there are lots of Scriptures the Hebrew has word bus are which equals flesh and there is 266 times that used manifest which is soul personal life 754 times and Roulac wind breath or spirit 378 times of which 100 times are talking about the human spirit as opposed to God as spirit the Greek socks equals flesh one hundred and 51 times soma body hundred and 29 times and  new mother spirit 385 times so essentially a lot of indication here that we are a spirit soul and body we need to understand how those work together so we can understand that we are supposed to be unified and whole that’s not how we start out of course so we are a spirit that is the breath of life that makes us God and spiritual realm conscious and aware we have a soul that is our personality our minds emotions wills memories every epigenetic hereditary encoding things that are there you know generation line this makes us self-conscious and aware now without those two coming together our self-consciousness is separated from God and we need to understand that as we live in a physical body the world around us essentially were conscious of that through our physical sensations but God wants all these things to work together essentially when we started there was a and over and a whole load of little sperms those sperms about 300 million of them, or 3 million maybe I am not quite sure which but one of those, so think about this you are one in 3 million so you’re already a winner you beat 299  whatever the word is, blessed one to get there. So you already are an overcomer, a conqueror you began by being the best and when that happened a cell forms carrying 23 chromosomes in our DNA of the record of our parents history , now at this point when these two come together and they begin to divide there is a flash of light, there is a chemical reaction that takes place but that flash of light is actually the spirit which is from eternity coming into what is the start of our body that carries the eternal record of our destiny and then we begin to multiply and the first cell sperm and over actually forms our heart which is a very important thing beyond what is our physical heart which pumps blood around the body our heart is the essence of who we are from a point of genetics and that grows and where the soul develops. Psalm 23:7 says but as he thinks in his heart so is he so a lot of where we actually engage understanding ourselves comes in our heart and how the heart functions in sense of the soul.

 so our scroll literally that flash of light in our spirit carries with it a frequency of vibration, a sound, a song, a color, a fragrance and a formula and it is encoded with the abilities that can sequence our DNA now the problem is it separated from our natural body our literal DNA carries a song and unfortunately that carries with it a record of the chaos that it is created in which is sin and iniquity and literally in the US you can send your blood off to a lab in a university and they will actually play the DNA song that you have now unfortunately until your born again until your spirit and soul are reconnected and your scroll from God starts to resequence your DNA and encode it then it is a chaotic song but when it comes back into agreement with heaven actually that song forms the record of who you are who you’re supposed to be and how you’re supposed to reflect who you are into the world. and literally you are song to reflect your part in creation so that scroll vibrates with the record of your destiny and it is important that we see our spirit restoring our soul to that record. you know the original cells actually carry our genetic line and so they carry a lot of history so you can imagine what stored within our genetic material not just our physical makeup which is 3% of our genetic material but 97% of our genetic material carries a record of switches and triggers and other things that can be resequenced by our spirit. But if they’re not, then they often operate chaotically.

Our spirit is in darkness separated from God and therefore not conscious. It exists and is life but it is not conscious and aware.

Our spirit is separated from the soul and not aware, but is the breath of life.

Our soul is aware and can access the light of the spirit independently and this is where problems arise.

Now our soul is program by God with various desires and needs which are designed to draw us to our creator and actually most of the sin that we commit in our lives is showing us the need of God. Because we’re desperately seeking something to fill the hole that God has designed to be in us.

So we need acceptance and love we need affection value and worth we need security safety approval significance affirmation identity and purpose without that we don’t know who we are and we are desperately seeking that. Our soul is craving and desiring to know why it’s here. God desires and is able to meet all those needs so we can have the answers to the deepest questions who am I, why am I here, what is my purpose what am I, what am I supposed to be here doing. Slightly wrong, so our soul develops through a combination of nature DNA programming nurture environmental programming and trauma experiential programming and all of us of have those things operating in us.

The soul therefore blocks the flow from the spirit. So dethronement of the soul our self our soul life if you want to put it that way is key to fulfilling our destiny.

If our soul is in charge then it operates engagement with the world around it rather than in the that our spirit. so our body soul and spirit were always designed by God to be connected because were made in the image of God and father son and spirit are in total unity and oneness so were supposed to be one with God not separate were supposed to be one with ourselves were supposed to be one with creation because we were created to bring order and the government of God into the whole of creation but we’ve been separated fractured or dissociated in various ways and God wants to heal us restore us and make us whole bit we have to engage that so we start off spirit and God separated and our soul and our body engaging to fill that huge hold that is in the middle. now literally Jeremiah 213 says this my people have committed two evils they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters to hue for themselves cisterns broken cisterns that can hold no water so we may desperately be in need and look to the world for fulfillment but actually it cannot provide the fullness of life that we need so our spirit is dead to God and separated our soul our heart has needs and our flesh and body is the way that those needs get met now

We look to the world for love acceptance security significance and purpose we get that in work relationships money power things materialism now as a result of that we have damage in our soul because all those things have a way of falling down disappointing us and not working.

 so we end up with hurt pain rejection insecurity fear disappointment guilt and shame now that’s a sad state but we all have been in that state and depending on how much our soul has been restored will determine how much were still in that state. so when we get born again it is like were resurrected and now we have our spirit that becomes a fountain of living water and a deposit for God to live in us and now we can flow from the inside out so then we find purpose security significance and love from God but if were looking from the inside and looking at the outside then we tend to be separated and pulled in various directions so we need to deal with where we are going to draw life from. So when we start to get transformed restored renewed to God’s original condition then it deals with all those the damage in our soul and we then don’t need to find things from the outside world but there still there. And we have to find a balance between actually leaving into our work with the life of God and our relationships and all those things become things that are sources for God’s kingdom rather than for self. There’s nothing wrong in those things it is just there wrong if they become the source of meeting our needs so God then wants us to have life from him so we can become transformed and transfigured and then we begin to manifest the glory God through our lives and then God starts to work through us and we start to see the works of the kingdom miracles the works of Jesus deliverance signs wonders all the greater works of Jesus said we would do healing all those things are flowing from the life that is on the inside.

So it’s really, really important that we deal with the area of our soul so that we are spirit, connected to God can then begin to engage our soul so that we can become unified. so everything is connected working and flowing but that is not an automatic process a lot of people say well Jesus did everything on the cross which he did and therefore it is all done but the reality is if it was all done immediately we became born again we would never sin will never have another problem with sickness everything will be sorted out but actually the reality is it isn’t although Jesus has done everything to enable it to be sorted out we need to appropriate it, and we need to apply it to our lives everything that’s physical metaphysical spiritual is an interpretation of energy or electromagnetic waves everything is made up of spiritual substance that we can’t see but we can engage with. so we are made in the image of God the created image of God who is spirit and light Psalm hundred and 39:14 says I am fearfully and wonderfully made wonderful are your works and my soul knows it very well now that’s David talking about the reality of his personal relationship with God in which his spirit almost outside of what was almost  possible at that day because he was able to engage the future knew what it was like to have a relationship with God and his soul panted and thirsted after the living God. Because he had this intimacy with God which drew him to God rather than the world. Now he made a few mistakes along the way but God healed and restored him so we are fearfully and wonderfully made but our soul needs to know it and it needs to engage it. So literally were a neural network where our physical body or flesh can connect with the nonphysical world, it is easy to connect with the physical world because we live in it. The nonphysical world is there we can’t see it with our natural eyes but we can connect it. So our consciousness thoughts emotions are part of that nonphysical world you can’t see your consciousness but you certainly can experience it you can’t see your emotions but you can certainly experience them and they are all essentially made of the same substance, light, electromagnetic energy.

 so the spiritual realm angels and God himself are light and energy, with different vibrational frequencies and we need to learn to engage them so just as we need to learn to engage our thoughts our emotions and understand them so that will enable us also to learn how to engage the realm of the spirit around us .so before our spirit is reborn or made alive to God and becomes God conscious and aware, our soul is self-aware but not God conscious and that’s a problem.

Our soul is not God conscious but it is very aware. Our soul interprets the world through its memories and experiences of the world itself. We learned our worldview through nurture and that shapes what we believe. see I’ve always believed in God because I was brought up to go to Sunday school and it never really occurred to me that God didn’t exist it was just like well of course he does why wouldn’t I think God doesn’t exist. and so when I actually made a personal decision to engage him then it was just like well, this is how it has always been in a sense because I’ve always known him but I had to make a decision when I got a certain age to follow that path of relationship with him but many people have never been brought up that way so they got no consciousness of God so there belief systems may be agnostic or atheistic which means they got no consciousness of what God really is and there are many things therefore that shape how we believe. most of them come through nurture what we been brought up with so if we been brought up with a system which is an ungodly system or a system which lacks God then it is a huge change when we first begin to engage God himself .

So when I’m born again I become God and spirit realm conscious as my spirit engages God it begins to find its true destiny purpose which can never be found just for my soul alone.

However much we try and find purpose in life, are full purpose has to include a relationship with God.

 So when I access the spiritual realms and I can see and experience my true nature more fully then my soul begins to mediate who I truly am.

because my spirit is engaged in that heavenly realm where it’s a being of light and it begins to receive or unveil the revelation of who it is, then that essentially allows my soul to take on the reflection of my spirit because it’s been revealed in heaven now that again is not automatic because if the soul is not connected correctly it can just block all that.

Even though my spirit may be getting revelation and I spiritually am more aware and tuned and start to grow and become strong. My spirit can be blocked by my soul because it sits in the middle. so the resonant frequency of who I am what I’m vibrating at in the spirit a light being begins to vibrate and causes my soul to resonate with that frequent if it connects if it gets close enough which is why it’s so important to get our soul gates and our spirit gate open and flowing and connected. So I can truly be who God always wanted me to be. So I begin to be transformed from the inside out .everything that we generally do comes from the outside in but God wants to transform us from the inside out so that who I am in heaven in my spirit can begin to bring who I am in my soul into alignment so I become a reflection of my eternal image. I become one open and able to radiate that true identity as i become transformed and transfigured into that image it is a process it doesn’t happen in an instant but the more and more I come into oneness and wholeness and peace within myself the easier it is for that image to be reflected and so the world can engage it and therefore engage God through us. That is what God wants.

 So what are our soul gates? our conscience reason imagination our subconscious mind our emotions and our will and there is one other. our conscience is literally like the ears of our heart and is designed to be our protector and director it is designed by God to help us make decisions based on what will please God or not. Now our conscience can obviously be pretty much be damaged by or programmed by the world and what it’s brought up. you see some families will bring up children to respect the law and they believe stealing is wrong or different things are wrong other families that are brought up let’s say in a criminalized situation may not see anything wrong with stealing whatsoever because they been programmed and their conscience will align themselves with what that truth that has been given them so it’s supposed to give us direction and protection to guard and guide us but that’s not how it begins very often the reason our reason center is the voice of our heart it is our translator and interpreter it helps us understand and explain the things of the spirit and engage an understand how the spiritual and natural world relate.

But again depending upon what’s been programmed in there we can translate and interpret things very differently from how God intends. We can understand and explain things very differently.

 our imagination, the eyes of our heart is a receiver and a transmitter so God can transmit images on that screen we can receive images and we can also project images so it’s a screen and a projector for things that we can’t see with our physical eyes.

So you can imagine things and our imagination can also be visions and dreams and pictures that God gives us to help us connect the spiritual and physical realm together. So our heart, our subconscious mind and our unconscious mind work together. our subconscious mind stores has programs and delivers those programs it is like the hard drive of the computer and within that hard drive are things which are programmed there also things in a computer call random access memory which is where things get programmed and there also read only memory read only memory is our unconscious mind the things that happen unconsciously without us ever thinking about them. The things that keep our body going, why we breathe.  Those things are programmed in that area. Now it is really, really important that what is programmed what programs we have in our heart are engaging that area of our mind to determine what we do so what is there will very much determine what we do. on the computer hard drive, my wife is not that computer literate and so it’s like oh how can i open this program, well you need a program to open it, I haven’t got one, so you need to load one onto the hard drive , how do you do that. You have to down load it and then let load it. So you have to find a program, load it and then it could read the information that was being sent but before that even though it had the information it could not interpret and could understand it. Because there wasn’t a program.

What is programmed in our hearts actually determine how we are able to understand and relate to the world around us. We also have emotions responses and feelings now depending again how we been shaped those can be a very good thing or a very bad thing.

Our emotions are a good servant and a bad master but we may have been brought up in situations where emotions are used to manipulate and control situations. So we fear emotions because whenever emotions of anger were displayed it meant problem for us. so there are lots of things in our emotions in our heart that actually maybe good but also may not be and God wants our emotions to respond with those gut instincts to be moved by our emotions by what moves God. Jesus it says was moved in his guts, because that’s where they felt the emotions were seated and we talk about gut instincts. So our programming can shape how we engage through our emotions.

 And we have our will and that’s where things like persistent and encourage come from boldness endurance but also stubbornness and other things maybe not so good so we need to understand all these things work together and the key comes in our conscious mind because that’s where we choose.

you can be directed by your conscience and reason imagination all those things but you have to choose you have free will God has given every single person free will to choose what to do now as your conscience and the Holy Spirit engage and reverence starts to engage your conscience then you begin to be retrained to start to choose to do things that please God and those things that please God will always be the best things for us but the flesh and the spirit war against one another for that choice so until our flesh is restored and renewed then it’s in battle often with our spirit so we have to see this come together so that we actually decide based on God’s will and purpose for our life and our destiny rather than those things that have been programmed into us by DNA nurture or trauma so there is a whole process of undoing those things so that the truth, because Jesus is the way the truth and the life can reprogram and resequence us right through so that we are actually the person that God created us to be rather than the person thats been conformed to the world around us.

 so God wants us to be changed and transformed so that literally all the senses come together, our spirit with God Spirit engages our soul that comes into agreement that then uses our senses to engage the world.

 That was how it always was suppose to be. a gateway is a place of authority where dominion is exercised whoever controls your soul and body’s different gateways exercises authority dominion and control over you your gates are designed to be open and flowing from the inside out so you become a gateway of heaven that’s how they were designed that’s not how we start out.

 So we have to see who and what is controlling the gates so that we can find our spirit joined to God begins to exercise that direction.

our eyes and ears are Windows or gateways talks about our eyes being windows to the soul in the Bible and what we see has come from the outside in and therefore we been conformed to that pattern of the world’s mold so for us to be conformed to the heavenly pattern everything starts to flow from the inside out. Our gates need to be open and active whoever sits in the gate controls it so we need to understand who and what sits in our gates.

 Hebrews 412 says the word of God is living active sharper than any two-edged sword and piercing as far as to the division of soul and spirit, both joints and marrow and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart now we’re not just talking there about the Bible were talking about the living word of God who breathes life into the Bible but actually is the source of the word of God life itself Jesus so to truly understand ourselves we really need to get that perspective of the living word of our Creator and how he created us to be so we can really understand ourselves so literally our spirit has gateways the river of life can flow through our spirit to engage our soul and our soul has gateways and outside our spirit can be what’s called familiar spirits now they are not good spirits they are things that are familiar with us that have attached themselves to us to influence and control our lives and they sit outside our gates in those areas to effectively block the flow from the spirit there also familiar spirits that operate within our soul gates our conscience gate often is blocked by guilt and shame the imagination carries memories of things that we’ve seen that pollutes it .

Our reason has mindsets and belief systems attached to it. Our mind has lies within it things we believe that are not the truth, but there true to us.

Our emotions carry hurts and pains and lots of things.

are will often carries fears and doubts  so those all have negative effects on us being a whole person. so we need to deal with them also .our spirit has things called soul ties connected to it from the soul we will look at that in a minute. we may have inadvertently given demonic forces legal access and legal rights to sit outside those gates and to control and resist and block the flow .our ancestors our generation line may have given some of that legal rights to familiar spirits that become familiar and are past on generationally now those of you who have been involved in deliverance in any way know thee is a lot of those things operating in us those legal rights may still be there just because we became a Christian it didn’t remove legal rights those things are because the enemy is a legalist and operates on covenantal things, things that were done sin iniquity past down from generations generation can be still operating in us we need to remove those legal rights and cleanse and purify and begin to rule the gates familiar spirits know us that’s why there familiar there familiar with us we may not be familiar with them at all we may just think it’s us that’s the problem the little whispers we get in our mind we often think is just us and that’s exactly what they want you to think, we’ll I just think that way well no you don’t that’s not you thinking that something interjecting a lie and a thought into your mind  which you believe and always thought was you but the reality is it may not be they can be passed on generationally or attracted to us because of our own sin and they can be assigned to block our destiny sometimes things are assigned to us by the enemy and you get things that the Screwtape letters and things like that CS Lewis talk about the demons and their assignments and how they are designed to rob kill and destroy and mess us up Jeremiah 2010 describes them for I’ve heard many whispering and defaming there is terror on every side denounce him let us denounce him say all my familiars they who watch for my fall perhaps he will be persuaded and deceived  that is what they’re looking to do to persuade and deceive you into thinking that you’re always going to be stuck with that behavior that mindset that way of life and it isn’t the truth the truth is God came to set us free the enemy came according to John 1010 to rob kill and destroy but Jesus came to give us abundant life so that we can come back into the fullness of who we really are and who God calls us to be.

 Those familiar spirits are throne takers as they want to rule and they want to block our blessing their blessing blockers they are rest robbers their destiny destroyers they will wreck our lives if we don’t deal with them.

 And most of us just think this is my lot this is how this is who I am. And the reality is it’s not who you are. it is only what you’ve been conformed to be by the world and that realm what are they, they can be fear rejection pride low self-esteem worth and value insecurity doubt unbelief anxiety worry strongholds mindsets belief systems occult spirits counterfeits religious spirits legalism or license lots of things now we will deal with that later on when we look at  how to deal with them in another session when we deal with cleansing the gateways more thoroughly but familiars can counterfeit gate functions for illegitimate purposes what I mean by that is you may have drawn from your spirit Revelation using occult means now many people have been involved in different occult things you simply getting your tea leaves read looking for horoscopes and looking for directions outside of God they’re all sorts of occult ways that will bring false revelation and if we been involved in any of that, that can give legal right for those familiars  to set outside of our revelation gate or our hope gate to block it and control it so we need to engage with our gates and understand and know who we are and open them and cleanse them and purify them so they can be used for there right purpose so we can be a gateway of God on the earth.

 Destiny always flows from a strong spirit so if your spirit is weak then it is difficult for your spirit to grow strong enough to overcome the soul our destiny is blocked by a dominant soul.

The soul is not bad it is good God intended it and all those things to be used for his glory but when it dominates it creates a problem so we need to see restoration and refining we need to see a restoration to original condition. We were created spirit soul body in oneness and unity. our spirit was actually what was engaging the world and everything else our awareness of self and the world only came through a relationship with God that’s what Adam started with but obviously when he messed up his spirit became separated from God and internalized surrounded by the soul and the body now it needs to be restored so Hebrews 412 the division of soul and spirit, well why  would we want to divide soul and spirit if we want to get them restored because of those umbilical cords or soul ties the division of soul and spirit actually reveals what is given direction in our lives.

 Are we being directed by our soul or by our spirit? how does the soul become the controlling force in our lives through the connections called soul ties between soul and spirit that umbilical cord enables our soul to function independently of God the soul has no life in itself so if your spirit leaves your body you die the soul does need energy to engage the world so in what’s called astral projection of the soul which is actually an illegitimate one of those counterfeits of spirit travel and trance relocation a silver cord connects the soul to the spirit and if it’s cut while the soul is outside of the body the person dies now if you ever been had people astral project into your room never have not that they would even dare because I know how to deal with them but some people do threaten to cut the cord and how you cut the cord by the sword of the spirit by declaration and if you do actually they will die  now I  would not want them to die initially  but if they were hassling you, you want them to be saved so you can threaten them and command them to leave in Jesus name there’s a several stories of where this is actually physically taken place I know Ian Clayton talks to one that’s in one of Bill Johnson’s books where Alastair Crowley’s granddaughter he was a famous occult practitioner in 30’s and 40’s I think was being delivered in a ministry setting by a ministry team and he was in hospital and his soul projected into the room and tried to stop them in the deliverance session and this is a recorded event with a number of people all agreeing what they saw so actually they didn’t have any nonsense they cut the cord and they later found out that instant the guy died so this is serious stuff but we need to understand the connection our soul has needs but without God as we seen the outside world is the only source those ties to the spirit enable that life of independence so we need to know how to do with them when the soul rules it draws life from the spirit the soul seeks to draw from the world the soul seeks control for self protection when were born again it blocks our spirit we need to break the soul ties to our spirit that breaks independence by surrendering control to God and our spirit we have got to break those ties how do we do it ? Ian Clayton has got a really good teaching that he did here in the first time he came in 2011 called familiar spirits it is on the website actually did it out of the community and did it with the guys who were on the rehabilitation community to show why patterns of behavior and thinking take you down certain pathways because that is what familiar spirits do they get you to think a particular way and then you follow a behavioral system and you end up  doing the same behavior you have always done they catch you but you can use the living word of God as a hammer or a sword to divide those things how? decree and declare the truth by choice and use the power of your words in agreement with God’s word to separate those ties just as in deliverance when we break soul ties we don’t make declarations to cut those ties you can do that between your own soul and spirit the point here is not that they would be separated but then they can be reintegrated correctly so the soul and spirit can work together in agreement one Corinthians 617 says the one who is joined himself to the Lord is one spirit with him so we can become unified and one with God again by surrendering our first love gate to him and engaging father son spirit there according to 1 Thessalonians 523 God desires that our spirit soul and body be complete in unity so we need to follow a process of doing it now we’re going to look at this over several sessions but this is Basically what we need to do separate soul and spirit identify independent areas cut soul ties deal with familiar spirits reintegrated the flow of the spirit of life the river of life now simple isn’t it, well we will find ways of doing it starting today and then we need to understand and engage our soul gates meditate on our gates invite Jesus into the gates look at each gate sense if there are blockages and other things engage and open the gates then actually cleansing the gates how do we cleanse the gates, well there is a whole process to cleanse the gates looking at how those gates have been blocked and we can move forward from that and then invite Jesus to flow into our body we want our soul and body to become connected with our spirit we want to activate that we want to see our spirit and soul rule and to bring the atmosphere of the kingdom around our lives Hebrews 514 and this is the bit that people struggle with the most solid food is for the mature who because of practice have trained their senses to discern good and evil spirit and soul you have to practice it doesn’t just happen once you know it has taken me five years to get to the point where this stuff is flowing and there is still things that I deal with and God shows me but I practice and then I live this way if you don’t practice and keep doing this day after day after day after day you’ll find that you’re not flowing and you’ll find that the soul still dominates and you’ll still operate in familiar patterns of behavior and thoughts and those things so it’s so important that you practice perseverance in dealing with the soul blockages keep at it, be diligent persevere don’t give up you may not see huge change instantly but bit by bit you will be transformed as you work at this daily do it flow from the inside out practice engaging your spirit into your soul and the kingdom around you practice doing it and the more you practice the more you will begin to outwork it now we are going to do an exercise today and it is going to be a little bit different in a sense what I want you to do is to engage with the declarations and the things I’m going to say you don’t need to do it out loud if you don’t want to in your mind though agree and make that declaration in your own mind because we are going to give you a series of declarations prayers decrees that will start to separate soul and spirit that will start to deal with the things that are in the soul these are things you can do every day and if you do these things every day I guarantee that your life will change I guarantee that your gateways will begin to become unblocked you’ll deal with the things that separate you and you will begin to become one and integrated but you have to be willing to practice it and begin to enforce the kingdom see it says the violent take the kingdom by force it’s like the enemy just doesn’t give up even though he has lost the war overall there still are skirmishes that you have to win on an individual basis to actually out work that so literally we know that we have within our spirit a gate that gate can access to heaven and to the realm of the kingdom Revelation 320 behold I stand at the door and knock that’s Jesus talking he is standing at that door if anyone hears my voice so listen to him ask him for an invitation and opens the door I will come in to him and dine with him dining was an intimate thing where life was shared and he with me so there’s this intimacy that God wants but we know that the door handle is on our side so you have to by faith maybe you’ve not engaged your imagination to agree where you can see this and see it as a vision or an image but by faith God always response to faith you can choose when you close your eyes make a choice am going to picture that door handle and I am going to open that door and I’m going to invite God’s presence to come in just by choice if you can see it full-blown and you have had all the experiences and practice this a lot that’s great but don’t limit that, don’t be limited by well I can’t see anything, so nothing is working, the reality is God will work and your spirit will engage whether your soul is yet caught up the experience it will happen and your spirit will get stronger and stronger in its relationship with God if you learn to do it so i encourage you to close your eyes and again just begin to picture that door think about that door in your own spirit may be you’ve never heard Jesus’ invitation to open that door just hear him now say open the door of your heart to me and let me in and you can make that decision to follow Jesus become born again alive to God in your spirit even right now I’m making a decision to let him in and inviting him to come in through that door into your heart if you’ve already made that decision  and are used to doing this just open the door and welcome the presence of the father son and Spirit into your spirit allow all your senses to engage them just feel the security the love the acceptance affirmation the approval of your father your brother and your friend just take a few moments just to sense the presence of God within. Now we are just going to make these statements and I encourage you just to bring an agreement with them and receive the revelation and the experience of these declarations father by faith I choose to engage your presence I receive your acceptance love mercy and grace I stand in the victory of the cross forgiven justified and cleansed I thank you that you clothe me in white robes of righteousness I am the righteousness of God in Christ father I choose to deny myself and surrender control of my life to you I give you my imagination I repent and renounce of viewing any image that is polluted me, I ask you to blot out every image with the blood of Jesus purify and restore my imagination restore my screen vision and revelation father I choose to deny myself and surrender control of my life to you I give you my heart my subconscious mind I repent renounce all strongholds negative beliefs and values systems vows words curses doctrines triggers coping mechanisms defense mechanisms of using those things to meet my own needs I ask you to cleanse every negative memory within and programmed within my heart purify restore and reprogram my heart with your truth values and my destiny father I choose to deny myself surrender control of my life to you I give you my emotions I repent and renounce of all unforgiveness bitterness anger self-pity resentment, i choose to forgive and release all those who have hurt me and damaged me and affected my life and I choose to let them go I ask you to purify and restore my emotions. father use my emotions to help me feel your heart guide me through intuition lead me and direct me to the good use of my emotions father again I just give you my will I repent and renounce all sin and rebellion stubbornness willfulness control fear doubt unbelief  and indecision i ask you to purify and restore my will and restore courage and perseverance persistent use my will to enable me to do your will through obedience and true worship father I repent of all independence in my soul and for drawing life from my spirit to meet my own needs father i take your word as a sword and I cut every soul tie to my spirit father I separate myself from the control my soul has had over my spirit father I thank you for your word is like a sharp two edged sword that divides my soul from my spirit father today I speak into my soul and i release the word of God and his power I take the word and drive it between my spirit and soul to break the ties that my soul has made i break it’s yoke and its influence and control I separate all negative influences and independence I declare my spirit being to be free from the ties and shackles and encumbrances of my soul that anchor me to the earth I declare my spirit being free to fully engage and encompass my soul and body and create an atmosphere around us I declare my spirit can engage the atmosphere of God’s presence I declare my soul and spirit can fully participate in the realms of heaven together I declare my spirit soul and body ready to cooperate in trance relocation and translation i stand in your presence father I take your word by faith and i place my soul and spirit before your presence I acknowledge again that where my soul has been tied to my spirit where there have been soul ties  that draw on my spirits life so that my soul can have life of its own I confess this has been my life, I confess this as sin and I ask you to forgive me so that I can be divided according to the testimony of your word. So i take that word, I take that word and use it like a wedge and a hammer and I just divide my soul and spirit i use the word of God to break every tie and influence for my soul over my spirit I declare that I am a spirit being that has a soul that lives in this physical body. That my spirit is no longer subject to my soul. father I bring my soul before your presence and I make it bow down before your kingdom government I declare that I no longer serve my soul but my soul will now serve me my spirit, I decree to my soul you are a mediator between my spirit and my body to serve my spirit I will no longer serve you but you will serve my spirit as a mediator of who God has made me to be as an eternal spirit being I declare that I am made in the image of God and I am a spirit being father I thank you for the blood of Jesus that cleanses me from whatever I have allowed in my soul to have dominion and to live in that carnal natural way I repent and take the blood and wipe out  the record of that testimony from my life father I surrender my spirit soul and body to you I declare Jesus is Lord of the gates of my life I declare I’m ready able to do your will and purpose to manifest your glory and the presence in and through my life to manifest your kingdom authority and power through me and around me so I choose to make you Lord of my gates when you’ve done that you can engage the gateways of your soul you can ask Jesus for revelation of who you are and how you function you can see if there’s anything blocking or locking any of those gates and if there is you can then deal with it through lie busting or going to the courts if it is not  then you can open the gate and you can invite the river of life and the river of fire to flow through you , but just make sure that you practice this, this is not a one-off use those statements there some of them are repeated in slightly different ways because you may relate to different ways of doing it but find something that works for you and persist and persevere until you become whole one and flowing with the life God amen.

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