Trading floors

We have Legitimate desires of our heart, inbuilt by God – but we may have tried to meet these needs through other sources. When we do so we offer the enemy a sacrifice.

We need to be aware of what these trading floors are, the are falling principalities.

All counterfeit methods we use for giving us: Acceptance, affirmation, approval, significance, security, provision, purpose and destiny

Happiness in place of joy

Satisfaction in place of fullness

Leisure in place of peace and so on.

Trading Floors are Demonic substitutes for God’s provision. Every option for the shortcut to gratification, success, money, position, influence or power. Trading offers us identity from performance, work or ministry

 Some of our God given needs are Acceptance, Love ,Affection,   Value, worth ,Approval  , Significance ,Affirmation,   Identity, purpose ,Security   ,Safety, provision.

God desires to meet all our needs through our relationship with Him Any attempt to use another source or other methods is trading on demonic floors.

Tyre    – money, materialism

Athaliah – kingly seed

Jezebel – manipulation, control,       domination, witchcraft

Cain   – murder

Delilah – seduction

Leviathan – gossip, lies, deception

Apollyon – opposes the gospel

Tyre – the King of Tyre robbed God’s temple and used the gold to build a trading city. Jezebel, daughter of Ichbaal (Tyre), married the King of Israel to control the religious systems. Athaliah, Jezebel’s daughter or sister-in-law, married the king of Judah. She tried to control future seed by killing all possible heirs using the political system – usurping authority.

Cain – son of Satan, serpent seed who murdered Abel his half brother because of jealousy and his nature .Delilah – seduction, pleasure, gratification that robs our destiny .Leviathan – twister, demonic creature – deception, lies and gossip .Apollyon – fallen angel who opposes preaching of the gospel.

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