Bumblebees can’t fly

Bumblebees are amazing little creatures. According to the laws of aerodynamics, bumblebees should not be able to fly. When you compare the size and structure of their wings with the size and weight of their bodies, it would seem to indicate that bumblebees cannot fly. But you cannot convince a bumblebee of that.

6For to be carnally (flesh) minded (result of thinking) is death (absence of the life of God); but to be spiritually minded (the result of thinking, the tendency or inclination of the mind, its bent-the will follows or obeys the dominant interest of the mind) is life (experiencing His life) and peace. 7Because (for this reason) the carnal mind (the result of one’s thinking) is enmity (the opposite of, hostile) against (motion towards) God: for it is not (full negation, absolute) subject (will not obey, must be displaced) to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

We have a human nature of unbelief. We do not naturally believe the word of God. We have all at one time been in opposition to God’s word. Have we all not at one time thought those Spirit filled believers are crazy?

We cannot even come to God unless the Spirit of God begins to draw us.  As we become exposed to God we begin to start to believe, but this is still a human faith.

What we need is the faith of God. And this comes through a personal encounter with God where we experience the eternal life of God, his divine nature.

The faith of God is a fruit of the Spirit of God in our life; it is not a product of the human mind. For most of us, it has not even yet entered into our mind, what God has in store for us.

The word gospel in the original language means news so good, that the human mind cannot even believe it is true.

The faith of God comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. God has to open up our spiritual eyes and ears; it is a spiritual experience where we have a divine encounter with God where we experience him.

Once we experience the word of God, once God reveals something to us, it becomes a rock, it becomes a foundation, and it becomes a platform upon which we can now build. Absolutely no one can talk us out of it, it is too late we have experienced it, and that experience is more real to us than the natural world we live in.

There are many things which seemingly cannot be done. Everyone will insist that they cannot be done, but God will enable us to do them.

We must realize that with every commission God gives us, He also gives us His authority and His enablement to fulfill that commission. We can do what God wants done because He anoints us to do it.

The word of God is living; it is filled with His eternal life. It becomes the unfolding of the Word that God wants us to walk in now. Peter spoke about being “established in the present truth” (II Peter 1:12), as though every truth that God brings has a current, present emphasis. It becomes a fresh revelation to us. And with the hearing comes the faith.

God is bringing forth a fresh Living Word which many of His people are beginning to hear. God is sending out His Word through many vessels who are speaking the same present truth which stirs our hearts. Then the Lord confirms it, and we realize that this is a Word which we can walk in now.

When we begin hearing the word of God, it becomes a progressive unfolding of what we can walk in.

The seer-prophet ministry is coming forth and opening up revelation to our hearts, showing that God is beginning to release creation from futility. They are not preaching a theory; they are declaring a Living Word that people can walk in.

None of the ministries that God is raising up will come forth except through fire. God will work deeply in every ministry He brings forth. The word of God that is coming to us, is on a level we have never heard before.

While Jesus may be real to all of us in one way or another, He now wants us to know Him in a Kingdom sense, instead of in an elementary Church-age sense.

Many Christians simply do not seek first the Kingdom of God. They believe in the name of Jesus Christ, but they are not totally involved with Him. Discipleship is rare among the average professing Christians in a church. Yet discipleship is the basic teaching of the gospel of the Kingdom. This is where we must start. God wants to bring forth His Kingdom; so to become citizens of His Kingdom, we must learn to walk in the Kingdom patterns.

We are the source of the Kingdom. It begins within us when Jesus Christ is absolute Lord over our lives as we strive to bring everything under His feet and to submit ourselves wholly to Him.

Submission, then, is the basic teaching of His Kingdom. We are not submitting to a church system, but to the Lord Jesus Christ himself. We have to know Him intimately where we can begin to hear his voice.

Once faith has come, when we know that God has spoken to us personally, it doesn’t matter what anyone else says, we know what God has said to us. Faith has come and it is a fruit of our spirit in communion with God.

But once faith has come, it has to work and it works by love. The love of God has to become the controlling motivation of our heart. We have to be so filled with the love of God that it starts moving us. We can see in the bible how Jesus was moved with compassion and healed the sick.

As we begin to pursue intimacy with God as our first priority, as our first love is restored we will begin to know God. And those who know God shall be strong and do exploits.

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