Courts 1

Well for those of you are visiting, it is really great to welcome you. Were in sort of 30 40 50 60 70 parts into a series, so you will just have to pick up where we are. We are looking at engaging God, looking particularly at the pathway of relationship that leads us to deeper intimacy with God, leads us into engaging God here and in the realms of heaven. And so we have been seeing that flows from the inside out. Heaven, the kingdom in us, is a gateway where we can access heaven and heaven can access us. And God’s kingdom can flow through our spirit soul and body to the world around us. And we been looking at the gateways of our spirit soul and body and the fact that they need to be open and flowing with the river of life and the fire of God’s glory so we can create an atmosphere of God’s kingdom around us and see the kingdom of God be a hand wherever we are. So we’ve seen this diagram which was given by revelation to Ian Clayton many years ago but we sort of tardy it up a bit and changed the colors and made it look a little bit different. And what we’re looking to see is God’s glory in us flowing through our spirit soul and body. So that ultimately we have that around us, that we are engaging the world through our spirit first. So our body and soul are aligned with our spirit first of all. But that doesn’t happen automatically. And there are issues because within our soul there often familiar spirits that sit outside of our spirit gates that try and block the flow of Gods kingdom and try and fool us into thinking that we cannot flow from the inside out.  That those things don’t work in us and also there’s familiar spirits that operate within our soul gates that hinder and block the flow of God’s kingdom flowing through us and they affect our life. And often there are soul ties that the soul has made with our spirit which is for independence and to operate from the outside in. and we need to see all those things broken. So we’ve looked at understanding our gateways the last 5, 6 weeks.

And now we’re looking at using the court of accusation because we have to remove those soul ties and we have to remove the familiar spirits that operate in us and we need to see that, that’s a legal process. And once we have gone through that for the next few weeks, we will look at cleansing the gateways and then going on beyond that. So today we are going to look at the judicial system of heaven and how heaven functions as a kingdom operating on a legal basis, and how we need to understand that there are many different courts in heaven. And we are going to mostly focus on the mobile court of accusation and how we use that court to deal with accusations against us and give us authority to live our lives in the fullness of God’s kingdom.

But there are many other courts and will be looking at those in the future. So in our own court system we have seven different levels of court, Family Court magistrate’s court, county court, crown court. some of you been involved in them. I’ve been a witness in some of them and also been on the jury in some of them. There are different levels right up to the House of Lords which is our highest court in the land.

We have a court of accusation like a divorce court which can deal with blockages, restrictions, and definite sorts of accusations against us.

There are other law courts where court orders, judicial mandates, financial mandates, legislation is made in heaven, up to the Galactic counsel.

 The court of judges is the highest level of the judicial decisions.

 And there is the court of the Lords where our eternal purpose is, the eternal purpose of God including our destiny was formed.

We are going to deal with the sort of lowest level of court because that’s the one we can access around our lives today. So the courts really are about legal proceedings. There are criminal courts and criminal proceedings that take place. There are civil proceedings that operate in court. There are other types of courts which are really more like council meetings or Assemblies of God. There are sort of governmental cabinet meetings that take place.

And there is sort of legislation making courts bringing Laws into statutes, bringing them into the statue books and give us legal authority to operate them. we’ve been here in our council of three and seven and 12 we been looking to legislate some of those things and learn how to use the process of bringing the government of God that brings the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

So the enemy is a legalist and has to be given permission or a legal right to be able to operate. He cannot operate without it, Adam and eve gave him that initial legal right.

The only true authority that exists in the universe is God’s, but he is given that authority to his sons and if we give that to someone else then that’s where the problem lies.

 So we have given your authority to the enemy in our in our lives. To remove that enemy from our gateways and from our lives we need to remove any legal rights the enemy has. You can’t just cast the demon out without the authority to do so.

And if you cast it out and don’t deal with it and fill that space with the presence of God and things that God wants you to put there, then you’re open for the enemy to come back with more.

So you have to know how to deal with these things from a legal perspective.

 So a legal right is a judicial court term and we need to use the legal system to deal with the rights of familiar spirits. And familiar spirits are the things that afflict us the most. We are going to do a whole session on that subject. So that we can understand how they work in us and how they affect our mindsets and behavior patterns. But we are going to first learn how to get rid of them.

So prayer or ministry should be seen as a legal process not warfare.

The church has adopted prayer as a warfare stance and therefore fights against the enemy where all we need to do is enforce the legal authority we have over the enemy to see the enemy defeated. If we give him a fight he is very happy to fight with us.

We don’t need to fight with him we need to take authority over him by getting that authority from heaven in the judicial system.

So Jesus uses the analogy of petitioning the judge for justice in relation to prayer not having warfare. So it is really, really important that we understand the judicial nature of prayer, if we are going to effectively operate and bring heaven to earth.

Because you can operate and have authority over something, so we need to learn how to engage a higher level of court in the realm of heaven so that we can actually use that to deal with what’s beneath.

 Now there is sort of a picture of a court, one that I sort have been familiar dealing with, within as a jury and as a witness.

What’s in a court is a bench where the judge sits, a dock where the accused stands, A witness box where witnesses are called, an advocate’s bench where the lawyers operate from. And there is often a gallery for witnesses and observers and it is the same in the courts of heaven.

Who makes up the court? We’ll for the court that we are looking at, termed as the mobile court of accusation, the judge, who is God our father, the advocate or lawyer Jesus, us the accused and the accuser familiar spirits and other created beings, witnesses, sometimes the seven spirits of God and our angels are there witnessing on our behalf and sometimes some of the cloud of witnesses turn up.

Zechariah 3 is the key passage to understand this whole process of how you operate in a legal court framework.

Verse one says then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord and Satan standing at his right hand to accuse him. So that is the court of accusation and then we sort of see the process and we are part in the process.

The Lord said to Satan, the lord rebukes you Satan. We don’t have to do the rebuking.

Now Joshua was standing clothed in filthy garments and standing before the angel. Now remember Joshua was the highest in the land in terms of holiness of the high priest and was standing in a heavenly court and was seen with filthy garments. And he spoke and said to those who are standing before him saying remove the filthy garments from him, so essentially God dealt with the filthy garments, not the accused, not the person who was standing there.

Verse 4 and he says see I’ve taken your iniquity away from you and will clothe you with festal robes. Again we don’t have to do any of that, God does it on our behalf. Then he said let them put a clean turban on his head. So they put a clean turban on his head clothed him with garments while the angel of the Lord was standing by, so all of this was going on in the court setting. And then, this is a key passage to understanding our role in heavenly authority and maturity as sons of God.

Verse six- the angel of the Lord admonished Joshua saying thus says the Lord of hosts, if you will walk in my ways, if you’ll perform my laws then you will also govern my house, you will have charge of my courts and I will grant you free access among those who are standing here.

So there is a process of maturity in which we learn how to outwork God’s kingdom here, how to administer and govern the house in the realm of heaven.

Charge of the courts is not just going to a court to be accused, but to have charge of the courts and use the judicial system of heaven.

I will grant you free access, so we have access to the assemblies and the courts of God. Hebrews 12: 22, 24 talks about again our access into heaven.

You have come to Mount Zion, mount Zion is the city of God, the mountain of God and it’s in the realm of heaven. To the city of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem, to myriads of angels in festal gathering, to the assembly of the firstborn, whose names has been written in heaven, to God who is judge of all.

Now those who say you cannot go and touch heaven till you die, then here’s an invitation that we been given, that we can come and touch these things. You know the enemy will try and restrict our access to heaven by fooling us into thinking that you can only go there when you die. But Jesus has torn the veil and heaven is open, therefore the courts of heaven are open.

And we can come to God who is the judge of those courts and we can come to the spirits of the righteous people make perfect, the cloud of witnesses. We can actually come to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant whose blood is in the tabernacle of heaven giving us complete access to that realm always. And we can use that authority if we know it, if we don’t know that authority and that access then we’re in a very difficult position.

So God is calling us to actually go into heaven and to learn how to engage with heaven and to become part of that court process. Now we know mountains are governmental realms where we come to release authority and legislation and we can annul contracts the enemy has made against us.

 Isaiah 2:3 come let us go up to the mountain of the house of the Lord, the God of Jacob, he will teach us his ways and we shall walk in his paths, for out of Zion shall come forth the law. So out of heaven is where the kingdom and the government of God are established. And the word of the Lord comes out of that place. That is what God designed as the government of God and he designed us to rule from that place.

Psalm 89: 14 righteousness and justice are the foundations of his throne, a throne is where a King sits or a Lord. And the key to this, is righteousness and justice, those are absolute standards set by God. We cannot make up our own standards of righteousness or justice, even though we try and do so, and most of the problems we face in the world are because we have done so. And we don’t operate under God standard and God’s absolute.

Everything God does is from the nature of who he is, he is righteous. God is interested in the right thing happening and justice being delivered for his creation. His will and purpose being outworked.

 Just and righteous is who he is, not just what he does, it’s the very nature of God. God himself has a throne where he rules and that rule is based on righteousness and justice.

 Justice is a legal judicial term; we need to understand how justice is delivered. Because it’s delivered on the basis of judgment and judgment is a verdict that’s made. And once you have a verdict made in your favor you can see justice out worked. God’s kingdom is where his rule and reign is administered. We know that’s in heaven but also it says the kingdom is in us.

So that kingdom, the heavenly realms is also working through us, so that that kingdom can come through us to the created order, because we were given responsibility for this realm.

For all the created realms of God that he made, he gave us responsibility. We gave it away, Jesus brought it back and now we need to start functioning as sons of God who are joint heirs with Christ in the kingdom, Heirs of God and joint heirs of Christ.

Now every one of us has had things stolen from us in our lives, we have all experienced unjust situations and circumstances.  The question is what we have done about them.

Maybe health, our destiny, our inheritance or even the dreams that God’s given us may have been stolen, robed or blocked or hindered in our lives.

There been so many revivals in the past where God has poured out His Spirit, everlasting doors have opened up, but they been attacked and ended prematurely, because the enemy has used some sort of legal right to block things.

There are nations who are supposed to prosper, but who struggle with poverty. The church itself is not even walking in the power of the early apostolic era, let alone in the power of the age to come, and that needs to change.

So the enemy has had rights to block and to hinder, whether it’s us, or God’s purpose. Now anything that’s living short of what God’s will is for us is an injustice. And therefore it’s not right in God’s eyes, anything. Anything that does not lineup with God’s purpose, your destiny, God sees it as injustice and he wants to release a verdict that we can bring justice into it.

So we’ve all been robbed in so many areas but we live in a day where the books of heaven are to be opened and God is passing verdicts in favor of his children.

 But we need to receive those verdicts and then we need to use those verdicts as authorization and authority to act.

Zechariah 3:6 ,7 from another version says this, God’s angel then charged Joshua, orders from God of the angel armies, and if you live the way I tell you and remain obedient in my service then you will make the decisions around here and oversee my affairs and all my attendance standing here will be at your service.

That’s pretty cool to think that everything that’s in heaven is available for us and is in our service, because aren’t angelic beings ministering spirits on behalf of those who will inherit salvation. We just never really learned to engage and learned to activate this. So the courtroom that we stand in is rigged in our favor, which again is really good. Because the judge is our father and Jesus is our advocate, our brother and the word of God is our witness or Bill of Rights.

So we have everything in that court system in our favor, we do not need to fear to stand before the accuser.

 Every one of us can access or convene the court, regardless of how sinful or unclean we feel or what filthy rags we think were wearing, the reality is we have the right to convene the court. You see don’t have to clean yourself up to go to court.

You know often people go to court in this world and they dress up to make themselves look better than they are, generally. So they will put a suit on, because they want to impress the magistrate or the judge. But the reality is we don’t have to try and impress the judge or the magistrate in our setting. He already knows us and he has already made us righteous. So we don’t try and clean ourselves up, we go to court and we will be cleansed.

Joshua even though he was the high priest wasn’t clean when he went to court. But he was given new robes just like the prodigal son. Remember the story, the prodigal son who came back to his father and the father just gave him new robes, he did not ask for them, actually he didn’t even really deserve them. But because he came to the father who received him with welcoming loving arms, the father gave him new robes, a new ring, gave him a new sense of son ship and authority.

When we go to the court, it is representative of our forgiveness, of our being washed in the blood of Jesus and that’s what makes us righteous. Nothing we’ve done or ever can do can make us righteous and give us the ability to stand self righteously before God.

But because of what Jesus did on the cross and the victory and the power of the cross we can receive the authority and His righteousness is given us. And Joshua was given new robes and a new turban, literally representing that we can have a new way of thinking, our minds renewed, a new attitude about life, having the mind of Christ. Literally being transformed and transfigured into the fullness of who we are as a being of light. Now Joshua in this process represents us because we’re all priests aren’t we, we are a royal priesthood .So all of us can engage. Now 2 Corinthians 1:20 says, for no matter how many promises God has made they are yes in Christ. So they belong to us because we are in Christ and have been made righteous in Christ. So how many promises have we been robbed of? How many promises that we don’t operate in because we don’t know our legal rights? We don’t know what belongs to us because we had been made righteous and God may have made millions of promises to us and he has, but we don’t come into the good of them because we don’t learn how to access them. Now the promise wasn’t just that we can go to court to plead the case and face the accuser, but we can live his way and oversee the affairs of the court and make judicial decisions. So people today as sons of God operating in lordship and kingship and son ship are learning to make judicial decrees and have laws put into statue. Then you have authority to operate under the authority of those laws.

 But we are never going to be able to operate in that level of authority until we first learn to deal with the issues in our own life, which is why it’s so important to deal with this throne and the court of accusation.

The realm of the kingdom of God is available to us as a promise in Christ. We can rule and we can reign as part of God’s judicial system and we can use that judicial system to remove the enemy’s authority over us.

And we use that court system to give us legal authority to bring the kingdom from heaven on earth, so that we can actually say as Jesus did, the kingdom is at hand. We have the authority of heaven behind everything that we do.

Now Job 1:6-8 is another description of what happens in a court system. One day the angels came to report to God, and Satan who was designated accuser came along with him God singled out Satan and said what have you have been up to. Satan answered God checking things out on the earth or another version it says going to and fro and up and down. Our enemies are looking for opportunities by observing what we do, same thing. So you think you can do anything in secret, forget it. You’re always surrounded by the cloud of witnesses, your angels are always looking, and the enemy is always looking as well.

Satan comes to the heavenly court as the accuser and all of us are the ones who are being accused. The issue is whether were going to face those accusations or not.

So the word accuser is a courtroom language. Now we need to understand how to understand this sort of language, an accuser is someone who has a case against you or some accusations presented against an individual or family or city or a nation or a planet or solar system. It goes on in terms of levels of authority, but if there is an accuser we need to know what the accusations are.

The court was where Satan asks God’s permission to curse Job and he still asks for permission to curse us and he cannot do it unless there’s a right to do it. A curse without cause cannot alight, but if there is a cause he will use it.

 Why doesn’t God refuse Satan permission and this is what we want. Surely God loves us, he will stop the enemy doing those things and they quote, well we are under God’s grace and God is a loving God who really wants to give us everything that he has designed for us, but is up to us whether we receive it.

The court operates on a system and legal rights. God cannot stop a legal right, if there is one .Job 3:25 says what I fear comes upon me and what I dread befalls me. That was the legal right that the enemy had over Job, fear. And fear will always give a legal right. What did he fear? Why did he fear? Where did that fear come from? It came from works rather than faith. Anything we do in works trying to earn something for ourselves will never result in anything good. And will often create a fear and anxiety or a worry of us trying to sort it out for ourselves rather than faith in God’s provision to be able to do it.

So in this situation Job 1:5 and Job was talking about what he did every day in regard to his children. Job would send and consecrate them rising up early in the morning offering burnt offerings according to the number of them all. But job said perhaps my sons have sinned and cursed God in their hearts this Job did continually. Job was trying to protect his children rather than trust God with their protection and there’s a huge difference. And this created fear in him that gave the enemy legal access which God had to permit, other than he could not kill Job and he cannot kill us but he can afflict and affect us if we don’t deal with the accusations that he has. Now that is an Old Testament example but there are also New Testament examples as well.

31And the Lord said, Simon (hearing)”, Simon, behold (calling attention to what may be seen or heard or mentally apprehended in any way., Satan (opponent, adversary) hath desired (not continuous,to ask, require demand ) to have you, that he may sift (to sift, shake in a sieve as grain, to winnow, agitation to try one’s faith by trials and afflictions) you as wheat: 32But I have prayed (make request) for thee, that thy faith (conviction, reliance upon, faithfulness) fail ( fail, to leave, quit, cease, stop) Not (conditional negative): and when (at some time) thou art converted (definiteness of the action-not continuous, turned around), strengthen (command to begin at the moment-not continuous, to make stable, place firmly, set fast, fix firmly, to strengthen, make firm, to render constant, confirm, one’s mind), thy brethren (fellowship of life or orgin).

 Here in Luke 22:31 Jesus says Simon, Simon or Peter as we know him, says listen Satan has asked excessively that all, not just talking about Peter but all the disciples, all you will be given up to him out of the power of keeping of God that he might sift all of you like grain but I prayed especially for you Peter that your own, faith may not fail when you yourself have turned again strengthen and establish your brethren.

So when you go through a process and you overcome through the process, you then have authority to help others through the process. But the enemy, why was he able to do that? We’ll look at Peter’s life and read it and you’ll find out all the fear that was in him. You know he didn’t just deny Jesus and that was the problem it came from the result that he kept going back and leaving and going back to fishing and coming back again and going back to fishing you read the history and the life that Peter had, he gave the enemy access.

So Satan asked excessively many times if he could destroy the disciples. Where did he ask? We’ll in a court, and that is where Satan and other spirits ask for permission to do those things on the earth, including permission to afflict us in some way. So if you have afflictions ask why? And where those afflictions come from and what are the legal rights to bring those afflictions to us. John 10:10 the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy. That is the enemies sole purpose, is to destroy our lives. But Jesus said I came that they may have life, and have it more abundantly. So Satan has been using the legal system of the court room to get permission to rob, kill and destroy. So if he’s been doing that and we’ve done nothing to counteract it, then we are going to be in a position of having things missing in our lives, things broken in our lives, not living in the fullness of wholeness and peace. Our words, our belief systems, our behavior, our generational line and their behavior have given Satan legal rights and he uses them. Matthew 12:36 what do you do when you engage the court? There are things that we need to understand, that the enemy will show us, when we call the witness. Matthew 12:36 says I tell you that every careless word that people speak they shall give an accounting in the day of judgments.  For by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned. Now that is legal, judicial language which is used again to what we say. So if we say something the enemy can take what we say and use it against us. So be very careful what you say. I am really sensitive when I hear negativity in people and what people say because they curse themselves. They say such negative things about themselves and about their nation and a city. You know, you get a lot of this not so much in the UK, but a lot in the USA. Because I connect up with a lot of people in the US and they are always cursing their own nation. You know well God is going to bring his judgment on us. No he isn’t, judgment has already come on Jesus. God wants to pass a verdict of favor and blessing on us and is looking for some who will stand in the position and act on behalf of their nation. But we need to understand that our words are powerful and they have authority. Proverbs 18:21 says death and life are in the power of the tongue, so be very careful what you speak and how you speak it, because in the future we will frame our day and our life by what we say. Through the declarations we bring out of heaven and administer on the earth, and the authority that we will have and the creative power and the language which we will have are going to come to maturity of sons, when sons mature. Right now if we had that authority and everything we said happened, look out. Because we would probably be dead and so would a lot of other people just from the things we say. so let’s be careful of our words when we go forward with this. Now most of us probably haven’t been going to the court to present our case and to deal with the accusations and a lot of us have found ourselves defeated because of a lack of knowledge. We’ve not know the truth and therefore the truth has not set us free. Therefore we have not been operating in the revelation of the judicial nature of the kingdom. We just look at the kingdom we think of it as the works. So we think of healing and miracles and all those things, they are the works of the kingdom on the basis of the judicial authority of the kingdom. They are not the kingdom itself. God’s rule releases his works. So we need to understand the nature of his rule. Now there are generational legalities that can also be in operation in our lives and it is really important to realize that it is not just the things that we have done but the things that our generational line has done. Numbers 4:18 the Lord is slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness, forgiving iniquity and transgression. Now that’s great, if you repent and renounce and ask for forgiveness you get it. But he will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations, why? Well because, why are people guilty? People are guilty because they have not confessed their sin and repented of it. And if in our generation line that has taken place, then that can be visited on us. And if we or our family line perpetuated it then it keeps on going until someone stops it and removes the legal right .iniquity is a bent or bias towards sin. And some of us wonder why we do certain things; it is because iniquity has been passed on to us. That iniquity can be passed spiritually through familiar spirits who visit from generation to generation. Within our epigenetic memories, even in our heart things are stored through trauma and things that happen to us and also in our actual genetic material there can be switches and triggers, which trigger iniquity in us. Each generation that continues with that sin perpetuates the issue and it carries on until it’s stopped. We have to stop it in this generation. Familiar spirits can therefore become family spirits, and there the worst ones, because they know exactly everything about us in our generational line. And it’s really, really important that we deal with them and remove them otherwise there going to continually block who we are in our life. Revelation 12:10 says the salvation and the power and the kingdom, the dominion, the reign of our God and the power of the sovereignty the authority of his Christ the Messiah has co me. Now that’s all talking about the kingdom and the authority of the kingdom. Then it says for the accuser of our brethren, he who keeps bringing before our God charges against him day and night has been cast out.  We have to us that authority to deal with him. Just because he’s been cast out does not mean that he cannot still accuse us. It is just his authority has been diminished and victory has been brought, but you have to use that victory. So we need to learn how to do it .how? Well Revelation 12:11 says and they overcame him because of the blood of the lamb. The cross is our major point of overcoming, and because of the word of their testimony. We have to know and use the authority that we have as our testimony to outwork the power of the cross. And they did not love their life even when they were faced with death. So when we come before the court we must have the attitude that were not going to fight in self-righteousness. We have to give up our life in which to gain our life. Jesus talked about that. So we need to know how to overcome our accuser using the blood, our testimony and our attitude. So if we are going to use the legal system we need to understand the protocols of the court. You can’t just walk into a court and know what to do without understanding the protocols. And you are going to be put under contempt of court, if you get it out of order. So we need to understand how to do it. We need to understand our legal standing before the court. So we need to know how to stand covered in the blood of Jesus, the word of God and the love of God in the new covenant we stand covered by that we stand under that when we go into the court. one John 2:1 says if anyone should sin we have an adequate, one who will intercede for us with the father, it is Jesus Christ. the one who conforms to the father’s will in every thought, purpose and action so Jesus has done it all. You know we just have to come and understand how that advocate works. An advocate is someone who speaks on behalf of someone else it is a term often using the legal profession to describe somebody who has received some sort of the legal training which allows him or her to represent another in a court room. Now let’s say that Jesus is legally trained, okay he understands everything of this process he knows how to represent you in court. So if you fall short and you sin Jesus can represent you in the court and your forgiveness is guaranteed, because he already took the punishment for it, which is pretty good but that whole court system because it’s rigged on our behalf. It is rigged on our behalf based on the cross and the blood of Jesus that is eternally a heavenly record on our behalf. Some Scriptures that give you a foundation for that. Colossians 2:13 when you were dead in your transgression and the uncircumsion of your flesh he made you alive together with him having forgiven us all our transgressions having canceled that certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us which were hostile to us and he has taken it out of the way having nailed it to the cross when he disarmed the rulers and authorities he made a public display of them having triumphed over them through him. That is the reason we can have victory in the court, through what Jesus has done what God has done through the cross. 2 Corinthians 5:21 he made him who knew no sin he made to be sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God in him. That is why we can stand clothed in righteousness before the court. Philippians 3:9 and may be found in him not having a righteous of our own derived from the law but that which is through faith in Christ the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith, so we just have to believe what is already true to come into the good of it. But the problem is we haven’t and we haven’t know the truth and therefore we have not used the truth as the foundation that we can stand in righteousness because most of us has followed the pathway of the knowledge of good and evil and we run away and hid in the bushes and try to cover up with some religious thing to make it better and it never will be better unless we deal with it on the basis of what Jesus did on the cross. We cannot make amends for what we done we have to receive forgiveness and cleansing for what we done on the basis of what Jesus is already done. 1Peter 5:7 says casting all your anxiety on him, you cannot come into the court and be anxious and worried and trying to work it all out for yourself. You have to come knowing that the verdict is already assured so we cast all our anxieties on him because he cares for us that’s why he set this whole system up so that we can be free from whatever the accusations of the enemy are but it does say this, verse eight be of sober spirit be on the alert for your adversary the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion. He is not a roaring lion, but he prowls around like one and he does a lot of roaring try to intimidate and bring fear into your life and he seeking someone to devour now if you’re an actual lion you don’t go and attack the strong ones of a herd. You go and find those who are weak, marginalized on the margins or isolated the try and pick them off. And that is exactly what the enemy tries to do, he doesn’t try and attack people who are strong. If you know who you are, you have complete authority over him but he will attack those who are weak, ignorant of their identity and the truth of who they are, fearful and isolated. So it’s really important that were strong in the Lord and together as part of a herd. Who can look out for one another and who will help the weak. And will Guard those who are struggling and in difficulty. And the problem is when people struggle and it is difficult they run off and isolate themselves, I need time out. How many people have heard that one? It is like taking time out from God or time out from his people and it never works. you will be isolated and the enemy will pick you off. So make sure that your part of fellowship with others who will stand with you, who you can walk in the light with because if you walk in the light you can be cleansed from all your sin. If you’re walking in darkness, hiding, fearful of the light, then the consequences of that are affliction of the enemy. Satan makes his accusations every day and night, all the time. But we can see what those are now; we need to become sensitive to when there are accusations against us. When there’s oppression, when there’s heaviness, when were sensing that things aren’t right around us. When something’s disturbed on the inside, when our peace is lacking, those are the indication that something’s going on. All you need to do when something like that is happening in your life is go to the court and demand to hear why and then you can deal with it. If you just sort of carry on, we’ll things aren’t very good enough, it is hard and it you know, self-pity won’t get you anywhere. in this you need to understand your authority and need to use it. The enemy has no real authority other than what we give him. And he has already been cast down because of the victory in the cross, so we got to use that and enforce the victory and this is really important you have to enforce the victory. It says in Matthew that the violent take the kingdom by force. you have to enforce the verdict that you get in the court. So what happens in the court? Matthew 5:25 agree quickly with your opponent at law while you’re on the way and this is important, agree with the accuser, don’t try and argue with the enemy when he comes before the court. He cannot lie before God. So the accusations are true, don’t try and make out that they aren’t. Because you are not fooling anybody, so admit it, bring it into the light and own it. That’s the key in this, don’t try and defend yourself by arguing your own case self-righteously, it never works. I tried it, most of us have, and it is like it never works, so learn how to say yes quickly. The cross is where the legal issues of sin are dealt with. So we can stand having been made righteous without guilt shame and condemnation. you don’t come before the court feeling guilty and ashamed or condemned, if you are, then you’re not knowing the truth of your righteousness and that’s what will make you run and hide so don’t try and win your own case by defending yourself. You have someone there to defend you. His blood is the answer. so we agree with our adversary, we don’t fight don’t try and hold on to your own life. Psalm 20,35:1 plead my cause oh Lord with them that strive with me, fight against them that fight against me. Let God do his stuff. Amos 515 hate evil love good maintain justice in the courts. That is our attitude we are looking for justice. Psalm hundred verse four enter his gates with thanksgiving his courts with praise give thanks to him and praise his name that should be our attitude of coming before the court. Thanksgiving because we are going to get free. It is that we are going to come and there is going to be plenty to have praise about. So have the right attitude when you come to court. Job 13:18 now that I have prepared my case I know that I will be vindicated I wonder what would have happened if job had prepared his case earlier, would he have been able to block Satan’s attempt to destroy him and his family in the court if he had accessed it and it presented his case before God yes is the answer but he didn’t. We need to learn how to make and present our case is in the court and we will look at much more about this next week. It is not just accusation cases, we can present cases for justice we can present cases for the promises of God to be out worked. There is a whole system and we are going to look at that but we need to understand how the court works. True authority comes from the legal system of God’s kingdom. The verdict that’s what we’re looking for, were looking for the verdict. you see, it is like a policeman standing up in the road with his hand up, you actually don’t really have a lot of power in himself, but he has behind him the whole backing of the Law, the legal system. so generally speaking when someone of , a policeman puts his hand up in the road you’ll stop because he is a policeman and he carries that authority simply because he lifts his hand and says stop. that’s generally what happens, unless your really stupid you know but then the enemy is really stupid by the way and you know he is not smart at times when it comes to opposing God when the verdict is announced and it’s recorded then papers are written and we can take those papers to authorize us to be free separated and divorced have authority to overcome any situation any circumstance come into the fullness of who we are. Now depending on what type of cases there may be different sorts of papers that are given. a right to freedom, the right to ownership or custody, separation and divorce papers, court orders, restraining orders all those sorts of things we can get and then there are also legislation that we can be given to operate under so we get scrolls and we get papers from heaven that declare our unjust situation must change now if you don’t do anything with that, it will just carry on you have to take that verdict, take that authority and use it so that paper means that those situations have to change and all of heaven backs up that verdict including the angels God himself , the cloud of witnesses they back that verdict up if we come into agreement with it and use it. So we must know and believe and act in faith according to the verdict. If the verdict is given and you don’t use it then that’s really foolish but you can. You don’t have to use the verdict you can still carry on giving the enemy access if you don’t take that authority and use. It is our responsibility to enforce the verdict that has been given. Restitution is a really good biblical principle. We just been working through a law of restitution and inheritance and recognition in heaven and we are seeing that released here to bring people into their inheritance. They get full restitution for everything that has been Robed and stolen as they get their position of authority recognized. Jubilee is biblically the ultimate rest of restitution for every 50 years everything went back to its original owner and we’re living in that perpetual year of Jubilee, because Jesus has come and dealt with all these things. Proverbs 631 if he is found out he must restore seven times what he stole and he must give the whole substance of his house and so when the enemy is exposed and we know that we have a right verdict over him we can demand restitution seven times and we can demand the substance of his house and you know I think it was Trish who last week on the basis of our laws that we established and they were being encouraged each of our seven mountains would outwork those Laws, she started reading them and immediately got taken in to Satan’s trophy room and started to see all the things that have been robbed by the enemy and I think sort of had some indigenous righteousness and anger that I am going to rip the doors off this place and see everything restored so we are going to start to see a restoration take place, you know its not only what he stolen from you but there is booty and spoils of war and plunder in that place that were going to get back I believe in these last days that God is open the books he is going to release justice and we are going to reap what many generations have sown. A restoration of all that’s been stolen from God’s people not just in this generation, our full heritage restored many of us should of had a heritage which is generational Christian having passed on those good things to us and we didn’t get it because it was Roland Robbed and stolen in our past. it is going to be restored to us the restoration of all things is coming all the promises of God restored our generation I believe is going to receive all the rewards, the prayers made by all the saints down the ages every promise ever made to any saint will be fulfilled so it’s time for justice we can all receive a verdict in our favor as a son of God so we need to get it so how do you can engage and convene the court? By faith it does is what I can see this stuff I’m really struggling to engage it do it by faith because by faith God will always reward. It is always done by faith and put the things we been learning into practice learning to fix our eyes and focus our attention and think about that which we want to enter into. So you start thinking about the court and you start thinking about the accusation and then use your imagination as a doorway into the experience and then go into it. you don’t have to, you’re not making it up your just fixing your eyes opening a doorway and stepping through it to then receive what goes on then you can start listening to the proceedings or viewing the proceedings as the thoughts come into your mind or the pictures come on the screen of your imagination you enter into it. But you start by faith Hebrews 11:5 by faith Enoch was translated so Enoch was able to walk in the realms of heaven by faith. So can we, so we need to believe and act on the basis that it is real because it is. You know were not just making it up. It is not just something that is a good idea, a new system or something that is a new latest fad this is very biblical and is how God does everything in heaven through his kingdom authority. so let’s actually engage. our physical senses will catch up with it once we choose to engage on the basis of its true so when we go to court go by faith and have an attitude of honor. don’t do it lightly or frivolously do it with the right attitude, it is not a formula  but there are some simple protocols , let the Holy Spirit guide and teach you in the process because the way you engage is how you been created and God wants you to do it through who you are not just like somebody else but honor and respect the judge and the court if you don’t respect the court then it is going to have very little sympathy with your case don’t be impatient, angry or frustrated Thanksgiving and praise are good attitudes to have because the verdict is already assured if we follow the protocol so we must judge ourselves first. Now that means admit the sin, repent renounce and ask God to cleanse you. the blood is there for you and speaks on your behalf the court can deal with the accusations. The court can also deal with injustices we just have to prepare the case so why is it called the mobile court? We’ll because its mobile, it turns up wherever you convene it in the spiritual realm around you. So there are many courts that are in different realms of heaven. but this one can turn up around you when you convene it. It is always operating in the realm of heaven but you want the kingdom to be at hand around you so you need to convene the court.  The mobile court is a courtroom that is in session always and you can access that session. It is always open and it is always ready when you are. So its front it’s mobile because it has wheels on god’s throne.  God’s throne has wheels and is mobile you can read about in Ezekiel but also it talks about it in Daniel 7:9 he sat on a fiery throne and wheels a blazing fire those are actually living creatures who move his throne around so God turns up when the court is convened so we will finish with a very basic format of a court case to deal with behavioral accusations. Convene the court or face the accuser being made that’s what we need to start with stand in righteousness and allow God to clothe us. hear the accusations agree with the accusations repent and renounce of our part forgive identify and repent generationally if there are generational issues. Receive the verdict not guilty. receive the court papers ask for judgment to be released on all your accusers present and absent and that is really important you want the judgment to be made known to the enemy so that he knows that you now are free and he has the power over you. That is what the judgment does it gets released use the verdict and live by its authority now that is just running through that quickly for those of you may want to engage in that soon. We are going to go through that in much more detail next week when we look at the actual process the examples of how you do it the phraseology you can use and we are going to do some court cases. So we are going to briefly just finish a practice engaging our soul and our soul gates to gain understanding of what’s going on in the inside if you are not ready for a court case just make a note of anything you perceive for later use. if you are understand a court case and you want to going administer that I can do a court case in 10, 20 seconds  now because I am really familiar with how to do it sometimes it takes a little bit longer when you have to go and get the accusations out but when you know what the accusations are and you call your accuser it is really easy when you’re dealing with a familiar spirit to take them back to court and if they don’t obey the court order use contempt of court issued because God does not like as a judge when his judgment has been in contempt.

if the enemy does not stop what he’s doing don’t give up thinking it didn’t work just take it back to court and use contempt of court, because the enemy can but ultimately be incarcerated and they don’t like being incarcerated they want to be free so if you can use the court process and you’re free to do it but were really just want to really engage so when you spend five minutes doing this. Revelation 3:20 behold I stand at the door not if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in to him and will dine with him and he with me there’s a promise if we open our first love gate he will come in. so the handle is on our side. I want to encourage you to close your eyes and start thinking about that door in your spirit for God’s presence and as you picture that door by choice by faith choose to open the door and invite his presence to come because he promised to enter and have fellowship with you. so sense his presence, sense the river of life flowing from that door sense with your’s physical senses your emotions his presence in your spirit and just invite Jesus to come through your spirit gates in your thoughts just choose to make that invitation and walk with him through one of the gates of your spirit or just look at the gates of the spirit and see if there’s anything on the outside those gates to be open. But there may be a dark figure, or a dark presence on the outside of your gates. If there is, just note it or convene a court case and find out why it is there. just be sensitive to what’s flowing around you in your own spirit in your soul and with Jesus just learn to discern and to see where the blockages are. Where the hindrances are where the familiar’s sit. Because whoever controls the gate controls the authority of that gate you may want to walk through that gateway with Jesus and engage one of the gates of your soul again just stand before those soul gates. Stand with him observe is it closed. is it blocked is chained what does it look like. You can cleanse it, you can invite the fire of God’s presence to flow through your gates to purify and refine it. for those of you who have done plenty of gate work, you may just want to draw through one of your spirit gates and engage one of  your soul gates. It’s like reverence touching your conscience. From the inside out practice your flow of God’s life creating an atmosphere of the glory of God around you. the authority of God’s kingdom at hand flowing from the inside out given you authority. as we continue today in our time of worship you may want to continue just engaging as heaven is open and you can access the courts this morning you can access your own spirit so be open to continue to just flow and to engage in continuous process of seeing the kingdom of God manifest around us. God’s authority on earth as it is in heaven through our lives as a gateway of his kingdom, of his glory, of his rule through us as his children.

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