Every circumstance has upgrades attached to it

Our circumstances are not the problem. Our perception of our circumstances is the problem. We think of situations only in the context of the difficulties they contain. God sees them in the content of the provisions he has made available.

Every situation has opportunities for us to discover more about God and ourselves. The Lord never misses an opportunity to improve our spirituality and increase our identity. We are learning to be attuned to the voice of the Spirit of Revelation (John 16: 13).

The circumstances we face can never just be about a situation being resolved. Some situations are a means to our growth personally. Others are about an increase of our faith, authority or confession. Some are designed for us to capitalize on the fruit of the Spirit. Some teach us defensive warfare; others teach us offensive warfare. We intend to take ground or recover what has been lost or stolen.

Only the Holy Spirit knows the true purpose behind something. He knows the upgrades that are present and how to locate them. When our chief concern is rescue or resolution in the predicament, then we are never going to grow in the real stature of Christ.

Upgrades come in all shapes and sizes. Some are incremental. They are small upgrades which are continuous over a period of time. Others are larger upgrades that happen more often. Keep short accounts with the Holy Spirit. There is a general awareness of personal disposition that comes with our relationship with a personal trainer. There are things we are working on now and other things that are programmed in for later.

What are you working on now in your character, faith, trust, intimacy, and authority? What weights are you laying aside (Hebrews 12: 10)? What are you putting off and putting on in regard to your true self (Ephesians 4: 22-24)?

You may have a situation that is solely about an upgrade in patience. It can run for several months. You need to store up enough patience for the future! Then you will find yourself coming into a circumstance that contains a lot of conflict, opposition, and personal attack. Here’s the thing. It was the upgrade in patience that will enable you to take advantage in the warfare that now surrounds you. Instead of becoming frustrated, angry, grieved, and offended, you can practice love, grace and smiling. When the storm blows over, you have new connections, more territory, and an increase in finances.

Upgrades are always present in our circumstances.

When you now meditate on God’s nature giving thanks and feel his presence, you may have a sensation of warm oil being poured all over your head. What is happening is your thinking is being upgraded. Your capacity to know the mind of Christ has gone to another level. Then you will be given opportunities to try out your upgrade and begin to see the difference.

On another occasion you may be worshipping the Lord and feel this incredible love and joy rise up within you. You feel it bubbling up inside of you, it may subside a little and then increase. This may happen over and over again. You realize that joy has penetrated into some deep places in your soul where you may have been carrying wounds and disappointments and all of a sudden, they’re healed and changed. You begin to think differently about some people where you can rejoice over them and see their future in the Lord. Often, we cannot see beyond the problem we are experiencing with the person. In grace you are now empowered to reconnect with them and share something that the Lord has shown you about them.

What are the upgrades present around you? What are you seeking for currently? Look at the situation that you’re facing. Make a list of the upgrades you need in the places where you need them. You can expect the Lord to be faithful to you.

Do not live below your privilege!

You have a divine advantage. A relationship that provides astonishing benefits. You have a birthright. You have honor, favor, and freedom. You have immunity and grace. You have investment, indulgence and permission. You have presence, power, and authority. When we live in Christ, the father endorses our circumstances.

All these are available to you in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is time to wake up to who you are and rise to occupy your place in the Lord. Apply your privilege to your circumstances, this is part of your training.

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