Preparing for destiny

How can we be prepared for sonship?

What types of preparation do we need?

Who provides that preparation?

Where does that preparation take place?

Son, the preparation for sonship must include identity, character, core soul issues, mandated position, wisdom, knowledge and understanding court protocols and legislative processes. All of these areas contribute to overall maturity levels of sonship.

We all need help when it comes to our sonship. From the Father, From Jesus our brother and co-heir. From the Spirit of Truth. Tutoring and training from the 7 Spirits of God, Wisdom, cloud of witnesses, angelic realm and life.

Gal 4:1 Now I say, as long as the heir is a child, he does not differ at all from a servant although he is owner of everything, 2 but he is under guardians and trustees.

Guardians :Epitropos- a steward, a guardian or tutor appointed for an infant by the father or by a magistrate. A guardian is someone who oversees and looks out for you. A tutor is someone who trains you. Oikonomos- literally means, “household-manager.” A governor or trustee means someone who rules over you until you can rule and will teach you how to rule. 

Sonship is our inheritance, so what does it mean to be heirs?

Gal 3:29 we are heirs of the promise. The promise was made to Abraham that through his heirs, all the families of the earth would be blessed.

Based on the sonship mandate given to Adam who God blessed to be fruitful, multiply, fill, subdue and rule.

To be an heir to a promise does not mean you know about or understand what the promises is. There is a training process to go through to inherit the promise. As heirs we have huge potential to come to maturity, but we need to be trained and equipped.

Rom 8:16 heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ – that is part of our inheritance as sons. If we are heirs to that promise, then we need to be trained to function as a joint heir with Christ. Our sonship has responsibility that goes with the relationship. Other than God, who are the tutors assigned to us by God to mature us in our position of sonship?

Wisdom, 7 spirits of God, Other angelic beings, Cloud of witnesses. Where is our sonship identity primarily going to come from?

Intimacy with the Father is the best preparation for our sonship, by revealing our true identity in contrast to what we may believe through nature, nurture or trauma.

There are different kinds of equipping needed from different sources. Identity best comes from face-to-face intimacy with our Father. There are encounters with the Father that mature us in our identity. There are encounters and life experiences that help mature us in our character Being yoked to Jesus, our brother and coheir, and learning from Him to be gentle and humble in heart is vital. Jesus knows best how to be a son who is living in heaven and functioning on the earth simultaneously. He is the perfect model. What did Jesus’ reveal?

Matt 11:28 “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

John 5:19 “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner. 20 For the Father loves the Son and shows Him all things that He Himself is doing.”

John 5:30 “I can do nothing on My own initiative. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is just, because I do not seek My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.”

John 6:38 “For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.”

John 14:10 “Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works.”

John 10:30 “I and the Father are one.”

John 17:21 “…that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me.” Jesus’ attitude to and relationship with the Father is the best example of a son of God living on earth from heaven’s perspective Engaging with Jesus helps us to live as sons. We can ask Him for insight, wisdom and guidance. Agree with God about you. Here’s what fires up faith and fellowship – simply acknowledge and appreciate that every divine attribute on display in Jesus Christ – is equally present in another! How do you know for certain that it is in you?

1 John 2:7,8 “everything that is true of him is equally true of you!” Jesus isn’t just an example for you but of you. Do we see ourselves that way? The preparation of character development is of equal if not more importance than discovering our positions, roles or abilities The level of our authority is proportional to the level of our holiness in character There is on the job training as we learn to be faithful which means being diligent and vigilant in our roles and taking our responsibility seriously Wisdom helped me with the training in the use of the protocols of the heavenly courts.

Prov 8:15 “By me kings reign, and rulers decree justice. 16 By me princes rule, and nobles, all who judge rightly.” 

Kings who reign. Rulers who decree justice. Princes who rule. Nobles who judge rightly. The training and tutoring works best when we are surrendered to the process as living sacrifices. It is best not to try and run before we are confident in walking. If we are faithful with little, then our Father will entrust us with more. The Joshua Generation operates as the order of Melchizedek and are forerunners of functioning as a heavenly royal priesthood. Heavenly positions of government to rule and legislate out of intimacy and relationship. Priests and Kings bring agreement in heaven. Oracles and Legislators bring agreement on earth. Aligning heaven and earth together so heaven can manifest on earth through our sonship. We will need help in regards to what we do and how we do it when we are in our position seated on our thrones. We have our assigned heavenly angel associated with our throne who has been helping us to come into our inheritance in sonship. It is vital that we know our heavenly identity in relationship with the Father. It is vital that we know the heavenly positions mandated to us. It is vital that we know how to use our heavenly authority rightly. God has provided tutors to help us mature in sonship. Some of this training is done cognitively by directly engaging with those tutors. But some of it happens through overseeing our lives and using life itself. Some of the training seems to happen osmotically by being in a heavenly atmosphere. Tutors release subconscious heart knowledge to help motivate, direct and influence us to think and act like sons. Our desire and positive attitude create a frequency that draws the 7 Spirits, angelic beings, Wisdom or the cloud of witnesses to us. Being positive and being fun to be around and not being too intense or heavy. The tutoring involves many different perspectives of our lives, Identity, Character, Perseverance. Protocol for positions Knowledge, wisdom and understanding of the kingdom. There are Wisdom’s handmaidens and other angelic beings associated with Wisdom who are at times actively involved in helping us. 

Heb 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation?

There are Wisdom’s pillars where there is on the job training in the development of our blueprints, mandates and court cases. Many tutors’ function within Wisdom’s Pillars to help us grow to maturity in our sonship. There are different roles and positions of authority as we mature. Lordship has access to specific courts and realms. Kingship gives us access to other higher courts and realms. Mature sonship gives further access and greater levels of influence.

We have been given a mandated position. What is a position? Our position is where we outwork our identity. Our position has functions associated with it. There are many heavenly roles that we may be called to that require training or tutoring.

‘Position’ – definition a strategic area occupied by members of a force. An advantageous place or location social standing or status; rank. A post of employment; a job. The right or appropriate place. The area for which a particular player in a team is responsible. Position in the team. Position in government. Prime Minister, Chancellor of the Exchequer, defense, education, ministers. Positions in heavenly or earthly dimensions. benches or roles within Ekklesia or ministries. 

Zech 3:6-7 reveals positions of being in charge of the house and in charge of courts. Those are positions of heavenly governmental kingdom authority.

We are dwellings; we are mountains, and we are gateways – they are all positions. We all have positions, an appointed position. Jeremiah A mandated position that carries spheres of authority A governmental position to legislate from into those spheres of authority. Mountain position directed towards various other mountain spheres. A position of sonship and influence has unique light, sound, fragrance – frequencies that connect us to creation. Our destiny has different positions attached to it in different seasons. We need to know our eternal identity and our position and use the authority wisely.

Soul preparation for sonship. Separation and reintegration of soul and spirit is a key milestone. Untethering to live in dual realms. Moving from bride to wife by engaging the bridal chamber. Mind preparation for sonship – enabling us to think with the mind of Christ. Deconstruction of the natural mind. Deconstruction of religious frameworks and mindsets. Deconstruction of wrongly believed religious or cultural images of God. Deconstruction of the Bible and its use. Renewing of minds – Metanoia. The rewiring of our minds. The revealing of the supernatural mental abilities of sonship. The expansion of our consciousness to create and frame reality. There are positions that engage the fabric of creation through our being sons. These positions are light and sound frequencies within sacred geometry. Tree of life and Metatron’s cube have many levels of truth, understanding and positions within them. We need to be trained to have insight into the ways of the kingdom, its judicial protocols and the functions of government. What, how, where, when and why. We must become authorized and accountable in our mandated positions. In these messages we will be covering specific sessions that will include Wisdom, 7 spirits of God, cloud of witnesses, angelic beings, preparing the soul, deconstructing and renewing the mind, expanding consciousness. Identity through relationship with the Father is the foundation of everything within our sonship: spend daily, face to face time. We are going to engage with the Father for a heart to heart, mind to mind and face to face encounter. Steps like Jacob’s ladder leading up to heaven. There is a door standing open in heaven. Hear the invitation to come up here. Walk up those steps to the door. Now step through the veil into the kingdom realm. Shift our conscious focus. Jesus is standing in the doorway. Present yourself to Jesus your High Priest as a living sacrifice. Turn the desire of your heart towards your position of intimacy with Father. Ask Jesus take you by the hand and lead you to engage the Father’s heart. Engage the Father’s heart. Cardiognosis – heart to heart revelation of your sonship. Face to face revelation of your identity. “You are My beloved child in whom My souls delights.” Feel the pleasure of the Father’s heart towards you.

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