Helmet 1

Ephesians 6: 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God 17 And take (to receive) the helmet of salvation.

First, we must be strong in the Lord and the power of his might.

Be strong is an imperative in the Greek, which means it is a commandment. It is in the present tense, which means it is something we must continuously do.

To be strong in the Lord means we must activate our spirit by praying in tongues, until we feel the strength of the lord flowing into our spirit.

Then we put on the whole armor of God. To put on is a commandment in the aorist tense, which means which means we put it on once for all, we are not to take it off. The word put means to sink into a garment, to be clothed with, which means our spirit, soul and body are protected and aware of the armor of God.

Your head is the biggest problem. If you get wounded in the head in the natural, you’re in big trouble. If you get shot in the head the chances of survival are very slim. The head is very vulnerable, but the Lord has provided a defense for our mind. There is a helmet of salvation, there is a covering, a protection for the mind.

Salvation provides a helmet, a covering, and protection for the mind, but we need to put it on. We need to understand that the mind of a Christian is our greatest battlefield.

2 Corinthians 10: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling (bring into extinction) down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity (bring into subjection)  to the obedience of Christ.

Where are those strongholds? It is talking about our imagination, our mind. It is talking about a spiritual conflict here, a battle. Bringing every thought into captivity, bring into subjection our soul under the Lordship of Jesus over our spirit.

Victory in your life is won or lost in the mind. If the mind is knocked out, if you’re thinking is wrong your whole man is knocked out. It is as simple as that.

The Bible has lot to say about the mind and there are good reasons for that. When the mind is free and released, the whole man is going to be free and released.

Matthew 6:22 if your eye be single the whole body shall be full of light. This is talking about the mind’s eye not the physical eye, but it has a relationship to the physical eye, because what we see in the natural goes into the mind, if it is not cast out.

If you’re mind be single your whole being is going to be full of light. We must learn how to control our mind.

The mind is the recipient of all incoming communication. The only way that Satan really can get to you is through your mind, we need to be aware of that.

The mind is an area which is used by Satan to gain entry into your life. Temptation and thought cannot be separated, temptation and thought go together, there may be other factors, the eye gate, the hearing gate, emotions maybe involved but essentially temptation and thought cannot be separated. When you get your thought life under control you get everything under control.

We need to understand our makeup, we need to understand the terms of the mind and the brain. because they are two different things. The mind is not the brain, the brain is not the mind. They are two very different things. Our mind is a function of our soul, and our brain is a function of our body.

The brain is a part of the physical body. The grey matter and tissues it is Bio-electronic, magnetic and so on. Our brain is like a fantastic computer but that all it is. One day it is going to rot in the grave. It is only a computer; it is an incredible creation of God. There is no way in the computer world today that they can get anywhere near matching the computer that God gave us in the human brain. It is an incredible piece of equipment that God has given us. The brain is capable of processing thoughts, and it can be used for thinking, but in itself it cannot think. It cannot originate thought. It is purely a computer, this is very important to understand. Because if you miss that, you miss what I am trying to teach you. Your brain does not originate thought, it can process thoughts. Thoughts can be injected into it. Thoughts can be stored in it. Thoughts can be played back. Thoughts can be put together by your brain because it’s a computer.

But it does not originate thought, it is purely a physical organ, and it doesn’t originate thought. It needs a mind to use it. Just like a computer, a computer needs a mind to use it, an operator. Our brain can be programmed and that’s the problem. We get wrong programming.

Animals have a brain, but they don’t think, they operate by instinct, preprogramming. That’s why when a turtle hatches from an egg, it makes for the sea, it is already in the programming. Their brain is programmed.  It has senses. Smell, it heads for that smell which is water. It has been programmed by God. Fish know how to swim. There are migratory animals, all kinds of different animals. Animals operate out of instinct; they are programed by God originally. Spiders know how to make webs as soon as they are born. How do they know that? It would take you a long time to learn that. They know that by instinct, it is programmed into them.

Man is very different to the animal. The Bible tells us in Genesis 1:26 that man is made in the image and the likeness of God, it does not say that of the animals.

God is a Spirit, they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. The animals are not made in the likeness of God they had no spirit. They have a soul in the sense of having feelings, emotions they have a brain and their preprogrammed, they have instinct.

But man has a spirit, he is made in the image and in the likeness of God who is a spirit. So your spirit is made in the image of God, it is made in the likeness of God, it is like God. And God thinks, thoughts originated with God. God thinks. We have a thinking spirit. The spirit, the real you, is the thinking part of you. That thinking part of you is linked to a physical brain. The mind and the brain are separate entities. They are separate, now we tend to refer to them as one, that is the way we kind of look at life, we look at ourselves. The Bible uses, the Greek uses a few different words for the mind. Sometimes it refers to the physical organ, sometimes it refers to the spirit or the soul. And unless you check the Greek out, you really don’t know what it is talking about- the physical organ or he is talking about our spirit.

Out of your spirit, your brain is programmed. It can be programmed in other ways from the outside in. Only your spirit originates thought. Your brain is not capable of originating thought, only your spirit can. Your brain can process thoughts, it can put it all together and come up with all kinds of answers just like a computer can. A computer cannot think. But it can come up with all kinds of calculations. It can come up with all kinds of assumptions, it can come up with all kinds of data and detail and so on, but it can’t think. It doesn’t originate thought.

They are trying now to crack that barrier, which they will never do, to produce a computer that thinks. In the final analysis a computer can only operate by what you put into it. That is the only way it can operate. No other way, it can only function by what goes into it, what man puts into it and it is limited. It’s just a fast dumb adding machine basically. That’s the way it works. It has got to be programmed. And it’s a bit like the human brain, it is a fabulous piece of equipment, it is a fabulous computer. But it doesn’t originate thought, that is very important to understand. If you can grasp this, you can begin to understand a lot of things. If you are not limited to your brain, you would be aware of what goes on in the spirit world. But once you are clothed with a physical body, you have a brain which shuts you out of that spirit world. It is important to try and understand this. If you die your spirit leaves your body, your brain dies, the power is shut off from your brain and it just dies. The scripture says the body without the spirit is dead. I’m not quite sure what goes on in life support systems when they can keep people alive, I suspect the spirit has gone when they are holding people alive by a life support system. I suspect that, no way, I guess you cannot prove it. But when your spirit leaves your body, your brain stops functioning.

When you’re out of your body there is great clarity in the spirit world. Because you are not locked into the problems of a brain, that has been programmed in such a way that locks you out.

What your problem is, is your brain. You are isolated from the spirit world by your brain basically. Now you need to grasp that. You just made a fantastic discovery; you’re isolated from the spirit world by your brain. God isolates us from the spirit world by our brain. That’s why it requires faith to contact God. That’s why it requires faith to move into the realm of the spirit. There will be a day when we step out of this physical body, where we no longer operate by faith, we operate by sight. Because all the limitations have gone. But now we must operate by faith. and people tend to forget that. We want to move in the Spirit, we want to contact God, we want to walk with God, but it requires faith.

Information will come to your brain in various ways. It comes through the five senses, it comes through what you taste, that’s programmed into your brain. When you touch something that goes into your brain.

Touch, smell, sight is a major programming area for the brain. Sight and hearing together have a very great capacity for impute. Sight and hearing input into your brain. And so information is stored, your brain is programmed through the five senses, its programmed through what you hear, through schooling

It can be programmed by spirit transmission. Now this is very important. It can be programmed because God or your own spirit or the enemy can originate thought. Once revelation from God becomes illumination, it enters your brain. You can retain it. We need a brain to lock down revelation. If you didn’t have a brain, you wouldn’t retain revelation. You wouldn’t even remember it. It has to be locked in.

When God speaks to us from our spirit there is revelation and when it enters our brain it becomes illumination, our brain is illuminated and then it is locked into our brain, it remains there. We can retain it, we can recall it, we can analyze it, because your brain has grasped it, it has been programmed in.

It can be programmed by evil spirits. An evil spirit can sit on your shoulder, or sit in your soul and talk to you. While passing through the air they can inject thought, and suddenly that’s programmed into your brain. So, information through the years from when we were little kids and grow up, its fed into our brain, some is true and some is false.

Now the problem arises when you come to the realm of faith your brain objects, it does not compute. Your brain throws up a smokescreen of unbelief and locks you out of the spirit realm.

When you brain is programmed wrong it becomes an enemy of God. Our brain has been programmed primarily by logic. From a little kid, from your school. You only can believe what you can analyze, what you can see, you can touch, that is logic. Whether you like it or not, as a little kid you are taught, two and two make four. That is logical and the process goes on. The problem is a lot of the stuff we receive is programmed into us as being logical. The Bible tells us that God’s thoughts are way above our thoughts. God’s thoughts are different. That is why a highly intellectual person has problems moving in the Spirit. They have a special set of problems if they are highly intellectual. there are certain things you must do to bring your mind your brain into subjection to your spirit.

The brain has been so programmed, in such a way that it is totally alien to the way God thinks, the way God operates, the realm of the spirit.

The natural mind, brain cannot know God. The scripture says not only that, but it is also at enmity, or is an enemy of the things of God.

Now when your born again, baptized in the Holy Spirit, Christ comes into your life, where did he go, he goes into your spirit. The body is just the housing, the temple of the Holy Spirit. He comes into your spirit. He that is joined to the Lord is what? One spirit. The Lord comes in, he dwells within your spirit. There is a merging, there is a fusing together of your spirit and the Lord’s spirit. God is a spirit, and there is a fusing together of the two, in the one body.

Now your spirit of course is a whole person. The spirit has feet, your spirit has hands. When you come out of your body, you’re not just a floating blob, you’re a person. You have feet, you have hands, you have ears, you have a mouth, you have a head.

In your physical being where is the head of your spirit located? Certainly not in your feet, hopefully, otherwise you would be upside down. It is in your head. Inside your head, inside your brain there is a spirit. Now that spirit knows God, but your brain is always saying does not compute, that cannot be. Our brain overrides our spirit continually. A powerful computer overrides this gentle voice of the spirit, overriding revelation, overriding spiritual concepts, as soon as they arise from our spirit to the brain, the brain has been programmed to say that is not true. So the brain keeps us in unbelief so we cannot get into the realm of spirit.

Your brain is vulnerable to spirit influence. it is designed by God to be operated by spirit. But there are all kinds of spirits around. Other spirits can program your brain, can inject thought, they can put in wrong programming.

Our spirit man is creative.  We have the mind of Christ, but that is not in our brain, which is in our spirit. But the brain objects to it all the time. Your physical brain will object to the mind of Christ continually.

If we understand how we are made and how we operate it will be a great help to overcome what hinders us. Our spirit is creative, it has the thoughts of God.

Proverbs 23:7 says as a man thinks so he is. As a man thinks so he is. We must learn to guard our thinking. 2 Corinthians 10:5 casting down imaginations and every high thing or high thought that exalts itself against the true knowledge of God .Your brain will cast out all the time, exalt itself against the knowledge of God, thinks it knows better, thinks it is logical, thinks all of these things and it is against the voice of the spirit . It is against the mind of your spirit. Objects to it all the time. If you are used to working with computers, if you make a syntax error, it won’t compute. It will come up on your screen syntax error. What did I do? You can put in something else, and it will come back at you again does not compute not logical, it is not according to its programming therefore it won’t accept it.

We must guard our thinking. Your eyes and ears are very big programmers, of programming. The eyes and the brain are very intricately linked. Visual impressions will enter into the brain. If you have a scanner hooked up to your computer you can take a picture, any kind of picture a whole page of of something with pictures and illustrations and the scanner can scan that. It will just take that image straight into the computer, and it is already locked into the memory of the computer. So, it is with your mind. Visual impressions are programmed into your mind. If you watch television for two hours a night you can imagine how much programming goes in within two hours, constantly in your brain images, impressions visual impressions, going in, concepts programmed into your mind all the time. 90% of the concepts are anti-God that have been programmed in, faster than you can think, into the circuits of your brain, into the memory banks of your brain, stored as logic, stored as that being quite acceptable, that is normal. And now when something from the Spirit of God is coming up, the mind of the spirit comes up, the natural programming of the mind comes against it. You have a problem. You are locked into the natural man.

The focus of the brain connects you with the spirit world. The brain is designed to operate by spirit; it is a bridge into the spirit realm. The soul is a bridge, the mind is a bridge into the spirit realm.

You see you can be looking at something, you can be meditating on something, you can be taking it in and it is possible when you are doing that, there is a focus on something and you will open up a channel in the realm of spirit. What can flow down that channel is a spirit. what happened? You locked on something which is not right. Your mind is meditating on it, your eyes are focusing on it. You are thinking of it now, or it has gone in through a visual impression it has been recalled by your brain so you will remember the visual impression.  You meditate on it, you focus on it and you conceive, a spirit drops into your programming, it is not just programming now. There is a spirit in there now, in the mind, it is clothed in your brain, now you got a problem because that spirit is going to operate, those thoughts continually into your brain into your thinking, you think it, think it, think it.

That spirit triggers it off. And the program will run again. It comes back into your mind. Now when that happens, you need deliverance, and it’s in the area of the mind.

Conception takes place, you look, you dwell upon something and suddenly the spirit moves down that line and lodges unto you, to control that area of your thought life.

James 1:15 goes through the process. It says when lust hath conceived. When lust is conceived it brings forth sin and sin when it is finished brings forth death. Remember Ananias and Sapphira and they had a problem, and they came under the judgement of God. Because of the tremendous move of the Spirit, they were having at that time and God had to keep it clean.

Acts 5:4 reads like this; it says while it remained was it not your own power. Why have you conceived this thing in your heart? Just like in the natural, conception takes place and unless there is some radical intervention it’s going to bring to birth. As a man thinks so he is. You think and you conceive, and it will bring to birth. When lust is conceived it brings forth in your life.

Psalm 119:37 Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things and revive me in your ways.

Job 31:1- I made a covenant with my eyes why then should I look upon a young woman

He is talking about the area of lust. I made a covenant with my eyes. Verse 7 if my step has turned from the way or my heart after my eyes.

This is a process. We watch it with our eyes, we think about it, meditate on it, and a spirit gets in. When you lust after something, and it conceives in your heart it is going to bring to birth. Unless there is some radical intervention to cut that thing out of your life, deliverance, it is going to bring to birth.

The tremendous area of your concentration, your focus, your brain can link you into the spirit realm in the wrong sense and bring that. That is why what you read, what you listen to, what you watch is tremendously important.

Psalm101:3 David said I will set no wicked thing before my eyes.

Your brain will throw up interference when your trying to walk with the Lord, when your trying to move in the word of knowledge, it will through it up, it will use logic to bring unbelief.

These spirits know just the right buttons to press, to playback the right track the way they want you to think in certain situations. They just hit the keyboard and it plays back. They know the programming, they know how to play that program back to you, so that it plays back to your mind.

Those spirits can sit on the back of your head and just play the memory program, and you cannot control it. Suddenly you will be thinking on a certain line because that spirit knows the right word to bring back that string of memories, a spirit controls you. Spirits can program you, play back the right track, the visual thought. They can put things together in your brain that are not really there. That is how you can dream some bizarre things. They can put them together. If there is enough data in there, they can make up any story and play it back to you. There is enough material in there over your lifetime.

Now your mind needs re-programming or the awareness of spiritual things will be very hazy. Very hazy you will have trouble with it.

Romans 12:1 be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.

The word mind there is a word for the physical brain, the organ that you have in your head. Transform- we have to be reprogrammed. God’s ways are not our ways, his thoughts are not our thoughts. There is alienation, an incompatibility between our brain and our spirit. And that is the problem, they are not compatible. Through reprogramming slowly but surely a compatibility comes into existence between what you understand, what is logged into your brain and what is in your spirit. As your mind is being renewed it becomes more compatible. The more compatible you become, the clearer the communication from your spirit to the mind becomes. You don’t have the same smokescreen being thrown up all the time, because your spirit and your brain thinks the same way.

Your brain is programmed by a number of ways. One of the ways is by spirit. It is reprogramed by the rhema of God’s word. When God speaks to you it comes up through your spirit, and becomes illumination into your brain, and programs in there the way God thinks. If you can get that continually happening, it is going to overcome the negative programming.

It is an immensely powerful form of programming, hearing from God, the rhema, revelation. The more revelation you get, the more your mind is renewed. Revelation is the way that God thinks, that is programmed into your brain, the way God thinks and suddenly things which you thought were illogical, suddenly appear logical now from God’s point of view. Something is happening in there; change is taking place. And so, you have to be getting revelation, you have to be hearing from God through the word, we need our spirit reprogramming the brain.

Secondly programming occurs for the renewal of the mind occurs, through the presence of the Lord. It is another powerful way in which your mind is renewed, or your brain is reprogrammed. You have the ability; the brain has the ability to focus. For instance, right now you know what your car looks like, your brain is programmed to understand what your car looks like. You say car what does it look like? Your computer goes bzzz and there is the image of it, but only it is a lot faster than that. It is a supercomputer. So, you have the ability to focus on anything. Now when we learn to focus on the Lord you will open up a line in the spirit, but that focus comes from the natural man, the natural focus of your brain will transcend into the spirit .You open up a channel. Out of your focus, beholding him you are transformed, Metamorphous, you are transformed from one level to another.

In the presence of the Lord, beholding him, consciousness of the anointing, getting into the presence of the lord just worshipping him, holding a focus upon him, suddenly there’s a flow of life, there is a flow of power, it can be forceful, it can be gentle. It flows and there is an impartation.

Sometimes with a computer you can get a power surge, so you must have a good transformer that can keep the power level. If you don’t have something to control that, you can be working on something, and you have lightning out there, and you can have a power surge while you are operating your computer and it can wipe out some of the programming, it can wipe out a whole program. Because that surge runs through the circuit and uses too much and just wipes it out.

Now in the presence of the Lord, you have another form of energy going, the anointing, the presence of the Lord. When that begins to flow out of your focus and beholding him and spending time waiting on the Lord, the presence of the Lord with the right focus , not a drifting mind, a right focus on the Lord, either  in his presence, in the throne room, beholding him, whatever, you hold that focus in worship, reprogramming starts immediately. And suddenly something of him is put into your brain; you have opened a line of input. It doesn’t have to be words, it is life, it is a force, it is life, it is God.

Sometimes you can put things in a computer so fast. You can transfer information so fast it’s unintelligible. Blink- 10 pages just like that. Some information can be transferred at the speed of light. And when you are in the presence of God, things can be transferred fast, it is so beyond the natural focus of the brain to retain and comprehend, but it’s been put in.

You are being changed by the Spirit of God. The mind, your brain is becoming compatible with your mind- spirit. And when those two merge you will walk as Jesus walked. You will walk in the Spirit because your brain is compatible with your spirit. Your brain is programmed to the way God thinks.

Reprogramming- the presence of the Lord, the rhema of God, revelation becoming illumination which changes the programming in your mind. So, your brain begins to think how God thinks.  Concentration is required for this to happen. of your mind.

Consecration means to be set aside for God. When we are consecrated, we begin to receive incoming spiritual data. The revelation of God in the presence of the Lord is so powerful it can wipe out all programming.

This brain God has given us is a marvelous piece of equipment. It is dangerous if it is programmed wrong. It is vulnerable to the spirit realm, we have got to look after it, we have to care for it. We have got to guard the incoming data.

I have to guard what is programmed in there. So, you make a consecration of your eyes, your mind, your brain another words, and what we are allow in. If you don’t do it the change will not occur. It requires discipline and it requires consecration. That is why David said I will sit no wicked thing before mine eyes, that is why job said the things he did, say. and that’s where the cost is . to set aside for God.

One of the most influential inroads into the Christian’s live today is through the television. It has to be the greatest source of input into Christian lives today. You need to be careful what images are flashed in through your scanner. Your eyes are scanners they scan that screen all the time. 90% of it is contrary to the way God thinks, contrary to God’s moral standards, contrary to his ways, all of the concepts, alien to the way God thinks. Our eye scans it, and it comes in. It comes into your natural mind and locks you out of the spirit realm. The brain programed this way locks you out, it objects all the time. and when God is coming through, it objects. everything comes through fuzzy. Dedication is our side of the deal. Consecration requires cutting our mind off from certain things, cutting your brain off from certain things and it also requires exposure to the presence of the Lord and exposure to his word, what he is saying.

If you guard what comes into the brain, the change in your spiritual walk will be dramatic overnight, it will be dramatic. And I suggest that you fast television for a month, you won’t die. Fast from it for a month and use the time you would normally watch television in waiting on the Lord. It requires discipline. It would be hard for a lot of people. But if you did it, just the exchange, cut one off and put the other in its place, the transformation of a month would be remarkable. If we are locked into certain ways of living, certain ways of doing things then it requires absolute strength and discipline to do it.

Ephesians 4: 23 be renewed in the spirit of your mind. And the word mind there is a Greek word for brain. Be renewed in the brain by your spirit. Your spirit is the thinking part of you, it originates thought in your mind, but the brain doesn’t. Be renewed by the Spirit of God in your brain.

God will lower the hedge because he wants you to learn to put on that helmet. So, he comes along and drops the hedge, why am I thinking like this? All kinds of terrible thoughts. You got to be bad, there is something wrong with you. God just dropped the hedge, he kept certain stuff out now he can let it in. At that point God says you have to grow up and control the way you think. It is very simple.

Philippines 4:8 is the helmet. Whatsoever things are good, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue think on these things. You have to deliberately cut off and put this on. Putting the helmet on, Paul says you put it on, God doesn’t put it on you. You put it on, change the way your brain is operating. Change it if it is not the programming of good things. Put on the helmet. The more the mind is renewed the less problems you are going to have in that area.

You can get a word of knowledge that is so accurate with so many details that it is scary, it is just the mind of the Spirit, he knows everything. When the mind is renewed, there is so little interference coming in and sometimes you can see things in the spirit. If you have a lot of other programming, you will notice all kinds of other stuff cuts across, you try and focus on the Lord and stuff cuts across.

You should be able to drop straight out of your physical organ of your brain into your spirit and know the thoughts of God. The mind can operate in the Spirit without chronic interference from the brain so that you have the mind of Christ.

As the two become more and more compatible, the closer you walk in spirit is.

We need to learn how to turn that natural mind off and come into the Spirit. Just drop out of your natural brain that programming, and come into the spirit, the mind of the spirit. When you get the brain reprogrammed, it stops interfering, it stops becoming the master and it becomes a servant, it is lockdown to Gods’ thoughts.

Let us pray for a moment. Father, I pray tonight that by your Spirit that you will help us to understand ourselves, help us to understand how we work, help us to understand the spirit over the flesh. The natural mind which is the brain over the spirit. The spiritual mind. Help us lord to know ourselves, understand how we function. And how in a physical body we can walk in the Spirit. And whereby the natural mind just becomes a servant, a slave instead of it becoming the dominating factor. It is something which we use to lock down truth and light and understanding which comes by the spirit, locking it down to recall and to remember. Lord we need our brain we need it because there is not an area of consciousness without it in the natural realm. We need it to lock down revelation, or we would never remember it. Lord it must never become the master, it must never control, it must always be subservient to the mind of Christ which is in us by the Spirit. We are becoming sons of God because we are led by the Spirit of God we do not judge after the sight of our eyes or after the hearing of the ear or after our logical brain, but we judge by the Spirit, and we learn to walk in the Spirit. Father, I pray that you will just cause us to understand these things tonight by the Spirit. First, we must see, we have to understand, it has to dawn upon us by the Spirit how we function. And then Lord it requires consecration to God. An incredible organ the brain, we must guard it. Our mind’s eye, our brain needs to be full of light, it needs to be single.  It is going to be full of light so we can walk in the light as he is in the light. I pray tonight that you will speak to us for the next few days about consecrating our mind, in the sense of the physical brain. Not the mind of the spirit, not the true mind but the physical brain, consecrating our eyes what we see through our eyes, those areas which we scan so many things, what we hear. Lord, you have told us to gird up the loins of our mind. to cover, to guard. The word mind there again is the Greek word for the physical organ the brain until we have been renewed by the Spirit in our brain until that powerful organ does not become the dominating factor which controls us which is alien to the way God thinks. It becomes a beautiful instrument, a servant. Subservient to the Spirit subservient to the mind, which is in the spirit. Father in Jesus name I just pray that you will speak to us tonight of our understanding, consecration and guarding of these faculties so that a change may be affected in us that we might walk in the Spirit and spend time in your presence. Because that will wipe out some of those programming and put in light, true concepts so that no longer our natural mind objects so unbelief falls away. We can walk in faith unhindered and know you lord and move in discerning of spirits. It is illogical to the natural brain, but it is very logical to the spirit world  and the word of knowledge  because we have the mind of Christ, we have the eyes of Christ,  we have a spirit which is a whole man, which is very much at home in the spirit realm that our brain locks us out of , so we have to move by faith. Let your Spirit speak to our hearts and show us the fantastic possibilities. Do those things which are necessary to affect the change that we might walk with you, we ask it in Jesus name.

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