Angelic realm 2  

How can we be prepared for sonship? What types of preparation do we need? Who provides that preparation? Where does that preparation take place?

Gal 4:1 Now I say, as long as the heir is a child, he does not differ at all from a slave although he is owner of everything, 2 but he is under tutors and trustees (governors) until the date set by the father.

Heirs require overseeing, tutoring, training and equipping in sonship. Intimacy with the Father is the best preparation for sonship as you can’t be a son without a father. Our Father reveals our true identity in face-to-face encounters, but He has also assigned others to help us with our position and functions as sons. We also get discipleship from Jesus our brother and coheir. We get help from the Spirit of truth, our helper and comforter. There is also tutoring and training from the 7 Spirits of God, Wisdom, cloud of witnesses, angelic realm.

The Joshua Generation are forerunners of a heavenly royal priesthood according to the order of Melchizedek. Also on earth we are oracles and legislators aligning heaven and earth as gateways of heaven. There is angelic interaction to help and train us.

Heb 12:22 But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads of angels, 23 to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the Judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, 24 and to Jesus, the mediator of a New Covenant.

Many names in relation to their tasks, watchers, hunters, gatherers, winds of change, transformation, sound of many waters, refiner’s fire etc. 10 angelic classes of spiritual beings: Chayoth, Ofanim, Erelim, Chasmalim, Seraphim, Malachim, Elohim, B’nai-Elohim, Cherubim, Ishim Chayoth Creatures.

Ezek 1:5 fiery chariots, horses, swords, whirlwinds, Ofanim, Spheres Ezek 1:16, 2 Kings 2 Erelim Mighty ones. Isa 33:7 Chashmalim Shining ones. Ezek 1:4 Seraphim Burning ones Isa 6:6 Malachim Messengers Gen 19:1 Elohim Judges Psa 82 B’nai-Elohim Sons of God Job 38:7 Cherubim Covering ones Ezek 10:1 Ishim Warring ones Dan 10:5 Rev 5:11 myriads of myriads, and thousands of thousands – at least 100 million of each layer of the canopy.

Layer 1: CREATURES Chief: METATRON Chariots, horses, whirlwinds, swords etc. Metatron is the keeper of time and seasons. He sits on the golden mountain in Eden, but he’s also around the throne keeping everything in the season. He is also the keeper of all the keys related to access into the different realms of Heaven.

Layer 2: OFANIM or WHEELS – Wheels within wheels Chief: RAZIEL They conduct the power of God, provide the energy for the throne of God to travel. They are also the power sources of heaven. They are seven wheels locked into one another and constantly spinning itself around, and this movement makes the sound of thunder that is around the throne of God.

Layer 3: ER’ELIM or MIGHTY ONES Chief: TZAPHKIEL They sit over the territories of Heaven; they are Sons of God, they become Mighty Ones and have been given territorial government.

Layer 4: CHASHMALIM or BRILLIANT ONES, Shiny Ones Chief: TZADKIEL They carry the blazing image of the Father, and they open a door for the Father to manifest Himself on the earth in our worship

Layer 5: SERAPHIM – Fiery, burning Ones – Chief: GABRIEL They are the sentinels that watch over the gates of God. We are gates, so we have seraphim watching over us. They bring fire for refining.

Layer 6: MALACHIM or KINGS Chief: URIEL They are kings and rulers. They rule until the sons of God come to their place of rulership. They are the sentinels and gate keepers who watch over the mountains of God. They hold our scroll and caretake our throne by ruling as kings until we are able to take our places. They rule over principalities or our spheres of authority. They align the Chancellors’ houses to engage us with the precepts of God.

Layer 7: ELOHIM Chief: HANIEL They often look like lions, and they are the manifestation of the voice of God. They watch over the word that they are, because their name is Elohim: the word of God spoken to see His works. They administer through the living letters. They come and they manifest on the voice of God, to bring the manifestation of the word of God through the Everlasting Doors. Although they are the word, they become a living thing, and until that living thing has manifested on the earth they cannot return. They are all over the earth, they sit on the top (third) layer of the atmosphere, the same place where principalities sit. They should be the ones that release the glory and the manifestation of God through the Everlasting Doors.

Layer 8: B’NAI-ELOHIM – Sons of God. Chief: MICHAEL They were created to have a dominion and a place of rulership. These are the ones called watchers in the book of Enoch that fell on the earth. The 200 watchers that came down to Earth and left their first estate, they had the highest form of rulership. The giants came from their offspring. The Nephilim Giants seek to usurp our rule on the mountain thrones in the heavenly realm of the kingdom of God.

Layer 9: CHERUBIM Chief: RAPHAEL They have faces of lion, eagle, ox and man. They carry the symbol of the nature of the desire of God’s expression. They have the mandate to answer the call of God, and they reflect His image. Their eyes are all the time on the image of God.

Layer 10: ISHIM – Manlike Beings Chief: SANDLEPHON They are the messengers of the judicial system of Heaven. They carry the judgments, and they are the ones that carry the scrolls of God. When the court sessions are in process, they are the ones that deliver the scrolls from the realm of the kingdom, and they operate very much around the courts of God. They look like men, even if they are different to us. They are chancellors that bring alignment of the circle of the deep. A chancellor is someone who serves the throne and the desires of the King. They are the embodiment of the Spirit of Wisdom, and they know everything about the judicial protocols. Heavenly realms – angelic layers around God’s throne Government around the Courts of God Canopy for the presence of God –Cloud of God Ruling and administration of the canopy.

Angelic manifestations occurring today around the world: Fire, lights and colors, Feathers, Power orbs, Fragrances and sounds Winds, breezes 4 angels released specifically to herald a new season guide us on this journey of transition.

Learn how to engage them and receive the revelation and ministry that God has sent them to us to help us transition from old to new. 4 angels will engage with you if you invite and welcome them, they are associated with the 4 faces of God Lion, Ox, Eagle and Man: Transformation, Winds of Change, Refiner’s Fire and Sound of Many Waters Engage. These angels, as God is going to minister to you through them. Do you want change in your life? What change do you want? Is that desire born out of the will and purpose of God?


Do you want to be transformed into the image of Jesus? Do you want your behavior changed? Do you want your thinking changed? Do you want to be transfigured to shine with Glory? Winds of change. Do you want a new season in your life? Do you want a new season of blessing, joy and peace? Do you want the authority and power to change and transform your circumstances. Do you want to become a living being? Do you want to become a spirit being?

Refiner’s Fire

Do you want greater passion for God your life and destiny? Do you want to see God? Do you want your life to be purified and refined? Do you want all the chains restricting you destroyed?

Sound of Many Waters

Do you want everything that is not of God’s kingdom shaken from your life? Do you want to resonate with the will of God? Do you want your body aligned with the frequency of heaven? Do you want health and wholeness? Do you want your DNA transformed?

Close your physical eyes, relax. Invite the 4 angels to manifest. Fix your mind and thoughts on the spiritual realm around you. Open the eyes of your heart: engage your imagination screen. Open the eyes of your spirit Engage the spiritual realm in the atmosphere of the room. Pictures, visions, thoughts, impressions, feelings in your mind. By faith engage one of the 4 angels or one of the living creatures.

Transformation – open your heart to the revelation of truth that will renew your mind and change your life.

Winds of Change – open your heart and let the breath of life fill you.

Refiner’s Fire – open your heart for passion, purification, destroying of chains.

Sound of Many Waters – open your heart to the vibrating frequency of God’s voice to resonate eternal destiny in you.

They are blowing their trumpets, heralding a new season for your life. Let the sound of their trumpets resonate over you, bringing you into a new alignment with heaven and your eternal destiny. Let the frequency of the sound vibrate in every atom of your being, transforming you.

Steps like Jacob’s ladder leading up to heaven. There is a door standing open in heaven. Hear the invitation to come up here. Walk up those steps to the door. Now step through the veil into the kingdom realm. Jesus is standing in the doorway. Present yourself to Jesus your High Priest as a living sacrifice. Let Him take you by the hand and lead you to your mountain throne. Be seated and engage your spirit with one of the realms of the angelic canopy. Go into that realm and engage with the head angel for revelation.

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