Courts 5-1

Okay well if you are this to help you pick up a little bit of what we been talking about today and we been looking and over the last years about how we engage God in a more intimate way and in that engagement we been looking at engaging God in the spiritual realms as well as just the realms he around us and also realm of heaven and on that pathway those two main ways we go relationship intimacy engaging God and you are a spirit around heart and ending in his garden in heaven and also responsibility where we begin to operate as sons in heaven in a judicial way and it’s like that journey is in heaven that I the Lord is risen as a math their little earth and on that about in the film you see these little footprints to follow the pathway of fellowship of the ring and others went and we have a roadmap over the last number of years we’ve been on a journey and that journey has been taking us to a point today is where we can also so in a sense when we’re looking at this there are significant milestones significant places and times on our journey special places of interest things that we’ve engage with some of our brands which are marked when we victories and today is a significant milestone in which we can look to crossover not that many the sort have done this but together corporately in the way God is called us to do this as we want prophetic be out worked something which she’s calling us to do so God’s judgment and judgment is not punishment it really to understand that is a judge when the evidence of provide verdict has been passed on the old order that wilderness order operating in a mediatorial coverings of those generation is ended and were not covered by anyone of God is an open heaven we can all access God for ourselves in that way and we been brought to this point of crossing when you see an analogy of the Jordan with you see is analogy of the veil but were crossing over into our heavenly positions of authority and everyone’s got a choice you can remain in the familiarity of the old we can embrace your inheritance destiny in a new and multiple-choice and we respect that choice but we are giving a choice of God gives choices all the time every day he gives choices and he wants us to court to choose his weight so to leave the Moses generation way leaving you leaving the old to embrace the Joshua generation and that Joshua generation God is been called to rise up to take possession of the land now that is our spiritual inheritance both physical and in heavenly perspective and to take our responsibility and the positions of maturity as sons because your son whether your baby or whether you’re sitting on the throne is the sun but what you do with that such it will be very different depending on the level of maturity the operate in and where called to be coheirs of God’s kingdom with Jesus and God and therefore we need to take maturity as sons of God operate in that responsibility Joshua and Caleb who were those that works find a spine at the land they went across the promise land saw that it was good they gave a good report the other 10 didn’t the about court because they saw the land we were giants in there was cities and everything in that as something that was too difficult and yet just through counsel the same and so it flowing with milk and honey an amazing fruit will blessings and their attitude was totally different to the world making decisions based on circumstances boggles promises and they knew that God promised to give the so they let the next generation to receive their inheritance old generation guided wilderness because they refuse to go in the new generation except that crossed over and Joshua and Caleb you know they are 18 years old with God based on anything led the next generation it and that generation were engage in reality because there were people who weren’t at the world ladies particularly nothing to those people but was only the men who refuse to go in God wilderness a lot of the ladies were well into their ventures and still crossed over it still took their inheritance so that could be nor to whatever the next generation is not a young people generations the United generation all those who are yet coming to the kingdom will be in every age so God is wanting us and others to be prepared some of you here may well be part of that next generation there for you can attend your supernatural heavenly position and be equipped is a harvester Bob Jones was a prophet in 1975 prophesied of billion fall harvest and that was a marking point in that forty-year. Preparation ended and people didn’t prepare and he appeared here in three days thing after he died as one of the cloud of witnesses and he appeared right at you were ascending in the office fiery scroll and that fiery scroll was for the responsibility to be part of that reaching the billion fall harvest and a Jesus came the following week and she still your fiery scroll and that is for the Joshua generation that we took the scrolls we agreed the scrolls together we would be willing to take our part in taking responsibility for those two things that’s why were on this journey so were all called to be part of that Joshua generation who will begin to mentor disciple the coming harvest that ultimately not always read about this word holies for things show equip nurture track and that says sense very at think you can also look at that in different ways sent next letters of view of BNS but sometimes you get a chicks and an estimate of my legal does that doesn’t seem to be very good about it disputes out of the nest and it’s actually is gonna fly or plummet that Eagles like is mold and push them out of the nest until your ready but we can stay in and asked we can fly and actually it also means nets if you change that’s right and that you were looking to see a net reach our best and also spells tense me tend to form ecclesia so quite interesting word so show equip nurture and train and that’s what we want to do for the next generation so we’re developing a storehouse city of refuge to be ready for us to come and embassy of heaven established and expanding God’s kingdom rule on earth as it is in heaven what we found is you have to establish things in heaven before they can be worked on otherwise you end up doing things in your own strength so everyone of us has the opportunity today to choose abundant life the fullness of what God’s has for some of heaven in heaven and on earth to crossover that’s a choice Joshua gave people choice choose you this day to you also as for me in my household will serve the Lord so we made a decision here this house is going to serve the Lord crossover into the fullness of what were called we would love as many people as possible to joins so to be part of the Joshua generation that’s a choice ready to be bold and courageous because that’s what Josh was told the so you indicate is that this of you is not been quite as bold and courageous as a thought so he was told to be bold and crazy as have you take that their joints letters back to take possession you need to fully understand everything so just let us the spirit inside don’t try and figure everything out in your head let your spirit inside we sing the line sometimes is let go of your heart that God the head that sometimes we just try and figure it all out let your spirit lead because the spirit will always lead you into your full inheritance is that is the Holy Spirit’s role and being joined with the Holy Spirit one spirit with him in our spirit our spirit wants to lead us in the fullness of who we are that’s our eternal destiny inheritance so what is actually the choice while is to choose to take out your inheritance beyond the veil in the heavenly realms because were all operating really this is a step to follow Jesus is gone as a forerunner according to the order of mochas that into the realms of heaven and is calling us to follow to choose take responsibility for establishing heavenly government as the Lord came in a son or you can remain earth and wilderness and failed to fulfill your eternal inheritance because you can fulfill your inheritance in this you engage fully in the realms of heaven but there are consequences for the wrong choice and this is a Jesus describes this consequence Matthew 721 not everyone who says to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven the kingdom of heaven is different from the kingdom of God is the realm of heaven around kingship in the realms of heaven but he who does the will of my father is in heaven will enter many will say to be on that day Lord Lord did we not prophesy in your name and your name cast out demons in your name perform many miracles that I will declare to them whenever you depart from me you who practice lawlessness in other words you do things your own way of God and the way and Jesus wasn’t saying that he didn’t know those people all those people didn’t know him in in one way he was saying don’t recognize them in their petition position of eternal inheritance because that’s what is looking at he’s looking at the scroll he wrote about your life in eternity and he wants your life to match up to that scroll and it doesn’t as you not been willing to take your place of authority then he will say stay in our court you want to stay in the realm of the kingdom of God in the courts your choice you can go further into the realm of the kingdom of heaven into the realm of heaven into heaven heavens and beyond that into eternity so there are consequences not encouraging to be aware so we been looking over the last few weeks of the judicial lesson aspects of God’s kingdom because that’s what our roles about throne rooms court rooms assemblies cancels of God and now the realms where the kingdom is administered in heaven so it can be manifested on the earth you many years ago we used to think God did that and he did when we were infants and children but now is calling us to take responsibility come into our position of authority in the realms of heaven so that means to engage the holy of holies to engage the order of mochas that are of God presence Hebrews 1019 since we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus by a new and living way which he inaugurated for us through the veil that is his flesh since we have a great high priest over the last of God is to that’s the invitation all of us of been given Jesus is gone before prepare the way so that we can go through the veil you don’t have to die to do that physically you need to die to self but not physically that’s the light of the enemy is perpetrated over many generations the only way to engage heaven is if you die is film that was for that recently it was a book will heaven is real is the boy who goes in hospital but he ends up engaging heaven and that book and film will bit cheesy but it’s is a representation of what happened to him and what it was revealing is you don’t have to die live in the air to experience that God take you in heaven and he saw something is in heaven but could not been seen anywhere else but cloud of witnesses like Jesus and the picture Jesus the source exactly the same picture I saw picture that our tiny they girl who went in heaven painted so God is opened up this way for us to come so if we can come we can step in when we go we can engage the holy of holies the art God’s presence where our destiny scrolls mandates of discovered receive that’s where the yoke hey Barb hey of God government is that’s what we sing your name heaven we step into that when we engage in worship very often because were saying heaven is open we come and engage God’s presence we don’t have to say God when you come down here most traditional worship services are going please come and God always comes when we get two or three in his name who was be that you always inhabit our praises he wants us to see there’s an open heaven we can come and we can come around his presence that and actually engage him in that Yoda hey Barb hey and I your location Barb hey what we’re in the middle of God’s name is something we can all step into that’s where we gates alignable evil which is why we have flags in the different symbols of that which represent the Yoda hey Barb hey and the order of Melchizedek government came profit possible priest so all of us can have a heavenly position of operating according to God’s name you have his power of attorney because you’re in his name in his name is not just a product thing you to have on to the end of the prayer as a lucky charm which is what most people do is actually the reality we can step in to him is where in Christ Jesus went in him and is in us so that means we can engage heaven and experience the fullness of our inheritance Zechariah 37 describes this process thus says the Lord of host if you will walk in my ways if you’ll perform my service then you also govern my house and have charge of my courts and I will grant you free access among those who are standing here that invitation for us that’s what we can do when we step into the realms of heaven we can experience that we are called to bring government and have charge of his judicial system of heaven when God does this is not just instant there’s a journey we have to learn to walk in his ways and that’s what we been doing over many years learning to walk in his ways ways of love grace mercy here on earth but because feel that we can then start to perform his service the realms of heaven and operate in these different courts with looked at these calls mostly we been looking at of our call can deal with accusations there are many other courts in the realms of heaven operating in different levels of government we can have access to one Peter tonight you are a chosen race a royal priesthood holy nation a people for God’s possession Revelation 510 you have made them to be kingdom a kingdom and priests to our God and they shall reign on the earth have any reign on the asked because you reining in heaven that’s where the kingdom royal priesthood is a heavenly royal priesthood so rule royal priests everyone of us you not servants so serving King we’re supposed to be coheirs operating with the kingdom we do that with a servant attitude of heart is all will be bulky about it reality is we been called to come into that position of government sons of the King upon God’s royal family everyone of us up a royal family if we come into a personal relationship with God through Jesus is the a picture of equate the flattering picture Christian will quite by that but you can see this in her enthronement she was carrying certain things and she was dressed in a certain way just got things like a crown in the center of it all and how to the road and will tire and a throne to sit on and that is a representation of the things that God is calling into this many symbols of government the symbols represent different aspects of authority and in that process where given some of these things as we mature in that authority on earth is supposed to reflect heaven so there are things in an earthly ceremonial things that represent heaven is why we get these things given because they’re in heaven that were made up on the earth and then we thought about the heavens you around there a heavenly thrones heaven receptors and the crowns heavenly weapons all source of things that we can many years ago God’s just impressed on my heart for words investiture succession enthronement correlation that process takes place before we can fully functioning heaven we need to be invested with authority that needs to be a succession we need to be a throne and ultimately there be a coronation at salvation we’re invested with the rights of son ship one John two John 112 as many as received him to them he gave the right to become children of God the right thing about that you have the right to be a son of God and therefore a royal priests according to the order is that that take place the old asked a diagram to Kate now our monthly going a long time and she that you can navigate so world Charles and way but is been invested ready to succeed that happening in our Castle when he became Prince of Wales Luke 923 if anyone wishes to come after me he must deny himself take up his cross daily and follow me if we want to enter into the fullness of heaven God die to self you can’t do it always going to be God’s way Galatians 220 is is a really key Scripture to understand I have been crucified with Christ this is something that happened he delight as my representative he died actually I went to the is no longer I live but Christ lives in me and the life which I now live light in the light you now live with him I live in this body now with him who also lives in me by faith the son of God and loving gave himself up for me so were all called to do this Romans 12 one is the process and we’ve done many many spiritual teachings on this process of transformation I urge you brethren by the rest of God to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice acceptable to God which is your spiritual service of worship and do not be conformed to the world we can do this being worldly but be transformed by the renewing of your mind we have to believe who we are we have to our minds renewed to see who we are that will be at approval God’s will is is good perfect except will our destiny that which is of an agreed already for us will not to test and is a many people test is this process so we had encounters whether these different symbols of been given rings robes crowns mountain sectors from schools feel status posted also also things over and over the years I’ve engaged in the realms of heaven and on the church so what some of those things me I was given a ring is that is wonderful Bluestone on in really understand the significance of blue stones and sapphires and things when it came from there know come out of the sapphire pavement and all of us as sons given rings such an and they can be used to seals in the realms of heaven 1522 father said to his slaves bring out the best road for it on him put a ring on this and sandals on his feet from our perspective who are the servants of God angels so angels will bring out the best road in the give you a new robes and their give you a new ring there give you new equipment and we can do that today angels will come and engage with you today and the new mantles the prodigal son was given a ring and new robes as he has his inheritance restore this is what God is looking to do to restore your inheritance is a heavenly inheritance you came in heaven is your heavenly position you were created in that realm in eternity and God’s heart so we’re invested with royal robes as a side of authority Isaiah 6110 I will rejoice greatly in the Lord my son would exult in my God for he has clothed me with garments of salvation is rapidly with robes and righteousness all of us have those realms this is what we when Zechariah 34 remove the filthy garments from him see I’ve taken away your iniquity and you will clothe you with festal robes that’s what happened with the probable there was a party a celebration of him coming back home to the father and God wants us to come back into it to come back into the realm of his presence to gains to heaven and are going along talking about whole there. Chariots of fire horses the fire and separated the two of them this is a Lisha Elijah and Elijah went up in the whirlwind to heaven and to up the mantle of Elijah fell from so in that Elijah fell and the realms of heaven and came to work and he picked it up and he began to where it and he was given a double portion of Elijah’s anointing equipping power authority on that mantle and he was called to be a prophet was the mantle of a profit he did many miracles and Elisha did double miracles -1 while he was alive and when David they through a body on his bones and that he came back to life so after he died he fulfill the prophecy about in a double portion of complete all miracles so God wants us to take up a new mental because Jesus went up into heaven did they ask 19 talks about he was lifted up while they were looking on a cloud receded it wasn’t a cloud as in a fluffy white things look to moisture use the cloud of witnesses that was what was waiting and the angelic realms waiting for him to come and two men in white clothing stood beside the. They were because they were many what living the feeling want to look in Elijah and Moses as they stood next to Jesus but maybe will go back but actually this is symbolic of Jesus did the same as Elijah Elijah set a precedent when he was taking up in heaven US is mantle and I just like to pick it up Jesus was taking up he left his mental for us to pick up and receive the authority to do the greater works of God’s kingdom will we pick up that mantle James 112 Blessed is the man perseveres under trial once he is been approved you receive the crown of life there crowns given to us a number of crowns mentioned in the Bible including the incorruptible private crown of life righteousness crown joy crown of glory those plans are given to us signifying positions of authority Hebrews 18 your throne of God is forever and ever the righteous sectors a sector of your kingdom so there is a sector in a throne associated with decision in heaven Ephesians 26 is raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus so is a place waiting for us to come and occupy and with it we get a sector to rule and crown and that Exodus 1517 you will bring them and plant them in the mountain of your inheritance place oh Lord which you have made for your God dwells on the mountain on his mountain this throne many thrones and he wants to plant us on those mountains Psalm 264 as for me I have installed my King upon Zion my holy mountain Jesus is installed that he is given us for his authority is all authority in heaven and earth that lost it and he wants to install us on those mountains in the realms of heaven so Hebrews 1222 you have come to that science and to the city of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem and to myriads of angels to the Gen. assembly and the church of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven and to God the judge of all active spirits righteous in a perfect and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant we can come don’t have to die you can come now and engage in everything it says that in the old covenant only Moses went that’s why the old of mediators going to heaven or going to God and then telling is what God says that did God invites us all to come all sons in that position so as I engaged God over the last two years got accept a crown an actual a sector and different positions of authority in the realms of heaven discovered the seven mountains spheres of authority that I have we had is a church I was given all taken to our throne one state and then start showing the protocols of heaven he calls to make legislation and those legislation what we learn we made some rules those so we need to know our densities kings and priests if you don’t know your identity then he will take your position don’t been brought by the lies the enemy this is your number in the world is what the enemy will try and get you to think you can’t do anything will my book of my life one of my true you need to know that we are sons that carries authority with it so we know are calling in our spheres of influence and then we can begin to operate from that authority to bring heaven to earth so responsibility God governmental rule of the house in charge of the courts that being back kingly priest function you one Corinthians 623 says do you not know that the saints will judge the world do you know live you will judge angels how much more this matters of life is light within a judge angels of the world so we need to judge make verdicts now so that we can bring everything into God’s perfect alignment and in Clayton conference in the August I was shown those in worship and Joshua does it came stood on my right E not divide it down in front it was like will this is a really powerful encounter and Joshua does it help man’s I felt immediately strengthened and I believe that this Joshua generation will also be the Joseph that lean on generation those for the represent administrative kingdom government they want us to operate with their help so Joshua generation of us that have a different spirit before runners pioneers beyond the veil Giants layers will begin to mentor be ready for the harvest is coming Enoch walked with God in heaven on earth and he is a model for our be able to engage heaven Genesis 524 Enoch walked with God and he was not God took him so eventually he walk through the fiery sword of the cherubim the gates realms of heaven that didn’t come back responsible and he still is invested into helping us and if you read the book is written about him he prophesied into our day and you can read that in June other places in the Bible is a significant and who is operating for our generation wants to equip us so we can read about that in a so is given me another request to engage with heaven years and the recent be a quest but the last one before that was to take the mass of the church governmental system and expose the truth whenever I get a quest the light will no idea them I start specific God opens it up so this is been leading up to bring us into this new order all of us can walk in the realms of heaven and he Daniel Daniel 12 for concealed the words and seal up the book until the end of time the end of time is not the same as the last days when you read about the last days in the New Testament about the last days of the old covenant be up to a 70 and the destruction of the temple as Jesus foretold in Matthew 24 end of time is when the end of time is coming when their time be wrapped up were going to eternity so were coming to that point and it is a description of what it be like many will go back and forth think that’s pretty true and knowledge will increase that can be a better time to have the books open that revelation be released because it can get instantly transmitted all over the world and God wants us to engage it so Daniel now is open those books sealed up for our generation Joseph and this is a really important one Genesis 4140 there are sent call for Joseph they hardly brought about the shade himself and he changed his clothes Joseph was prepared for the whole of his life it wasn’t that it happened suddenly hurriedly they brought the man but he was head to the whole of his life he had visions and dreams of authority in the beginning you would like that to his family he was rejected abandoned sold into slavery to falsely accuse thrown into prison and forgotten and yet gallstone purpose for an any of you may feel like that you may feel your life is been rejection and abandonment bondage falsely accused forgotten it may be in that way but actually God can take you that prison he can redeem everything that happened in your life and he can bring you into something new in a position of authority so don’t look at your past and then it will be of your future embrace your past can be transformed and learn to overcome it and to then take your position of government as God releases it is a small Joseph prophesied to Pharaoh verse 34 (take action to us point overseers in charge so just Joseph generation overseers in charge of that the mix that fifth of the produce of the land fifth of the world population billion so people them and gather all the food these good years that are coming in store up the grade for food in cities so there can be storehouses that. Cities how to Pharaoh’s authority that God it this is the language of cities of refuge whole new order things of storehouses ready for the harvest this is where it comes from and this is what happened verse 48 and they gather all the food the seven years which occurred in the land of Egypt place the food in the cities you place and in every city the food from his arms around and feels so the harvest came from around when they were when the family was over overall the face of the earth Joseph open the storehouses so the storehouses are going to be open and the people from all the earth came to Egypt to buy great Joseph so when everything is lacking where people can come to places that have the answers to the problems and solutions available for them at the house little raised up above all the mountains so Josie came out of the prison of obscurity to administrate a nation and God is calling us to come into the same to set up storehouses for the harvest you have the whole earth including his brothers and father who had rejected his authority in the first place come to receive the food many people who are rejecting will come eventually but income now this is a thing we have a choice that we can come and embrace is now I really would being called to administrate his new wineskin of God ecclesia called to establish embassies of heaven on the earth God spoke a few weeks goes inside opened up a new season of rest of authority I present you a new mantle carrying the authority to administrate legislation to open hearts and minds to bring people into the heavenly positions this is a new era where the government of heaven and is judicial authority is released to my sons called to the sons of men to come to their eternal positions to establish heavenly government on the earth the call is to the Joshua generation to prepare for the harvest God is calling you today we went to the court I want you to just plagiarize and just listen to God calling your spirit to attention right now is this is a a message that God wants to release to call you let your spirit resounding resonate with the school this is God speaking is father to use his children I call your spirit to attention spirit this and as a true son I call force your identity as a Joshua generation I call force your destiny to manifest my kingdom on earth as it is in heaven I call force your destiny to fill the earth with my glory I call force your identity destiny authority as lords to administer my rule on earth as it is in heaven I call force your identity and destiny authority as kings to have charge of my heavenly courts I call force your identity destiny authority as sons to stand in my presence and be displayed on the I call force your identity destiny authority is my sons to answer the grown of creation and restore it to original condition and purpose I call force a Joshua generation to rise up and take possession of their inheritance that your spirit resentment that call and so the call you have a true choice today one of the 12 chancellors house in and is the mountain the alignment of the preset statutes and laws of God opens the ordinances and the mantle houses of heaven there are legions of angels carry new mantles new robes these cloaks of authority they are for earthly and heavenly authority and there are available today is sometimes we go into the realm of heaven and engage that sometimes God sent angelic messengers here to come and engage with us is one of those days Matthew 2018 Jesus came spoke to the same authority is been given to me heaven and earth go there so we can take that authority and mantle that he gives us today that we can go with it today carry a new realm of government in our lives greater grace is being released to legislate heaven on earth John 1412 the earthly aspect of that mental truly truly I say to you heal believes in me the works that I do he will do also and greater works than these will he do because I go to our so you have authority to preach he will deliver all of you can have a PhD then go to university your PhD to preach you the river and do the works of Jesus and even greater works those things are miracles authority of over nature of the matter was sickness over the demonic realm and equipping teaching proclaim the declarant care and disciple of carrying wisdom and knowledge understanding canceled mind to rule these are the earthly and heavenly expressions but that God be established in heaven first so Joseph was taken out of the dungeon and the wilderness bondage and brought into a position restored identity you shaved and cleaned up all that prison image was related is he can’t carry imprisonment if you are rule when he took about the prison he are all the dirty all rags and gave him new class those ties were appropriate for the rulership of the nation God wants to give you that for your own life today invested with a new authority and new robes given authority over the Bible or you walk on your own all inherits something from God for you to rule and those heavenly authority and on earth so God is calling you to enter and receive that so that we can engage beyond the veil new mantles for heavenly governmental order so benches of three benches seven benches of 12 they are a reflection of heaven is going to be open people here are part of those benches that we have here God is calling you to take authority receive a new mantle to operate in those roles heavenly positions of government priest came Oracle legislature scribes they are heavenly positions of authority magistrate administrator Chancellor there other things judge. They’re all heavenly positions is for God is good give you today it to be open to receive whatever he does and be ready to use that as sons of God coheirs of the kingdom were all called to participate legislative protocols of heaven we’ve been seated with him in heavenly places he is raised us up don’t transgressions brought life to us and is given us a position in the realms of heaven in Christ Jesus God spoke to me and said this prophesy new season call it forth declare the heights proclaim it blowing the trumpet Harold is coming so that today open the opening of a new book new chapters and new pages new level of government new fresh expression of kingdom son release the sound of heaven but the trumpet Harold a new seasons sound the alarm us to the troops that the sand reverberate resonate and draw people proclaim and herald a new day new season the depths new heights new doors new chapters will be open to become accessible we are at the dawning of a day new laws releasing new authority and here I ask you to finish with sharing these laws of God is given us I pray in the core kings the Lord father and son ship I call for the spirit to turn the hearts of the children back to the father I call force a new dimension intimacy and relationship in such I call for the alignment in the spirit four faces of God I call for the new dimensions the revelation ministry outline that was something that we established as a law years ago and initiate we’ve done’s these the Lord inheritance this is God giving you authority we can operate in this from my covenant with Adam you are my adopted sons every blessing is yours your inheritance is the kingdom of God in all its forms your inheritance is the right to rule us and you on the foundation of the righteousness of God as your inheritance you are hereby authorized to engage my heart eternity fully know you are as my sons your authorized open the scrolls and reveal some of my thoughts for each person who is within your shield environment you are authorized to fully be fully restored to release the full restoration of all the promises of the new covenant your fully authorized to see and be fullness of your identity as sons of light with fire in your eyes in a sword in your mouth radiating transfigured glory Laura restitution you are hereby authorized to engaged in his trophy room and plunder of it of men’s destiny is all about is men and the generational heritage that has been robbed your authorized to demand seven times recompensed for all for yourself all the responsible your authorized to equip each person to know their rights to restitution to know how to get restoration where the enemy is stolen from you he should be cursed the more recognition is decree by the father of all creation must and shall recognize and it module position and royalty you are hereby authorized open access to the garden of God to the true revelation of eternal son ship you are authorized unveil the eyes of those who been blind to their eternal destiny identity you have the divine authority of the manifold grace of God to reveal the sand fragrance and frequency of each person’s image you can operate under those rules and laws because we have been given authority to use them heaven is open the atmospheres been cleared today angels are released on assignment to give you new mantles of authority are you ready to receive because they will give you the preparation to take the heavenly position calls of your is a picture of what happened with some of Elijah going up and the fiery charitable the problem is that’s all God is releasing the angels in their trumpeting us and today there on the way right now with a whole load of the battles for us so encourage you to do this just briefly to engage in that spiritual realm not stepping into heaven heaven is around us in the realm of the environment of the angelic realm we can engage it so when you close your eyes and just begin to come into that place of peace and rest let your spirit just begin to sense the atmosphere of the kingdom around you engage the spiritual realm around you just open the eyes of your heart begin to think about angelic realm being released that heaven those legions of angels coming from the mantle room of heaven carrying new mantles of authority for bringing to you that you need to take you to a new level of authority in God’s kingdom whether it’s a mantle to be a part of the bench of three all the seven and 12 seven mountains whether it’s to be in a heavenly position of chancellorship or legislator Oracle described whatever it is maybe it’s just a mantle to do miracles and signs wonders on the be willing to pick up that mantle Jesus is releasing heaven with those angels just begin to sense that angelic realm around you right now with the eyes of your heart open in a picture it you may sense it you may feel it may just receive it all by faith just choose to engage because the angel of the Lord assigned to you today’s appeared in front of you right now standing in front of you with a new mantle grown of authority just be willing to receive that the amount allow the angel to place it on your shoulders and with it receive a new level of power authority governmental position just receive everything that angel is authorized to give you is what I’m looking at right now is gone more than mantles just engage some of you can receive justice mantles coat many covers carrying a full wisdom seven spirits of God by faith make that choice that decision you want crossover you want to take that position of this mantle use you beyond the veil stepping over that picture of the Jordan party is Jesus is gone before us having way for us to follow choose you this day to you also you all have a choice maybe you never make that decision to follow Jesus to enter into your son ship you that not been invested with the right to be sons you’ve never believed and ask Jesus to come into your life so the follow him as a disciple you can choose to simply surrender your life and ask Jesus to be Lord all of us can choose to take a step further than without it before you may not understand it fully let your spirit lead you today to cross over into something new

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