11 Dual realms

How can we be prepared for sonship? Preparation with help from tutors. Preparation through entering rest. Preparation through soul transformation at different levels. Intimacy with the Father is the best preparation for sonship as you can’t be a son without a father.

The Father is calling His children to arise as sons and take our places where we are seated in the heavenly realms. In relationship the Father gives us identity, position and authority, a mandate so we can be fruitful, multiply, fill, subdue and rule. To fulfill our sonship mandate we need to be at rest; therefore, not striving by our own DIY (do it yourself) self-effort according to the wrong path.

The Joshua Generation are forerunners of a heavenly royal priesthood according to the order of Melchizedek. Also, on earth we are oracles and legislators, aligning heaven and earth as gateways of heaven into the earth. For heaven to flow through us as a gateway into the earth, we need to be seated in rest, yoked to Jesus.

To fully function as sons and coheirs of creation we need to live multidimensionally. This begins with living in dual realms. Dual realms living is a result of engaging the dark cloud, which is a description of a process of transformation, a metamorphosis. Separating soul and spirit, being untethered, reintegrated and quantum entangled. Being a conduit for heaven to flow into the earth.

If you are proactive and willing to pursue the living in dual realms experience this process can be accelerated, but it will be different for everyone as we all have unique journeys. I have shared some of my journey testimony as a forerunner to open up a window of opportunity for you to follow your own path.

As we live under an open heaven for a manifestation of God’s glory, invite heaven’s representatives to be around you as you are around them. Engage with your personal angels. Engage with the 4 faces of God – Lion, Ox, Eagle, Man. Engage with the 4 angels of transition: Transformation, Winds of Change, Sound of Many Waters, Refiner’s Fire.

Whatever our spirit is doing in heaven can resonate in agreement in our soul in this physical dimension. Agreement releases blessing to manifest heaven in us, through us and around us.

Love can fill the atmosphere to create the environment for change and transformation to take place. Peace can fill the atmosphere so that healing and wholeness can take place. Joy can fill the atmosphere so that reintegration can take place. Heaven can manifest on earth so we can all enter into rest:

Rest, not striving.

Peace, not analyzing. 

Revelation, not study or information.

Choice, not will power.

Surrender, not death.

Being first, then doing.

From identity, not for identity.

This is the End to religious dead works. Don’t switch off if things get tough. Surrender to be still, wait and rest. Personal desire and pursuit will take you through discipline to delight.

Jesus has made a way as the Door, the torn veil, for us to enter into all that He has finished. We need a realization of the power of the cross in co-crucifixion, co-resurrection and co-ascension. Our identification with the freedom of the glory of our sonship. Open the night watch realm for restoration of the soul in the garden of rest. Open the subconscious through sound and fragrance frequencies. Call for the angelic helpers: the 4 angels of transition, healing angels, gathering angels, ministering angels, call for the cloud of witnesses to encourage, support, and advise.

Call for the manifestation of the dark cloud to cocoon and envelop with deep, thick and intense love, peace and joy. Psalm 46:10 Be still (cease striving) and know that I am God.

Son, give people the opportunity to practice and I will meet them and begin to take them beyond.

As you know, living in dual realms is about being active and available as you are preparing everything in heaven for manifestation eventually on the earth. Dual realms living is actually about multidimensional living, being able to access the physical realms, the spiritual realms around you, the many different realms of heaven, the dimensional realms accessed from heaven, the atmosphere, under the earth, the ‘beyond, beyond’ realms of other races.

The more heavenly preparation that takes place, the more spiritual blessings are released as you become a gateway into the earth. The more you are active in heaven, the more of heaven that will manifest through you. The ability to shift dimensions consciously is the key, so practice focusing and engaging the various realms.

What are those realms?  Spiritual realm around us. Spiritual realm within us. Spiritual realms of heaven. Other dimensional realms.

John 3:13 and no one has gone up to the heaven, except he who out of the heaven came down -the Son of Man who is in the heaven.

This is called Quantum entanglement.

Now that our spirit is seated in the heavenly places in Christ through our co-crucifixion, co-burial, co ascension with Christ we can also ascend and descend, and also live in dual realms, through the separation of our soul and spirit.

John 5:19 Therefore Jesus answered and was saying to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner. 20 For the Father loves the Son and shows Him all things that He Himself is doing; and the Father will show Him greater works than these, so that you will marvel.”

Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon which occurs when pairs or groups of particles are generated or interact in ways such that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently of the state of the other(s), even when the particles are separated by a large distance – instead, a quantum state must be described for the system as a whole. They are not individual particles but are an inseparable whole. “Anything considered spiritual or metaphysical is generally just the physics we do not yet understand.” -Nassim Haramein Quantum physics, the parables of today.

Soul and spirit can be in heaven or can be on earth and be together cognitively. Our spirit can be in the heavenly realms or in other dimensions, including the ‘eternal now’; and the soul can be in the physical dimension but instantly connected and communicating and flowing from one to another.

The soul can shift consciousness, to be where the spirit is, instantly, by thought. This includes the dimension of time, where both spirit and soul can travel in time and space. Soul and spirit are entangled but the resonant entrainment is always the greater to the lesser frequency. Our spirit connected to God as spirit brings alignment and the soul resonates in agreement. I found that my spirit knows more than my cognitive soul, but the knowledge of my spirit joined to God releases revelation knowledge as needed to expand my consciousness and create desire in my heart. This brings continual agreement between heaven and earth in us. We are the alignment of heaven and earth. We are the gateway of heaven into the earth.

Heaven forming through terraforming Earth being restored in relationship to its first estate. What do we do in dual realms?

Observing -seeing from an ‘eternal now’ and a ‘kingdom is’ perspective. Engaging in cardiognosis with the Father’s heart. Aligning our spirit with God’s Spirit. Face to face becoming from beholding. Non-cognitive oneness and cognitive outworking. Aligning the eternal now of God’s heart with the heavenly is of the 4 faces of God’s name, so that what will be in the physical realm aligns What was, is, and will be; so, the end is in agreement with the beginning: original intention.

Framing our lives from the eternal and heavenly perspective by legislation. Standing in the 4 faces of God governmentally in the power of YHVH. Operating according to the Order of Melchizedek Priests and Kings, Oracles and Legislators. In our sonship identity from our heavenly throne-seated position: subduing, ruling.

Agreeing with heaven and aligning our earthly circumstances. Creating by calling forth, decreeing, declaring, assigning the angelic realm.

Framing life from the 4 faces perspective by looking from Lion, Ox, Eagle, Man, and eternal; and seeing life and governmental spheres from those kingly, oracles, legislative, priestly functions and viewpoints. King and Priest, aligning heaven and earth with the Oracle and Legislator.

Legislation decrees for sonship:

I call upon the Father to open our hearts and minds to see blind self-areas of independence where our souls’ needs for affirmation are being met outside of the true love within the relationship of I AM.

I call for the light to shine into this darkness to reveal the hidden motives of our hearts.

I call for the Law of Removal of Religious Restrictions to be enacted to lift the veils of blindness off the eyes of all engaging and connecting with this message.

I call upon you, Jesus, as our husband, to demonstrate Your true love for us. Reveal the true nature of our salvation, reconciliation, restoration and redemption from our fallen, lost state of identity. Unveil the way, the truth and the life to us by bringing us into the Father’s arms of love.

I call on you, Father, as the lover of our souls, to reveal Your true essence in deeper love. To take us to a new level of experiencing Your true nature and character. And to draw all of us into Your heart of love.

I call upon you, Father, to open up eternity to all Your children here to know themselves at a deeper level as they gaze at the mirror of Your smiling face, look deep into Your eyes and experience love’s consuming, passionate fire.

I call upon You, Father, to draw us deeper into Your love and to call deep from within Your true essence to the deepest parts of our fragmented souls. To reach the most traumatized, separated and fearful parts of us, drawing them into wholeness and sonship.

I call upon You, as our loving Father, to expose and reveal all our protection, defense and coping mechanisms. Reveal all the barriers and walls that have imprisoned us. Smash, tear down and demolish all that separate us from Your love and our true identity as Your sons.

I call upon You, as our loving Father, to heal our brokenness by pouring out love’s lavish, rich, healing oil And releasing the sounds, fragrances, and frequencies of Your power and presence to bring us into the true rest of wholeness and peace.

I call upon you, Father, to reveal the adoption into Your family to all of our fragmented soul’s broken parts, welcoming them to be reintegrated and restored back to the oneness of our origin within Your heart.

I call upon You, Father, to restore us, Your children, back to the image of our true sonship. To reconnect us with Your original desires, thoughts and intentions for our sonship and its destiny.

I call upon You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, to deliver us from our orphan spirits and welcome us deeper within the circle of Your love to dance with You, the lover of our souls.

I call upon You, Father, to affirm us as Your beloved sons, cocoon us within Your amazing love for us. And as our Dad, reveal the height, breadth, length and depth of Your love dimensionally, in heaven and on earth. I thank you for being the best dad in the whole universe, for being all that we could ever want or need. I thank you for being lavish, abundantly overflowing with new covenant love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness and faithfulness.

We can’t be sons without a Father. Sonship is the state of being included in the circle of relationship that is Father, Son and Spirit. Sonship is the state of being reconnected to the true reality of God’s original intention for our identity and destiny.

Deeper into intimacy with God. Deeper into God Himself. Deeper into the Truth – Jesus. Deeper into revelation. Higher into the creative light realms. Into the dark cloud in perfection. Engaging the person of God in His manifoldness. God is calling His children, His sons, to come out of the wilderness. God is calling His sons to cross over into their supernatural inheritance beyond the veil. God is calling His sons into deeper levels of intimacy. God is calling us to know Him. Engage our mountain and see our mountain spheres. We can meet our angels who have been caretaking our position until we mature. There may be some things on your mountain or around your mountains Temple where through fear you have had your authority usurped. What are the 2 pillars that you have worshipped at?

Heaven is open Jesus is always waiting for us to engage consciously. Our spirit can dwell continually in the heavenlies. By faith, step in through the veil and engage Jesus.

Jesus is waiting by the open door to engage us. Present yourself to Jesus, your High Priest, as a living sacrifice. Choose for your spirit to connect to Jesus. Consciously choose to shift your consciousness to the earth realm. So, step out with your soul. Keep your eyes closed. Jesus is going to speak to your spirit, but you are going to instantly receive the flow of revelation here. Shift back with your soul’s consciousness by thinking of Jesus in the open door and repeat by shifting your consciousness from realm to realm. 

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