Reclaiming God’s intention

There are prophetic words over us that have not come to pass because we have not yet stepped into a level of intentionality with God that matches his intention for us.

If we want an upgrade, we have to have an upgraded response. There is a level of partnership with God that we are not walking in a high enough level. We have to be ready to run. We are behind the time of our own development. We need to move our heart to a larger yes in terms of who God is for us. God is redeeming time and the way that he redeems time is that he gives us acceleration.

It is fun to run, there is a joy in saying yes, and there is a joy in running to meet our destiny.

Everything that God is doing is about identity and relationship. Every single thing that God will ever do or say in our life is always about our relationship with him and his relationship with us and it is always about our identity. He has a way of seeing us, and when he shows us what he is seeing, then he makes a choice at that point. He makes a choice to be with us in that regard for the rest of our life. So, when God looks at us in a certain way, when he tells us this is what I am seeing over you, which is what prophecy is, then God begins to relate to us in that way for the rest of our life. So, the key thing is that if God prophecies over us and we don’t get it, he is going to start relating to us based on what he just said. So, if we don’t accept what he said there is going to be a stronger disconnect. This is why some people, when they have prophecy over their life, their life falls apart.

God speaks to us prophetically and then we say we’ll that will be great when that comes to pass. It started to come to pass the moment he said it. He is not saying this is the way I see you and in about ten years time this will happen. What he is saying is this is how I see you and you can become this as soon as you like. This is why he starts to relate to us in this way from that moment on. When he prophesies over us it is an invitation to run. It is an invitation to become. It is an invitation into a new space that he has opened up for us, he is saying all of that is yours. This is who you are, I am now going to relate to you like this for the rest of your life. So, I need you to match my intentionality with yours.

In the business of life, we have let go of our prophecies, and our promises. It is time to resurrect them. It doesn’t matter when God has said them, a thousand years is like one day to God, he doesn’t live in the time realm. A word 20 years ago is still fresh, it is still current.

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