Gateway cleansing

We will continue following the pathway of relationship so we can go deeper with God.

We ultimately engage heaven and heaven engages the earth through the gateways of our spirit, soul body to the world around us to bring God’s love, his power and kingdom. 

We are looking at cleansing the gateways of our soul. So, we are spirit, soul and body. Our body is world conscious, we have collected most of our information from the world which then affected our self-consciousness, how we feel about ourselves and because we were alienated from God, we were not God conscious.

When we became God conscious, God then started to work on our self consciousness to deal with everything from the inside out. Rather than the outside in.

Essentially, we get yoked to Jesus and follow him. We have God on the throne of our life that enables us to get the river of life flowing   out of our spirit into our soul and out around us. Ezekiel 47- a river flowing bringing life wherever it goes.

So, gateways are a place of authority where dominion is exercised. Whoever controls our life gateways exercises authority, dominion and control over us. Therefore, we need to see God in control, rather than us or the enemy.

Our gates are designed to be open and integrated and flowing from the inside out so that all of us are a gateway of heaven on earth.  That was given to Adam as an original mandate.  To bring heaven to earth by subduing and overcoming and ruling and bringing that dominion.

So, we all started with the senses of our body. Sight, hearing, taste, feeling and touch and they were influenced from the outside in. And they affected our soul which is our conscience, reason, imagination, conscious mind, subconscious mind, emotions and will.

When God comes in, His desire is to use those things to direct us, to help us, so that we can engage from the spiritual realm in our understanding of who we are and see everything work together, and the biggest thing is our choice. What we will, what we choose to do, and who we choose to follow. Because God has given us free will, we have a will to choose. That is the dignity that he holds mankind in.  He has not created us robots he has created us with the ability to choose.

And with those choices there are consequences. It is really important that we make the right choices.

God wants to live in us and flow through us to help us make those right choices and he uses different senses that he has created us to have to help us. All these things are designed by God to help us flow and they all work together, our spirit and soul gates working together, so the senses of our spirit in fellowship and revelation work together with the senses of our soul to bring us to the point of choice.

Worship is where we surrender and yield in obedience to the king and then we can make a choice, which is worship. If we are not in a place of worship then our choices are directed by other things

1 Corinthians 6:17 the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with him. When we open ourselves to Jesus, when we surrender the throne or the seat of rest, the government of our life, then we drink living water, and we engage with the Holy Spirit, Father and son then we become one and flow. That flow can only go so far if the gateways are blocked or hindered. God’s desire – may the God of peace himself sanctify you, this is a personal intimate relationship with God himself. It is not just a set of functions or set of things we do; it is a relationship. May God himself sanctify, set you apart and prepare you entirely, nothing missing, nothing broken is God’s desire. And may your spirit, soul, and body be preserved complete and without blame at the coming of Jesus. So, God desires to bring us into completeness and wholeness so there’s nothing there contrary to his will and purpose and the design that he created us with. But there is a process to go through to bring us into what God has already done on the cross.

Genesis 1:26- God said let us make man in our image according to our likeness.

So, Adam was made in the likeness of God, and that is what God is restoring in us. So, there is something about how we are, body, soul, and spirit that is made in the likeness of God.

Acts 17:28 for in him we live and move and have our being. So, our whole existence is designed to operate within the context of our relationship with God. So, what is our being? Our spirit, soul and body that is our being. Our soul is made up of the conscious mind, the will, emotions, primarily with other senses attached to it.

Let’s look at our soul and when you start looking at our subconscious mind or our heart, that’s what we will call our knower. Where we know things instinctively, they are programmed there. We have memories, beliefs, values, lies, mindsets, truth a little bit, that we use. We use that to basically live.

It is the things that are programmed and they come into our conscious mind so we function by them. Now they are affected by nature- our DNA, what we receive from our parent’s line. Nurture- how we have been brought up and what environment we have been in. Trauma- things that have happened to us. And those things create patterns of behavior that enable us to function. We develop coping mechanisms because if we have been damaged by nature, nurture, and trauma we have a very strong survival instinct built into us. You were 1 of 3 million sperms that survived to bring life in the womb. So, we all have these patterns and ultimately, they create defense mechanisms and strongholds, walls that protect us, but often they are actually prisons.

Familiar spirits operate within the conscious mind to speak little things into our mind, those conversations that we have, that try and rob us and lie to us and cause us to act according to what we have been programmed to believe, stored in the subconscious rather than what God says. They operate within that area of our subconscious mind to affect us, and they promote in our conscious mind various things, suggestions, various attitudes, doubt, unbelief, thoughts, reactions, and responses.

All those things operate in the conscious mind because they get triggered by what has been programmed in our heart or subconscious mind, by nature, nurture, and trauma.

And then God comes in and we start to receive revelation from him. What we then need to do is essentially deal with the lies and the mindsets and the beliefs that have come from those negative things.  So that we can get rid of all the negative things that come into our mind and then we can respond and have thoughts and attitudes and ideas that come from the Spirit of God. Creative ideas and thoughts come from God, and we deal with those familiar spirits, so that we are not plagued from the outside in. So, the idea then is that our conscious mind and our subconscious mind work perfectly together. We’re not separated. It helps to break it down to see it, but ultimately God desires that we just flow.

Then we have our emotions and our emotions then level out. In our emotions there are various needs for certain things.  Esteem, value, worth, acceptance, security, all of us have those needs built into our emotions. The problem is we get those needs met from the wrong source. Because we were separated from God we had to get it from the world.

 So we have lots of unmet needs. A lot of needs, value, worth, love and security have been unmet, so they have left us empty, and we desperately sought to get those needs met from the things in the world. So, therefore we may have low self-esteem, we may have disappointments in our lives today which have made our hearts sick. It says in Proverbs hope deferred makes the heart sick.

So, there are areas within our emotions that are damaged by the experiences of life. These create things like codependency. The need to get something from somebody else so that we become codependent, there’s lots of those type of relationships, we can become co-dependent not just with people. We can become co-dependent with substances. Insecurity, and rejection are often the result of being hurt and damaged emotionally.

And then that can create guilt and shame, dependency on certain things to meet our need. Unforgiveness operates in this area and that often results in resentment and bitterness, which damages and causes our soul and even our body to be affected. Sometimes people’s health can be affected by unforgiveness and things that are in their soul.

Ultimately we have a lot of potential but may have unhealed hurts which cause us pain. And we don’t like pain so we try and cover it up or pluck it out. Or get rid of it in some way. That is where the familiar spirits get in and give us those little treats to try and take away the pain. And therefore, we get strongholds that are created in our emotions and make us a prisoner, they protect us from more hurt and damage and pain but actually they are prisons that keep us locked up emotionally.

All these things then operate within the conscious mind as triggers and then our thoughts are affected by those things.

We need to deal with those triggers to get rid of all those negative things so that in our relationship with God he actually meets all those needs.

His desire is to bring our conscious mind and our emotions completely working together so that we are operating from the values that we receive from God, knowing who we are and our experience of who we are from knowing our worth and esteem and all those things that come from God.

The area our soul that connects mostly with our conscious mind is our will and a lot of us have used this area to survive.

So if we have sin in our life that will effect our will, it creates things within us like stubbornness and rebellion, unbelief, indecision, control, fear, doubt, those things operate in this area of our will.

And if we have those things there, if we don’t deal with them they continually affect our decisions.

Because often we use our will to choose and decide. Some of us have strong wills.  We are very stubborn and some of us have got weak wills, and we are very compliant depending on what happened to us in our lives. But if we deal with those things and develop trust in God, and this is the key, do we trust God and allow him to lead us and direct us, or do we need to be in control of our own life and having to do everything for ourselves. This is where Satan offers us that as the pathway of the knowledge of good and evil. Humanism is we don’t need God; we can do it ourselves. The world is in that state because of that choice. If we learn to just trust God, we can have our will fully functioning with our conscious minds so that we make the right choices.

Because we trust God’s will, and his direction as he leads us, as he gives insight or revelation, we trust him and make decisions based not on what is best for me but what’s the best for him which will also be the best for us.

Knowing who we are- confidence, endurance, boldness, courage, perseverance, determination, self-control and patience are a result of being in relationship with God and our will functioning correctly.

So, ultimately God wants our soul directed by our spirit to help us to make right choices.  

We look at our past to identify the nature, nurture, and trauma affects that have conformed us to the world and have shaped our life. We do not want to be shaped by those things.

I had revelation of who God called me to be and I was not able to fulfill that because there was not a flow of life through me.

So, this was a challenge, cleansing my gateways through identifying the blockages, through identifying where nature, nurture and Trama has shaped me and then repentance for my behavior which hurt myself and people.

It is quite emotionally draining to get over ourselves. You have to own and identify and be real honest with yourself.  Not covering it up or hiding it.

So I looked to identify the familiars that were behind those factors in my life. I discovered that I was fractured mentally and emotionally.  My true eternal identity was obscured behind the strongholds that were built to protect myself. 

I identified various things in this process that helped me become free. I had belief systems that were lies masquerading as truth. You need to understand the truth not just what you believe is the truth because they are different.

Actually, truth is a person- Jesus. I had behavioral, coping defense mechanisms which were created by my survival instinct to protect myself. I was in prison, and it imprisoned me behind those walls. Some of them were emotional strongholds and mental strongholds. What I did was I walked with God daily through those gates to identify where, when and how these things had operated. What happened in each year and then I was able to deal with them. So, I systematically worked each gateway. Some people do it in different ways. I am very systematic, so I started with one and then worked through them all. And then I did that for each year.

But I progressively became more whole, more integrated spirit, soul and body and my gateways began to work much more in unison, the more I progressed through this. The more I understood myself.

This process requires desire. If you do not desire it you won’t have the discipline to get to the point where it produces life.

It will be hard; therefore, you will put it off.  The reality is we are in a marathon not a sprint. Jesus is not coming back tomorrow, we have a generation at least to establish these things, and equip the next generation so they can walk in this because we are able to help them with the process. So, it’s really worth taking the time to prepare and train well.

If you don’t get your gateways open, you are going to have blockages that aren’t going to flow.  Don’t think this is too complicated, it is all too heavy. It takes too much time to do this.  It’s worth spending the time now for the results that will come later.

Hebrews 12:1 says that since we have so great a cloud witnesses surrounding you. So, the spiritual realm surrounds us all the time. Let us lay aside every encumbrance and the sin that so easily entangles us and let us run with endurance the race.

If you don’t want you to give up or keep stopping then you need endurance, endurance comes through trainingYou don’t just have endurance; you have to you run. You don’t run 20 miles to start with, you start with a few hundred yards if you’re really unfit. But if you cand do half a mile, a couple of miles, eventually you can do 5 miles, 10 miles.  You start to have endurance that you can then use.

How do we get this endurance? We fixed our eyes on Jesus; he is the author and finisher of our faith. He endured; he is our model and our example. What he went through to produce our salvation was not easy, it says for the joy set before him, he endured the cross. So, see the joy that is at the end of the process rather than the pain of the beginning the process. Then the joy will inspire you to go through the pain.  If you just look at the pain and don’t look at the potential end result you will probably struggle to actually persevere. Jesus endured the cross despising the shame and sat down at the right hand of God. So as a result of this we end up with all authority and power, but it does take some working through. The process may seem daunting and potentially painful, and your soul may fear, the familiars will do everything and anything they can for you to put it off.

Don’t be robed of your future and destiny by your past. Whether it be nature, nurture, or trauma experiences, sin, guilt, shame, or condemnation, whatever may be operating in you, don’t allow it to rob you of what God has in your destiny and your purpose. First Love is the key, the first gate, if we don’t open up to God and allow God to bring love and peace and joy and security in all those needs that we got, then we will struggle to go through the process.

So, if there is emotional damage through relationships whether it be parents, spouse, friends, authority figures in our lives, those unmet needs will affect our soul desires and motives.

Unhealed hurts will affect our emotions and desires. So we need to deal with first love. Make sure we receive love from God and that love is the foundation on which everything else will develop.

If you don’t know God’s love, it is really difficult to trust him for healing and wholeness.

So, the souls attempt to meet its own need has created all these behavioral problems that we have.  So, acceptance, love, safety, security, approval, significance, affirmation, identity, purpose, affection, value, and worth, God wants to meet all those needs in us.

We need to go to him, we go to him when we invite him into our spirit from that place of the kingdom in us.

So we need to know God’s love is foundational which is why first love is so important. When I sought to unblock all my soul gates, I looked in relationship to deal with them.

The revelation came in thoughts into my mind in remembrance of experiences that happened, or memories of my past came into my conscious mind because I ask God to unblock them.

A lot of us don’t know what actually caused some of the things that have happened. Some of them were so traumatic, we have blocked them out.

I just asked God to give me the truth, I was ruthless with myself, ruthlessly honest and open to the light. I did not try and argue. If this was going to work, I had to get over myself and pride and all the other things that could be in the way. So, I engaged relationally, looked to identify the patterns of sin, weaknesses, hurt, mindsets, character issues of my life. Our souls when we look at this will try and make excuses, project blame onto others and be in denial. That is the ways in which it has learned to deflect looking at itself in all openness and honesty. I don’t have a problem; it is your problem not mine. The reality is a two-way street, in us there are things that we need to deal with. Then we must be willing to own it, confess it, repent of it, renounce it and forgive anybody involved with it.  And then all of that can be removed.

We don’t have to continue living as a result of our past. We can live from eternity and that is Gods desire for us.  So, I had a desire to flow in everything that God has created in me. I was experiencing the revelation of God when God brought things into my mind like dealing with my father.

Wounds and dealing with betrayal in that realm, literally created a desire for more, I was hungry and thirsty for more, therefore willing to put any disciple into play to work for me.  That produced a willingness to persevere and persist. I now feel so much more whole, integrated and at peace than I could have imagined when I started. Because you don’t know until you know. Why couldn’t I live like this before. Because I was damaged. So, I opened my first Love gate, invited Jesus to stand with me in each of my soul gates, asked him to reveal everything that negatively affected each gate. I did this for each year of my life. I started now in the present, and then I dealt with everything right back to the womb and you can even go into the generational line beyond the womb to find out where that nature- DNA is affected. So, what I identified was specific sins, lies, beliefs, hurts and then I repented, renounced, forgave, and took any familiar to court I identified, apply the blood of Jesus to cleanse the gates. The blood Jesus carries the effect of the power of transformation, the life of God that can cleanse things.  I surrendered my gates afresh to the lordship of Jesus. I didn’t want to control these gates myself; I wanted Jesus to be in control. I focused then on flowing from my spirit outwards to engage my soul. So which spirit gates will bring the best benefit to my soul gates. I found reverence; the fear of God worked on my conscious. Revelation worked with reason or imagination. I found intuition worked best with my emotions, those gut instinct things that come from our spirit connected with God. So I went through each of the gates. Conscience is our protector and director. Sin, deception, pride, independence, judgement, criticism, defense mechanisms, just a few of the things that were in my conscience.

I might feel I am terrible, such a bad person. I love God and God loves me, so I didn’t look at it from the negative, I just thought I want to get rid of all this stuff, I won’t be affected by that going forward. So, then I found the pattern, the specific event that came to mind which brought those things into my life in each year. And some years specific memories came up that directly pointed me to things that have happened that had brought these things into my life. Now generally I always asked forgiveness so I didn’t have masses of sin but there were some things that I didn’t see as sin.  So, I never confessed them because they were not sin to meThey were not sin to me because I was being directed by lies rather than truth. So, I had to own them as sin and then repent of each thing. So, I repented and renounced the specifics and applied the blood Jesus to that in each year.  So, those things like sin and rebellion dulled and desensitized my conscience. So, some things may seem right which are not right because we cannot see the truth. That is why someone can be brought up in a good home and they know the basics like don’t steal or murder. But if your brought up in a home that is a criminal family, brought up in a Mafia family killing people, and stealing and robbing will seem perfectly normal to you.  Your conscience will not tell you that is a bad thing to do because your conscience has already been shaped by nurture if you come from a family like that. So, there are weaknesses or patterns of sin which maybe normal acceptable behavior to us, which have come through nurture. But we have to be open to allow God to change our mindset towards it. We have to get over ourselves and not argue.  If it is sin, own it as sin.  Confess, repent and renounce it. Apply the blood of Jesus, receive forgiveness and cleansing. I don’t have to feel bad about it when I am forgiven, I am cleansed it no longer has a negative aspect in me.  So therefore, no guilt shame or condemnation. Then righteousness can be our guide. Our conscience starts off convicting us of what is not right and then becomes the guide that tells us what is.  Reverence and the fear of God empowered my conscience to act and it became much sharper. Therefore, there were certain things that were not a problem for me before, but now my conscience was operating differently.  Reason is now the translator and interpreter of the thoughts of God so we can know the truth. There are strongholds which are mindsets, there are words spoken over us, there are words that we received which are lies, curses, fears, false doctrine, deception, all sorts of stuff that operates in our reason center that cause us to operate in our mind the way we do. So, I identified each thought, the doctrine where it came from. I had so many religious doctrines that were lies, they just came through a religious system rather than a relationship. They brought us into dead works and bondage, so I had to own those things belief systems, value system which were the building blocks of my life which is why I had so many walls and defensiveness patterns.  These things have to come down.

So, I identified these patterns, asked where they came from, explored each year and received revelation. And did the same thing, own, confess, repent, renounce, apply the blood of Jesus. All the neural pathways to those memories started to get broken.  Now truth could replace lies. Those lies have a connection to our conscious mind that cause us to act in accordance with them. When you start to deal with these things you break those neural pathways. There are things that I can’t even remember now. They are completely gone from my memory.

Our imagination is the receiver and transmitter where God speaks to us where we can see and perceive things in the spiritual realm. It is where our creativity is released and other things. Images pollute or blur what we can see and perceive. Often negative images particularly in men are very powerful. People have given testimony how they want to get intimacy with God and then an image comes up and robs them of intimacy. So those images came come from tv, books, fantasy, games, internet, magazines and real life. It doesn’t matter where the image comes from, it is whether that image carries with it a negative. And that negative then will just blur our ability to see sharply and see the things of the kingdom. So, for each image that came to my mind and loads of them came to my mind. I am a very visual person. I like watching stuff, so there were so many images. These things were just negative. God brought them to my mind, and I repented and renounced it.  See the image in front, take the blood of Jesus like red paint and use a paintbrush and just obliterate it. I actually found that those images are completely removed from my life, they are no longer there. They cannot come into my mind because they have been completely blocked out. Some of those images will be triggers to your behavior. An image of certain things when you’re in recovery can be very dangerous to your recovery. This can remove those images completely from your subconscious. And I dealt with my subconscious mind where the memory storage is. Every program is stored there and comes into my conscious mind. Proverbs 23:7 for as he thinks within himself (or heart) so is he. This is where I really believe. This is what I believe about myself, this is what is programmed there. Like the hard drive of my life where all those memories are stored, they trigger and unload default programs into my conscious mind. And I found that there were lots of them that I needed to deal with. I went back each year of my life and where they came from and then got them dealt with. So, the subconscious mind is like a huge storage facility with so many lockers in it.  And those lockers can be opened at certain inappropriate time. All sorts of things can trigger those things. So, I asked Jesus to search my heart Psalm 139:23 search me oh God and know my heart. I can’t know my heart independently. Because it says the heart is deceitfully wicked above all things because of the stuff that is in there. He knows my heart.

God knows our heart and we ask him to reveal it. Try me – put me on trial – take me to court, show me. If there is any hurtful way in me and lead me into the everlasting way. This is a Scripture we need to use. So, expose the negative memories which are trigger points. We need to ask this for each year and then ask God to show us things. As God brings up these memories we apply the blood of Jesus to them. We don’t want to do things that are not revealed to us by the Holy Spirit. And some years we might not get an awful lot. There may be significant years in our life that the Holy Spirit needs to reveal to us so that we can see how these things began to be developed within us. As we deal with these things in our heart the memories get obliterated, and the neural pathways get broken. As this happens, we have more storage capacity in order to deposit the truth. We begin to sow the seeds of testimony into our hearts. As the seeds are planted and grow, we can begin to feed off the fruit of it.

Our emotions – our responses and feelings come from our emotions. Rejection, disappointment, fear, unforgiveness, betrayal, inter vows we may have made. When we get hurt sometimes, we say I’ll never let that happen to me again. We put up walls. And these walls imprison us. We have to deal with these things in our hearts. We deal with each memory that we receive. Those memories that are linked to what has happen to us. And then we can receive healing into those damaged emotional areas. Then how we see the world and ourselves change. We need to forgive and release the debts of those who have hurt us. When somebody hurts us it’s not just what they did then, but it is the ongoing effective which you will continue to have in our life and less it is dealt with. So, we forgive and release, then we receive healing and restoration in that area of our lives. We also ask revelation of anything we have done to hurt others. Out of our brokenness we hurt other people. We can damage people by what we do and say to them. We might not necessarily intend to, but we do because we are broken and therefore, we create brokenness in our relationships. We need to repent of that. So that how he sees those things, we can think the same way.

The will – the motivation, the courage, the persistence. There are things stored in our will. Sin, rebelliousness, stubbornness, control, we receive revelation of where this is operated in us. Self-righteousness is a big one. Because if we are right then we don’t need to deal with anything. The things in our heart need to be dealt with, we need to own it, as we recognize it, repent of it, renounce it, blot out all through the blood of Jesus, receive healing, receive God’s mind concerning these things so that we think the same way that he does. We are dealing with the areas in our will, so that we can get it free, so that will be able to choose.

The whole point is worship – to surrender to God’s will, our desire is to honor God with our life in our behavior and obedience. Reverence and fear of God then begins to motivate us to make the right choices, free from the damaged soul that blocks making right choices.

As we go through the gateways of spirit, soul and body, receiving cleansing enabling us to open them, we are then taken to a new level in the life of God where we are enabled to be continually filled with the Spirit so that he moves through us. This doesn’t mean we are perfect, but we walk according to the level that we have now attained and learn how to maintain it. We learn to keep short accounts.

In dealing with the will we are mostly looking at the behaviors but we also have to get to the root which causes that. We’ll get more revelation on that when we look at what it means to be a living sacrifice and how we present ourselves on the altar in the heavenly realm.

We have free will to choose and we choose not my will, but Gods. This is what Jesus did. We need to get to this point where we can say every day of our life not my will but yours be done. We need to meditate upon this, not my will but yours be done. Are we doing our will or are we acknowledging the Lord and doing his will as it is revealed to us in the flow of his Spirit.

As we learn how to surrender our will daily we will find that the majority of the time we are doing his will. In this way we are bringing glory to him and were also being fulfilled. Because as we walk in the living works preordained for us to walk in we are partaking of the divine nature in those works which causes us to experience the nature of God and be fulfilled.

We have to deal with the unmet needs that affect our soul desires. We need to deal with the unhealed hurts. We need to deal with the unresolved issues that affect our trust which create doubt and unbelief.

We don’t want to bury it or cover it up or suppress it. We want to deal with it. This is the best way, it is the only way, it may be painful because we have to face memories of things that are very emotional, but it is worth it because then we become free from it, we become free from the effects of it in order to fill our destiny in the future.

We need to take our time and be consistent and diligent and persevere. It took a whole lifetime to get us into our condition we are right now. We are not changed by a magic wand, but it doesn’t have to take that long. It is worth spending a year to really get these things sorted out so that we can spend the rest of our life being transformed.

The problem is unless we get our gateways open and flowing with the life of God we cannot really enter into the transformation. We have to get all the things out of our heart that defiles it so that it can be pure enough to see God. And it is in that beholding of his glory, it is into the encounters with his presence, it is as we know God by personal experience that the revelation of who he is, is transferred into us where we take on that same image and likeness.

We want to be proactive about this, the choice is ours. We can stay as we are or be conformed to the eternal pattern that is in God’s heart.

We need to engage the gateways to understand how God had wired us up in the first place. How has he made me to function? So, I looked at my redemptive gifts, I looked at my spiritual gifts, how wonderfully I am designed by God and then I don’t have to compare myself to anybody else. I don’t have to look at anyone else, I just have to be myself. This is so liberating, just to be yourself. So, I sought then to experience my spirit and my soul flowing together, integrated and one. If we can deal with something for 40 days basically 6 weeks, we can change any behavior and then we can have a new behavior that comes into our life.

To identify the familiars is the first thing we got to do. Look at those behavioral patterns, we need to get this revelation from God to develop it specifically for us. What particular bondage or mindset or group of familiars that we need to deal with. We need basic biblical foundations of truth to bring us to freedom. Psalm 23 is about finding the truth in order to confront the lies. John 8:31 Jesus was saying to those Jews who believed him if you continue in my word. We have to continue with this, it is a lifestyle it is not something that we just do once. Then you are truly disciples of mine. If we are disciples, we are following him. You will know the truth and the truth will make you free. So, in relationship we can know the truth. Obviously, Jesus is the truth, it is a personal revelation and relationship with him. So, if the son makes you free you will be free indeed. That is the joy that is set before us. In his presence we will be free indeed. There are some scriptures that we use as a foundation for this battle plan. 2 Corinthians 10:45 the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, so it’s not just doing stuff out of our willpower. These weapons are divinely powerful for the destruction of those strongholds’, fortresses and everything else. James 4: 7 submit yourselves therefore to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you. We have to resist and stand firm and not give up. Proverbs 18:21 the tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will eat its fruit. So, we make sure in this process that we speak the truth and not the lies. Romans 12: 1 present yourselves so that you’re not conformed to this world but transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that our mind can take on the truth of who we are. So, identify the familiars, take them to court use and enforce the verdict. Work the issues that we identify as we cleanse the gates. And then know the truth to be set free, use biblical verses that confront the lies and mindsets. If we don’t know the truth it is very difficult to deal with the lies. So, we don’t try and get rid of lie we find the truth and the truth will get rid of the lie.

Meditate and confess the truth, experience the truth in an encounter with God. Use the righteousness and truth declarations. The who I am scriptures. All basic biblical truth we meditate on and confess them will bring about change and transformation. So, the first 2 weeks defeat the negative speech and thoughts by replacing with positive speech and thoughts. So, renew your mind to know your identity as a righteousness of God. Start today by surrendering your tongue to God through praise and thanksgiving and praying in tongues. Start off by giving yourself to God, open your first love gate and invite God presence to fill you. Daily step into the realm of heaven by faith and receive your robes of righteousness. That’s where the truth of who you are in your spirit, flows into your soul. On earth as it is in heaven. We have to step into heaven by faith, see who we are in heaven and bring that back to earth. We have to step into heaven regularly to receive righteousness. So then daily confess and meditate on the righteousness of God declarations, use that to engage in the truth. As you cleanse your gateways begin to seek God to reveal what he wants to deal with, we need to keep a list and then work through that list. We need to learn how to let go and grab a hold. I don’t want any of this and I want this. We need to arrange a lie bust. If we are in the first stages, we need to get a lie buster. We need to get some basic things which are lies and bring them into the light so that we can move forward. We can then take those issues and familiars into the court. Decree, declare and use the verdict on these ongoing things. Focus on thinking about the truth so that we can take captive every negative thought. This is the key. Taking captive the negative thoughts. If the thoughts continue do a contempt of court case. We need to make sure we finish our day in victory by confessing, forgiving, praising and communing with the Holy Spirit. We speak with the Holy Spirit we don’t speak to the enemy. How do we speak with the enemy? Going to sleep with unforgiveness or unconfessed sin. If we sleep with the enemy, the enemy is active to work in us. If we sleep with the Holy Spirit, we can submit ourselves to the Holy Spirit to bring revelation and truth to us even while we are asleep. We need to be positive about this process, we establish positive speech and thinking by meditating and declaring the truth.

We are now not focusing so much on what we are having to deal with, we are now actually dealing with it in truth. Establish those new mindsets based on our identity. Open our first love gate, everyday step into heaven. Every day meditate and use the who I am scriptures, what the word of God says about us. We need to use the Scriptures confessing and building. We need to praise God when negative thoughts come because were recognizing them and taking them captive. The enemy hates us praising God so that when a negative thought comes, we become thankful because it causes us to praise God. The enemy does not want us praising God so he will stop giving us negative thoughts. Just our attitude towards it will change us. We continue to use the courts if we need to. Then we need to begin to give away what has been given to us. The best way to get more is to give away what we have. Freely we have received freely we give. So, we share a testimony with others, it will bless them, but it also blesses us. We need to make sure we finish our day by not sleeping with the enemy. We persevere in this lifestyle of positive speech and thinking. We claim our righteousness as a son of God. We start to really take hold of who we are and the authority that we have to rule and have dominion. We open our life every day, we step in heaven every day, we continue meditating especially the I am scriptures because since I am this, I have this. All the promises and blessings of God because of who I am. Continue confessing the truth so that we are operating as a joint heir and a son of God. We take authority over the week areas to establish it. We can take the all the Scriptures and confess them and be determined not to be robbed by the past but to engage truth in the future.

Revelation 3:20 – behold I stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come into them. This is our first love gate, we do this, the handle is on our side. We have to open it so by faith we picture that handle in our spirit and make a choice. Close your eyes, activate your imagination, picture that door, make a choice to open the door by faith, reach out and open the door, welcome the presence of God to flow into your spirit, to fill you with love, joy and peace and allow your whole spirit, soul and body just to engage him.

As he embraces us and puts his arms of love around us, we can feel his acceptance, we can feel the warmth of his presence. We experience love, his affirmation, his approval. We invite Jesus to walk through our spirit gates, we ask the Holy Spirit to flow in that river of life. We choose to engage one of our soul gates, conscience, imagination or reason. Whichever one we feel led to do. We invite Jesus to stand with us in that gate. We choose to engage a year of our life, may be this year whichever one we are led to. We ask him to reveal anything that has affected us in that year and damaged that gate or negatively affected us. We ask for this revelation on whatever issue he wants us to deal with today, whatever has blocked that gate in that year to come into our mind. When it does, we repent, renounce it. We invite the river of life to cleanse that gate, we invite the glory of God, the fire of his presence to purify and refine that gate. We can feel the heat of his presence consuming everything that’s a hindrance as we present it to him. When we have dealt with that thing, we invite the Holy Spirit to come through our spirit gates to empower us, to empower that gate, to restore and make it all whole. If were dealing with our conscience gate we let reverence come and we activate that area. We allow revelation to touch our imagination or reason gate. If we have identified a familiar or there is opposition, we see something a dark figure or something hindering us, we know we can take that to the court and get a verdict and use that verdict. We have to basically make this a lifestyle; we use it as part of our plan of action to be transformed. We spend more time developing how we listen, how we hear, what works for us in our own soul. So that we can be who God created us to be, a son of God empowered answering creations grown, bringing transformation, bringing heaven to earth, doing the works of Jesus, being conformed to his image. We use communion, we take the body and blood of Jesus every day applying this truth, we get our heart purified and refined in the fire of God’s presence.


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