The power of thought

Thoughts are seeds, they have life in them and they will reproduce, if we don’t learn how to deal with them.

 When thoughts are planted they will reproduce after their own kind. This is an important spiritual principal or kingdom law. It is the law of reproduction.

Even before the foundations of the world. It is one of the most important laws of the kingdom, which we need to understand. This law basically states that all things reproduce after their own kind. All seeds reproduce after their own kind.

 This law affects our lives continually. It shapes our future, it determines our present, and it determines our circumstances right now. Our circumstances right now have been determined by this law.

We are not talking about the power of positive thinking; we’re talking about a universal principle and a law which God has laid down. It is the law of reproduction. It is a kingdom law. If you judge you will be judged. It will come back to you. If you sow a seed it will reproduce after its own kind.

In our heart is where the seed is sown.

Understanding the need to discipline our thought life is very important. Because of this law we must live every moment as we desire the future to be.

How is the thought (the seed) planted in our heart? When our thinking connects with feeling the seed is planted.

Thoughts follow the law of the universe, each produces after its own kind. Strong desires are the heat which causes the seed to spring into life. When thought connects with feeling and confession is made the seed is conceived.

 The seed (object) begins with a thought, then connects with feeling and becomes a power. When thought connects with feeling it becomes a power and the seed is planted in our heart. Anything that connects with our emotions becomes a very strong power.

When the seed is planted in our heart we confess with our mouth and conception takes place.

Conception takes place when thought connects with feeling and we speak it. This is believing with the heart and confessing with the mouth.

The church has taught that the emotions are not important but they are. The emotions are the creative side of us, as well as the thought life. Our emotions are essential in the creative process. We have to feel what we believe and do. And when our thinking connects with feeling the seed is planted. A power is released. It is the law of union – as two agree touching anything it shall be done.  

A seed does not grow unless you plant it. Thoughts are fine until they connect with emotion. When our thoughts connect with desire or feeling a power is released. This is another spiritual law.

We want the laws of the kingdom to work for us and not against us. This law can bring the will of God down out of the spiritual realm into the natural realm.

To practice this law or spiritual principle, we hold the focus of our thoughts until they connect with our emotion or feelings or desires. When thought and emotion connect they become a power, and they become a living thing.

This is the principle of if two agree touching anything. When our emotions agree with our thinking it shall be done. It is a power of union. It is a law. It is a spiritual law.

We receive a word from God, we are filled with the Spirit and we speak it into manifestation.

Fear is a good example of this. Fear is not first an emotion it is a thought.

Your Home alone and you hear a noise like somebody breaking into your house.  The thought that comes to your mind is fine until it connects with what? – Your emotion. Now you have a problem. That thing fills your being. You become filled with the fear. The seed, the thought is connected with the power of emotion and it has become a living entity.

 That thing, begins with a thought, then connects with feeling and becomes real and becomes a power. The seed is planted and conception takes place. It becomes a power. Anything that connects with our emotions becomes a very strong power.

The church has taught that the emotions are not important but they are. The emotions are the creative side of us, as well as our thought life. Our emotions are essential for everything to happen. We have to feel what we do. And when our thinking connects with feeling the seed is planted. A power is released. It is the law of union – as two agree touching anything it shall be done.

Thoughts are living, thoughts are powerful and when they connect with emotion conception takes place.

When we meditate in the word or anytime when God begins to speak to us – if it is really God – we call it revelation. Revelation is coming and we know it is God, it affects our thinking. It affects our thoughts but it doesn’t stay there, we have a feeling that floods our whole being. What is that? It is touching our emotions. We feel it.

Revelation is not just a thought, it is a feeling. And when those two come together it floods our whole being. Revelation just fills us, it floods us, and it is light. It fills up our whole being. We know God is speaking. It is a revelation. It is not just an abstract thought. It is connected with feeling; it is touching something in our life that fills us with light. And this is powerful. And when this happens a seed is planted. Conception is taking place, and if it is followed through, if that revelation is followed through, continually acted upon it will bring to birth the will of God in our life.

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