Cleansing familiars

We are going to continue on this pathway of relationship to engage God in intimacy so that we can know him more deeply but also know ourselves and that flows from the inside out.

We can engage in heaven that flows through our gateways of our spirit soul and body to the world around us.

 We been looking at how we can access legal or the judicial system of the kingdom to keep our gates open and to open them.

We looked at cleansing our gateways specifically how to do it and today we look at familiar spirits (demons).

If we don’t deal with familiar spirits they will continue to block our growth and maturity.

Familiar spirits are something which if we don’t deal with will continue to block our growth and maturity everything we are in God because they are designed to rob us. So, we have been looking at the fact that we are spirit, soul and body, that we are integrated. There is a way in which we are world conscious, self-conscious and God conscious and to be fully integrated (made up of aspects or parts that work well together) in a holistic (considering all factors, to function normal) way. But because of the past, born in sin and shapened in iniquity, this has not been the case. So, we need to see some things change, to bring that into being.  We need to be integrated and see all those things working together so that everything flows from the inside out, to the world around us. So that we can be a representative of Gods kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

So, from that place of first love, God’s presence in us can flow as a river of life, rivers of living water can flow from our innermost being to engage the world around us and then we look at our spirit, soul and body and see that they work together as they are designed to work integrated in a holistic way.

But because of the past and because we are born in sin and shapened in iniquity that is not been the case. So, we have to see some things changed so that we can bring that into being and it is God’s desire that everything flows through our spirit soul and body to the world around us, so we can be a representative of God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

A gateway is a place of authority where dominion is exercised. So that whoever controls our different gateways exercises authority dominion and control over us

And therefore our gates are designed to be open and flowing from the inside out so that each of us can be a gateway of heaven on the earth and therefore bring the earth into alignment with heaven.

Now another picture of that and looking at this and when I first began to engage my own gateways and look at it and I didn’t find too much problem outside of my spirit gates. But some people do, and they find that when they try and engage their spirit gates there is not a flow.

It’s like they don’t seem to be able to open them or they can be blocked, or things can sit outside them and stop the flow.

Those can be in many different areas and depending on the things that we’ve done in our lives, will often depend on which familiar spirits are operating.

And some of us who have been brought up in Christian homes and have Christian heritage we find there often religious spirits.

Religious spirits are not good spirits. They are ones that keep us in religious bondage. And they operate outside of our fear of God and our reference gates to block the flow of what God’s love is in us.

Because they bring into the wrong kind of fear and they bring duty and bondage. There are other spirits when particularly people have been involved in the occult or new age then their revelation and intuition are often blocked because of the things that they have been involved with in the past.

But we’ve also recognized in our soul then there are areas in our soul that afflict us and stop us functioning correctly.

So in our conscience there can be guilt and shame.

In our imagination there can be memories and pictures and images.

 In our reason center there can be different mindsets.

 In our mind there can be lies.

 In our emotions there can be hurts.

In our wills there can be doubts and fears that are all designed to rob us of our destiny.

 We seen as we looked at this that our soul can have wrong connections to our spirit which we need to sever so that then we can be integrated and flowing in the right way.

So our minds are affected by what we see from the outside. Our eyes, our ears and other senses are windows or gateways. Our problem is everything has flowed from the outside in, and we are conformed to that pattern which is described in Romans 12 as the world’s mold. So, we have been shaped by what’s happened to us and what has come from the outside in.

So, for us to be conformed to the heavenly pattern, because God’s designed us in a particular way with particular redemptive gifts and a destiny then everything must flow from the inside out.

So, our gateways need to be opened for life to flow. But our gateways can be blocked and restricted and that’s what we are going to look to do to remove those blockages.

So, we may have inadvertently (without knowledge or intent) because no one desires to invite wrong things into their lives. But we do because of the things we have done in our lives.

There may be legal right given to certain demonic forces which control our gates and they resist and block the flow of God’s life.

Our ancestors may have given legal right to demons which are familiar spirits and they are familiar with our family line and their familiar with us. Those familiar spirits may have legal rights and they still may be there.

 So although we might think, well what has that got to do with me? Things get passed on genetically and epigenetically.

There is a lot of stuff in the press about memories being passed on in DNA. This is a scientific fact it is not something that where just making up.

The Bible actually proves those facts are true. It has always been there in the Bible. Iniquity is passed to third and fourth generations. Now they’re discovering the scientific facts to back up that truth therefore we need to deal with it.

So, we have to remove those legal rights to cleanse and purify and establish God’s kingdom rule in our gateways, because we want his kingdom to rule there. So, our gates can be used for their designed function and purpose.

Now familiar spirits can counterfeit those gate functions for illegitimate purposes, for soulish desires. Those familiar spirits can block and control our gates. Familiar spirits hide, they want us to think that everything going on is just us.

 So, the things that go on in our mind, the things that go on in our emotions, the familiar spirit’s desire is to hide behind those things and not to be seen. You can read CS Lewis’s Screwtape letters which shows that the enemy has a plan and a strategy to rob us and keep us from our destiny.

So how do familiar spirits function?

Jeremiah 20:10 for I’ve heard many whispering and defaming, there is terror on every side, denounce him let us denounce him say all my familiars, they who watch for my fall, perhaps he will be persuaded and deceived.

Their desire is to persuade and deceive us. To remove the truth of who we are in God, so that we are operating out of a completely different mindset.

They are throne takers, blessing robbers ,rest robbers, destiny destroyers, that is their whole purpose. The enemy comes to rob kill and destroy. Jesus comes to give abundant life so there in opposition one to the other. They sit within our gates to express themselves through our behavioral choices. And this is where we need to understand how they work. So they anchor and trigger for negative behavioral patterns and we might just think I’ve always been that way I always thought that way.

But there’s a trigger and there is an anchor to that. And familiar spirits are often behind that.

They are tempters to get us to follow familiar neural pathways along a cycle of behavior.

Because within our brain there are pathways formed by repetitive behavior that just automatically take us down a particular route of thinking and then behavior. And for so many of us it’s just automatic. We find ourselves responding or reacting to a situation and immediately we’re in a cycle of behavior that leads us to negativity.  

They seek to control and influence our choices often out of our brokenness, things that have happen to us. They take advantage of trauma and negative things and negative speech. And things that have been said or done to us. They are not nice things; familiar spirits don’t play fair, they take advantage of every single thing that there is to rob, kill and destroy.

So when we yield or bow to any spirit it becomes an idol. And therefore it becomes our God. Therefore it becomes our source and our supplier and we take on its identity.

 Just as God wants to be our source and supply so that we become like him, so also do any demonic spirit. Then they seek to work out their personality through us.

Now all these spirits came from the first creation, when Lucifer fell. They are not fallen Angels they are dispossessed spirits of those which were not human. And therefore they have a personality and ultimately they always want to destroy.

So, the definition in the dictionary of a familiar- is well-known, intimately acquainted, excessively informal. A demon that is supposedly attending or obeying a witch, that’s one definition.

The Hebrew word for familiar is the word ob. It actually is a picture because the Hebrew language is a picture language.  It is a picture of a leather bottle. And it also means a medium or necromancer, a familiar spirit.

Now because they were a people who lived in the desert, they often need water. So, in the desert you go back to the water pouch for the ob over and over again because it is a dry place. And this is where a familiar spirit wants us to go back to the same pattern of behavior over and over again when we’re in a dry place. And literally the broken areas of our lives can be like a wilderness or a dry place. The familiar spirit offers us something, a quick fix to our situation to make yourself feel better. The problem is it actually doesn’t work and actually eventually makes us feel worse.

 Another meaning for the word familiar is in Hebrew is a deep sultry voice or seductive voice. And that’s what they do, they try and entice and influence us. In the occult world it’s something that’s consulted, therefore a medium of communication. They consult with a medium or a medium consult with a familiar spirit to get information. And they do carry information, in fact they carry information about every single person they been in.

Let’s look at a few Scriptures, in Leviticus 19:31 do not turn to medium or familiars, do not seek them out to be defiled by them, I am the Lord your God. Familiar spirits defile, they make us unclean, stained, pollute us and desecrate us. That’s the definition of defilement. Their whole design is to make us unable to be used by God, to fulfill our destiny. It brings depravity, guilt and shame with it. Therefore we end up feeling useless and how many people where the enemy has whispered- well you call yourself a Christian, how can you behave like that? You think God can use you? That’s the way that they often work to produce hopelessness, uselessness and often despair.

Deuteronomy 18:11- one who cast a spell or a medium or a familiar or one who calls up the dead. So that is the definition from that Scripture. Their familiar, so they know things about dead people. That’s why when people go to these things, they have information about maybe even your past ancestors or other people they have been in. 

We’ll I was sitting bull in my past. There is only one sitting bull but they may have had many familiars in him which are passed on to other people which is why people think of reincarnation, we’ll I was someone else in the past, no you just have a familiar spirit that was in someone else in the past that’s how it works they desire to tie us to a past generations of behaviors and patterns- Leviticus 20:27- now a man or woman who is a medium or a familiar shall be put to death. Now that may seem quite harsh in today’s world but actually God knew the effect this has on a nation. If a nation begins to engage with that type of demonic presence, they shall be stoned with stones because of their blood guiltiness which is upon them.

Familiars defile and they begin to pollute others around them.

They cannot be accommodated or controlled, you can’t try and just control them you have to get rid of them and most of our time is actually spent trying to overcome them and it is just wasted energy. Which we could be put into another positive thing so don’t. If you have a familiar spirit don’t play with it don’t entertain it don’t try and rule it get rid of it. Speak to it and tell it to go from you in Jesus’ name. Or starve it by not feeding it or paying attention to it, and it will leave.

Familiars operate through emotional connections and repetitive cycles that become triggers so they link to our thinking and our emotions and they operate through cycles that just become triggered by events. Something happens, someone says something, it triggers an emotion, this can bring come through a smell or a song, nostalgia is a powerful emotive force to remember the past and familiar spirits play on those type of things. So, they play on things that happen to you and they bring it to your remembrance and take you down a similar pattern of behavior.

That repetition builds a place or a temple for a spirit to sit within our soul and that’s what all spirits want, to be worshiped and to be able to outwork their personality through a person.

 So each repetition of sin is a sacrifice to the idol and further empowers it.

So, every time you give in, you give it power in your life, those transactions take place within the gateways of our soul so our eyes it says are the windows to the soul. The mind triggers thoughts that begin the repetitive cycles. Using our imagination to fantasize often draws us towards a behavioral cycle, just because you don’t do it in the flesh doesn’t mean its not affected.

Emotions trigger feelings and memories that draw us to reach out to touch or taste something. To deal with it, we cover it up, make yourself feel better, lots of different things. Familiars share its life with us to entice us to engage those destructive behavioral patterns. The pathway of the knowledge of the tree of good and evil is always destructive it may seem a good way to go, and it may seem the right way for us to be able to meet our own needs, but it always ends up in destruction and devastation. They speak to us in conversations in our mind to seek our agreement. Now how many of us have had conversation in your own head, it is like the Tom and Jerry picture of the good, you know the good Tom and the bad Jerry. What am I going to listen to and whom am I going to agree with the end of the day?

You don’t agree with anything other than God. You don’t want a conversation with yourself, you don’t want a conversation with the enemy, you want to converse with God because God will be the one who directs us.  Familiars will say things like no one likes you, your no good, you’re a failure, your useless, you hate yourself,  go on treat yourself.  Those things that go on in our minds and what they do is trigger? Behavioral patterns because they highlight and recall our brokenness and the memories which bring our agreement. Those memories are powerful memories, are powerful things that neural pathways are formed around and then they spiral us down, I’m a failure. How many people have said that or felt it, no one likes me, I’m useless. We end up saying the things that the familiar spirits have said to us, and other people may have said to us, and we end up agreeing with it and then living out according to it. So, we actually live as a failure. God says that we are not a failure, He has empowered us and blessed us to success. These are lofty thoughts that set themselves up against the knowledge of God. God says you are an overcomer, he’s blessed you to succeed in life, he’s got a destiny for you, and he wants to reward you for your faithfulness. God says your blessed to succeed, so if anyone else says anything different, whose lying God or anyone that opposes God. A lofty thought is something that says I know better than God and if you think you’re a failure you think you know better than God and that is pride and pride is a very big familiar spirit. Because it will take us down to those negative things, they bond themselves to our soul through the struggles of life and often through generational iniquity and repetitive sin. That’s where they come from, there are things hidden in darkness- 2 Corinthians 4:2 says we have renounced things hidden because of shame, not walking in craftiness or adulterating the word of God. There are things that are hidden in us and because of shame we don’t deal with them and we don’t let anyone know about them and they begin to operate in craftiness in us. 1 John 1:6 says if we say that we have fellowship with him and I guess as Christians we would all say that we have got fellowship with him , but if we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.

The enemy always wants us to walk in darkness, those things that are hidden on the inside of us. If we walk in the light as he himself is in the light and this is where engaging in heaven and stepping into the realms of heaven, which is in the realm of creative light rather than created light. If we live in this realm, it is where things change because as soon as you step into the realm of creative light you are standing in righteousness you not standing in the mess that you’re in here. That’s why if we walk in the light and we engage in the light and we have fellowship with one another, we can begin to share openly because we’re not fearful of the darkness or what people will think or what people will say. It’s absolutely important that we walk in the light. What do we do or think when we are alone or when we think no one’s not looking? That’s the test to what’s going on in our lives. When we’re with other people and were in an environment where we are with others then most of us don’t sin you know because we don’t want to sin because we don’t want anyone else to see whats really going on inside of us so we cover it up or mask it up or we put masks on everthing is okay but when were alone that’s the acid test what goes on in our thinking and our behavior when we are alone  because actually the enemy will try and get you to think no one can see and the reality is the spirit realm both demonic and angelic is around your life and they’re looking and they are going to be drawn to what you’re doing

now when you’re doing negative things who do you think is going to be drawn towards that familiars are drawn to you to fed off you they are like vampires that feed off your behaviors and your thinking and your emotions so communication through medium is through our thoughts and imaginations this is where most of it takes place now there are many examples of cycles that are triggered by familiar thoughts triggers of lust desire rejection insecurity bitterness resentment anger self-pity worry fear and you can go on insecurity many many other things but it all starts with the thoughts that are lies every thought that comes from a familiar spirit is a lie and that’s what you have to deal with in your life so lie busting is a really good thing to deal with familiar spirits because their lies they never gonna tell you the truth they are incapable of telling you the truth because they are of their father the devil and he was a liar from the beginning Jesus said two Corinthians 10 five we are destroying speculations those are things which are speculated against the truth those reasonings that you go on in your own head every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God we are taking every thought captive and this is the key to overcoming is learning to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ and we are ready to punish all disobedience are we? is the question because we have to deal with familiar spirits don’t entertain them or play with them you punish them you destroy them the question is are we ready to do that in our own life so the Holy Spirit comforts us directs us reveals and empowers us leads us to Jesus to reveal who we are in God our identity and our destiny that is the Holy Spirit purpose always wants to bring us into relationship with Jesus and the father so that we can know who we are and out work who we are

the Holy Spirit convicts us to lead us to repentance and enables us to walk in the light so the Holy Spirit never brings guilt shame and condemnation only brings conviction to cause us to run to God into righteousness and be forgiven restored cleansed and made whole

the seven spirits of God are assigned to teach us to enable us to come into who we are as our destiny in God familiar spirit accuses us and reminds us of the past and brings us into condemnation that is how they can rob us of our destiny because they make us feel dirty and ashamed and guilty they cause us to hide in the darkness because of shame

so whether you’re running from the truth and the light whenever you’re running from the truth and light you are being led by a familiar spirit  so many people want to take time out and they want  it is running away we have to face the familiar things and deal with them

fear of people knowing the truth about you that is how a familiar spirit operates it tries to make you fear people knowing the truth fear of what people will think about you if they know the truth about you while they’re no different from you reality is we only condemn others because it makes us feel better about ourselves

because we have the same issues going on in us lies that say you don’t need to do that or say that no one needs to know if you ever get that in your head you know where it’s coming from it can’t be coming from God who wants us to walk in the light

to obscure or silence the word of God that’s their desire because we’re listening to other voices you cannot listen to God’s voice when you’re listening to the voices of familiar spirits on the inside

 familiar spirit is there is a direct counterfeit to the Holy Spirit and the seven spirits of God and often their seven familiar spirits assigned to us by the enemy as counterfeits out working to produce the opposite effect to rob kill and destroy to be in the dark rather than in the light to be hidden rather than to be open

They rob you of your faith and confidence they steal your hope they destroy your vision they remind you of what you are and what you do rather than who you are

because we’re not determined by what we do  we are who we are in God so they will remind you you’re a sinner rather than your righteous and

they’ll get you into dead works in a religious way duty religious obligation trying to make it right rather than receive forgiveness and cleansing from God Romans 615 is a description of this for what I am doing I do not understand from I’m not practicing what I would like to do but I’m doing the very thing I hate but if I do the very thing I do not want to do wretched man that I am who will set me free from the body of this death because that’s what familiar spirits want us to live in death now there’s an answer to this Romans 82 for the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the Law of sin and death because it is a higher law when we receive salvation and the power of God we come into a new kingdom therefore the power of the old Kingdom is a lower law unless we agree with it and operate in it then we give it power over us so

we must operate in the spirit of life because that life will defeat sin and darkness so when we’re looking at this stuff

Name the feeling to identify the spirit

you have to look at what’s going on the inside to identify what it is acknowledge their activity it is like there is no point in hiding it acknowledge it so you can deal with it be accountable to someone and walk in the light but that’s why we are suppose to have fellowship with one another to help us in living out our Christian lives come against in the opposite spirit repent and renounce the usefulness and power in your life don’t play the game with them because they will make out that They are the ones who give you comfort and ease and make yourself feel better but they don’t now cycles of thinking usually end up in behavioral rewards and it’s the reward that is the problem the results of excuses to allow our reactions comfort chocolate some of you have used chocolate you know you talked to me about it shoes now shoes are just things that you buy to make yourself feel better  i am not saying there is nothing wrong shoes as you use them as a material thing then there can be done images to make yourself feel better the shot of whatever drink you take  the hit of whatever drug you take gossip anything the enemy can cause you to do some things to make yourself feel better the end result of those familiar initial thoughts and pathway will be a reward now let’s look at some cycle examples withdrawal is one that people often struggle with something happens and they go into a cycle of withdrawal isolation no one likes you no one is interested in you well if no one likes you and is interested in you what do you do withdraw don’t want to be around people because they don’t like you they are just tolerating you they are just putting up with you because really you are so rubbish that’s what they want you to think so you can feel alone even when you’re in a group of people well i use to do that i use to feel alone in a group of people because I was operating with rejection and wthdrawal was the way I dealt with it this can bring self-hatred when we agree self-loathing self-pity all these things are all revolving around self the reward is then to make yourself feel better and whatever that reward is for you and we are all different the rewards are different when we sacrificed to withdrawal that justifies the reward it gives you permission to go and sin basically the secret treat the comfort the purchase the shop the hit the pornographic image whatever it might be as the reward it all starts with a thought which you didn’t take captive and you spiraled down you can justify and rationalize the excuses someone said something nasty to me i am going to make myself feel better and we get into cycles that are repetitive like that nothing ever satisfies and what it ought to do is trigger remorse or guilt after you have done it you know this is where we have to take it captive before we start down the pathway sorrow and guilt inspires those promises I’ll never do it again how many people have said that it is a sin all you are doing is setting yourself up to fail because if you try not to do it again what are you doing focusing on the very  negative thing and you will always end up doing it we set ourselves up and we become powerless condemnation and shame results and we end up repeating withdrawal because we feel so bad about us we don’t want to be around people so we end up withdrawing so it becomes a vicious circle and cycle of repetitive failure

We make a decision to stop doing something because of the pain it is causing, but we don’t realize our powerlessness. The very pain we are experiencing is the result of not being connected to our power source. The joy of the lord is our strength.

For the joy set before him Jesus endured the cross. Set before him refers to a mindset. It is our mindset that assists our spirit in drawing the strength of the lord.

We are to love the lord with all our heart. We have to set our heart upon the lord in focused worship, so that we are drawing the presence of the lord.

It is the infilling of the spirit that strengthens us. The uniting of our heart so that there is no longer a war on the inside of us.

There is a rest we must enter into so that our life is a flow in the spirit.

 now there is hope that’s why we are looking at this rejection when people reject us there often two ways that causes us to respond one is in self-hatred which causes anger and pricklyness so that we don’t want anyone near us and that can lead in violence and into fights and gang violence because a lot of gangs end up in violence because of that how they feel rejected by society and the enemy offers them a come become a part of our gang and they out work that in violence rejection self-hatred self-pity emptiness no opinions and you hide yourself in the shadows so you don’t want to be rejected so you never say anything is going to possibly cause rejection so you become a mouse and you hid rejection he didn’t say hello  now in church settings this is a classic one and I’ve been accused of this a lot when i come in on Sunday morning I’m busy setting things up I like to sort of get myself in a place with God and i don’t necessary say hello to everybody I might waive you know if your lucky because I am somewhere else i am in another zone now that don’t mean I don’t like but thats what the enemy  will tell you because you’re always looking for validation from significant others and leaders are always people that the enemy uses to bring rejection even if they don’t ever mean to they don’t like you here because someone didn’t say hello they don’t like you here you won’t fit here and if you take that to its ultimate conclusion your useless they wouldn’t want you anyway because of what can you do your a waste of space then you withdraw and you isolate you take time out the famous phrase for church for Christians i am going to take some time out it is rubish all it is is giving familiar spirit access to you life to make it worse not better and so many people do it over the years i have heard that so many times i am going to take some time out I know they’re on the way out when you say that because what you’re saying is I am going to take this rejection and i am going to feed it rather than deal with it worry some people are worriers their parents were worriers and their grandparents were worriers you inherited worry the what if and you rehearse all the negative outcomes of everything now what are you doing you create an anxiety and fear and hopelessness and powerlessness and ultimately despair because you’re worrying about something rather than taking authority over it and making sure that it doesn’t happen  but you can be paralyzed by fear which is false expectations appearing real it is the acronym for fear its never happened and it doesn’t have to happen if you operate in the authority that God has given you to make sure that it doesn’t happened but if you’re operating in fear what you fear can come upon you and I’ve seen this and I have seen people sick because they have been fearing the sickness that was on their parents and they have opened themselves up for that to come upon them because they’ve operating in worry and anxiety and created fear it is negatively meditating and opens the door for those fears to be realized it doesn’t necessarily happen immediately but if you continue the cycle eventually it probably will so let’s not focus on the problem because a problem focused on only gets bigger lets focus on the solution and the problem will look smaller when you look at it from God’s perspective that’s why it’s great to engage in heaven because you’re so far above it you know you can be in a big black hole and it looks like black darkness and you can’t get out of it and that’s what you feel like surrounded by darkness in the black hole you look at that from a heavenly perspective and it is a  black door so we need to see it from a different perspective temptation is not sin but becomes sin if we don’t take the thought captive and defeat it all of us can be tempted it is only when we give into the temptation and follow the pathway that it becomes sin so the thought is not wrong it can’t be coming from a negative faith we have to take captive the thought and deal with it rather than entertaining it there’s always a way of escape one Corinthians 10:13 no temptation has overtaken you but such is common to man God is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able to able but with the temptation will provide a way of escape also so that you will be able to enjoy it we will be able to do with anything any throws at us because we can overcome it when we know that God is given us the truth to be able to defeat every lie the first thought the feeling the trigger is where the battle is won or lost that’s where we have to deal with it rationalize and play along with the thoughts and the result is inevitable take captive the thought  and our reactions or you take the downward spiral to repeat failure

now once you learn how to deal with the familiars then the thoughts are no longer on the inside of you there on the outside of you and once you learn how to deal with them on the outside of you they go away

you don’t have to deal with this for the rest of your life once you deal with the familiar you know your authority the thoughts go away because they know they had no power over you anymore

 so it’s not that we have to struggle the whole of our life to deal with thoughts no we deal with them deal with what’s behind them and they go away

i don’t get negative thoughts like i used to as I learned how to deal with them as an example of not taking captive the thought and we’ve used this one before  i think deb has used this one chocolate I’m going into town I’ll just walk past the shop I’ll just go in and I won’t go down the chocolate aisle I’ll just go down the aisle but I won’t look all look but I won’t touch well i’ll  touch but i won’t bit it ill bit it but  I won’t eat it will be my little test Yum Yum Yum where did that start with the initial thought because when you thought going into town what came into your mind  was hey there is an opportunity to walk past the sweetshop that what happens the same thing with drugs and alcohol I’m going to town which way will i walk i will walk past the pub or the off license or the dealers house but i won’t go in now you are already going down a wrong path because what you need to do is find a route that doesn’t go past any of those things until you’re at such a point where it is no longer a problem to you but you have to find a way I’ll go in but I won’t drink  you know I’ve meaten people well i will phonemy dealer to see how he is doing  why would you want to do that there all thopse things are a result of not taking the initial thought captive now we are holistic people were not just psychological but also physiological so their physiological effects that are also involved in these things

it is not just a spiritual thing that familiar spirit just puts thoughts into your mind actually there are chemical reactions that take place thoughts trigger emotions which release endorphins dopamine which are biochemicals they operate in your mind in the cells of your body the records of memories which are stored can be triggered by those chemical reactions and they can be recalled neuro- addiction is a reward pathway for liking or wanting system wanting something strongly activates on these Olympic dopamine serotonin reaction now those of you that have dealt with addictions propbally know all this stuff wanting something see we like to receive gifts for example but we want food sex and drugs and other things and there’s a difference between liking and wanting

the liking system is activated by receiving the reward while the wanting system anticipates the reward and motivates and is instrumental in our behaviors just anticipating the reward can stimulate chemical reactions when those two systems are exposed to drugs or any reward the wanting system motivates persistent pursuit of the drug or the reward even though it’s no longer given us any pleasure or it causes us to feel guilty and ashamed that is what the explanation of the paradox of addiction

because we do something that we don’t want to do because we are caught in a cycle of it biochemically a runaway appetite for nonstop stimulation of the reward pathway is a prescription for disaster

it puts things into place biochemically in our body which sets us down these pathways if we don’t learn to take it captive that can harm us physically behaviorally psychologically and  those are just the symptoms of something which is deeper the power of pornography when were first exposed pun intended to sexually arousing stimuli certain neurochemical changes take place our brain releases dopamine a neurotransmitter involved in many functions of pleasure arousal desire and attraction and our body having release that it gets activated dopamine plays a big role in motivation and drive that’s why dopamine enhancing drugs were  in ADHD and ADD where there is a lack of motivation they cause motivation therefore when they’re released by triggers they motivate us to behave in certain ways because of the strong association dopamine has with both arousal and desire motivation it is thought to play a strong role in addictions of any sort and any familiar spirit really operating is an addiction it is causing us to follow the same patterns of behavior after our brain releases dopamine we feel attracted to the object of our attention and were compelled to draw closer to it and to experience it more fully that’s what happens if were stimulated enough to point of arousal oxytocin is triggered another chemical oxytocin is another neurotransmitter that is associated with attachment now all these things your not conscious of what’s going on but they’re all going on in your body as a physiological expression of what psychologically is taking place

 so when we interface with a person or object our brain releases oxytocin and we form an attachment to it now to deal with all these things we have to take captive the thought  and deal with the familiars that are motivating and pushing that thought  before biochemical cycles start because if we allow those cycles to start it is almost impossible to stop them once its kicked in because your body is so used to that habitual pattern of chemical behavior it is like on its way and he you cain’t get out of it not that is not an excuse because we have the ability to take captive the thought and we have the ability to deal with the familiar spirit the trigger of fantasy we can do all in our mind while Jesus talked about that the power of our imagination and creativity of framing our lives is something that God has given us we can frame our lives according to using our imagination in a Positive Way,

Matthew 5:28 is the negative aspect if you say that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart if your right eye makes you stumble tear it out throw it from you for it’s better to lose one part of your body than your whole body be thrown into hell now that is the description of deal with familiar spirits deal with what you reactions are to the thoughts or the stimuli or the images or whatever it is our thoughts using meditative process are so powerful and they affect our experience negatively and positively Proverbs 23: 7 for as a man thinks within himself in his heart so is he how you think about yourself will eventually be how you act and behave so our thinking can promote health and well-being or can poison us there is some really good teaching out there about toxic thinking and we will look at that in another session so cycles of thinking are inspired by familiars that become behavioral cycles of bondage remove the familiars power or legal right that’s how you start

if the familiar spirit is operating in the gateways of your life why is it there deal with it then you’re only having to do with the thought not the spirit behind the thought know your authority to take the thoughts captive if Jesus said take captive every thought pull inspired by jesus no dought  then you can if there is always a way out of every temptation then there is you just have to believe that more and act on that more than acting on the repetitive cycles so use our authority and then overcome because we are over comers that is our  identity were not supposed to be the tail but the head God is created us to rule not to be subjected to others rule so a detox for the brain is what we need freedom from toxic thinking the choice is every individuals it is yours you’ll need to be consistent and persistent vigilant and digital diligent removing the familiars from your Gates and then resisting the familiar attacks on the outside because just because you get rid of a spirit doesn’t mean they stop pleaging your thoughts but you have to be ready for it so I encourage people to develop a 40 day battle plan now most people think 40 days you know if it takes that long i am  never going to do it well you already failed because you’ve chosen to accept that you never gonna get out of it if you fight the enemy and the enemy cannot take a long battle 40 days is often the testing period In the Bible because it is significant and there are significant significant things in 40 days that the enemy cannot take the battle longer than 40 days six weeks are you willing to put six weeks of your life to change your future are you willing to put a plan into action it takes two weeks to challenge the old patterns with new truth don’t try and change the old embrace the new it takes two weeks to adopt the new patterns of thinking and it takes two weeks to live at those new patterns and if you can do that you can change it is like  I find this in my own life and in just natural things it is just like we have been on a holiday for two weeks before i went on a holiday i use to eat an orange every night because i like oranges and they are very healthy and i use to eat an orange every night on holiday we had a lot of things every night so i didn’t eat any oranges at all when I came back after two weeks i didn’t fancy any oranges now it is like that is the power of the mind in two weeks I broke the effect now i like oranges and apples an i ate one last  night now i like them again  because i like them  so you can use these things in a very practical way to change things I took some familiar mindsets into the court 15 times or more every day and now I no longer have any of those thoughts whatsoever at all ever because I smashed them until they were there anymore I was not going to allow a familiar spirit so I prompted it to attack me so I can get into court you know one weekend God took all the restraints off my life deb was away and I was at home and I was looking at dealing with some things and god took all the restraints of what it will be like if I didn’t actually rule or control everything and it was like woe that is all the stuff that is on the inside and it prompted me to deal with it so I went down a route of  taking every single familiar spirit and how it operated and taking in the court so I could deal with it and then once I dealt with it in the court and I had authority over it and I exercised that authority and ever a thought came back I took it back to contempt of court and eventually none of those thoughts  exist any longer

It is not that I have to fight them take them captive they don’t exist so you only have to take something captive until it no longer exists and it won’t

 it will keep existing unless you deal with the familiar spirit behind it so deal with the familiars put them to death don’t try and control them and use a judicial court system heaven convene the mobile court is what we have been using to do this and call the accuser call the familiar spirit to come and find out why it’s there how do you identify what it is your behaviors and your mindsets most of you know what most is but ask  God to show you if you don’t so identify the reaction or behavior and then what’s behind it and ask God to show you then take that one at a time or all of them i know that Ian Clayton does a teaching on this we got on the website the basic leases he used to take all of them in there and they use to give each other up as is no honor amongst demons it’s like they don’t like it if one of them starts plagen and all of them get punished that like it so in the end he dealt with them all it is something we have to do if you don’t do it your going to suffer this cycle for the rest of your life and that’s a miserable existence when we can be free so whether it’s fear rejection pride low self-esteem worth value insecurity doubt and unbelief worry and anxiety negativity strongholds mindsets beliefs whatever they are be willing to deal with them by faith convene the court of accusation stand covered by the word in the blood of the new covenant call the familiar to stand there demand to hear the accusation legal right to cross-examine them if you need to find out where they come from whether their generational whether your sin whether it’s an assignment that the enemy is put on you except the accusations by agreeing with your adversary don’t argue it is like don’t try and rationalize it justifiable have justification for it is sin accept it repent renouce it and move on except God’s judgment and receive the verdict that’s what we need to do not guilty is always the verdict because Jesus always dealt with the sin on the cross so then take the court orders the divorce or separation papers or restraining orders that you use against these things and enforce them you have to know your authority see God’s judgment released over them if they repeat a thought they broken a court order and are in contempt of court so reconvene the court and it doesn’t take many times before they get incarcerated because God will put them and into chains of ultimately if they keep breaking the court order so use the verdict as your authorization to be free then decree and declare and act in accordance with the verdict take your authority over your thoughts actions emotions and enforce the authority if there is a repeat attack don’t agree with it this is where alot of people fail oh this didn’t work it didn’t work nothing works for me it’s okay for them i am always going to be like this.

 how many People have felt that way it is self-pity actually the reality is even if a thought comes back take it captive and deal with it take it back to the judge and he will act on our behalf  okay but let’s just practice that for a few minutes we have a court and i encourage you to close your eyes think about any familiar spirit that you know and you want to deal with today and activate your imagination by faith convene the court and choose to step into that court where God is our judge Jesus is our advocate and call that familiar spirit to step into the court as you step into the court you stand under the covering of the word of God the blood of Jesus you stand already clothed in robes of righteousness so just  demand to hear the accusations of that familiar spirit what is its access point you can repent and renounce the behavior the thoughts emotions the mindsets you may need to forgive your ancestors from their opening up the doorway for that familiar in your life release them from the effect this had on you as you stand under the judgment of God receive that judgment the verdict not guilty that judgment gets released over the familiar that familiar now knows he has no legal right to afflict you receive the verdict as papers authorizing you to take captive every thought to overcome every emotion you have the authority to defeat every temptation remember God is destined you to succeed he is blessed you and empowered you to prosper his desire is to give you abundant overflowing life each of us has a destiny to fulfill it is your destiny to succeed and to overcome and subdue every opposition you are an overcomer you are more than a conqueror now i encourage you to use that exercise put a battle plan into place and make sure that no familiar spirits are robbing you of your destiny

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