
A brief recap on 29 sessions. And then open to questions and I got one session to do which is going to be transitioning from the pathway of relationship to the pathway responsibility to bridge the gap between the two whole models. But essentially we looked at gateways and we are spirit soul and body and therefore we need to see a flow of heaven coming through us.

The flow of heaven comes through our first Love gate. First Love is our relational identity. God is in us so we are a house of God. God’s presence is in us, so we can begin to engage in intimacy and relationship with father-son and spirit in a different way, than when we come to a meeting or when we’re looking to engage them in heaven.

We can engage with God within us, we are a house of God, we are also a mountain that’s a place of authority, which gives us a sense of sonship .we are called to sonship which is kingdom authority. And we are also a gateway in which God can flow through to reach others.

 We are a gateway therefore something has to come through it. The idea is that it comes from the inside and flows outwards.

 we have access to heaven through that first Love gate the river of life flowing from heaven flows through us and flows into us in that way. So we have access to that river, so as a gateway. Genesis 28 when Jacob in Bethel he engaged heaven being open and the Lord standing in a doorway and in that doorway we had angels go up and down and that was a picture and Jacob said this is none other than the house of God and a gateway of heaven.

 We are now the house of God and the gate way of heaven. So heaven is flowing in us and through us if we have no blockages in our gateways.

The problem is if something is flowing in and it doesn’t flow out it gets stagnant, so there must be a flow. In order for there to be a flow the gateways of our spirit soul body flow have to work together so that everything can flow from the inside out.

 Everything that we’ve engaged before we become Christians has come from the outside in. so we’ve received most of our programming in terms of who we are from the outside. Whether that’s come from trauma and trauma has a major impact on our lives. Or it can come from nurture or nature; it comes from the outside in that way.

When our spirit becomes awake, we have the Holy Spirit and the father and Jesus coming in to reside in us and John 14 describes that. We’ve come to make our home in you and therefore we have access to heaven.

Most people don’t realize they got access to heaven because they never learned how to open that first Love gate.

 That first Love gate is described in Ezekiel 47 as a trickle of a river coming under the threshold. Most believers live on a trickle of the presence of the Holy Spirit flowing through them.

That trickle is enough to give us the fruit the spirit and the gifts of the spirit, but actually it is supposed to go beyond a trickle,

When we learn how to open that door then we can be filled with the Holy Spirit. That door is the door that Jesus is knocking on in Revelation 320 .behold I stand at the door not if anyone hears me hears my voice.

What is he saying? He is saying let me in, he is saying let me out whichever way you Want to look at it.

If anyone opens that door then I’m going to come in and we are going to have fellowship, relationship, intimacy.

When we open that the water or the river of life flows in, this is being filled with the Spirit. In John four it is described as a Fountain that we can drink from. In John seven it’s described as rivers of living water which flow from our innermost being outwards.

That innermost being is our spirit where that first Love gate is. When we open that first Love gate then it can become ankle-deep, knee deep, waste deep until it’s flowing and flowing out of us to the world around us. And this is God’s intention because then it will bring live wherever it goes. This is what Ezekiel 47 describes life wherever it goes flowing from heaven. But this river also gives us access to go back through that doorway to engage in Eden the garden of God.

This relationship is not just that God comes to live in us; he invites us to go and dwell with him. So we can access heaven, we can access God’s garden in heaven. We can engage the river of life in heaven. We can engage the waterfalls in heaven. There are many things in heaven, the tree of life and the throne of grace many different aspects we can engage in.  Most people teach they are just illustrations of something. But actually there not, the throne of grace is a literal place. you can go boldly to the throne of grace with confidence. the tree of life is a literal place. you can go there and you can take the fruit which is continually flowing all the time to meet your needs because it’s there to sustain life, so we have access to that, but we need to get the gateways of spirit, soul and body open and flowing.5;45

the gateways in our spirit soul and body need to be activated, they need to be opened, they need to be flowing and we’ve discovered that there are lots of things that hinder that and block it. So there needs to be a  cleansing our gateways, un-blocking our gateways, removing the familiar spirits that often operate in our lives from a behavioral pattern. Familiar spirits influence what we do and our belief systems surrounding that. So we need to deal with them.

We have access to the courts of heaven which is a judicial process that Jesus described prayer as. Rather than prayer being warfare he described prayer as go to a judge and get a verdict. When you got a verdict you can use that verdict because you have authority. We don’t have to fight with the enemy; we just use the verdict and put him under our feet.

We can use communion, and the power of the body and blood of Jesus to apply to the things that hinder and block us. We have to remove the blockages so that we can become conformed to his image by being transformed.

This whole process is the process of transformation. Romans 12 one be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you will know what God’s perfect will is for our lives essentially. So we mustn’t be conformed to the world. The way things have come from the outside in actually be transformed from what flows from the inside out.

 and we’ve done some things like lie busting and court cases to help in that process. and we’ve use the power of communion to apply that to areas of our life which may be operating in iniquity or even genetically and generationally affecting us.

we are now in a relationship with God, but God is inviting us to go deeper, deep is calling to deep. the deep things in God are calling to the deep things in our spirit wanting us to come into the fullness of our inheritance.

Not just be content with what we have on the surface but to go deeper and deeper into that. We can go into a relationship with God which is unveiled,  in the understanding of the Hebrew mindset of marriage.

When we look at marriage, we look at it from the position of intimacy. there are different stages in marriage . the lakah- looking into your eyes, I want you for my own. the segullah which is I want you as a treasured possession. the micvah which is the preparation for coming into the covering of God’s presence in marriage- the huppah. The ketubah is making a marriage agreement, what we would need to have for us to fulfil our destiny, what is God’s provision for that.

 We make a commitment to fulfil our destiny, and he makes a commitment to provide everything we need to  be enabled to do that.

 so we seek first the kingdom of God in righteousness which is the fullest expression of love. and he make sure everything gets given to us to enable us to do that. and this enables us to be confident and trusting in that.8:54

 and as we then look to go further into that we look to the four chambers of the heart the process where that marriage gets outwork in relationship. the garden of the heart is a wonderful place that we can cultivate on the inside of us, where we cultivate that place of intimacy Psalm 23 he makes me lie down in green pastures beside quite waters and he restores my soul and that’s a place of intimacy where he wants us to begin to engage in conversational relationship with him. Not just I am going to read the Bible and hope he speaks through it. I am going to talk to him like I would talk to anyone else and have a conversation with him in which he reveals to me who I am and he reveals to me who he is and then in that relationship I find sonship. and it frees me from being a slave, having slavery mentality which is what the children of Israel had when they came out of Egypt. Egypt didn’t come out of them. for 430 years they lived as slaves so they needed to remove that slavery mentality . only sonship can remove that so God being father wants to bring us into relationship of sonship and that will then enable us to to grow in our relationship with him and then be responsible as a son because a son is not just about having access to the father and it is great when your a kid you can go and jump on you dad. God in reality wants to restore us into sonship into the fullness of sonship and what sonship really means. So that in that sonship we can then come into the responsibility of sonship. because we as God’s children are given responsibility for his created order and in that created order he wants us to demonstrate that sonship and creation will respond to it rather than the bondage that creation is in right now and Romans eight talks about God wanting to manifest his sons in such a way that creation responds to that. and so God wants to enable us to come into that place where we can answer creation’s grown, as sons co-heirs in the kingdom and a co-heir or joint heir or fellow heir means that we are have part to play in God’s kingdom.

 So when it talks about in the Lord’s Prayer your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We have been taught, God does the as it is in heaven bit and we see the kingdom come on earth.  in reality actually he is calling us to go and do that as it is in heaven bit as co-heirs in the kingdom establishing the kingdom there so then the kingdom can manifest here through the gateway of our lives. so the kingdom of God is supposed to expand and increase and that expansion and increase there is no end to. the increase of his government as it talks about Isaiah chapter 9 is the flow of life which then goes out and expands God’s kingdom around us and we know we been given spheres of governmental authority we call the mountain spheres. because mountains in the Bible represent kingdom authority those spheres are given to us to demonstrate the kingdom and each one of us has a mandate of sonship Genesis 128 God bless them,he empowered Adam and Eve and he is empowering us he called them from that blessing that empowerment to be fruitful. to be fruitful is the fulfil the destiny that gods given us. to multiply, therefore to increase and therefore expand that to fill. so we have spheres of the earth   in  the kingdom of God, that are ours to fill and to subdue. so there’s opposition but we have authority to overcome every opposition because Jesus said that he is placed the enemy under our feet we have to maintain that position of authority over the enemy and then we rule, we establish the kingdom and we rule from the heavenly perspective so that heaven can be manifested on the earth through our lives. 1 corinthians 6:17 says whoever is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him and that is the process that then enables the kingdom to flow through us and manifest around us. so those three aspects of becoming joined to the Lord, in that place first Love and opening our first Love gate.1– drinking living water, fountain of life another Scripture talks about the wells of salvation that we can drink from its the source of life it’s not water H2O although it is an illustration we can live without H2O but in this sense our spiritual life we can’t live without that flow. it is a description of the Holy Spirit. That there’s rivers of living water . 2– the yoke of Jesus and Matthew 1128 all those all weary and heavy laden come to me and find rest and take my yoke upon you and that means we become joined to him and those two aspects of the yoke. one is like the oxen and they yoked a young oxen with an experience oxe and that one lead and helped the younger one follow the right path to plow the field, whatever they would do. then you also had the rabbis in Jesus day there was a whole rabbinical system and there were two major rabbis in Jesus day and what they did is they yoked their disciples to them and actually did it with a piece of rope that went around their necks. so wherever the rabbi moved the disciple had to move otherwise it got uncomfortable . because it was an illustration following the master now we don’t have earthly rabbis Jesus is our rabbi he is the one who teaches us so we need to be yoked to him and his yoke is easy and his burden is light when we take on the responsibility of our own life and we try and do things in our own strength then it’s not light and it’s not easy that’s why we get weary and heavy laden so when we join to Jesus we can then be led he will lead us and give us that direction . the third aspect of engaging the father is as a mountain a place of authority we have the right to rule our lives everyone of us has been given free will and the right to rule. we have not done too well with that right most of us so if we surrendered  the lordship of our life to the father he can engage the seat rest in government that place that throne in us. he needs to be on the throne and then , I trust him to be my provider my protector one who directs my life, then heaven recognizes God’s government in me. So then I have a place in heaven that I can rule from, because heaven is ruling in me, I’m in him and I can also rule. I am seated with Christ in heavenly places. all the blessings in the heavenly places need to be engaged and brought into this place .so that’s that whole aspect of it.

 so were really preparing for heaven to flow through us and that’s the key so the kingdom can come on earth as it is in heaven because we are establishing it there and then seeing it flow through us and then be established around us. there is a transition between the pathway of relationship engaging God in intimacy within us and with him in his garden prepares us for sonship where then we can take responsibility of sonship and see that manifest through us. as we begin to use the authority we have to frame and order things from an eternal heavenly perspective. so that’s a sums up 29 sessions in a few minutes.

 Open for questions you Wanna ask you .how does that work. cover a lot during this period. things that you are unsure of then feel free to ask and all my best to try and answer anything you got.

Where is in jesus, where is in father.

 well God is God so God is father-son spirit and when you see the throne room you see the throne of God, and God is on the throne father-son spirit. but there are also places where they operate with different aspects of who they are. so on the throne of grace you have the father .and he welcomes you to come and engage him in in relationship with him. and you have where it talks about the ancient of days Jesus sat on the right hand of the father that’s another aspect whether where the river of fire is flowing under that throne flowing out there is another aspect there were.

 in essence what we engage with is the presence of God. it is God’s presence that is in us, father-son and spirit and John 14 describes that you know that we have come to make our home in you we know were baptised in the spirit the Holy Spirit is in us and we are in him so we have this inter dependent relationship.

 now when I opened the first Love gate I spent a long time, just waiting there and seeing the presence of the Holy Spirit come around me and sensing the different characteristics of the Holy Spirit’s presence. the fragrance the frequency of the vibration of his presence and i became sensitive to it. I didn’t have much choice because when I first open my first Love gate it was all let’s  go, where our we going. so I didn’t really have around too much. it was more God’s presence is coming this is really exciting, what are we going to do today. Where as then when I was gonna teach the first Love module ,what God did was- I open my first Love gate and either father-son spirit would embrace me and not let me go. so it was like you need to stay here. and am  feeling quite restricted staying here. then I actually relaxed and I went to a whole different revelation of the presence of the Holy Spirit he began to reveal to me speak to me unveiled to me who he was in a completely different intimate way. the same with Jesus and the same of the father .so I began to sense their voice, just the fragrance of their presence and now I I know whenever I engage one , I know who they are. because I just built that connection, by spending a lot of time just  being in intimacy, not doing anything. I am sort of a doing type of person. let’s go and establish the kingdom and do those things. but without the pathway of relationship fully established, what you do in the kingdom is limited. because we need relationship to release responsibility. and without both it does not work.

What is our relationship with the holyspirit.

 the relationship the Holy Spirit is in a sense the Holy Spirit is is the essence of life which is described as water living rivers of living water the fountains of life it’s this describe this is the spirit so in essence what I found, and a lot of people talk about the Holy Spirit is like a gentle dove, that is revering to sonship-the dove company. I never really found that myself you know is like to me the Holy Spirit is vibrant, effervescent life. excitement joy overflowing, what I have found- the three things that Jesus describes in  John’s 13 up to 17 in that passage where he is preparing his disciples for him going and then the Holy Spirit coming he describes the Holy Spirit as a Paraclete or one who gets alongside us to help to guide to direct, a sense of the Holy Spirit coming to comfort. so there’s that there is a sense of that, but I I actually found that the Holy Spirit in my relationship with him is just so full of life and energy and almost mischievousness. he just longs  for me to go places with him and show me places and reveal things because it talks about the Holy Spirit revealing Jesus. So you have this relationship between father-son and spirit which is totally non-competitive. so the father sends the spirit and  the spirit points us to Jesus and then Jesus points us to the father. so our relationship with the Holy Spirit generally is been through the fruit of the spirit so that the Holy Spirit revealing the character and nature of God so that we would become like him so we would take on the fruit the spirit the Holy Spirit also gives us gifts so the Holy Spirit enables us to function with the world around us in such a way that he can reveal things to us that will help us to function in this realm. There is that aspect to the Holy Spirit’s help, but actually the Holy Spirit wants us to become one spirit with him, being joined to the Lord one spirit with him so that we can almost function seamlessly. so it’s almost our spirit and and the Holy Spirit operating in oneness and unity.  now for that to take place our body soul and spirit needs to be together and one. otherwise you get all these competing tensions of been pulled one way or another. when we deal with all the gateways and particularly through the the process of being prepared for intimacy in relationship .then that will unveil to us a whole flow of the Holy Spirit revealing to us who we are in relationship with him. when you when you read the new Testament you read the the word spirit which in Greek numa actually it’s only really whether it’s got S or a small S that written to determine whether it’s Holy Spirit or its our spirit. actually a lot of them actually are misinterpreted in fact, when it is talking about spirit it’s really talking about our spirit and when it talks about the Holy Spirit, our spirit and Holy Spirit are supposed to function together seamlessly. so no one should know whether it’s our spirit or the Holy Spirit is just spirit .we are a spiritual being. We were birthed in eternity from God as spirit. and it’s that spirit that should be that which enables us to engage. obviously we need our soul which enables us to be self-conscious and aware but from inside out not outside in. and our body which enables us to be world conscious and be able to connect to the world but not from outside in but from inside out. so everything is being directed from inside out rather than outside in and I think that’s the key.

Do we worship the father or the son.

 when we are baptised in Matthew 20:8 we are baptised in father-son spirit so we have we are in them and they are in us so there’s an intimacy. worship isn’t singing songs worship is obedience is actually finding out what God’s will is an doing it. That’s worship so when Jesus said worship in spirit and in truth he was talking about the reality when we engage God in intimacy he reveals to us like Jesus in John 519 the only did we saw the father doing. true worship is see what the father’s doing. we have a worship gate in our spirit which aligns with what the father’s doing. and then we have something in our soul which is choice and that free will choice will determine whether we worship or not. because we have the right to say no because we been given free will by God so our choice will determine whether we actually worship which means outworking and fulfilling because Romans 12 12 talk about the process of transformation then it says so that you will know or you will engage in your perfect service of worship. and service or serving and worship of the same word in Greek. so actually serving God is worshipping him but we don’t do it as a servant we do it as a son. so as sons we are co-heirs in that process so it’s not like will I have to worship the father in some sort of ritualistic, I am going to praise him. I do not pray like I used to pray. I never addressed God in prayer. Like he is somewhere else I talk to him because he is in me and I’m in him when I step in the realms of heaven. so the relationship is totally different from a-we’ll I’m going to engage in some sort of act of worship into knowing I’m in relationship with God and we are flowing together and therefore were talking communicating engaging in life, rather than doing certain acts and so I don’t differentiate between father-son and spirit, I am sensitive to at times I’m engaging with that. so when I open first Love I suppose my initial act of surrender is worship. So im basically  taking in living water,here is my source of life I’m yoked to Jesus,here is my direction and my discipleship and the father’s on the seat of rest and government in my life therefore im trusting in him being my provider therefore that is what worship really is. it is not me saying something to god like I worship you. because I can say words and their cheap and don’t mean anything because I then I don’t have to go do it .I say I worship but actually to truly worship I have to do what the father’s doing and he wants to reveal that because that’s my destiny. My destiny on a daily basis is to do what is already ordained for me to do, which is perfect. that’s why Romans 12 it says what is the perfect will of God and there is only one perfect will of God, and that’s already been agreed.

Psalm 139 all the days that have  been ordained for me are written in this book the scroll my life. I just have to go into heaven and get it unveiled today. you can have a book and a book you can leaf through and read the end.  You can’t do that in a scroll. You have to open  a bit look at it and you open another bit. if you unravel to try and get to the end you miss all the initial  stuff that is in between. so that’s why it’s really described as a scroll. each day when we go into the realms of heaven it’s like it get unveiled and therefore I know what I am supposed to do today. and Jesus said seek first the kingdom this is because today’s got enough of its own issues to fulfil, don’t worry about tomorrow don’t worry don’t be concerned so we shouldn’t be concerned about what happened yesterday because that’s all covered by the blood of Jesus when we have engaged that way. We are not concerned by what can happen tomorrow because that will come about we just need to do today. the whole sort of 12 step program have got it right. deal with it one day time all I need is to know what is God’s will for me today and I can truly worship him by fulfilling it. and that’s why i can go to heaven and find out what it is because that’s how Jesus was able to do these things he lived in dual realms so the whole purpose of us coming to a place of being one spirit with God is so that my spirit can be operating in the realms of heaven and I can be operating in the realms of earth, and heaven and earth are connected through me and flowing. that’s God’s desire, there is a bit of a process to get rid of all the backlog of the way we have lived, so that we can live that way. my soul would not allow my spirit to live in dual realms because my soul needed to know and understand and be aware which is why had to die. in that whole dark cloud process for me was that my soul is not going to be in charge even of doing the things that God is created it to do. my spirit must be in charge connected to heaven flowing, therefore I can now live in dual realms and be connected instantly which is why you can always have everything you need available to you because heaven operates in a different realm both  of authority and time so my spirit now is sat on a mountain throne in heaven and I’m talking to you here because my soul is totally engage with you but my soul is not determining what I say to you, my spirit is. which is why never need to think,how do i answer that one? is just like my spirit has everything I need to answer every question that there is because it’s already prepared that and framed that in heaven and it’s available to me instantly, because the whole principle of quantum entanglement means I can be in two places at once, be totally connected instantly from one place to another. therefore my spirit is in that realm but I’m in this realm totally connected and therefore flowing. and that’s really in terms of how our spirit and and the Holy Spirit can work together. and worship really is that flow of life really.

What about past prophetic words.

when I did my ketubah I made it is broad as I possibly could make it so I put into the ketubah in the context of if I have a destiny to fulfil and that will be the fulfillment of every prophetic word spoken of my life in a in a sense my scroll of destiny is is that prophetic word it’s been agreed for my life in their aspects of that the get revealed over time that some prophetic words are’s are time sensitive and they are in a context of this season and then there over  some prophetic words are this is this is a word for my life life word if you like and so when I made my ketubah I looked at okay hears my destiny this is what I understand of what has been revealed to me up to this point but I’m sure this there is going to be a whole load more going to be revealed to me every day so I’m gonna put into my ketubah the context that I will always have everything available everything I’m will do now I will do in the future to fulfil my destiny and therefore I  put things like have access to every room in in the Mountian of God I will need to be able to fulfill my destiny will at that point I hadn’t been in many rooms have been a few but now I have been  in lots of rooms so my having that expectation everything would be open and available to me enabled me to have an expectation the everything I need will be provided so certainly you can use every prophetic word that you received everything that is the part of your destiny sometimes it’s almost like you just know something about your life you you know how you been redemptively made you know how God is put you together and how you function that way so for me it would be I put in my ketubah that every resource would be available to free me from everything that shaped me in a wrong way to bring me into everything that shaped me in the right way so my ketubah. I did a 68 points on some of them were very clearly okay God showed me this and I would be doing at some stage so I I included that , God show me visions and pictures of things that I would do in the future I included that but most of it was , this is something which is going to  enable me to fulfil my destiny so I’m gonna put in there as much as I can possibly think of . and and I ask God for revelation in the process what so I need to put in here . what it did that triggered the process of now you need to then deal with the soul. and that that’s what I shared last time but certainly the ketubah in itself is not a okay I’m going to use this to force God’s hand . this is my part of the deal and I’m going to use it to make sure I Wanna fulfil my destiny and this enables God to give me everything I need to fulfil my destiny. what I put on it becomes an expectation or a hope not a wishful thinking hope but at a hope which is anchored beyond the veil and that hope- faith can engage in to manifest the outworking of that hope to bring it into reality. So it enables me to connect with faith so it’s like okay hears the expectation that God will okay let’s say one of things I put on my ketubah was something like that I will have access to every throne that I’m supposed rule from in the realms of heaven so therefore by faith I can engage with that so then that opens up the places to be able to go and find every position I have in heaven know rather than I am sort of hoping something might sort of work out some time I engage faith in it therefore I I step into that realm and that enables God to put me into a position of government and a position of authority I didn’t have then so I wrote my ketubah 2011 I burnt it and offered it as a offering in the dark cloud process in 2012 and I didn’t look at it again until 2015 but I actually found that most of what I wrote there was future tense stuff that I have not already experienced and by 2015 already experienced most of it and because the ketubah opened up possibilities for me to experience it and and I did. so I would certainly use everything prophetically in every sense  of what you have in terms of who you are in God within that process.

 there’s  different aspects to positions of authority in the realms of heaven some of them relate to who I am as a mountain of God. as a son if you like has a mountain in the realms heaven with a throne and that then has seven mountains which are spheres of government attached to it which are all individual so I individually have access to  those spheres of authority and I can rule because I’m seated with Christ in heavenly places in that but there are other levels of authority so I was then given once I went through this process of the dark cloud process and coming through that God gave me an orb and he took me to  another level of authority so my throne was at a higher level so I was operating in the kingdom of God and then I was taken to the kingdom of heaven and given a realm of authority there to operate in which gave me more legislative power when I was on my throne in in the kingdom of God I was operating under the government of God so Jesus being King of Kings and Lord of lords  he was my the one who is giving me the mandates every day to fulfil and outwork so I was operating under- here your given this authority and your operating in this and when I went into the realms of the kingdom of heaven then I was starting to operate in a realm of kingship so I then started to be able to make legislative authority and use it. whereas before I was just given directives and I was doing what I was told. then God trusted me with more levels of authority and therefore I began to engage the different courts so I went to the chanclers court  went to the court of kings and I started to make legislation and use it so that took it to another level of authority now there are mountings that your part of which are corporate mountings so when you’re part of the bench a three you would be part of a bench of three and so three people would be on a mountain working together and those are different spheres of government so I’m part of a bench of three here for the the ministry that we have here with Nigel and becky we work together on that mountain we have different aspects that we bring. I only  have to bring me to that to that aspect Nigel brings himself but becky brings herself and the three come together and have a fullness of government then I’m part of a local bench  for the area here and with Guy with Jeremy and we are then looking at well how do we  administrate for our local area, now that is different from what I’m here physically on the ground having a physical place because we’re looking to release other people into this local area to fulfil the local vision that  gods given for this area are we not presuming to say we control this area what were saying is  we are here to bless the area and to release people to find their destiny within God’s purposes for this area and we have a prophetic history in this area of calls to be cities of refuge and different things like that that we are here to facilitate I am also part of a bench of three for the region to do a similar thing to help release others to establish government in our region in the different areas of our region now that all operates in spheres of government and they are all associated with mountains if you like but there very different in their operations and in a sense being here everyone needs to know that I’m part of a bench of three here. in our local area no one really needs to know other than the people who need to know. Its not  something we go broadcasting  were the bench of three here. because actually it doesn’t really matter whether anyone else knows because it is a heavenly position. So there are  different levels of government that you get and there are heavenly positions of authority that God gives you that in a sense don’t have an eathly counterpart  in terms of the Chancellor which is the Chancellor’s role operating having charge of the courts in heaven and there are those who are scribes legislative oracles magistrate judges because were called to judge . you can have a judge can have charge of a court. says will judge angels but also were called to judge the matters of this life it says so there is authority there different people have different levels. what I operating in is been very much a Chancellor’s role, operated in the ambassador’s role in certain courts. I know people who operating in judges and magistrates and they do very different things than I do. very focused on court cases and things I’m not so much I’m more focus on getting and using legislation and and that that’s why we need each other we all got different parts to play all got different roles and when we all fulfil it in the body functions. whether that’s the whole worldwide universal body or any individual expression of that body it just needs to function reflecting heaven’s government so that can can release heaven onto the earth.

how real is this mountain.

 how real is it, every everything in the spiritual realm is just as real’s is the physical realm because it’s where my spirit is designed to function. it is different but it’s just as real. in a sense my spirit can interact with spiritual material just as my body can interact with physical material. and so for me it is my position. I am not bothered by how things look. not really that interested on how it looks. some people are what’s your throne look like? I don’t knowit is just a place I sit to me it’s a place of rulership and it’s the rulership of it that is important rather than what it looks like. Now for some people actually what it looks like gives them a clue to what they are suppose to  do because, that is how God works God uses symbolism and pictures and these things to help us understand so for some people they look at this and they  understand what that is about. For me I haven’t focus too much on what things look like . more this is a position of governmental authorities that I need to function in. now you know having a good look at something initially helps and I must admit I missed a few things that I could have been very helpful if I had taken a little bit more time to to observe somewhat in beginning but for me it’s just as real , I don’t need to engage visually in in these things and because my spirit is there my spirit knows my spirit communicates to me in a way that I can describe it visually to you if if you want but I don’t need to so it’s not like I am going to close my eyes and try imagine a picture where I am, I’m just where I am. I am flowing from that place where I am . if i choose to engage my imagination on that screen and try and visualise it I can, I can see it but most of the time I need to engage in two places at once. so in my own personal time with God every day when I engage with him in intimacy I am soul and spirit engaged because I’m I’m actively engaged my physical body is in that process. I am relaxed  at rest that’s the place everything flows from the place of rest so not striving and try to see. I’m a place of rest my soul and spirit just engaging that place of rest and if I close my eyes I can be part of what the scene is.  i two-way journal everything and I do that as I’m going so I I never close my eyes because I’m writing down what I’m seeing what I’m doing what God is saying what I’m saying all the time . so I have a record of what’s going on in in those encounters. so I’m doing that with my eyes open. I’m describing and sharing exactly what’s going on,but  I’m not in a transvision that I’m completely out this realm. because I’m writing it down. I have been in those occasions where I have been in a transe like state and I’m completely unaware. it takes a lot to write it all down afterwards. I discovered so actually is gonna much easier just every day to engage write down what I what I’m doing what  God is showing  me and just live from that perspective. so it is as real as this realm is real to the physical to my spirit and it does have a image real thing. heaven was supposed to be manifested on the earth therefore there should have been a pattern on the earth that reflected what is heaven. that’s why it talks about the tree of life and the river of life because we have those physical things in this realm so they they are in a sense they help us engage in that realm because those physical things give us an anchor a connection point. if God was, if I was to try and describe other dimensional relealms that I’ve been in I would struggle because the colours don’t match to this realm and neither do the things that are there so I haven’t got  a reference point to be able to describe  some of things I’ve seen because and that’s that’s why heaven and earth is quite similar in in a way because it’s supposed to be connectable to an every individual God will give you the points of connection that make it real to you . I can only describe their experiences as a is a testimony that you can engage in get your own experiences so heaven will look different to you than it does to me and it’s supposed to because it’s designed for you. as it’s designed to me I enjoy rivers and waterfalls and pools and things because that’s me other people enjoy woods and gardens and rooms and other things because that them and that’s that’s how it works so when when I generally do a lot of activations with people I don’t try and describe what I’m seeing in detail because that means that they will try and see what I’m seeing rather than what they’re supposed to see. so lets open a door let step in now enjoy whatever it is you engage enjoy rather than I know I know there are those that do lead activations and they lead it almost as guided imagery and I don’t like that because it restricts people from seeing and engaging what God wants. okay were gonna go uphill can go condemn this corridor then again third) take the second left the is like fire will have a slight okay to know engage Jesus is in the doorway waiting for us to come let take you by the hand and lead you now he can take you wherever he wants,he is not going to be restricted by where I go. I always try and say  don’t try and follow this thing go where Jesus wants to take you and experience what he wants to because he knows  much better than I do what you need right this point in time.  therefore that can be open and that can unveil and as we relax and just allow it to happen. a key to open up that realm but then everyone of us just needs to tread the pathway until they become our pathways and then as they are now part of me I can go any of those places I have ever been, because they are part of my life and I don’t have to think okay gonna go into heaven gonna take this pathway and I am going to walk here. Unless i choose to sometimes I choose to walk a path it’s really fun to walk a particular path when I’m in no particular hurry . I can just enjoy the scenery and the fragrance and the things of heaven . but generally it’s I need to go to the throne of grace. I am not going to go down this river  up this waterfall, I am just going to go there. because it’s now a pathway that gives me access to any place any time so I don’t have to  try and follow a particular route it just gives me access by thought well to get there I had to keep following that route until it becomes familiar to me that enabled me to access it so you tread the path until its yours and then you can access wherever and that opens up all sorts of realms and then course Jesus will take you some places never been before and then you reengage that and then that becomes a part of a pathway that then gives you access to other things.

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