Courts 3-1

Looking at engaging God we are following the pathway relationship at the moment really to go deeper with God and have deeper intimacy that means that heaven engages us flowing everything flows from the inside out through the gateways of our spirit soul and body so the world can experience God’s love God’s power of the kingdom through us and we been looking at the fact that we have access to leave the legal or judicial system of the kingdom of God to keep our gates open to open them and keep a flow and were on the fourth module of the engaging God program so were looking at using the court of accusation and that’s a picture of our of our spirit soul body at that diagrammatic expression of the fact that we have different gateways within our spirit soul body that are all design to engage with the glory of God God’s presence in the midst of us and as we have our gateways open then God desires that his glory and what’s around us would actually just flow out and so we engage the world with our spirit first not our body now that’s very different from how we been brought up and what’s happened in our life because our spirit was locked up on the inside of us separated from God it had no access to engage around us but as were born again , the spirit of God comes to live in us and then we open our first love gate and allow the spirit of God to fill us and then flow through us as rivers of living water then God desires to engage the world and so we can engage the world so we can see and experience through our spirit first and therefore not be subject to the natural things. now we’ve seen that everything focuses down on worship will we come in obedience to God and allow him to direct our lives and often there are familiar spirits that sit outside of our spirit gates that try to hinder that process and when it comes to our soul the issue is will we choose everyone of us has free will to choose what we do on a daily basis and on that free will choice God has in a sense given us dignity in that he is trusted us to make those choices and that free will can be affected by again familiar spirits that sit within our soul gates that can bring guilt and shame and they have mindsets and lies hurts doubts and fears and various other things that are to hinder our choice and to affect our choice in a negative way and because our soul has been operating independently and we’ve learned to do that way to the soul has ties to our spirit that we need to break we looked at in an earlier session so today we are going to look at court cases different sorts of court cases and we are going to take two sessions to do that because there a lot of different ways we can engage the court.

3.13 the enemy is a legalist and has to have legal permission and a legal rights bill to operate Adam and eve gave him that initial legal right through the fall and that’s been passed on generation the Jesus came back to undo what Adam and eve did and so now when were born again we can be set free from the effects of what we call the fall the only true authority that exists in the whole universe is God’s and was given to us as his children but we have the right to give that away and we give that to the enemy then we give that the authority for heaven to live in our lives so to remove the enemy from our gates we need to remove any legal rights that exist that Zechariah 31 is the passage we been using to illustrate the court system in heaven and Joshua was the high priest but where was he standing he was standing in heavenly court then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord and Satan standing on his right hand to accuse them that’s the basis of the mobile court will see knows lots of other different courts of you different things but this is the mobile court the Lord said to Satan the Lord rebuke you Joshua didn’t really do anything of now Joshua was clothed in filthy garments standing before the angel he spoke and said to those who are standing before him remove the filthy garments from him God does it all if we engage the call and then learn to follow the procedure so if we use the legal system of the court need to understand the protocols of the court we need to understand our legal standing before the call and we need to know how to stand covered by the blood of Jesus the word of God and the love of God in the new covenant in which we are in him the court there’s the judge God the advocate or lawyer Jesus the accused us the accuser familiar spirits or other demonic forces and the maybe witnesses seven spirits of God are angels and this process is one that we can engage by faith you don’t have to fully see everything to engage it but it exists we have a words and lots of Scriptures the backup the existence of the court system and we can use that to gain access to it now we have many individual test and is a court case is some of them are two personal to share specifically but I’m to share some examples of the type of things that we do in our own personal lives and then we can look at some court examples blockages to remove employment those blockages of been remove using the court system blockages to payments in business of been removed blockages to business opportunities conflict in school resistance to delivery and business those things of been removed resistance to delivery apostles just seems bizarre but we are going to test Ms. one after one took the test me of the other person used it and actually parcels that were delayed in the post for some of the six months actually when a court case was done. Within the next within two days because some of these things are resistance blockages in our lives to blessing and God wants to enable us to remove those things so there are many other examples which we’ve used individually personally to change and adapt our behavior to set us free from things and wholeness in bondage break is free for mindsets and each of us probably have testimonies that we could use to illustrate the fact that system of using the judicial system in prayer rather than asking God to do something for warfare in prayer to try and for something we actually get legal authority in prayer and then we can use that to facilitate change change in our lives change in our circumstances change in our community change wider feel that we’ve done also many corporate court cases and we’ve done that in various groups within the church over the last few years and again when you do this corporately is a procedure you can follow that enables you to get a verdict can see change so we got testimonies of the results of using the verdict remove obstacles opposition and sissy breakthrough that process is operating within our bench of 37 12 the mountains individuals have done court cases on behalf of those groups so that we can actually see God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven so we need to establish it as a judicial authorization in heaven first know when we do a corporate case we step into court together we stand under the covering that God gives us of his word and his love one person usually presents the case and then we all here the accusations and we’ve learned to do this through practice and then we step back into this realm share what we individually received and write down the accusations this is an important part we all agree and accept our guilt even if actually we may not been personally responsible for every single thing that we received we must stand together in unity and accept stand on behalf so that’s an important fact we then step back into the court and deal with the accusations of been brought that initially when we first did this to me or someone else more experience would do the presenting the things because we didn’t quite have as many accusations in those days that people in here inasmuch as they do that sometimes we get through four pages of a for accusations so now each individual person who hurt the things deals with the accusations they had which means you have to remember the bit you got is easier one person then use the ties things up in the judgment is made in the verdict is released in that process we have seen lots of different things changed in that corporate engagement with seen financial blockages within our project removed when we when we did that we found out that certain things we read alignment with God in certain areas some things and not to take righteous in areas while we were able to stand and repent renounce those things and then we start to see the blockages removed and finances released we’ve done court cases for sickness in one case there was a person the church was in ICU with a life-threatening disease venture 12 met to stand on behalf of that person we heard the accusations repent and renounce on that person’s behalf as they were unable to do so because they were you on this door basically we received and release the judgment and then we claim healing is justice and make declarations and as a result that we then release the authority that we received to our health mountain and they went into the hospital pray in actual fact was messing around the time practicing doing something so I went in the spirit into the ICU and actually release the verdict in the spirit realm and reviewed the spirit death was over so there things you can do once you learn how to access authority in the kingdom so within 10 days that person was have now is also important that the person themselves then the takes responsibility for the accusations themselves because if they carry on behaving the same way and do the same thing the noticed open themselves up again so when you do something on behalf somebody else ideally you want to BL to share with them so that they can own take responsibility and then begin to change otherwise the enemy will continue to have access that we can’s also stand as an individual to identify with a person or an area that we have responsibility for you can’t just do this for anybody or anything you have to have some level of authority in this area that may be because it’s in one of your spheres of influence affected by your mountain it could be that your within one of the benches within the the church that we have access to have authority for people within the church to bless them and to encourage them or you may get a specific direct mandate or authorization from God to stand on behalf of someone or something but make sure you have the authority to just go into the call and try and take something there there are some units of horror stories of people try outside of their perspectives I know listening to Rob Anderson who does on teaching on the court system he told the story of two ladies who decided they were going to take on the Prince boring spirit over New York and they decided they were going to do that but they didn’t have access to heaven to do it they did on the earth and within one year both of them died from the same form has decided can you go to be kept we have authority but you have to use that authority within the boundaries and the limits that we are in our own personal responsibility some people can do that because they been authorized to do it but be careful that you only operate according to that which you been given authority to do it have to be willing to identify with what or who you are representing you can go in there and try and do something with outstanding in on the half in the gap were interceding for them and be willing to take responsibility for a family member the church it could be for your town city region nation government and beyond that you there people who are doing court cases for the planet so system the galaxy other things because there things out that the there is lacking in the enemy wants to take advantage often God wants to help and encourage us to bring order into those things so Romans 816 the Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God and if children heirs also heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ so we have takes authority within the kingdom because we are coheirs a fellow heirs with Jesus that we have his legislative authority within our spheres of influence so we have to use it so what is legislation the I’m doing a lot of legislative groups at the moment looking to help people with these things establish government to establish the kingdom in these areas for is legislation a definition for legislation is the process of making were acting roles just the dictionary definition say legislation can mean you make laws but also you and act the laws are already on statutes if you like and use the law to affect change a law or a set of laws suggested by government and made official by Parliament that’s another definition and we have done some of those things here so there are laws in a different courts but those laws can be used as the basis of preparing court cases for the mobile court having an access to understand your authority and will laws of been passed give you a basis to make judicial decisions as a venture 12 we been exercising that authority producing legislation and some of the things God is showing us these how to do that personally God to me then wisdom that she took me on a journey of going through the core kings the court chancellors in the court scribes and engage in the core angels to be able to bring a Laura into being and we’ve been practicing some of this ourselves sometimes if you’re operating a level of authority in the core kings you can legislate something out of your spirit sometimes your given the legislation is already been made we been practicing both of those so we’ve all laws that we put on the statutes that we have the authority to come under that law and to exercise that will here what is a Laura father and son ship which is the one initially the high road and we as a bench of three we then saw a strategy for how we can bring that into law and we we follow that strategy outworked it and then established it now everyone here is free to have the fatherhood of God and then to coming to an understanding of son ship in way which wasn’t the case before couple weeks ago when he was here she just had a an encounter with God while she was here and father and she said you just don’t realize the nature of the fatherhood of God that’s it’s here because she was sensitive to the fact that we operate under this more we’ve also through the heart imagine three words your inheritance or restitution or recognition and we follow the process of how we establish what those meant as a group stepping into heaven getting revelation then taking that revelation bringing it into a law which had a objects actual laws and the declarations to be made on the basis of those rules and now we release that to each of the mountains and benches seven and everyone here will start to come in the benefit of the Lord inheritance restitution recognition as their released that will enable you to do things in your own lives and your own court cases to get things back to receive an inheritance but also to have restitution for the things of been stolen from you and to be given the position that God wants you as his children that as I said benches seven can now administrate those laws to the people here gathered so they can be blessed each of our mountains can administer those laws and make decrees declarations on the basis of the and each person can use those laws as judicial authority to make cases in the courts for justice in your life where there is injustice where you been robbed you can get justice and you can get that changed and restored and you can get back what belongs to you when you claim was here in August 2011 we had rioting and looting some of the streets of our cities and he didn’t like that and we like him we agree with him to do something and he let us in an example standing in identification for our nation and accepting responsibly for it sin and behavior and we did that corporately as we were gathered in the conference and we received and release the judgment and the writing actually stop within a death that some of these things when you operate together in unity one can put 1000 to flight to 10,000 300,000 then go up exponentially so when we come together and were in unity heart mind and purpose we have authority to change things on on a grand scale if where know what to do so is a basic example that been adapted from that court case in 2011 that you can use you again these are words that others have developed but make your own if you feel called to this level of government father today I by faith in the name of Jesus I take responsibility for the sin of my nation I stand on behalf of my tarnation the city is the time sometimes government that would encourage you to do this unless you been given a mandate to do it because not everyone of us can just step in and take authority for the whole nation and its it may have to be a level that you can handle that responsibility and know what to do with it today I take responsibility I stand on behalf of my nation I confesses sin what I have done and asked you to search me of God try me and see is the be any wicked way me where I sinned against to trespass but you will laws through sin iniquity or blatant arrogance now if you get a standard identification make sure you do with yourself first judge yourself first and get God’s judgment than the enemy has no access to you in the process don’t just go in there without the judicial protection you need through the court father by faith I confess about since the judge me judgment in a part forgive me now as a priest I stand under the covering of you were tabernacle of the test me of your word and allow you to judge me is dealing with yourself I stand as a representative of my nation and they were Jesus I arrived to judge me under the blood of Jesus whose life was given to me according to the test me the cross and now as you judged me by faith I take the blood of that government and I stand in over these 10 cities the judgment of God into the demonic world which is motivation sin in my nation see Weise we are under the atmosphere the earth and that atmosphere has within it certain principalities and powers and forces of wickedness that seek to control the culture and the behavior of people on the earth and there for a whole region or city or town can have a particular or thing operating which is controlled by that system so is important that we know what to do with that today I extend is rock the word of God on the judgment of God over this town my nation know the demonic spirits of access into the hearts of men and women as I have judge myself according to your word I release the judgments of God to the demonic world that operates in this area in the name of Jesus this is a fairly generic prayer or ministry so court case you can do specifics for very specific things what you been given authorization and revelation I open the everlasting doors that the King of glory might come in and kingdom of God will flow into my community and nation I call for the destiny’s long stolen and hijacked by the might realm and I find people to the will and desire of heaven to the heavenly calling and destiny list them from the ties of the demonic realm from sin perception pride fearful Americans complacency from religious spirits disobedience MacAfee hopelessness witchcraft Freemasonry addiction sickness poverty I stand in the gap for my nation and my commute as I my community as a boundary stone wielding my authority as a royal priests a son of God now you in imaginary so that court case is an example of the sort of thing you can do when you are authorized and we and others are in the different authorities we have the church are doing certain things like that to remove the enemy’s authorization and access so that we can see the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven last week we looked at a building a case for healing so you can build the case within the courts using God’s nature as and in this sense us as a healer and is very nature is that he wants us to live in health we can use that but the word of God regarding Jesus taking our sickness to the cross and overcoming is another thing you use in effecting that health bit being our inheritance as children of God is something you have to receive and is a huge one that we face because the world is full of sickness and we need to overcome that so we need to build that in regard to the word of God the truth and God’s nature but that’s only part of the issue the second part is we have to deal with the legal rights of the enemy so there other factors when dealing with sickness in the courts sin my sin could give the enemy access to my life if I don’t repent generational said give the enemy access to my generational line iniquity past and third fourth generation curses blood covenants made Freemasonry give family line access to sickness hereditary factors triggers and switches in our DNA as a result of epigenetic factors where our generational line has created things within us that been passed on so we need to deal with those things abuse in our own bodies through our lifestyles if we’ve abused ourselves and our own bodies or minds by the way we’ve lived in the enemy can use that as an accusation against us using external material things that try to me are unmet needs or unhealed hurts using food alcohol drugs or even adrenaline as a coping mechanisms or rewards or papers and there’s so many things that we may have done or tried to do in our lives to cover and deal with the things that are on the inside that could give the enemy legal right to us that some people got lots of broken bones because there are general adrenaline junkies and their general junkies because they use that are generated to meet the need so if you have those in as a broken bones as you done something like that you have used your body is you been using something which is a legitimate things in an illegitimate way and we may use alcohol food or other things that may have affected us and therefore we have to deal with that in the court some example of courtroom procedure and a prayer for healing the physical conditions of sickness example of this again when you do something like this use your own words develop it in a way that you can do yourself make a list of all the issues in your body you what are the things in your body that you want to see heal restored and made whole by faith step through the veil present yourself in the court for the presence of the Lord call according to session can use the same basic procedure in each case father I thank you that is heirs of your kingdom you given us the right to present ourselves before you you made us kings and priests in a given us the ability to operate the judicial process heaven which is that preliminary part of the process today by faith in the name of Jesus I enter your realm father asked the mobile court of heaven come into session right now so that it would begin to engage the atmosphere today father today by faith and you call and ask that my mind and body be given the right of accusation against me as a spirit and soul being now you have to be pretty brave to do this I guess is he knows will your body and mind might bring up but if you really want to be a serious about coming in the health and wholeness you have to deal with these type of things and in a sense in any way that I’ve subjected it to abuse but is created infirmities within this body that carries me spirit and soul today followed by faith I bring myself under the covering of Jesus and his blood as I confessed is my sin and accusations of my body against me and asked while that you judge me through the new covenant to break the other infirmities level and to come around my physical body so father today by faith state you list you do it any specific the Philly want to do it in any case read it out and ask in terms it could be for yourself it also could be in your family line I give my mind and body the right to accuse me today to have a voice in the court a call for any spirit of infirmity to accuse me today I will not justify my behavior but I will confess it is my sin listen to the accusation just to hear the accusations so you to listen those may come as thoughts in your mind they may come as pictures impressions memories various things may come even you can get memory of something is happened in your family line that you have no physical memory of but familiar spirits do you can get that memory through their release as they bring the accusation so father today I say to the accusations of come into the court yes I have sent highest confessed my sin to you further acknowledge the accusations of my mind and body and of the spirits against me accept they have given Satan legal access to engage me and to bring infirmity sickness disease into my body your temple I ask my bodies forgiveness will subjected to abuse or access really important part you have to ask for forgiveness because you done something to affect the Lord I ask you by faith to release my mind my body now I forgive myself for I’ve chosen to do it abusing my body I forgive anyone in my family line that open the door to generational sickness all negative epigenetic factors in my DNA I repent of the house of my generations acknowledge the center and that’s it will by faith in the name of Jesus and ask all these accusations be judged to the cross blood of Jesus as I hide myself on your coverings as you judge me father I ask that you judge these infirmities where I have given the enemy right of access and power in my body Jesus thank you that you engage my physical form to bring into health and wholeness so I can be a better full record of your DNA if we’re have things within our DNA that do not carry our eternal record then we need to get change is why we have communion and communion prayers and particularly in terms of the declarations of them made their thank you father that you begin to engage my mind and body but you Holy Spirit begin to brood over my mind and body and bring into divine order I asked angels descending to the body parts room and bring to me here on earth all that I need for my body my mind and body would come into alignment with you and will walk in divine health that you is a thing that father I ask that you sign off that this now this be recorded in heaven and your word would speak healing into my body because is written by his stripes we are healed in the name of Jesus so once you’ve done something that this you have to take the verdict and use it every day to bring and alignment with the truth because you have the word no establishing heaven you take that word and out work that only are through that so father I thank you for give me the right to come before your throne of grace to receive mercy and my time of need are the governmental seat of the person today by faith I choose to accept receive your heavenly authority step back into physical realm bringing with me the complete legislation for the restoration for my body on the earth administrating the very core of my DNA the supply of all that is needed to restore my mind body so these are things which you have to at work is just an example there are many other things that you can use judicially in the courts to deal with things that the enemy is a right in your life any addiction you can use the same basic process you repent for what you’ve used it for you deal with the accusation you receive the verdict having received the judgment of God and then you use that verdict is bring freedom into your life every day administrate every day stand on the fact that you are now free from that sickness free from that addiction free from whatever bondage free from whatever Lyle mindset that the enemy has had over you to effectively keep you from the fullness of your inheritance in God God wants to give you your full inheritance as his children that is way beyond what we can imagine or think that we have to step into it and begin to administrate it the enemy is Robin stolen so much from us stolen relationship stolen family things stolen our authority stolen are mantles some of that so our own sin some of its roof generational issues we can get it all back to you can demand seven times restitution for anything the enemy stolen robed now if he stole a role something you need one of you can use that restitution to give seven of those things away to others is that you then have the authority to release that into your family or your friends we were the church of the town you can use the authority you have in the kingdom to establish the government of God but we have to use the court system is the judicial system of prayer that God is given us to get the authority that we need to effectively see that outworked from heaven onto the earth in our lives so that we can all try and just okay God please will you do this for me we used to do that and is very gracious when we were operating in maturity and he did a lot of stuff on our behalf just as we do our behalf of our own children when their little you week we met so that MSs we tidy up we take synapses we do all sorts of stuff for them on the basis that we love them and where wanting to help them grow and mature when you get to the point of maturity then God says with naptime he did that for yourself and stop making messes in you happy and stop wearing a nappy you there is a diaper if you’re in the US that there’s a whole system of maturity that need to come into so that we can embrace who we are as God’s children so that we can understand the authority that we been given but you have to choose to exercise that authority don’t fight with the enemy this is not warfare this is exerting legal authority to enforce the government of God we don’t have to fight with the enemy is already defeated but if he can Jacob pick a fight with us then we find that will always end up on the losing side of that fight because were not supposed to fight with it was supposed to exercise authority as Jesus said all authority in heaven and is been given to me therefore go he also said that the enemy is under our feet is given us all authority over all the power of the enemy that it will know a harness but has to be under our feet so much into session and so much looking to see the kingdom come is done under the atmosphere rather than over it we have to convene the call above the spiritual authorities that exist in the world therefore where over the therefore there are under us if you’re doing it under them then that’s why so many intercessors end up for it and bashed up and defeat because they try and tackle things from under it Robin over so it’s really important to understand the authority of where to use it how to use it and effectively use it in your daily life the matter what is whatever the situations are you can use God’s kingdom authority and the angelic realm to effectively out work that so when we deal with the atmosphere the earth we don’t have to go into the atmosphere the earth once you have a verdict given the enemy recognizes that verdict but tries to trick you and for you and deceive you into the fact that it doesn’t work but also the angelic realm recognize that verdict and they are make themselves available to respond to the verdict that God gives to the angelic realm is available for you to you so you can assign angels into the atmosphere the earth you can assign angels into your family line the angelic realm is there Jesus had 12 legions of angels at his disposal to help in notably is where coheirs with Jesus and be with any different for us we just never learned to use the angelic realm because their ministering spirits who minister on those who will inherit salvation which is us we have to use it that I memory Clayton same the most angels aboard because basically we never engage the their assigned to us because we never use them they basically are just waiting for us to respond that waiting for us to get a legal accusation that says hey I’m now authorized and I release the angelic realm to operate in protection of the boundaries that drama life and realm of heaven is like around our town as a church is a bench of three we met one day we step in the heavenly we were looking for okay what is going to do this next season and we actually saw lots of different things but what we saw was God wanted to establish a don’t worry invisible shield around us you I actually saw the enemy is a pretty ugly looking thing come charging up and just head on it is done when splat you can see so so okay what is this don’t well we ask over the revelation of what it is and God said it was can be the declarations in our seven mountains made this we then release that the seven mountains and encourage them to make declarations that they were declare every day that would create a don’t will shield of protection around us and then the angelic realm respond to those declarations and form that invisible barrier but if you don’t do those things in a judicial way essentially your just open to whatever goes on in your under the atmosphere of the community you live in unless you rise above it and begin to administrate the authority you have as children of God to change it and effectively change the atmosphere when we established the city of refuge then you that we can have to use these things to establish the government of God and to administrate that government on the earth because we can be operating under the laws of our but the laws of heaven so if we don’t know what the laws of heaven are or how to establish the laws of heaven for our particular situational circumstance how will we effectively administrate the kingdom is time we matured and understood how to use the judicial authority of the court heaven so that we can effectively bring change and transformation into our lives and through our lives into all of our communities nation into the world so that again have a an opportunity to practice this you may well feel the you with the sickness you may feel the want to do something in your own life but again close your eyes by faith choose to engage that court’s just been a short time just thinking about it what do I want to bring for the court today my head to ask God to allow mice body and mind to bring accusations against me and I willing to ask about the infirmities or spirit of infirmity with accusations against that’s one aspect you might want to deal with you may want to deal with mindsets or bondage is where any of those things and Eve used to effectively control your own moods cover your own hurt and pain you may want to deal with that issue may be a familiar spirit to take you down a particular mindset or behavior patterns which are finding it difficult to break free from may want to deal with that so just spend just a minute so just thinking about what I want to do in this process remember you don’t need to see everything by faith God responds when you call the call into session and you can hear the accusations as you stand covered by the blood of Jesus once use chosen case you bring just activate the eyes of your by faith convene the call to step into that court stand in the covering of the word of God the blood of Jesus receive your robes and righteousness right don’t make yourself right to go into the court go into the court to enable right just demand to hear the accusations will choose the accusation we can give if you need to receive forgiveness if you need to receive the verdict not guilty as you receive that verdict not guilty can release that verdict against those of you see that free receive papers authority that allows you to act you may need to make declarations you may need to force that every day use the verdict you receive as authorization of the kingdom God to come on earth as it is in heaven in your life family situations will just as she little exercise to develop your own words terminology things it makes sense to use it becomes your own pathway comes the only thing you can do on a daily basis once you familiar with this you can step into court in seconds and deal with accusation really quickly and be free from that remember if the enemy seeks to bring the mindsets for negative thoughts to again convene the call is a contempt of court allow him to get away with it and then the enemy will be under greater judgment when the skin content judges verdict so practice get familiar with the process and as you mature you begin a greater level of authority if you’re in benches or on mountains then use that authority use that authority and administrator on a daily basis you don’t just cry out to God help when he’s given you now all you need to be able to affect change your life and in the spheres of influence given by God around you meant

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