Rest 1 

How can we be prepared for sonship? What types of preparation do we need? Who provides that preparation? Where does that preparation take place? Intimacy with the Father is the best preparation for sonship as you can’t be a son without a father. The Father is calling His children to arise as sons and take our places where we are seated in the heavenly reams.

The Joshua Generation are forerunners of a heavenly royal priesthood according to the order of Melchizedek. Also on earth we are oracles and legislators, aligning heaven and earth as gateways of heaven into the earth.

In relationship, the Father gives us identity, position and authority; a mandate so that we can be fruitful, multiply, fill, subdue and rule. To fulfil our sonship mandate, we need to be at rest and therefore not striving by our own DIY self-effort according to the wrong path. For heaven to flow through us as a gateway into the earth, we need to be seated in rest, yoked to Jesus. Being joined to the Lord and one spirit with Him is so vital, as it demonstrates our trust in His provision, protection and direction for our lives. When at rest, we are seeking or pursuing, not striving.

Matt 6:33 “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. 34 So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Being at rest is ceasing to follow the DIY tree path of independence, self-effort and dead works by being positioned in God’s rest within the provision of the tree of life. Being at rest enables God to trust us to operate in kingdom authority. God is our example of rest.

Gen 2:2 By the seventh day God completed His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.

God has built the principle of rest into creation itself. Everything was living in perpetual rest in the first creation, with no time or specific days until the choice to begin DIY path. Adam lived in perpetual rest until he followed his own path.

The 7th day, Old Covenant Sabbath was the best under the law as a reminder to center life in remembrance of God on a special day.

New covenant rest is designed to be a continual, relational rest; every day living in God and God living in us. It is now a state of being not doing.

Heb 4:9 So there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God. 10 For the one who has entered His rest has himself also rested from his works, as God did from His. 11 Therefore let us be diligent to enter that rest.

Pursue this relationship of grace.

Matt 11:28 “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” – grace not works.

Isa 9:6 For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; and His name will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. 7 There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace…

Rest is a key principle in sonship. Rest is living in love, joy and peace. Rest is living loved, loving living and living loving. Rest is living in absolute trust in God’s blessing for every area of our lives. In English, the verb ‘to rest’ is ‘to cease work or movement in order to relax, sleep, or recover strength.’

Synonyms: relax, pause, slow down, unwind, stop work or activity. Rest, the noun, is an instance or period of resting, a place or state of rest.

Synonyms: repose, relaxation, leisure, ease, inactivity, respite, time off, time out, breathing space Hebrew sabbath: cease, desist, rest, desist from labor. Greek anapausis: rest, cessation from labor, refreshment, inner rest, tranquility, recreation. Ceasing from religious works.

Being ‘weary and heavy laden’ comes through following the DIY tree path of self-effort and religious dead works. Greek ‘sabbath’ = sabbatismos: we enter rest through grace, not effort; through surrender, not striving. Rest is also a state of consciousness where we can access alpha, beta, theta and delta brain waves simultaneously, living in a flow of love, joy and peace. Rest is a delta wave state of consciousness that releases a flow of abundant life.

John 13:34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.

Rest is a state of knowing that we are loved unconditionally and living being loved, not trying to be!

John 14:11 These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full. Rest is a state of loving living, being able to joyfully rejoice at all times, in all things trusting God.

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.

John 20:26 So Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you.”

Rest is state of living loving, at peace with everyone and everything.

John 15:4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me.

John 15:9 Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love.

Dwell in the state of love, joy and peace. Live loved, love living and live loving: in true rest from dead works. Rest is an end to DIY religious works; to be loved and accepted. Rest is an end of striving to please God by our religious obedience. Rest is the end of trying to be obedient to external laws. Rest is the end of religious duty and obligation. Rest is the end of performance-orientated religious behavior in order to be acceptable to God. Rest is the end of trying to be acceptable to God: you are accepted. Rest is the end of trying to earn God’s favor and blessings. Rest is living in the freedom of New Covenant grace, in love. Rest is freedom from the hardships and labors of the evil self-effort DIY system. Rest is being in harmony with God, self and creation. Rest is being integrated: spirit, soul and body. Rest is living in oneness and unison with God, ourselves, others and creation itself.

God has continually engaged me in rest and spoken to me of rest. Son, focus on today and the living waters flowing into your spheres of authority to create the atmosphere of love, joy and peace for rest. Your focus must be rest, so that all creation would come back into the rest of sonship.

Son, live in rest. Be at rest, content in My oracles. And legislate for rest and from rest, to bring all that you are responsible for into rest. Establish the law of rest and legislate from rest, for rest; and live in the abundance of rest.

The Law of Rest Authorizations:

You are authorized to reveal true rest to My children.

You are authorized to enter the rest of heaven whilst on the earth.

You are authorised to unveil rest’s true, multidimensional meaning.

You are authorized to reveal the nature of My rest through love, joy and peace.

You are authorized to fill your spheres of authority with the blessing of rest.

You are authorized to administer a rest that is beyond, within the tree of life.

You are authorized to find rest at the throne of grace.

You are authorized to live, move and exist within rest.

You are authorized to discover deeper rest, greater rest, higher rest and fuller rest; and reveal it to My children.

You are authorized to use meditation for rest to engage those in the wilderness with new hope.

You are authorized to enter a new level of rest as a new state of consciousness and be a forerunner of the state of rest.

You are authorized to live loved, love living and live loving, which is rest manifested.

You are authorized to bring My children out of the wilderness of works into the promised land of rest.

Your jurisdiction is Creation. Results are a new era, a new epoch, a new kainos age of living in rest.

Son, legislate for rest into the mire of the political and religious spirit that you are now aware of and bless those who are in opposition. I desire honor and relationship, so maintain respect; even for those who are emotionally so immature and competitive.

I enter into the place of rest, seated and ceased from works of the DIY tree of self. I sit at rest, being blessed in love, joy and peace.

I decree a season of rest, for the end of striving to enter in.

I decree for the frequency of heaven’s call for rest to go forth.

I call forth rest, into the political and religious spirit battleground of jealousy and envy.

I call forth deeper rest to engage the hearts and minds of God’s children.

I call for a higher state of rest for those still seeking earthly recognition.

I call for a greater state of rest for those weary and burdened by the concerns of the world.

I call for a state of fuller rest to envelop God’s children in a spiritual covering of love, joy and peace.

I call for those in the wilderness to follow the sound of rest that is calling them into the promised land.

I call for the unveiling of rest at a new level and for a new state of consciousness to be revealed and experienced.

Let the sound of rest, beginning to resonate in heaven, be released into the earth.

Son, I know you are disappointed by those who you respected but don’t let that cause you to leave the rest that is within Me.

Son don’t allow disillusionment to cause you to leave your rest. I am your place of rest, not others Son, only within Me can you live loved, love living, live loving and be at rest.

Son, don’t become weary of doing good and so leave the rest that you are living in. All that is around you may seem to be anything but restful; but I AM is still at work within all the chaos, to still the storm.

Peace, be still, I AM is calling all to enter Our rest and have their souls restored by lying down in green pasture by the flow of the river of life.

Son, be still, cease striving and be; and the rest of love, joy and peace will restore you to sonship.

Son, to enter into a new season you must come to the place of rest in the present season, having embraced the fullness of the transformation it was designed to bring.

Administrate justice to bring rest to the outworking of judgment. Justice calls for the Joshua Generation to arise and cross over into the promised land of heavenly rest and be the forerunners of the heavenly order of Melchizedek. Only those who have entered heavenly rest can lead the next generation into rest beyond the veil.

Son, true rest is living in the love, joy and peace of a restored face-to-face relationship of innocence. It is the end of the self-effort of religious dead works and seeking the affirmation and approval of God or men.

The restoration of rest is the beginning of the end of the old season where the birth pangs of the new are easy and light.

Rest is being yoked to Jesus as a son, in gentleness and humility of heart.

Rest is not needing to strive for the acceptance that is already given.

The rest that is entered brings a new reality where the fruit of the tree of life is always in season and the fruit of the DIY tree is withered.

Rest is living in the peace of the full provision of the Father’s heart of love knowing His passion and burning desire for oneness.

Rest is living in the full, experiential knowledge of the intense joy that the Father has for all His children and the deep compassion expressed in His desire for our full health and wholeness.

Son, rest is living in the eye of the storm, not the absence of storms; and so being able to declare “Peace, be still.”

Rest is living in perfect love, with the absence of fear, anxiety, worry or stress.

Rest removes stress through trust, by seeking first the kingdom of God and living in the grace of heavenly provision.

Son, expectancy for the new season is birthed from being at rest in the inadequacy of the old.

Rest will never come out of stress, strife and enmity with the old order but from the respect and honor that flows from forgiveness and blessing.

Son, rest never comes in the state of war, so be at peace with all men and with creation itself. Creation will respond to sons who are resting in their sonship, knowing their identity and embracing their destiny.

Son, rest will pursue you and overtake you when you cease the DIY work of self-righteousness and live in the righteousness of God in Christ.

Meditation: mindfulness for rest.

Focus our thinking to live in the moment of the abundant life that flows from rest.

The first 3 parts of a 7 step meditation process to develop the lifestyle of sonship. 

Meditation for rest.

Learning to relax and be in a state of rest, living in love, joy and peace.

In the exercise, relax, close your eyes, slow your brain waves, slow your breathing, be mindful; focus your thinking and let the truth flow God breathed into Adam and God continues to breathe into us. The rhythm of life is the breath of life, the name of YHVH.

Breathe out YOD slowly Breathe in HEI slowly Breathe out VAV slowly Breathe in HEI slowly Close your eyes, think about and focus on your breathing and begin to slow down to the rhythm of YOD HEI VAV HEI.

Breathe in deeply the breath of God and exhale slowly YOD Breathe in deeply HEI and exhale slowly. VAV Breathe in deeply, HEI – repeat. Focus on breathing slowly. Be still and rest; listen to God’s voice. 

Psa 46:10 Be still and know that I am God. Be still and know that I am love. Be still and know that I am joy. Be still and know that I am peace.

1. First love – Living Loved, keep breathing slowly. Now focus your thoughts on God, who is love. Think of being loved, cared for, accepted and affirmed by your loving heavenly Father. Feel God’s love, compassion and comfort for you.

Rev 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.

Focus your thoughts on the door within you and picture it. Choose to open that door and invite the Father, Son and Spirit into your spirit to fill you with love. A river of love begins to flow; be immersed in the Spirit’s love. Jesus and the Father hug you, putting their arms around you, and you start to sink deeper into love’s embrace. You begin to feel cocooned safe, resting in God’s arms of love. Feel love’s warmth flowing into your spirit. Feel love flowing deeper and deeper, filling your spirit with love’s very essence. You feel filled to overflowing with love; drink in that life-giving stream, the Spirit of pure love.

Choose to take Jesus’ yoke on your shoulders and feel joined to Him as a son and coheir, at rest.

Now choose to surrender the control of your life to the Father. Feel love like a river flow out through your spirit into your soul. Feel that love begin to saturate your soul, filling your emotions, mind and will.

Choose to surrender to love and begin to feel totally at rest. As you feel love, relax and begin to feel love flow through your body, bringing it into rest. Now feel love flow over your body; from your head, flowing down your neck and shoulders to your chest, all the way to the tip of your toes.

Now intentionally release that love like a flowing river through you creating an atmosphere of love around you. Direct the flow of love out to the different areas of your life: family, friends, neighbors, community, Ekklesia; to the world and creation Love is flowing like a river from your innermost being, creating an atmosphere of love that overshadows your life. You are in a state of bliss, living loved. You are resting in a deep sense of being loved.

2. Joy, Gratitude, Thankfulness – Loving living. Continue to relax and begin to think of someone or something you are thankful for. Release your gratitude; be thankful. Think of someone who has been kind to you or has blessed you. Be grateful you are alive. Thank God for His love, thank Jesus for dying for you etc. Feel joy fill you and saturate you. Feel that joy filling your spirit and soul. Feel that joy flowing over your body from your head to your toes. Release your gratitude as a flow of joy from the inside out. Fill the atmosphere around you with joy.

Now intentionally release that joy like a flowing river through you. Direct the flow of joy out to the different areas of your life; family, friends, neighbors, community, Ekklesia; to the world and creation.

3. Peace, Forgiveness – Living Loving Focus on Jesus’ words.

John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.”

Think of anyone or anything that has disturbed you, frustrated you, annoyed you, upset you, hurt you. Now picture them and consciously choose to forgive and release them. Visualize that person, say to them “I forgive and release you and bless you.” Hear them say, “I receive your forgiveness.” Repeat if necessary.

Now think of anyone you may have hurt, upset or annoyed and ask them to forgive you and hear them say, “I forgive, release and bless you.”

Feel peace filling your spirit and soul, taking you deeper into rest. Feel the peace flow slowly over your body from your head to your toes. Release peace as forgiveness like a flowing river out into the world; create an atmosphere of peace around you.

Now intentionally release that peace like a flowing river through you. Direct the flow of peace out to the different areas of your life: family, friends, neighbors, community, Ecclesia; to the world and creation.

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