Ketubah 4

We are continuing with engaging God this four session series on ketubah is probably one of the most important that I’ve done for us moving forward in the purposes of God individually and corporately. were on a pathway of relationship and this is the end of that pathway, but will lead us into the pathway of responsibility but we learned that heaven is flowing through us as we are a gateway of our spirit soul body to flow around the world to bring life where ever it goes.

And in the next set section we are going to learn about deeper relationship with God and discover there is so much more for us to experience. And as we open our first Love gate and invite God’s presence. Jesus is knocking, he wants us to open we invite him to be on the throne of our lives we have that river of life flowing. that is to flow through all our gateways. And as we had been looking at gateways we have looked at understanding the gateways using the court of accusation to clean and cleanse our gateways, various things in cleansing our gateways using communion in that process. And now we are on the four chambers of the heart as we’ve seen. As we deal with familiar spirits then we have access to a deeper relationship with God and we are going to look at the garden of our heart, the dance floor, soaking room bridal chamber.

 But to do that we need an understanding of the ketubah the marriage relationship. Just to recap God does not choose us on the basis of our good works our past performance or history, just as well for most of us. Actually he chooses us in spite of all that. Because he has an eternal destiny for every single person in this room in relationship with him.

 Romans 510 if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of his son Jesus on the cross much more having been reconciled shall be saved by his life. That word saved has a full perspective of wholeness provision protection health forgiveness. We will be saved in an ongoing relationship because he’s chosen us.

one Corinthians 1:27 for God who has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong, the base things of the world and the despised God has chosen. The things which are not so that he may nullify the things that are so that no man may boast before God.

It is all about God, we can’t do anything in our own strength, but if we yield he’s chosen weak things don’t have to be strong. Our strength comes from him we just have to yield to his purpose in our lives to our destiny. So God desires a marriage relationship with us. A ketubah is a marriage contract made under a Huppah or a covering cloud of God’s presence.

 Jesus went to the cross to prepare a place for us. Read about that in John 14- a marriage chamber in us of relationship. He was resurrected and he came back so that we can have a wedding. A place where we can engage in a deeper relationship with God, ongoing.  to make a ketubah we need to understand God’s promises and purpose. And we looked at lots of those last week. the love letter written in the word of God to us by Jesus that describes who he is and all he has done for us .we need to understand the new covenant which becomes the basis of our ketubah.

Our ketubah needs to be made in light of our destiny scroll, that which was formed in God’s heart and agreed with our spirit in eternity.

 we need to align what we believe about God in our lives with that eternal perspective that comes from God.

 Psalm 139:16 your eyes have seen my unformed substance in your book were all written the days that were ordained for me when as yet there was not one of them. so everything has been prepared. the question is will we come into alignment with it. verse 17 how precious also are your thoughts to me oh God, had vast is the some of them.

As we engage with God in deeper intimacy, the more that vast some of his thoughts about us get reveal day by day. Every day he will reveal more of our purpose and God’s plan for us and the relationship and the intimacy if we engage him.

 it says in the word of God that if we draw near to God, he will draw near to us. Because he’s already drawn near and has made the invitation for us to draw near to him which he always responds to.

 We can find our true identity and have progressive revelation of our blueprint or our scroll for our lives. Every day he will reveal something new, he will show us what it is and our purpose for each day if we will surrender and submit to it and engage him for it.

  We can produce our ketubah our marriage contract from that context.  The ketubah is about our expectations of our relationship with God in that marriage and our destiny and purpose within that relationship. We need to know what our expectations are.

Because if it’s black and not white then we are going every day in a sense with not that light revealed.

 God wants us to be children of light as he is light so that revelation of that light can be revealed. But it comes in relationship.

 in relationship we seek first his kingdom and righteousness which means out of our first Love for him and then all God promises become available to us. The promises of God become available to us in relationship and in fulfilling our destiny, not to do what we want.

That is the pathway that the enemy offered to Adam and Eve and they accepted it. it is the pathway we’ve all been on separated from God. God wants to restore us to the pathway of the tree of life, not the pathway of the tree of the knowledge good and evil.

So we are in him and were in his name therefore we have the power of attorney to operate as his children as co- heirs and joint-heirs in the kingdom of God.

 Genesis 128 which was essentially the mandate that was given to Adam and Eve. God bless them God said to them be fruitful multiply fill the earth subdue and rule. That is still the mandate we have today as his children. That mandate forms the basis of our expectations. so we are blessed by God so we can expect him to empower us to succeed and prosper to the highest level.

 What is the highest level for us individually, it is all different because we’re all uniquely made with a purpose. The highest level for each of us is to fulfill the destiny that God has given us. And he will empower us to do that.

 So the ketubah becomes the basis of that covenant exchange, where God gives us everything we need, if we give our lives to him to fulfill our destiny.

We can trade into that and expect a response. So whenever we have need of anything from God to fulfill his purpose and so that we can outwork that, he will give it to us, if we believe it and we operate in faith according to it.

So we trust him by surrendering to our destiny. he provides protects empowers and blesses us to prosper and succeed to the highest level.

So what do we put into our ketubah? We put in our ketubah everything that will bring the fulfillment of our eternal destiny. It is the expectation of the availability of all the resources necessary to enable us to fulfill God’s purpose on a daily basis.

 It then becomes the foundational truth and reality from which we live.

 We live according to it so we then can frame our lives in accordance with those expectations those hopes. And then we will see that faith becomes the substance of those hopes.

 Our ketubah will enable us to rule in life and not be subject to the circumstances around us or under them. So it is absolutely important that we spend time engaging God about this ketubah. Spend time with him seek God about it ask him what is it that I should put in this relationship, this marriage contract.

 So then that will form the basis of what you live. So formulate it, and then we can become joined to him in the new covenant marriage relationship.

 Now most of us may have an inkling of some of this. And you may have done this sort of anyway in the things you been doing but not done it specifically.

So you have been living in the benefit of the things that you come into agreement with in your own mind and with God’s heart. Now he wants you to be more specific now, because he has more things for us to do.

 So we are going to look at our corporate ketubah. the example of our draft ekklesia ketubah which were working on at the moment. I am going to show some of my personal example of the ketubah I wrote.

We are going to learn how to use that ketubah to frame our lives and then how to frame or create our reality in alignment with our destiny. That’s what God wants us to do.

 So as a church, we have a blueprint. That blueprint was given to us by God. We use that blueprint to establish our church ketubah. We use the expectations of God, so we can fulfill our blueprint and bring glory to God as heirs co-heirs and sons of God .so that’s our church blueprint I am not going to go into that today, but it’s not a flat two-dimensional picture. you need to look into it and if you look into it you’ll see there is a foundation on which we build which is the heavenly bench of three father-son and spirit. that on that foundation we have a bench of three, the government of  heaven on earth. We have a bench of seven we have seven mountain governmental spheres and we have our bench of 12 and its increasing and widening because there is no end to the increase of his government. So we form our ketubah on the basis of that. So our church contract has certain scriptural expectations and there are lots of Bible scriptures you could use there. Here is just a few of them.

Matthew 18:20 two or three gathered he’ll be there. we need to hold him to that. So he is here right now, his presence is here differently from just being anywhere else, because we gather with an expectation.

Psalm 22:3 he will inhabit our praises. so he will come and fill the praises and that will open up a realm for us to experience.

 Matthew 1618 the gates of hell will not prevail against us the promise.

Two Corinthians 9:8 he will provide enough grace for all our needs and abundance for all the good deeds that he has prepared for us to do. So grace is his divine enabling power.

 Genesis 28:18 to live under an open heaven in the overlap of heaven and earth, an expectation. We can also use God’s prophetic words and revelation to us to remind him of them in our ketubah, because he spoken so many prophetic words to us over the years. We need to use those and bring that expectation of fulfillment.

So the promise of six spiritual rivers flowing out of heaven that we can engage. Whenever we gather and those six spiritual rivers flow out from over the stage and flow into the room. if you don’t know what they are  you can go back and look at some of the teaching on it. but those are things we can experience. God’s presence will be constantly with us. part of our ketubah our gatherings will be an open heaven and angelic landing strip. again prophetically spoken to us.

The presence of the four angels of the new order and the seven spirits of God and the cloud of witnesses to be a place where dreams visions and blueprints of destiny are released.

 There will be an increasing intimacy in our relationship with God. God will enable the success of our blueprint. God will provide and supply all resources needed to fulfill our blueprint. God will provide health safety and protection. God’s faithfulness will be seen.

Now we are working and developing these into a thing that, we were going to have marriage ceremony with .and so these are people’s expectations when we gather we ask okay what should we put in our ketubah .and these were some of the things people felt.12:58

 God’s faithfulness will be seen. God’s favor blessings will be released.  God will provide all the revelation we need to fulfill what were called to do.  There will be guidance and direction revelation through multiple witnesses of confirmation not just one person. God will honor our eternal destiny, so that all things will be possible to him who believes. That God will trust us with? We can have lots of things in there.  God will hear us when we speak. God will give us wisdom we were supernatural power and authority we will have an environment that enables constant growth and fruitfulness.13:28

 be transformational power will be available in our environment God will partner with us to bring life to heal the sick to raise the debt salvation is will be released we will receive a ring of sonship authority to rule over creation we will be there not the tail the frequencies are heaven will be emanating from God will open access to multiple dimensions earth and all created dimensions will be our inheritance we will be an embassy of heaven where everything we do will create the atmosphere repentance health healing reach beyond our physical footprint to other parts of the world we will be part of raising a mature sons the Joshua generation will the ability to access all areas of the heavenly realms of heaven government the mountains the thrones in the spheres of government the we need have charge of the court seven will of authority to release and legislate God’s laws from the heavenly realms will have access to same/get back things have been robbed and that we will be able to fulfil our part in establishing and administering a city of refuge for what was called us to do the ability to access the Ark of God and be a representation of the four faces of God the Lionel Ziegler man in kingly prophetic apostolic priestly government the ability to access God’s are in eternity the ability to access the river of life the tree of life the throne of grace the garden of God in the judgement seat to be a fertile place were gifts of the spirit are manifested in fruit of the spirit grows to see kingdom manifestations of health so so salvation power signs and wonders to access all the resources necessary to be an apostolic resource the Joshua generation to operate in legislative government to live under the law of father and sonship with the laws of inheritance restitution recognition are in operation these are laws which we’ve established made in the rounds are heaven need to ministry to ability to access the 12 chances houses the authority to align circle the deep bring God’s government to the created order name are not understandable that but that is what we are having is an expectation of fulfilment so that everyone will be able to benefit from as we established that in agreement with God so my personal to Brecht expectations essentially to have everything I need to fulfil my destiny the dreams and visions of God is given I wrote this and in 2011 2012 and went through dark cloud experience with this God unveiled in outworked on so some of the things I’ve written are already fulfilled and found are already fulfilled their some instantly were a share some of the 48 points that I wrote one of those 48 points were 1220 direct dreams visions that I see myself doing God has shown me that do just one line but it contains 20 things are relevant to me so to have my scroll of destiny fulfilled to live in full health and wholeness body soul and spirit to live in and from rest knowing God in the fullness of his names to fulfil my 20 dreams to be transfigured into a fully metamorphose of life to be manifested son of God your to rule of the Lord of lords the kingdom of God to rule as kings in the kingdom of heaven to live in fulfilled marriage body soul and spirit my children and grandchildren follow their destinies in God to fulfil your desires to me God’s desire is to access the timeline to resign over the courts of of the heavenly realms my full faculties restored is intended before the fall of the first creation to ascend the nine fire stones of God into full sonship make any when understand this me this is stuff I do on a daily basis now so I’ve experienced a lot of these things cooperate the trading floors of the heavenly realms to have my DNA restored to its 12 strands to access all the rooms in the mountain of God need to fulfil my destiny and there are many many routes in the mountains and I get to see all because I need to go to the ones that I needed for me to fulfil my destiny sorts of people say to me into this place in that place like no and because actually that your place where your destiny will be but there are places that I can engage to rule the seven thrones of my personal mountains to call forth destiny many sons and daughters to raise up people to take their positions Lord’s kings and sons to help raise of the Joshua generation and equip the Jesus generation to be part of an apostolic resource centre remember this was written in 2011 so a lot of these things were then just dreams and things that I knew were part of my destiny now I’m actually part of an in fulfilment of to know be fully due to both spirit to 10 cultivate the garden of my heart to fully access the four chambers of living true intimacy know I started this I have access now of access for for to see the person of God’s face face-to-face beyond the dark and eventually I was able to do that to fully function with the angelic realm to relate and interact with my personal angels in the church angel to engage with the heavenly house to walk in cooperation in relationship and anyone to radiate manifest the presence of him is was is to come to live as a speaking creative spirit calling for using creative thoughts and speech to be join to the Lord become one spirit to be a son of God and brother Jesus a friend of the Holy Spirit to do the greater works Jesus to create galaxies just like Jesus and bring light to the universe as I things while is a big things well yet why not there is no end to the increase of his government funded be a co-and do things like Jesus why should my do the things he did and I done some of those things so my expectation is that I seek first his kingdom in righteousness that means love be the motor my heart he will provide protect empowered direct so my Katoomba enables me to frame my life from my blueprint and every daily mandate receive so I don’t leave things to chance and just have well I done this so that all work out I administrate it as a son of God Hebrews 11 six without faith it is impossible to please him for he who comes to God must believe that he is and that is a reward of those who seek itself were producing a Katoomba we must believe that God is going to respond to that Katoomba in a favourable way our marriage relationship another words he’s getting keep is end of the deal if you believe that there is no point producing a Katoomba because it will just words on a page that you believe so we must believe in faith God will respond when we come to him so he was 11 one faith is the assurance of the substance of things hoped for everything we put in our Katoomba is something we are hoping for and faith will become the substance which manifests that so we have a conviction of the things we may not yet seen but believe and we will see them and still 2011 in writing my Katoomba I haven’t seen the majority of things I write now I would say I have seen the majority the things are because I believed and I pursued and God unveiled it likely receive so we must use our Katoomba it will produce faith and then we operate in that faith and we will see manifestation so Genesis 128 is the mandate with you my basic foundation so I frame my life according to God mandate purpose to blessing apparently to prosper and succeed be fruitful to multiplied increase in overcome and to subdue and to rule to rule with provision protection power direction health to fulfil my destiny so I I have that is my expectation every day so we need to use our Katoomba then to frame our lives mean by framing our lives is to form the boundaries of our reality because God has given us the power if you look into quantum physics all that stuff our thoughts have the power to create the reality in alignment with God’s perspective all with our perspective and most of us it created a reality of our past experience rather than out of God’s eternal perspective so what we believe gives us our frame of reference so we need to frame what we believe through our Katoomba we can then create our daily reality by framing it with our thoughts and words as we engage in heaven we have access to the mountains and thrones are heaven caught in heaven we can actually create the reality which lines up with God’s purpose for us on a daily basis so you may have a wonderful looking frame of reference and we are sees black or you may have a rosy reference which actually will show you light it depends how you see yourself and how you see yourself in a relationship with God there are many many friends of reference you can have one my frame of reference to come from God’s destiny that is prepared to me from my new covenant relationship with intimacy with him so you can frame your life in darkness and all you’ll get is darkness we can frame it with light and the revelation gets unveil will be revealed in light so each day I frame my life to succeed with God favour and blessing Ramey so I’m full faith that all I need to fill my mandate purpose that they will be given to me I have a total expectation so time is framed to contract expand around me to enable me to complete the work God is I couldn’t do what I’m doing now without that reality because I’m doing way more than what is humanly possible because I’m doing all I was doing before and much much more like I take on everything God calls me to do my struggle with this because I’ve looked at it through the wrong frame when I started so I looked at God was saying I want you do this I looked at it frame from the time to do so I can do it because I time to do it but God was telling me I can do it so I had to change my frame of reference to look it from his perspective if he says I can do it I can do it so if something that you state the eight hours to do I can now doing have now than what happened as time expanded or is time contracted either them is possible so in my having our in the rounds are heaven is heaven operates on a different timeframe I can do way more than I can do here which is why spend most of my time going so that what I do here operates so much quicker and easier so I’m never too busy to do all the desires to do through never why would I ever be too busy because time functions according around my life I actually administrate time so I’m never not got enough time always have enough time therefore never too busy but always have the resources necessary they me to enable me to solve every problem to subdue every situation to overcome every obstacle and every hindrance of the only might put in my way because enemy does put things in our way and again the way we look at the it will be an opportunity to overcome it all the opportunity to draw back from if we see something as a stepping stone to success we will see it with a different frame of reference so I’ll mind having obstacles I just grow stronger in overcoming so I frame my day and my night so I have all the rest my soul and body needs my spirit and the numerous my spirit is eternal and does not need rest my spirit can operate in every realms all the time they but my soul and body need rest so I frame my day and my night I will have all the rest I set the agenda for my sleep so not interrupted by things in my sleep because I set the agenda I say angels and I engage my spirit in heaven and I go to a place of rest son continually connected to heavens created light source heaven is a operating creative light that operates at a faster speed been created light so if you engage in heaven everything is always now 40 so everything is always available first or before in heaven so I talk to people all day when I’m hearing the office and engaging people all over the world and engage in there asking me questions that I don’t know the answers to in a natural sense and if I had to figure it out from a natural sense I would take a long time to give them an answer so I actually draw from the answers where my spirit is in heaven and release them so you think about and say to people I just say it because it’s available to me in a in heaven and can be released through what I say and I might have a lot of things I say because I never said I think Hassan is really good our remember that I do I have ramblings all over my desk of the things that I say that come out of heavenly wisdom that didn’t come out of a natural source of wisdom that I had already my heart I do have knowledge not rely on knowledge from an intellectual perspective I want everything available in heaven to be instantly accessible so it flows through my life therefore unable to have everything that I’m going to need ready and waiting when I need best my expectation I frame that I speak that into existence so as a gateway of heaven on the earth which we all are that can flow through me into this realm the seven spirits of God are actively releasing wisdom and knowledge and understanding in council and strengthen authority from a higher and superior realm into my life because my spirit is in that realm now you might soul and body are here my spirit is in that realm therefore that can flow into this realm from a higher realm so I’m not subject to circumstances no circumstances happen but I frame my day to enable me either to overcome those circumstances or stop them happening if the negative so I now not the tail very biblical perspective circumstances change to enable me to living rest in peace and for my daily mandates I have an expectation about why because I have a Katoomba that I live from an our relationship with God in which he reveals that destiny to be every day I go and ask him what am I supposed to do today when he reveals that there I’m in full faith that I will be able to fulfil it so as I seek first his kingdom in righteousness I have a full expectation that he will add all I need we have to believe it and you after administrating so that out works in your life so I am that I am which is who God is three says his name is Lizzie me it is in all of us are we aware of it well aware of what that means having access to I am that enables me to live and succeed from the perspective of God’s heart eternity because I’ve learned to go back into that place where I was created an experience life in that perspective so as I engage there I engage in what was about what was is only thing to help us understand the is always now in eternity below I align myself in what is and I will create what will be history maker everyday so you what history are you making are you aligning so history aligns with God’s eternal purpose or are you aligning with your past so you just read going round the same old cycles and creating the same old history would you want to change you want your future to be different for your past or you frame it don’t allow your pasta Robbie of your future take authority over align it so that I create the end of the beginning so they look the same that completes that circle the ancient pathway that covenant walked that we can walking the ancient pass so I am all I need to be I possess all I need to have to be blessed and prosperous so all times in all circumstances I will have all grace is God divine enabling power that will meet all my needs enable me to do all the good works of prepared for me so I can bring glory not to God and that’s what it’s all about is all about bringing glory to God I really are interested in what people think of me whatever is about God so if I do something that brings light into the world that light will reflect on God not for me so we need to humble ourselves get away but also know that we are called as sons to do those things will bring glory to him so I have a full expectation of succeeding each day as my days subject to my rule and I don’t believe it a chance I live my life my scroll destiny I’m not by my generational history because I’m a living sacrifice I sacrifice all that I will be fulfilled and satisfied content and filled with love and joy peace is my expectation I live according to my eternal destiny fully embraced my destiny in God’s kingdom so I the answer to creation is growing as a manifested son as all of us can be I expect to bring order backing to create God’s creation has only son I expect Jesus as my high priest at the automaticity to prepare me to serve him I just have to giving the raw material I give in my life and asking to prepare me as a yielding surrender his will each day I accept the responsibility of sonship and my roles within his heavenly and earthly kingdom he is my head and I accept the responsibility of his government upon my shoulders we can just seek intimacy without the responsibility of sonship intimacy will lead us to responsibility so daily I decree and declare I am your am sending I Wanna service purpose so make yourself available day and night your love the things I do it my when honestly sometimes I wake up with the memory of because my spirit is active in heaven even when I’m physically resting and sometimes I get blitzes and other people tell me they saw me doing things in heaven and isolate quiz and find out what to do and then sometimes be interesting and find out mass God to reveal some of the things I was doing because you can consciously connect to that I’m in the process of learning to do that more actively so my heart to God a daily basis I asked that you would write on the tablets of my heart and unveiling reveal his will then once that’s unveiled that the desires of my heart would be aligned with his desires and will direct and guide me and draw me towards that destiny every day so I standing God side eternity my spirit will be programmed by his thoughts about me all those vast some of thoughts everything is been written in that scroll I want it to be outworked around my life so I stand in eternity there is no sin in eternity Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world so that that the fact that there’s no sin there are no filters that filter the light of truth so that truth can become my reality I don’t take my head back there if you take your head back into eternity you will take darkness back you cannot frame eternity from a temporal time understanding so don’t try engage your spirit in eternity not your mind if you try and engage your mind in eternity it will fry because were used in linear thinking in eternity is all that so don’t take he had that there I have revelation of his will and it gets encoded in light so in that like matrix of his creative thoughts and words that’s the truth February essence of who I am I don’t operate out of my memory I operate what God shows me in that place of light so you can stand in eternity everything created is in front of you as you did that it can be just if you try and frame it out of your mind and be empty and your struggle to know what to do or it can be framed in light and will open up all the possibilities of that truth nothing is impossible in God and I can do all things in Christ who gives me strength if we frame our reality of God’s plan and purpose for us rather than the mess that we’ve ended up in so God wants us to move beyond that as it gets bigger and bigger it expands and increases as God’s kingdom does so your Katoomba will enable you to frame your life and not be subject to the circumstances around you we have to use it spend some time over the next few weeks engaging with God about that Katoomba start to formulate it rightly that then you can start to engage God under the covering his presence and the come join with him in that new marriage in the new covenant in our book of destiny as a church in I saw a page golden age with apparels and ornately inscribed in the corners and it was really elaborately decorated and it said this in our new season inscribed along the top edge and the Katoomba under the Hooper you’re invited to participate in the wedding the freedom and the Lord to win have that ceremony when we got our church Katoomba in-line and encourage you all to produce around Katoomba is on that day will enter into a new dimension of relationship with God so get ready my encouragement get ready for that so there’s a sound that is coming heaven resonate with that said come into alignment with heaven hope is the ability to hear the music of eternity faith is the courage to dance to it today and end of the old and the beginning of the New Year were at that point this is the first Sunday in the New Year for us old things need to let go and new things need to embrace and read these out just to finish but take no them and for your own life think of the things that you need to let go of and the things you need to embrace in this coming year so if you’re holding onto something that doesn’t belong to and was never intended your life let go if you’re holding onto past hurts and pains them go if you’re still affected by disappointment or discouragement let go if you’re still affected by being rejected unsupported undervalued or ignored late go if people of made you feel insignificant unexpected and unappreciated let go if you’re still demotivated by your past failures and others bad treatment of you letting go if your past is still negatively affecting your present and cladding your future let it go if you demotivated by unfulfilled dreams visions and expectations let them all go if you’re involved in the wrong relationship or an addiction let it go if you’re holding onto a job that no longer meets your needs talents let it go if you’re stuck in the past and God is try and take you to a new level in him let it go if you’re struggling with healing of a broken relationship let it go if you keep trying to help someone who won’t even help themselves let go if someone can treat you right love you back and seal worth letting go if someone doubted you let go if you’re holding onto some thoughts of evil and revenge let it go give a bad attitude that it go if you keep judging others to make yourself feel better let it go your sinful nature let it go Jesus dealt with in on the cross your iniquitous pounds let it go embrace communion your negative bloodline inferences let it go you generic seed line records let go your slave identity let it go your slavery mindset that it go your old religious mindsets them go the role earthly method let go your own cynicism scepticism criticism or judgement let it all go if you’re feeling depressed stressed that it go if there’s a particular situation you’re so used to handling yourself and God is saying take your hands off it the need to let it go let go of the past forget the former things God is doing something new this year 2060 so that it go the battle belongs to God if you will entrusted to him your identity and God grab hold of it your destiny in God grab hold of it who you are in Christ grab hold of it the plan and purpose for your life grab hold of it your inheritance in God grab hold of it your spiritual gifts grab hold of it the fruit of the spirit grab hold of it your blessing your forgiveness your healing your piece grab hold of all those things because they belong to your joy your access to God your debt cancellation your financial blessings grab hold of those things they belong to you your breakthrough in God your relationship with God your intimacy with God your anointing with the Holy Spirit God’s love grab hold of it you heavenly encounters you heavenly Mountain thrones your kingdom authority your access into the heavenly court grab hold of all the visit belongs to you as part of your inheritance your identity as Lords your attendees kings your identity as sons your marriage with God your Katoomba grab hold of and use it to frame this coming year to bring success and blessing into your life to free from the past to bring an eternal perspective so you can see God’s purpose fulfilled in your life the choice is yours you can let go we can hold on the choice is yours with you embrace the new keep the old site encourage you to develop Katoomba with all its hopes and expectations make 2016 the year when you begin to frame your life so faith becomes a substance of an eternal perspective all the hopes that are available to you in God you’ll find that fulfil the men

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