Gateways self

Looking to discover how we can engage God in intimacy in the spiritual realms. we’ve been very much looking about how to engage that on intimacy and relationship so we’re looking at our spirit soul and body gateways and we been looking at how understand how God made us and how  he wanted us to be and how he shaped us so we can understand how we move forward in that so we looked at our Gateway in our spirit being two-way so God can come into us but we can go back into heaven we looked at what our spirit gateways do what our soul gateways do I was going to look at how to open them today but I want to look at more about the soul and self and how the soul and self work and so we have this diagram which was revelation that came out of heaven given to be Ian Clayton and many people around the world have engaged in understanding the gateways of the spirit soul and body and how we become God conscious soul self-conscious and world conscious and have they should work together and we have sort of 3-D diagram of that in the area of our self-conscious is where it mediates between our spirit and the world.

 and that’s the bit which often gets us stuck because that’s the bit  that actually received everything from the outside and has been affected by everything from our generational line and it affects how we interact with the world around us and because our spirit was separated we didn’t have spiritual guidance and direction until we met God and then when we met God he came to live in us that first love gate the realm of the kingdom within us where his rule is but we have to learn to engage him there and choose actively to follow there .

so we are spirit, the breath of life was breathed into us God’s breath so the first thing Adam did was to breathe out so he received something from God and he brought that into the world and then where did he go, he drew it back in so he went back to the source and that became the rhythm of life engaging God bringing that to the world engaging God bringing it to the world so it’s a repetitive lifecycle that we can engage God and then bring what we received to bring transformation to the world and to bring the government and the rule of God.

 But it’s not just that we have a spirit we have a soul because we became a living being when the breath of life was breathed into us a living soul one version says.

 and our soul is our personality our minds emotions wills memories the genetic things that were affected us in our hereditary history through external circumstances rather than internal genetic circumstances there’s an encoding that all these things make us self-conscious.

 and that is our problem most of the time and we do live in a physical body that is world conscious through our physical senses and we looked at all the different spirit gates and what they do , I am not going to go over that again we got that in the previous sessions and our soul gates what they do.

 and last time we looked at the fact that in our spirit and soul there are other things familiar spirits that have come and attached themselves to us and we are going to do a whole session on that so that we are really clear how we deal with those and those things affect the blockage of our spirit gates flowing and they sit in our soul gates to bring guilt and shame and different things and also there are connections or soul ties that our soul has to our spirit that are negative things to bring independence and need to see those broken we looked at how to do that last week hence the prayers that are available.

now God’s desire is that we would be whole and one so our spirit gates soul gates body gates all functioning together in unity in relationship with God everything flowing from the inside out that is God’s purpose.

 but we don’t start there unfortunately we have to actually find that there’s a process of transformation that brings us into wholeness heals us restore’s us changes the things that have affected us but I wanted to look today at this issue of choice and our soul and how that choice is affected by various circumstances because if we don’t know why we do what we do it is very difficult to change it.

 so our soul there different words in the Bible describes this flesh self mind heart, it is all about self-awareness Galatians 517 says for the flesh sets its desire against the spirit now I want to talk about the flesh and the soul and show you that actually they are not necessary the same thing because this Scripture sort of sets us up for in a sense a problem and the spirit against the flesh and these are in opposition to one another so you may not do the things that you please which is a huge problem.

 if we can’t do the things that God wants us to do and we do the things that God doesn’t want us to do .Galatians 516 says I can I say walk by the spirit and you will not carry out the desires of the flesh so there’s a way in which we can be guided so that we don’t actually do the things that we don’t want to do. Galatians 516 and another version says this I think this is probably a more accurate rendition the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the spirit and the spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature they are in conflict with each other so you do not do what you want. Ephesians 422 says this in reference to your former matter of life you lay aside the old self which is being corrupted in accordance to the lusts of deceit so there is an old way we used to live an old self an old man is another version of that, that describes the sinful nature that we’ve inherited from somewhere that we can deal with in our salvation with God so old nature old man body of sin where did it come from was it inherited through adam, or did it come through something we did. well Romans 512 says therefore just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin so death spread to all men because of all sinned. So something that was passed from Adam brought all men to make wrong decisions and choices after that pathway and that created death. Now we know that was spiritual death so were separated from God in our spirit but also it brought physical death.

We die because of what was brought into our physical body. so can that be undone because it will be really handy if actually that death principle was undone so and we didn’t need to die then we get much longer to do what God called us to do. So is that true and are there things that do that ?so is our flesh or body the same as our sinful nature no I don’t believe it is I believe our sinful nature is contained within our flesh or body so our flesh or body is a neutral container but it does have the ability to choose, it has free will that God has given so depending on what’s in that container will those things can influence the way we make our decisions and choices.

 so it depends on what the body aligns itself to the old or the new so if we have a choice and there’s something that always wants us to go to an old way of doing things and if we removed that then we would then have a choice without the bias or the influence that, that has and that’s what God wants us to do so the choice to follow the old sinful nature or old self or the iniquity that is past from generations that may well be within us will always result in death it may not result in physical death straight away but it will always cause us to feel dead dead to God separated and actually not pleasant in our own self and particularly when we’re believers and we know God the guilt that comes as a result of sin actually is a very negative emotion and God wants us to know that we don’t have to be under the control of that. Romans 718 says this for I know that nothing good dwells in me that is in my flesh for the willing is present in me but the doing of good is not for the good that I want I do not do but I practice the very evil that I don’t that I do not want but what I’m doing what I’m doing the very thing I do not want wretched man that I am who will set me free from the body of this death well that’s not a very pleasant  description of life is it but actually is what a lot of us suffer.  You know we go around pulled in different directions and controlled by things that are on the inside of us that’s not God’s intentions so is there an answer to who  will set me free from this body of death yes there is fortunately Romans 81 there is now no condemnation for those are in Christ Jesus for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the Law of sin and death so there’s now something that can set us free from those things that are hindering us and controlling us and influencing our choices Romans 8:5 those who let themselves be controlled by their lower nature live only to please themselves but those who follow the Holy Spirit find themselves doing those things that are please God following after the Holy Spirit leads to life and peace but following after the old nature leads to death so we have to deal with that old nature otherwise it is going to be perpetual problem verse seven because the old sinful nature within us is against God it never did obey God’s laws and never will that’s why those who were still under the control of the old sinful self bent on following the old evil desires can never please God and that is a huge problem and it causes guilt and shame and condemnation which the enemy latches onto particular those familiar spirits of when we look at that in detail will see how they make us feel about when we mess up and how they whisper to us well call yourself a Christian , how can you be a Christian  if you do that. your never any use to God now God has given us an answer to this Romans 66 now those  of you who are thinking about baptism and some you thinking about baptism right now baptism is the where the principle that God has given us to be free from these things actually gets applied and then we live in the good of what Jesus did on the cross by being baptized with him into his death and in verse six it says knowing this at our old self was crucified with him in order that our body of sin might be done away with so that we would no longer be slaves to sin. hay here is the good news Jesus on the cross has dealt with everything he needs to dealt to deal with so that we can be free but we need to be crucified with him we need to apply what he’s done as a choice even so consider yourself dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts we do not have to allow that principle to affect us if it is dead. dead things don’t work so let’s make sure that we apply the death that comes through the cross and then the resurrection life that comes through coming up through death and then we live a new life not affected by the sinful nature but it says you have to consider yourself or reckon yourself dead don’t keep dredging up the old way continually look to the New Way, Galatians 2220 says this I have been crucified with Christ past tense it was done he represented me on the cross so for every single one of us he died for our sin so he died and took the penalty for our sin but also he died as us to deal with the power of sin in our life. it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me and the life which I now live in the flesh so I have a life but now joined to Christ so I live in the body or the flesh in a positive way because I can now live by faith of the son of God who loved me and gave himself up for me I’m not constrained to the old way I have a new way of living because now Christ lives in me and I’m with him and so I am no longer subject to the old nature that was  inherited by the first Adam because Jesus it is described in the Bible is the second Adam came and undid it all so I can be free from it I do not live have to live from that inherited nature that came through being conceived in sin and iniquity as it says so that old nature dies now we have our flesh and a choice who are we going to follow the leading of the spirit or what I want to do and this is where it boils down to the issues we have we may also have inherited iniquity from past generations so not just a sinful nature but a whole load of things that are in us that are designed to lead us in a particular pattern that’s a bias towards a particular behavioral response to things. we may have genetic encoding for particular behavioral responses we need our souls our hearts purify but even when they are there is still a choice we still have to choose every day what we are going to follow. who were going to follow each of us has the right and the power to choose and reckon ourselves dead and put it off and not be controlled by the old. Every one of us has the power to do that because we are children of God but self or independence which is the basic premise of humanism that we can do things apart from God needs to be denied if we are going to become a unified being. and when I mean a unified being, I mean spirit soul body united with his spirit and therefore flowing with the life of God that’s God’s desire for us so we have to die in other words do not go with the self but with God so all things of self are not very good so I am going to give you  a whole list of self’s, and some of these things you think well  that sounds okay but think of it as what I do for myself rather than what God does for me and what I do for myself has a tendency to create problems so self-centeredness selfishness self-importance self-promotion and self-control, well surely they are not bad. If there came through self and not God then they are aligned with something which God does not want us to be in line with which is what the enemy presented to Adam and Eve the choice you can do this on your own you don’t need God.

 in reality is we are now suffering the consequences from that course of action so self-respect well surely I want self-respect I don’t want respect that comes from what I’ve done I want respect that comes from how God sees me so I want to respect myself because I made in the image of God and God loves me not because I’ve done these wonderful things that make me feel good self-esteem self-worth self-image self-denial even self-denial but it’s what I’m doing to deny it’s like all I have to do is surrender. Not put effort into all these things. self-improvement there is a whole lot of books out there that you can by on self-improvement makes people a lot of money it doesn’t’ actually work. There are a lot of things out there that you go and buy, but they don’t work either do thay. But we bought them and found out that they don’t work afterwards self-reliant self-sufficiency self belief self-righteousness self-help self-expression self gratification self-indulgence now here is the reality me myself and I have got to die. very proactive but very true me myself and I have got to die we need to die to all that stuff and recognize that no matter what we do it will not amount to what God can do for us Luke 923 if anyone wishes to come after me just deny himself take up the cross daily and follow me. so surrender, surrender to a relationship with God and the Holy Spirit who will lead guide direct fill us and empower us to do all those things that we actually can’t do for ourselves, but we tried and tried and tried and messed up and messed up and messed up now it’s time to try and do some different give up and get the power from God. So the soul is really the seat of our personality and the soul is focused on self that self-consciousness and self-awareness and the soul functions for self-preservation, it is a very strong survival instinct all of us have built into us that causes problems we don’t understand how it works. The soul is operated independently and that is the biggest problem independently of God. The soul apart from the spirit is inherently selfish. And we have to admit that and own it. And it’s not very nice to think without God I’m rubbish, but actually it is the truth and all the evidence goes to show it is the truth. Now we don’t have to think badly about ourselves when we see ourselves the way God sees us. Because when we look at how God created us to be we can actually see ourselves as fearfully and wonderfully made, made in his image with creativity and life. for what we created ourselves is not that image Psalm 8:4 describes what God made us what is man that you have thought of him and the Son of Man that you take care for him yet you have made him a little lower than God and crowned him with glory and majesty and you make him to rule over the works of your hand you put all things under his feet.  See he’s given us the authority and crowned us with glory and majesty, how good is that? but the problem is that was what was on the outside of us, but he also gave us free will to choose and when we chose not to follow that pathway, all that glory and majesty went on the inside and was covered up by our soul and body so we were disconnected from him. Now when we reconnect with God it opens it back up and it can all begin to actually start to work, as it was intended. so our soul spirit soul body was the order of things in the original creation of living beings.

 our spirit engaged the world and God first ,our soul was completely engaged with that and our body just followed along enabling us to engage with the natural world that we’ve already engaged with our spirit and soul so God consciousness or awareness was Adam’s condition and through which he engaged and experience and perceived himself the created order both spiritual and physical everything was engaged through God nothing was independent so he didn’t see himself separated in any way from God or creation it was how he was created by God so there was no self-consciousness apart from God and there was no world conscious apart from God, you think how on earth did he go wrong. Well God gave him a free will to choose well surely there was no choice to make. oh yes there was, and this is where the problem comes and there was this guy, a spiritual being created called Lucifer who was the son of the morning and had nine stones on his body and access into the garden of God and the fire stones of God and was responsible for bringing light of the revelation of who God was to the universe and particularly to men.  and he looked into God’s plan and purpose and saw God’s plan and purpose was for man to rule the created order as a son of God and he rebelled and this is what he decided to do Isaiah 14:12 how you are fallen from heaven oh star of the morning sun of the dawn, you have been cut down to the earth you who have weakened the nations you said in your heart I will ascend to heaven I will raise my throne above the stars of God that means the other angels and I will sit on the mount of the assembly in the recesses of the North and I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will make myself like the most high that is the root of everything that’s wrong with the universe. Satan had a very powerful position as the covering cherub that looked into the things of God and was given a powerful responsibility to release that out into the universe as light and sound because he was a light bearer and he had sound within him to produce music and harmony and beautiful sounds and yet he decided well I am going to make myself like the most high. I will I will ascend I will raise I will make myself and that has been the problem I will so you have this situation where God has breathed into Adam the breath of life so that God is completely in relation with Adam, Adam had flesh spirit soul and body and he had free will and God presented to him a pathway of the tree of life that would bring life and peace and joy but because there was a I will in the universe Adam had to learn to overcome or subdue the I will so in Genesis 128 it says that God bless them empowered them to be fruitful and multiply fill the earth subdue and rule and so therefore there was another pathway that was in the universe the pathway of the knowledge of good and evil and that brought death and God said you can choose now at this point there was nothing external other than the choice. o K ,so Adam went on his merry way and he engaged with God and he did what God started to do he started to be fruitful he started to multiply, he started to fill the earth now came the- will he be able to subdue and overcome the I will so essentially Genesis 3:5 Satan or Lucifer now called Satan now starts to enter the fray to give Adam the choice and he presented a lie to him for God knows that in the day you eat from it or follow the pathway your eyes will be opened and you will be like God knowing good and evil so now he presented this picture of God as God is holding back from you, you don’t actually need to go this only one way, you can go this other ways you can do it your way and you will be like God the reality was they were already like God but they were going to become more like God if they follow the right path. here was the offer to be like God but apart from God through self, I will, all humanism was birthed in that act, I will be .Romans 829 says for those whom he foreknew he also predestined to become conformed to the image of his son so that he would be the first among many brethren. God always intended that Adam and eve would be conformed to the image of Jesus they were sin less, but not perfected in character and not yet conformed fully to God’s image because they would have to follow the right path now the enemy came in and offered them another path. So ascension or I will ascend without confirmation through transformation is man’s attempt that I will. It is like, we all want something in us wants to engage with a higher realm but we can’t do that in our own path we have to do in God’s path which is been conformed to the image of God through a process of surrender and relationship so to be like God but independent of relationship with God. you know independently of never works. you know God is not made us slaves or robots if he wanted to do that he wouldn’t have given us free will and choice he wanted us to overcome the I will and become conformed to his image and God is honored us with that, he has given us dignities dignified mankind with the capacity for that free will to freely choose so God is Creator and father desires us to choose him, he doesn’t want to force us to choose him. love is not something that can be forced and God is love and loves us and wants us to love him by choice not because were forced to that’s why it’s the kindness of God that leads us to repentance and back into relationship not a big stick so we have this picture and then Satan comes in and he presents the hey here’s this broad pathway you can do all these things for your self. So he presents this broad path  and then he presents  but God is giving you this narrow path he’s trying to restrict you he’s trying to control you he doesn’t want you to be like him now what he neglected to say was the the broad path leads to death and the narrow path leads to life because when you walk through it, it opens up into a wonderful freedom but he neglected that because the enemy is a liar and the father of lies and will deceived by giving you partial truth because partial truth is lies and that’s what he’ll do. so heaven and earth, Eden and the garden were in relationship, man and God were in relationship you can know, or I will, apart from God changed everything in terms of relationship. Time and space as we now know it and experience it were created to contain, the I will, and sin. So that this would not be affecting eternity but was contained within a limited period and that’s what we know as time.

Time in the realm of heaven is different from time here on earth and eternity is different again. But this has been created so that this is contained. Separation took place on so many different levels. separation always destroys relationship, the gardens were separated, the dimensions were separated, heaven and earth ,spirit and soul, all became separated ,God and man life and death earth and under the earth all the things that adam had access to were now separated man and creation became separated. Before everything worked in harmony and everything will again work in harmony in the future but right now it’s not in harmony. And we need to bring it back into harmony. Creation will respond to son ship when it recognizes true sons, created in the image of god it will respond automatically. so God is looking for us to be revealed as sons God’s desire is the full restoration of all things you can read about that in acts three Romans 819 describes this the anxious longing of creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God for the creation was subjected to futility not willingly but because of him who subjected it, in hope that creation itself will be set free from this its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God, that majesty and glory that God always intended us to have bringing creation into freedom that’s our heritage, that is our destiny that’s God’s desire for us.

 But there’s this problem of the soul and the self in the middle. Everything that God desires is focused on the restoration of all things were son ship is answering creations groan, everything. The whole created universe is looking for us. And some of that created universe which is not the good part is looking to hinder and stop us coming into son ship. So you have a whole load of things that are going on that try to counterfeit and create a humanistic thing which is ascended, and all those things apart from God. So God wants an end to independence through reconciliation adoption restoration transformation transfiguration. he wants us to come back into wholeness oneness unity peace nothing missing nothing broken total reintegration to that to the original intention and then to go beyond what Adam and Eve achieved through the following the wrong choice to going back to what would’ve happened had they follow the right path as we now have access to the path that goes to the tree of life and to our eternal destiny and to God’s eternal heart and purpose so that we can be transformed in its image which is wonderful so this is the problem we have our flesh body soul and spirit separated. Inside we have our spirit within our soul if you, it has a sinful nature and has iniquity and we have free will. We have these two pathways presented to us but it’s not really a fair choice because we have our sinful nature and iniquity all wanting us to go the wrong way. Because that’s a path they have always walked, it says it walked in a pathway of disobedience. So we’re in a pretty bad state before we know God.  it is like really were going to follow that old nature no matter what happens because we didn’t even realized that we got another one or it’s possible.  then something wonderful happened salvation the light we engage God, God comes into us and our spirit is now reborn and now something wonderful can take place but we still have free will we still have a choice and we still have that  sinful nature and iniquity and we have to deal with it. so baptism in Christ we enter into Christ in baptism we appropriate the power and the victory of the cross we reckon ourselves dead to that sinful nature and it can be gone. unless you want to keep following after it so then you still have iniquity so the still some other things you need to deal with so we learn about the court system of heaven where we can get freedom from legal rights because iniquity is there because of a legal right that is past on generation to generation so we have to remove that there is the fire of the altar that you can go and engage the Seraphim and the fire of God can purify and refine us and deal with iniquity it says in Isaiah 6 that iniquity we can be purged of by fire so it is going to be great today we are going to have a pillar of fire here that we can actually step into and engage the Seraphim of God the burning ones and we can actually see that transformation and being purged of iniquity which is pretty cool we take communion because  there is bread and juice there  and there are prayers for aligning our DNA  and the things that are encoded within our DNA and those epigenetic things so that we can be restored genetically so that the triggers that were in our D.N.A can be removed, we got everything we need. But we still have free will we have to choose so let’s deal with that iniquity and what happens, we want God in the center of our life and we want God to fill us in our spirit to encompass our soul then we can start to engage the world around us so we can follow the right path so every day we have a daily choice reckon ourselves dead to sin so that old nature is dealt with we been crucified with Christ and then we have a regenerated spirit soul and body. our spirit and soul connected with God, beginning to guide and direct us by flowing through those gates to bring the atmosphere the kingdom but is still that choice what we are really looking is to get that choice of the broad path out of the way. It is like do we even want to look at that pathway. let’s focus on Jesus as the door Jesus is the path to eternal life to fullness of life to abundance of life, life ,peace joy love all those wonderful things when we choose to follow the leading of the spirit being joined the Holy Spirit , awesome but is our choice. Our conscious mind is the battlefield for that choice.

 Every day we have to choose we always have free will but our conscious mind is like a computer. It is like computer ram, programs get loaded into it. Where do they come from?  They come from what’s going on in your head. So what is loaded into your mind in your conscious thinking will determine what your choices are. So where does that come from? It comes from what’s in your heart what’s in your soul what’s in your subconscious mind what is in the hard drive what is programmed onto your hard drive. Because if you click the like on with the mouse or nowadays you can just click it with your finger or you can speak to it, physical voice recognition, and various things nowadays. The reality is it will get loaded and it will run. So what operating system do you interface with the world with, that might be a bit contentious when I talk about here for some people but actually you have an operating system that’s designed to interface with the outside world. Depending upon what it is will determine how we do that. So do you have (apple lieas) independent isolated proud and arrogant, just my opinion. Do we have Microsoft- selfish, self-seeking and controlling? Or do you want Linux or android, open, generous and connected. So what programs are on the inside of us and how we interface with the world will determine how we engage. So we need to be programmed by our spirit flowing through our lives bringing creativity from heaven so we can engage again only through God consciousness. That’s what God wants so what programs have you got stored on your hard drive, because those things will get loaded by default when they triggered or clicked by circumstances and we will react if we don’t deal with those programs. How many of you have got a fire wall that you put up as a defense mechanism to protect your soul. How many of you have antivirus programs running, coping mechanisms to keep you safe. Well they are good things aren’t they? Not if they come from self, very good when they’re coming from the spirit. Now some of you might have office, coral draw DTP programs, because you are very creative and God wants you to be using creativity that’s within you. Now some of you may have viruses hidden on your hard drive ready to be triggered. We have a lot of things in us that we need to deal with. I am giving you some analogies here. Your heart will carry some records the memories of experiences that will need defragging and reformatting. So what is the condition of your heart? Matthew 1318 I am going to go back to an old parable an old way looking at it. Here then the parable of the sower what has been sown in his heart? What you got in your heart? Parable of the sower describes the heart conditions four types of soil. So what soil does your heart have? Acid soil, clay soil, sandy soil because they all will be appropriate for certain things and not others. I want good soil. Do you have a hard heart? How can you have a hard heart? well is there soil hard soil compacted to form an outer shell because it’s been trampled on abused hurt, rejected disappointed life’s circumstances may cause us to have a hard-heart which is a shell to protect ourselves.

 Stony soil full of negative memories, lies that life triggers into our conscious mind to influence our choices.

Weedy soil full of worries cares concerns insecurities fears you may have programming errors in your code bugs in your operating system the low default behavior patterns e.g. iniquitous bias to certain behaviors we have got to get rid of all this stuff, fortunately we can. Now our conscious mind is open to suggestion and can be influenced from the outside or the inside forces seeking to direct your decisions you may have those little things, those little things that whisper in your mind from the outside. You may have some things on the inside that motivate you. Other people, peer Pressure, familiar spirits, even culture in which we live can pressurize us into a certain way of thinking and behavior to fit in. instinct in our soul, protects ourselves. All these things are competing to direct us.

So the Holy Spirit and our spirit and our conscience, are designed by God to help us and guide us to make choices that will bring us to fulfill our destiny and bring glory to God. So we need to connect there. So we need to connect with the Holy Spirit and become one with him. We need our spirit and our reverence gate and our fear of the Lord gate directing into our conscience gate so that we make the right choices and decisions.

Other spirits will always want to rob kill and destroy us. our soul will always try and protect us our survival instinct of self-preservation so we need to deal with this our brain is a collection of neural pathways connected to the programs or memories stored in our subconscious mind and they’re all competing to direct our choices .Adam’s flesh was neutral with free will to choose but then he began to be influenced by external factors our flesh needs to become neutral so we need to get rid of the iniquity and get rid of the sinful nature so that we can follow the leading of our spirit joined to the Lord one spirit with him, but in the meantime we need to be virus checked, reprogrammed reset to factory conditions free from the effects of generational iniquity, trauma coping mechanisms defense mechanisms Hurts, pains rejections and all the other list of stuff that is in our soul so that we can follow the right path.

 We are all fearfully and wonderfully made but were damaged polluted and influenced by nature-nurture and trauma. James 14 says that endurance have its perfect results that you may be perfect complete and lacking in nothing, notice the word endurance. This is a process, it is hard work, and we have to choose to do this over and over and over again.

We need renewing restoring and healing to make us whole complete perfect and lacking nothing. the fruit of the spirit grows and will produce godly character .character develops by making the right choices consistently over time if you make the right choice to be honest every time you’re offered the choice of being dishonest you will have a character of honesty people will recognize your honest same with the other characteristics because you choose to follow the right path and it creates in you that character which then automatically functions. honest people don’t even consider stealing because it’s doesn’t compute with their value system of their life why because they develop that over the years reactions are triggered but responses are considered so those things in us which are directed through that character and through God spirit are considered but when we react there triggered by negative things we all need, all we need  fro godliness is available to us but we have to think feel and act by following the right path then the right habits will develop and character will form. one Timothy 47 discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness. It is like we have to discipline ourselves which means denying self. 2 Peter 13 seeing that his divine powers granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness through the true knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and excellence. God has given us everything we need in relationship with him separated from him the flesh profits nothing Jesus said. absolutely nothing and we have to realize and own it. Everything we do separated from God has no eternal value and it will have negative effects in the present two Peter 16 and in your knowledge self-control and in your self-control perseverance in your spirit and in your perseverance Godliness and in your godliness brotherly kindness in your brotherly kindness love. There is a progression when we follow the right path it results in love always. I guarantee if you follow the wrong path it will not result in love, as an expression of who God is .so God wants us to engage in perseverance to press in and to continue to process this stuff through Hebrews 514 solid food is for the mature who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil, the spirit and soul. so we need to practice and train our senses by over and over again every day choosing open our first love gate surrender to the presence of the Holy Spirit drink the living water and let the river of life flow, yoke ourselves to Jesus every single day follow his path let him lead and guide us surrender the throne and the seat of government and the rest in our life to the father and allow him to father us and lead us into son ship every day open our gates of our spirit and allow the life and the river of life to flow through and touch our soul.

And then surrender our soul so that we can deal with the familiar spirits and iniquity and all the things that are there, every day. And if you do that I guarantee you’ll start to flow in the life of God.

Everyone has a choice. Perseverance in dealing with the blockages and the effects of the soul is the key. Practice daily flowing from the inside out. Practice the kingdom or the rule of God flowing through and around us. I guarantee that you’ll change, you will be transformed, all those things will be dealt with so that we can be as God intended spirit soul body flowing together bringing the kingdom of God into this world changing transforming it, bringing life. So let’s practice that for a few minutes and we are going to look at just the soul things today and look at how we engage that.

 And those of you who who are use to these exercises essentially you are just going to activate your imagination  as a doorway to engage in the reality of the experience that is there spiritual. so we have in us the kingdom of God, the realm of God, a Star gate , wormhole that goes to another dimension which you can go through the reality is that can come through us so the access to heaven is in us and God lives in us but that door is there Revelation 320 behold I stand at the door and knock Jesus talking he is there every day knocking on the door saying let me out, or let me in. if anyone hears my voice so he speaking to you all the time. And he wants you to listen to his voice open the door I will come in to him will dine with him and he with me hears the relationship of intimacy that we can all have if we open the door and the handle is on our side so I encourage you to again just close your eyes and picture that door in your spirit think about Jesus knocking on the door think about that door handle and make a choice to open that door. If you never opened that door to Jesus into your life you can do that today by just inviting the presence of God to come in to your life as you surrender your life to him. But all of us have God living in us can hear his voice open the door and invite him in just welcome his presence as you reach out just open that door. Just sense him coming into and surrounding you father son and spirit, the river of life flowing from under the threshold over the threshold of the door. Flowing through your spirit gates. Just feel his presence just sense what it’s like to feel love to be affirmed. to be accepted to be approved of to be appreciate to be affirmed in who you are as a son of God. So spend a few moments just enjoying the wonderful presence of God within, that peace, that joy that life that love that overflow of abundance some of you may just want to stay in that place you may just want to stay in that place of intimacy and wondrous love if you have not spend a lot of time there feel free just to  enjoy the river of life and to drink that living water and to feel the vibrancy and the energy of the Holy Spirit those of you who want to just begin to engage deeper just ask Jesus to take you by the hand and to go through your spirit gates invite the spirit of the river of life just to flow through those gates and as you go through the gateway you may feel led to go through a particular gate then just flow with that then just begin to engage one of your soul gates ask Jesus to stand with you and look at that gate sense you may get a perception or a feeling you may get an impression or you may just see it as a picture or image just look at that gate see if it’s bared, locked , blocked or do you feel you can open it just look you may want to go and look at the various gates if you feel that you can open that gate again choose by faith to reach out open that gate and stand in the gateway on the threshold that place of transaction where your spirit and the Holy Spirit can flow just ask Jesus for revelation of what that gate is how does it function and then you can invite the river of life you can invite the fire of God’s glory to flow through to purify that gate to cleanse it to wash it, if you  sense there is iniquity in the gate then the fire of God burn it out  as you get revelation of what that is you may just want to engage that and spend some time there for those of you who practice this a lot you may want to draw from  one of the gates of your spirit to touch one of your soul gates maybe reverence to touch your conscience gate see what it feels like maybe  revelation to your reason or imagination gate maybe your faith gate to touch your will gate just practice being familiar in knowing yourself understanding how God wired you up how the gates work within you how they work together in cooperation how life can flow through you just practice that. just remember that you have a free will to choose. you have free will each day to open that gate and engage with the presence of God you have free will to reckon yourself dead to sin and alive to God you have free will to choose to follow the path that leads to life. you  have free will to choose to follow God to  choose life make that choice that positive choice and if there are things that you find in your soul gates that are hinderances and blockages to that choice then you can yield and surrender to the presence of God the water of life  cleansing the fire of God’s presence purifying and refining you can deal with the familiar spirits make that choice to follow the right path day after day  and see transformation confirmation into the image of  who God created you to be.

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