John G Lake

Lived: 1870 to 1935

Surrounded by death and illness all his life (eight of his fifteen siblings died young), lake was desperate for God to heal. In the 1890s, Lake heard about John Dowie’s healing rooms, and took his brother to one: the man was healed. Later, he took his sister, who suffered from cancer to Dowie. She was healed too. In 1896, Lake’s wife, Jennie contracted tuberculosis, and she was healed as well.

Ten years later, after seasons of prayer, fasting and being mentored by Dowie, Lake prayed for a woman with rheumatism. God filled the room and his power fell on Lake like warm rain. He heard the Lord say to him: I have heard your prayers. I have seen your tears. You are now baptized in the Holy Spirit. The woman was healed.

The Lakes went to South Africa and planted more than 600 churches. When Jennie died, John returned to America and settled in Spokane, Washington, opening a series of healing rooms.

In six years in Spokane, 100,000 healings took place-that’s 45 everyday! A Washington, DC doctor declared Spokane the healthiest city in the world. A Better Business Bureau committee investigated 100 healings and concluded: we soon found out; you did not tell the half of it.

Lake could put his hands on a person and the Holy Spirit would show him what was wrong. He could go into a hospital, speak to a patient whose condition baffled doctors, pray, and discern exactly what their ailment was.

He said-the currents of power began to rush through my being from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet.

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