Your resources are your weapon

There is only one way to live by faith. We simply must become preoccupied with God’s presence and focus on his promises.

The faithfulness of the Lord in keeping his word is the very currency of heaven. We believe him because he never lies; he is the personification of the truth. More than provision, we need the promise. Most of our provision will be contested. It will be the subject of warfare. A promise is the object that will compel us to receive.

When we take our eyes off the Lord and put them on our need, our current resources are always reduced. We never have enough in the natural. God’s provision must arrive in our spirit first. We always receive the promise in our heart. It is the prime place of reception. Our head, encased in logic, will demand evidence in our circumstances. It looks at the balance sheet. Our heart needs only to be aware of Jesus. Faith works by love (Galatians 5: 6), so presence is crucial to believing. God is in us and will never leave us nor forsake us. So, presence is always present!

The inner man of the spirit, living in constant communication with God, always knows how to receive. The resources that are available to our sonship are always embedded in the promises of the father. His words are 100% truth and therefore unaltered. It is far easier to believe than doubt. If our true resource is the promise of God, then this must become a weapon in our hand. God’s faithfulness to his Word and to us is also a resource and therefore a weapon. The father loves his faithfulness to be tested (Malachi 3: 8-11). Prove me now, he says, I can open a window of blessing that causes you to overflow. When we give to God, the devourer of our resources is always rebuked. Our lack is never a chain that binds us, because the promise always sets us free to receive. We can give everything we have to the Lord when we know how to abide in His presence.

Very few people made Jesus exclaim. One of them was a widow (Luke 12: 41-44). Jesus was watching how people put money into the temple treasury. All coins were metal. The thicker the metal, the deeper the sound it made when thrown into the lavor. Attendants were trained to listen for the sound of certain coins being dropped into the treasury. They would then escort the giver to one of the better seats in the temple. The coins of the widow were so small and thin they barely registered as a sound. However, Jesus heard something!

He heard the sound of a poor widow giving all that she had gladly. He heard the sound of her worship in giving. It made him rejoice and exclaim. Here was a person confident in the goodness of God. She could never out-give God because he is no man’s debtor. She trusted in the faithfulness of God. It was her weapon; it was her true resource.

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