Cleansing familiars 2

Engaging God •Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God •Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us •We can access the legal or judicial system of the kingdom of God to keep our gates open

Cleansing Gateways

4 Chambers of the Heart

Using the Court of Accusation

Gateways of Spirit Soul Body


Understanding Gateways 

Cleansing our Gateways

Familiar Spirits

Cleansing Gateways

Trauma To Transformation

Transformation through Communion

Fear of God











Subconscious Mind 





Sight Hearing Smell Taste Touch

Engaging God Gateways  •A Gateway is a place of authority where dominion is exercised  •Whoever controls your life’s different gateways exercises authority, dominion & control over you •Your gates are designed to be open and flowing from the inside out so that you become a gateway of heaven

River of Life

Soul Spirit













Familiar spirits





Doubts Fears

Guilt Shame

Familiar spirits

Pathway of Relationship

Fear of God



Engaging God Gateways • Our eyes and ears etc. are windows or gates • Our problem is that everything has flowed from the outside in and we are conformed to that pattern – world’s mould • For us to be conformed to the heavenly pattern everything must flow from the inside out • Your gates must be open for life to flow  • Our gateways can be blocked or restricted

Engaging God Gateways • We may have inadvertently given demonic forces legal access and legal rights to sit in those gates to control us and resist and block the flow  • Our ancestors may have given a legal right to demons – familiar spirits • Those legal rights may still be there • We need to remove those legal rights, cleanse and purify and  establish God’s kingdom rule in our gates

Engaging God Gateways •We must use our gates for their designed purpose and function •Familiars can counterfeit gate functions for illegitimate purposes •Familiars can block and control our gates •Familiars hide they want us to think that everything going on is just us

• Familiar Spirits how do they function? • Jer 20:10 For I have heard many whispering and defaming, [There is] terror on every side! Denounce him! Let us denounce him! Say all my familiars, they who watch for my fall, Perhaps he will be persuaded and deceived; • Throne takers, Blessing blockers, Rest robbers, Destiny destroyers  Engaging God Gateways

Engaging God Gateways   •Sit within the gates of our lives to express themselves through our behavioural choices •They are both an anchor and trigger for negative patterns of behaviour •Tempters to get us to follow familiar neural pathways along a cycle of behaviour

Engaging God Gateways   •Seek to control and influence our choices out of our brokenness •When we yield or bow down to any spirit it becomes an idol, it becomes our God •It becomes our source and supply and we take on its identity •We then outwork its personality

Engaging God Gateways   •Familiar – well known, intimately acquainted, excessively informal, a demon supposedly attending and obeying a witch •Hebrew “ob” wineskin or leather bottle, medium, necromancer familiar spirit •Desert go back to water pouch “ob” over and over because it is a dry place

Engaging God Gateways   •The broken areas of lives can be like a wilderness or dry place •Another meaning is a deep sultry voice or seductive voice to entice and influence •In the occult world it is something that is consulted – therefore medium of communication

Engaging God Gateways   •Lev 19:31 31 ‘Do not turn to mediums or familiars; do not seek them out to be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God. •Defile make unclean, stained, pollute, desecrate •Depravity, guilt and shame •Hopeless, useless and in despair

Engaging God Gateways   •Deut 18:11 or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a familiar, or one who calls up the dead. •They are familiar so know things about the dead people they have inhabited •They desire to tie you to your past generations behavioural patterns 

Engaging God Gateways   •Lev 20:27 ‘Now a man or a woman who is a medium or a familiar shall surely be put to death. They shall be stoned with stones, their bloodguiltiness is upon them.’”  •Familiars defile and begin to pollute others around them so can’t be accommodated or controlled

Engaging God Gateways   •Familiars operate through emotional connections and repetitive cycles that become triggers •Repetition builds a place or temple for a spirit to sit in within our soul •Each repetition of sin is a sacrifice to the idol and further empowers it •Those transactions take place within our gates

Engaging God Gateways   •Our eyes are windows to the soul •Mind triggers thoughts that begin the repetitive cycles •Using our imagination to fantasise draws us towards behavioural cycles •Emotions trigger feelings and memories that draws us to reach out to touch or taste

Engaging God Gateways   •Familiar shares its life with us to entice us to engage in destructive behavioural patterns •Speaks to us in conversations in our mind to seek our agreement •No one likes you, you’re no good, you’re a failure, you’re useless, you hate your self, go on treat yourself

Engaging God Gateways   •Highlight and recall our brokenness and the memories which bring our agreement •I am a failure, nobody likes me, I am useless •Lofty thoughts that set themselves up against the knowledge of God •God says you are blessed to succeed 

Engaging God Gateways   •Bond itself to our soul through life struggles, generation iniquity and repetitive sin •Things hidden in darkness •2 Cor 4:2 but we have renounced the things hidden because of shame, not walking in craftiness or adulterating the word of God,

Engaging God Gateways   •1 John 1:6 If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth; 7 but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.

Engaging God Gateways   •What do we do or think when we are alone when nobody is looking •The spirit realm both demonic and angelic around your life is looking and will be drawn to what you are doing •Familiars are drawn to you to feed off you •Familiars are vampires that feed off your behaviours

Engaging God Gateways   •Communication medium is your thoughts and imagination •Examples of the cycles that are triggered by familiar thoughts •Triggers of lust, desire, rejection, insecurity, bitterness, resentment, anger, self-pity, worry, fear •It all starts with thoughts that our lies

Engaging God Gateways  •2 Cor 10:5 We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, 6 and we are ready to punish all disobedience, •Are we ready?

Engaging God Gateways  •Holy Spirit comforts us, direct us, reveals and empowers us  •Leads us to Jesus to reveal who we are in God – our identity and destiny  •Holy Spirit convicts us to lead us to repentance and enables us to walk in the light •7 spirits of God assigned to teach us

Engaging God Gateways  •Familiar spirit accuses us and reminds us of the past and brings us into condemnation •Causes us to hide in the darkness because of shame •Whenever you are running from the truth and light you are being led by a familiar spirit

Engaging God Gateways  •Fear of people knowing the truth about you •Fear of what people will think about you •Lies you don’t need to do that or say that, nobody needs to know •Obscure or silence the voice of God because we are listening to other voices

Engaging God Gateways  •Familiar spirit is a direct counterfeit to the Holy Spirit and 7 spirits of God •Often there are 7 familiars assigned to your life as enemy counterfeits •Outworking to produce an opposite spiritual effect rob, kill and destroy •Light – dark •Open – hidden

Engaging God Gateways  •Rob you of your faith and confidence •Steal your hope •Destroy your vision •Remind you of what you are and do rather than who you are •Sinner rather than righteous •Dead works, duty, religious obligation

Engaging God Gateways  • Rom 6:15 For what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate. 16 But if I do the very thing I do not want to do, 24 Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death? • Rom 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death.

Engaging God Gateways  •Name the feeling to identify the spirit •Acknowledge their activity •Be accountable to someone walk in the light •Come against it in the opposite spirit •Repent of them and renounce their usefulness and power in your life

Engaging God Gateways  •Cycles of thinking usually end in behavioural rewards •Results of excuses to allow reactions •Comfort – chocolate, shoes, images, shot, hit, gossip •End result of the familiar initial thoughts and pathways

Engaging God Gateways  •Cycle examples •Withdrawal, isolation,  no one likes you. No one is interested in you •You can feel alone even in a group  •Self- hatred agreement, self loathing, self-pity •Reward to make yourself better

Engaging God Gateways  •Sacrifice to withdrawal – justifies the reward  •Secret treat, comfort – the purchase, the shot, the hit, the pornographic image etc. •Justify and rationalises the excuses •Never satisfies and often triggers remorse or guilt 

Engaging God Gateways  •Sorrow, guilt inspires promises – I will never do it that again •We have now set ourselves up to fail again – repeat the cycle, powerless •Condemnation and shame results and we repeat withdrawal •Becomes vicious circle of repetitive cycles of failure 

Engaging God Gateways  • Rejection – self hatred, anger, prickliness,  violence – fights – gang violence • Rejection – self hatred, self pity emptiness, no opinions, hide in shadows • Rejection – he didn’t say hello, he doesn’t like you, they don’t like you here, you don’t fit, your useless self-pity – withdraw isolate, take time out excuse 

Engaging God Gateways  •Worry – what if, rehearsing all the negative outcomes •Anxiety – fear, hopelessness, powerlessness, despair •Paralysed by a False Expectations Appearing Real •Meditating negatively opens the door for your fears to be realised

Engaging God Gateways  •Don’t focus on the problem as it only gets bigger •Focus on the solution and the problem gets smaller •Temptation is not sin but becomes sin if we don’t take the thought captive and defeat it

Engaging God Gateways  • Always a way of escape • 1 Cor 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it. 

Engaging God Gateways  •The first thought, feeling, trigger is where the battle is won or lost •Rationalise and play along with the thoughts and result is inevitable •Take captive the thought and our reactions or take the downward spiral to repeat failure

Engaging God Gateways  • Chocolate – I am going into town, I will just walk past the shop, I will just go in but I won’t go down the chocolate aisle, I will just go down the aisle but a I won’t look, I will look but I won’t touch, I will touch but I won’t buy, I will buy but won’t eat, it will be my little test • Yum Yum Yum

Engaging God Gateways  •Alcohol or drug •I am going into town which way will I walk? •I will walk past the pub, off-licence or dealers house but I will not go in •I will go in but I won’t drink …. •Result of not taking captive the initial thought

Engaging God Gateways  • We are holistic people it is not just psychological but is also physiological • Thoughts trigger emotions which release endorphins, dopamine – biochemicals • They operate in your mind and the cells of your body • Records of the memories are stored and can be triggered to be recalled

Engaging God Gateways  •Neuro-addiction: The Reward Pathway. •Liking or wanting systems •Wanting something strongly activates a mesolimbic dopamine-serotonin  reaction •We like to receive gifts, for example, but we want food, sex, and drugs. 

Engaging God Gateways  •“The ‘liking’ system is activated by receiving the reward, while the ‘wanting’ system anticipates reward and motivates instrumental behaviours. 

Engaging God Gateways  •When these two systems are exposed to drugs or any reward, the “wanting” system motivates persistent pursuit of drugs or reward that no longer give pleasure, thus offering an explanation for a core paradox in addiction.”

Engaging God Gateways  •Biochemically a runaway appetite for non-stop stimulation of the reward pathway is a prescription for disaster.  •The harm is physical, behavioural, and psychological–as are the symptoms.

Engaging God Gateways  • Power of pornography • When we are first exposed (pun intended) to sexually arousing stimuli, certain neurochemical changes take place.  • Our brain releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter involved in many functions – pleasure, arousal, desire, and attraction

Engaging God Gateways  • Dopamine also plays a big role in motivation and drive, which is why dopamine-enhancing drugs work well in syndromes like ADD/ADHD, where lack of motivation is an issue.  • Because of the strong association dopamine has with both arousal/desire and motivation, it is also thought to play a role in addiction. 

Engaging God Gateways  •After our brain releases dopamine, we feel attracted to the object of our attention. We are compelled to draw closer to it, to experience it more fully. •If we are stimulated enough to a point of high arousal oxytocin is triggered.  •Oxytocin is a neurotransmitter that is associated with attachment. 

Engaging God Gateways  •When we interface with a person or object, and our brain releases oxytocin, we naturally form an attachment to it. •The key is taking captive the thoughts that familiars use to start off the biochemical cycles

Engaging God Gateways  • Trigger of fantasy we can do it in our minds • Power of imagination in creativity and framing our lives • Matt 5:28 but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye makes you stumble, tear it out and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 

Engaging God Gateways  •Our thoughts using the meditative process are powerful in affecting our experiences •Negatively and positively •Prov 23:7 For as a man thinks within himself (his heart ), so he is •Our thinking can promote health and welling being or poison us

Engaging God Gateways  •Cycles of thinking are often inspired by familiars that become behavioural cycles and bondage •Remove the familiars power or legal right •Know our authority to take the thoughts captive •Use our authority and overcome

Engaging God Gateways  •Detox for the brain •Freedom from toxic thinking •The choice is yours •You will need to be consistent and persistent, vigilant and diligent •Removing the familiars from your gates and then resisting the familiar thought attacks from the outside

Engaging God Gateways  • Develop a 40 day battle plan – 6 weeks  • 2 weeks to challenge the old patterns with the new truth • 2 weeks to adopt the new patterns • 2 weeks live out the new patterns • I took a familiar mind-set into the court 15+ times in day • I no longer get negative those thoughts 

Engaging God Gateways  •Deal with familiars – put them to death don’t try to control them •Use the judicial court system of heaven •Convene the mobile court of accusation •Call one of the accusers that you have identified

•Fear, rejection, pride •Low self esteem, worth, value •Insecurity, doubt, unbelief •Worry, anxiety, negativity •Strongholds, mind-sets, belief systems Engaging God Gateways

Engaging God Gateways  • By faith convene the court of accusation • Stand covered by the word and blood in the new covenant  – Call the familiar to the stand • Demand to hear the accusations or legal rights cross examine them if necessary • Accept the accusations by agreeing with your adversaries • Accept God’s judgment and receive the verdict

Engaging God Gateways  • Not guilty • Take the court orders divorce or separation papers restraining orders • Know your authority over them and see the judgment of God released over them • If they repeat a thought they have broken a court order and are in contempt reconvene the court

Engaging God Gateways  •Use the verdict as your authorisation to be free •Decree and declare and act in accordance with the verdict and take authority over the thoughts, emotions and actions •Enforce your authority

Engaging God Gateways  •If there is a repeat attack use a contempt of court procedure •Don’t agree with it •It didn’t work, nothing works for me, it’s ok for them but I will always be like this •Take it back to the judge and He will act on our behalf

•Close your eyes relax •Think about what familiar you want to bring to the court •Activate your imaginations open the eyes of your heart •By faith convene the court •Step into the court  

•Stand under the covering of the word and blood of Jesus •Receive your robes of righteousness •Demand to hear the accusations of the familiar – access point •Repent, renounce forgive •Receive the verdict – not guilty •Release the judgment •Take the papers act on them

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