Garden of the heart 2

Engaging God we are still on the pathway of relationship. God wants intimacy with us he wants that intimacy to go deeper and it flows from the outside from heaven into our spirit and then out to the world around us and therefore in what we are doing right now in these sessions is we are really looking for a deeper relationship in areas within our heart that God wants us to go deeper in. we looked at various different things and were on the four chambers of the heart gateways of spirit soul and body and how everything flows from the inside out. we have God in his glory his presence on the inside of us as we open first Love that flows out through us so that we can engage the world ourselves from a relationship with God.

Everything that we’ve learnt before we had God’s presence on the inside came from the outside in. so we learn from the world to interpret ourselves. but when we have a relationship with God and God is within our spirit then we become God conscious then self-conscious in a flow of God, God consciousness and then we become world consciousness from the perspective of God’s understanding of it, not our past.

So we reinterpret how we see the world and how we experience things because we get revelation and it flows from the inside out. so really God’s desire is that everything flows as we have a relationship with Jesus being yoked to Jesus and being disciple by him as we have a relationship with the Holy Spirit in the river of life and as God is enthroned on, in our spirit then everything can flow from the inside out because our spirit gates become open.

We have actually looked and seen the we have to deal with familiar spirits and things that block that flow and we dealt with that as we looked in the gateways. so dealing with those familiar spirits that sit outside of our spirit trying to hinder the spirit gates being open and flowing and also those familiar spirits that operate in our soul in our conscience, imagination, reason, choice, all those areas and there is a flow of the river of life that comes through the garden of our heart outside of our spirit within our soul to enable us to be in that flow and to get a deeper intimacy with God in it.

so we looked at ketubah that the marriage contract and have everything relating to these four areas is to do with Hebrew understanding of marriage and intimacy and God calls us to have that relationship and the first aspect of that is the garden, where God wants to engage us in a deeper relationship .and the whole Hebrew word lakah was I want you for my own, the first aspect of any relationship you established the relationship and God established that relationship by sending Jesus because Jesus came so that we could have a relationship with God.

We have to prepare our heart for intimacy, our intimacy is hindered if we do not deal with the things in our soul.

So God could say I want to restore mankind in intimacy so were looking today at preparing the heart. we look mostly last week what the heart is and what it does both from a physical perspective a spiritual one were looking today preparing our heart how so we prepare our heart for fruitfulness. so our heart is really the very core where soul and spirit are joined in a secret place of intimacy it’s where the very essence of who we are, our personality, our redemptive gift can come into union with our spirit so everything becomes one so God wants to restore us and restore the image of how we see ourselves so that were conformed to the sum of his thoughts that’s revealed to our spirit in eternity and in intimacy can be re-revealed to us today so that we can catch up with what we already knew from an eternal perspective .so what is in our heart will determine how we live. Our heart motivates and directs our lives. our heart contains the programming that triggers our reactions and responses.

what’s in our heart has essentially come from the world from nature nurture and trauma and that is where our problem lies because that is programmed how we think and how we feel how we react and if we don’t change that programming we will keep on doing what we’ve always done and keep on getting the same results which generally are negative. so God wants to restore us to the truth which can change the results in our life .so originally with Adam and Eve it was God’s breath the breath of life God’s word that programmed their hearts and God wants to bring that back so his word actually programs our thinking our emotions and everything else so we can see it from the perspective of truth not lies.

 Genesis 2:7 the Lord God formed man breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being. and once we get born-again we have the capacity to be that living being but we need God’s breath that his breath spirit is in us but we need to see it begin to change us and transform us. So God’s word is breath contains life but it needs to be sown into our heart so that life can produce fruit.

 Genesis 128 is the word that God spoke and breathed into them God bless them God said to be fruitful multiply fill the earth subdue it and rule so God gave Adam a garden it was on earth so it would reflect Eden God’s heavenly garden. God always designed earth to be like heaven. He gave man the responsibility for making earth like heaven, and that’s great responsibility. and then God walked with Adam in those gardens both of them because Adam had access to God’s garden in heaven as well as the earthly garden.

so our heart is really designed to reflect our spirit and heaven to be gardens where God can walk with us today so we need to re-establish that relationship and that connection so our heart is designed to be fruitful it is supposed to be cultivated and growing and have life within it .our heart is designed to multiply and expand and grow.

It is not supposed to stay the same our heart is designed to be filled with good things. that God’s intention it was always his intention but the enemy obviously wants to fill us with bad things because that draws us along the wrong path so our heart like a garden has soil which needs preparing if anyone of you are gardeners then you know you can’t just throw seeds on the ground without preparing the soil and expect a really good harvest so you have to prepare the soil of your heart if you want to produce a harvest of fruit just like in a normal garden so we need to prepare the soil of our heart for fruitfulness Matthew 1319 when anyone hears the word of the kingdom could say the breath of life spoken to us does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away because it’s been sown what sown what is in his heart so God sows the word but the enemies desire is to snatch it away to stop it producing fruit and he’ll do whatever he can to try and do that that means it may deal with the soil and have the soil which is not conducive for fruitfulness so the living Word of God needs to be sown into good fertile soil in our heart for it to produce the life that it contains and without that we are subject to everything that’s been sown there from the outside so our hearts garden created to reflect our image as a son of God that’s our eternal destiny and our eternal relationship with God he created us to be a son and our heart needs to reflect that so sonship is what we are looking to cultivate within our heart relationship with the father with Jesus with the Holy Spirit so that we come into the fullness of sonship so eternity and time converge in the union of soul and spirit. our spirit came from eternity our soul is born into time and we need to bring those two together to have eternity in our hearts fulfilled. so we need to tend the garden to reflect that heavenly spiritual identity that we been given so that are redemptive gift identity and our spiritual identity come together in unison then we can fully be a son of God manifested on the earth to answer creation’s grown to bring restoration of all things so our heart needs to be in good condition if it’s gonna be a source of life that’s why we need to guard it protect it and make sure we are aware of what’s in it. so our heart usually has soil which is the seedbed of insecurity now that’s been program by our nature nurture trauma experiences and therefore it has a it’s easier for it to receive negative things than positive things Jesus described four types of soil in the heart we need the right type of soil so it needs to be conditioned and fertile to produce truth and life negativity weeds grow anywhere they don’t really need that much good soil in fact some of them prefer actually to grow in negative conditions so in the garden some plants like acid soil like camellias and claim and there are six like rhododendrons various things some like alkaline soil some just like neutral soil now most plants can tolerate or adapt but they don’t necessarily thrive or in the best condition if they not in the right sort of soil. lies thrive in insecure soil and truth does not which is why so many people struggle to believe the truth even when they hear it because the soil is not conducive to it producing fruit whereas they hear lies and they believe it because it’s been fed and fed and fed so the soil of the heart it produces lies like weeds truth thrives in secure soil lies do not lies don’t thrive in a secure soil of our heart so conditioning the soil will determine what seeds get sown and how they produce fruit. so we need to prepare our hearts now this is the parable of the sower what Jesus talked about those four soils Matthew 1318 hear then the parable of the sower when anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it the evil one comes snatches away what is been sown in his heart this is the one who seed was sown by the side of the road so another words that was hard heart with compacted soil so when you throw seeds on hard compacted soil they find it very difficult to put roots down so generally that’s when the birds can come and peck them and take them away because they just sat on the surface because they cannot penetrate the soil hard hearts Matthew 1320 the one on whom the seed was sown on the rocky places is the man who hears the word of God immediately receives it with joy yet has no firm root in himself but is only temporary when affliction of persecution arises because of the word immediately he falls away that indicative of the heart with negative programs making that stony soil so when God’s word comes and its receive that’s wonderful it can’t come down because the lies and the negative memories and emotions within the heart stop it taking root because they can they compete with the the seed verse 22 the one on whom seed was sown among the thorns this is the man who hears the word and the worry of the world and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word and it becomes unfruitful and anxious worried heart creating a weedy soil which choke out the word now often as I said weeds thrive and when you they have weeds within the plants often they choke out the plants take it’s life take all its nutrients so it doesn’t grow very well so people hear the word of God but because their hearts are not trusting God for the needs of their life to be met then they look for other circumstances and they worry or fret verse 23 the one whom seed was sown on good soil this is the man who hears the word understands it and indeed bears fruit brings for some hundredfold sixty fold thirty fold that’s a heart with good fertile soil where truth thrives and God desires our heart to be like that but we have to prepare it cultivate it get rid of the stones the weeds the hard areas is actually quite difficult to break up hard compacted soil you got to put some effort in when you get rid of stones you have to dig them out rake it rake the soil get the soil to a fine things weeds sometimes weeds put down roots which are really really deep and you can’t just chop off the top of the weeds and leave the roots in the soil because they just regrow dandelions are a classic example of that you have to get the taproot out because there are different sorts of roots that plants have some have fibrous roots which are tiny little roots and others put a taproot one major root right down and negative seeds tend to put down taproots so they put down deep roots which are difficult to get out but not impossible if we know how so what is the soil of our heart like we have to ask ourselves the question if you don’t ask yourself the question then you’ll never find out the answer and most of us just drift through life never really asking actually why do I think that this feel like this why do I react like that why do I respond like that God wants us to reflect so are there any areas that are hard are there any hard areas in our heart are there any areas that are filled with stones bad memories fear trauma are there any wrong seeds that been sown into our heart are there any roots from a wrong source are there poisonous fruits that grow we have to ask those questions and God will show us the answers if were willing to be proactive about it so thinking of the particular tree the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that tree or pathway was produced through satans rejecting of God’s sovereignty and wanting to be like God and then offering Adam and Eve the same choice to rebel so it’s the pathway of and source of all self and humanism therefore any independence we can do it without God comes from that source all roots from Satans trade and what he did is he offered us a shortcut you can be like God without God which we can’t independence always comes from that fruit and that tree so in our own lives we may have lots of fruit things that people see on the surface our behaviours below that there are roots so some of those fruits rejection anger fear and anxiety addiction depression sickness insecurity low self-esteem worry and you could add hundreds of others they are there because there is a root system in the soil that root system may have many different sources we have to find out what sort of roots they are what sort of sources but they all came from one thing a seed nothing grows without a seed initially or some sort of reproductive way of multiplying so we need to find out what that is what seed was sown into our hearts that produce roots and then has produced fruits Hebrews 1215 says see to it that no one come short of the grace of God no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble and by it many be defiled  you see our roots of bitterness that causes the springing up of all those fruits defile people when we are angry or insecure or rejected and other things they don’t just affect our lives they affect everyone who is around us and people can eat that fruit if you like and taste and see that actually its not good so we need the right sort of fruit love the joy and peace of goodness the kindness the fruit of the spirit and all the godly attributes of who God is and God’s desire that we will be like him so the soil of insecurity seeds of offence roots of bitterness fruits of resentment now debs  been obviously teaching this in forgive and release and I am going to touch on that just to give an illustration of how this works so the soil of insecurity that insecure heart comes through our upbringing usually and sometimes can be generational but is through lack of love lack of acceptance and affirmation approval encouragement so we lack something good sown into our lives so we don’t know positive things about ourselves the seeds of offence that come into that soil are things that are said or done or things not said or done sins committed against us and those things are seeds that are sown if we have insecure soil then it’s easy to accept those things and take them on and then they produce roots the roots of bitterness are things you think or you feel your responses emotions and attitudes as a result of the seeds that are sown as a result of the fact that you have insecure soil and the fruits are the things you say and you do your resulting behaviour and you know I am I’m not going to go into it in detail today but in the transformation series I go through lots of examples so we have our heart insecure soil that results from those things a lack of good fertilization if you like so our heart seed of offence causes emotion offence has to cause emotion you won’t be offended if it doesn’t touch your emotions when you feel anger or you feel various emotions attached to what was sown it may be unfair you may feel that wasn’t fair why did  someone say that you may feel betrayed or let down or disappointed all those are emotions that are as a result of the seed that is been sown it is usually people who say or don’t say do set do and don’t do may be let down we may be hurt all those type of things so we have that seed now if you get rid of that seed nothing is going to happen if you don’t get rid of that seed it will produce roots of bitterness it is guaranteed because seeds  are designed to produce life now in this sense roots of bitterness produce death that effects are will it is sown into our heart the subconscious mind so the memories of those things are there because that seed of offence is continually there and when something comes along and reminds us of it we often feel the same emotions and we remember the person who did it and we can feel angry all over again and it may have been something that happened 50 years ago or 20 years ago 10 years ago and yet our button gets pushed and immediately we feel and respond the same way because it’s sown in our heart and programed our thinking and our responses and reactions so that really is what our emotions and our feelings and our attitude that develop within us and they become patterns in our lives so then we have the fruit of resentment if you have roots within the soil it will produce fruit it is guaranteed and you can keep trying cutting off that fruit but if there are roots still there it will keep coming back that becomes attached to our reason our thinking and are the filters that filter everything we have in life we see through colored filters and they are usually bitterness colored if there are seeds of offence and roots of bitterness in us so we can see the world in a tainted way and that affects how we deal with people how we live how we feel about ourselves because that fruit of resentment is there and that’s how it leads to our choices we choose and make decisions based on those things in our lives and sometimes their automatic we just respond and we say things and we do things in an automatic way because its programmed and were so used to doing it, it’s just how we live and that is our behavior and that’s what people see and people see the fruit of what’s gone on in our lives if it’s good fruit great people will see an reflection of God’s image in us if it’s bad fruit they will see something that either they don’t like or that they’ll birds of a feather flock together because people who have similar attitudes and behaviors actually hang out with each other you know miserable people like miserable people that is what happens so we need to deal with with those things so we can keep cutting off the fruit and that’s what we try and do you go through therapy you have all sorts of things and you keep trying to deal with the fruit you keep repenting you got you Wanna change you don’ want to do the same things but you just do it just happens over and over again so it just grows back and then you chop it off and it grows back and you try something else to deal with your behaviors and it just comes back temporarily you get rid of it but because the roots still there it comes back you can try getting rid of the roots, so oh ya I am not going to try  and deal with the fruit anymore   what are the roots in my life and you can look at the roots and you can deal with the roots and you can repent of bitterness and you can deal with that but if the seed is still there the roots will come back often bigger and then fruit will come back again so the key is you have to deal with the seed and if you deal with the seed there is no roots can be formed and you can get  rid of the fruit and there’s nothing left to come back so we need to deal with that. now then you can look at it  how  do you deal  with it forgive and release you forgive the offences and you forgive the fact that that produced roots and you forgive the fact that produced resentment and fruits in your life you deal with the whole package not just I say I forgive you have to forgive from your heart as it says in Matthew 18 when you forgive from your heart then you actually remove the seed of offence and there are no possibility of roots going back and fruit coming up so get rid of it repent of the bitterness if you have had bitter roots you have to repent of it you have to renounce that fruit of resentment so renounce it I don’t want to live this way anymore I don’t want to have this way of thinking this way of things speaking this way of behaving so i renounce that and then you can have good seeds sown into your life it so difficult to receive good seeds when you have negative ones because it’s so easy to believe lies because you’ve lived with lies all your life so when the truth comes it confronts the lies and there is a wrestling match that goes on if you remove the lies then the truth can actually be established and God wants the heart of security he wants us to know were accepted and loved and affirmed and approved of that we have purpose and in him a relationship if we keep looking to the world to provide those things we will keep getting hurt and will keep getting damaged and will keep getting seeds sown in there and will keep getting roots and fruits because the world is designed to do that everyone lets us down now once you know god’s love then it’s easy to forget people who let you down and not let it affect you because you know ultimately God loves you and God affirms you and God accepts you if you’re looking for affirmation from men if you’re looking for approval from men you may get some but Jesus said you’ll get it here but it will have no eternal value so look for something which is gonna produce good fruit for an eternal sense because Jesus said where your treasure is there your heart is so if were looking for earthly treasure then our heart will be fixed in earthly things if we are looking for heavenly treasure then will have a focus the in our heart which will bring heavenly truth so we need to have good roots good things that are producing blessing in our lives so that we can have fruits of righteousness the peaceable fruits of righteousness that which brings us into peace and joy and love and everything else so it’s important to give ourselves the time and space for reflection if we don’t give ourselves any space then we won’t ask ourselves question one Corinthians 1028 says examine yourselves you have to do a soil test to find out what sort of soil there is in the garden you know you can do that by filling up a genre water and putting soil in it and you will see what comes out the amount of sand the amount of clay you’ll see the amount different things how many stones there are in there and gives you a good idea of what think you can go further than that you can do a pH test and test what the acid acidity is of the soil you can find out various things by testing it we need to examine ourselves to find out what sort of soil we got one Corinthians 1113 says judge yourselves look to see is this good or is this bad that’s what God wants us to establish good soil produces good fruits now we can be open and transparent with God because he loves us or can we? win some of the problems are we may not trust God because of the things are in our hearts so we may avoid being open and honest with God because if we think he knows what were really like as if he doesn’t anyway then we avoid being open and honest because we think he will reject me he’ll punish me it will what will he think or what will other people think you know if we avoid dealing with things in our lives because of what other people think through fear and the fear of man then that will create a problem so we need to be open and honest if we are God will reveal our hearts he will show us if were proactive enough to ask. we need to ask and we need to seek and he will unveil and show us what’s in our hearts Psalm hundred 3923 a prayer we used over and over again search me thoroughly oh God and know my heart try me and know my anxious thoughts and see if there’s any hurtful idolatrous or wicked way in me and lead me in the everlasting way my eternal destiny so ask God so that you were already knows your heart but he can reveal what he knows to you put me on trial this is why we have a court system a trial where we can find out whether there are anxious thoughts that give the enemy access to our lives and we can do that through various things we can do that through a court case we can do that through lie busting there are various ministry things we can do to actually sort these things out but are we willing to pray that prayer and our we willing to honestly ask God to show us the state of our hearts so that we can be free healed restored and made whole now we have done lots of the teaching on this we have this trauma to transformation diagram and this helping us renew our mind and restore our soul so we can look at what’s in our hearts are there weeds are there memories are there motives in there are there those hard stony areas we can see the if we replay events and if we meditate on negative things those negative things gets stored in our heart which is why it’s so important to forgive people immediately don’t replay over your mind and think about well I should have said this or  said that and  get more more angry because all that does is sow it into your heart because meditation is what sows things into your heart and if you meditate on negative things negative things get sown and then familiar spirits just love to remind you they love to agree with you and your thinking and promote the reactions and the responses so there’s a whole process there which we looked at before several times so when you look to deal with this what can you do about it we’ll forgive and release own it if you don’t own that these things are in your heart you will never deal with them now pride will stop us owning it or fear will stop us owning it confess it confess it as actually this is sin if I have unforgiveness in my heart it is actually sin renounce it I don’t want it any more repent turn from it meditate on the truth take those familiars to court if they keep coming back with mindsets and thought thinking patterns and touching your minds and lying to you or tying to stir you use positive things don’t agree with them and say negative things because if you say negative things about yourself you just reaffirm those things in your heart get a lie bust if you need deliverance ask someone to minister to you  we need healing it is okay dealing with the negative things but we need healing from the damage thats been done so God will heal our hearts he will restore our hearts take communion communion is about reprogramming the things that are in our hearts with the truth and use that for transformation to change our hearts to align with God’s plan God’s purpose for us 2 Corinthians 318 says we are being transformed into the same image the image of Christ from 1° of glory to another it is a process it is not going to happen instantly you are not going to deal with every single root  or negative thing or memory in your heart overnight it is a process of continually weeding the soil it’s like you can change your soil instantly unless you go get hold of the new topsoil which we haven’t really got the opportunity of doing that in our heart we have to deal with the soil we got but it over a period of time you can improve the soil you can rake it regularly you can get rid of the stones you can dig it double dig which means you dig a trench and then you go double dig get down even deeper breakup the subsoil there is lots of ways you can improve your soil you can add fertilizer you can add  manure you can add compost you can add things which break up the clay you can add sand to clay soil there’s lots of things you can do it is a process though you know every year beginning at the end of the year I add a whole load of manure to my garden because then during the year the worms break it down and they get a good soil over the winter the worms break it down and it produces good soil so we need to see this as a process of change the reason for this is so we can display God’s glory so we can actually be his manifest presence of God on the earth as it is in heaven God wants us to be reflections of who he is but we need to choose to embrace and pursue the process of maturity change a maturity or not it is our choice you don’t have to become mature spiritually you know there are a lot of people who are physically mature who are very spiritually immature you have a choice you can choose to stay babies and toddlers and infants but if you do you won’t inherit true sonship because true sonship comes to the mature whom God will entrust with the fullness of inheritance God still loves you but you won’t come into the fullness of being able to rule and government and to bring those life into the world and bring transformation so our heart literally has senses just like our body the ears of our heart is our conscience those little voices on the inside that speak to us whisper to us if you remember Tom and Jerry you use to have bad Tom on one shoulder the good Jerry on the other shoulder little halo and a pitchfork and they’re competing from one another the negative and positive things so we need our conscience programmed with the truth that will direct us in the right way the eyes of our heart our imagination where we can begin to engage and see the voice of our heart our reason, it is good to reason together with God to use his truth to be the foundation for our decisions and choices our heart has emotions and desires and a will our heart has a personality and a redemptive identity our heart thinks has a mind there is a conscious subconscious and unconscious areas subconscious mind is where our memories are stored our mindsets belief systems worldviews values are programmed that’s really what the soul of the heart is, the subconscious mind. The garden of our heart is where the subconscious and the conscious mind intersect and connect. You don’t think in your mind until it gets triggered from your heart. so your subconscious is where all the things are programmed, will trigger what you think in your conscious mind it’s like in a computer the subconscious mind is like the hard drive that has all the programs stored when you click on the icon it loads those programs into the random access memory of the computer and then they run so the things that are stored in our heart often are triggered by things that happened to us and they come into our mind and immediately were thinking a particular way because those things are stored there. Our heart is created to be a place where our spirit and soul connect  it’s always been God’s desire that we would be one. a living being becoming a godlike being as sons. it’s where our secret place of intimacy with God can be cultivated. we can cultivate a place in our hearts which has intimacy with the father which brings that sonship into us it’s a place where those green pastures and quiet waters and the river of life flows where the table is set before us as described in Psalm 23 where we can feast on the truth that he puts there for us to eat. Our heart, our spirit, really our inner world. our heart connects with the outer physical world through our physical senses of our body and if we only interpret through our physical senses from outside in then we will be picking up the things that the world is showing us if we interpret the physical things of the world from a God perspective flowing from the inside then we see things from a completely different manner. our heart is connects with the heavenly realm so that flows through us so our heart is connected by the the spirit by the river of life that’s what brings life it’s that living water that flows from within the life the river of life was flowing out of Eden God’s heavenly garden flowing into Adams earthly garden and then was supposed to flow out into the world it didn’t stagnate there and die like the river Jordan does the river Jordan flows into the dead Sea and goes nowhere and it is dead because it doesn’t flow anything that stagnates will produce negative things it has to be flowing therefore freely we’ve received from God freely give flow out into the world that was always God’s intention for heaven to flow into the earth and to bring fruitfulness to the whole earth not just a little garden so the river of life flowed out and divided into four rivers that watered the whole earth .our heart is where our spirit is joined, where springs and rivers described the Holy Spirit and our spirit flowing together. that’s really what the fountain of life when we drink that Fountain it becomes a river and we are part of that river so the spring and fountain of John four is within our spirit it becomes the rivers that is described in John seven flowing from our innermost being through the soul out into the world that’s the whole purpose of this if it’s just about me and all about me then we miss the point. Relationship with God is wonderful and intimate and it’s an amazing thing to have but we need to give it away. We need to show others what that relationship is about. So in Adams physical garden is now equated to our hearts garden were still responsible to tend and cultivate it just as Adam was we are responsible we can’t just leave it and expect it to be fruitful we have to look after it. so those four rivers flowed to four physical areas we now have the four chambers of our heart which are representing those four places of intimacy restoration and connection with God they’re all about connecting with the river of life that’s what flows the river of life is connected with the tree of life which is the source of life from heaven and God wants us to have that flowing in us so our garden is cultivated and created and looks great and feels great and tastes great and everything in there is full of life rather than death so my spirit is joined to the Lord in first Love I become one spirit with him and then that flows into my soul that bring spiritual life guidance direction power restoration to my soul because it flows from life itself. it brings agreement and cooperation and unity and unison oneness. We don’t want our soul and spirit squabbling with each other for control we don’t want flesh and spirit arguing. We want life that flows in unity unity brings blessing unity releases the power and anointing of God so the more open my spiritual gates are and the gates of my soul the more depth there is to the river. and the more powerful the flow of that river is. So if our gates are only just open then there isn’t going to be much of depth and there isn’ going to be much flow. Ezekiel 47 talks about a river flowing from a house now we are that house we are the house of God .God dwells in us we are a gateway and a Channel for that river to flow or not. So it starts with a trickle in ezekial 47 it says a trickle came under the threshold it becomes ankle-deep like a rivulet and it continues to become knee deep like a stream it increases its flow becomes waste deep like a tributarty but eventually it becomes out of depth like a river in flood. So then that can flow out to the world and it says in ezekial 47 that produces live wherever it goes. It can turn saltwater into fresh it can bring life to the world if it’s flowing through us. now that river has a wavelength the frequency it creates a spiritual atmosphere of vibrational frequency of love and joy and peace and power around us that can actually touch people’s lives people can sense it and feel it such was that coming through Peter his shadow healed somebody so they were in his atmosphere and that brought healing to them now its quite possible we can create the same things and it doesn’t just stop with this little bubble around us it’s supposed to expand and flow outwards so that spiritual atmosphere can extend and cover all the spheres of influence we have in authority on the earth as it is in heaven it is not designed to be stuck within us it’s supposed to expand and grow and bring the glory of God and bring the life of God and to bring the rule of God into those areas of our lives that were responsible for and that can grow and expand to wider and wider places to fill the earth.

ultimately some people have a destiny to touch the whole earth. some people will touch their family some people will touch their area or their region or their nation we all have a destiny for that river of life and atmosphere that we create to flow from the inside of us to bring the rule of God to bring fruitfulness to bring blessing around us .so we have this picture spirit the breath of life like our lungs picks up oxygen goes into the heart it pumps out to our mind to our body then the mind and body run out of oxygen so they draw back from the lungs by sending the blood back to the heart then it pumps it back to the lungs and know the whole cycle goes on and on and on. so the spirit the breath of life is supposed to touch our mind and our body and the mind and body should be always drawing from our spirit from the breath of life not from the outside.

 so that’s where real life comes from and God wants to see this established around us so literally our blood flows through our heart physically carrying oxygen to our body the brain cannot survive without oxygen for a few minutes so that blood is actually programmed from what is sown into the heart what is spiritually in our heart actually have power to affect our physical body our mind so to to reprogram our thinking and to reprogram the cells of our body because they carry eternal life that’s what communion does when were taking communion with looking to sow that into our heart to touch the whole of our lives with that life Proverbs 23 seven as he thinks in his heart so is he so you are a sum total of what you’re thinking about now scientifically quantum physically we can prove that’s true because we have the power to create our own reality by our observation and our attitudes and thinking but it goes on to to show this when they did scientific studies of the mind they were anticipating that they would see a lot of electrical electromagnetic energy around the brain because that’s surely that’s where all the thinking goes on well actually it’s 10 times more stronger around the heart than it is around the brain and the brain you can pick of activity about 10 to 12 inches away. from the heart you can pick it up to sort of 10 feet away so there’s a lot more thinking that goes on in the heart that actually effects the atmosphere around us so we need to make sure what were thinking about what’s in our heart is good so the blood literally can reprogram our conscious mind and the cells of our body with what stored in our hearts good or not good if we have eternal life stored in our hearts then we don’t need to die I if we have lies and we believe those lies in our hearts then it will produce death in us one way or another. so God wants to bring a restoration of life Proverbs 1312 hope deferred makes the heart sick but a tree , desire fulfilled is a tree of life we need to guard our hearts to be deliberate about whats stored there. God wants to restore our hearts and heal our hearts he wants us to have a heart that’s filled with good soil and fruitful.

 so I want to do and exercise around this and again  we are just going to open our first Love gate but when we come to an the area where were engaging within the garden of our heart I want you to to use this as something which you then can do over and over again in a you are not going to get answers to every question that we pose here or every statement that we make it’s an illustration what you can do daily with your own life and in your own heart so that you can actually find out what’s in there and then have it restored repared renewed deal with the soil and everything else so we are going to just start off by just meditating in this to engage it then I am going to make some statements which I just want you to to think about and then use later and then we’ll just go into engaging with the garden and  Jesus 46:28

 revelation 320 behold I stand at the door not anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come into him and dine with him and he with me so close your eyes just start to activate your imagination the eyes of your heart by thinking about that doorway to start to think about the door picture the door in your mind that door first Love within your spirit the handles of that door is on your side picture the handle picture yourself by faith just reaching out opening the door Jesus is knocking on the Jesus wants to come in the father wants to come in the Holy Spirit wants to flow and as you open that door just picture that fountain of life water that river just beginning to flow and trickle into your spirit starts to get deeper needy perhaps ankle-deep you can drink it in line it lady just flow around you as God’s presence just comes around just invite that river of his pleasant presence to flow into the garden of your heart to flow through the gateways of your spirit life-giving river is flowing come into the garden of your heart just cascading down into your garden just let the father take you by the hand and walk with you into that garden to stand with into the garden of your heart father we just thank you you Guinness made a way for us to access your presence within us by faith we just stand with you we stand with you in the garden of our just submit yours authority the living Word your breath within us right we submit your life we just stand with you in the light of your truth as you to search our hearts just revealed to me my blind self show me the hidden motives of my heart put me on trial to reveal the thoughts and intentions of my heart show me the areas where my heart may be sick where may be damaged because of disappointments been let down or betrayed by people show me where this is projected onto you so I don’t trust you show me where I’ve rebelled against you have created a hard stubborn heart protecting myself show me where the allowed doubt and unbelief to harden my heart stand with the father in the light of your truth as you to search me reveal any stones negative memories within the soil of my heart show me any trauma my life through abuse accidents or stress or distress or fear or poverty natural disasters any trauma show me where I had been wounded and scarred by rejection betrayal my trust abandonment neglect violence exploitation show me where this is scarred my image my steam I value my words show me where I believe lies is the truth and become a victim father I repent for allowing these stones is memories to stay in the soil of my heart I choose to forgive and release all those contributory offences in my life in my generational line may be affecting me now I stand with you in the light of your truth as you put me on trial reveal any anxious ways in me reveal any weeds any cares of life any unmet needs show me where I failed to trust you fail to see you to meet of my heart show me where I am anxious worried concerned fretting restless and insecure show me were not trusting you show me where I have rational and irrational fears lodged in my heart that choke out your life show me where I allow fear to rob me of hope faith and abundance show me where I’ve allow wicked ways substitutes and idols to occupy areas of my heart show me where I sacrifice to those idols put them before you father show me where I have not sought first your kingdom I repent for allowing weeds and cares of life stay in the soil of my heart I repent forgiving room idols in my I choose to forgive and release all those contributory offences in my life and in the generational line I stand with you father in the light of truth show me the seeds of offence and sin the taken root in my heart I repent for allowing those seeds to take room I choose to forgive and release all those offences in my life and my generational line show me all roots of bitterness are grown in my heart commit myself to a lifestyle repentance against all those negative roots I repent of all negative emotions and attitudes that may be rooted in my heart show me all the fruits of resentment that have developed in my behaviours I commit myself to a lifestyle pronunciation against all those negative behaviours and I want to live that way a runout any defence mechanisms and coping mechanisms I renounce any sin in my life that is become of way and a habit give me revelation my true identity as a son of God give me a heart secure its identity renew my mind to the mind of Christ me all my unmet needs in yourself here all my own healed hertz restore my soul I receive your unconditional love unconditional acceptance and affirmation and approval I stand transparent naked before you unafraid I hear you I see you I love you as you speak to me like our I want you for my own I receive your value and esteem and worth choose to live a lifestyle forgiveness repentance and renunciation I choose to walking your ways the ways of your kingdom choose to be a channel to manifest your glory through me on the earth as it is in heaven so I will fulfil my eternal destiny so I encourage you to do is to to take some of those things every day and to ask the questions to reflect allowing to show you any of those things in your heart and just enter into that process where he begins to restore you make you whole bring healing and health where you can then begin to cultivate good fruit in good soil as you looked at your heart which then program how you live a feel a think everything flowing from the inside out do all that in one go just giving you all the things you can pray all things you can do but when you do it in safe stand with the father and in relationship allow him to speak listen to him and if you need help then asked someone to stand with you sometimes it’s good to help have someone help us when we can hear well for ourselves as well I busting is a really good tool where we can ask for help you

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