Evan Roberts

Lived from 1878 to 195.

At the age of 20, Roberts had a prophetic vision that changed his life. In it, he saw the moon, full and bright, with an arm stretching from it into Wales. Immediately, he knew that God was able to touch his country, bringing 100,000 people to the faith.

It wasn’t just visions Robert’s experienced. One Friday night, he had been deep in prayer: it was communing with God, he said. Before this I was far off from God. I was frightened that night, but never since. So great was my shivering that I rocked the bed, and my brother, being awakened, took hold of me, thinking I was ill.

Roberts had another powerful vision, just before the Welsh revival hit: I had a vision of all Wales being lifted up to heaven. We are going to see the mightiest revival Wales has ever known-the Holy Ghost is coming soon, so we must get ready.

He was right; God used him to move in Wales in a powerful way. Thousands were healed. Roberts prophetic gift became so finely tuned that he could tell the non-believers in the room and preached directly to them. The revival in South Wales is not of men, but of God, he said. He has come very close to us. I have been asked concerning my methods. I have none. I never prepare what I shall speak. But I leave that to him. I’m not the source of the revival, but only one servant among what is growing to be a multitude. I wish no personal following, but only the world for Christ. I believe the world is on the threshold of a great religious revival and pray daily that I may be allowed to help bring this about.

Just as he prophesied, 100,000 Welsh people came to Christ in six months.

He said: ask and it shall be given unto you. Practice entire, definite faith in God’s promise of the Spirit.

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