Your starting point always guarantees your outcome

Of him are you, in Christ Jesus (1 Corinthians 1: 30). The father commands us to think afresh about our beginning in this spiritual journey and to live from that new beginning always.

The old nature is dead, and we are to consider it so for the rest of our lives (Romans 6: 11). We are now engaged in practicing a life that is only alive to God and focused on our truest identity in Jesus.

Jesus is to become our All in all. We are now raised with him from the dead so that we may continue seeking a perspective and a lifestyle that comes from another dimension. Our thinking is set from this place. We have a new persona and a very different stature (Colossians 3: 1-3).

We always move and live from the place of Christ within (Acts 17: 28). We fight from victory, not towards it (2 Corinthians 2: 14), so that victory is guaranteed ( 1 Corinthians 15: 57). Where we start from is vital. We are already in Christ by an act of God. What we are learning is how to stay, dwell and remain in that place. It is called the art of abiding in the vine (our life source).

As we learn to face every issue from the place of indwelling presence, our perceptions undergo a radical transformation. Our life has now become Christ in us, the hope of glory; the confident expectation of something excellent occurring.

The old man is dead; we are a new creation in Christ. That is our starting point. We don’t need counseling for the old man we need schooling on our real identity in Christ.

We never start life in God with a deficit. The cross and our baptism in water give us a defined end to the life that doesn’t work. Now we have a new life and each day we refresh ourselves in the newness of life (Romans 6: 4) and serve in the newness of spirit (Romans 7: 6).

When we face an issue in Christ, we learn how to see the end from the beginning. The outcome summons us forward. Thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ. We are never staring defeat in the face; but the enemy constantly is.

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