Gateway openings 2

       Everything we do in the kingdom of God has to be done through relationship and intimacy with God it cannot be independent of him in any way. The flesh profits nothing. So anything we do on our own will not  produce any eternal value or fruit. The life of God needs to flow from the inside out. Heaven can engage us through the gateways of our spirit soul and body to engage the world around us, rivers of living water flowing through us. Which is the key.

       We have a gate within our spirit which is like a Star gate or a wormhole that engages with another realm, the realm of heaven. And we have access to that realm and that realm has access to us within our spirit if we open the door. It is up to us whether we open that door or not.

       If we have an experience with God and we forget it then it won’t out work things in our lives. We need to revisit go back into the experience. Once we have written it down, we can go back in and engage it and it will become a doorway. We can use meditation which is a very biblical practice to focus and think about Jesus and think about the experience we have had with him and then go back into that experience and experience it again at a deeper level. Or go further than we did last time. It and this becomes a testimony, our testimony of our experiences once we Journal them and continue to experience them. They anchor that experience in the reality of our mind and in our heart.

       And when we get on into the garden of the heart we will look at how we sow those experiences so that they produce fruit. The testimony then becomes a doorway to future experience. We can go through what we have already received in a testimony and experience it again. And we can give that testimony away to others. And then enable them to enter into an encounter themselves. And then they can have their own experiences. We are looking for our own personal experiences not somebody else’s. But somebody else’s testimony can open the door for us to have an experience. We want to be able to open a door so people can experience things themselves.

       We need to use journaling as a key to help us move forward.

       We are a spirit, literally the breath of life that God has breathed into us. This makes us God and spiritual realm conscious, so that we are aware of that realm through our spirit.

        If we do not open the first love gate, there is nothing that flows out. If we don’t open our spirit Gates there is nothing that is going to go beyond our spirit so that we become a stagnant pool. Stagnant water ends up like the Dead Sea. Nothing lives. It is important to have a flow of the River of life, therefore it is important to understand how we open the gateways of our spirit soul and body. So that things can flow out and to understand what is in the way. There are many things that can block the flow of the life of God from the inside. Familiar spirits can sit outside of our spirit Gates because we may have illegitimately use certain things in the past or generational lines. Our soul Gates can have familiar spirits operating within them that produce things like guilt and shame, lies, hurts, doubts, and fears. We need to make sure we break the soul ties of our soul to spirit that operate independently in its own way.

       Through baptism into Christ I can be set free from the old nature and iniquity. We can have God in the center of our lives and filling us and overflowing so that we follow that path of life. Love joy peace etc. and it’s a narrow path. It is only one way, God’s way. So that everything then can basically flow from the inside out. Literally what we are looking for is our spirit becoming one spirit with the Lord and therefore growing and encompassing our soul and body until we actually engaged the world through our spirit. And then our spirit directs everything else and everything else flows from that place of God.

       Up until we get born again everything flows from the outside in. Everything we have learned is from the outside, we have learned how to relate to the world through our five physical senses to interpret that world through electrical impulses in our brain. We see through those electrical impulses and therefore we interpret spatial awareness and understand the world around us because we have learned. We hear and interpret pressure waves in the air as sounds in language so that we can understand things, we even interpret smell through chemical particles that form chemical signals in those go to our brain. Taste – Sweet sour bitter savory all those things are learned through experience and practice. How do you know what is Sweet unless you taste something sweet. And how do you know that is Sweet unless someone says that is sweet. We are dependent upon a lot of things to understand ourselves in the world around us. Touch what is hot, cold, soft or hard. Everything we’ve learned is stored in our memories, those memories are things we have repeated, our experiences which are stored and reused to relate to the world. This is how we learn things naturally, through practice we’ve trained our senses to engage with the physical world around us.

       Our soul also has senses that have also been trained from the outside in. Through nature – the things of the world around us, through nurture our interaction with people, and trauma – things that have happened to us. We may have received good things from our nurture but some of them may be bad. And we have to discern between them in order to deal with those things which are bad, how we have been influenced by those negative things.

       Our spirit also has to be trained from the inside out. When we get born again it is like we become a child spiritually.

       Our spirit has encoded within it all the revelation of who we are in God’s purpose for us, but we have been disconnected from that. We can only reengage it through relationship with God.

       We need to learn how to tune into God’s voice on the inside, to be able to see from the inside, to be able to hear from the inside, to be able to feel from the inside, to be guided from the inside, the smell from the inside.

Our spirit has spiritual senses. We can smell fragrances in the room that other people do not. They are not necessarily a physical fragrance. Our spirit has the ability to pick up spiritual fragrances. Jesus carries a fragrance, angels carry a different fragrance that we can actually smell spiritually. And we have to learn how to touch from the inside out, so we are not gaining information from what we touch physically what we are doing is imparting something through our touch. We can lay hands on people and see them get healed because we are imparting the anointing that flows from the inside to touch people.

We can speak and our words can carry power and authority to change things. This is why Jesus says that we’ll have to give an account for every idle word. Because our words have power. Life and death are in the power of the tongue. So it is important that we learn how to frame things, how to frame our existence by the things we say. Not coming into agreement with negative things coming into agreement with the things that God says about us and then when we agree there is power in agreement. And then we can see a manifestation of that agreement in our lives.

Our spiritual senses are all trained through our relationship with God in us. They are not trained separately from him in any way. God is all-knowing Omni present and all-powerful and he is in us and we are in him. This makes us to have the ability to engage with an all-knowing God and therefore everything that he knows is available to us. His Omni present so anywhere where he is we have access to be in the spirit. He is all-powerful so that we in our spirit can operate in that power that he equips us with. To be able to do the things that he does. Jesus said we would do things that he did an even greater things.

We have to have access to the nature and gifts of the Spirit and operate everything from our relationship with God. This generally works as a spontaneous flow of revelation knowledge. It does not work by us trying to figure it out or work it out. It flows spontaneously from that relationship and we have to learn how to pick up those spontaneous thoughts and act on them rather than dismiss them or let them go. We have to engage them and flow with them. So the thoughts of God can literally dance in our mind. When we really engage God it is like a dance of thoughts in our mind that we can tune into an engage with. Visions and pictures form in our imagination. Feelings of God can move our emotions they can direct us through those feelings. Impressions from God can motivate our wills. We can have that impression I know what to do. They called it an unction of the Holy Spirit. We are moved by that impression that God is calling us to do something.

Our gifts and our callings and our redemptive gifts and how we have been made by God are linked to the activities of these gates. Because God uses the function and the senses of our spirit soul and body to facilitate the outworking of who we are, who he created us to be, how he redemptively shaped us. And we may have differences and who we are, because we have been made differently we are all unique therefore we need to understand ourselves and how he made us to be.

       So prophetically our revelation gate and hope gate can release things from the realm of the prophetic. Spiritual gifts can flow, intuition, words and knowledge, wisdom distinguishing of spirits.

Just knowing can come through that intuition gate. Healing and miracles can flow through the faith gate.

We all need reference, fear of God and our prayer gates opened to have an intimate relationship with God. It is a two-way flow every day. It is not something that we do, to go and pray, like God is going to hear me now but he didn’t hear me two seconds ago, when I wasn’t praying. Prayer is just a communication of life with God and from God that we can have all the time, it is not something we do for 10 minutes in the morning. It needs to be a lifestyle of continual communication, a continual flow of relationship.

       The fear of God, that awesomeness of God, the reverence of just never wanting to do anything that displeases God or causes harm it anyway.

It all boils down to will we be a worshiper? And a worshiper is one who in obedience bows down to God and says you are the Lord, you are the king, you are the father and I am going to surrender and submit to you. I’m not going to do things my own way anymore.

We have to get a flow, we are going to go, we are going to walk in the spirit. We can have a word of knowledge and not use it, we can have intuition but if we don’t use it then it is a waste of time. God wants us to use the things he has equipped us to have, to who we are for his glory and so that we would outwork our eternal destiny

And in everything that we are doing we must create our own personal pathway of relationship. And we do that by repeatedly walking that way with God. We can walk a path once and forget the way we walked, but if we walk the same path every single day it will become so ingrained in us that we can learn from that experience of God and the relationship we have with him. We cannot have another person’s personal experience we can only have our own.

Mike shares his testimony of the things he has encountered and his prayers that have been helpful on his journey so that other people can take those prayers and make them their own. We can use these things as a basis to develop our own ways and our own words so that we can engage God personally ourselves. People engage differently with God. But the principles are the same.

Each one of us can have a personal intimate relationship with God that is growing on a daily basis if we choose to walk that way. If we don’t put any effort into walking this way we will never know God, in any depth or intimacy. If we spend no time with somebody we are never going to know them. We can read all about them in a book but we will never know them personally. God wants us to know him by personal experience. This means walking out this pathway.

It’s important to understand the basic processes for engaging our gateways.

Everything is a daily choice to create that lifestyle where we live in the natural realm but are directed and guided from the spiritual realm. It is a choice in every one of us can make or not make.

When we get up in the morning we have to choose to go God’s way not our own. Just because we did yesterday does not guarantee we will today unless we choose to. God is given us the free will to choose and he has given us that dignity to show how important we are in terms of his purposes. Because he has given us that ability to make those decisions and he has trusted us to do it. But we have to decide every day if we don’t open our first love gate today we are going to have no flow we may have some residual from yesterday but it is not going to flow and it will soon run out. So this is important that it becomes a daily lifestyle, not a ritual or a religious duty. We do not want to get into that and we do not want to get into fear. That if I don’t pray today something will go wrong. Our fears can come upon us. We don’t want to get into fear but operate in relationship. God is given us the authority to frame our own day. To bring favor and blessing and his purposes and plans around our life on a daily basis. But we have to choose to do it.

A lot of people say I cannot see, how can I engage a gateway if I do not see it? The word see is not just vision it actually means to perceive. To have a perception is to have an understanding based on an interaction. It may be visual where we can see the gate where we see what it looks like and see yourself walking through it. Sometimes we just engage and flow because were thinking about some else we can do two things at once.

We can still perceive everything flowing through our gates when we are not focused on them. We learn how to direct how we can use our senses in that way. We do not want to get hung up on the fact well I can see it therefore cannot be real. Doubting Thomas would only believe it if he saw it. This is not faith. Faith is believing it because God has said it and that we know in our spirit it is true. And then we can operate on that faith. So it is important to engage by faith. Whether we see, hear, have impressions, feelings, senses or knowing things we engage by faith. When we engage by faith we get a reward. If we are in a please God in everything we do we have to engage through faith. If we are going to engage in faith we must come to God and must believe. So faith is believing and putting that belief into action by coming on the basis of it. If we believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those who seek him we will get the reward of seeking him.

We have to cultivate a belief, by starting to think about it, by starting to think about him, by starting to fix our eyes on him, start engaging him and in that engagement then the relationship will grow. Faith is an absolute key when we are doing anything in the realm of the spirit, and everything in life needs to be done through faith.

Faith is the assurance of things hoped for. This word hope is not a wish it means white-hot expectation. Those things we have an expectation of faith is the substance or the assurance of those things. If we don’t know what we want and we don’t know what God has said then there is very little for faith to engage with. This is why the promises of God are so important to us. Because those promises of who God is and what he has promised us and who we are form the basis of our faith. so we can then engage in the assurance that what he says is true. And that then becomes a conviction of things not seen, it is like I know they are true even though I have not seen them.

Mike had lived For 25 years like that as a Christian having seen nothing, heard nothing and not really engage anything but he believed. He had a relationship with God based on not very personal things but that has Changed and now it is very personal and very real, but if he saw nothing and heard nothing it would not stop him from believing. He has a deposit, a foundation in his spirit that he knows that he knows that he knows. They God is true, the God is real and God is his father and he loves Mike and that forms the basis of his relationship with the Lord.

We are not seeking after experiences that prove God is real. We know in our spirit, and experiences are the outworking of that. We don’t have to try to create it or make it up because it is true we then experience it, we experience the truth when we act on it.

If our hope or desire or expectation is to engage our gates and we choose to believe without necessarily seeing, God will reward us. And we will begin to engage and fruit will come from that.

The reward is that our conviction will produce fruit in our lives and we learn to perceive and to flow in it. We will start to see change and transformation take place because we have chosen to engage. The more we train our senses and practice, by learning to meditate and learning to see and using our imagination, then the easier it is to be able to engage.

If we haven’t done any of that yet and we are still learning we can still engage by faith and we will still get positive results from that in our journey.

How do we engage our soul gates? By acting in faith and meditating upon each gate from the inside through our spirit. We don’t try to use the outside experiences to engage it because it has to come through our spirit and God spirit and not from our cognitive trying to work it out and figured out. So we have to do it from the inside but first we have to open up our first love gate.

We need to invite Jesus to stand in each gate and asked for Revelation about how each gate functions in our life. We build our relationship by asking for the revelation that comes through engaging with the Lord. We invite the flow of the river of life To wash and cleanse each gate. There is the washing of the water by the word by the river in the water that flows. We invite the light and the fire and the glory of God To purify and refine each gate.

There is a flow of life that comes from the inside to touch each gate and to enable it to open. We invite Jesus to be Lord of each gate. We don’t want to be in control of our own gateways. Jesus said that the father in him did his works flowing through him. We don’t want to be trying to work out what we do we want God to direct us and do it through us so we just cooperating and Flow with him. We engage each gate by faith and speak to it, we speak to our soul. David said soul remember, we have to direct our soul by choice, because it is used to doing its own thing, so we have to bring it back into line. We speak to our soul every day and tell it to give up, to stop trying to do its own thing and to surrender. David said my soul pants and thirsts after the living God; he had such a relationship with God that his soul wanted everything to flow from God rather than the outside. So we need to yield control and direction to our spirit and command and speak to it. So we can declare soul you will not motivate me or control me or block the flow of the spirit. We have to find our own words but take authority. We have to take possession of each gateway and place Jesus at the center of it. We need to give God central place in every area of our life.

We have to have our gateways cleansed, they may be a been affected and damaged or affected in negative ways. The blood of Jesus has power to cleanse these gateways; there is power in the blood. The soul – life – of the flesh is in the blood. There is something powerful about the blood of Jesus that can change and transform and restore and make it flow from the inside.

We need to practice repentance, repentance is a change of mind and a turning from one thing to another. We need to acknowledge our sin, we need to take responsibility for not guarding in using our gateways correctly in the past. We don’t make excuses we own it. Whatever we own we can deal with, if we don’t own it we cannot deal with it. So we have to own some of these things. We take the blood of Jesus by faith and wipe the gate clean and redeem it. We do this by an act of faith.

The Bible is full of illustrations that we can use to help us engage it. Because the soul gates are usually influenced by demonic and familiar spirits and our flesh, because it is been influenced by this we have to deal with that influence.

The old nature has been crucified with Christ but we have to reckon it dead daily, because our soul has been influenced by the old nature we have to deal with that influence. We have to take back possession of our souls we have to dispossess anything that is residing there, demonic spirits, blockages, strongholds and control systems. What ever is there which is a hindrance we must take back possession of it, it has a hold over us whether it is an addiction or a mindset or a habit we can take and break those things if we apply the truth to them.

There will be legal rights the enemy has to occupy and block that flow of the river of life, the enemy is a legalist and will operate legally and everything in the kingdom is a judicial system. So we need to understand how to use the court system and the judicial process.

When we know how to use the court system, it will give us authority over the spiritual forces, mindsets, habitual patterns, behaviors, addictions it will give us authority over them to break the patterns and to see a new lifestyle develop. We need to know how to take this authority.

As our gateways open and we begin to engage them there may well be some conflict between soul and spirit and between those spiritual forces. As the kingdom of God and the rule of God begins to exert influence then this conflict heightens. Internal pressures often squeeze things to the surface.

We have experienced when things are difficult that things come to the surface that we did not think where there. Usually by the things we say or the things we think. Things may appear to get worse before they get better. When we start to deal with the things that are on the inside of us they start to kick off. To try and intimidate us, we cannot be intimidated or fearful or back off from the process. We have to take authority and pushed through that to overcome it.

Matthew 11:12 the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force. We have to exert the authority that we have been given. If we don’t use it, it will overcome us. But if we use it we will overcome it. We need to begin to enforce the kingdom of God, the authority of our spirit over the soul and the body and the world around us. So eventually we actually take authority in our spheres of influence and we rule with God As his children.

Matthew 6:33 seek first his kingdom, his rule and his righteousness – his way of being and doing and all these things will be added. All the things that we try to get for ourselves will be given to us when we actually seek him first.

Romans 8:37 – in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through him who loved us. God loves us so much he gives us the power to overcome everything and anything. We overwhelmingly conquer, we are more than conquerors. We can defeat anything, any obstacle anything that the enemy has put in place can be defeated, nothing is impossible with God. If we know our authority and seek first the kingdom. In the spirit by faith we start to engage there is a name of God which is Jehovah nisi, the Lord my banner, the Lord my victory. We use this as a declaration. Jesus rules are gateways, we raise the banner that Jesus is Lord over each gateway and we continue the process.

Romans 5:17 – if by the transgression of one – talking about Adam – death reigned through that one. This is the old nature. Much more those who receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the one Jesus Christ.

We don’t make ourselves righteous, he makes us righteous and we are the righteousness of God in him. It is not something we can try and become we already are in him. But we have to use that righteousness so that we will reign, we will rule in life, we will overcome, we will actually become sons of God outworking the fullness of our destiny when we learn to engage who we really are. We don’t give up; it is a marathon not a Sprint. The world wants everything instantly, you cannot lay hands on everyone and it will all be done. It will help but it doesn’t take away our responsibility to outwork it ourselves. We must walk it out in our own life. We can receive deliverance, someone can cast a demon out of us but if we do not replace that with the truth so that we live in the opposite spirit, it will come back with seven worse.

We have to live out of the authority and power we have been given.

What will shut a gate and stop the flow? Having a wrong focus trying to meet our own needs by drawing from the outside will stop everything flowing from the inside out. Independence – living our own way, not seeking first the kingdom is idolatry. Because we are putting something else before God an Idol. And if we bow down and worship an Idol we give it authority in our life, whatever that Idol may be. Not having a kingdom focus, not opening our first love gate daily, so that we have God in the center and he can flow through. If we do not do this, then what will we be focused on?

We are not going to be directed and guided from the inside we are going to be subject to the circumstances of the life around us every day. This is how a lot of people live going from one catastrophe and difficult circumstance to another because they don’t take authority over it. It is a series of disasters because we live controlled by the circumstances of life around us rather than by us taking authority to bring the kingdom into those circumstances so that the favor and blessing and the glory of God and the presence of God actually functions around us, and the angelic realm operates around us, and the life of God is bringing blessing to us every day where we are empowered to prosper and succeed. Everything comes from opening that first love gate.

Unconfessed sin gives the enemy the right to accuse us, to bring guilt shame and condemnation. How many of us has the enemy said you call yourself a Christian how can you be used by God when you think that, and you say that, and you do that. Because we haven’t dealt with the things that we have done, we feel guilty and ashamed and we run and hide in the bushes and try and cover it up. God says come and run to me and I’ll forgive you all you have to do is confess it and own it and I will completely cleanse you and restore you. We do not run away from God when we mess up we run to him, because he will restore us immediately when we confess and own what we have done. We are not to allow the enemy to bring guilt shame and condemnation which will always remove our confidence in serving God.

How do we keep a gate open and flowing? We keep short accounts through confession and repentance as soon as our conscience picks up sin. Our conscience will pick up sin when we begin to train it, where reference begins to direct it we will be more sensitive to those things which displease God. There are things right now which we do which are displeasing to God and we don’t even know it, but the more intimate we become in our relationship the more revelation gets released. Reverence points to those things that we didn’t realize were offensive to God. Some of the things we say, some of the words we use some of the attitudes that we have can be offensive to God this is why they are called stinking attitudes because they smell. We are supposed to produce a sweet smell to God because our life is a living sacrifice. God will reveal these things that displease him but there is no guilt associated with it, we just need to own it and be changed and transformed.

We need to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit through conviction, through being sensitive to warnings through intuition, those little checks in our spirit which will hold us from making a wrong decision. We don’t ignore them, we train them and listen to them. Lack of peace is a key to understanding that something is going on incorrectly in our spirit and soul. Particularly in the area of the soul lack of peace is a good function. Why am I feeling this way? Something isn’t quite right, is a key that something is going on that we can deal with. Heaviness, oppression, the enemy can bring things over us that we are under and all of a sudden we realize why am I feeling like this? Because something is going on in the inside. We become sensitive to those things. We spend as much time as possible strongly praying in tongues. Flowing whether we do it out loud or silently, tongues builds up and enables a flow to go.

Luke 11:17 – a house divided cannot stand. So if we are divided and we are referred to as a house or a temple or a dwelling place of God, if we are divided spirit and soul and body then it is very difficult to stand firm. So it is important that we remove all the division and separation so that we can stand firm in oneness, wholeness, peace, unity in us and with him.

Ephesians 6:12+ struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. There are things that also go on in the heavenly places that we need to deal with.

We don’t want to try and struggle against our flesh or try to control it, it needs to die, we need to surrender control and give it to God. We don’t struggle with it we just surrender it. We do not wrestle with it, but there are things we should wrestle with those are the things that we need to dispose that are within our soul.

We need to recognize that we are responsible to exercise authority and to rule over the gates of our lives, no one else is. We cannot blame anybody else, each one of us has the authority and is responsible to rule in those gates and work with God and flowing from the inside out.

It starts in us and develops outward not from the outside in. We need to make sure everything flows from the inside out. Even when Jesus told the disciples about the Holy Spirit coming – acts 1: 8 – you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you will be my witnesses both in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria even to the uttermost parts of the world. It started in the center and went out words. It starts in us it engages our spirit and then goes out.

Conscience – today I bring my conscious gate into submission to my spirit I release the life of God flow from my spirit through the gateways of reverence, the fear of God to produce a consciousness of God’s righteousness and truth.

We use these prayers every day until they become life. Then we do not use the prayers but we live in the good of what they have created.

Where our soul has been seared by sin we now take the sword of the Spirit and cleave the Gateway, we use the word of God, the promises of God as a sword to cut open the gates. To clear the blockages to slice off the heads of those things that are in the way. We cleaved to Gateway open we allow the flow of God through it to dictate our actions.

Father make me aware of my actions that I may submit to your authority in my soul. Today I take authority over the spiritual force in condition that is resistant to the flow of God in me I lucid and casted out of this Gateway in Jesus name. Make Jesus Lord over my conscience gateway today.

Just because we say these words wants probably isn’t going to do the job because there are things we need to deal with judicially, we remove things through repentance. But they are setting out our desire and we are making a statement to the enemy that we are not having this anymore. We are not just going to give in and allow these things to operate. We must rise up and take authority.

Father or thank you my conscience gateway is full of your  glory. We start thinking God, Thanksgiving is a key to a flow of blessing. We thank him for what we are going through, and may not be fully completed but we thank him as if it is.

We apply reverence and fear of God to our conscience so that it will now dictate my body’s actions in the world. Father I thank you that my reverence activated conscience receives and releases the flow of godliness and holiness through it.

This type of praying needs to be forceful and determined and persistent to maintain victory and widen the gateways flow. We cannot just do it once, we have lived controlled and influenced by those inner issues all our life. It is can it take some determination and persistence to get rid of them. We will be able to if we persist. inner healing, deliverance are helpful. We can find someone with like-minded faith to help us. Others can be more objective as we go through the process. Any someone else to stand with us in agreement for this process. We need to find out what some of the lies are that are blocking the flow in our Gateways.

We have to be deliberate in our transformation we just don’t leave it by chance, maybe it will happen. It will happen if we take responsibility for it and flow with it.

Imagination Gateway – this is a key area because it feeds into the storage of everything we see do feel here in touch, everything. Everything is engaged through those senses. God gives us most visual image in Revelation on the screen of our imagination. Once clean, Revelation and the ability to perceive the realms of the kingdom are heightened considerably. Once these gateways are flowing everything become sharper and clearer easier to hear, feel sense in our lives.

Negative images can be a major area of the enemy uses to stop the flow of the spirit, particularly for men because men are very visual, ladies tend to function more emotionally. But as men we have images that we have seen that could be a hindrance at most an opportune moments the enemy can flash things into our mind that disrupt us if we haven’t dealt with them. We will learn how to deal with those things.

We deal with the images from our past, we acknowledge their presence in our life, we own the sin we bring the image into light take the blood of Jesus and apply it to the image like a paintbrush. We hold the image up and paint it out. We obliterate it. Those memories in the nero pathways that link to those memories can be completely broken.

Mike has loads of testimonies where he cannot remember the things that he did, all that happened, all that he saw anymore. They are completely gone and the pathways are broken so that now you can have good things to store up in your mind this is why meditating on the truth, speaking the truth, confessing the truth and operating in that replaces the lies.

If we focus on the lie, then the lie takes the central stage, we need to focus on the true. Those things can and will be broken if we deal with them.

Our reason Gateway – this is where beliefs, doctrines and values are. Second Corinthians 10:5 we are destroying speculations. Those speculations are the what if’s that the enemy will always throw into our mind, like you did with Adam and Eve, you won’t surely die. And every lofty thing, if God is the highest knowledge anything we put above the knowledge of God is a higher thing. So if God says we are his child and we think I’m not worthy to be his child we are putting something above the knowledge of God and believing it, it is a lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ this is absolutely vital in this process we must take the thoughts captive at their point of origin then we can deal with them. If we allow them to go around and around in our mind we will begin to spiral down in a pattern of behavior that will take us to a place we don’t want to be. We had to take the thought captive immediately. The more we know the truth the easier it is to take the lies captive until we get rid of the lies completely from our mind. We have to make it obedient to Christ whenever it is.

Father today I release the glory of the kingdom of God the cleansing River of life into my reason gate to purge and clean my negative values, my mindsets, and belief systems. demolish all the strongholds that argue against your truth. I repent and renounce doubt, unbelief, rationalism, skepticism, cynicism and denial. Father cleanse me of all false doctrine, philosophies and ideas. I receive a flow of supernatural wisdom from your word to change my life, I ask you to renew and restore my ability to reason with you, I choose to use my reason gate to interpret your thoughts and understand your ways.

Sub conscious mind gate – this is another area of the heart, the soil, hard stones, the weeds, and those areas. The strongholds, mindset, beliefs are there.

Father today I release the glory of the kingdom of God and the cleansing River of life into my subconscious mind into my memories to purge and clean them so that I may receive supernatural revelation from your word that it may change my life. I release the life of God through the gateway of revelation in my spirit like a river to flush out and wash and restore my mind, so that I might have the mind of Christ operating in me, so that the actions of my body may reflect the kingdom of God and its outworking in my behavior to all those around me.

Emotion gateways, feelings, hurts and pains.

Father today I release the glory of your kingdom and the cleansing healing waters of the river of life into my emotions. I repent and renounce all unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, anger, self-pity. I ask you to heal my hurts and painful memories and purify and restore my emotions. Use my emotions to feel you and your heart and guide me through intuition.

Will gateways – I release the glory of the kingdom of God and the cleansing healing River of life into my will, I repent and renounce all sin, rebellion, stubbornness, willfulness, defiance, control, fear, doubt unbelief, indecision. All of these things operate in the will. I ask you to purify and restore my will. Restore my courage, perseverance, persistent. Use my will to enable me to do your will through obedience and true worship.

Body gateways – we need to learn to see from the inside out and here from the inside out. Therefore the body must become a servant of the soul, the soul a servant of the spirit. The spirit must become a bondservant of Jesus in the center of our being, joined to the Lord in one spirit with him.

Father today in Jesus name I release the flow of the glory of God through the gateway of first love, through the gateway of revelation into the gateway of my imagination and out through the gateway of my eyes that I might see into the realm of the kingdom with renewed spiritual site may my eyes become a flame of fire to the demonic world as I reflect the glory of God inside me. The demonic world sees us as light. There have been people who are born again who were witches and warlocks and they will tell you that they do not mess with people who have flames of fire coming out of their eyes. They don’t mess with you because they know they are in trouble. But if we have this small little Flicker of an ember on the inside of us, they will mess with you an attempt to. So it’s important that we actually see and have the light of God from our eyes. We can read about this in Revelation 1 what it is to look like with the fire of God in the light of God in the spiritual realm.

Father today I release the flow of the glory of God through the gateway of first love in the gateway of reverence into the gateway of my conscience to protect the gateway of my eyes, my ears, my touch… Etc. to guard the Windows and entry points into my soul and to direct the flow of the river of life out into the world through what I say and touch. What we say and what we touch should have an effect of bringing the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven but it has to flow from the inside out. It is important that we consistently cleanse our gateways and get a flow of the life of God in them. If we do not do this then we will be subject to what is operating there and it will control or influence us. If we begin to open it and see these things flow it may be difficult we may have to work it through but we will be able to deal with everything in every bondage in every addiction and every else that is controlling us because the power of God is greater than all those things. And when we are in agreement with the power and the anointing of God that can flow from the inside than it can change and transform everything in our lives. – The end

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