King Oswald

Lived: 605to 643

Oswald, born in Northumbria, the northeastern corner of England, spent 17 years on the Isle of Iona, learning to be a monk. When his uncle, king Edwin, died the murderous Cadwallan seized the throne and tormented Oswalds people. So, the good Prince returned, with his older brother Eanfrid, to rid Northumbria of Cadwallan. But Cadwallan killed Eanfrid  almost immediately, leaving Oswald to fend for himself in Northrumbia.

Oswald gathered an army of Pagan people-men who had never even heard of Jesus Christ. He took his army to a place called heavenfield to face Cadwallan  in one final battle. The night before the battle, Oswald had a dream in which St. Columba promised him victory. The next morning, Oswald brought together all his warriors and ordered them to take a knee. He erected a huge wooden cross and bowed his head in prayer, saying, let us all kneel and jointly beseech the true and living God almighty, in his mercy, to defend us from the haughty and fierce enemy, for he knows that we have undertaken a just war for the safety of our nation.

Oswald’s army defeated Cadwallon and his much stronger army. As Oswald warriors looked around and decided that there was no earthly way they could have routed Cadwallon so harshly, except for the miraculous intervention of Oswald’s God. His dream and prayer opened the people’s hearts and made them hungry for this newfound Savior. Oswald send for help from Iona and received it in the form of Saint Aidan.

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