
We must lay proper foundations in our lives. God’s people are hollow and without the proper foundation.

It is really important that we have a strong relationship with the Lord and that the foundation has been laid right.

If we going to walk with the Lord, if we going to really benefit from this next move of God, then certain things need to be in place within our life because this revival is coming whether we are ready or not.

To walk with God in the Spirit you need certain foundations laid in in your life. We must have a vessel or a body and a soul that is clean and compatible with the Lord.

The problem we have with walking with the Lord is a problem of incompatibility. We are not compatible with him so we can’t hear him. We’re not compatible with him and sometimes he sovereignly comes on the scene and gives us some direction. But that’s not the way God intended it. It is not His will that we should just walk with sovereign encounters, that’s now how God intended it. He does that just to keep us going. We do have sovereign encounters, but it should be a daily walk with him, where we hear his voice and see what the Father is doing, and do likewise.

Concerning compatibility, if you have a computer and you are making CD’s and they are not compatible to the CD player, then the connection will not work, they are not compatible, you got major problems, because they will not talk to each other, because the newer ones are not compatible with the older ones and it is the same with God.

The problem is incompatibility. The more we become like God, conformed to his image, the more compatible, the greater will be our walk in the Spirit with him. It is not just a set of rules, it’s not just imparting knowledge, we are talking about a relationship with the Lord.

John 8: 43 Jesus said why don’t you understand my speech, why don’t you understand me? Why can’t you hear my words. Two things are necessary. One- your spirit must remain strong. Sometimes I look at people and their spirit is so small, you would not even know it was there. If your spirit is not fed, it gets smaller within you. Your spirit has to remain strong, it has to be built up and your soul needs to be clean and free from clutter and it needs to become subservient to your spirit.

We need to lay some basic foundations. Your spirit came from heaven as a perfect spirit into your body and your soul was created. When you were conceived, your spirit came from heaven, from a perfect environment, it was a perfect spirit, but it was not a son of God, it was just a spirit like any other spirit in heaven, not even much different from the angelic spirits, but it was a spirit. Not a son of God, a son of God would come later.

Zechariah 12:1 (YLT) 1 The burden of a word of Jehovah on Israel. An affirmation of Jehovah, stretching out heaven, and founding earth, And forming the spirit of man in his midst.

Zechariah 12:1 (KJV) 1 The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him.

So, he formed the spirit within us. Now that word formeth is a Hebrew word yāṣar:
which means to squeeze it into something. He squeezed the spirit into the fetus in our mother’s womb. That spirit in heaven might have been much, much bigger than even we are today, stature wise. He formed, he squeezed the spirit in there.

If you do not believe in the pre-existence of your spirit in heaven before you were born a human being it is not important. But in eternity God had all these wonderful thoughts about you, he saw you and spoke you into existence and he put in a book all the days of your life on earth that were pre-ordained for you, it is called your destiny scroll. (Psalm 139:16) God see’s the beginning from the end, your life on earth has already been lived as far as God is concerned, because there is no time in eternity, it is all now. Jesus was already crucified before God spoke the heavens and the earth into existence.

1 Corinthians 2:11 what man knoweth the things of man save the spirit of man which is in him. We have a spirit within us, and it came from the purity and glory of heaven into this world of sin. Instead of just living in heaven now it lives inside of you clothed with a soul which has a mind of its own, it has a will of its own and emotions. The soul has a mind and emotions and will of its own. And suddenly the spirit comes out of the glories of heaven into a fallen body.

The soul prone to sin, emotions all over the place, the will is rebellious against God and this perfect spirit comes in. it has no expression at all, because the soul is in charge.

A whole new species in the universe has been created- man, body, soul and spirit, this is something new in the whole universe, nothing like it before.

It is different from anything that’s gone before. Man is not just a spirit; he is a soul and a physical body.

The soul and the spirit and the body is supposed to be interwoven, when we are born again as one new man. And the limitations are not with the spirit. The limitations are with the soul and the physical body.

Now if you died today and your spirit came out of your physical body you would see Angels, you would see what’s going on in the spirit realm, it would be wide open to you. But put your spirit back into your body and you can’t see anything, unless the three become compatible, body, soul and spirit. That is why the soul must be purified. Take your spirit out of your body and you can see in the spirit realm, put it back in, and it is all fogged up. 

You can’t see in the spirit realm because there is no compatibility between your soul and your spiritAnd the soul is dominant and puts a veil over the spirit realm.

Our spirit comes into our body and soon becomes sullied with the sinful nature of the soul, the light in your spirit begins to dim, dim, dim. It does not go out but it’s not what it was like when it came from heaven.  And it loses that connection with God because your soul rules.

Your spirit powers up your whole body. It keeps everything running, your heart, your lungs, the whole being. The Bible says this body without the spirit is-dead. Because the spirit is the life force which powers up your whole body, and your soul

Your spirit man can choose to forsake God at any time. The Angels have the right of self-determination. They have a will, and they can choose. Your spirit can choose. And many spirits after they have been living on this earth inside a body with all the lusts of the flesh can get to such a point that they will choose to live that way.

It’s the soul basically where the problem is.

Ezekiel 18:4 Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.

It didn’t say the spirit that sinneth shall die.  The soul that sins shall die. The Hebrew word for soul is nepesh. The soul that sins. Jesus said this in Matthew 10:28 he said fear not them which can kill your body but are not able to kill the soul but rather fear him which is able to destroy (apo- separation, away from 2-ruin, destroy, death) equivalent to the loss of a life of blessedness after death. Both soul and body in hell.

Luke 12:19 And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry.
20 But God said unto him, thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?
21 So is he that layeth up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.


Luke chapter 12:20 God said into him thou fool this night your soul shall be required of you, not your spirit your soul shall be required of you.

When a person comes to the Lord, a transaction takes place within their spirit. A person comes to the lord by two influences. The influence of your own spirit quite often, but the prime influence is the Holy Spirit or the Father drawing you to the Lord. You make a choice; your soul makes the choice. Choosing is an act of the soul. Choosing, you come to the Lord and you’re born-again.

What happened when you were born again. The Spirit of Christ was infused into your spirit, not your soul, into your spirit. All that Jesus is, the whole spiritual DNA of the Lord was put into your spirit, by the seed of the Lord. The whole of the DNA of the Lord was infused into your spirit.

When you came from heaven you were not a son of God, you were just a spirit. Now there is another potential here of becoming a son of God, because his DNA was then placed into that spirit when you are born-again.

He that is joined to the Lord is one spirit (1 Corinthians 6:17) What know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you which you have of God, verse 19.

Now when your spirit is regenerated, two things happen. It talks about regeneration, what is that? Titus chapter 3:5 not by righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Spirit. So, what happened? Washing of regeneration, the renewing of the Holy Ghost. The washing is a Greek word, simply means to wash, immersed in water. Regeneration is a Greek word which simply means to be born again, a new birth. When that seed of God, the life of God, was implanted into your spirit, you became a new creation.

Now you got to understand this, it came in as a seed. All of the DNA of the Lord Jesus spiritually was placed into your spirit. And if that is allowed to come to maturity you will be just like the Lord Jesus, you become a mature son of God.

When you came from heaven you were not a son of God, you were just a spirit. When you born again, now you become a child of God. You are becoming like him, because his seed is within you.

Luke 1:34-35 (KJV) 34 Then said Mary unto the angel, how shall this be, seeing I know not a man?
35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

When the Spirit of Jesus came into Mary at conception and the Bible tells us this in Luke chapter 1: 35 and the angel answered and said unto her the Holy Ghost shall come upon you. And the power of the highest shall overshadow you. Therefore, also that holy thing which shall be born of thee, shall be called the son of God.

Now it is very interesting, the word overshadow, the power of the highest shall overshadow you. Overshadow is a Greek word which means to envelop in a haze of brilliance. That is literally what it means. They did not know how to translate that; they just said it overshadowed. The Greek says a haze of brilliance overshadowed them. Now it’s the same word that is used for Peter. remember his shadow, when he walked down the road and people were healed. It is the same word that is used. A haze of brilliance overshadowed him. And if anybody got caught in it and we don’t know how far out it went, they were healed.

The same word that is used for Mary, when she conceived. She was overshadowed with the brilliance of the glory, and Jesus entered the womb.  When you were born again that is what happened.

We can watch people when we lead them to the Lord and see a light come on in their eyes. I would see a brilliant haze come over them. Someone entered them and there was a reaction, they were born-again by the Spirit of God

But that’s what happened when you were born again, a seed entered. The DNA of the Lord was infused into your spirit and your spirit was joined to the Lord. your spirit leaped for joy.

This might be foundational things but is very important because you are going to teach this to the next generation that is coming in, in this coming move of God. And if our generation doesn’t know it, how are you going to teach it to the next.

The church doesn’t fully understand water baptism, communion, they don’t understand the blood of Jesus, particularly communion. If you get a revelation on communion, and properly understand it, you will stop ageing. You really will. The truth is there. But we have never taught it.

There is a whole generation that is going to come in and they have got to mature quickly. And you must have the right truth to give them to mature quickly. All that Jesus is entered into your spirit.

Colossians 2:9 for in him dwelled the fullness of the Godhead bodily and you are complete in him.

Whether you feel like it or not you are complete, it’s there. If you plant Appleseed’s, you get an Apple tree and you get lots of apples. If you plant a Jesus seed you get Jesus coming forth in that person. That is the principle and that is how we have to understand it.

1 Corinthians 1:30 of him are you in Christ Jesus who is made unto you wisdom, righteousness sanctification and redemption, it is all there in the spirit. All of it has entered into your spirit. The seed of God was imparted into you.

1 Peter 1:23 tells us this- being born again not of a corruptible seed but of an incorruptible seed, by the word of God which liveth and abideth forever. That would seed in the Greek is a Greek word for sperma or the English word sperm, born again of an incorruptible sperm.

Now in the natural sperm contains all the DNA of the parent. So also, in the spiritual. Now if you can teach this next generation how to let that DNA develop in them, you are going to have a whole army of mature people coming forth in the earth. Very quickly, they will mature very, very quickly. It should not take 20 years to grow up spiritually. It should be less than a year to get from here to there.

What Moses learned over 40 years he taught it to Joshua over a few months and Joshua moved into it.  That’s the thing and God says He is going to do a quick work in these last days.

Now understanding this, where does the sin problem lie. How many of you know Christians sin all the time. You know you do, struggle with it right. So, it says the soul that sins is going to die. How many of you know that when you were born-again you became schizophrenic. You really did. You have two people living on the inside.

When you’re born again, you have two personalities, one in your soul and one in your spirit. Your soul is not good, it is very bad. Your spirit is in the image and likeness of Jesus. It’s incredible you have the personality of God within you.

There are two harvests that are going to come in. I have only ever seen two harvests between now and the end of the age. I am talking about major harvests. The next one that coming in is going to be a harvest over the next few years in which millions of people will come into the kingdom of God. But that’s just the forerunner for the real harvest that is going to come.

As this harvest comes in next, which the next revival will bring. You must train those new converts up into an army of the Lord and they are going to take the next harvest and bring it in. It is two stages, at least two, could be more. But I’ve only seen two and you have to train that army very quickly because there is not a lot of time in between the two harvests, and you have to train them very quickly. But you must teach them the right things.

In Hebrews chapter 11:27 it says Moses endured by seeing him who is invisible. How did Moses survive, by seeing him who is invisible. The burning bush wasn’t a big deal to him, he said I am going to have a look at this. He watched it for a while, and it burned and didn’t consume.

He said this is God. I will go up and see what God is saying. He wasn’t moved by any of this. Because he was used to seeing him who is invisible.  But Moses could teach all these things to the next generation. When Joshua came into the presence of the Lord, he wouldn’t go out anymore, he said I want what you have Moses. I want to walk like you and the bible says Moses was a friend of God, I will speak to the others this way, but with you I will speak face-to-face.

Moses spoke face-to-face with the Lord, continually he endured by seeing him who was invisible, that’s why it is important that you learn to see the Lord.

But unless your soul has been dealt with, it is going to be very difficult for you to walk in the Spirit. The church is full of schizophrenic Christians. Paul talked about this in Romans 7:18 he said for I know that in me, in my flesh dwelleth no good thing. For I want to do what is right. For too will is present but how to perform it, I can’t, I don’t know what to do.

Romans 7:20 now if I do that which I want to, it is no more me that is doing a but sin that dwells in me. For I find in the law that when I would do good evil is present with me. For I delight, my spirit delights in the law of God. I delight in the law of God after the inward man, that is his spirit. That’s not my problem. but I see another law, another person (the old man), in my members warning against me. Oh, wretched man he said that I am who shall deliver me from this body of death.

We need to look at that phrase- this body of death. In the Roman world – the body of death. You know when there is a conflict between two people, one must give in. When there is a conflict, one must give in to stop the conflict. The question is which one of your personalities is going to give in? That’s the question?

Your will is a function of the soul and decides who will rule. Soul or spirit. Your soul must surrender to your spirit. Then the body of sin will be rendered powerless. Who is going to live through you. The Lord Jesus or your old nature living through your soul. You are going to be soul or spirit. Who is living through you? Are you a soulish Christian or are you a spiritual Christian?

Romans 5:19 by one man’s disobedience (that was Adam), many were made sinners. And by the obedience of one (that was Jesus), many will be made righteous. If by one man’s offence death reigned, how much more shall we receive the abundance of grace, and the gift of righteousness and shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ.

With Adam came death. With Christ came life.  Knowing this that our old man has been crucified with him, that this body of sin might be destroyed. So that we should not serve sin. This term comes up twice, this body of sin.

Now under certain circumstances in the Roman Empire if a person committed murder, it wasn’t to do with warfare, anything which they considered legitimate to kill someone. But if they committed murder under certain circumstances the Romans would take the person who had been murdered and tie that person to the back of the murderer in such a way that he could never ever get it off again.

This is what Paul was referring to as this body of sin. As that body slowly rotted the person would die of disease, that body was fastened to him in a certain way so that he could never ever get it off.  And it is called the body of sin among the Romans. Now Paul is taking this out of that culture and he saying it is the same with the Christians you got something tried to your back, it is dead already, but you need to get it off your back, otherwise it is going to kill you.

We are carrying around a dead body. When Jesus died on the cross the old nature was crucified with him. The human race past, present and future died with him. He can do that because he was the author of the human race. He gathered it into one. We died when he died, we rose when he rose again- these are realities in the realm of the spirit but must be manifested in the natural realm.

Knowing this (Romans six) that our old man is crucified with him that the body of sin might be destroyed. Knowing it. You got to know it. For he that is dead is freed from sin. If you know this then reckon on it. Reckon also yourself to be dead unto sin and alive unto God through Jesus Christ, so that sin won’t reign in your mortal body. So that old sinful nature was crucified with Jesus if you believe it. Now you say why is it  so much alive in me . That’s what Paul was struggling with or the man in Romans 7. He said this thing, I am schizophrenic. I want to do what is right, but I find myself not doing it. What is the problem here? You got a body of sin on your back, it has been crucified, it is dead but is still tied to you. How do you get it off?

First, you must reckon on it. Reckon that it was crucified. You must really know that, that it was a fact. When Jesus was crucified, your old sinful nature was crucified with him. It cannot be just head knowledge; you have got to know it in your spirit. It has no power, unless you empower it. It is as simple as that. Reckon on the fact that the old man was crucified, know it.  Don’t let it live again. How do we do that? It is all a matter of choice. Who you choose to serve. How are you going to live? Will you let Jesus live through you or will you live according to what your soul dictates to you. It is as simple as that.

If you choose to do what is wrong, you empower the old nature. If you choose to do what is right, you empower the new nature. Is it that simple? No, it is not. Because you don’t always choose right.

If we been planted together in the likeness of his death we shall also be planted together in the likeness of his resurrection.

Daniel 1:8 Daniel was brought into Babylon and there he was miles away from home. 600 miles away from home, on his own. Most of his family have been killed. Nobody cared how he is going to live. He is in Babylon. It was a hostile environment. Daniel 1: But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s delicacies, nor with the wine which he drank; therefore he requested of the chief of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.

It was as simple as that. He said I’m not going to do it, it is against God, his nature and his word. I am not going to do it. He purposed; the Scripture says in his heart that he would not defile himself with all that is happening in Babylon. He purposed in his heart. He made a choice.

You live your life either by conviction or personal preferences. And your soul will get in on your preferences. What feels good to you. That is your soul, your feelings. Or you live by conviction of what is right and choose that or you live by your own preferences.

You say well I really don’t have to love everyone do I? Yes, you do, and it is a choice. But your preference is not to love some kind of people.

Romans 6:13 don’t yield your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin but yield them to God as those who are alive from the dead.

Don’t yield your mind, your emotions, your body your mouth, your tongue, don’t yield that, don’t yield those members to do something which is wrong. You have that choice. Christians want to say lay hands on me, and I will be free from this or that. But you have a choice.

If you don’t choose what is right, that seed within you will not mature, you won’t come into mature sonship. But when you choose what is right, a power is released to kill off the old nature. That area which you are dealing with is as simple as that. You will empower one or the other by your choice that you make. You have to be careful with this namby-pamby Christian thing. You are responsible for what you do. And there is grace to cover, no matter what your background is, to bring you through to becoming a son of God. There is grace to cover all of that. If you choose to do what is right, you will be empowered to do what is right- that is the issue. Don’t yield to what is wrong or the enemy will empower you to do that.

If you are going to learn to hear from God and see in the realm of the spirit these issues must be dealt with. You can either live by your soul, what your soul demands of you. It’s like your soul has been in charge for so long. You have lived by your natural mind, your emotions, what you feel, and you live by making your own decisions, your will, mind, emotions, the soulish areas.

Now your soul has been in charge for so long it is going to put up a fight, it will not hand the reins over easily. And you have got to be firm with your soul and not let it take control of your life. So many Christians just live by their emotions, what feels right.  What feels right may not be right, because your soul can’t be trusted. It’s lived aside from God and wayward from God for so long. And when you were born again, your soul was not born again, just your spirit. Your soul is going to fight for dominance and who rules your life. That is a difference between the soulish Christian and a spiritual Christian.

Foundations are so important. We want a revival to clean us up. Revivals are supposed to clean up the unsaved. This revival that is coming, there is no doubt about it, it’s written in stone now. Somethings in God are conditional. but this next move of God is written in stone, it is not conditional it is coming whether we are ready or not. It’s going to happen. We don’t want to be in a position where we are still battling with sin. We want to be in a position to tell these people who are coming in, this is the way, walk ye in it. And if you’re still trying to find the way you can’t really tell them.

Now the second issue that needs to addressed. Let’s look at the scenario. We will have an influx of new people come into the kingdom of God. And the pastor says we can cope with all this. You are going to have to disciple these people now. Now in your discipling they will turn out just like you. That’s a scary thought, but that is a law. They’ll turn out just like you. Is that what you want right now?  When I heard the Lord say that to me, I thought hold back the harvest. The church needs time to get it together.

The Lord spoke to me about being hollow. Hollow Christians. I saw Christians many Christians as that. I began to be transported to see into churches different places, different nationalities. But the Western world was the worst. What I saw was the Christians most of them just look like phantoms there was nothing to them. It was like I could put my hand right through them.  There was no substance.

God is saying something to us. When the storm comes it takes trees out with no roots. Not a good root system and hollow.  What is coming on the face of the earth will take us out if there is no substance to us in God.

You will empower sin in your life, or you will empower righteousness in your life simply by the choice you make. You have got to understand this. You don’t have to live the way you are living. The work has been done. But there is this whole thing in our brain- why doesn’t Jesus do it for me? Jesus has done it for you. All you must do is make the right choices and you will be empowered. You’re tempted to steal. You have a background; stealing has been a problem. Your soul really knows this realm well, it knows how to handle it. The soul just knows how to do it. Your born-again spirit comes into the kingdom of God, you understand some of these truths and then suddenly temptation to sin, it is right there. You see something, you just need that, you don’t have the money. Your choice will empower which way this thing goes. As soon as you make a choice no- that’s not righteous, a power comes into you or comes out of you rather, it comes up from your spirit and annihilates that thing. Right there on the spot. It’s your choice. Don’t yield your members as instruments of unrighteousness- don’t take that thing. And your choice breaks the power of it. As soon as you make that choice, it is over, you’re empowered, it is not an issue anymore. We mustn’t make excuses for ourselves. We must understand that within us, within our soul, there is no good thing, until that soul becomes purified. And if it is not purified it’s going to run interference every time God tries to speak to us. And it’s going to run interference every time God wants you to see something in the spirit realm, the images will become confused, because your soul is going to have some input into this. Your soul is not going to let you live in the Spirit. If your soul is not pure, seeing in the Spirit is extremely difficult. And that’s the foundation. But the foundation is important. your soul must become pure. and if your soul is not pure, it will be difficult for you to walk with the Lord. Because it is going to run interference the whole time. You will just start to hear from the Lord and your natural mind will come in and add to it, take away from it. Put it on another slant, you got a little bit of the Lord, but most of your soul. And then you got what confusion. Because the soul is not pure. Your mind, your imagination, your emotions, your will are very important, they must be cleaned up. And you really are the only one who can clean it up. I can lay hands on you, and you can still go away and make the wrong choice. Only you can do that.

Soulish or spiritual, which are you? He that is spiritual restore a person. Not he that is soulish. You must be spiritual. To be spiritual means that your soul is not in control, it is subservient to your spirit and you’re walking not from your soul but from your spirit. Not from your natural mind, but from the mind of the spirit.

Something goes wrong and you get into a panic, what’s the first thing that surfaces in you- fear- all your emotions, blocks out anything that was coming from the spirit, it is now gone, because your emotions are so high up there with it. Your soul has blocked it out. He that is spiritual does not walk from the soul he walks from his spirit. You must learn this; you must understand the role of your emotions. They have a place, but what is their role? What is their place?

You must be very careful with your natural mind; the bible says it is an enemy of God. If your mind is not clear, pure, clean. There is going to be times when you go out there and the whole commercial atmosphere is steeped in sex. Everywhere and it’s like it’s just out there, they use it to sell, and you cannot help but see it, unless your eyes are closed. You can’t help but see it, you can choose not to receive it and turn away from it. But at the end of the day that needs cleansing off you.

When Peter came to the Lord, he said Lord don’t just wash my feet only, he said wash me all over. But the lord said no, your feet are sufficient. Where you walked today, that’s where your pollution has come from. And at the end of the day, you must do this at the end of the day before you go to bed at night. Get down before the Lord and ask him to wash it from you. Ask him to cleanse it out. Don’t let it go two or three days because the longer you leave it the more ingrained it gets; it will go into your memory banks. Ask the Lord to wash you of the pollution of that day. We walk in a polluted world, and you can’t help it, it is going to affect you. You can’t escape it unless you live in a monastery somewhere. But we don’t, we live in the world. Sin is everywhere around us, and it affects our mind and emotions. At the end of the day, I come, and I kneel before the Lord. Lord wash me, many times the Lord will come and just pour oil over my head and rub it into my hair. Get that stuff off you. Washing it off. Get up the next day and say the fight is on today, and I am not going to let my soul rule. I got to walk in the Spirit.

Let’s pray for a minute. Thank you, Lord, we understand what the prophets have been saying over the last two or three years. We understand Lord what is coming to some degree, and breakthrough is upon us now and Lord you’re not going to wait. Breakthrough is right here, Lord we just need breakthrough, it’ll be wonderful, and we will be blessed, we will be happy in all of those things, but when it’s over, when the next phase comes, we cannot just be the same kind of people we were before revival comes. We are destined for harvest and there is a mandate upon us to prepare for the harvest. We need to be people of Spirit. Because like begets like.  People will turn out like us and what we teach them they will believe. We must get it right. We must experience what we teach, we must get a handle on the sin problem, so that we can walk not with sin anymore, getting that body of sin off our back not empowering it with wrong choices but choosing righteousness.

Many times, in the day we will not let our soul rule. We let our spirit rule, and our soul has to die to what it wants. Lord I just pray today that by the power of your Spirit that something of what I said might begin to take hold as a seed in the hearts of your people, that their understanding might be enlightened, that they might see it and then determine within their hearts like Daniel that he should not defile himself with the ways of this world, the ways of Babylon. But that he would walk with God in what God required of him. And as he chose that God honored it, empowered him.

And as we choose what is right, God will honor that, he will empower us to walk in it. Little by little we put it all behind us and we start to walk free from sin and if we slip there is the blood, we keep short accounts with God who is merciful and faithful. But we mustn’t presume upon the grace of God, but we must reach out to walk in purity and holiness before the Lord, choosing that which is right. Lord, I pray today that by your Spirit that an impartation will come to your people and a resolving to walk in purity and holiness, we ask it in the name of Jesus. We thank you lord, we thank you Lord Jesus.

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